Minnie the Maid

By aishaa2204

23.9K 98 14

Samuel and Jennifer inherit a country house, with newfound wealth they abandon their mundane jobs to pursue p... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Final Part

Part 6

1.1K 7 0
By aishaa2204

Donna's possession of his iPhone hung over Minnie like a storm cloud
over Nauru. "I changed the lock code on your cell, just like I changed
Maria's earlier" Donna paused, glanced at Maria, "but I expect she told
you that already, I still want you both to carry your cell at all times
to enable me to summon you." Her tone softened, she smiled "when you
finish your work each day I will unlock your cell and you can play games
to your hearts content."

Minnie relaxed a little, Donna issued the days tasks and reminded them
to leave doors open as they clean.

"Start in the shower room" Maria said. Minnie recognised her abruptness
as a warning her period was due, 'sure' he casually answered. For a
while they worked apart in silence. Maria appeared at the doorway
looking for a fight, she watched Minnie cleaning the shower tray "what's
taking you so long?"


"That's how you talk to me now?"

"There is a limescale build up that needs cleaning" Minnie glanced up,

"I don't have a name?" Maria stood with her arms crossed.

"Sorry I was concentrating on my work Maria"

"Perhaps you should learn to be more respectful" Maria smiled "call me
Miss Maria when we work together."

"Miss Maria?" Minnie frowned "you are only 19."

"Fun fact Minnie, maids would have called daughters of the house Miss
back in the day. My junior maid addressing me as Miss Maria shows
respect while acknowledging I am much younger...well?"

"I can show you respect Miss Maria."

Maria turned away, her monthly monster satisfied by its victory. Out of
earshot she whispered "yes!" and punched the air, having a junior maid
instead of being a junior maid was getting to be fun!

On Maria's rest day Donna sought out Minnie the kitchen. The room,
typically the bustling heart of the house, now acted as a stage upon
which an unexpected confrontation was about to begin. "Minnie," Donna
began, her tone so calm Minnie thought she was about to assign him a new
task, "I couldn't help but notice something when I borrowed your cell
phone. Something that made me very angry."

Minnie, visibly anxious, remained silent.

"You will kneel facing me and remain silent until I indicate you may
speak." Donna glanced upward at the sort of angle someone seeking a
distant airplane would look, smiled lopsidedly, and said "okay?" Minnie
nodded as he kneeled. "Your carelessness, Minnie, has put me in an
awkward position. You left sensitive information that should have been
deleted on your iPhone for anyone to see. Donna looked serious,"if
anyone else had discovered your secret, even Maria or Cook, gossip would
soon make Mrs. Collins life untenable, the Collins household a laughing
stock." Donna paused for effect and described a scenario where, unable
to live with the shame, they were forced to sell the house and move to a
place no-one knew them.

Minnie looked close to tears.

"Having stumbled across your secret it's impossible, for me, to unknow
Samuel and Minnie are one and the same." Donna smiled kindly "luckily
for you I can keep a secret and I will not draw my discovery to Mrs.
Collins attention, but neither will I lie to her. What do you have to

"If you don't mention you know there is no chance Mrs. Collins will
suspect a thing."

"Okay, we'll leave it like that for now." Donna outlined how Mrs.
Collins worked hard to provide a perfect setting for Minnie to live out
his fantasy, this left her with insufficient free time to constantly
supervise him. Donna attributed his selfish misbehaviourisms to a lack
of supervision, describing them as 'a cry for attention.'

"As you know Minnie I cannot abide an incomplete task" Donna said she
would step up and fill his need to be supervised until such times as
Mrs. Collins told her different "I understand from researching people
like you, 'sissy maids' I think is the correct term..." Donna noticed
Minnie looked pleased "in effect I will become your 'Mistress' - have I
got that right?"

Minnie smiled "yes Mistress."

Donna reviewed the list in her head (a novice Mistress could never
possess too many layers of control).

Tick step 1

She told him to call her Mistress in only private.

Tick step 2.

"Now that is settled my first duty as your Mistress is to address a
pressing matter."

Minnie, visibly anxious, inquired cautiously, "What do you mean?"

Donna, spoke with a fresh out the box air of authority. "Having a man,
even a sissy, sharing the maids' quarters with Maria and I is not
something that can continue. I have a solution that will ensure an
appropriate relationship is maintained between coworkers."

Minnie's heart raced, he already knew the answer but asked the question
anyway. "What do you propose, Mistress?"

