Stranger - hotd Cregan Stark

By laenyra2712

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I've started writing this story due to a request of one of the readers from my book Mourning, Valaena Velaryo... More



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By laenyra2712

Valaena and Aemond's visit to both cities had proved fruitfull. Aemond had hand delivered trade plans, conposed by the small council and signed off by Otto Hightower, which would be set in motion soon.

Valaena's nameday passed swiftly, and it became known to the courtiers that the girl was at last rejecting the Queen's opinions on how a lady should behave. A fortnight after her nameday, the Princess had loudly declared, at dinner, that she wished to take up swordlessons, or achery perhaps. The Queen has simply ignored her. Though a few days later, when King Viserys was feeling well enough to dine with his family, he suddenly brought the idea up. He mentioned that the Princess reminded him of Princess Alyssa, his late mother and ordered that perhaps  Helaena or the young Jahaera (when she would be atleast six) should join Valaena in archery as well.

"Viserys, please no." Declared the Queen as she glanced at her husband."It is hardly fit for Valaena to practice archery- let alone for Helaena or Jahaera..."

Helaena stared at her plate, the girl found hardly any interest in anything. So let alone archery. Valaena fought of  the urge to roll her eyes at Alicent. She had grown tired of posing ever ladylike and perfect of late. 

"Let the girls enjoy themselves!" Declared Viserys loudly as he shot his granddaughter a wink. "My granddaughter will be married soon, will she not."

Valaena paled at her Grandsire's voice. She had just turned four and ten. Aemond was to turn six and ten in well over nine moons. "I'm not of age yet Grandsire." Grimaced Valaena as she tried not to look at Aemond. Afraid that her cheeks might stain. Instead she held the King's gaze. "However, if you would allow me to practice archery I would be more than rejoiced and eternally gratefull. Court ought to be rather dull whenever you are not around to tell me about Old Valyria."

The King smiled widely at the request, offering his cup of wine high up in the air. "Ah, sweet Valaena, you remind me of your mother so much."

With a wave of his hand he dismissed his wife, who had opened her mouth to speak. Instead he turned his gaze towards his son, Aemond. "Aemond, take your niece to the courtyard tomorrow. The Knights will show her."

"Viserys, please! It is hardly-"

"Enough Alicent!" Bellowed the voice of Viserys as he nearly slammed his cup down. "The girl is to practice archery, that'll be the end of this conversation."

Come morning, Valaena had excitedly dressed herself to prepare for her archery lessons. She chose to wear a light blue cotton dress, simple, so that she could move. She pretended to be an archer using her brush in her dressingroom mirror. Bowing galantly as if she had won at a tourney

Though to her regret when she arrived. All she was allowed to do was observe. She begged Ser Criston to let her atleast hold the bow, but he wouldn't have her. He made her watch him and Aemond practice the entire week. By the end of the week, she had found out that it had been Alicent who had told Ser Criston to try and tire the girl out.

Aemond felt bad for his niece, and so he offered to show her after dawn. He was leaning against a wall, watching her sulk as Ser Criston walked off to attend his Queen.

"And defy the Queen?" Remarked Valaena with a grimace. Moving her hands up in the air.

"My mother doesn't have to know." Protested Aemond as he took a handfull of arrows from the stand. He moved his head to the side so he could see Ser Criston leave.

"Thank you Aemond." Valaena tried to smile, but in truth she had been so angry for only being allowed to watch. Now only annoyance coursed through her veins.

"Of course, come stand besides me." Hummed Aemond as he outstretched his hand, which the girl reluctantly took. She tried to look away from
His when he pulled her closer to him. He acted so cold, so natural, still Valaena swore she could see him blush. "Now place your hands like this." Breathed Aemond against her face as he held up her arm and positioned her fingers on the bow.

"Knock the arrow, like Cole showed you." 

Valaena did as he told her, she hadn't realized how much tension there would be between her arm and the bow. She grimaced yet again. Frowning her brows together. "Seven hella this is heav-"

"Now let go." Interrupted Aemond her cursing as he tried to hide his grin.

