The Unwanted Child {2}

By mmultixaep0

7.3K 267 70

Jaycee is going on an intense journey through the post-apocalyptic world, where the struggle for survival bec... More

Heavy Lies the Crown
Secret Bunker
A Lie Guarded
The Tinder Box
We Will Rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
The Other Side
The Chosen
The Ring
Time Passing
Pandora's Box
Acceptable Losses
How We Get to Peace
The Dark Year
War. Again.
Red Sun Rising
The Children of Gabriel


186 8 1
By mmultixaep0

The drive was taking a little longer than expected. Jaycee was stirring in her sleep.

She kept moving, trying to get more comfortable. Nova looked at Jaycee, she wanted to ask her some questions but now wasn't a good time, and she knew that.

Jaycee looked at Nova, she could tell she wanted to ask her something, "What's up kid?" Jaycee asked, not caring that she needs to save her energy.

Nova looked at her, then to Bellamy who had a worried look on her face.

"Ha yu don gon Natblida" (How did you become a Nightblood?) Nova asked the older female.

Bellamy winced at her question. He forgot that he didn't tell her that she had nightblood. Everyone looked at Jaycee, waiting for her to answer the question.

"When I got to Becca's lab, to get Raven, we were too late to go back. So, we had the idea to go to space." She paused while she had to wince in pain due to the fact they drove over a pothole in the dirt. "When we got there, my condition I told you about, how I wasn't able to produce bone marrow; I got more sick. I knew it was bad because I had a seizure, I-" Jaycee took a breath as she let a tear fall down her face.

Everyone looked at her, feeling sad for the girl. Nova just kept looking at Jaycee, she then looked at Bellamy, hoping he would continue.

And he did.

"Jaycee ended up dying for 2 minutes, Clarke was able to bring her back, she injected Jay with a mixture of her blood and Murphys." Nova looked at Murphy himself and he nodded.

Jaycee let out a small laugh, "Yeah, who would have thought the cockroach himself would save little old me," She joked.

Murphy smiled, glad that Jaycee was talking more, "Yeah, well, it was either let you die or never hear the end of it from Bellamy, and Raven" He tried to joke too.

"Yeah, anyway, after that injection, thanks to Murphy and Clarke, and treatments, and physical therapy types of things, I got better, and without them, I wouldn't be here today." Jaycee said as she lightly smiled at Nova.

Nova felt so guilty, she was so angry at Jaycee, that if she would have stayed in the bunker with her, she would have died. Nova looked down, she started to let some tears down, but no one saw anything because it was very dark in the rover.


After driving for a little while longer, they finally made it back, they finally pulled over and Jaycee was brought out by Murphy while Bellamy took Gaia out. "Little help we've got wounded." Murphy said as he ran closer to them and put Jaycee down. When he did that, she groaned in pain more.

Jaycee could hear Harper's voice, "Stand down! Stand down! They're with us!" Harper ran to Jaycee, "Holy shit, what the hell happened out there?"

Jaycee looked at her friend, "Oh, you know, the usual, being stupid and almost getting blown up, you know how it goes with us," Jaycee tried to crack a joke but on the look of Harper's face, she didn't like that joke very much.

Harper wrapped Jaycee's wound to stop the bleeding, after that, with the help of Harper, Jay went to Bellamy and pulled him into an embrace. Jay pulled away and looked at him, "I'm glad you're okay," she said to him softly.

"I'm glad you're okay too, Angel," He smiled at her. Loving the moment that they are having right now.

It was soon ruined by Wonkru, they looked at Madi like she was a prize, at least that's what it looked like, but they were looking at her, calling her 'Heda' which was true, she did have the flame, Jaycee and Bellamy held on to each other, afraid that if they let go that one of them would slip.

Jaycee heard one of the people say, "Heda na kep klin oso ogeda" (Heda will save us all) Jaycee started to slowly walk to the girl, protecting her from anyone who would get near her.

Jaycee looked at Bellamy and Jay, "What do I do?" She asked them. She was 12, she didn't know how to lead them.

Out of nowhere, someone spoke, "Blodreina's coming, protect our commander" Everyone pulled out their guns.

Jay and Bellamy turned around to see Octavia. She stopped in front of them, "What are you doing?" Bellamy asked his sister.

"Out of my way," Was all she said to them. "Octavia, don't do this, think about it," Jaycee tried to stop her from whatever she was planning to do.

"O, she saved us," Bellamy reminded her.

"Let her pass," Jaycee heard Madi from behind her.

Jaycee looked at the child, she didn't think it was a good idea, so did Echo because she was the next to speak, "Heda, that's not a good-" She was cut off by Madi.

"I said, let her pass," the child said more firmly.

Bellamy and Jaycee let her pass. Same as Echo did. They were all waiting for something to happen.

Octavia walked in front of the small child. She lifted up her weapon, looking like she was going to strike, everyone lifted their guns and pointed it at her. Octavia looked around; she then did something unexpected. She stuck her sword in the dirt, so that it was standing up. She then kneeled.

