Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream...

By JairusTLS

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With Midgar now behind them, Cloud and his friends set out on the long, dangerous hunt for Sephiroth, unaware... More



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By JairusTLS

The Gold Saucer was just like I remembered. Bright, loud, and full of color and sound, and when we got to the Battle Square, I saw that it was clean and busy, as if Dyne's rampage had never happened. Dio met us near the stairs leading to his little museum.

"Cloud, my boy!" he grinned widely, waving at me with one of his thick, muscled arms. "So good to see to see you again! Everything is in order. Just entertain me and you'll have your prize."

"Done," I nodded.

When I went to the registration desk with the others, the girl there smiled at Jessie and I in recognition. "Hey, I remember you! Thank you so much for helping me when I was hurt."

Jessie laughed. "No problem! Good to see you again!"

I remembered her, too. "You're looking better. Kinda surprised that you'd come back after what happened here, though"

"Dio said I didn't have to," the girl agreed, running a hand through her blonde hair. "My name's Mary, by the way. But I heard that the guy who shot me and everyone else that day was cornered and killed down in the prison, and that helped me to not be afraid to be here. So I came back after Dio gave me some time off to recover."

Cait twitched his whiskers and waved at her. "Glad tae hear it, lass! Battle Square wouldnae be the same without ye."

"Hi, Cait!" Mary giggled. "Tell my fortune later?"

"Aye, of course!" he bowed.

I looked at him. "She knows you?"

"Lots of folks here dae," Cait explained. "I'd been comin' out tae the Gold Saucer fer quite a while before I joined up with ye, Cloud. So just aboot everyone who works here knows mae."

"Yeah, he's so cute and funny!" Mary added.

"That's Cait, alright," Jessie agreed.

Mary nodded. "So, how can I help you?"

"I'm here for the fights," I said.

"Got it, now just let me just get you registered..." Mary replied, her fingers flying skillfully across the keyboard of her computer. "Single or duo? You can go in alone or with a partner."

I raised an eyebrow. "Single. For now, anyway."

"But we'll definitely go as a duo later on!" Jessie grinned.

"Yeah," I agreed.

Aerith chuckled. "Only you would take a girl to a battle arena for a date, Cloud. I'm sure you guys'll have fun, though."

"Oh, we will!" Jessie smirked.

The arena was crowded when I went in a moment later, the stands full of people who had come here to watch the battles. I could see Jessie and the others in the main booth with Dio near the top, and he looked on eagerly as I drew Buster and Force Stealer and got ready for the first round. On Mary's suggestion, I'd brought some potions, antidotes, and other items along with a few materia, just in case. Every round after the first came with a handicap of some kind, and even though the enemies were holograms, they could still cause damage.

Many of them turned out to be ones I'd fought before, but made to be a bit tougher, such as grunts, drakes, moth slashers, dorky faces, and needle kisses along with new ones like basilisks, giant toads, black bats, and Nibel wolves. The last round had me facing a tall, shambling thing with two heads called a Ying-Yang. It was pretty strong, but I found out before long that one half of the monster—Ying—was more susceptible to magic while Yang was weaker against physical attacks. So I used that knowledge to beat it as the crowd cheered me on.

"Ah, well done, boy!" Dio boomed when the others and I met him in his trophy room afterward. "And here's your prize."

After he entered a code on a small control panel by the display, the glass case slid open, and he took the dull gray orb from its velvet pillow and gave it to Cait Sith. The keystone didn't look like any other materia I'd ever seen before, but we finally had it.

"Thanks," I told Dio.

"My pleasure," he replied. "I always keep my promises. Oh, there's a bit of a problem with the air trolley, it's broken down, so if you all were planning on leaving today, that won't be possible. My engineers tell me it'll be up and running tomorrow, though."

I nodded. "Fine. We were thinking about staying the night anyway, so it doesn't really change much. Ghost Hotel?"

"Free of charge," Dio promised. "Now go enjoy yourselves!"

"You bet!" Jessie winked.

We left Battle Square and had only just returned to the central hub to decide where to go next when I saw a pair of familiar faces emerging from the exit to Event Square. Zander and his wife Gwen hurried over to see us, weaving expertly through the crowds of people that filled the area. Jessie's face lit right up when she saw them.

"Zander!" she exclaimed. "Gwen!"