Ofcourse she failed at her first attempt, not quite, but very miserably. Her arrow flew right past it's target, bouncing off the wall.

Valaena groaned, before knocking another arrow and glancing at her uncle. Waiting for him to instruct her. "Keep trying." Encouraged the Prince with a nodd.

After five days of training, Valaena had still not managed to hit the mark. Aegon had watched them the day before and loudly declared that something must be wrong with Valaena's eyes, for she couldn't hit a target and was blushing at Aemond of all people. He even dared to state they perhaps together they would make for two eyes.

The Princess had ran up to him. Ready to knock him in the jaw, fortunately for Aegon, Ser Criston Cole had intercepted, as he had returned to the court yard to fetch Aemond for sword lessons.

So on the sixt day, Valaena was nowhere near giving up. And she kept knocking and retrieving her arrows. She wondered how long it would take for Aemond to scold her, but he remained patient with her. For this she was gratefull.

"Keep your feet closer together." Encouraged Aemond his niece. He stepped forward, tapping her feet with his slightly. "Good, now bend your elbow more."  He reached out his arm, annoyance on his features for only a moment. "Not like this Laena."

Valaena took a shallow breath as she felt him wrap his arm around her. She bit her lip slightly when he lightly tapped on her shoulder. "Hold it."

"Now let go."

She hit the, well not the mark but the target atleast. The Princess broke out in a grin, promptly stepping away from Aemond. Who she hadn't noticed had stared at her for longer than he ahould have. His cheeks pink when she wrapped her arms around the Prince and hugged him. "Thank you Aemond! Oh thank ypu. I thought I was never going to hit it."

"Good." Mumbled Aemond before suddenly walking away from her, his cheeks red. She scoffed. Putting her bow down before chasing after him. "What are you doing?" Called the Princess out as she followed him inside the keep, where only last week Queen Alicent had ordered a large tapestry depicting the maiden and the crone to be hung. Valaena knew the Gods should be spoken of with reverence, but alas the tapestry was quite ugly.

"Aemond wait up." Valaena grabbed her betrothed by the shoulder. Turning him around, her cheeks red from running. She placed her hands into her sides and scoffed. "Why would you just-"

Aemond cut her off then. He'd suddenly stepped forward and planted his lips on hers. Gripping her cheek awkwardly the two nearly stumbled into the tapestry. Valaena didn't know what to do, as she had never been kissed, but mostly because she hadn't ever expected Aemond to kiss her. They were supposed to be wed one day, of course, yet still. It came as a shock to her. And that is precisely why she pushed him away, hard.

Aemond frowned his brows angry at her, as if he were offended that she had pushed him away. He opened his mouth to speak, but found himself unable to find any words. Suddenly shamed washed over him and his cheeks turned pink.

"What the fuck Aemond." Cursed Valaena angrily as she rubbed at her lips. Hoping to wash away the taste of the orange preserve Aemond always seemed to be devouring.  "Why would you-"

She groaned before finishing her sentence. Staring at him for a moment before hastily grabbing the Prince by his collar and pulling him in for another kiss. It was a chaste as their first kiss was, and still she could taste the candied oranges on his lips. She frowned when he kissed her back. Pulling away before he could.

"You taste like oranges." Confessed the Princess before angrily storming away.

Come winter again, Valaena had practiced achery on a nearly daily basis. She and Aemond hadn't kissed again, nor had they exchanged any words on it. Valaena left for DragonStone quite a few times in the upcoming moons, her and Jacaerys name day passed. She continued painting and practicing archery. Despite the Queen continually trying to get her to embroider or dance more. She took Valaena to tea parties and made her practice singing, play music, or recite poetry, but none of it helped for in truth, the girl much rather snuck into the councilroom to learn about economic and political affairs within the country.

Come Spring Ser Otto Hightower had send a proposal to Princess Rhaenyra to have Valaena and Aemond wed early, the Heir refused, deeming her daughter too young. In her letter, Rhaenyra stated that she would reconsider next year.

