To An Unexpected End

By welcometowonkas

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This is a self-indulging Harry Potter fanfiction with my Original Characters. It goes through the same story... More


CHAPTER 1 - Welcome to Hogwarts!

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By welcometowonkas

"Hey! Is this compartment still free for another person?"

September 1, 1991.

Apophis positioned himself near the compartment where the two boys were seated. One he recognized from earlier, a face that seemed oddly familiar, while the other was a newcomer, someone he would be more than happy to strike up a friendship with. He wasn't inclined to judge people or be overly selective. He embraced everyone into his life with open arms, a trait he shared with his mother. As for his father, well, that remained a mystery. While others claimed he inherited traits from his father, he couldn't quite see it himself.

"It's free."

The boy with the shattered glasses replied, gesturing to the vacant seat beside him, as the red-haired boy nodded in concurrence. Apophis smiled before settling into the seat, leaning back against it, and releasing a contented sigh of relaxation. His body felt a bit sore from standing outside the train all day - well, perhaps he was being a tad overdramatic about just a few minutes of standing. But he didn't pay much attention to it; he was just relieved to be sitting down at last. He had even managed to dispel some of his nervousness, at least for the time being.

He turned his gaze back to the two boys, offering them a smile. "I'm Apophis. Apophis Snape, sorry for intruding out of nowhere - lots of the compartments are occupied and full." Maybe that was a fib. He hadn't really bothered to explore much of the train and had simply settled for the first compartment he came across. And this happened to be the one he chose. He didn't see the point in wasting more time searching for an empty compartment, especially considering how crowded it was outside.

"Oh, ah, it's fine. I'm Harry!"

"I'm Ron- Wait- Snape?"

"What's wrong with that?" Questioned Harry at the sudden shift of emotions from Ron.

Apophis had nearly forgotten his own lineage as the son of Severus Snape. Those who attended Hogwarts would likely be taken aback by the revelation. However, what truly piqued his interest was the familiar name - Harry. Was it Harry Potter? While Harry was a common name, it seemed to be swirling around in the headlines of the Daily Prophet, all about the infamous The Boy Who Lived. His reputation paled in comparison; he was only known within the confines of Hogwarts, largely due to his parents. He found solace in this anonymity; being in the spotlight would have been unbearable. Harry chose not to dwell on his feelings about the situation, opting instead to refrain from questioning it further, fearing he might encroach on the others' personal boundaries.

"Snape- My brother told me about two professors at school that are under the name Snape, one of them are apparently really scary-"


"He means my parents," Apophis chuckled, casually waving his hand. "My parents are both professors in Hogwarts, people aren't too fond of my fathers strictness, you know? But he can be nice, trust me." He tried to reassure them, or so he hoped. While he could admit that his father tended to keep to himself, he always treated him and his mother kindly.

"Argh... I'm with both Harry Potter and Apophis Snape... I can't believe this!"

Apophis' suspicion proved correct. The Harry in their compartment was none other than Harry Potter himself, the boy who had famously survived one of the darkest wizards of their time. But naturally, he kept his lips sealed. He was well aware of what had supposedly occurred. His parents perished, leaving him alone. It seemed somewhat callous for others to simply push him around about it, but he understood the fervor. Apparently, You-Know-Who was finally gone! Finally... He had a bad feeling about it. "No need to get so worked up about it," he chuckled. "We're just the same as others with a complicated history, right Harry?"

"Right- Yeah! Just the same as others- Really, I barely even remember what happened at that time..." Harry nodded in agreement, sheepishly rubbing the side of his neck. It was the truth. All he could recall was a blinding flash of green light - but nothing more after that. After all, he was still an infant at the time. It was impossible for him to remember all the details vividly. He didn't consider himself as special, contrary to what others might think-that was exactly how he felt.

"Right... yeah... Okay, yeah-" Ron replied, sinking into the seat. It had been quite an unexpected journey for him today. Overwhelming, but not entirely unpleasant. It was only now that Apophis noticed a sizable rat lounging on Ron's lap. How intriguing.

"Anything off the cart, dears?"

The elderly woman grasping a trolley laden with snacks unknown to muggle folks was quite intriguing, to say the least. However, Apophis found himself particularly drawn to the Pumpkin Pasties. The Pumpkin Pasties were delectably savory compared to the other offerings the woman had for sale. Harry Potter, on the contrary, appeared to have leaped to his feet upon hearing her - looks like he was hungry. Meanwhile, Ron Weasley merely lowered his head and shook it in refusal. "No thanks... My mom made me sandwiches." That's certainly a subtle way to imply that he lacked any wizarding money.

Apophis, declining the lady's offer himself, observed as Harry Potter proceeded to purchase at least... one of each item. Suffice it to say, both he and Ron were utterly taken aback. I wonder, where did he acquire all that gold and silver? Then again, perhaps it was bestowed upon him; why else would he be here without any means to purchase? "You look hungry, Harry."

"Yeah... You bought a lot! No... You bought like everything-"

"I'm starving." Harry responded as he took a bite of one of the treats he purchased from the lady. He relished the flavor, humming softly to himself. Apophis couldn't resist a chuckle and decided to let Harry enjoy his treats, leaning back in his seat as his gaze returned to Ron. Ron was solemnly eating the sandwich his mother had evidently packed for him. What's so bad about it? His mother used to pack him food as well.

"My mom always forgets that I don't like corned beef." Ron grumbled, begrudgingly taking a bite from his sandwich. Apophis smiled at the red-haired youngster's grumbling. He couldn't blame him; if he were given something he clearly disliked, he'd definitely feel a bit salty about it too. He recalled a time when he had a disagreement with his own mother. In the end, he found himself in tears of guilt, listening to her, and then apologizing profusely afterward. Oh, how he missed her already. It hasn't even been a few minutes since he last saw her.

"Here. Have one," Harry extended a pasty to Ron, feeling a twinge of sympathy for his friend. He even offered one to Apophis, who gladly accepted-after all, who could resist a delicious pumpkin pasty? Certainly not anyone. Those pasties were his absolute favorite. And Ron, who was truly grateful, accepted the pasty with a smile, setting the sandwich aside. "Thanks, Harry. You're a lifesaver."

Harry always found joy in sharing things with others, especially with those he had befriended. Apophis and Ron seemed like genuinely kind individuals, contrasting with someone he had encountered at Madam Malkin's Robes. That boy he encountered there seemed... exceptionally bothersome, in a sense. Their blatant discrimination against Muggles was deeply unsettling to him, and it didn't sit well with him at all.

As he indulged in the treats he'd purchased, Harry stumbled upon something intriguing - Chocolate Frogs. Were these actually frogs? "Hey, what are these?" He inquired, directing his attention back to Apophis and Ron. "These aren't really frogs now, are they?" He wondered aloud, intrigued by the array of strange treats the wizarding world had to offer. They were always delightfully peculiar. He found himself growing fond of this place, no, he corrected himself, he loved it here. He felt a sense of warmth and belonging that he hadn't experienced before.

"No, no... Though you should check the cards. I'm only missing Agrippa now..." Said Ron.

"I was never really interested in those-but the cards are quite nice to collect." Added Apophis.

"Huh...?" Those two never really explained the purpose of the chocolate frogs at all, which only added to his confusion further.

"Oh, right-I keep forgetting you're not really in the loop on this stuff-Chocolate frogs come with these collectible cards inside. I've got about five hundred of them already! Although I'm still missing Agrippa or Ptolemy... Gotta track those down to complete my collection." Ron finally filled him in, prompting a surprised look from Apophis afterward.

"500? Merlin's sake that's a lot-" Apophis responded while Harry Potter was completely absorbed in unwrapping the chocolate frog, eager to discover which card he might get-Albus Dumbledore. Fascinating... So this was what everyone was talking about? Dumbledore did look rather distinctive... not to mention, he was also the current headmaster of Hogwarts! "So... this is Albus Dumbledore?"

Apophis leaned in closer to catch a glimpse of the card Harry had received, letting out a small chuckle and nodding in confirmation. With a slight smile, he leaned back. "Yup, that's headmaster Dumbledore. We'll be seeing him soon." Humming softly, he shifted his gaze to the window, where the train continued its ride across the bridge, birds gracefully gliding past. The scene outside exuded tranquility, devoid of any troubles.