He grinned. "Good to see you again, Jessie! I knew you'd be back! And just in time, too. We're so glad you're here!"

"The play's ready, then?" Jessie asked.

"Tonight's opening night!" Gwen confirmed.

Jessie pumped her fist. "Then I'll definitely be there to watch it! It's gonna be a great show, and you'll be fantastic!"

"Actually, we'd rather you weren't in the audience," Zander said.

"W-What?" she stammered.

Gwen smiled. "We'd like you to perform in the play with us, Jessie. As Princess Rosa—or Sarah, as you know her."

"Really?" Jessie's eyes went wide. "Be... on stage again?"

Aerith gasped excitedly, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I knew it! I just knew you'd find a way back, Jessie!"

"But isn't that Ruby's role?" she asked Gwen.

"Normally," Gwen said. "But you're here, even if it's only for a little while. Zander and I heard you had come back, and we both decided to offer you the part for tonight's show. It was Ruby's idea just as much as ours, actually, so don't worry about her. You helped us so much the last time you were here, and I know you miss that life."

Jessie nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "I do... and I'd love to be up there on stage tonight. Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Gwen drew her into a tight embrace.

"We're honored to have you in our show, Jessie," Zander added. He gave her a knowing smirk. "Still need an Alphried, though."

Jessie raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't Marcus play that part?"

"He's been getting ready for it, yeah," Zander said. "But if you want to have someone else with you instead, that's fine."

"Cloud?" she looked hopefully at me.

I blinked. "Me? I'm not an actor."

"That's alright," Gwen assured me. "Zander can whisper your lines to you from the side of the stage if you get stuck. And rehearsal's going to start pretty soon, too. A practice run before the real thing. Jessie can tell you more about it and help you get comfortable."

I nodded. "Okay. Guess I'm in."

Jessie threw her arms around me. "Thanks, Cloud! No one else I'd ever want as my prince! You'll do great, I know it!"

"Prince?" I stared at her.

"Yep!" she laughed. "Prince Alphried, my royal hero!"

Tifa smiled excitedly at her. "Oh, I'm so happy for you, Jessie! We'll all be there to see you and Cloud perform!"

"Yeah!" Aerith cheered. "What time does the show start?"

"Curtain rises at 8:00," Zander said.

Barret looked at the others. "Y'all hear that? Better have your butts in the seats by then. We watchin' a play tonight!"

"Fascinating," Vincent intoned.

"Sounds like fun!" Yuffie quipped, hands on her hips. "I knew you were an actress, Jessie, but not that you used to be a big star! Now I get to say I'm best buddies with a celebrity!"

Cid chuckled. "Now ain't that somethin'! Usually I just fall asleep at things like this, but not this time. This'll be good!"

"Aye, it's been tae long since ye've been on stage, lass!" Cait agreed. "And ye never know, this could be the beginnin' of yer grand return tae the limelight. Ye always were a sight tae see, Jessica."

"Thanks, Cait," she smiled. "I really hope you're right."

Red padded over to her. "I've never seen a play before. This should be interesting. And fun, too. Good luck, Jessie!"

She grinned. "You're gonna love it, Red! Trust me!"

With that, Jessie waved at everyone, beckoned to me, then hurried through the exit leading to Event Square, her eyes bright and excited. I followed her, Zander, and Gwen while the rest of the group scattered to enjoy themselves in the different areas of the Gold Saucer. When Jessie and I emerged in Event Square for the rehearsal a few minutes later, we found Ruby and the rest of Zander's crew waiting for us.

"Well, howdy!" Ruby drawled, waving at us. "Knew you'd be back, Jessie! We're all set to help ya make yer big debut!"

Jessie thrust her fist in the air. "Yeah! Thanks so much, Ruby."

She chuckled. "Least I could do for ya. I don't mind playin' the kid sister this time so you can be the star again."

"You're great, you know that?" Jessie smiled.

Ruby pointed at her and winked. "Ha! Look who's talkin'!"

Jessie bounded up to the stage. "Come on, guys! Let's get to work!"

"You heard the lady," Zander told his crew with a grin. "We've got a rehearsal to do. And then the play itself!"

Gwen handed me a copy of the script. "Here, Cloud. All your lines are there. Don't worry, we'll go over it and run through the whole thing a few times until you're comfortable with it. Oh, and be sure to do what the directions say, too. Acting isn't just reciting dialogue, after all. And there's also a beautiful dance for the opening act."

