Classroom of the Elite: Liars...

By Jes_132

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Ouma Kokichi from Season V3 of Danganronpa dies after getting crushed by a hydraulic press. However, he wake... More

Chapter 1: An Endless Voyage without Passion or Purpose
Chapter 2: New Autonomy
Chapter 3: New Person
Chapter 3.5: Same Old Mistakes
Chapter 4: To Atone for my Sins
Chapter 4.5: To Heal Your Heart
Chapter 5: Gold Roses
Chapter 6: Refreshing Child, Pure Child
Chapter 7: The Choice is Yours
Chapter 8: I Accept
Chapter 9: Survive
Chapter 11: Angels and Demons 1
Chapter 12: Angels and Demons 2
Chapter 12.5: Desire
Chapter 13: Mystery Bonds

Chapter 10: It's Magic

320 14 24
By Jes_132

"Ayanokoji-kun from first-year Class D. Please see Chabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

While Sakura and Hirata were at the whiteboard preparing for the incoming discussion, a loudspeaker with a robotic voice called out to me. 

With the announcement concluding, I could feel the eyes of my classmates piercing right in my direction, questioning what I had done to end up in trouble. I wasn't concerned about getting in potential trouble, but for the time being, I got up from my seat and departed the classroom without saying a word. 

As nimble as a cat, I started to make my way toward the faculty office. After a while, I found my way and decided to take a peek inside to see if I could find Chabashira-sensei. I couldn't, and instead, I found another teacher inspecting herself in the mirror, touching up her light brown shoulder-length hair.

"Excuse me, is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Hmm? Sae-chan? Oh, she was just in here a few moments ago."

As I took my head to the entrance to the faculty room, the beautiful woman walked out of the room to inspect me closer. If I had to guess, the person I was talking to was presumably a friend and colleague of Chabashira-sensei. 

"Do you want to wait in here? It shouldn't be long before she returns?"

"I'll wait out here. Thank you for the offer, though."

Personally, I don't like the attention that comes from being present in the faculty room, but unfortunately, the woman hasn't been done interrogating me just yet. 

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, in charge of Class B. Did you know Sae-chan and I have been the best of friends since high school? Not only that, but we called each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan."

Best friends? I wonder what a best friend is like. 

Are Sakura and I best friends? She calls me Aya-chan as a cheesy nickname, and I'm the only one she gave a nickname to for some reason. 

Should I give her one in return? 

Regardless of my relationship status with Sakura, I still didn't care about the superfluous information that this instructor gave me just now. 

"Hey! Hey! Why did Sae-chan call you? Huh? Huh?"

She continued to pester me for more information. If I'm not mistaken, she is suspicious of me and is trying to see if there is anything special about me. Unfortunately for her, she isn't the first to act like this around me. Sakura has also been like this for the prior month, trying to dig information out of me. 

It wouldn't be shocking if Sakura suspects I know at least parts of the school's S-system before today. Not that it particularly matters to me, as I have been allowing her to learn more about my abilities, but as long as she knows her limits, I don't think I have to take any precautionary actions with her.

But right now, at this moment... I have no reason to reveal myself to anyone else. 

"I can't answer your question, I don't know." I lied. 

"Right, I remember you! You were the one from that viral dance video from the club fair! Say, I really loved your moves. You have to tell me your name!"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

"Ayanokoji-kun? Wow, that's a fabulous name. Since you're a good dancer, you must be pretty popular amongst your class, aren't you?"

If being the lonely guy that the popular girl befriended for some reason, you could say I am popular. 

"Hey, that pink-haired girl you were dancing with, Sakura-san was her name, wasn't it? She's your girlfriend, right?"

But this over-friendly act is incredibly similar to the one Sakura does around me sometimes.

"No... I'm, uh, not that popular."

I tried to seem reluctant, but that didn't sway her from grabbing my arm with her small and delicate hands and, with her other hand, running her finger through one of my cheeks. 