"Don't tell me you've never heard of Dumbledore!" Chimed in Ron. "Can I have a frog? Might get Agrippa this time -"

For now, Harry seemed unfazed by their presence, his attention wholly absorbed by the Dumbledore card he had received. He read through the description it provided with keen interest. To his surprise, Dumbledore began to vanish and disappear out of thin air! "He's gone!" He exclaimed, glancing over at Apophis and Ron, who were both preoccupied with their own activities, paying no heed to Dumbledore's sudden disappearance. They were both certainly used to it. After all, they lived in a family filled with actual pure-bloods.

"Dumbledore's cards are always like that," Apophis remarked, taking a bite of another pumpkin pasty and casually flicking his wand around.

"You can't expect him to hang around all day! He'll be back-" Ron chimed in before letting out a sudden grumble under his breath as he glanced at the card he had received once again. "Morgana! Ugh... I've already gotten six of her-"

"You wanna trade? I've got Agrippa," Apophis grinned mischievously, waving his wand in front of Ron with a playful glint in his eye. "About 6 of them... Just kidding, I'm not sharing!"

"That's not fair! You've gotta at least give me one!"

While Apophis and Ron engaged in their playful banter, Harry remained focused on the card. He found it peculiar-images in the wizarding world always seemed to be in motion, unlike the static pictures in the Muggle world. "You know... Pictures in the muggle world don't really move at all." He spoke, finally setting the card down next to him as he readjusted his glasses.

"I've actually seen it myself. My mother often takes me to explore the Muggle world," Apophis said, lifting his legs to sit cross-legged on the seat, his hands gripping his lower leg as a yawn slipped from his mouth. "I'm quite familiar with their customs-my mom's parents were Muggles, even though she's pure-blood. I never really met them, but my mom really liked the theaters!"

"What even is a theater?" Ron asked, completely unaware of all this talk about Muggles. Even Harry was taken aback to discover that someone who was a pure-blood and had spent most of their life in the wizarding world would know so much about Muggles. It was a relief to find someone he could actually relate to on the topic.

"It's something where we watch a film on a big screen," Harry explained. "Although I think some theaters have you watch things on a big stage to see people perform face to face."

"That's the one my mother enjoys the most. Opera, was it?"

"Opera... what?" Ron found himself utterly lost amidst their discussion of muggle things, his eyebrows furrowing as he struggled to discern or understand anything at all. Theaters? Operas? Oh, this was all too much for his head! But the two appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves... He couldn't help but wonder what it could be. Now they've piqued his curiosity-perhaps he should inquire about it with his father...

"Poor, Ron." Apophis chuckled. "Maybe I could suggest to my mother that we visit the Muggle world during the holidays. Of course, with both of your guardians' permission. I wouldn't want any of us getting into trouble. And my mother is quite strict about that whole permission thing-" However, as Apophis was speaking, he was abruptly interrupted by a sudden knock at the door of their compartment, drawing the attention of all three of them.

Then, a round-faced boy stood at the door, appearing rather tearful. Apophis could almost sympathize with him, but also wondered why he was so emotional. "Anything wrong there?" He asked, while the other two allowed Apophis to take the lead in the conversation.

"Have you three seen a toad at all...? I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!" The boy wailed, clearly distressed about losing his beloved little toad. Oh, how heartbreaking...

"He'll turn up," Harry responded with a slight nod, and the other two followed suit, agreeing with Harry. Apophis gave the boy a reassuring smile, aiming to keep him calm before any potential meltdown over losing his toad could occur. He could empathize with losing a pet. He had once experienced the loss of one of his own, and he still couldn't move on from it.

"Yes... Okay... Well, if you see him, please bring him to me-" The boy sulked before finally departing, leaving Ron with a slight sense of wonder as he leaned back in his seat, gazing down at his rat, whom he called Scabbers. "I don't know why he's so bothered. If I ever brought a toad I'd lose it as quick as ever! Mind you, I bought Scabbers here, so I can't talk," Ron spoke, gesturing to the rat lying comfortably on his lap. "He might have died and you wouldn't know the difference at all!"

Apophis winced slightly at the mention of death, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, smiling at Ron as he pet his little rat. He crossed his arms and ruffled his own hair. "I can't exactly blame him either. I once had my own pet, I couldn't get over her death at all," He attempted to chuckle it off, ensuring the conversation remained as light-hearted as possible.

"... oh, that's sad," Ron lowered his head a bit. "I would, I guess, feel the same way with Scabbers. He's been with the family for years! Have you guys ever tried changing your pet's color? I tried to turn him yellow yesterday, but the spell didn't seem to work."

"Changing your pet's color? How exactly would that work?" Harry pondered, while Apophis merely tilted his head inquisitively, awaiting Ron's next move.

In a rush, Ron reached for his worn-out wand... It was battered, with multiple chips along its length, and something white glinted at the end. "Unicorn hair's nearly poking out- But anyway!" As he prepared to raise his wand to cast a spell on his rat-Apophis stood at the ready with his own wand, prepared in case things took a turn. Apophis's father had been teaching him spells for a while now, and he'd recently begun to grasp them well. Some even considered him talented-the toadless boy had returned, but this time, with a girl by his side.

"Have any of you seen a toad? Neville's lost one." The girl spoke with a commanding tone, her bushy brown hair framing her face, and her large front teeth prominent as she talked.

"He recently just came here. We've told him we haven't seen-" As Apophis spoke, the girl's gaze seemed to shift towards Ron's hands, her curiosity interrupting him mid-sentence. "Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see what you've got." Apophis could only shift his head in response to being cut off, offering a sheepish smile as he attempted not to let it bother him. The girl appeared intrigued. He understood why.

Ron glanced briefly at Harry and Apophis, then back at the girl, offering a slight nod before refocusing on his rat and clearing his throat. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!"

Stupid fat rat...? Apophis couldn't help but snort at the 'spell' Ron had uttered, finding it amusing.

As Ron attempted to wave his hand over his rat, nothing happened... Naturally, Apophis had partially anticipated that outcome. I mean, what sort of spell is that, exactly? He knew some spells to morph things... His father had taught him about transfiguration. But he still has much to learn about it before he can master it. It's been said that it's quite a challenging spell.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" The girl questioned. "I've dabbled in a few spells myself, and strangely, they all seem to work for me. No one in my family has any magic either-what's even more surprising is that I received that letter, but I was thrilled about it!" And she continued rambling on and on... Apophis found it rather endearing, her passion shining through. But both Harry and Ron just seemed perplexed by whatever she was saying. They hadn't even cracked open their textbooks yet.

Apophis, on the other hand, was just the same as the girl. He was passionate about himself, especially of all the things his mother had told him about hogwarts. "I was thrilled too, haha. Have you seen the textbooks for Potions and Charms class? I can't wait for it. It's already my favorite subjects... No biases, of course, just 'cause my parents are professors for that subject."

"Your parents are professors? That's quite convenient... Right, oh, I'm Hermione Granger." The young woman, who identified herself as Hermione Granger, eventually presented herself, casting a curious glance at the trio as she motioned for them to share their names.

"Apophis Snape's my name."

"... I'm Ron Weasley."

"Harry Potter."

Hermione looked at the two boys, whose names she had encountered in the books she had been reading before arriving here, under the guise of "light studies," or so she believed. "Apophis Snape. Harry Potter? I've read about you two," She fixed her gaze on Apophis. "Your parents are two famous people. Weren't you capable of using a few complicated spells? And..." Now, her gaze shifted to Harry. "You're in the Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century."

"Am I?" Harry questioned.

"It wasn't that complicated." Apophis included, attempting to downplay his significance. People were becoming excessively surprised about a spell he had cast. For him, it wasn't overly complex. Simply conjuring a cherished memory was all it entailed. However, upon reflection, he realized that some individuals found it challenging to recall a genuinely joyful moment from their lives. Thus, he couldn't fault them for their difficulties. He even neglected to recall the memory he initially considered for casting the spell. At this point, he couldn't be bothered to recollect it.

