a change in perspective gon x...

By oneframe0

924 42 20

this story is made for fun i don't actually think gon and pitou should have any romance just that the idea of... More

Part 2* lost revenge
Part 3* begging an annoying mission
Part 4* conditions
Part 5* goal
Part 6* encounter
Part 7* meetings
Part 8* saying bye
Part 9* world tree and ging
Part 10* departure
Part 11* beach day I

Part 1* end of the king

271 4 1
By oneframe0



pitou looks at the entrance to the room were she's healing komugi "just stay back, don't come any closer pouf please" pitou say with concern 

pouf responds by clicking his tongue "my i ask why? , if only you kept quiet i would of been able to kill him quite easily, were is this irrational fear coming from" the chimera ant inquires 

pitou response "he noticed you, if were to close in with blood lust he would of attacked komugi"

pouf narrows his eyes "i don't understand why would he attack her , he's sat there to help her right"

gon responds "this is none of your business , you just shut up"

pouf looks at the boy with impassions "just shut up " i'm down wind  "you don't need me I'll go your more then capable of handling this one"

pouf was about to turn only for gon to speak "don't move, you wing scales are used to control people right"

pitou in urgency "pouf pleas stay" i'm sure this boy is angry at me cause i killed some one close to him 

pouf  retorts "are you insane, you want me to say and do nothing at all just for the sake of that girl" 

pitou answers "it's for the king" if she dies the king might not be able to restrain him self.             just like this boy  "please do as he says"

pouf think to him self what happened here your attitude is complete different then it was before something happened while i was imprisoned what could of it been "i give you my word that i won't move from this spot alright and all i ask in reader is that you fill me in all that's happened" if i ask were the king is  he'll become suspicious and silence use give me a hint something discreet, if you fail then this will be nothing more but a blood bath nothing to it 

pitou looks at gon for confirmation to speak hid dark brown eyes hurt her some how but she could understand. she was sweeting from the tense situation then pitou compiled telling him what happened after they attack and all that transpired after they separated , pitou made it a point to add serval details that gon did not know to insure that his attention was on the explanation, how ever she was unable to describe the event accurately do to the affection she witness from the king when he carried komugi in which she thought about how gon's rage was caused by here removing some one imported from his life and the king could react the same way if komugi dies. there was no significant change in gon how ever when gon's eyes waved briefly she felt slight relief and she new that her plan was a success  "the king" rising up an arm to point "he left with the enemy of his own volition by that doorway. there no need for use to go after him"

pouf; "hmm i understand." he went south "thank you for telling me " a fine play, pitou. "then we should stay here and await his return. we must be patient"

as those word leaves his mouth he escapes his body of segment and fly's away

pitou goes back to trying heal komugi however her thoughts keeping going to the boy in front of here and how it here fault he's like this the reason his fangs could bite in to the king it was her fault the reason the king could be in danger is because of her and the reason this boy beacame so dangerous was because of her she was feeling something like a pit in her stomach an kind of regret but that's impossible she thought can i really be feeling sorry for this boy , no i regret hurting him because the king could be in danger.

some time passes a boy with a pompadour enters the room 

knuckle try to start a confrontation "pouf"

the ant eyes move and knuckles sighs looking at the situation then says "let take this fight out side"

pouf look at knuckle then begins to speak "oh, very well. i'll take you on, but first i would like to tell you something." knuckle looks at his slightly confused then pouf speaks "this body that stands in front of you is merely a shell. my true core is on it way to the king as we speak."

knuckle sighs and pitou looks at gon worried knuckle then begin to speak "the boss told me you can spread in to segment  so your not lying"

it was solely for gon's benefit  knuckle said this aloud.

knuckle point at pouf and speaks "hold on, why are you telling me all this, anyway?

pouf begin to think and knuckle grow inpatient and shouts "answerer me, dam it !"

pouf look over at gon then raise his hand "my aim was to satisfy him" knuckle gasps slighly then pouf looks at knuckle then moves his head back over to gon "i thought it would put the boys mind at ease. he made it perfectly clear i was not to leave this room for any reason. if we are to engage in a duel, then i must withdraw his demand. only then, can i leave with you" 

pitou looks at gon scared at what he might do then pouf looks at knuckle and begins to negotiated "I'm only a segment and cannot use my scales, that a side i am still willing to fight you, but what i seek is a discussion and nothing more. that is why i revealed the truth"

then gon intercepts with cold words "your lying"

pouf gasps at his words then gon continues "earlier...you tried sneak up on me and kill me. you even admitted it. knuckle don't let him fool you 

kuckle gasps at the realastion that pouf could of been trying to trick him then gon says more "first of you, keep saying that your only a segment, right? is there any way to prove it? gon look at pitou and hatred boiled with in him how ever he feels like there something different as if pitou has changed some how

pouf looks a gon this child , he's trouble. out of all of aware enemy i dare say he has the strongest will of all . but now he's preoccupied with pitou. perhaps i should be pleased  by this. it may yet work in aware favor . do to this iron and incredible focuses that he's sitting there  "if i were to prove that i am a segment, i would be putting my self at a disadvantage, so i can say nothing. I'm afraid your going to have to use your own judgment. think it over, what happens next will be up to you" he turn and put out his and in gon's direction "i patiently await you decision"

pitou gasps what is he doing , i need him to stay there so i can fix what i've done "no , pouf. you don't mean..." pouf arm flops to his side "no, please stop!"