I raised an eyebrow. "A dance?"

"Yep!" Jessie smirked. "With your dear Goddess! That's me, too, of course. I've got a dual role, like I told you in Wutai."

"Then we'd better practice," I replied.

Jessie smiled. "You bet! Oh, and that reminds me, I've got another idea, if you guys don't mind. Something I'd like to add to show if I can. A new song. I've been working on it for a while now during my travels whenever I had a little spare time, and I'd really like to include it in the play, probably near the end, if that's alright."

Gwen nodded. "Of course! We'd love to hear you sing, Jessie. Even though LOVELESS, as you know, already has several musical numbers, we'd be honored to include your new song."

"Thank you," Jessie said. "It's... kinda personal to me. Cloud, you'll understand once you hear it. I hope you like it."

I didn't doubt that I would. "It's you, Jessie. I will."

She kissed me. "All I need to know."

So we practiced and rehearsed for the next few hours, with Gwen choreographing the opening dance while she and Zander took all of us through the rest of the performance several times. And as we worked, I started to understand why Jessie enjoyed it so much. She threw herself into the role, performing with the skill, passion, and presence that only a real star could deliver. And through it all, her brown eyes shone with sheer joy at finally being back where she belonged.

Jessie also took the musicians backstage to teach them the melody of her new song. She wanted to keep it as a surprise, so she practiced it there where only the group's little orchestra could hear it. The rest of us worked on our own performances in the meantime, and when she and the musicians came back out a while later, we all went through the rest of the songs as well. Even I had one, a duet I shared with Jessie later on in the play, and although I wasn't too sure at first if I could even sing at all, I found I was better at it than I'd expected.

Before long, rehearsal was over, and we took an hour to grab a bite to eat before the show. Jessie and I shared a pizza together at the bright, colorful restaurant in Wonder Square, just the two of us, and although it wasn't the same as her Midgar Special—she still makes the best pizza, no question, and we always have it once a week back home—it was still pretty good. And a nice way to start off our date.

"Having a good time?" she smiled warmly at me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Ready for tonight?"

Jessie took a deep breath. "I think so. I've just been waiting for this for a really long time, Cloud. And I know it's just for this one night, but maybe, just maybe... it'll open the way for more."

"I think so, too," I agreed. "Hear what they're saying, Jessie? Word's getting around about you—Jessie Jae's back. She's returned from out of nowhere to star in tonight's play. Everyone's excited."

She gazed fondly at me. "I do, Cloud. And I'm glad you're here and can share this special moment with me."

I smirked. "Wouldn't miss it."

After finishing our dinner and playing a few of the games, we went back to Event Square and changed into our costumes. Once I had mine on, I went and found Jessie in a dressing room behind the stage. She let me in after I'd knocked on the door, and as I looked at her, I just stood there and wondered where my breath had gone.

Jessie wore a long, flowing, sleeveless white gown trimmed in gold, with matching bracelets on her wrists, a slender golden belt around her waist, and a jeweled tiara that sparkled in the light. Her reddish-brown hair spilled down over her shoulders like a silky waterfall, and her eyes were bright as she looked at me. She had put on makeup—pink lipstick and nail polish, soft rouge, and dark eyeshadow—and she had a pair of translucent white high heels on her feet that looked to be made of fine glass or crystal. Jessie looked every bit a princess.

"So, what do you think?" she giggled.

I stared wonderingly at her. "You look amazing..."

"Thank you," she smiled. Then she looked me up and down with a little smirk. "You're pretty incredible yourself."

Since I was playing a warrior prince, my costume was as elaborate as Jessie's. Black leather armor trimmed with mythril, matching gloves, belt, and boots, and a long, flowing deep blue cloak that hung from my shoulders. A slender, realistic prop sword was fastened at my left hip in a slim leather scabbard, and a thin gold crown sat on my head. It wasn't my usual getup, but I felt comfortable enough in it.

"It's more me," I agreed, giving her a wry little grin. "And a hell of a lot better than that dress I had to wear in Wall Market."

Jessie laughed. "Oh, yeah! I'll bet! But you were so pretty in it! Still, I can't complain about what you've got on now. If I wasn't already crazy in love with you, this would definitely get me there!"

