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By rxdientstaar

3.5K 146 157

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151 5 4
By rxdientstaar

𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟗

"Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you , Happy birthday dear Martie , Happy birthday to you ." The McCartneys chorused on the end of the bed , that was one thing about there family being musical and all , They all felt like they had to show off musical wise while singing happy birthday, especially Paul and Martie could see that even with her eyes barely open .

Martie was barely awake and there was very few things that would wake her up at six in the morning , but there was one thing that would , her two brothers and her dad piling ontop of her for a big hug .

"Ughhh" she groaned as they all suffocated her at once , "Thankyou." She struggled to say as her breath hitched back into her throat, patting the nearest back , which was mikes .

"Right . If ya wanna go to Blackpool yer gonna have to get up , hate to break it to ya."
Jim said opening the pink blinds in her room as the sunrise was just coming up as if on cue .

"Ay all i did on me sixteenth was get pissed." Paul said slapping the door frame as he walked out .

"James Paul McCartney!" Jim shouted on his way out and mike shuffled along with a giggle rising in his throat, and for that moment Martie felt actually appreciative of her family , yes mother wasn't here but her dad really tried , tried to make there upbringing somewhat normal, and she loved that .

Martie reached over to her blanket , hugging it tightly, "Im sixteen mum , sixteen!" She squealed quietly, "I wish you could've been here.."

She let down the blanket and scooted out of her bed , it was time to get dressed .

So she did everything she planned on doing , and yes she managed to sleep in rollers ! Okay so it did hurt , a lot , but if George Fancies Jane Fonda then we'll have to BE jane Fonda .

She put a shower cap on and took a shower using cherry pie shower jell from Christmas that sort of smelt like cough sweets more that cherry.

She hopped out the showed after shaving every living thing on her skin , and set out her outfit on the bed . A dark green baby doll dress , a brown and cream tartan mac that Howie gave her as an early birthday present, he said it was from Nina Ricci and that his sister didn't want it anymore , how on earth could someone give away a nina ricci mac? She had no idea but she was happy enough . She also had a green handkerchief
That came with the dress that she would tie around her neck , and she decided between her brown knee length boots , or her mary janes , she went with her boots .

Now she was ready . And so was everyone else by the sounds of it "Martie ya gonna miss the train!" Jim shouted from the stairs and she came running down to the sight of paul and mike waiting impatiently.

"Ill see ya tonight yeah?" Jim kissed Marties cheek as she walked out .

"Look after her okay?" She warned Paul and Mike , and they both nodded leaving the house, paul wearing Drainpipe jeans as always , a white shirt and his leather jacket , Martie wondered if he was like one of those cartoon characters who open there wardrobe and they have multiple of all the same clothes , thats what it seemed.

Mike wore blue cigarette jeans and a red and white striped shirt with a black leather jacket that was very clearly and hand-me-down  from Paul because it was enormous on him .

They were planning on walking to the train station to meet everyone else there , but they'd probably see George on the way since he lived near .

"You can't call me your little sister anymore by the way." Martie said proudly with her chin in the air , and Paul looked at her .

"But you were still born after me so i can?" Paul said

"Can i call you my little sister ?" Mike grinned at his joke

"No mike because your more little than me ." Martie laughed

"He's not to be fair , id give it another year and he'll out grow you." Paul said looking at there height difference , he was right , mike was getting too tall for his age and Martie was only a little taller , she liked to think she was as high as a lamppost though .

Martie glowered at the two boys laughing "you can't do this on my birthday"

"Oh we can." Paul said through a snicker .

"Oh we forgot your birthday punches." Mike added

And for the next ten minutes she received sixteen punches of each of the boys , when they caught up to George's house she'd be surprised if she wasn't a walking bruise.

"Happy birthday mart." George grinned as they all walked together and he lightly hugged her side , Martie smiled up at him and slowly faded back to a frown .

"Whats up with her?" Paul said with a smirk .

"I dont know paul ? What is up with the girl you just battered thirty two times?" Martie spat making all the boys chortle even more .


On the train , Martie sat with Joan , Alyssa and Howie in a compartment Together ,
The compartment opposite held , Mike , Paul ,George, John and somehow Cynthia as well.

"So dya still fancy George?" Joan asked Martie as they were all talking .

"How could she not?" Howie laughed .

"Ill have you know Howie , I've gotten over that silly phase." Martie crossed her arms .