She was incredibly determined, but I knew she could not handle me if I decided to take action against her. I could shove her, or if I wanted to do something sexual, I could lick her fingers, but I would prefer not to get into trouble at the moment. 


A loud thud rang, coming from a loud clipboard smacking the head of Hoshinomiya-sensei. As I witnessed who was the culprit, I noticed my beautiful homeroom teacher finally arrived with a slightly irritated. 

"What are you doing to one of my students?"

Hoshinomiya released me, letting me be free once again, as the once carnivorous woman grabbed her head in pain and whimpered in disappointment.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"For trying to involve yourself with one of my students inappropriately."

"Aw, but he looked incredibly lonely, so I just wanted to give him a fun time while we waited for your arrival, Sae-chan."

This instructor winked seductively is something I would expect from Sakura before getting a boyfriend, not so much a teacher in her thirties. 

"You could've just left him alone. Thanks for waiting, Ayanokoji. Follow me to the guidance office."

"Did I do something wrong? I've been doing my best to maintain a low profile."

If you disregard that dance video I was a part of during the club fair.

"That's a very good question. Follow me if you want an answer."

I had a hunch that she would want to meet with me one of these days. She was my current homeroom teacher, so there was a good probability that she had access to my entrance examination score in the past. 

She could've called me much earlier during the previous month but chose today for some reason.

I kept my inquiries on my own as I followed my homeroom teacher towards the guidance room. However, the instructor of Class B followed right behind me, ignoring my instructor's request. 

"You stay." Chabashira-sensei looked at the stubborn instructor with an incredibly cold gaze, similar to what Horikita would give me, just a bit more refined. 

"Stop being so cold! It's not the end of the world if I'm with the two of you. Besides Sae-chan, you're not the type to give one-on-one session guidance to a student. Though, pulling a new student like Ayanokoji-kun into the guidance room out of nowhere... I wonder, could there be another purpose?"

Hoshinomiya went behind me with a mischievous grin and started stroking my shoulders with her hands. Chabashira-sensei didn't look too pleased with the bothersome teacher right behind me. 

However, based on her actions, Chabashira's insistence that she stay behind only raised her suspicions about me being something of interest that she might want to follow around. It was troublesome, but I needed to find a way out of my current predicament. 

"Sae-chan, are you looking to be dominated by a younger man?"

Dammit, Sakura! 

I would probably question what that meant if I hadn't befriended Sakura. However, on the picnic day, she recommended that I look up pegging, as it interested me. My foolish self believed her, and I entered a new realm of pervertedness that put Ike to shame. I learned such terms as what Hoshinomiya means, plus many other sex-related terms. 

For example, I know what a 'dommy-mommy' is now after my extensive research on the topic of pegging.

"Don't say such stupid things. That wouldn't be possible."

"Hee, you're certainly right. It wouldn't be possible for you, Sae-chan."

Did Hoshinomiya call my instructor a virgin?

I wish I didn't know what the double meaning was. 

Afterward, they exchanged words about the same topic until someone else made their presence known. It was a girl with light pink hair. She was absolutely stunning, but she sort of reminded me of Sakura with her appearance, so I had to keep my expectations in check with her. 

"Hoshinomiya-sensei, do you happen to have a moment? The student council wishes to discuss something with you."

She glanced at me briefly, to which I was greeted with beautiful azure blue eyes. 

"Looks like someone needs you. Get to it, girl." 

Chabashira-sensei smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei's butt with her metal clipboard. The loud smack sounded like it had left a mark. It also reminded me of those videos when... 

Dammit, Sakura!

"Oh well. She'll get mad at me if I hang around any longer. See you later, Ayanokoji-kun! All right, Ichinose-san. Let's go to the faculty office."

With that, Ichinose and her troublesome instructor departed as Chabashira-sensei, and I entered the guidance room, which happened to be next to the faculty office. 

"So. Why did you call me here?"

Now, I didn't want to stay here too long, as I felt that I might have a run-in with Horikita. She told me earlier that she intended to complain about her placement in Class D, and I wanted no involvement with that discussion. 