I gently took her hands. "It's almost time. You okay?"

"I think so," she said, more serious now. She took a breath to steady herself. "To be honest, I haven't been this nervous before a show since I was a kid. It's my first time back on stage in two years, Cloud. And I've got so many hopes for this and for what it could lead to."

"You'll do fine," I assured her. "No one knows this show better than you, Jessie. You're a star. And everyone's gonna see it."

Jessie nodded, closing her eyes for a moment as she held onto me. "Own yourself... own yourself and you own the room."

"What's that?" I wondered.

She opened her eyes again, more relaxed now. "Something Andrea told me once, the first time I returned to the stage. He'd just given me a makeover after I'd left Shinra. A new look for a new life, and he put me out there to perform with him that very night. He was testing me to see if I was ready to be in the spotlight again. And I passed."

I didn't doubt it. "You'll do it again."

"Kiss for luck?" Jessie asked.

I touched my lips to hers, and the feel of her mouth on mine, sweet and soft and moist, was still as electric as ever, like a live charge racing through my body. As Jessie wrapped her arms around me, I pulled her to me and held her close, hoping it would give her the confidence to go out there and perform like the brilliant, shining star she was. When we finally came up for air, she gazed fondly at me.

"I'm ready," she smiled.

I gave her a faint one of my own. "Then let's mosey."

As we made our way to the stage with the rest of the cast and crew, Jessie and I could hear the murmur of the audience waiting expectantly for us on the other side of the closed curtain. She took my hand in hers for a moment, settling the bout of nerves that had sprung up inside me as the reality of what I was about to do filled my mind. Although I had fought in battle against terrifying enemies, this was different somehow. Jessie understood, though, and her presence calmed me.

After giving my hand a gentle squeeze, Jessie hurried into position on the far side of the stage, riding a concealed lift up to a platform near the ceiling as the others and I all took our places and the music began. Then, only a moment later, the thick red curtain finally rose, the lights in the theater dimmed, and Zander began his narration.

"When the end of days is come, the Goddess alights from heavens above," he began as a group of dancers in gray twirled gracefully about on stage amidst a dark, starlit background dominated by a massive slab of metal and gears. "Upon those Her blessing She doth bestow, but true happiness they shall forever know."

Then, as the men and women continued to dance, Jessie gracefully descended from above, suspended by a few cleverly concealed wires as the sky brightened around her like the sun coming out. The stage used a state-of-the-art holographic projection system to create all the special effects in the play. A pair of white, feathery wings adorned Jessie's back, making her look truly angelic as she slowly spun down to the stage. As she landed amidst the dancers, her holographic wings faded away, and she began dancing as well in elegant, beautiful steps.

Zander continued his poetic narration. "To claim Minerva's boon, a valiant three sally forth, heroes they would be."

That was my cue. As Jessie and the dancers gracefully moved aside, I strode forward into the light, Marcus and Blank at my side, and we all drew our prop swords. Then we engaged in a fight that was more like a dance than a battle, and as we spun and thrust, I made a dramatic fake stab at Blank, who was in gray armor with a red cape, before the scene shifted to show him and Jessie reaching for each other with their arms outstretched as a dancer picked each of them up before a massive castle made of steel and spires with illuminated windows.

"One's life cut short, another slain," Zander recited. His voice had been coming over the speakers this whole time, and he himself was out of sight. "Naught but a prisoner doth remain."

As I fought Marcus and struck him down in our mock battle, Jessie took him in her arms, his red armor and white cloak stained with fake blood. Another soul returned to the planet. Then, while the stage lights went down for a moment and I dropped my sword amidst the dark and the swirling stars, he and Blank quietly slipped away unseen to wait for their next scene. As I collapsed to the stage, Jessie rushed over, her face full of worry, and held me against her chest.

Zander narrated while we performed. "Bereft of his wings, he falls from grace. Yet venerated is he in Her embrace."

When I awakened again, Jessie let go and began to dance, and then I joined her, lifting her up from behind with my hands on her hips, and she raised her arms toward the ceiling in the bright golden glow of the castle. After I lowered her back down, we faced each other and clasped our hands together, then moved as one. We spun and danced, and then I picked her up again, this time by the waist, and she stretched her legs out as we turned, a contented smile on her face.