Hermione could only release a sigh in response to the actions of the two. "Yes, you are," she responded to Harry. "And it's Expecto Patronum, for merlin's sake! That's a highly advanced spell." She shook his head, attempting to dismiss the situation. These two were excessively modest... but she supposed it was preferable to someone who would boast about it constantly. "Do the three of you know which house you'll be in?" Out of the blue, she shifted the conversation with a curious expression. "I've inquired about it with a few others... Personally, I'd fancy being sorted into Gryffindor. I've heard Dumbledore himself was a member-though, Ravenclaw wouldn't be too shabby either... Anyway, best we be off to go look for Neville's toad- You three should change soon, we're about to arrive."

And with that... She finally left.

"Whatever house I'd be sorted in... I hope it isn't one with her." Ron grumbled, placing his wand beside him before leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms. "Stupid spell... George gave it to me, bet he knew it was a dud."

"Houses... Hm. I'm not entirely sure about mine. My father is the head of the Slytherin house, and my mother was once a Hufflepuff. I'm fine with either, but many argue I align more with Slytherin. What do you guys think?"

"Slytherin?" Harry cocked his head slightly, wearing a quizzical expression. "I heard Slytherin's weren't really... good people."

"I heard too... Rumors say none of them were ever on the good side."

Apophis could only let out a chuckle, shaking his head in response to the two. "Not all Slytherins are bad. It's just those select few people, it was their decision. Not the house of Slytherin by itself." He smiled softly. "However, I can't deny those rumors. Plenty of them were pretty... wicked, you know? My father isn't though... Trust me!"

"I'll trust your judgement for that..." Harry nodded, still somewhat skeptical about the Slytherin house. He had heard numerous unpleasant rumors about them-so at the moment, he preferred not to be sorted into it. Perhaps Gryffindor was the best choice for him? His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when someone else opened their compartment there. Seriously, why were people barging in out of nowhere? As he glanced at who opened the door this time, he saw three boys. One of them he recalled meeting at Madam Malkin's robe shop-a rather pale boy with slicked-back platinum blonde hair. As he was about to speak, Apophis appeared to interrupt him.

"What are you doing here, Draco?"

So Apophis knew one of them all along? He appeared rather tense too, with perhaps a hint of anger in his expression. He had never seemed this intimidating before. What was going on? "Well, I've just heard that Harry Potter's in this compartment by a few people! Doesn't hurt to be curious now, right, Apophis?" The boy smirked, appearing just as cocky as he did the last time Harry met him. Apophis didn't seem to appreciate it. He glanced at Harry Potter, noticing that he was looking at him and his two friends from behind. "Ah, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," he introduced. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

The name seemed to elicit a cough from Ron, who attempted to conceal a snort. Draco Malfoy immediately took notice. "So, you think my name's funny, huh? I heard of you. Weasleys, wasn't it? Obnoxious red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford..." He scoffed, redirecting his attention back to Harry while collectively ignoring the fuming Apophis Snape. "You know, some wizarding families are far better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," He said, casting a disdainful glance at Apophis and Ron, while extending his hand toward Harry as if expecting him to shake it. But Harry didn't. And Apophis was relieved because he was certain he could have cast one of the nastiest hexes he knew on Draco.

"I think I can see the 'wrong sort' myself, thanks." Harry finally spoke. Everyone could have sworn they saw Draco's cheek turn a slight pink tinge, either out of rage or embarrassment. It was obvious it was one of the two. He gritted his teeth slightly. "I'd be careful if I were you, Potter," he paused, before adding- "Unless you'd be more respectful you'd go down the same path as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them either-"


And the moment those words left Apophis' mouth, he aimed his wand towards Draco, and Draco's tie appeared to be cleanly cut in half. "I'd watch your mouth if I were you, Draco." The sudden event and Apophis's aggressive demeanor left everyone slightly stunned. None of them had ever witnessed Apophis this enraged before. He typically exuded nonchalance and calmness, but now he appeared capable of tossing Draco out of the moving train at any moment. Despite Crabbe and Goyle, the two boys behind Draco, being larger than Apophis himself, they both backed up slightly, feeling threatened by a Snape son. Snape's always had this intimidating look on them each time.


"You know I quite enjoy casting spells," Apophis rose from his seat, his hand tightly gripping his wand. His wand, made of ebony wood and measuring about 14 inches, held its core a mystery as he hadn't disclosed it yet. However, his adeptness in spellcasting seemed remarkably advanced for his age. "I've heard of all sorts of spells... You know what interested me more, Malfoy?" He advanced toward the platinum blonde boy, his wand aimed at the other's chest. "Three of those forbidden spells."

Draco quickly retreated, bumping into the two boys behind him, his breath catching in a panic. "You... You freak-!" Despite the evident fear on his face, Draco managed to speak up before swiftly fleeing, with the other two boys following closely behind, attempting to catch up with him. Apophis simply stood there, shaking his head as he lowered his wand, then resumed his seat, casting a glance at the two astonished boys in the compartment.

"Sorry you had to see that," He smiled almost casually, as if he hadn't been furious just moments ago. "-What was that about?! The- The spell you used- You just made them scurry off just like that!" Ron spoke, trying to make sense of the situation, his tone betraying a hint of admiration. Even Harry appeared impressed.

"Yeah... He was acting all tough-but now you seemed to have just knocked that out of him-" Harry chimed in, but Apophis responded with a laugh, clutching his stomach. He found their reaction amusing and rather adorable. He was accustomed to people being impressed by his abilities, though he considered them to be quite ordinary. It all boiled down to constant practice until mastery was achieved. Besides, with two accomplished wizarding parents, who's to say he wouldn't excel?

"Don't be too shocked now," Apophis snorted. "It's just a simple spell I used. Diffindo is used to just precisely cut an object... However, you two should be careful when using it. If you use it recklessly, you might accidentally gravely injure somebody or even worse-"

"Death...?" Ron finished Apophis's thought, to which Apophis nodded in agreement.

"Maybe me and Ron should ask you for advice instead..." Harry joked, attempting to steer the conversation back to its usual lighthearted tone, though there was a hint of seriousness to it. After all, if Apophis was already proficient in many spells, he could lend a hand when needed.

Apophis did appear to take that suggestion seriously, and he wholeheartedly accepted it. He expressed his willingness to teach them, mirroring the guidance his parents had provided him. In truth, he harbored a desire to become a professor at Hogwarts, following in their footsteps. "I mean, I'd really be willing to, if that's what you'd like-"

"What has been going on?" Suddenly, Hermione barged in once more, wearing a concerned expression. She had heard some commotion moments ago, prompting her to investigate out of curiosity. "What's with all the commotion? Have you three been fighting? You'll land yourselves in trouble before we even reach Hogwarts! And none of you have even changed into your robes yet-" She frantically spoke.

"Apologies, it was me," Apophis spoke up, raising his hand while still holding onto his wand, offering a sheepish smile to the girl. "Might have accidentally used a spell on someone-" He admitted guiltily. Oh, he knew he wasn't just going to get in trouble with her-but with the Ministry of Magic as well. They had somehow prohibited magic on school grounds. What if they had already found out? He was going to get expelled sooner than he expected... He was in big trouble with his father...

"Oh- You're going to get in trouble-"

"Shh." Apophis quickly interrupted her, placing his index finger against his lips as he smiled. "You can keep a secret, can't you? Now... off you go, Granger. We'll change into our robes now." He stood up, quickly ushering Hermione out of their compartment and closing the door behind him. Then, turning back to the two, he grinned slightly. "You know... I'm not exactly supposed to use magic outside of school grounds. It's forbidden, but... let's just keep this between us." He didn't intend for it to sound threatening, but it did to the two, so they quickly nodded and swore to keep their mouths shut.

The three finally put on their robes, realizing that it was starting to get dark outside. The atmosphere felt eerie, surrounded by the dense forest and the general unsettling vibes it emitted. However, they simply shrugged it off, focusing on preparing themselves for their arrival at Hogwarts.

As they sat in their robes, a voice echoed through the train.


Apophis observed the two boys with him, noting their nervous demeanor as they hurriedly stuffed the last pieces of sweets into their pockets. He chuckled, adjusting his own robe as he leaned back in his seat, a sense of excitement swelling in his chest. This wasn't Apophis's first time at Hogwarts, given that both of his parents were professors there, but he still couldn't contain his excitement. This was an opportunity for him to truly immerse himself in learning.

