Stranger - hotd Cregan Stark

By laenyra2712

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I've started writing this story due to a request of one of the readers from my book Mourning, Valaena Velaryo... More



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By laenyra2712

Upon their return, Valaena had chosen to ignore Aemond.

Valaena quickly forgot about Cregan Stark, instead she kept busy as Helaena announced her second pregnancy. Rhaenyra Targaryen also wrote to her daughter that she was with child, she would welcome her and Daemon's first child in a little over a year.

So while Valaena forgot about Cregan Stark, Aemond could not. He had memorized the way Valaena had blushed when Lord Stark held her hand, or how she had fluttered her lashes at the man. He hated it, and the thoughts kept him awake at night so much, that after a fortnight of torture, he sunk to consult his brother on the matter.

"You're fully cunt-struck." Exclaimed Aegon with a smirk as he poured himself a cup of wine. He slapped his younger brother on the back, before offering him the cup. "Ladies like to be touched, they may pretend to be all virtuous and good, however most of them habe quite the- no all of them brother. All of them."  Aemond glared at Aegon. Shaking his head.

"I'm not going to touch her, I can't."

Aegon starting laughing as his brothers words, urging him once more to drink from the cup of wine. Aemond refused setting in down and staring at his brother. In hope that he may have some advice. He wouldn't ask his mother. She would suggest that they go prat together.

"I'm not saying that you should defile her honour. Make it suble brother. Go take a seat I'll tell you."

After the talk, Aemond had left red faced in both embarrassment and anger, hoping to never have to ask for advice from Aegon again. He instead chose to simply act as if nothing had transpired and join his and Valaena's history lesson in the garden.

Their tutor was telling them about northern rebellions and which house would or would not be advantageous to keep as ally's. When he remarked that only moons ago, Lord Cregan Stark had imprisoned his own uncle, because the man ruled in his name for years. Aemond could feel his palms tingle. He already knew of this, he felt like snapping at the tutorer for boring them with old news.

"So when Lord Stark came of age, having succeeded his father at a bery yong age, the Lord gathered support from a handfull of vassal houses and imprisoned not only his uncle, but also his nephews who tried to challenge his and his brothers right to the title as Warden."

"Talk to us about economic advantages instead." Interrupted the prince the Maester who tutored them on a weekly basis. Aemond's face exuded thunder.

"My apologies, My prince I will continue swiftly."

Valaena rolled her eyes at Aemond in annoyance, before continuing to politely smile at the Maester and make notes of what he was telling them.

After half an hour, the Maester left, instructed the two to make notes and read to prepare for their next lesson. However Valaena caught Aemond angrily scribbling on his scroll ikstead of making actual notes, and so she tapped him on his shoulder.

"What is up with you?"

"Nothing Laena, return to your books."

"Are you seriously still going to act sour because Cregan Stark touched my hand?" Laughter Valaena ashe closed the book in front of them. Stepping away from the marble table she brushed off her dress. He ignored her, grabbing the book from her hands and opening it once more. He grunted as he tried to look for the right page.


She slammed the book shut once more, trying to catch his attention. "Aemond. Do not ignore me, I am your-"

"You are mine, mine indeed Valaena."  Spoke Aemond in anger, the High Valyrian language rolling of his tongue with ease. The Princess slightly frowned, trying to hide her annoyance. "I am no one but my own."

"See that is where you are wrong, because within two years, you'll be wed to me. And if 'lord' Cregan Stark dares to touch you when you are my wife, then I'll feed his whole arm to Vhagar."

Valaena bit her lip at the Prince his sudden outburst, instead she grabbed the book from the table and cradled it to her chest. "Are you serious Aemond?"

"Yes I am." Hissed Aemond as he got to his feet and took a step towards her, the book being the only thing from keeping him away from her. "You're insane."  Her eyes grew large as Aemond pried her hands open and let the book clatter to the ground. It hit his toes with a hard thumb. But he didn't seem to care as he placed one hand around the back of Valaena's neck. Inching her even closer.

"I ought to be, I find myself going insane whenever another man dares to his eyes on you."

She tried to dislike his tone of voice, but instead she found herself inching closer to him aswell. His breath was hot on her lips and she frowned at him. Her brows furrowed together as she looked up at him through her lashes, the scar, which sat partially covered by a leather eyepatch had turned white and ragged over the years, still bits remained pink, as if it were a fresh wound still.

Valeana wondered if Aemond caught her looking at his scar, for he quickly averted his gaze, tilting his chin higher so that she was faced with his chest only. She recalled how a Handmaiden had once called Aemond a Little Prince, though he had quickly grown into the tallest man at court.

"Oh." Mumbled Valaena quietly as she reached out one hand to brush a strand out hair out of her eye. Aemond caught her hand midair, sending little sparks flying down her wrists, that seemed to travel up her spine. She halted her breath as he placed the strand hehind her ear and sighted. "You're mine Valaena." Whispered the Prince as he moved his fingers so that they now rested against her chin. He used his thumb to tilt her chin upwards, and for a moment she wondered if he was going to kiss her, and when their eyes met. Hers begged him to kiss her. The way he held her made her knees feel so unstable that she used one hand to hold onto him.

Her eyes must have been pleading because in the next moment Aemond slightly bent towards her. His lips all but brushed hers and she could feel, no taste his warm breath as he whispered against her lips in High Valyrian. "Mine."

He let go of her then, she didn't notice how badly his hands shook as he gathered his scrolls and books and left her standing in the gardens. Cheeks flushed and eyes blinking in confusion.

At dinner, the two had barely made polite conversation during. Valaena announced that she was to visit DragonStone on the morrow. Joffrey's nameday was approaching and her mother had asked her to be there.