"Well, before that... Before we begin, please come here."

She glanced at a clock on the wall and opened the door below it. Inside revealed a small office kitchenette, where on the stove, I noticed she placed a kettle on top of it and began to prepare some tea. It was my first time in this sort of office, so I took my time and studied my observations. 

"I'm going to make some tea. Is roasted green okay?"

I simply nodded, signifying Chabashira to prepare two teacups.

"Don't make any unnecessary moves. Shut up and get in here. Understand? Don't make a sound and stay until I tell you it's okay to come out. If you don't do as I say, you'll be expelled."

She's going to expel me?

Unfortunately, I already have one nosy woman on my back, and the last thing I want to deal with is another. 


My voice was slightly more forceful and was different from my normal, boring, monotone voice. I learned this from observing Sakura's ability to change how she can inflict her tone quickly. I'm nowhere near as proficient as her, but I was skilled enough to frighten Chabashira-sensei for what I was trying to achieve. 

Before she had the chance to respond, I slammed her against one of the walls, and I slammed my hand to her side, causing her to startle.

"What are you doing—"

Before I allowed her to finish speaking, I used my other hand to cover her mouth to the point where only muffling could be heard from her. She could try to force her way out, but she could not match me with her strength. 

"If you care about your safety, I recommend you don't move and follow my instructions."

This was a bluff. I had no real intentions of doing anything that could potentially harm her body. Still, my frightened instructor had no real way of being able to come to that conclusion due to my intense staredown at her and my intimidating presence. 

She reluctantly nodded, seizing her sight from my direction and preparing for the worst. 

"Now, I know you want to reveal my test scores to Horikita, but unfortunately, I can't. If you do, I will ensure that any potential chance for you to reach Class A will never be fulfilled. That's a promise. Instead, you have someone else's scores, and you can show her."

I dug into her pockets to find any recording devices that could be used against me. She tried to put up a resistance, but by releasing my hand from the wall and grabbing her by the collar with a strong grip, I prevented her from being able to escape. 

Eventually, I pulled out her phone and checked the content inside, ensuring there was no recording and once confirming there was none. I released her, allowing her to adjust herself to look more professional. 

"Get to it, girl." I pushed from her shoulders towards her office seat. "Horikita is waiting for you."

The instructor stared but couldn't even utter a word as I entered the cabin. It's an understandable reaction, as one moment, I threatened to harm her, and the next, I am back to how I normally sound, as if nothing happened. 

Now, I knew that Chabashira-sensei wouldn't disobey. Still, as a safety precaution, I pulled out an audio recorder I bought with the extra points Sakura gave me after I finished buying those books.

"Ah, Horikita. Come in. So what would you like to talk to me about?"

Her voice was a bit shaky, but it wasn't that noticeable as she quickly adjusted herself to sound more professional in a matter of seconds. 

"I will be frank. Why was I sorted into Class D?"

If I remember correctly from earlier today, she was one of several individuals in the class who had a grievance with her placement. However, she was the only one who had the audacity to complain to the faculty. 

If I had to be honest with her, she overestimated her abilities as someone she isn't. She is capable in academics, and her physique is nothing to scoff at, but besides that, there isn't anything unique. Just an above-average honors student who hates interacting with others unless out of necessity. 

From her reaction earlier today, I could tell that she was shocked, like most of the others, at the school's true nature. So, compared to Koenji and Sakura, her observation abilities were lacking. 

"Today, you told us that the school sorted superior students into Class A. You said Class D was filled with the leftovers, the bastion of delinquents. I refuse to accept that I am one of these individuals."

"I wasn't lying back then. You must consider yourself a superior person."

"I solved nearly every problem on the entrance examination. I made no substantial mistakes in the interview, either. At the very least, I shouldn't have been sorted into Class D."

"I just so happen to have your answer sheet here. You are indeed impressive. You did miraculously on the entrance examination. You had the fourth-highest score amongst the first-year students, and maybe you could've scored third. Not only that, but you did exceptionally well during the interview."

