Changed(Book 3 of The Athens...

By WereGirl007

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I lived in the same pack my whole life. I went off to college, 4 states away three months before I turned 18... More



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By WereGirl007

"Wake up baby doll, you can't leave me too." I drifted in and out of consciousness, hearing many voices that were telling me to wakeup, and breathe, and to open my eyes.

Some were soft, asking me to squeeze their hand, or move my finger. I could tell that some was from a doctor and the others my dad and a few other frantic voice were all jumbled together.

"I'll come back again in an hour, if her eyes twitches call me." I heard the command behind the words and scrunched my face a bit. I hate bossy people. "Did you see that?" The voice came closer and I felt a finger on my cheek that felt so nice I sighed. "Get the doc in here now." Again with the commands. I tried to open my eyes to see who was giving them but they were too heavy.

"Hi there Aaron, are you finally with us again?" I heard a calm voice and a few scratches like they were writing something down. "We gave you a heavy sedative your wolf has cleared your brain but your body will take some time to wake up... okay, so we are going to ask you some questions... squeeze his hand once for yes, and twice for no. Got it?" I felt a secure hand in mine now that she mentioned it and I squeezed as best as I could with sore muscles.

"She squeezed."

"Okay, so you are just going to say one or two okay?" She wasn't talking to me anymore I knew that much. "Okay, Aaron, do you remember why you are here?"


"You were given very old vampire blood for a wound to your ear. I administered it to you. Do you remember that?"


"Okay, good, so when we gave you the old blood the toxins in it made your body attack the blood, and since it was injected near your brain your body went into shock and almost shut down completely." I didn't know what to do because she didn't ask a question but the hand I was supposed to squeeze tightened around mine before I felt it being raised and lips graced it. "This is going to be a quick assessment. I want you to squeeze just once if you feel this."

I wish I could have jerked my feet away as something trailed up and I squeezed the hand tightly.

"She did."

"Now this?" I felt a poke on my chest and squeezed.

"Yup." The voice blew out and then seemed relived. I scrunched my face up and tried to turn to the voice, wondering who it was.

"Aaron, do you know who is here with you?"

"No." The voice sounded defeated after my squeezes and I tried to think.

"It's Greyson Titan, your dad and Jesse were in here just before. Do you know who Greyson is?" She asked slowly and if I could I would roll my eyes at the stupid question.


"Does he mean anything to you?"

"Yes." He laughed lightly and I felt scruff against my cheek before lips kissed it. "Owe." He said suddenly when I squeezed his hand as hard as I could. "Easy mate, don't bite the hand that feeds you." He whispered close to my ear and I wanted to move and make sure that I hit him in the nose.

But instead I let my hand loosen in his hold like I had just passed out. He freaked out greatly. "She didn't pass out, her brain waves are off the charts." That was because I am trying so hard not to show my smile on my face that I am laughing on the inside. "Aaron are you still with us?"

"Yes- that isn't funny. Do you have any idea how long you have been out?" I stopped and tried to think if I even had a clue but eventually I squeezed his hands. "6 whole days."

"Her father really wants to come in now." I heard another male voice I instantly recognized and I tried again to open my eyes but the more I tried the more I was getting tired. "Is she still responding." I squeezed Greyson's hand and he answered for me.

"Do you want them both in here at the same time Aaron?" I heard the doc and gave Greyson my answer which he answered truthfully.

"So, I brought you my favorite outfit on you, do you remember which that one is?" I heard Jesse and  had to smile on the inside wishing I could also roll my eyes at his question.

"No." Greyson said with a light laugh and I heard a huff.

"The white dress, with the brown belt? How can you not remember? You wore it the day before you left for that camp and I refused to let you take it and get it all messed up. Do you remember now?" I thought back but nothing came to my forefront. I couldn't remember anything like that, not even what it was like at camp.

Did I loose some of my memories? I started freaking out, trying to remember, stressing my brain, trying to make it remember and I heard fast beeping making me wonder if something else was going wrong.

"Aaron, listen to me, you have to calm down. Try and open your eyes for me!" I heard the doctor shouting over the beeping and I ignored her, what else happened to me that was making something else go wrong? I knew my breathing had increased and I felt arms picking me up, against doctors orders and I was held tight and Greyson was brushing my hair out of my face and then keeping it back.

"Open your eyes Aaron, tell me what's gotten you so worried." He whispered but when I tried I just felt myself almost pass out but I felt his arm under my hand and squeezed for a moment before letting my hand fall limp hoping he got the meaning.. "You can rest honeybee, I'll be here when you wake up so we can all talk." He whispered before nipping my ear and making a my heart, among other places throb.

He didn't set me back on the bed alone, rather he leaned back bring me with him and tucked me into his side like I was some doll.