They all shared looks , "Scuse me?" Allysa spoke for all of them .

"I think he's more of a friend y'know , and anyway , its not like he'd go with me anyway , isn't he with Mable Walton ?" Martie said casually as she picked up her little handbag and placed it on her lap , the handbag she recieved from her auntie , the first handbag shed ever revieved really , it made her feel more mature , like Cynthia , one of the college girls .

They all looked at each other completely confused, except Martie .  "I think so ..." Joan said looking at her lap , and martie pulled out a bag of jelly babys from her bag , John offered to buy them for her at the train station since he forgot to get her a present .

"Well that can't stop you from fancying him" Alyssa said smirking , and joan playfully patted her shoulder , squealing "Alyssa!" , they all giggled .

"Well i think johns quite the bees knees..." Alyssa mumbled lacking eye contact because she knew the type of judgment shed'd receive.

"No Issa!" Martie said frowning , "Isn't he with Cynthia?" Howie asked furrowing his eyebrows .

"Yes! He is , and i think Cynthia's perfect for him , I wouldn't want it to change , shes a respectable lady!" Martie spoke with a red jelly baby in the crook of her mouth , sort of defeating the maturity in what she just said .

"She is quite proper isn't she ." Alyssa rolled her eyes and looked out the window .

Cynthia had more of a soft accent , Martie didn't know if she was originally from merseyside or if she was just really posh like Howie , either way she envied her accent , she thought it sounded very royal .

"What about you Howie? Got any ladies in mind?" Joan grinned swiftly changing the subject that Martie was very grateful for .

Howies face went stiff as everyone watched and waited for a reply , "erm ... im not too sure." Howie said arching his head to look out of the compartment, as if he was hiding something.

"Come to think of it , i don't think I've ever seen Him with a lady friend." Alyssa said smirking as she turned her head to look at him , the very , very red howie .

"And i think thats quite alright! Ladies don't like Man slags ." Martie said smiling , trying to make Howie feel comfortable again , she didn't know what was going on with him but she sensed the irritation, and Howie wearily smiled  at her  . "Speaking of , what on earth is my brother doing." Martie said looking over to their compartments.

Across the compartment was Paul chatting up the trolly lady who looked at least twenty eight.

Martie rolled her eyes and groaned , "Hm .. mike looks quite nice today." Alyssa said as they all watched in the other compartment , and martie immediately glared at her .

"Issa can you not just fancy someone unproblematicly ?" She asked

Making everyone chuckle .


As the train stopped they all got out of the carriages, All of the boys seemed really giddy , stumbling everywhere, they were clearly tipsy .

As martie was walking paul out an arm around her "alright?" He slurred grinning down at her .

"Are you drunk?" Martie asked angrily glaring at him .

"God no ! never." He said with a big wide smile , and then took a miniature  out of his pocket and downed it .

Martie slapped his hand away "paul!" She squealed , "dad told you to look after me." She said angrily .

Paul rolled his eyes "your no fun." He said taking his hand off her shoulder and walking beside george instead .

"My bloody brother is pissed ." Martie scowled as she walked beside Howie , Howie gave her a sympathetic frown .

"Happy birthday Martina ! I forgot to tell you im sorry !" A voice hovered from behind her , it seemed to be cynthia . Martina turned round to see john walking with his arm wrapped around cynthia , cynthia smiling widely .

"Thankyou cynthia!" Martie smiled softly back at her .

"Unlike this one I actually got you a present!" Cynthia said poking john in the stomach making him dramatically wince ,.she went into her bag and pulled out six vogue magazines.

Her face lit up as she took it , smiling wonderfully "no way!" She squealed holding them .

"Ive read them all so i thought id put them to use once Paul said you were into fashion .i know its not much but.." cynthia got stopped by a hug around her waist .

"Thankyou so much!" Martie said hugging her .

"I didn't get a hug?" John said huffing sarcastically.

"John you got me jelly babies ." Martie said as she pulled away and began to walk with howie again .

As they got of the train , martie realised this might actually be the best day , the sun was out in blackpool , unlike in liverpool , as she stepped off she grinned looking up .

When she walked further into Blackpool station, Martie felt a thrill of excitement ripple through her. She cocked her head towards the exit of the station , taking in her first glimpse of the seaside town that had captured her imagination for weeks. The salty tang of the sea air mingled with the distant sounds of laughter and music, instantly transporting her to a world of wonder and possibility.

𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...

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