As the train finally stopped, Apophis stretched his arms before rising from his seat and gesturing for the two to follow him. "Come. We don't want to be late now, hm?" Of course, the pair of boys hastened to trail after Apophis, making their way toward the dark platform. The chill breeze cut through their skin, causing all three to shiver involuntarily. The trio scanned the bustling surroundings, teeming with fellow Hogwarts students. It was undeniably lively, to say the least... As they stood in place, a lantern bobbed above the throng of students, accompanied by a voice.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" A large, hairy-faced man spoke, his unusual size making him stand out among the crowd of normal-sized individuals. It was quite impressive. Around the school grounds, many recognized him as Hagrid, the half-giant wizard and gamekeeper of Hogwarts. His gaze appeared to have shifted toward Harry as well. "All right there, Harry?" It appeared that both he and Harry were acquainted. Harry nodded in response to Hagrid's question, offering a smile to the larger man while he stood near Apophis and Ron.

Naturally, Hagrid reciprocates the gesture, offering a small greeting to Apophis and Ron before redirecting his attention to the rest of the students. "Come on, follow me - any more firs' years? Mind yer step now! Firs' years follow me!" He started to descend a steep and narrow path, enveloped in darkness, with only the faint glow of Hagrid's lamp providing any visibility for them.

Apophis appeared uncomfortable with the darkness, cautiously navigating the path while tightly clutching his wand. After a moment of contemplation, he reasoned that it was just a light spell, harmless enough to use. Surely, they wouldn't make a fuss about it, would they? "Lumos." The glow at the tip of his wand provided Apophis with some solace amidst the darkness, prompting him to release a deep sigh. Hagrid, along with Ron, Harry, and the other students, appeared to have taken notice of this action.

"Yer seem to be gettin' the hang o' that wand? Ye're Professor Snape's son, ain't ya?" Said Hagrid. "Now, let me think... yer name's Apophis, right?"

"Oh, you know Apophis?" Harry tilted his head curiously as he walked past them, listening in on their conversation.

"His mum, she don't stop talkin' 'bout him, y'know! Been hearin' his name all day whenever I see her. Real nice to know she cares so much 'bout him, though. Seen him 'round the school grounds too, back when he was just a little tyke." As Hagrid explained, Apophis felt a tinge of embarrassment, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he sheepishly rubbed the side of his neck earning a slight chuckle from Harry.

"Now, anyway... Ye'll get yer first sight o' Hogwarts in a sec... Just 'round the bend here." Out of nowhere, the narrow path suddenly opened onto the edge of the vast black lake. On the opposite shore, towering mountains framed a sprawling castle adorned with numerous turrets and towers. Its sudden appearance elicited shocked gasps and impressed murmurs from the students, the windows sparkling under the starry sky.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called out, gesturing toward the small boats bobbing near the shore. Apophis appeared so absorbed by the sky that he hadn't noticed Harry and Ron boarding the boats. Before he could join them, Hermione and Neville had already claimed the remaining spots, occupying the seats Harry and Ron had been in. He gave them a brief glance with a tilt of his head before dismissing it. It was just for this one occasion.

"I'll see you two at Hogwarts," Apophis waved to Harry and Ron before making his way to a boat with an available seat and settling in. What Apophis hadn't yet realized was that a boy seated right beside him was staring curiously at his face, as if he knew him. Uncomfortable with the scrutiny, Apophis returned the curious gaze, wondering about the boy's intentions. There was definitely something familiar about him. Had they met before? "Hello," He smiled, attempting to alleviate the slight tension.

The boy sported shoulder-length black hair and light blue eyes. There was a peculiar aura about him, a gentle smile gracing his pale features as he observed Apophis with curiosity. Apophis instantly felt uneasy about his vibe, but he reminded himself not to judge too hastily. Getting to know him would be the real test. "I knew I'd finally see you around here, Apophis."

Apophis froze in place. How did this boy know him? He hadn't mentioned his name to anyone except those four people he met on the train. So why did this boy know his name? "...huh?"

"Pity... It hasn't been many years and you've already forgotten me," the boy chuckled. "I'm a second-year student, just joining you all. Sitting in the great hall can get pretty dull while waiting for you first years. Veserys Ashford. Does that sound familiar at all?"

That revelation surprised Apophis even more. Yes... it did indeed ring a bell in his memory. Pursing his lips, he mustered a smile, attempting to conceal his nervousness. What had Veserys done to evoke such a reaction from Apophis? Hardly anything... but Apophis always felt this discomfort around him, and it was anything but pleasant. He couldn't quite pinpoint why, but there was always something off about Veserys that he couldn't quite grasp. "Ah- Veserys! Nice to see you again-" He could only hope that his tone sounded as genuine as possible when he replied. "I didn't know second years are allowed to tag along with first years as is..."

"Not really," Veserys gazed out onto the dark lake, tapping lightly at the side of the boat as he chuckled. Despite his almost childlike demeanor, Veserys was rather unpredictable. However, he was also someone with whom plenty of people got along. "I managed to sneak in~ Did you know I'm in Hufflepuff? Hmm... I wonder which house you belong to!" With visible excitement, he draped his arm around Apophis, grinning at the other boy. His overly friendly demeanor made Apophis uneasy, but he didn't know how to deter him. He was aware that Veserys could become quite unpleasant if he... got irritated in any way.

Apophis tensed slightly at Veserys's sudden arm around his shoulder, but he made an effort to relax, offering a small laugh as he subtly shifted away, hoping Veserys wouldn't notice. "I wonder that myself. Many had placed some useless bets about it, but I like the thrill of what I could possibly get." He commented to maintain his composure, his gaze flickering to the other boats in hopes of spotting Harry and Ron in the distance. However, the darkness made it difficult to see anything clearly.

"Everyone in?" Hagrid, who had his own boat, shouted loudly for everyone to hear. "Right then... FORWARD!" Suddenly, the boat began to move, gliding smoothly across the lake as if it were made of glass. Silence fell over everyone as they gazed at the starry night sky. The imposing castle loomed overhead as they drew closer and closer to the cliff upon which it perched. "Heads down!" Hagrid's voice boomed once more, prompting everyone to lower their heads as the boats passed through a curtain of ivy, revealing a wide opening in the cliff. The boats navigated through a dim tunnel, seemingly passing beneath the castle. As soon as the boats reached the shore, Apophis swiftly disembarked and made his way towards where Harry and Ron's boats were, deliberately avoiding Veserys despite his calls.

"Hey, Harry! Ron!" Between breaths, Apophis greeted Harry and Ron. Perhaps he had been holding his breath throughout the boat ride, a sudden change in his breathing catching the attention of the two, who found it peculiar. He appeared visibly unsettled to them.

"Something wrong, Apophis?" Stepping out of the boat with Ron, Harry asked Apophis.

"Same question! You looked freaked out!" Noticing the sweat trickling down Apophis's forehead, Ron added his own question.

"It's nothing. Felt a little motion sickness through the boat ride," That statement was false. The boat had barely any motion; it glided across the lake as smooth as glass. "Let's get going! Hogwarts is just right around nearby," He hurriedly gestured, then turned away from the two before swiftly trailing behind Hagrid, stealing a glance over his shoulder to confirm they were following him- as expected, they were. He hoped he wouldn't encounter Veserys again. Although he wished to be in the same house his mother had been in, he preferred not to be in Hufflepuff alongside Veserys.

There was certainly something amiss about Apophis. Harry swiftly caught up to him, casting a slightly concerned look in his direction. "You sure, you're okay? You're acting a bit... off ever since you got here now. You were fine moments ago!" He murmured to the other. "Did something or someone bother you on the way?"

"Probably," Apophis offered a brief response, his fist clenched tightly. Yet, he made a concerted effort to regain his composure, focusing his gaze ahead on his path. "I'll be fine, Harry. Don't worry about it." Finally, he glanced at the other, offering a reassuring smile. Harry, however, didn't appear to have much faith in that explanation. What had truly unsettled Apophis? He pondered this briefly but chose not to delve deeper, simply nodding in acknowledgment.

Hagrid reached up to the towering door, lifting his sizable hand before rapping on it three times. Before long, the door swung open, revealing a tall witch with black hair streaked with gray, clad in emerald-green robes. Her stern demeanor was intimidating to the others, and many knew better than to cross her. However, Apophis had a personal acquaintance with her. "That's Professor McGonagall," he whispered to Harry and Ron, gesturing to the witch.