A tourney was to be hosted at Raventree hall. The ancient seat of House blackwood. A young Valaena had once been amused by her mother with a store of how it's overlord, Willem Blackwood killed a Bracken Lord during a duel. The boy was only a child still, Lucerys' age when he had slain the man. When she told the tale to Aegon and Aemond in the presence of Ser Criston Cole the Kingsguard chastised her for repeating such tales. She was a Princess, not a Knight.

Aemond defended her, much to Ser Criston shame, though it only further annoyed Valaena that a man could defend her, but she could not do so herself. She hated that she had to be raised in the capital, amongst all these opinionated men, she imagined her mother amongst them, head held high and ready to scold any man.

Both Aegon and Helaena joined the tourney aswell, Queen Alicent remained behind to tend to her husband. Valaena had hoped to see her family at the tourney, but her mother had written that she didn't wish for Valaena's brothers to meet with Aemond, as it might wake old feuds, and so she went alone, accompanied by her uncles and aunt.

Valaena was pleasantly welcomed by many of the knights and Lords at the tourney, her favors had ran out not even halfway throughout the day. Which angered Aemond, as he felt insulted. The six and ten year old Prince angrily declared to his brother that perhaps he should partake in the tourney to show them, and defend his betrothed' her honour. However he was advised against it by Ser Criston, who offered to ride the tourney wearing Aemond's coat of arms. Aemond told him not to, declaring the other Lord's and Knights would deem him incapable to partake himself, due to his eye ofcourse, or rather lack thereof.

As the tourney commenced the next day, Aemond had tried and failed to get Valaena to wear a Hightower Green, so that she would blend in with him more. Instead, she wore a lilac dress, with little sky blue ribbons all over her skirts. When Aegon told her she resembled a sugarplum rather than a Princess, the girl managed to throw a fork his way. Causing them all to enter the day wide eyed and confused. They didn't dare to blame it on anything.

During the Tourney, Valaena looked radiant as ever, the favors that Helaena had constructed for the girl's the night before had all landed in Valaena's lap. Aegon argued that his wife shouldn't be handing out favors and when Valaena tried to intervene, he shut her down by telling her she shouldn't meddle in his marriage or he would start meddling in hers. (He seemingly tried to threathen Valaena that she would be wed very soon, where she not to shut up)

Aegon left the tourney red faced and drunk early anyway, and so he didn't notice it when Helaena Targaryen handed her favor to Benjen Stark, the younger brother of Lord Cregan Stark, who was said to be in attendance also, yet his brother had been the only partaking knight so far.

During Lunch, Valaena had left her seat, hoping to find some fresh air amongst the chaos of the day. She was glad that Aemond hadn't followed her, and so she dragged her lilac dress through the mud. Ser Erryk followed her closely, she tried to make conversation with him, but he was rather awkward and quiet. As he ofcourse had been instructed to be with the Princess.

"Ser Erryk, would you please, please find out for me if there is anything but-"

The Princess yelped as she lost her footing, Ser Erryk reached for her, loosing his footing also and having to steady himself onto a nearby pole. Valaena shrieked as her elbows all but touched the mud. Just in time, she hung still above the cold ground. Her violet eyes met deep blue eyes, auburn brows furrowed together and curls matching the same curious colour touched her own face. The Young man smiled at her, helping her get to her feet as he allowed for her to cling to his arms as he walked her to drier, steadier ground. Only a few paces yet still Valaena's heart raced in her chest.

"Princess allow me." Spoke the young man as he helped her step out of the sticky mud. "Thank you, eh Lord."

"Lord Stark." Smiled the man. "Pleasure to meet you Lord Stark." Valaena smiled, carefully eyeing how Ser Erryk tried not to seem annoyed. He didn't like the mud either.

"Would you allow me to walk ypu back, Your Highness, Princess Valaena Velaryon." Tried the Lord as he offered her his arm. She hesitated for a moment. She was meant for Aemond, she was raised for Aemond.