As the background changed seamlessly back to swirling stars in the dark, Zander spoke one more time. "Now, though the cruel world hath forsaken us all, will our hero ne'ertheless stand tall?"

Jessie and I continued to dance in front of the metal castle with its wide stone stairs. I bent her backward as we faced the audience, then as we then spun and twirled side by side, I saw the place was packed, with not a single seat empty. Aerith and the others were in the front row, all of them totally engrossed in the play and the music.

Then, Jessie ran to me, and I picked her up and spun her around in slow, graceful circles as she wrapped one arm around my shoulder and held the other out in front of her. After we let go, we shared a brief hug before I lifted her once more from behind and spun her one more time until I set her down on her feet again. I held her close as she stood just in front of me with her back pressing softly against my chest, and when I wrapped my arms around her, she laid her her hands over mine. Both of us then closed our eyes and bowed our heads.

When we looked up again, everyone was applauding. This was just the end of the first act, but I could feel Jessie's excitement as she took it all in and how happy she was. She didn't show it, though, not yet. Jessie was a professional, and she kept her poise until the curtain fell. Once it did and the others started getting ready for the next act, she kissed me passionately, then pulled away and laughed, doing a jaunty little dance step as she did. Tears glistened in her eyes.

The second act began five minutes later. Jessie had returned to her dressing room and had changed into a sleeveless, black satin dress that hung down just above her knees. It was a lot like the one she'd worn on the LOVELESS poster, and she looked almost the same as she had then but with her hair long now and in her natural auburn. As she and Ruby got into position and the curtain rose again, I heard excited gasps from the audience when they saw her. It was finally sinking in that Jessie Jae really was back. Some people hadn't believed it.

"What troubles you, my sister?" Ruby asked as they stood on stage in Princess Rosa's lavish castle bedroom.

Jessie sighed and turned away. "Our dear elder brother will depart on the morrow with Alphried. I fear for their safety, and I do not enjoy being made to wait here 'ere they return. Their quest, though noble and true, is perilous and feels misguided to me."

Ruby moved to stand beside her. "I share your fears, Rosa. But you and I both know that Guardia must fall, lest our realm be consumed by the great machine's wrath. So they must go. They are warriors true, and if any can find Minerva's great gift and vanquish Guardia and its black knight, the Dragon King Varvados, it is they."

"You steady my wavering heart, little sister," Jessie smiled. "I would be lost in the dark without you by my side."

"Always will I be here," Ruby promised firmly. "For I love you, and I would see you happy again, as you once were. No matter what comes, we will face it together. We are sisters, you and I."

Jessie took Ruby's hands in hers. "And I love you, Regina."

Then she and Ruby sang a duet together, the same one that she and Lydia had sung in the Wall Market coliseum months ago. It was a song about their characters' hopes, dreams, and love for each other and their family, and their voices filled the theater. Jessie and Ruby stood side by side, looking at each other and the audience as they sang, and I silently watched from the side out of sight with the others, admiring Jessie and glad to see her back in the spotlight again.

When the song was over, Ruby gave Jessie a knowing grin. "Shall I inform Lord Alphreid that you wish to see him?"

"Yes," Jessie smiled. "Have him meet me on the battlements."

"Then I shall summon him forthwith," Ruby said.

As she swept gracefully off the stage and the background shifted to show the battlements atop the keep overlooking a grassy plain at night, I strode out onto the stage to join Jessie. When our eyes met, I found it was all I needed to focus on the scene and my character. Alphreid and I weren't all that different, really. And Jessie was my Rosa. When I spoke, it was to her as well as to her character.

"Rosa, my beloved, truly you are radiant tonight," I murmured. "As fair as the heav'nly angels above, and I shall keep the sight of your dear, sweet face close to my heart during my travels."

"Flatterer," Jessie smirked. "You do have a way with flowery speech, my prince. But it is your voice that I treasure, far more than any words. And your touch. I shall miss them both greatly."

I caressed her cheek. "Fear not, my love. After I find Minerva's gift, I will vanquish Varvados and his dark fortress of metal and gears. And when I return to you, we will at last be wed."

Jessie nodded, looking around at the battlements. "I await that day of joyous celebration with eager anticipation, Alphreid. The ceremony will be held here, at sundown as soon as you return. But my father tells me that good warriors make bad husbands."