"You came prepared. It's almost as if you knew I would come to protest."

"I'm your instructor. I generally have some degree of understanding of a student's mind. If you need clarification, my colleagues evaluated you highly."

"Thank you very much. So, why was I placed in Class D if I was evaluated so highly?" 

"Are you dissatisfied with being in Class D?"

"Naturally, who would be happy with being evaluated incorrectly? You said that the class rankings impact our future aspects, so it's logical that I would be dissatisfied."

"So you think you were evaluated incorrectly? Have you ever considered that you evaluate yourself too highly? I will admit you are certainly smart, but I want to ask: Who decided that smart people are superior? Last I checked, we never said that."

"But... that's common sense."

"Common sense? You should already pick up that this school isn't common at all. You are a capable individual, but we do not rely on just test cords to determine superiority at this school. In fact, if you were superior like you claim to be, you should've been able to identify one of the many hints regarding the S-system. However, since you are here right now, I'll take it that you didn't. Also, try looking at some of your classmates. If we had solely focused on academics based on admissions, then why is someone like Ike in this school if this school focused solely on academics."


Horikita clicked her tongue out of frustration after realizing that she couldn't counter Chabashira-sensei's argument. I can't say that I'm surprised at her inability to be self-aware of her flaws or defects, but it's not like it particularly matters to me. 

"Furthermore, you might be too hasty in proclaiming that no one would be happy to be incorrectly evaluated. There are certainly some individuals who might be content with their placement. Think about the pressure that comes from being a Class A student, the envy from the lower classes, and being the primary targets for all of their competitors. It's very difficult to manage. In fact, I believe there are some who might even be content with your current predicament."

"You're joking, right? I can't understand such a person."

"Is that so? There are a good handful of those in Class D. Strange and odd individuals who were absolutely delighted to be set at a low level."

It sounds like she was talking to me in this instance, but I knew she wasn't. 

"You still haven't given me a reasonable explanation."

"Well, I don't know what else I should tell you besides that you definitely belong in Class D. You are at that level."

"Is that so? Then I will ask the school again at another time."

"You'll get the same answer from anyone in a higher position. So, please, I insist, ridicule yourself even further. However, if you want my advice, since I can tell you are not pleased with your placement, work for it and overtake Class A."

"How am I going to achieve that? I can't imagine it being an easy task trying to get a bunch of immature morons to work together and reach Class A. I just don't see it."

"It appears you don't seem to know that you are also a part of the group of morons that you believe you are not a part of."

"I suppose that's enough. Excuse me, But know I'm not convinced I was sorted correctly."

"Understood, but before you leave, I want to show you something that might interest you."

I could hear a chair squeak briefly, trying to signal that the conversation was over, but from the sound of Horikita getting up and returning to her seat. 

"Of interest?"

"Let me tell you about one of your classmates who might be able to assist you. Unfortunately, I couldn't call her, but you've talked to Sakura before."

Going forth here was uncharted territory, as I still didn't know anything about Sakura, and continuing to stay silent, I might be able to pick up a thing or two about her.

"Sakura-san? We've talked a few times, but I don't see anything special bout her."

"Now that's where you are wrong. I'd like to provide you with a brief explanation of why she was placed in Class D. It appears that during her interview, she struggled to communicate effectively with the interviewer and had a problem with stuttering, which resulted in one of the lowest scores. So, my question to you is, have you noticed any instances of stuttering or communication difficulties during your interactions with her?"

"So, she's managed to overcome her communication issues. Good for her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't belong in Class D."

"Well, you would be correct. However, let me show you her entrance examination scores along with her recent exam scores, and give me your opinion on the matter."

Neither said anything for the next few moments as Horikita looked at Sakura's test scores. Despite being unable to see their faces, I can only presume that what Horikita saw was nothing she expected.

"But that doesn't make any sense. Are you sure she hasn't cheated to get those answers?"