pouf eyes roll to the back of his head and his mouth drop and then he pops and his segment fly all over laughing manically as they fly away "I'll wait  at the front gate for 10 minutes. when ether you come or not is up to you!"

pitou attempts to reason with gon "look! i'm still right here, i'm sorry about pouf. you only need me right? she see the pow in front of here an his anger has rapidly increaset

gon "you have 30minutes "

she looks at the boy and trembled feeling relief and anxiety it could be worse but he doesn't even bother with pouf and cut my time in half   

originally pitou ask for a greater amount of time then needed . this was to protect komugi and allow time for her to heal completely . gon did not comply after a brief negotiation they agreed to 1 hour the actually time pitou believe she could full heal komugi however do multip uses dr. bylph had improved significantly so it could be possible to heal her how ever pitou released something that she was the who let this happen the reason the boy was so angry and had so much darkness with in him was all of her fault and do to that she felt sorry to ward him "i understand" she slowed stop sweating and she no longer trembled I'll make it up to him by healing this person then his anger should subside

the boy then begin to speak "knuckle...i'll be fine here. i know i said pouf was lying , but he may have told the truth about on thing his true core is heading for the king...and the king is to the south.

pitou's thought began to race did he see though pouf scheme , this isn't good that means... no wait he's not after the king he's after me right  if he was after any one else he would of gone after pouf  his hatred is direct at me for now but i can't let him go close to the king i need to keep him here or take him away from him maybe north so his fang don't get close no i should  kil-

she could  understand why but something was stopping here from even thinking about killing him she couldn't understand why she need to protect the king but something was again her like  the idea of killing him made here hate her self she could understand it 

knuckle began to talk ", i can tell what you want to say , believe me, but it doesn't matter because I'm going to do thing my way " he turn around "youpi was-- no . no never mind." if gon hessites even little he could die "see ya"

10 minutes pass and gon was still staring at pitou and komugi 

and killua and knuckle walk in and knuckle statres to talk

knuckle: hey gon do you want me to use chapter 7 bankruptcy? on pitou , once she finishes she can't escape , I'm a great tracker to and if it get violent  a.p.r can shield you. don't worry

gon responds "she till has 20minutes, but thank you for the offer but i should be fine... i think i can trust her  "

pitou look at the boy his face does not say that he trust her more like i can hadal her if thing get dangerous

knuckle: alright fine will be out side 

once 5 minutes pass pouf speed in to the room there she is i just need to

pitou confront him "what are you doing her pouf"

pouf lunges at komugi only for pitou to get in his way and say "pouf are you try to kill her" 

he responds quickly "the king has been revived and forgot every thing about that women i neet to remover her quickly before he get back" as those words leave his mouth a dark aura is behind him as he looks back he see the boy and he says "go away " pouf laughs and responds "no until that girl is dead"

pitou looks at gon and try to reason with him "please gon help me I'll let you do what ever you want with me you can kill or do what ever you want just please need you to save this girl "gon looks at pitou eyes and they were pleding and willing do sacrifice every thing for this girl and gon got angrier 

"first comes rock !" gon charges up his fist "janken" and it charges more "rock" he throws th punch in pouf caursing the ant to bend slightly and his nock back but not really hurt and do to the attack it alerted killua and knuckle to run in to the room and they see pouf who was knokc in to the wall pitou stading next to gon slight shock as well as gon who throw a punch a pouf and komugi who is waking up do to the noise killua on aleart "gon what's going on" gon gives a commade "killua can you get the girl out of here" killua answer "yeah but " gon interrupts "I'll explain later " gon look at killua and he looks almost normal as if his anger never actually existed but one he turns to face pou his face goes back to being cold killua smiles slightly "fine but it better be a good explanation"

killua run over to komugi and picks her up putting her on his back and pitou asks "will she be ok" killua looks at here with his killing eyes "that up to you isn't it, for now she fine but if you betray gon or hurt him she won't be " pitou nod in understanding and then gon asks "knuckle can you distract pou long enough for killua to escape" pitou inteveens "if the king lost his memory then komugi could help so don't leave the castle"

kilua run out the door and pouf get up and try to follow only to get puch by knuckle "hakoware!"kilua is out the door she said the king has memory lose does that mean his still alive then this girl i can use her to make a trade with him he get out side and see palm who panics "i can see pouf main body it's with the king , they're heading towards the palace at an incredible speed killua runs of crap that's not good that mean the old man lost  if  that old geezer could kill him then who can 

pouf scatter searching for komugi and the poor girl thinks to here slef "can you tell me whay happening? " killua answers "sorry but right now i don't know othere then pouf is trying to kill you while pitou is trying to save you" momugi in fear "he's trying to kill me why" and were did dear leader go  killua stay silent 