"She's kinda scary..." Ron murmured to the two. "Looks strict to me."

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said as he lowered his lamp.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take it from here," McGonagall swung the doors open wide, inviting the students to enter. The stone walls were illuminated by flaming torches. The ceiling soared too high to discern, while a magnificent marble staircase before them ascended to the upper floors. To say the least, the students were astonished by the grandeur of the school they would be attending.

"This place is really cool..." Harry remarked, prompting nods of agreement from Apophis and Ron. All the students trailed behind McGonagall as they crossed the flagstone floor. From a doorway to the right, multiple voices could be heard. Apophis glanced in that direction and spotted Veserys sneaking through, attempting to avoid detection by McGonagall. It was clear he had snuck out to join the first years when he shouldn't have. Yet for the time being, Apophis made an effort to ignore him as best he could, redirecting his attention to their path ahead.

"Who was that?" Out of the blue, Harry asked Apophis, indicating that he had also spotted Veserys.

"A second-year Hufflepuff," Apophis answered briefly. "Though let's pay him no mind. He's just causing trouble to himself," That seemed rather suspicious... He swiftly changed the subject when Veserys was mentioned, and Harry immediately picked up on it. Maybe it was something personal? Harry didn't want to pry too deeply into Apophis' life, but it was evident that the topic made him visibly uncomfortable. Now, they were finally led into a small, empty chamber off the hall. Due to that, they crowded in, standing rather closely to each other, looking around with visible nervousness.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," McGonagall spoke abruptly. "The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you arrive at the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses." The sight prompted numerous whispers among the group, with many speculating about which house they would be sorted into. It was an exhilarating moment, as their future status hinged on the house they would be assigned to. "The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." She provided a comprehensive explanation, covering all the essential points. This included details about the houses and how the sorting ceremony was on the verge of commencing.

"Decided on a house you'd hope to be in?" Apophis inquired of the two boys beside him while idly toying with the wand concealed within his robes.

"Gryffindor... Not that much to my surprise, my family's filled with Gryffindor's." Said Ron.

"I'm unsure myself- Although I hope we all can be in the same house..." Harry whispered quietly. The trio was so engrossed in their conversation that they failed to notice McGonagall briefly stepping away to attend to something. "How do you think they'll exactly sort us into the houses?" He inquired with curiosity. Professor McGonagall had never really touched upon that topic earlier.

"Some sort of test, I think... Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking." Ron responded, which only got Apophis to raise his eyebrow. Apophis had gleaned a lot about Hogwarts from his parents, so he was familiar with the basic procedures of navigating through such things. He understood it involved some sorting hat, but opted not to bring it up, preferring to maintain the thrill of the moment, wouldn't you agree?

But upon hearing that, Harry's expression suddenly shifted to one of nervousness. Why was there going to be a test? And in front of the entire school, no less-he glanced around, lips pressed into a tight line. What if he failed? Would he be forced to return to the Dursleysn and go to that god forsaken school? That was something he definitely didn't want to happen.

"You okay, Harry-" Unfortunately, Apophis was abruptly interrupted by several people behind them screaming out of nowhere, causing him to startle and glance behind, retrieving his wand from his robe. Was anyone in danger? No, it was just 20 ghosts suddenly passing through the back wall, prompting him to breathe a sigh of relief. They were pearly-white and faintly transparent, gliding across the room, paying little heed to the first years. This prompted a slight chuckle from Apophis; he had heard about them before. The ghosts that roamed Hogwarts... Personally, he found them rather amusing.

The ghosts chatted amongst themselves for a while until one, clad in a ruff and tights, suddenly took notice of the first year. Silence fell for a moment until one, resembling a plump little monk, approached the first years with a cheerful demeanor. "New students!" He exclaimed happily. "About to be sorted, I suppose?" He clasped his hands together, his gaze shifting towards Apophis, which brought an even broader smile to his face. "Ahh... Apophis Snape! Your mother used to be in Hufflepuff, yes, yes I've heard plenty of you!" He glided closer to inspect the boy before gliding back and redirecting his attention to the rest of the students once more. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff! My old house, you know..."

"These ghosts know you?" Ron whispered to Apophis.

"Yes. It isn't my first time here in Hogwarts, but the last time I was here, I was 7-years-old." Apophis turned to respond, his gaze shifting from the departing ghosts until his attention was drawn back by a familiar voice-

"Move along now." A sharp voice spoke... Professor McGonagall had just reappeared from wherever she had been. "The sorting ceremony is about to start. Now, form a line." She promptly gave instructions, and the growing anxiety in Harry's stomach resurfaced once again. It was starting... It was starting. What if all the negative thoughts swirling in his mind materialized? What if he truly found himself sent back to the Dursleys'? His thoughts, however, were swiftly interrupted as he felt a hand on his back, gently guiding him into the forming line.

"Don't be nervous, Harry," Apophis whispered to Harry, seeking to comfort him, recognizing his deep nervousness. He desired for the others to enjoy Hogwarts to the fullest extent possible. Surely, there couldn't be any benefit to constant overthinking, could there? "It's not what you think. Don't worry. They don't let first years use magic too soon even if a few already know how to." He added, smiling at Harry, before joining the line himself, positioning himself just behind Harry, with Ron at the front.

Harry felt a wave of relief as he heard Apophis reassure him. If Harry were to confide in anyone about Hogwarts information or spells, it would be Apophis. Apophis possessed a wealth of knowledge about this place. Harry could always rely on him for tips or other assistance whenever needed. Harry felt genuinely grateful to have met Ron and Apophis; otherwise, he might have faced the prospect of spending the entire year at Hogwarts without friends. Everyone followed Professor McGonagall out of the chamber, across the hall, and eventually through a set of double doors leading into the Great Hall.

The trio's eyes gleamed at the magnificent sight. The Great Hall was opulent, illuminated by countless candles suspended in midair above four lengthy tables, where all the other students were seated. The tables were adorned with shimmering golden plates and goblets, while at the head of the hall, another long table was occupied by the teachers. Apophis scanned each of the teachers, eventually locating his parents seated beside each other. His mother, with burgundy hair and dark skin, possessed striking teal-green eyes. In contrast, his father had sallow skin, a prominent hooked nose, and shoulder-length black hair framing cold, dark eyes. The stark contrast between his parents often surprised many, leading to questions about how they ended up together. However, most agreed that Apophis bore a stronger resemblance to his mother.

"Harry, Ron, look it's my parents!" Apophis exclaimed excitedly to the two as he raised his hand to wave at his parents, attempting to catch their attention. Which, of course, they promptly noticed; his mother waved at him excitedly, nudging his father to do the same. His father's gaze swept coldly among the students before settling on Apophis, a rare small smile forming on his lips as he discreetly waved at the boy. Yet a frown immediately replaced his expression the moment he saw who Apophis stood next to... his gaze now shifting to Harry.

Apophis quickly noticed the sudden change in his father's emotions, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Finally meeting Apophis' father's gaze, Harry felt a sharp sting emanating from his scar, causing him to wince involuntarily. This was the first time his scar had ever stung like this, prompting concern from Apophis for Harry's well-being. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Nothing much-" Harry responded. "My scar is stinging for some reason," He attempted to dismiss the sensation as best as he could, choosing to ignore it for the time being. Merely locking eyes with Apophis' father seemed to have stirred something within him-was it fear? Nervousness? A sense of foreboding settled in his gut.

"Do you often clean your scar properly? Perhaps that's why, I heard in the muggle world infections happen," Apophis chimed in, completely uncertain about Harry's true emotions. No, he wasn't merely uncertain; he couldn't pinpoint why. But Harry's demeanor had shifted the moment he set eyes on Apophis' father. Was there some history between them? He recalled his mother mentioning that his father harbored some animosity toward someone from his school days... Could it be Harry's father? Despite his growing curiosity, he resolved to keep it to himself. He didn't want to inadvertently make anyone uncomfortable.