"We take cheating cases very seriously at this school, and any student caught cheating will be expelled. We also had concerns about this score and believed there was a potential chance she might've cheated. However, after conducting a thorough investigation, we couldn't find evidence that proved that she cheated. It's worth noting that this student had scored below average on every entrance exam subject yet could answer three difficult questions beyond your current curriculum, including one that required a complex formula."

"So she somehow improved drastically in her academics over the course of several months. I will tell her that she has improved, but it's almost as if you are saying this girl is a hidden genius."

"I wonder if this girl, whom you brushed off easily, might be more intelligent than you, Horikita." 

"Well, I'll talk to Sakura-san. However, I'm still not convinced that I belong in Class D."

"If that's what you think, I'll note it."

I could hear a chair squeak, signaling that the discussion ended. Horikita took several steps to the door and opened it.

"I'll take my leave now."

After some parting words, Horikita left the guidance room. After several seconds after her departure, I opened the cabinet door to ensure that Horikita decided to return for some reason. 

"I hope you didn't give some sort of sign that I couldn't witness that would allow her to witness me. If you did, you better hope Sakura is capable enough to defend the class."

"Don't worry, I gave her no such signal."

After she stood up from her seat, I took it for myself while crossing my legs while she prepared the freshly brewed green tea. I've wondered what tea was like; even though I'm proficient at tea ceremonies, I have never consumed the popular beverage. According to Sakura, it tastes like warm water, but taking her words when she doesn't have functioning taste buds isn't the brightest idea, so I had to judge it myself. 

As she finished preparing the two teacups, she handed one to me. As I felt the cup, I started to blow into the liquid before taking a small sip. It was hot but very delightful, and the taste was satisfying. 

"You really are an interesting student, Ayanokoji."

Before I had the chance to think of the endless combinations of all the different types of teas, I could try out. I had to deal with my troublesome instructor.  

"Not at all. I personally find it interesting that I have a teacher with a bizarre surname like Chabashira."

"Would you like to inform every Chbashira you come across?"

"I have a feeling that every other Chabashira I meet will be nicer than you."

If I ever meet another Chabashira, that is.

"What's with your attitude right now? I thought you would be more aggressive?"

The question just now allowed me to glimpse Chabashira's confusion about who I was. She was somewhat scared of me now, but I was okay with the result. 

"I want to assure you that I have no intention of causing you any harm. However, I had to take some precautions to ensure that you don't show my test scores to Horikita. I must let you know that I have no plans to work with her, so if you were considering getting her to work with me after showing my test scores, it would only lead to failure."

She let out a frown, removing the grin from her face. 

"Well, I did all of this for your sake."

"If you wanted to lie, you should've made it less obvious. It's fine. I'm not mad that you tried to use me to help yourself."

I leaned back on my chair while I took another sip of my tea, which seemed to have cooled down a bit.

"Let's say you did show Horikita my abilities just now, and because of that, I decided to go all out to reach Class A, and I managed to carry the class to Class A by graduation. It would be a valid assumption that the teachers would get some sort of benefit like the students who graduated from Class A. And by using me, you could get the benefit offered by the school. Now, you had a coin flip on whether to call me or Sakura, someone who also seems abnormal in your eyes, and you chose me. Care to explain why when, by the look of things, she would've been a useful ally for your goal."

Now, looking from Chabashira's perspective, it makes obvious sense why she would choose to call me to the front office instead of Sakura. She was not expecting Sakura to be competent at all; in fact, she was supposed to be like her other students, clueless and more likely someone who was easily expendable. Even now, I can still sense some doubt from her regarding Sakura's abilities. Something must've happened between them to spark this unease in her. 

Perhaps Chabashira also believes that Sakura masterminded Yamauchi's expulsion, which is the cause of her distrust. Still, unless she gave a hint, giving her away, she shouldn't have been able to figure that out on her own. 

"I initially thought that I would have more leverage when dealing with you. However, it seems I was mistaken in my judgment. So, what are your plans at this school?"

