Random :)


302 33 63

Just random stuff I make! More

The Song That Guided Them
different world
The Pages of Destiny
Shadows of Reflection
putting it aside
The Adventurous Spirit of Yuki
a long time past
The Barrier's Resilience
Harmony's Resonance: The Unintentional Melodies of Destiny
reverse isekai
Echoes of Revenge
thank you!
a new chapter
Redemption's Embrace
Ghost Friend
alex and friend
thank you part 2!
a bad villain
invisible dude
oblivious guy
quiet and loud
the tale of Aldric
a new generation
I'm curious
The Mask of Confidence
Amelia and aizen
thank you! part 3
The Unbroken Promise
Adventure to Bali
Through the Darkness
There's No Way I Can Be Of Any Use To Anyone
a melody
Letting Go
Broken Mirror

Echoes of Friendship

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This is the first more than 1000 word story I make! I hope you guys likes it!


Also I'm not good at writing title. If you think the title is bad you could just comment to give me a recommendation for a better title

Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Sakura Hills, there lived a girl named Kaede. With her warm smile and gentle demeanor, Kaede was adored by everyone around her. She was the epitome of popularity, with friends flocking to her side wherever she went.

Kaede's kindness knew no bounds. She was always there to lend a helping hand to her friends, whether it was assisting with homework, offering a listening ear, or cheering them up when they were down. Her selflessness knew no bounds, and she strived to be the best and nicest girl she could be.

However, little did Kaede know, her kindness was often taken advantage of by those she called friends. They would lean on her whenever they needed something, whether it was getting their homework done at the last minute or asking for cheats during exams. But Kaede, being the trusting soul that she was, never questioned their intentions. She genuinely believed that her friends valued her for who she was.

Despite the whispers and rumors that circulated behind her back, Kaede remained oblivious to the truth. She continued to shower her friends with love and support, unaware of the ulterior motives that lurked beneath their smiles.

As time passed, Kaede's friends grew more dependent on her, taking advantage of her generosity without a second thought. Yet, despite the mounting evidence of their betrayal, Kaede remained steadfast in her belief in their friendship. She continued to shower her friends with love and support, unaware of the ulterior motives that lurked beneath their smiles.

Then, one day, a new student transferred to Sakura Hills High School. She was an outcast, with no friends to call her own. The other students avoided her, whispering behind her back and casting judgmental glances her way.

Kaede noticed the new student sitting alone during lunch break, and something stirred within her. Ignoring the curious stares of her classmates, she made her way over to the solitary figure and took a seat beside her.

The new student regarded Kaede with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. She had heard about Kaede's reputation as the "nicest girl" in school, but she wasn't sure if she believed it. After all, in a world where kindness was often met with betrayal, she had learned to be cautious.

At first, the new student kept her distance, hesitant to trust Kaede's seemingly genuine gestures of friendship. But as days turned into weeks, and Kaede continued to reach out to her with unwavering kindness, the walls around the new student's heart began to crumble.

Slowly but surely, a bond formed between Kaede and the new student. They laughed together, shared stories, and confided in each other like old friends. And as the new student's icy exterior melted away, she realized that perhaps not all acts of kindness were meant to be repaid with betrayal.

As Kaede welcomed the new student into her circle of friends with open arms, she unknowingly began to rewrite the definition of friendship for everyone around her. And in doing so, she discovered that true kindness knows no bounds and that genuine friendship is worth more than any fleeting moment of popularity.

As Kaede spent more time with Chiaki, she began to notice subtle changes in her own behavior. She realized that she had been blindly catering to the whims of her so-called friends, neglecting her own well-being in the process. With Chiaki by her side, Kaede found the strength to stand up for herself and put an end to the toxic cycle of exploitation.

Slowly but surely, Kaede stopped doing her friends' homework and refused to provide them with exam cheats. Her newfound independence did not go unnoticed by her friends, who grew increasingly resentful of Chiaki's influence on Kaede.

Unbeknownst to Kaede, her friends began to target Chiaki with cruel taunts and vicious rumors behind her back. But Chiaki chose to endure the pain in silence, unwilling to burden Kaede with her own troubles.