"Yeah... I'll clean it soon," Harry offered a brief response, their attention shifting back to Professor McGonagall, who silently positioned a four-legged stool in front of the first years. Perched atop it was a patched, frayed, and exceedingly filthy hat. For a few moments, complete silence enveloped the room, until the hat suddenly twitched. A rip near the brim stretched wide, resembling a mouth, and the hat began to sing... emitting a peculiar melody.

As the hat concluded its song, applause erupted from the students at each of the four tables. The hat bowed graciously to each of them in turn. "So we've just got to try on that hat!" Ron whispered to Harry and Apophis. "I'll kill Fred... He was going about wrestling a troll!"

Apophis couldn't suppress a slight chuckle at Ron's remarks. He found it hard to believe Ron would trust so readily. Naturally, Hogwarts wouldn't subject first years to wrestling trolls just for the sake of sorting them into houses. It was quite amusing, to say the least. "You believed that so easily?" Harry, however, wore a relieved expression. If there were no tests or daunting tasks for first years beyond simply wearing a hat, then he felt secure.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," Professor McGonagall addressed the students, capturing their attention as she held a scroll containing all their names. "Abott, Hannah!" One by one, names were called, each student sorted into their respective houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor... and so on. Numerous names were yet to be called, but the houses cheered enthusiastically for the new members they had gained.

"Granger, Hermione!" At last, a familiar name was called, prompting the girl to almost run up to the stool, eagerly awaiting the moment when she could wear the hat... until the hat spoke out loudly.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Ron's groan was almost audible, drawing a chuckle from Apophis, while Harry remained visibly consumed by his worries and anxiety. What if he doesn't get sorted? What if he just sits there, the hat remaining silent? They'd just have to take him back! Amidst his contemplative thoughts, Malfoy was sorted, and then finally... Harry's turn arrived.

"Potter, Harry!" As Harry cautiously approached the stool, whispers erupted throughout the Great Hall, with all eyes constantly darting towards him. He was undeniably well-known because of that incident, though he could barely recall it himself. The boy who lived. Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Apophis, who offered a reassuring smile, as if silently conveying that everything would be fine and that he was there to support him. This... deeply reassured Harry.

After inhaling deeply, he seated himself on the stool, his eyes scanning the remaining crowd of first-years yet to be sorted into houses. The hat was promptly placed on his head as soon as he settled onto the stool. "Hmm..." As soon as the hat touched his head, it finally spoke. "Difficult... Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent. Goodness, yes... And a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?"

Not Slytherin... Not Slytherin. Harry thought to himself, his fist clenched. Despite Apophis' reassurances that not all Slytherins were bad, he still couldn't bear the thought of being sorted into that house. He would rather be anywhere else, just not there. But it appeared the hat had somehow discerned his thoughts. "Not Slytherin, ey? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that-"

No. I don't care. I don't want to be in Slytherin.

"No? Well, if you're so sure... better be... GRYFFINDOR!" In the final moments, the hat shouted out the house Harry was sorted into, filling him with a wave of relief. A smile spread across his lips as he glanced at Apophis, who beamed back at him with an almost proud expression. Ron, on the other hand, gave him a thumbs-up as Harry made his way towards the Gryffindor table, where the others welcomed him warmly.

"We got Potter! We got Potter!" Harry beamed excitedly at the Weasley twins as the crowd cheered. Even out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hagrid giving him a thumbs-up, to which he grinned back at the giant. Next came Ron's moment. As anticipated, he was sorted into Gryffindor House, just as he had expected. Now, the only member of the trio remaining is Apophis, who is yet to be sorted among them...

"Snape, Apophis!" At last, it was Apophis' turn. People gathered around, much like they did for Harry, to observe the boy. Logically, this was because the boy shared the same last name as two of their professors. Taking a step forward, he glanced at Ron and Harry with a smile before sitting down on the stool and having the hat placed on his head. He waited patiently as the hat pondered for a moment.

" very interesting. Quite ambitious you are... but also incredibly intelligent." The hat paused for a bit. "Yes, I know now... RAVENCLAW!" Apophis paused briefly. The house he was sorted into wasn't exactly what he had expected. It wasn't disappointment he felt, but rather a sense of surprise, especially since many had anticipated him being placed in Slytherin. What would people think of him now? Why was he even concerned about others' expectations regarding the house he was sorted into? He pursed his lips lightly before stepping off the stool, his gaze shifting towards his two friends. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment that he wouldn't be in the same house as them. But it was to be expected, no? He was... entirely different from them.

He waved to his two friends before making his way over to the Ravenclaw table and taking a seat among them. Leaning on the table, he greeted a few fellow students with a smile. The greeting was brief, with a few students welcoming him and congratulating him on joining Ravenclaw. Most of them exuded confidence in their house, considering Ravenclaw to be the smartest among the other houses. Ravenclaws embodied a house of knowledge-that was precisely their reputation. Leaning on the table, he glanced once more towards his parents, catching his mother's proud gaze and his father's brief nod of acknowledgement and congratulations. They were always so supportive, no matter the circumstance.

Feeling a wave of relief after seeing his parents' happiness, he shifted his gaze towards the last student to be sorted. They appeared quite intriguing to him. Intriguing... he thought, particularly noting the unusual length of their hair, which seemed to wave in an unnatural manner for what one might not consider 'normal'. It resembled the flowing tendrils of a jellyfish in water, captivating the attention of everyone present. "Scamander, Peregrine!"

"Scamander?" Suddenly, someone seated right next to Apophis spoke up, their eyes fixed on the intriguing student with curiosity. "As in Newt Scamander? Author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them?"

"As I've heard," Apophis responded, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as he glanced at the person from the corner of his eye. The individual sported long red hair, with only half of it tied back in a braid while the rest flowed freely below. Their eyes matched the color of their hair, a slightly darker shade of red that wasn't immediately noticeable unless one looked closely. "I've heard about her. Newt Scamander himself is apparently her grandfather," He emitted a low hum, prompting a nod from the other person who seemed mildly curious. They didn't seem very talkative, a fact that was quite apparent to Apophis. He wasn't jumping to conclusions, but he had a strong intuition, particularly considering their demeanor.

He shifted his focus back to the Scamander girl, observing as she hurriedly settled onto the stool, displaying a touch of clumsiness. But as soon as the hat touched her head, she was swiftly sorted within moments, contrasting starkly with his own experience with Harry, which had taken much longer. "SLYTHERIN!" A momentary pause fell over the crowd, eliciting whispers from the Slytherin table as they glanced over at Peregrine, their thoughts wandering. Could someone like her, a clumsy girl, truly belong in Slytherin of all houses? Even the Hufflepuffs seemed to anticipate her sorting, but Slytherin? Certainly not. Was it a mistake, perhaps? Or perhaps not... The hat didn't offer any further explanation on the matter.

Once the hat was removed, Peregrine hopped off the stool and made her way to the Slytherin table, sporting a friendly smile. Her enthusiasm seemed to contrast with the reactions of most Slytherins. Perhaps a few greeted her back and extended a welcome, while others regarded her with solemn gazes... Particularly Draco. Draco seemed to be in quite a sour mood... Even Apophis, seated far from him, couldn't help but notice. For Apophis, witnessing their interactions would surely be intriguing, to say the least. How could they possibly become friends? Draco already seemed to harbor a strong dislike for her.

He made a conscious effort not to dwell on it any longer. Other people's relationships were not his concern; he was determined to focus solely on himself and avoid making any foolish decisions-a lecture his father frequently imparted to him. He dedicated himself entirely to this mindset, motivated by a desire not to disappoint or overly worry his parents. He would feel a pang of guilt at the thought, but acknowledging his youth, most should understand that mistakes were inevitable despite his earnest efforts to avoid them.


Apophis' thoughts were abruptly interrupted as his attention shifted to their headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, rising from his seat. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words..." Dumbledore paused, bringing his hands together as if about to address something of great significance; however... "Nitwit! Blubbler! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" Despite just sitting back, the crowd erupted into excited cheers and applause. What was the exact purpose of that again? Without questioning it further, he chuckled and joined in the enthusiastic cheers along with everyone else.

