
Oleh Pendule

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Buggy is the Duke of Normandy, brother of the Duke Shanks the Red-Hair, and protégé of the King of England, G... Lebih Banyak

First Encounter.
Tentative Training.
A Dead Man Walking
The Jester's Knights
Look For Traitors, It's How This Man Works
Four Men
The Letter
Au bord des falaises
The Start Of A Journey
Burning Your Bridges
Was He Different?
Bury The Hatchet
Sleep-addled And Caught Off Guard
I Should Make You Jealous More Often
Buggy the Conqueror
The Opportunist's Entrance.
'What of us, then, Jester?'
The Coronation of a King
Falaise: Epilogue

Prattling In The Cart

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Oleh Pendule

Buggy didn't sleep well that night, understandably. He laid awake, staring at the stone walls, thinking about the man's words. He hated to play into the stranger's hands, but he couldn't stop the thoughts from running through his mind.

He wasn't that surprised by the idea of people coveting his possible place on the throne of England, even though the method of hiring a killer was surely quite extreme. But what he was mostly surprised by was the speed at which the assailant had been sent. Buggy had barely finished his announcement, and he'd known for a fact that he had been one of the first to be brought up to date on Roger's death.

It meant that the person behind this attack had been engaged by someone close to the royal family. And if it was the case, then it meant that it was someone Buggy knew.

Sure, he had a few enemies, people he hated, and who hated him back. But people wanting to see him dead? Ready to pay someone for it? Surely, there couldn't be that many. He hoped so.

A knock on his door took him out of his thoughts, and he groaned as he was forced to get out of bed. A long day awaited him.


Crocodile and Mihawk were briefed about their evening duty in the early afternoon.

Just like children, they were told what to do and not to do, how to ensure the safety of the Duke, and how they should act during a reception.

None of them paid any attention to the briefing, Crocodile barely concealing his irritation at being treated like a newbie. As if it was his first job as a knight, as he had any need to prove his worth when his name was known across the seas.

Mihawk took great pleasure in seeing the other man's irritation, pretending to listen to the briefing while he only looked at Crocodile and listened to his aggravated sighs.

If the head guard noticed anything, he didn't mention it. All day long, people kept talking about the importance of this reception, about how it would be Buggy's first public appearance ever since the announcement of the King of England's death, and how it could be significant in the securement of his possible position in the succession.

Despite their best effort to not pay any attention to the chatter around them, the two men still learned interesting information regarding the whole situation.

Indeed, as much as they had known that, with Buggy announcing the King's death before anyone else, he was a close relation, they didn't expect him to be a potential heir.

They also learnt through whispers in the corridors that it would also be Buggy's first public appearance outside his own castle in a full year. This had been a surprise, as being seen in public and networking was an essential part of the noble life. It seemed that the young Duke had been shunned by a majority of the high society not long after his appointment as Duke of Normandy.

Had he done something to offend these people, leading to his almost complete exclusion and isolation inside his very own castle in Falaise? It was something they probably couldn't have an answer to, even if they asked the main interested party.

By the middle of the afternoon, both men dreamt of only one thing: finally being in the moving cart on its way to Lisieux. Heads buzzing from having heard the same speech on a loop the entire day, they sought silence and peacefulness before the inevitable racket that would be tonight's party. They both knew that they could easily shut Buggy up with a few rough stares and have peace during the entirety of the journey.

The latter showed up not long before they were supposed to leave, looking anything but thrilled at the prospect of having to attend a social gathering. The squire and valets had prepared the horses and the cart while Mohji had been, quite needlessly, supervising the whole thing.

Crocodile and Mihawk watched Buggy walk through one of the castle's doors, dressed more elegantly than they'd seen him before. He was wearing a yellow, almost gold-like, tunic, with a vibrant orange cloak hanging from his shoulders. He wore dark boots and pale red thighs, barely visible. Blue embroideries matching his hair colour adorned the collar of his cape as well as the bottom of his tunic.

Both men were surprised by the way Buggy looked. He was elegant, and his clothes were obviously well-made. For the first time ever since they'd seen him, Buggy looked like a proper Duke. He also looked the most miserable he'd been in weeks.

The blue-haired man had a chat with the squire before he walked around the cart. He stopped in front of the two horses and stroked their heads, talking to them just like he did before with the squire. He seemed particularly fond of the pitch-black Friesian, his right hand never leaving his neck. The Percheron at the side did not seem bothered by the difference in treatment, though.

The Duke seemed to notice his knights' presence last, the two men not missing the way he did a double take when his eyes landed on them. They were in no way dressed as elegantly as him, but they'd been forwarded appropriate clothes for the evening in the early day, and looked even more presentable than usual. Crocodile had worn them reluctantly, but he had to admit that the sight of the same clothes on Mihawk was not unpleasant.

They were also dressed in tunics, Crocodile's being green, while Mihawk's was purple. Both were embellished with golden embroideries, reminiscent of Crocodile's hook and Mihawk's eyes. Both men had obviously wondered if it had been voluntarily chosen by Buggy himself, or by the seamstresses. None of them would ask, the thrill of uncertainty being way more pleasant than the truth. In addition to the clothes, Mihawk seemed to have insisted upon wearing his weird hat.

The three men exchanged a nod of acknowledgement while Buggy was crowded by Mohji and a newly arrived Cabaji. They both seemed to nag at him just like the head guard had with Crocodile and Mihawk earlier, and it was quite funny to see that the Duke seemed to get the same treatment as the knights.