As their bond deepened, Chiaki found herself caring for Kaede in ways she never thought possible. She couldn't bear to see Kaede suffer because of her, yet she couldn't find the courage to confide in her either.

One tragic day, Chiaki's pain became too much to bear. Standing on the rooftop, consumed by despair, she made the decision to end her life. But just as she prepared to take the final plunge, Kaede appeared, racing against time to stop her.

In a heart-wrenching moment, Kaede watched helplessly as Chiaki slipped from her grasp and fell into the abyss below. Before disappearing from view, Chiaki's final words echoed in Kaede's ears: "I love you."

Haunted by the memory of Chiaki's tragic end, Kaede withdrew from the world, consumed by guilt and self-blame. She couldn't forgive herself for failing to see the signs of Chiaki's suffering, and she couldn't forgive her friends for their role in driving Chiaki to such desperate measures.

Alone and adrift in a sea of sorrow, Kaede's once vibrant spirit faded into the shadows, forever haunted by the memory of the friend she had lost.

Years passed, and Kaede, once the vibrant middle schooler, entered high school as a mere shadow of her former self. The once-popular girl now walked the halls with her gaze cast downwards, avoiding the curious glances of her peers.

In this new school, Kaede had become a recluse, distancing herself from the world around her. She no longer believed she deserved happiness, haunted by the memory of Chiaki's tragic end. The weight of guilt and sorrow weighed heavily on her shoulders, robbing her of the spark that once defined her.

Kaede's academic prowess remained unquestioned, her intelligence shining through despite her newfound apathy. But she chose to squander her potential, opting instead to coast through her studies with minimal effort. The once-motivated student had become a mere shadow of her former self, content to blend into the background and avoid the spotlight at all costs.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Kaede's classmates whispered about the enigmatic loner who lurked in the shadows. They marveled at her intelligence and lamented the waste of her potential, but none dared to reach out and break through the walls she had built around herself.

And so, Kaede drifted through her high school years, a ghost of the girl she once was, forever haunted by the memory of the friend she had lost and the guilt that consumed her soul.

One day, Kaede found herself reluctantly agreeing to join the music club after a persistent invitation from Rin, a member of the club. However, it wasn't her genuine interest in music that drove her decision; rather, it was the subtle pressure from her homeroom teacher, who had grown concerned about Kaede's isolation and lack of friends.

Kaede's participation in the music club was met with mixed emotions. On one hand, she found solace in the melodies that filled the air, a fleeting moment of respite from the turmoil within her own heart. On the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider among her fellow club members, unable to connect with them on a deeper level.

Despite her initial reluctance, Kaede found herself slowly warming up to the camaraderie of the music club. The shared passion for music served as a bridge between her and her peers, allowing her to break free from the chains of her solitude, if only for a brief moment.

As Kaede tentatively began to open up to her fellow club members, she found herself slowly rediscovering the joy of friendship. Though the scars of her past still lingered, she realized that perhaps there was hope for healing and redemption after all. And in the melodies of the music club, she found a glimmer of hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Years had passed since the tragic loss of Chiaki, but the pain remained etched in Kaede's heart like a permanent scar. However, as time went by, Kaede found solace in the unexpected friendships that had blossomed around her, particularly with Rin, the same student who had once invited her to join the music club.

Together, Kaede and Rin had forged a bond rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding. They had weathered the storms of high school together, supporting each other through the trials and tribulations of adolescence.

On a quiet afternoon, with the gentle breeze whispering through the trees, Kaede found herself standing before Chiaki's grave, her hand intertwined with Rin's. The air was heavy with the weight of their shared sorrow, but there was also a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness.

As they stood in silent tribute to their lost friend, Kaede felt a sense of closure wash over her. She realized that while Chiaki's memory would always hold a special place in her heart, she couldn't let the past define her future.

With Rin by her side, Kaede found the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead. Together, they vowed to live each day to the fullest, honoring Chiaki's memory by embracing life with open arms. And as they turned to leave, Kaede cast one final glance back at Chiaki's grave, her heart heavy yet hopeful. For in that moment, she knew that no matter what trials may come their way, she would always have Rin by her side, a beacon of light guiding her through the darkness. And with that realization, Kaede took her first step towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

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