By deep_end1

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Hermione and Draco fall in love at Hogwarts through frequent visits to the astronomy tower. More

I. Morsmordre
II. The Cat Excuse
III. Feeling Faint
IV. Broken Promises
V. Good Company
VII. Puddle of Tears

VI. Liars and Spies

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By deep_end1

November, 1994.

The strangest two weeks of Hermione's existence occurred after that night. She didn't go to the astronomy tower or sneak out at all–actually–but they were still strange. Draco would catch her eye across the room but he would never look away. It was like he was studying her–as she had been studying him. Now she was just trying to get through a day without making nervous eye contact with him. Sometimes he looked perplexed or thinking and sometimes his expression was just the normal scowl.

To be clear, he wasn't constantly staring at Hermione, she was sure of that, but she always seemed to catch him by accident when he was. She was avoiding him–that was for sure–but she wasn't completely sure why. Their conversation on the astronomy tower had been inexplicable in a way which frustrated Hermione. She went over it a million times in her head, every single word, and still, none of it made any sense to her.

He was looking for her. Good company? Sh considered asking the divination teacher, Professor Trewlawny, what it all meant. Apparently she could tell the future. That's how much her mind was enraptured in Draco Malfoy. She needed to understand but she–just–couldn't. She lost sleep over it the first few nights before she'd exhausted her thoughts and succumbed to ignoring him until she could think properly. His little looks at her which she always noticed were not helping.

Harry was extremely on edge through these weeks as well. Probably for a far better reason. The first task was announced to be taking place on November 24. He came up to Hermione one day in the common room looking somewhat frantic and out of breath as if he'd run there or was in the beginning stages of a panic attack.

"Mione–" he took in some air, "Its–dragons–for the–first–task"

She felt her stomach drop. Dragons, he had said. Fire creatures. "Is–are you sure? Is Dumbledore allowed to make you all fight dragons?"

It turned out that Hagrid–although he wasn't supposed to–had shown Harry where the dragons were being kept in cages in the Forbidden Forest so he could get Harry ready for the task. Hermione practically ran to the library, dragging Harry behind her, to read about dragons. The only issue was that they didn't know exactly what the task was yet. Obviously, Dumbledore wouldn't have them attempting to slay the dragons. That would be preposterous. So what did he want them to do? Harry asked Hagrid but he didn't know either. Without knowing the full extent of the task, it was difficult to devise a plan which would allow Harry to live past November 24. All they could do was research things like defensive spells and shields which they were not even sure he could use against a literal dragon.

Ron approached Hermione a few days before the task.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Yeah–of course."

He pulled her to the couch of the Gryffendor common room where no one was sitting.

In a low voice, he said, "I'm worried about him–Harry–he's been waking up in the middle of the night all sweaty–and I think he's having nightmares. Has he told you about that?"

"No," she said. Harry hadn't told her anything like that, just that he was nervous about the task. "What kind of nightmares?"

"Well–that–that's what I wanted to ask you about because–"

"Because you refuse to ask him."

"Mione–its not–"

"No–I don't care anymore–I'll talk to him." She stood up from the couch and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry sat alone at the Gryffendor table with a book and a plate of uneaten food. She sat down across from him and he lifted his head.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning, Harry. How are you feeling?"

His eyes narrowed a small bit. "Fine," he said with a questioning tone.

"It's just–well–" she looked up and took in a breath, "Ron said you've been having nightmares."

He tilted his head in annoyance. "Why does he care?"

"He's worried about you, and so am I. What are they about? If you would just tell me things like this–"

"I don't want to talk to you about it!" he protested. "Ron doesn't know what he's talking about–he–he's a liar–saying he's worried about me. He hasn't said a word to me in weeks! And you–you can't just fix everything–I don't want to talk about my stupid nightmares with you because–there's nothing you can do no matter how badly you want to–just stop trying to help me!" His volume was increasing and a few heads had turned at the noise. He got up from his seat, taking his book with him and stormed out of the Great Hall.

Hermione sat, now alone, a shocked expression on her face. It had happened so quickly. Like he was already angry at her and whatever she said would set him off. Harry was stressed and tired and he took it out on Hermione like he always did. Tears formed in her eyes but she refused to cry in front of all the people in the Great Hall. It was still early so there weren't too many–but it was enough for her to feel extremely embarrassed. She took a deep breath and caught the eye of someone across the room. Draco again. Her expression turned to fury at the sight of his unfriendly eyes on her. Why was he always there? She mustered up the meanest look possible and directed it at Malfoy before getting up from the table and storming off herself like Harry had.

