Alpha And The Scientist [ONGO...

By jajakookie

62 2 24

Dr. Rosalia Evans was a renowned inventor for her many contraptions and devices that mostly aided in self-def... More

Chapter 2: The "Cult"
Chapter 3: Mates
Chapter 4: First Meet
Chapter 5: Lunch
Chapter 6: Careers and Communities
Chapter 7: Workaholism
Chapter 8: Leaving
Chapter 9: The Truth
Chapter 10: Caring

Chapter 1: The Human Girl

9 1 12
By jajakookie

Damian's POV

I was in my office doing paperwork when I heard a knock on the door.

"WHAT??" I yelled.

I've been up almost all night doing these papers and I barely made a dent.

Why do we even have this?? I can't even understand half of what this shit is saying.

The door opens and I see Isaac with a grin on his face.

This better be fucking good.

"Hey Damian... You look rough." Isaac says.

"No shit Sherlock, I haven't slept. Now what the hell do you want." I say.

"Well, I have good news and a favor." I raise my brow at what he's about to say.


"Well, the good news is: Crystal and I are having a pup!" He says.

I give a small smile "Congrats Isaac! You'll be a great dad."

I'm pretty jealous though. I'm one year away from being 30 and I still haven't found my mate.

Isaac found his mate when we were 20.

Lucky bastard.

"And what's the favor?" I ask him. I don't really have the energy to talk to people for long. I have to train the warriors later anyway.

"Well.... Crystal has a friend that wants to stay here for a while.... And she's human." He says.

"WHAT?? A HUMAN?? IS YOUR MATE FUCKING INSANE??" I scream, standing up from my chair and slamming my hands on the table. I can't believe this.

"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MATE LIKE THAT!" Isaac screams back. I try to keep it in and make sure I don't fucking rip his throat out for yelling back at me.

He's just defending his mate. I'll understand one day.

I sit back down on my chair and groan, looking at my beta as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"And what makes you think this human is trustworthy?" I asked him.

"Well it's not like she has to KNOW we're werewolves. Crystal says her friend isn't really the type to leave the house often." He said.

"Okay, well how about seeing wolves running around? Or your damn job? Or your mate's-" I get cut off.

"All of that is taken care of, Alpha. According to my mate her friend is an innovator and really prefers science. So even if she sees anything that may hint that we're werewolves, she'll probably just think it's some other rational reason. Besides, my mate said she thinks we're some sort of cult." Isaac laughs at the thought.

I laugh at it too.

Oh, simple minded humans.

I sigh afterwards. "Fine, fine. She can stay."

"Yes! Thank you Alpha!" He says.

"BUT! There's a few rules she has to follow if she wants to stay here." I say.

"What are they, Alpha?" Isaac asks.

"I'll think about it later. Just go for now." I tell him and he leaves the room.

I look down at the stacks of paper work, thinking about what I just said yes to.

I don't usually agree to humans being on pack lands, especially a human I've never met.

Maybe I'm just tired or something's off but I feel like I made the right choice letting that human in.

I stare longer at the paper work and decide I should just sleep for now. I'll deal with that a different day.

Besides, I have training later.

Ro's POV

I'm at this near-by diner Crystal told me to wait at. It's already 7pm and I'm eating pancakes.

Yes, pancakes for dinner. I actually find it tasty considering the fact that I've been eating nothing but canned foods for the past month.

Being locked inside for a long period of time really changes a person.

I look at my phone again to reread what Crystal said.

Crystal: Isaac is coming to guide you back to our house! Wait at [DINER NAME] \(^o^)/

This was 20 minutes ago. I don't really mind as I'm not all that excited to go to their.... community.

I'm starting to second guess my decision to stay with Crystal for a week. I could perhaps just stay in this town and work in this diner. The owner seems to be nice enough, and it doesn't seem to be the type to have too many customers that make your head spin.

Maybe I can do that when the week is over. I can rent or buy a small house in the area and work in the diner during the day.

As I ponder on what to do after my visit is over I hear the bell of the diner ring. I turn to look and see a man about 180 centimeters in height with dirty blonde hair, tanned skin and a muscular build standing at the door.

He was wearing a turtleneck, dress pants and black shoes. He's dressed quite formally, in my opinion.

If it weren't for the fact that Crystal sends me pictures of her husband, I would have assumed he's gay.

The man walks towards me and asks "Good evening. You must be Doctor Rosalia Evans, right?".

"Hi, yes, though, just call me Ro. You don't need to be formal with me." I say.

Crystal must've said something that made him nervous.

Was it cause I use Doctor?

"Oh! Alrighty then! I'll lead you back to our house." He says.

I nod. Hopefully it isn't as much of a nightmare fuel as documentaries show about cults.

"Oh, by the way, the Al- Head of the community has a few rules that needs to be followed while staying on pa- our grounds." He says.

I wonder about the stutter at some parts of his words but I just shrug it off. Cult things, I guess.

"Alright. What are they?" I said.

"First: You can't leave the house without our permission. You can go outside but not farther than a few feet." He said.

Vague. A few feet isn't really a precise measurement but sure.

"Second: you aren't allowed to talk to other members other than me, Crystal and whoever we allow you to talk to." He said.

Yep, definitely a cult. If I wasn't sure then, I'm sure now.

"Third, and probably the most important rule: Do NOT ask questions nor bother anything around the area." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I mean, if you notice something odd, like random wild life, odd conversations you overheard or anything else, don't ask questions. Leave it alone and pretend you never heard it." He said.

"Uh... Okay?" I said.

Man, this cult must really be secretive about their traditions. I'll try not to annoy them or I might make myself a new enemy.

"Are you okay with all of that?" He said.

"Uhh.. yeah. However! I have a few rules of my own, if you don't mind." I said.

"And those are?" He asked.

"One: DO NOT touch anything that belongs to me. No one touch them at all. It's either sharp, explosive, unstable or just hard to fix in general." I said.

Isaac nodded. I continued with my list.

"Two: with your knowledge, I am allowed to leave the premises at any time, with no explanation necessary." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just trust me on this. Finally: If you or anyone in your community notice something strange or unusual, you are to inform me immediately." I said.

"What do you mean by strange or unusual?" He asks.

"Oh.. uh-" I don't wanna tell them about the things Ethan made to try and kill me....

"Just weird things... Like uh... Weird looking animals that look uncanny to look at?" I say. Honestly I probably shouldn't have said this as a rule. It might scare the poor guy or just the whole community.

Isaac stares at me for a minute as I smile awkwardly.

I was never good explaining to people.

"Fine." He said. "Though I doubt anything strange is gonna happen."

Oh I wish that will be the case.

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