As the feast commenced, Apophis made his way to the food tables to select a few items for his plate. He wasn't the heartiest eater, especially considering he was still quite full from indulging in pastries on the train earlier when Harry had over-bought. His parents would chastise him for skipping dinner and discovering that he had only consumed sweets. They were deeply concerned, and he empathized with their anxiety, especially given their past experiences. He started to concentrate on the food on his plate, occasionally stealing glances at his fellow Hogwarts students, intrigued by the diverse personalities among them. Each individual exhibited remarkable uniqueness, and he pondered the possibilities of discovering even more about them in the future.

"Curious about everyone?" A somewhat subtly profound voice jolted Apophis from his reverie, prompting him to direct his attention towards the person seated directly in front of him. She bore a striking resemblance to the individual who had inquired about Peregrine, albeit slightly taller and older, as Apophis surmised. Her medium-length hair was neatly tied in a simple half ponytail. The individual possessed sharp eyes, with a mole beneath one eye, and wore an almost nonchalant expression as she offered him a light smile.

"Truthfully," Apophis replied, placing his spoon down on his partially empty plate. "Everyone here is really unique. I'm curious to get to know everyone," That was one of the few traits he shared with his mother. Always sociable, extroverted, and eager to befriend those around him. Yet simultaneously, his social energy depleted almost instantly, often leading him to become avoidant of people until it somehow replenished itself-a process that typically took a few days. He didn't enjoy numerous interactions as much as he desired to acquaint himself with everyone.

"Understandably so," the person chuckled. "Name's Alastair Elsher, 5th year. That's my sibling, August," She gestured towards the individual with whom he had just interacted moments ago. He guessed correctly; their appearances were so remarkably similar that they could easily be considered siblings. They shared the same facial features, hair color, eye color, and more. He would find it more surprising if they weren't siblings rather than if they were. "Apophis Snape, right? Saw your baby picture from Professor Celeste, she talks a whole lot about you every time we have free time hers and Professor Flitwick's class."

"Rather annoying, if you ask me." August made a rather snarky comment, indicating that they weren't the type of person who enjoyed the company of others. In fact, Apophis had assumed they would despise everyone, a presumption that turned out to be accurate. August's frequent glares were quite conspicuous.

However, it appeared that Alastair's glare prompted August to quickly avert their gaze. "I apologize for my siblings' attitude. They're just embarrassed to admit it's cute," Her gaze shifted back to Apophis, offering him a reassuring smile. They were indeed an intriguing pair of siblings. Apophis didn't have much experience with having siblings, as he had heard that his previous twin, who was meant to be his sibling, had tragically passed away during birth. It made him ponder: if that hadn't happened, would they have been similar to this pair?

"No worries, I get the feeling," Apophis reassured. "Bit embarrassed that my mum would just yell all about me, she told me all about it," Amidst his amusement, he chuckled, utterly oblivious to the meal before him. Having already satisfied his hunger, it mattered little to him whether he finished the food or not. Having made a token effort to eat in front of his parents, he hoped it would suffice to avoid their disapproval; otherwise, he anticipated a lecture looming on the horizon. "At least my father is a bit tone down when talking about me, you know."

"Don't be embarrassed now. It's just a mother's love!" With a delighted exclamation, Alastair clasped her hands together, a warm smile gracing her face, evidently appreciating Apophis' connection with his mother. "I've caught wind of a few things about you from Professor Snape as well... Quite surprising, I must say, to witness even the faintest hint of a smile from him. Back in my Hogwarts days when I was in third year, he was always the epitome of grumpiness and strictness. Merlin's beard... everyone practically trembled in his presence!"

Apophis couldn't resist a faint smile in response to the other's contagious enthusiasm. Individuals like these were always the ones he'd naturally gravitate towards - sociable and adept at steering the conversation when he found himself weary of talking too much. "My father can be terrifying. I know that for sure," he admitted. "The last time I got on his bad side, I swear I heard about it for weeks! But you know what? He did eventually make it up to me. Deep down, my old man's got a heart of gold, even if he doesn't wear it on his sleeve often."

"That I can tell," Alastair leaned in, resting her chin on the palm of her hand, offering Apophis a warm, close-eyed smile. "Honestly, Professor Snape is one of my fav' teachers. Potions class is always so fun with him. And meeting his son today? Oh, I'm certain we'll get along wonderfully!"

"Both of you are an earful, and it's fuckin' annoying," August abruptly entered with a murmured greeting, though loud enough for the pair to catch. They appeared visibly irritated, their annoyance evident as they seemed perturbed by the excessive chatter between the two. Originally not slated to attend the banquet, they found themselves reluctantly pulled in by Alastair's persuasion... How irritating.

"Now, now... watch that attitude, August. Apophis here is new, be nice," Despite Alastair's seemingly friendly tone, there was an undercurrent of venom that people could almost feel, a clear indication of her displeasure with August's attitude. It was evident that she possessed the ability to swiftly put August in their place with just a single glance and a few words. Apophis couldn't shake the uneasy feeling creeping over him. He understood the consequences of crossing Alastair, knowing it could lead to a situation he'd rather avoid.

"Ahem... Just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you," Dumbledore spoke once again, his voice resonating through the Great Hall, capturing everyone's attention once more. "First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well-"

Apophis paid little heed to Dumbledore's words, instead casting a questioning glance towards Alastair. "Why is it forbidden to go there?" Curious about what the forest might hold that warranted such strict forbiddance for students, he asked the question. If it was deemed unsafe, why was it situated so close to the school grounds?

"Not that it's forbidden to us, we just can't enter without adult supervision," Alastair responded, taking a sip of her drink, which happened to be juice provided to them all. "The place is filled with magical creatures and stuff like that so if we were to mindlessly enter we might accidentally provoke the creatures there, you know." She explained. "Entered there once, but it was with Hagrid when I had detention. Had to help him with stuff there. Pretty creepy forest at night if I do say so myself."

That seemed to pique Apophis' curiosity even further. Magical creatures roaming the Forbidden Forest? He had heard of all sorts of magical creatures from a book he had been reading, and it was one of the few things he was deeply interested in. Many of the magical creatures ranged from lenient to dangerous, each possessing its own unique characteristics that he thoroughly enjoyed learning about. They held more fascination for him than most historical figures. "What sorts of magical creatures, if I may ask?"

"Most commonly known creatures there in the Black Forest are centaurs and unicorns as I've seen directly with my eyes. But there are a lot to list there. Pretty spacious area." Alastair smiled, observing Apophis's curious and fascinated gaze as he pondered the creatures that might inhabit the Forbidden Forest. And she, too, shared that sentiment. Magical creatures were truly the most captivating aspect of this world. And that's why, secretly, one of her few idols was none other than Newt Scamander himself. She even planned to interact with the girl from earlier who shared Scamander as her last name. She was curious, after all. "Why? Are you curious about it too?"

"Yeah, very," Apophis confessed with a light chuckle. "My mother used to tell me a lot of stories about magical creatures, and they always fascinated me in a way. My most favorite one's are bowtruckles... I think they're quite adorable."

"Bowtruckles? My, my. We have something in common, Apophis. Bowtruckles are my absolute favorite!" Alaistair exclaimed. "Little emotionally attached creatures they are... I've always wanted to witness one myself one day..."

"Psst..." Their focus shifted abruptly as someone called out to them from across the way. Alastair pivoted to glance behind her, while Apophis tilted his body to see who was calling from behind Alastair. Both disregarded the sudden singing in the background, which, according to Dumbledore, was apparently the school song. However, upon turning, they realized it was Peregrine who had called out to them, the final person to be sorted into a house. "Hi!" She exclaimed with almost palpable excitement. "I heard you guys were talking about bowtruckles... You wanted to see one, right?"

"Alastair here sure is excited about one, that's for sure," Apophis chuckled, gesturing towards Alastair, who blushed lightly in embarrassment.

However, upon hearing that, Peregrine's expression visibly brightened, subtly inching closer to them while everyone remained captivated by the ongoing song. "Look here, look here," She gestured to them hastily before adjusting her turtleneck and leaning in closer to them. What caught them off guard was the sudden appearance of a small green creature popping out of her collar unexpectedly, shocking both Apophis and Alastair simultaneously.

"Is that... is that a bowtruckle..?!" Alastair whispered excitedly, eyes sparkling with glee, to which Peregrine nodded eagerly in response. Both wore expressions so radiant they were almost blinding, directed at Apophis, who didn't seem to mind at all. He found it quite endearing how enthusiastic the two were about a single bowtruckle, but he couldn't blame them. Bowtruckles were indeed precious creatures.