"I think you know the answer to that" Donna smirked as she looked at
Minnie "it's time for me to put you into a chastity device Minnie. This
will ensure your presence in the maids' quarters doesn't lead to any
unpleasantness. I can keep your chastity secret if that is what you
want" Donna smirked "well...as you wish to be secretive about our new
relationship then my guess is...you're not intending to tell Mrs.
Collins your Mistress has put you in chastity."

Tick step 3.

Minnie, shocked by the implication, felt a wave of discomfort wash over
him. There was a time Samuel longed to suggest chastity play to
Jennifer, in his fantasies Jennifer would wear a key around her neck. In
reality he always knew Jennifer would do no such thing, no matter how
much he pleaded. Now the idea of wearing a chastity device at Donna's
behest terrified him in the same way the idea of crossing a busy road,
eyes closed, terrified him. Any hankering he once held to wear the badge
of submission that featured in almost every maid story evaporated
without trace.

"Mistress, I understand your concerns, but your suggestion is an extreme
measure," Minnie protested, "knowing my secret and me accepting you as
my Mistress is control enough...I promise it is."

"It's not a suggestion Minnie, you will wear the chastity device."
Donna, pleased by Minnie's malleability so far, smiled kindly and
reviewed her list.

Tick step 4.

"I notice from your iPhone that you have already ordered, priority
delivery, such a device." She handed him a small package "and look what
arrived this morning." Donna turned away to give him privacy and smiled.

He opened the package, it consisted of a sleek, rigid, mesh like tube, a
secure fastening mechanism nestled behind his testicles ensured a snug
fit. Rather than heavy metal that Minnie expected it was made from a
strong resin type material. It was designed with a curve to hold his
penis back between his legs and once covered by his corsets modesty
panel would be undetectable.

He noticed it had two unusual features - usb C socket - lack of a
visible locking mechanism.

Keen to get it over with before Donna turned back toward him, and saw
his flaccid cock, he soon had his cock inserted and upon pushing it
against the retaining ring heard a buzz and click. No matter how much he
tugged and prodded the two parts were inseparable. Inside the box was a
QR code, an app appeared on his iPhone, it vibrated and a splash screen
said 'identifying chastity' then 'welcome Minnie' his iPhone screen
flickered 'reading contacts - reading messages - reading email - reading

"Artificial intelligence is everywhere these days" Donna's iPhone
chimed, she looked amused, "even in your panties."

Tick step 5.

Jennifer met Katie in the bustling city. Katie's partner, Adrian, still
had a while left on his tour of duty. A day shopping and lunching was
the perfect way for Jennifer to cheer-up her lonely friend.

The streets buzzed with activity as they made their way to their
favourite café for a mid-morning coffee break. As they settled into a
quiet corner booth, sipping on steaming cups of coffee, Katie guided the
conversation until her love for massages just happened to slip into the
conversation. "Why don't we take a break from shopping and treat
ourselves to a massage? We deserve a little pampering," she suggested,
her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Let's go get one before lunch."

Jennifer, recalled feeling self conscious when Donna massaged her
shoulder, said "I'm not sure about a massage, having some stranger
seeing me in my undies then hands...."

"In my undies?" Katie sniggered "what are you ten?"

"I'm not sure it's for me," she murmured, her reluctance weakening. "You
go, I'll shop."

Katie, sensing her faltering, tried again. "Come on, Jennifer" she
urged, her persuasive tone soft yet insistent. "It'll be a fun
experience, I promise, and I'll be right there beside you. I can even
hold your hand..."

Jennifer felt a swing of her modesty scales - curiosity outweighing
apprehension. With a shared sense of adventure, they made their way to a
nearby beauty salon. Inside the salon, the soothing scent of essential
oils enveloped them even before they were greeted like regulars by the
welcoming staff. Katie led the way, her excitement contagious as they
were shown to a private room for their massages. Side by side on plush
massage tables, Jennifer checked the towel ensured some level of
modesty, She glanced nervously toward Katie before settling into the
opening for her face. The gentle hands of their respective masseuses
worked their magic, kneading away tension and stress with expert

As the minutes ticked by, Jennifer felt herself surrendering to the
sensation, her initial apprehension melting away with each soothing
stroke. Before turning onto her back she closed her eyes and imagined
her masseuse had done likewise.

Beside her, Katie let out a contented sigh, her features softened by the
blissful state of relaxation. "Isn't this is exactly what we needed,"
she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper "are there any extras
today?" Katie added a little louder with a wink at her masseuse.