"Does he now?" I laughed softly. "I suppose that would depend on if you expect me to follow you around all the time as would a lost pup, act upon your every whim, and jump on command."

"You would not jump for me?" she teased playfully, her face a mask of feigned innocence and barely suppressed laughter. Then her mouth twisted into a knowing grin. "No, you are a warrior."

In response, I gave her a tender kiss. As Jessie slid into my embrace and returned my affection with a passion that wasn't entirely acted, the music swelled around us. For a moment, I almost forgot about the play, I was so caught up in the feeling of her mouth moving fervently against mine as if she couldn't possibly get enough of me.

"I have chosen well," Jessie laughed softly.

I gave her a small smile. "As have I."

She stepped back after a moment, her face determined. "Let me be at your side on this quest, my prince. Vorman has tutored me in magic ever since I was a child, and my spells may aid you and my brother. We could slip out tonight with no one the wiser."

"Your father would never permit it," I told her. "And I would never forgive myself if you came to harm. Stay here, Rosa."

"He'll not know until it is too late," Jessie insisted. "And fear not for my safety. Varvados desires me, as you well know, and he will not allow the slightest harm to come to his chosen bride."

I shook my head. "Nay, I dare not risk it. Forgive me."

"Very well," she sighed. Then she moved back into my arms. "And I do forgive you, Alphried, for I know how deeply you care for me. But I must confess, I chafe at being left behind like this."

"How fares your mother?" I asked gently.

Jessie let go and gazed sadly out over the battlements and the wide plains beyond. "Her strength wanes with each passing day. And I fear I will see her leave this world before you return."

"Perhaps the gift of the Goddess can save her," I offered, laying my hand on her shoulder. "It is said that it can restore both body and soul. After Varvados is no more, I will bring it here and beseech Minerva to lay her healing touch upon our dear queen."

"You would do this for me?" she breathed, her eyes wide.

A firm nod was my answer. "I love you."

Even though this was only a performance we were doing, the effect on her when I said those words was instantaneous. Jessie threw herself into my arms with a happy shout and kissed me passionately just as the script called for, but once again, I could tell she wasn't just acting. That line had been different in the script, but I'd decided to improvise a little to improve the scene and surprise her. Jessie held me so tightly against her and pressed her lips so firmly against mine that I could barely even breathe, but I didn't care and returned her kiss fiercely.

The music swelled once again, and when we came up for air, I held Jessie for a long moment. This was Alphried and Rosa's farewell, and in the story, it would be several months before they saw each other again. I thought of the weeks Jessie and I had spent apart after the others and I had left Midgar and how much I'd missed her, and I let those feelings show in my performance as I gently stroked her hair. Then I finally let go and stepped away, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Farewell, my dearest Rosa," I said, my hand on her cheek. "I must take my leave now, for I set out with the dawn."

"Know that I love you also, Alphried," Jessie replied.

I leaned in for one last kiss, then slowly walked away and off stage, leaving Jessie alone on the battlement. She watched me go, then turned to look out across the starlit plains again. As she did, she laid her hands on top of the low wall and began to sing. It was a slow, somber melody that spoke of her love for me, her desire to help me on my journey, and her sadness at the impending loss of her mother.

Once again, I stood just off stage marveling at Jessie's voice and her incredible performance. This wasn't her new song, since she'd practiced it in front of the rest of us, but it was still amazing, and I could see why she'd been so beloved in Midgar when she'd starred in its own rendition of LOVELESS. Her voice soared as she slowly turned, gazing longingly up at the stars, and faced the audience again.

When the song ended, Jessie slowly paced along the battlements. "I know Alphreid's cause is just, for Varvados and his black fortress must fall, but a foreboding cloaks my heart like a shroud."

Then she paused, looking at the full moon. "Must I stay here while those dearest to me face danger untold? No one who has sought to find the gift of the Goddess has ever returned. I cannot allow my prince and my brother to walk into that metal monster unaided."

"But what of Mother?" Jessie went on, her face wracked with pain, doubt, and indecision. "Her health is failing her, and if I leave now, like a thief in the dark, then I might never see her again. Father looks to me to care for her and make things right, and gladly I would do it. I would see her and the glory of our realm restored. And my dearest love called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets."

Finally, she sighed and looked down. "I know not what to do. But I must decide soon, 'ere Varvados moves upon us."

Then the curtain fell again as the second act ended.

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