She bave him a nod then, reluctantly taking his arm. "I assume you must be Cregan Stark then."

"You are correct Princess, my brother Benjen wished to partake in the Tourney, he enjoys astronomy and reading quite a lot, however he has a weak spot for tourneys. He likes to strategize you see

"Strategize, do tell me more Lord Stark?" Hummed Valaena. She placed one hand on her lilac skirts. Brushing away some dirt, her other hand gripped Lord Starks arm. She felt quite frightened that she might fall again.

"He draws up plans beforehand, I haven't decided whether to call it clever or not."

"It is certainly refreshing, most Knights and Lords go into these tournaments without thinking, they just aim and seem to hope, no. They expect the best. They have a skillset for fighting of course, but I assume your brother has that aswell."

Lord Stark stopped walking, he frowned at her, and for a moment Valaena feared that he might think the conversation not fit for a Princess. Perhaps he'd think her not clever enough to-

"My brother is rather clever, but he's quite small for his age."

"Then why allow him to partake in such a dangerous event, do you not fear for the men with feeble tactics to maim him?" Dared Valaena sarcastically. Cregan Stark let out a laugh, it was heavy as his accent was.


Valaena turned around at the sound of Aemond's voice. They had reached the platform upon which the Royal family had been granted a seat. She frowned at him, his brow raised in anger. Perhaps Aegon had played the jester again.

"Lord Stark." Excused Valaena herself, knowing that she needed to return to Aemond's side.

Cregan Stark nodded at her, lips tugging upwards in a swift motion before he extended his arm. "Allow me Princess."

Valaena took his hand as she ascended the platform. It felt warm in hers and she blushed slightly when his finger ever so slightly brushed over her gloved palm. The touch sent tiny sparks all along her spine and for a sexond she locked eyes with him.

She could feel Aemond's eyes burning into her back. Wishing to defy him, and his ever controlling mother she chose to smile widely at Lord Stark. Blinking her eyes at him. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Lord Stark."

"I found it quite memorable to meet you, My Princess, the pleasure is all mine. Good day to you, and to you aswell My Prince."

Cregan Stark nodded at Aemond, sending anger through the young Prince. He scoffed when the Lord had turned his back. Glaring at his betrothed.

"What did he want." Stated the Prince.

Valaena frowned at her uncle. She walked towards the back of the platform, where heavy curtains hung to protect the Royals from the cold wind. She stared at the intricate pattern or ravens that had been sewn into them. The red thread used
on the eyes slightly terrified her.

"I wanted to see some of the yard, however I slipped and Lord Stark caught me."

"He- He caught you?" Stammered Aemond in disbelief as his clenched his jaw. Valaena only hummed, not understanding why he was acting ao dumb.

"Did he touch you?" Growled Aemond as he stepped closer to the Princess. She flinched at the tone of his voice. "Yes of course Aemond, what else was he supposed to do. Let me fall into the mud!" Valaena rolled her eyes as she walked away from her uncle. "Where are Helaena and Aegon?"

"Helaena grew tired, Aegon is drunk, entertaining other drunkards- but do not change the subject Laena."

"Excuse me? Don't talk to me like that."

"You are to be my-"

"To be, exactly, so do not presume to talk to me in such a tone or with such words ever again, or there will be absolutely nothing good for you in this marriage." Snapped Valaena.

"Laena, you can't just entertain other Lords, even if just for a moment. They will question our betrothal and already I find hardship within making these Lord-"

"Oh? So I am to refrain from speaking to other Lords."

"No!" Protested Aemond as he raised his arms. "You can speak to whomever you like, just don't- do not let them, him, touch or hold your hands, or your waist." Jelousy dripped from Aemond's tongue as she stepped closer. "They'll talk Laena."

"So, he was supposed to let me fall into the mud."

"Where was Ser Erryk then?" Scoffed Aemond.

"That is besides the point!" Exclaimed Valaena as she threw her arms in the air and amgrily stormed away from her uncle. Cursing him out underneath her breath as she too returned to the castle.

She needed to breathe.

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