Her body seemed to lead the way. It knew where it was going before she even thought about it. A few minutes later she stood at the base of the astronomy tower and began climbing the steps. Once at the top, she stopped in her tracks. Professor Sinistra stood before her with a look of confusion.

"Hermione–I have fourth years in last period today–"

"I know–I'm sorry to barge up here," she told her professor apologetically. She had always gone to the astronomy tower at night when the professor was sleeping. She was too much in a daze to remember that she had classes during the day. "I was just–I wanted to look at the view–I–I'm having a bad morning," she stuttered.

"Oh–yes! By all means–I don't have students for another twenty minutes–go ahead." She gestured to the balcony and Hermione smiled appreciatively before walking over to it.

"Is there anything you wanted to talk about?" the professor asked.

Hermione turned her head to look back at her. "No, I would only bore you, Professor. I just need to calm down before class starts and the first place I thought about was the astronomy tower."

"I'm glad you enjoy being up here. Let me know if you need anything–at any time."

Hermione grinned softly. "Thank you, Professor."

With that, the Professor went to sit at her desk to grade essays while Hermione stared out at the grounds and the forest, taking deep breaths and trying to resolve her anger at Harry. He was stressed–and for good reason. She couldn't blame him for that. She just had to be supportive and let him handle things his own way. Draco popped into her mind as well. He was a nagging source of her thoughts these days. She couldn't control the way her brain wandered off in all directions, all centered around Malfoy. What was he thinking about? Why was he looking for her? Why was he staring at her? That was the biggest one.

She pushed all of those thoughts out of her mind–about Harry and Draco. When did her life start revolving around them so much? Instead she thought about the Yule Ball. It was a big dance for the Triwizard Tournament which would take place on Christmas Eve. It was one of the only things she was looking forward to in the foreseeable future. Big fancy dresses, boys asking girls to be their date, dancing. The school would be covered in beautiful Christmas decorations, all enchanted with magic and glistening. She got butterflies just thinking about it all. They never got to do things like that at Hogwarts. Dressing up and just dancing. It all sounded so unbelievably magical.

In Herbology that day, Harry rushed over to Hermione to apologize. He explained that he wasn't sleeping and was so anxious–which she already knew–and said that he was sorry like a million times for yelling at her earlier that morning. She told him it was nothing to worry about, she knew how he was feeling and said she was not mad at all. The astronomy tower had calmed her down.

She still went through the day feeling a little down. It just wasn't a great start to her day. She talked to Ginny about the Yule Ball at lunch which lightened her spirits.

"I just need someone in your year to ask me and I'll be able to come," Ginny explained. The Yule ball was for fourth years and older so Ginny, a third year, could only go if someone older asked her.

"There's always Neville," Hermione said.

"That's true. I'll have to have a word with him when it gets closer to the dance. I just couldn't possibly miss it."

Hermione smiled. "Me neither. It's supposed to be the most magical night of our years at Hogwarts."

Ginny grinned widely in the way she always did when she was about to say something she knew would get a reaction out of Hermione. "Do you think you'll be asked to the ball by Krum?" She raised her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

Hermione laughed at Ginny's expression and shook her head. "You're still on this idea?"

"It's not an idea. He's always looking over here and he told his friends he would ask you!"

"I've never seen him look over here, actually," Hermione said, a playful grin on her lips.

"He just knows how to hide it well."

That made her think of Draco. He was anything but good at hiding his cold looks at Hermione. She looked past Ginny at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was talking to Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini–more Slytherins. He looked to be very focused on this conversation so she took to staring at him and studying him for once. He was smiling at something Blaise had said–laughing. He shook his head and looked straight forward, catching Hermione's eye. The side of his mouth turned up and Hermione tried to hide her own grin at being caught by rolling her eyes.

"Who are you looking at?" asked Ginny. She looked behind her. "Were you staring at Krum? Mione?"

"No–Gods, Ginny–it wasn't Krum."

"Then who was it? Another suitor for the Yule Ball?"

Hermione blushed slightly and laughed Ginny's comment off, trying not to think about it too much.

She was walking down the corridor after astronomy. She had stayed after to help Professor Sinastra set up for a star gazing assignment tonight. Their whole class had to go to the astronomy tower and take turns on the balcony drawing constellations and labeling different stars for their project. They got to change out of their school uniforms and wear comfortable clothes for once. It was to start a little bit after dinner, at 8:00 p.m. Hermione helped her move tables out of the way so they could set out blankets and pillows on the floor because it was supposed to be a sort of cozy, fun night as well. Hermione would be excited for it if it were only Gryffendors doing it, but of course, they had astronomy with the Slytherins.