"Aaron, its dad, but you probably know my voice... but uh, your doctor told me something happened to you earlier, that you almost slipped away, and you can't do that baby, you can't. Okay? Never. Not to me. Okay?  So when you finally wake up again, you better bat those eyes at me and beg me to forgive you for scaring me like that, okay?" He wasn't sobbing but I knew he would be crying once he was alone. He thought I didn't know that sometimes he did that.

I remember when I was 16, I wanted to go to a party at he pack house, and I didn't have anything nice to wear, so I asked him to take me. I had been so emotional that I had told him that I needed someone to help me with my dress and not just sit there. We went home, I was already feeling guilty about saying that to him, and I felt even worse when I went to apologize and heard him crying about how he should have let someone else raise me... a real family.

Ever since then I thanked him each time he helped me, even if it was something so little, and told him that he was the best dad ever. At first, he cried at night, but over time he stopped because he knew I was right.

He raised me all on my own and feeling him lean in and kiss my forehead I gathered all my strength and pushed it into my eyelids and opened my eyes. "Hi daddy." I whispered and he damn there fell on his ass but a chair caught him.

"Hey there girly." He whispered and then used his finger to pull on a strand of my unruly hair.

"Do I really have to bat my eyes?"

"No, I forgive you." He looked at something behind me and I blinked before looking the way he was and saw Greyson, the bear of a werewolf, in a small recliner, looking like he was cuddled up with his mommy after a long day outside in the summer weather. "He might not right away, you scared the hell out of him."

"What happened?"

"What do you remember from when you woke up?"

"I remember Jesse telling me about some outfit I wore before leaving for camp... but then I tried to remember the camp and I couldn't and I freaked out wondering if I had lost some of my memory... but I remember it now, I guess my mind was just playing tricks on me." I whispered and tried to sit up but my head started pounding. I grasped the bed sheets and sank back down.

"What?" I heard Greyson shout as my heart monitor went off like a bomb when it registered that the pain was hurting. "You're up." He whispered and I nodded and looked towards my dad.

"Can you ask the doc for some pain medication for my head?" I asked him and he nodded. He stood and walked out without a look back and I had to fight my smile.

"Is it just your head that hurts?" He asked standing and walking towards the side of the bed where my hips were.

"Yeah... what happened?"

"Your brainwaves were out of control and the doc-"

 "No, not that... with the rogues." I cut him off and he all but scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"They were taken care of." He stated shortly and I gulped.

"No one was hurt right?"

"No, no one but you, why didn't you get out of your house when the scout went to all the doors?"

"I was in my bath tub. I just thought it was someone dropping by, my neighbors like to come over whenever they like and I thought it was one of them. I didn't hear any warning shouts about the rogues." I told him wondering why, or if I had just tuned them out.

"I haven't been able to ask this, but who else gives blood besides Jesse? I could tell by the smell when he donated a few hours ago that it wasn't the same blood that you were given." He said and I just shook my head.

"No one besides Jesse donates blood. He is the only vampire Ian will let near the pack house. And that is because he saved Heidi and me, but-"

"I know, he is a good guy... almost lost his shit when he thought he was the reason behind your panic attack."

"Where is he?"

"He needed to feed, so I convinced him that if he made it quick I would go home and take a shower." His lips lifted in a half smile and I rolled my eyes. "But I took one over in the patient center and had my brother bring me clean clothes."

"Has it still been 6 days?" I asked wondering if I had passed out for more than a couple hours.

"Well, it is 3 am, so a full week has gone by since we've all seen your eyes." He let his finger trail over my chin before smiling at me.

"And you haven't left here the whole time?"

"Not since I found out you were here." He told me and I narrowed my eyes.

"That isn't healthy." I mumbled and his lips quirked up again.

"You might not like the idea Aaron, but you are my mate... mine. I didn't want to leave your side, and even if I did my wolf had plated its ass right here and would barely move." He told me and I just looked away.

"When can I go home?" I asked and looked at what I was wearing, and it was the stupid hospital gown. I should have known.

"You can't." He stated and leaned back with his hands behind his head and not looking at me. Did he think I was going to move with him to where ever he stays when he isn't being shipped off to other packs because he was my mate and those rogues broke into my house? I would rather move back in with my dad... I don't want to leave him.

"And why not?" I snapped and glared and he sighed.

"The rogues burned down every home they went through, including yours, I'm sorry. But some of the guys are rebuilding as fast as they can... they prioritized by family, and the Giles have a 8, 9 and 11 year old and then it is Jack and Gene's home and then it is you." Greyson said and I could only imagine how long that was going to take. "While they are rebuilding you can have my room in the pack house, I will bunk with someone." He told me and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Why are you in the pack house? Weren't you just staying with Jack until the wedding?" I asked and he gave me a confused look back.

"No, I moved back here about 2 weeks ago, for good. Where have you been? They through a stupid party and everything."

"I was at the summer camp Jesse mentioned. It's for new high schoolers, a way for them to become friends and everything like that, and then they remember me when they are Seniors."

"How long is that camp?" He basically huffed out and I kept in my real remark.