Now Jennifer felt 80% embarrassed and 20% puzzled at why Katie had
asked for female masseuses.

"Sure, happy ending £30 or £50 for you both" the young masseuse said
with a smile.

"I'm in, how about you Jennifer?" Katie smiled. "My treat."

"No thanks, I'm going for a shower" Jennifer blushed as she wrapped a
robe around her and stepped into the shower room.

Jennifer felt an awkwardness between them that would last until lunch "I
can't believe you did that Katie."

"It's no biggie"

"And you thought I would...well you know, and with a woman! What would
Adrian say if he knew?"

Katie laughed, said she would text Adrian later, he would be cross he
wasn't there to watch, "a male masseuse would be a whole different
matter, now that would be cheating" she giggled.

"You think that wasn't cheating?"

"No, silly. It's just one small part of relaxing, keeping my needs under
control in a non-cheating way. It's not like I'm a lesbian or even bi."

"I must admit once I had gotten over being naked it was quite calming"

"Told you! Thing is Jennifer, you don't consider your vibrator or
Minnie's maid-wanking as cheating do you, so how is a happy ending
cheating? You should go try it, alone if you're shy, somewhere no-one
knows you."

Jennifer skipped over not owning a vibrator saying "I never should have
told you about that Minnie thing." As the mood lightened between them
Jennifer was about to say 'maid-wanking is off the table' but stopped
herself just in time - that secret needed some more pondering.

"Katie giggled "tell me about that shoulder massage Donna gave you
again. This time don't leave anything out."

Jennifer playfully punched Katies arm saying "what do you take me for"
mock offendedly, laughed "What is the saying - never shit on your own
doorstep." At lunch Jennifer noticed her friend wore a contented look
that had been absent for too long.

The embarrassing massage was a small price to pay to see Katie glowing
Jennifer mused on her lonely drive home. Her after clothes shopping
come-down strengthened, Jennifer slipped into a mood thinking over the
chastity incident she saw when browsing the security cameras. A few
days had passed and she was still felt unsure how to react. With a
wicked smile she decided punishing Minnie for keeping it from her would
be a good interim reaction.

Despite having three maids and a part time cook Jennifer rarely
entertained evenings. Donna nearly hid her surprise when Jennifer said
"I have a guest coming to dinner, staying the night I hope, please let
cook know we will only need a light meal."

She felt a rush of excitement when Minnie swung his head around and,
thinking he was out of Donnas eye-line, silently mouthed 'who' several
times. She ignored him and, pleased by his worried look added "please
have Minnie serve our dinner in the snug."

Donna had seen Minnie's reaction, she decided to try out her newly
acquired Mistress persona, "I noticed Mrs. Collins had a lot of bags
when she came home today Maria."

"I know! I only just finished unpacking them all." Pleased to be the
sole possessor of news for once Maria smiled and plowed on "Mrs. Collins
bought a new dress, well a complete outfit...panties to perfume if you
know what I mean" she paused, let a little giggle slip "and did you
notice her hair?"

Donna egged Maria on saying "I wonder who the guest is...did anyone else
notice how Mrs. Collins avoided revealing the mystery guests gender..."

"Has to be a man" she interrupted, excitement had gotten the better of
Maria "no one buys lingerie like that for a woman."

Minnie could take no more, tears streamed down his face as he ran from
the kitchen. Donna closed the kitchen door behind her, slipping off her
heels the novice Mistress stealthily followed.

With just a few emails to attend to and an empty afternoon stretching
out before her Jennifer wandered the house, checking the guest bedrooms
to pass time. Jennifer ran a finger here and there, searching for a
speck of dust in the immaculate bedroom, realised there had been an
element of truth in Minnie's criticisms of the contract cleaners. She
jumped as, behind her, someone shut the bedroom door.

Minnie stood there, tears streaking his mascara into a clown face,
sobbing uncontrollably. Jennifer had promised herself she would stay in
character until his six months were up, but seeing her husband in such a
state was too much. Before she could weaken, hug him close, soothe him,
Minnie dropped to his knees sobbing. "Please don't do it" he dragged an
arm across his eyes and nose. "I can't bear the thought of it a second
longer" he was babbling "I will stop this now...go back to Samuel...I'll
do anything if you don't do it..." He paused for breath.

"Calm down! What don't you want me to do?"

"Sleep with him"

"What? Who?"

"Whoever is coming tonight" Minnie returned to sobbing, managed to get
out "please don't cuckold me Mrs. Collins."

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