Jay and Bellamy turned to each other, shocked that this was happening. Everyone was murmuring, after that, everyone started to kneel. All the other grounders did as well. Jay, with the help of Bellamy, both kneeled down, bowing in respect.


The next morning, Jaycee stood up, Bellamy told her that she shouldn't put too much pressure on herself, Jay told him that she was okay, but he decided against it. At least for now, he told her to stay in the medical hut.

Jaycee was sitting there, next to Gaia, and the commander was sitting, watching Gaia as she slept.

Jaycee was looking at the ceiling as she felt someone looking at her. She turned her head to the left, she immediately caught Madi's eye's looking at her. Jaycee smiled at her, Madi never looked away though, "Do I have something on my face?" Jay asked as she was wiping her face away.

Madi smiled at her and shook her head 'no'

Jaycee looked down, she then looked at back up, "Come here kid," Madi stood up and sat in the chair near Jay's bed.

"What's on your mind?" Jay asked.

Madi shrugged, "Nothing," She paused for a minute, "Clarke told me stories about you, and everyone else, you're more pretty in person," She lightly smiled.

Jaycee smiled, she tilted her head to the side, interested on what Clarke has told her, "Well, thanks kid, you're pretty too," Madi smiled.

"Now, what else did Clarke say? How bad of a person I am? How I'm annoying, angry, or make stupid decisions based on impulsiveness?" Jay asked her, she knew Clarke and her where never besties, but before Clarke decided to go against them most of the time, their friendship has shifted a lot.

Madi shook her head 'no' Jaycee tilted her head once again.

Madi looked at her, "She told me how brave you are, smart, caring to others. She told me how lucky she was to know you as a person. She said she couldn't do half the things she did without your help. She loves you like a sister," Madi finished with.

Jaycee smiled; she had tears in her eyes, but they didn't fall. "Well, I know before she betrayed us, but before we fought all these wars, I loved her like a sister too."

Madi nodded.

"I'm glad she found you, Clarke being alone for 6 years, she would have gone crazy," Jaycee finished.

Madi laughed. "I'm glad I found her, because then I wouldn't have met any of you,"

Jaycee smiled.

Bellamy and Indra walked in and while Indra went to check on her daughter, Bellamy walked next to Madi and he smiled at Jay before turning to the girl, "It's time, Madi. Everyone will follow you, but you have to lead them," he told the girl.

Madi looked up at him, "I don't want to lead them into a massacre." She said honestly. She didn't want any more of her people to die.

Indra turned to Madi, "We have the numbers, Heda," Madi turned around and looked at Indra, "As long as we press forward, we'll make it through," Indra finished.

Jaycee sat up more, having her legs dangle on the edge of the bed, "We'll be right beside you, kid," Jay smiled as she spoke.

"I'm not worried about myself" She paused, "Look around you." She said softly, "There has to be a better way than rushing back in to those guns," Madi told them.

"If there was, we would've thought of it," Indra told her.

"Ask the commanders," Gaia's voice was heard, softly.

"How, Seda?" Madi asked, "They only talk to me in my dreams and show me what they want me to see," Gaia placed a hand on the side of her face.

Gaia looked at her, "Close your eyes,"

Bellamy shook his head, "Gaia, we don't have time-" He was cut off by Indra.

"Just wait" She looked at him.

"Breath. In and out. Let this world peel away. And repeat after me," Gaia said.

"Ai thinka ste yu thinka" (My mind is your mind) Gaia said.

"Ai thinka ste yu thinka" (My mind is your mind) Madi had closed her eyes, thinking for a minute. She then opened her eyes as she looked at Bellamy and Jaycee. "I have a plan." She then turned to Gaia.

"Of course you do," She smiled at her. She then handed her the commanders center piece.


Jaycee was getting ready to fight, Bellamy walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You know, you don't have to come with us," Bellamy told the girl.

Jaycee turned around and put both of her hands on each side of her face, "I know, but I want to help, and keep you and Nova save. You guys are my home." Jaycee smiled.

Bellamy lightly kissed her lips. Forgetting they weren't together. Jaycee looked at him with a shocked expression, "Sorry- I-" He was cut off by Jaycee pulling him into her, their lips connecting, they both missed it, they both missed each other, Jaycee was still angry at him about what happened on the ring, but she knew that Bellamy loved her. And Jaycee loved Bellamy.

They both pulled away and had both of their foreheads against each other's. Bellamy smiled at her, "I've missed you," Jaycee nodded, "I know you have, who wouldn't" She smirked. Bellamy rolled his eyes playfully.

Jaycee then looked at his deep brown eyes, "I've missed you too Bellamy,"

"Now's a bad timing, isn't it?" Someone had said from behind them.

Bellamy rolled his eyes annoyed. They both smiled then turned to look at Nova, "What's up kid?" She asked.

"Before I say anything," She gag's and pretends that she had thrown up.

Jaycee slightly laughed as Bellamy was glaring at the girl who had ruined their moment.

"What do you need Nova?" Bellamy asked, getting to the point.