"A month." I shrugged when his eyes widen.

"And you do this every summer?" He asked like it bothered him.

"Yup, ever since I became a teacher. So about 6 years." I nodded and recounted.

"How come I didn't know you were my mate in high school?"

"I turned 18 after I got into college." I told him moving my hands around and fixing my blanket.

"And you never came back on your birthday?"

"It wasn't required of me to." I shrugged and looked towards the door hoping someone would come in and save me from his other questions.

"What if I had been here the day you came home back then? Been able to be with you."

"I don't know... I didn't come back because of my studies... a mate was in the back of my mind. I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember and a mate here, or anywhere but my college would have been difficult for me." I leaned back and curled on my left side, facing him now.

"I'm sorry I didn't know who you were when we saw each other... but in my defense, you do look a lot different. You're hair isn't straight like it was in your pictures."

"What pictures?"

"Oh, your dad brought some in, and I saw a few of you when I stayed over at his house for dinner." He said and I covered my face. "You weren't in a lot of the group school pictures though."

"I didn't have a lot of friends, and I didn't like the way people looked at me when I walked in to their clubs or after school activities." I shook my head and then tucked my head into the pillow trying to get comfortable.

"Why did you want to become a teacher?"

"Just some things one did for me when I was little. A little inspiration when it comes to how kind and smart they are." I shrugged and then looked at his hands that were twitching as he sat forward. "What's wrong?" I asked nodding to his hands and he looked at them as well.

"Just fighting an urge." He said and then put his hands together.

"What urge?" I asked but of course, someone walked in before he could answer, and it was the doctor.

"It looks like you can go home, but if you get dizzy, or feel sick in anyway, hot flashes, or anything, I want you to come here and get checked out. Okay? And I don't want you shifting just yet. Not while Jesse's blood is still fresh, give it until this time tomorrow and you can. Okay?" She ordered and came towards me with a pair of scrubs. "I would give you some of your own clothes but-"

"It's fine." I muttered knowing they must have all burned with the rest of my stuff.

"And no driving, you good to take her to the pack house once she is dressed."

"Wait!" I turned to the door after getting up. "Here. I got you real clothes... thanks for letting me know, douche." Jesse muttered the insult under his breath as he got in and I looked between the two guys who laughed lightly. I had missed something big.

"A dress? Really Jess? No jeans? Please tell me you got me flats." I muttered opening the small bag and seeing a spaghetti strap polka dot pleated dress and picking it up so I could see under it.

"Shit. I knew I forgot something, I was just in a rush... how could I forget shoes? I think I have just shamed the entire gay man world." He was really torn up and I had to fight the smile.

"It's okay, I'll just carry her across the gravel." Greyson stated and Jesse sent me a smirk.

"Now I remember why I forgot them." He giggled and I glared. "Go get dressed." He shoed me away and I kept the glare as I moved around and went into the bathroom. I got into the dress and walked out smoothing out the dress. "I knew you would look good in that."

"Shut it Jess." I grumbled and touched the back to make sure that it was okay back there as well.

"Well, you ready to go?" Greyson asked after clearing his throat loudly and I just nodded. "At least we don't have to sign you out." He said and put some pressure on my shoulder before opening the door for me and keeping it open for Jesse.

"Thanks Doc!" I shouted and waved and got closer to the exit.

"Okay, I have to go, I have a visitor's time limit. It sucks but I get it." Jess said and I looked at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked him and he nodded and winked before jogging towards his car.

"Want me to just swing my truck around?" He asked and pointed to it and I noticed it was in the closest spot.

"No, I think I can make it there." I said and then stepped on the gravel, regretting it for the next 5 steps that were quickly following them before Greyson laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist and just lifted me enough so my feet weren't on the floor. "Thanks." I somewhat laughed when he helped me into his truck.

"What size shoe do you wear?" He asked once he got into his side and started the truck.

"5 and a half." I mumbled, Jess always made fun of me for my small feet.

"I didn't notice that your feet were that small. My mom had small feet. She was a 5 though." He said and I realized that if I had come back and we found out we were mates I would have been there for him.

"I guess maybe, I should have come back on my 18th birthday." I said out loud and he brought his gaze to meet mine.

"No, you did what you felt was right. Don't feel bad for not being there. Jack was there, and we had each other. We worked through it as a family, and then it was time for me to leave because I had signed up for it to please my dad. Jack didn't understand that too well."

"But you two are okay now right?" I asked looking to him and he smiled and nodded at me.

"I don't think I would have come back if we weren't okay. I did help him track down all the dickwads that-"

"Okay." I said loudly not wanting to hear that word ever again. He gave me an apologetic look before staying quiet. I looked at the next street sign and realized we were heading into the city. "Where are we going?"

"Well, I was thinking, you need shoes, and clothes for tomorrow, and the next day right? Might as well get it tonight, and we can get some dinner." He said and I pressed my lips together wondering what kind of food we were going to get.

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