While waiting for the go-ahead to finally get inside the cart, Mihawk checked the vehicle, looking at the angle of the wheels and the joinery on the passenger compartment. In the meantime, Crocodile assessed the horses and examined the straps of their saddlery. One should never forget that the threat could come from the inside.

They concluded their inspection just as Buggy turned away from his two advisers, a dismissive gesture to shush them.

'Alright, everyone on board, time to leave!' Buggy announced loudly, getting inside the cart. The two knights followed while Mohji and the young valet climbed on the seat outside the cart behind the two horses, and then they set off.


If there was something Buggy had anticipated and expected during this journey, it was the silence. Unexpectedly, both men were sitting across from him, both pairs of eyes fixed on him ever since they'd set out.

Buggy gulped, trying to look across the window casually. He knew he failed miserably.

Crocodile's size was impressive in the confined space, and Mihawk's stare did nothing to lighten the mood. And as expected by the two knights, Buggy did not utter a single word in the first hour of the trip. Crocodile grew tired of the silence, though, just like his desire to annoy the Duke increased.

'Stressed, Jester?'

The blue-haired man seemed startled by the sound of his voice, his head jerking towards Crocodile against his will.

'I beg your pardon?'

'Are you stressed about this evening's reception?' Crocodile asked with even more self-confidence than before.

Buggy was taken aback by the man's obviously smug tone. It wasn't really disrespectful, but he was quite surprised to see it be directed at him. Crocodile had never shown any kind of interest in him, so it was confusing to see him trying to make conversation.

Though Mihawk did not join the conversation, it was clear that he was listening, his eyes flickering from Buggy and Crocodile's faces from time to time. It did not take long for Buggy to give in and actually talk. It seemed that once he was launched, the prattling did not stop.

It was evident that this was caused by his nervousness, but the reasons behind said nervousness weren't that obvious. As much as he pretended that it came from the party, there was no doubt about the fact that being in the confined space with his two knights played a part.

'I am not stressed about the reception. I may not attend them that often, but I know how it unfolds. Though I could definitely do without it. Clearly, those are not necessary for me to attend, but if my presence makes the Counts and Barons happy, then so be it.' His boasting, paired with his jittery tone and the beads of sweat on his forehead, was hilarious to witness.

'If those are not necessary, how come you're attending tonight's reception, then, Jester?' Crocodile asked.

Buggy huffed, turning his head away. 'Would you stop with that name already, this is not mine!'

Crocodile raised an eyebrow. 'How should I call you, then?' He smirked, his arms coming to rest against his knees, his chest leaning towards the other side of the cart. 'Should I call you Buggy? No, that's just too... normal. Duke, maybe? But everyone's calling you that already. I like Jester, really. No one really calls you this way to your face, anyway.'

Buggy was taken aback. He clenched his jaw in order to not gape, stunned by Crocodile's familiarity. He was clearly mocking him, with some sort of disdain, even, but the fact that he did it all in front of Buggy, and did not even try to explain it, unsettled the Duke.

Hypocrisy was rampant in the nobility, and somehow, this knight's behaviour was... refreshing. And, as strange as it may seem, he was not hurt by his words. Maybe he was a bit of a masochist, but it didn't bother him that much coming from his knight. He couldn't see it as anything but stupid teasing, instead of the usual barely concealed disdain people showed him. Still, it didn't mean he wasn't going to make a scene about it.

Buggy launched himself into a tirade about how Crocodile owed him respect and how his behaviour was unacceptable.

It was funny to watch, especially when Crocodile and Mihawk could not take him seriously. They were used to contempt coming from nobles, and as much as Buggy seemed to love to show off, he never showed them any disrespect. It was weird, really. He was easy to taunt and his outraged reactions made it extremely fun to provoke him. They were both starting to ease in his presence, and were more comfortable when it came to being themselves, that is to say, endless teases.

The rest of the ride went without mishap, Buggy talking until Crocodile threatened him with his hook. They stayed in comfortable silence, until Buggy seemed to recognise the path. His shoulders tensed as the cart progressed. He kept looking out, though he didn't seem to be able to see much.

They finally reached the cobbled road, and his eyes grew darker. His whole demeanour shifted into something more serious, something looking more like what we'd expect of a Duke.

Both knights watched the transformation-like change happen on a ringside seat, too busy watching the Jester to throw any joke. When the cart came to a halt, and the sound of two pairs of leathered shoes hit the pavement, the knights stood up. Their swords jingled with the movement.

The door was opened, revealing an expecting Mohji on the other side. Crocodile and Mihawk walked out, positioning themselves on each side of the flight of steps, heads high and hands at the waist, near their sword's pommels.

Looking just as solemn as his soldiers, Buggy exited the cart gracefully, his makeup just as perfect as it'd been when he'd left.

He walked down the path two steps ahead of the older men, up to where a man stood at the door, seemingly waiting for him.

The servant lowered his head in greeting as he spoke up reverently 'Duke Buggy.'

Buggy tilted his head in return.

The servant stepped aside, showing him the way. 'This way, Sir.'

Buggy did not look behind. His eyes fixed ahead, he took a deep breath, and braced himself as he crossed the threshold while the servant announced his name to the gathering.


So! I hope you're liking these three together so far! It's challenging to write dialogues between them and try to make it sound as realistic as possible, but it's fun, I really do love their dynamic!

Anyway, don't hesitate to leave comments, it motivates me to write more and always make me happy! See you on Sunday!

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