"August, august, come here- Look!" Alastair persistently nudged August, who responded with a groan, reluctantly leaning over to join them as they glanced at what Peregrine had revealed, leaving them equally shocked.

"... A fucking Bowtruckle?!-" Alastair swiftly covered August's mouth, shushing them before they could exclaim too loudly and draw attention from the others.

"You've gotta be quiet, August. The others might hear," Alastair hushed, eliciting a giggle from Peregrine. The cheerful Slytherin girl appeared to be quite enthusiastic about the prospect of forming a friendship with these individuals over a mere bowtruckle. She felt grateful that her grandfather had gifted her the bowtruckle she now possessed.

What surprised her even more was that the person Alastair called out shared the exact same name as her bowtruckle.

"What's the little guy's name?" Apophis inquired, casting a curious gaze at the bowtruckle, a small smile playing on his lips. He always adored the expressive little faces bowtruckles made; they had a unique way of conveying themselves.

"Oh! Well, kind of a bit awkward but... coincidentally his name is August! Like their name," Peregrine casually pointed at August with a smile. She didn't appear embarrassed, but she did acknowledge that it could have led to an awkward situation for August.

"Oh-" August paused briefly, directing a questioning look towards Peregrine. But they didn't seem to react negatively, unlike some individuals who had been scrutinizing the situation. In fact, they simply rubbed the side of their neck and shrugged it off, which left Alastair rather surprised. "Name's pretty common, ya know. Besides, sharing a name with a bowtruckle isn't so bad." They averted their eyes from the others' gaze, sensing a faint blush creeping onto their cheeks.

However, Peregrine remained unaware of the situation. On the other hand, Alastair and Apophis, conversely, sported broad grins on their faces, exchanging knowing side glances as if communicating silently. August behaving in such a manner was truly unusual... They typically exhibited a penchant for violence and tended to make sarcastic remarks. Surprisingly, the notion that they wouldn't exhibit such behavior towards Peregrine crossed their mind... Maybe August harbored a slight crush.

As they were distracted in their own little world, bonding in a way. The singing that started from earlier had stopped, causing them all to fall silent as their gaze returned back to their headmaster who seemed to have been wiping a fake tear after the ever so heartfelt song that the four barely paid attention to. "Ah, music..." Spoke Dumbledore in a rather dramatic sense. "A magic beyond all we can do here! And now... Bedtime. Off you trot!"

"Awwh..." Peregrine pouted as she coaxed the bowtruckle back into the confines of her collar, then glanced back at the trio she had befriended. The other Slytherin appeared hesitant to engage in conversation or extend friendship, which left her feeling a bit disheartened. However, that didn't deter her from forging friendships with students from other houses! She often pondered why the Slytherins she had encountered thus far seemed, in her eyes, rather 'shy'. "Alright then... I'll catch up with you three in class tomorrow, I had fun! Bye, bye," She waved with her usual infectious smile, then turned away to head back to the Slytherin table, joining the other Slytherins who were following their prefect.

"What a nice girl," Alastair commented with a soft smile while she waved at Peregrine, until then she stood up from the chair, clapping to gain the attention of all the other Ravenclaw students. "Let's get going, everyone! Stick close and follow me to the Ravenclaw dormitories. Remember, don't wander off!" Was she Ravenclaw's prefect? The other Ravenclaws fell in line behind Alastair, with August and Apophis keeping pace right behind him.

"You're the prefect?" As they ascended the moving stairs, Apophis couldn't help but ask Alastair about it, genuinely surprised by the information. Not that he was saying Alastair didn't look capable enough to become a prefect, he was just curious.

"Recently appointed one, yes," Alastair chuckled, folding her hands behind her back. "Certain fifth years are chosen to serve as prefects for each house. I happened to catch the attention of many staff and professors, so... Here I am!"

"What a fuckin' show off," August rolled their eyes. Just moments ago, in Peregrine's presence, they had been much calmer. However, once Peregrine was out of earshot, their snarky attitude returned, a fact not lost on the others.

"Now, now. I can sense some favoritism here, I'm so hurt," Alastair remarked, eliciting a chuckle from Apophis. "You seem rather fond of Peregrine, do you have a crush on her perhaps?" She commented, a slight smirk forming on her face, which caused August to blush profusely.

"I do not-shut the fuck up, and stop coming to conclusions!" August hissed frustratingly. "It'd just felt weird to have an outburst against her, I'm not that fucking cruel." Alastair and Apophis found it difficult to believe their defense, despite their quick response. In addition, August appeared quite flustered by Alastair's comment.

"Sure... You're acting as if you hadn't gotten yourself detention after fighting for a first year."

"They were annoying."


The conversation between the two caused Apophis to chuckle once more. Their banter was always entertaining, a wholesome dynamic that many siblings would have on a day-to-day basis. His attention was abruptly drawn to them stopping in front of a painting. Was this the entryway to their dorm? The man in the painting shifted slightly, his gaze moving over them and the rest of the Ravenclaw students before he finally spoke...

"Glittering points that downward thrust, sparkling spears that never rust. What are they?"

The man in the painting spoke, and Apophis stared at him with intrigued eyes. Was this a riddle to enter the Ravenclaw dormitories? He knew this one... wasn't it "icicle"? Riddles were among the few things he enjoyed. Despite their vagueness, they were quite fun to figure out.

"Icicle," Finally, Alastair spoke, and the painting instantly opened up as soon as she answered the riddle. She looked back towards the other Ravenclaws, gesturing for them to follow as she took a step inside, entering the Ravenclaw dormitories. They could finally rest as much as they could now. "Your luggages and other items should be there by now in your rooms. I'll leave you all be from here."

"Hey, Apophis, let's go," August called out before they began walking up to their dorms, with Apophis hurriedly following behind.

"Isn't Alastair going to join us?" Apophis questioned.

"Nah, not right now. She's been assigned to prefect duty tonight by patrolling." August replied before entering the dormitory he shared with Apophis and their sibling. They settled down on their bed, exhaling deeply. "Finally. The ceremony always takes us so fucking long, it's tiring to get through that every single year," They sighed, reaching for the guitar neatly placed beside their bed, still in its cover. They checked to ensure it was still in good condition, clearly not trusting the transportation of their items.

"I see..." Apophis sat on the side of his bed where his luggage was placed, his eyes scanning the spacious dormitory and the mesmerizing view outside the window. His gaze returned to August, curious about the guitar in their hands. "You play the guitar?"

"Occasionally, I do," August replied, strumming a few guitar strings before setting it down again. "Though Alastair plays the guitar the most, she just teaches me a few." They leaned against the bed frame, looking over at Apophis with a tired expression. "Why? You play the guitar too?"

"Ah, well not really. But if it counts I do play the piano. My mother had taught me how to," Apophis responded.

"Right," August nodded. "I keep forgetting your mom is Professor Morticia. She told us once she could play the piano, she promised though she'd play for us all soon. Not sure when."

"I'd assume it's maybe for an event," Apophis chuckled. "My mom plays really nicely, it's like a lullaby of sorts personally from me."

"..yeah, I guess," August chuckled briefly but quickly shook it off, feeling a bit embarrassed for showing any emotion. "You should go to bed now," they yawned. "I'm tired as fuck, didn't get much sleep at the train. So I'm gonna head early," They took off their robes and set them down on the desk next to their bed before lying down and getting cozy under the sheets. "Don't do anything stupid, Apophis. We have curfew time every night, and students aren't allowed to roam the halls unless you're a prefect in patrolling duties."

"..right, right noted." It seemed as though August had figured out Apophis' plan, as he intended to leave the dormitory to explore Hogwarts that night. However, after being warned, he decided not to. He wasn't willing to risk expulsion or detention on the first day of school. He had to be responsible. He didn't want to disappoint his parents. He changed into his comfortable sleepwear and restlessly settled under his sheets, staring mindlessly up at the ceiling.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day... He wondered how Harry and Ron were doing at the moment. He felt a bit sad that he hadn't been sorted into the same house as them, but it was to be expected.

- to be continued

authors note ↓↓↓
oh yeah, more characters to reveal. haven't drawn them properly, but i will reveal them soon'ish

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