Satogou OneShots (requests op...

By ElectricEevee

101 2 2

Satogou OneShots! These will include some angst and a lot of fluff :3 Please request stories!! More

Reaserch in the Hoenn region

Cold winter nights

32 1 0
By ElectricEevee

It was wintertime in the Cerise laboratory. Ash awoke to freezing cold air surrounding him. Pikachu was curled up beside the young boy, trying to keep warm. Ash curled into a ball with Pikachu in the center in an attempted to keep both himself and Pikachu warm. Ash tried to sleep again, but he wasn't able to. After some time of lying down with Pikachu Ash decided that it would be best to try to look for another blanket.

"I'll be back in a minute buddy. I'm going to look for another blanket." Ash quietly murmured to Pikachu.

"Ash." A quiet voice said from the top bunk

"Yeah, Goh?"

"Were you not able to sleep from the cold either?"

"Yeah. I'm going to try and look for another blanket. Do you want me to see if ai can find one for you to?"

"Yes please, Ash. I'm so cold"

Ash quietly stepped out of his room. He knew that there was a linen closet down the hall. Ash held his Rotom phone with the flashlight on as he slowly and quietly walked down the hall. He stopped as he heard footsteps approaching from the opposite direction.

"Hello?" Ash quietly called out. It took a few seconds for him to get a response.

"Ash?" A questioning voice replied.

     "Yeah, Chloe" Ash replied.

     "Did the cold wake you up too? The heating went out so its not going to get any warmer than it is now"

     "Oh so thats why its so cold? Goh also woke up from the cold."

     "There should be two extra blankets in the linen closet, you can take those." Chole walked away from Ash and back into her bedroom.

     "So thats why its so cold in here." Ash murmured to himself. When Ash opened the linen closet he didn't initially see the two blankets that Chloe mentioned, but them he realized they were on the top shelf of the closet. Ash knew that he wouldn't be able to reach them normally, so he stood on his tip toes in an attempt to reach them. After a few attempts of trying to grab the blankets Ash had given up. He decided to go back to his room and ask Goh for help. Ash slowly opened the bedroom door just in case Goh had fallen asleep.

     "Goh. Are you awake?" Ash quietly said

     "Yeah I am. I can't sleep" Goh replied

     "Could you please help me out, Goh? The blankets in the closet are too high up for me to reach." Goh quickly replied to while climbing down the creaky wooden latter. Ash could just make out Goh's figure in the faint moonlight pouring through the rooms curtains. Goh's normally neat hair was all tangled. Ash let out a soft giggle at the sight of his best friend's hair. While Ash was looking at the shorter boy he noticed that he was only wearing a t-shirt and pants.

     "Well no wonder you're cold Goh!" Ash jokingly said "You're not wearing a sweatshirt."

     "I don't have one, I assumed that I would be fine like this." Goh replied with a hint of

embarrassment. Ash led Goh over to his bed and beckoned for him to sit down. While Goh was sitting on Ash's bed Pikachu had come up to him and curled up in his lap. Pikachu let out a soft coo when Goh started to pet Pikachu between his ears. Goh smiled at the sight of the small yellow Pokémon curled up in his lap.

     As Goh was sitting on Ash's bed with Pikachu, Ash was rummaging through his belongings in search for a sweatshirt for Goh to wear. After a little while Ash had found a light blue sweatshirt with a maril embroidered on the side. Ash went over to his bed where he left Goh a moment ago. When he looked over he saw Pikachu in Goh lap while Goh calmly pet Pikachu.

     "You're so gentle with Pikachu. You will make an amazing Pokémon researcher one day!" Ash said. Goh could feel his face heat up at this sudden complement from Ash. He managed to stutter out a thanks. Ash gently placed the light blue sweatshirt down next to Goh. Ash told Goh to put the sweatshirt on so we wouldn't be cold. Goh muttered a thanks while slipping the sweatshirt over his head. While Goh was putting on the sweatshirt that Ash had let him borrow Pikachu had woken up. Pikachu got off oh Goh's lap and curled up next to the small boy. Before Ash and Goh left to grab the blankets Goh scratched Pikachu between his ears.

"Goh, you look absolutely adorable," Ash said with a smile while gazing at the smaller boy.

"O-oh, um, t-thanks, Ash," Goh stammered, feeling a bit flustered by the unexpected compliment from his best friend. The two boys walked in silence to the linen closet. Ash pointed up to the top of the closet where the blankets were stashed to show Goh where they were.

"How on earth are we supposed to grab those? They might as well be touching the ceiling," Goh exclaimed.

"Well, neither of us can reach them on our own. I was thinking I could pick you up so you can grab them," Ash proposed. Initially hesitant about Ash's plan, Goh took a moment to ponder before deciding to go along with it. Ash grabbed Goh by his waist and lifted him up as high as he could. Goh successfully grabbed hold of the bottom blanket but accidentally caused it to tumble down onto both of them. Startled by the sudden movement, Ash accidentally dropped Goh.

"Oh my goodness, Goh! Are you alright?" Ash asked with genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Goh replied with a hint of irritation. "At least we managed to get the blankets though!" he added in a much happier voice. Afterward, Ash helped lift Goh up by his hands and they walked back quietly to their bedroom together. When the two boys got back to their bedroom, Ash wished Goh a good night before they each went to their own beds.

     It had been about 15 minutes since Ash and Goh had gotten the blankets. The boys bedroom was freezing, and even with the blankets Ash was still cold. Pikachu was curled up under the covered between Ash's legs.

     "Hey Goh." Ash said in a quiet voice. There was a couple seconds of silence before Goh had replied Ash.

     "Yeah, Ash? Were you not able to sleep either?" Goh softly replied

    "No, I'm still freezing. Maybe we should sleep together, it would certainly be warmer." Ash said while softly giggling. Goh's face was as red as a cheri berry at Ash's suggestion, but he did have to admit that it would defiantly be warmer.

     "Yeah, that might be a good idea. I feel like I'm about to die from the cold" Goh complained

    "Oh no!" Ash dramatically exclaimed. "Well we don't want anyone dieing tonight! How about you come down here. Pikachu is sleeping and I don't want to wake him." After Ash had finished speaking, Goh grabbed his blankets and went down to Ash's bunk. Goh had sat at the end of Ash's bed with his blankets.

     "Are you going to lie down? Or do you refer sleeping while sitting up" Ash jokingly Asked.

     "Where is Pikachu? I don't want to lie down on him" Goh asked

     "He's under the covers and in between my legs. I honestly have no clue how that can be comfortable in anyway." As Goh was lying down Ash grabbed the smaller boy and drew him into a tight hug. Goh didn't protest this sudden hug. The smaller boy nuzzled his face into the taller boys shoulder. Ash put his hand on Goh's head and ran his fingers through Goh's soft black hair. He could feel Goh's breathing slow down. Goh had already fallen asleep in the few short minutes that he was with Ash.

     "Goodnight, Goh" Ash quietly muttered as to not wake Goh.

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