The hallway was almost empty. Everyone always went to clubs or to the common room to rest after class. That was where Hermione was headed. Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini appeared around the corner, headed the opposite way she was. They immediately stopped talking when they saw her. Her and Draco locked eyes for a second before they were past each other. She rounded the corner but could hear their voices start back up.

"Did you hear what she said though?" Blaise asked.


"And you didn't think it was–strange?"

She wondered who they could be talking about. Perhaps Professor Sinastra as they had left her class fifteen minutes ago. Their voices faded out for a minute before another noise faded in.

There were quick footsteps behind her. Malfoy appeared by her side.

"Hello," he said, semi out of breath.


"Why did you stay in Sinastra's?"

"She needed help setting up for tonight."

"Oh–I forgot about that."

She nodded her head. "Where were you and Blaise going?"

He straightened up a little. "Nowhere."

She narrowed her eyes but didn't press further. "Why'd you leave him behind?"

"I saw you and thought I'd come talk to you. I told him I left my wand in the dungeons."

"Oh," was all she replied.

"What was Potter yelling about this morning?" he asked.

"Oh–um–he's just nervous–about the task."

"But what was he yelling at you for? It's his fault for putting his name in the bloody goblet."

"He didn't put his name in."

He scoffed. "You expect me to believe that?"


"Little Potter's always looking for a new source of fame."

She didn't reply. He stopped, forcing her to stop and look up at him, an expectant look on her face.

"Why do you defend him?"

"He's my friend–what are you talking about?"

"I just mean–" he paused, looking conflicted, "He goes and gets nervous about a little tournament and then shouts at you for it at seven in the bloody morning. You just–forgive him–for that?"


He shrugged. "I just don't understand it."

"I wouldn't expect you to. We're best friends–I'm not going to turn on him for getting a little upset at me." She turned to keep walking again and he followed.

They stayed silent for the entire rest of the walk to the Gryffendor common room. She felt his presence like the sun beating down on her face. He was just there. He was walking with her and he was there. She wanted to ask him why he was set on walking her all the way upstairs but she didn't. She just turned to him and stared awkwardly for a minute before he turned and left without a word.

She willed her heart to slow down as she said the password and climbed through the portrait hole. Ginny and Harry sat on the couch. They stared at her, peculiar expressions on their faces as she walked over to them. Harry had a piece of parchment in his hands. As he drew closer, she realized it was the Marauders Map.

"What were you doing walking with Malfoy?" Harry asked.

Hermione's eyes widened. Spies!

"How did you–"

"Mione, please tell me you've given up this obsession with him."

Ginny looked concerned.

"It's not–I'm not obsessed with him, Harry." She sat down on the couch next to Ginny. "He approached me just now. Did you catch that on your stupid little map?"

Harry looked like she'd just insulted his newborn baby.

"And what were you guys doing spying on me anyway?"

"We were spying on Malfoy," Ginny said.


"What he said after astronomy–Harry, tell her–"

"Stop, Ginny. It was nothing," he cut her off. "We didn't mean to spy on you. You just happened to be with him. Sorry." He now had a reserved look on his face as he leaned back and kept looking at the map.

"What did you guys talk about?" Ginny asked. "He walked all the way here."

Hermione glanced at Harry and then averted her eyes. "He was just being mean–talking about Harry putting his name in the goblet."

She felt bad saying it. He had talked about Harry but mostly about how he shouldn't have taken his anger out on Hermione. He was being anything but hostile.

"He's such a prick," said Ginny.

Hermione remembered what Ginny had said about Malfoy–that he had said something to Harry. "So what dod Malfoy say to Harry?" she asked Ginny in a low voice.

"Well, basically, Malfoy told him that–"

"I can hear you," Harry said in a semi-raised tone. "I'm sitting right here."

Ginny mouthed the words 'sorry' to Hermione and went back to looking at the map with Harry. Hermione got up a minute later to do her potions homework for the week in the quiet of her room. Harry's voice rang out behind her.

"See, I told you! He's just left the map! How is that even possible?"

Hermione kept walking, too annoyed at Harry to care about his hatred for Malfoy anymore. If he didn't want to talk to her or tell her anything, she would stop trying so hard.

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