Nova raised her hands in defense, "Hey, I didn't even know you guys were kissing," She then rolled her eyes, "We're getting to leave so, finish up whatever this is," She motioned her hands pointing to them.

Jaycee smiled, she patted Bellamy on the chest as she was walking out of the tent, with Nova and Bellamy still in the tent.


Jaycee was sitting side by side with Nova, "Hey, whatever happens, if things go south, I want you to get the hell out of here, alright?" Jay said as she continued to look ahead of her.

Nova took a minute to respond, "As long as you and Bellamy are with me, I'll listen," She paused, she then turned to look at her, "But I'm not leaving you guys, I can't do that, I just got you guys back," She finished.

Jaycee sighed, "Man, you really are a stubborn kid," Nova chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you can say that I got it from you,"

"I don't see any missiles. Thank you, Clarke," Murphys voice was heard.

Jaycee turned to look outside, "Now it's our turn," Jaycee said.

Emori continued to drive, they now made it to the point where McCreary's men started shooting at them.

As they were shooting, Murphys voice was heard again, "Someone explain to me why I'm not shooting this gatling gun."

"This is Madi's plan. We have to draw out the cannons." Jaycee simply responded.

"By giving them a target?" He asked "Yeah, that's a great plan." He said sarcastically.

"Ye of little faith" Echo looked at Murphy.

All of a sudden, the rover started to skidding around, Jay held a protective hand over Nova's body so she didn't go flying.

Murphy turned back, "You were saying?" He asked as they stopped.

"What's wrong?" Nova asked.

"We're not close enough," Bellamy stated.

"Why are we stopping?" Jaycee asked.

Emori hit the wheel, "They got the engine. Damn it!" She yelled. She then started to head to the back, "John, get away from the windshield."

Murphy headed to the back as well, "Ready to strike. Big gun." He then turned to Echo, Jay, Nova, and Bellamy, "Go! Now! Be heroes!" Murphy said.

Bellamy opened the door, Echo went to the left while Bellamy went to the right, then Jay and Nova were shielding behind a bolder. "I don't have a shot!" Bellamy shouted over the gunshots.

"But I do," Echo said.

Jaycee looked at her, she saw Echo mumble to herself, she then released the arrow, it hit the bazooka. The small part of the hill exploded because she made it into the center of the weapon.

Jaycee and Nova smiled at each other.

Bellamy looked inside to Emori and Murphy, "We need to get closer."

"Get closer, I'll cover you," Murphy said.

As Murphy and Emori had a quick talk, Jay turned to Nova, "Stay with Echo here, I'm going with Bellamy," She tried to stand up, "No! Please, I can't let you die out there,"

Jaycee smiled at the girl, "I'll be okay, I promise," Jay turned to Echo and nodded at her, Echo went next to Nova, holding her back as Jaycee ran up next to Bellamy.

"Murphy! Cease fire!" Bellamy shouted, and he did.

Jaycee turned to see if the weapon was there, she pulled back and looked at Bellamy, "Still no cannon. What do we do now?" Jay asked him.

Bellamy looked at her, "Now we win," He turned away and started to shoot at the cannon, leading to an explosion. He then got back down. They both started panting.

Once Jay saw the army, they all went to the village where Madi had lived for six years.

Jaycee was walking side by side with Madi and Nova. They quietly started making their way, the fog was a good help to blend in.

"Weapons down! Put your weapons down now," Bellam stated as everyone started to merge out of the fog. The prisoner's put their weapons down and started to kneel in surrender.

"Frag op emo!" (Kill them all!)

Jaycee turned to Madi as did Bellamy as he held his hands up, "Halt! Hold your fire." He shouted out, he then turned to Madi, "They surrendered. It's over."

Madi looked up at him because he was much taller than her. "They killed hundreds of our people in that gorge."

Bellamy shook his head, "This can't be what the flame is telling you to do,"

"I don't need the flame to tell me what to do with a bunch of criminals who invaded my home," Madi stated angerly.

Jaycee remembered that they were once the criminals, "We've been here before, Madi." The small commander looked up at her now, "We were the criminals. The 100. We landed in someone else's home, and we went to war." Jaycee paused before looking at Octavia. "You can execute them because they're the enemy or you can break the cycle. You can be better than them." She then looked at Nova, "You can be better than us." Bellamy turned to look at Jaycee. Jay then continued to look at Madi as she gave her one final glance, "The choice is yours, Heda." She looked at Octavia then back to Madi.

There was a loud siren, Echo looked around, "What is that?" She asked.

One of the prisoner's answered her question, "The evac signal. It means conditions are unsafe. We're supposed to bug out,"

"Everyone, listen up. Life as we know it is about to end again. Get your asses to the transport ship now for immediate evacuation," Raven's voice was heard on the intercom.

Jaycee and Bellamy looked at each other. They then looked at Madi.



I know I haven't updated in like 2 weeks, it's kid of hard to update while being a senior in high school

But I am back! and going to update daily (Hopefully)

So enjoy this episode, and yeah! THANKS FOR NOT UNFOLLOWING MEEEEEEE

(Word Count 2901)

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