pouf is in the sky being dramatic never the less even if it mean I'm executed for my crime... he then splits him self up  i do this for the king! then the segment begin to natter "find her" "find her" "find her" "four the sake of aware species...she is not necessary. i do this for the king" 

then gon, pitou ,knuckle and palm are looking for killua and komugi along with taking out segments of pouf

the group face of against pouf's segment in the hall way that lead to the elevator and knuckle what answers "what the hell is going on gon " punching a segment to increase chapter 7 bankruptcy gon ignores him and keeping destroying segments how ever pouf goes even smaller to expanded his search 

palm is uses her power to find killua and so they meet up and use meleoron to hide from pouf and they begin there meeting "so we know there after the girl, but can you tell us why" say knuckle " i can only assume pouf wants to kill her so the king doesn't get distracted from ruling over the world" replies pitou. killua  thinks  so if she safe he'll have emotions but there still no telling what the king will do want he has her the ex-assassin looks at gon who's dark aura is coming of his body and can clearly tell that he trying to keep his calm 

gon say in cold and almost tariffing manner "you going to heal kite after this right" pitou with sweet running down her face "i'll he'll who ever you want me to " the group looks at the situation with surprise "how can we trust you " knuckle adds but gon interrupts "it's fine palm can watch her and is she betrays us we have the girl" killua nod and knuckle concerned "you don't mean " killua adds "it's a hostage situation"  pitou replies " i understand , just as long as the king can see komugi then i'll keep my end of the deal " gon replies with darkness "good. whats the plan"

killua is standing on the wall that surrounds the castle with komugi on his back while pitou is stood there with him every on else is hiding using meleorn's god's accouples once pouf see killua he begin to try and reason with him" com now just hand her over " pitou  responds "Stop it pouf, komugi is vital for the kings memory's to return" pouf in impactions "she doesn't matter to the king, not any more. he no longer needs her, lord meruem has forgot every thing about here. " he flys over to attempt to kill her " so now he can rule this world with out any distractions" killua vanishes and then pouf is hit by a janken rock from out of no were, as he spinning through the air his mind begging to race that person with the invisibility power  must of hide  close to me then one i went in for the kill the boy who was with pitou could attack me with his ability 

taking the opportunity meleoron run to kilua and komugi and uses god's accouples to run away to the west tower 

how ever as they do pouf stop in the air and realizes that the king will be going to west tower the gungi board they must definitely make him remember i need to get ride of them so he separates him self annd they all fly to hide the board and pieces as the board is hidden the king lowers him self in to palace were the cocoon trees 

palm begins to panic and tell every there that the king has returnd and just like that pitou runs and gon gives chase "gon wait!" knuckle shouts only to fall of deaf ears "dam it " knuckle relents ikalgo trying to distract him "what do we do now" knuckle sighs and respnons "we can ether go afert the king or hind amongst the crowed to escape the situation" palm interrupts "no it's ok we've won" knuckle confused "how the king still alive"

meruem walk in the west tower and pitou kneels before him and pouf is sweating bullets  and the pitou begin to talk "my king komu-" pouf interrupts "what are you doing her-" mreruem stop pouf "now continue" pitou resplice to his request "my king " meruem then stops her "my name is meruem you may use it "   "right king meruem, i have heal komugi like you ask how ever-"pitou stops to look at the king with is hand on his face "komugi? , yes komugi that's... what i've been missing. thank you pitou" all the royal guards look at the king in surprise at his genuine display of emotion "you said however" breaking there shock pitou continues talking "in the process i had to exchange my life " the other gaurd look at her with shock

meruem looks at his gaurd "explain to me why" pitou nod and says "i have made an enemy  that very well could bite in to you, so i believe i have failed as a royal guard and to quell this enemy hatred i will die by his hands " meruem looks at her and her eyes are abustle focuses on this task meruem then speaks "were is komugi pitou" 

as those word leave his mouth killua and meleoron stop using god accouples and let the girl go and komugi confused at what going on "de-dear leader "komugi runs toward his voice hugging him and the king respects the show of affection

killua and meleoron leave with out a word and gon walks in "you done right "every one in the room looks at the boy and his aura is filled with malice  pitou turn to him and speak "yes i am we can leave now" meruem look over at the boy with dark aura "Are you the one who pitou made my enemy" gon looks at the ant king with no interest meruem "i see well then human boy you take her , but i wish to say one more thing " gon looks at the king  then responds "one sentence thats it "  "hmm fine i'll let you're impertinences pass for now, pitou you full heart i thank you for saving komugi and i thank you for every you've done for me ." pitou begin to cry and walk away with gon and pouf interject "you not just going to let pitou leave are you" meruan glares and the butterfly guard "she's is willing to scarifies her self as you have for the sack of the one i care for and as such i will let her go as that is what she wanted " komugi begins to speak " dear lead " meruem smiles and say "my name is meuem komugi and i would like to play gungi with you "

and just like that the king sat down with here and they began to play the game that brought them together


this was the first chapter i hoped you enjoyed it I'm sorry about spelling mistakes there definitely a lot and i hope you like the fanfic more chapter at some point

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