"I'll return on Sapphire after dinner." Promised the Princess before excusing herself from the table. Smiling at her aunt, who looked tired now that she was about to receive her third child.

Valaena hummed to herself, singing a song in Old Valyrian, one that her stepfather Daemon had taught her when he had shown her and Rhaena the many caves that littered DragonStone. She let her fingers slide along the walls of the keep as she made her way to her rooms. An uneasy feeling had crept up in her chest from the moment she had left the dining hall, and so, she turned around sharply, knocking her stalker in the shoulder and slamming them against the wall with her elbow pinned firmly against their throat.

"Aemond!" Exclaimed Valaena in shock as she quickly let go of the groaning Prince. She dusted of her skirts and offered him a hand.

"Who taught you how to do that?" Wondered the Prince as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Daemon, now why where you creeping up to me like that."

"I wasn't!" Defended Aemond himself as he raised his hands.

"You were!"

"Val!" Shot Aemond back as he shook his head. "I just- I really wanted to talk to you."

"About what? Next time just ask me and-"

The Princess was promptly cut of by the feel of Aemond's lips on hers. He pushed his fingers in her hair and kissed her with such hunger that it made the Princess stumble slightly. She widened her eyes before relaxing against his warm body and kissing him back. Still, she pulled away after a second. "Why can't-" breathed Valeana out. "Why can't you just ask."

Aemond looked at her then, a slight of guilt evident in his eyes as he lightly shrugged. He mumbled an apology before placing his palm onto Valaena's cheek and sliding his fingers over her cheekbones slowly. His other hand was still stuck in her hair and Valaena had to refrain from sighting as his nails dragged across her scalp, he raked his fingers through her braid then, the sensation sent little goosebumps all along her arms as she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling for a moment. "Can I kiss you, Valaena."

"Mhmmyes Aemond." Hummed the Princess as she herself wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. Ofcourse he could.

At dawn, when Valaena mounted Sapphire to visit her family. She found herself still touching her lips and looking for a remnant of Aemond's kiss on them.

Rhaena and Lucerys nearly trampled Valaena when she entered her ancestral home. Daemon watched her from the side of it's entrace. Nodding his head at her. "We're waiting to break our fast together Val."

"Mother says we are to have cake." Grinned Lucerys as he pulled on his sisters arm. "Where's Jace."

"Being a brat, he refused to come down because-"


"What I'm only being fair. He's been behaving intensely rude of late."

"Please do tell me what creeps my brothers mind." Mused Valaena as she entered the castle. She could hear her little brother Joffrey's laughter from the hall. She had brough him some wooden dragon toys as a gift.

Both Lucerys and Rhaena flushed red, making her wonder what could possibly be on Jacaerys' mind then. She became especially suspicious when her older twin brother wrapped her in a tight hug at her arrival.

"Valaena!" Exclaimed Jacaerys as he squeezed her so tight that she had to pat him on the back to let her go. "You'll crush me Jace."

"Do not think to allow Alicent to try us so." Whispered Jace in his sisters ear. "They're slimy rats, all of them."

Valaena frowned at her brothers words, and quickly took her place at the dining table. She wrapped her arms around Joffrey as he ran up to her, placing him on her lap. "Oh look at you. You're so big, you'll be winning in Tourneys soon Joffrey." Smiled Valaena as she placed kisses all over his auburn curls.

During breakfast, the Princess joked with her brothers and cousins. She told them of how boring the Capital grew in their absence, and how she missed flying together with Jace and Luke. She promised Rhaena to take her on dragonback with her after breakfast and noted on how Baela remained absent still. Daemon told her that his daughter sadly, remained unable to attend today due to her duties at Driftmark.

After breakfast, after all the children had left the table, Rhaenyra and Daemon asked for Valaena to remain behind. Valaena noticed how her brother cast her a nervous look, and abruptly turned on his feet to retake his seat besides her.

"Jace, leave us."

"But she is my sister- can't I-"

"Your sisters business remains her own, and ours. Perhaps you may meddle in them when you are of age and I've passed. If she's not wed by then hmh." Remarked Rhaenyra as Daemon stared the eldest Velaryon boy down. Jacaerys opened his mouth to speak, but Valaena mouthed at him to just go. And so he did.

"Val." Started Daemon off as he got up from his seat and crossed his arms slightly. "Now that you are older, we want you to take on some responsibility when it comes to our family." Finished Rhaenyra as she loving extended her arm to rub her daughter's hand.

"We need you to keep an eye on the Hightowers." Added Daemon as he leaned on the back of his wife's chair. "We have reason to believe they rule in my brothers stead."

Valaena frowned deeply, stammering suddenly; "I- I do not assume- but ofcourse, ofcourse I will." She nodded at her parents.

"There's another matter, Alicent wants to see you wed to Aemond within a short time. If you wish for this, then it is up to you to decide."

Valaena hesitated for a moment, thinking back on the kisses she had shared with Aemond so far, their first kiss, which had been strange, and then last night, and this morning when he briefly kissed her in a nook in the breakfast chamber after everyone had left. She recalled how he pushed her hair out of her face, and kissed the tips of her fingers aswell. Calling her sweet names, making her stomach tumble in such strange ways.

But no, she didn't want to be wed yet.

"No, I- I want to wait untill I am atleast a year older. The Maester said the Summer would be long, perhaps three years. I can wait."

Rhaenyra nodded at her daughter, giving her a loving smile and a squeeze before Daemon spoke again.

"Write to us Val, add little bits of information at the end of each of your letters, but only to your mother and I understood?"

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