"I have no reason to tell you that, especially after your failed attempt at blackmailing me today. However, I request that you leave me alone and treat me like any other student in this class. If I ever decide to assist the class, you will surely be the first to figure it out. Until then, you have Horikita and Sakura working together. The two should do a fine job. If they don't, I'll think about stepping in."

I took another sip from my tea. 

In the upcoming days, Horikita is likely to try to persuade Sakura to work with her to reach Class A. However, since Horikita doesn't consider Sakura superior, she may not treat her as an equal, which could lead to problems for both of them in the near future. 

However, to ensure these problems don't come up anytime soon, I have to ensure Chabashira doesn't try to pull this stunt again with me. 

"And if you think of showing my scores to anyone else, whether it be Hirata, Horikita, or anyone else who asks for them, you better hope that Sakura is better than me, or every one of your students will suffer through hell through the next three years."

She had a bewildered expression and stayed silent. 

Now, I would prefer to be left to my own devices for the time; however, that doesn't necessarily mean I won't act. Thanks to my instructor's horrible plan, I now have to figure out a plan on how to get rid of Hoshinomiya-sensei off my tail. It shouldn't be too difficult, but it will certainly be troublesome.

It'll also cut some time off my ability to determine Sakura's goal for this school. From what she wants others to see, she wants to reach Class A with a challenge. She could've informed the class after Yamauchi's expulsion; they were vulnerable and more receptive during those couple of days, but instead, she spent her time around Hirata. 

I can't be too sure what happened between them, but it resulted in the formation of their relationship. Now, I can't be too sure if Sakura does have legitimate feelings, as ever since the attempted assault on her, she looks to be infatuated with him. However, it could either be a trauma response, as she tries to find someone who has been by her side as support.

Or she could be lying about her vulnerability and use Hirata's weak mental state during those two incidents to lock him into a relationship.

It would add up, considering she did make herself the victim in Yamauchi's expulsion. In return, the most popular boy and girl in the class are going out, and no one can come close to their influence. However, it's hard to say, as Sakura legitimately has hearts in her eyes around Hirata. 

However, their relationship aside, she wants Hirata to lead the class for some reason when she can clearly lead it herself. From that, it's baseless speculation, but I am sure that Sakura is after something else at this school that doesn't involve reaching Class A in a similar vein to me. 

Feeling satisfied with my lecture to my instructor, I stood up from my seat, finished the last sip of my tea, and headed towards the kitchenette. I enjoyed the tea and wanted to try different flavors that might be interesting. Therefore, after departing here, I decided to stop by a store and buy some flavors. However, I also spent time investigating the cabinets to ensure there were no recorders or cameras that could potentially get me into trouble.

When I finished my business in the kitchenette, I made my way towards the door. I turned towards my startled instructor and noticed she was at her desk once again.

"Right, you better not have given Horikita some sort of sign trying to get her to investigate me. You know the consequences."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do such a thing."

I did not detect any lies from her, so I felt satisfied with my work today. Yet, I wonder if, if Chabashira did not comply with my request, I would end up going against the class. 

How far should I break Sakura Airi if that ever happens? 

I'd like to see her as a friend I cherish. 

It's highly likely that she suspects me of being more intelligent than I present myself to be. Since the first day, I have given her several hints about my observation skills that she may have picked up on. I may have even hinted that I knew about the S-system by implying that I was suspicious of the school's claims back then, though it appeared, regardless of the hints, she didn't need my guidance to figure it out on her own. 

Furthermore, I subtly informed her that I was aware that she was the mastermind of Yamauchi's expulsion by asking her to fix my mediocre plan to get Kushida and Horikita to interact with each other. I didn't need to involve her in this, but I was curious about how she could deal with Horikita for when May 1st comes, as depending on how the picnic turned out would determine my upcoming plans. 

After the picnic's conclusion, Sakura somehow managed to get Horikita to interact with Kushida, albeit begrudgingly. I could conclude that she knew her classmates well enough to get them to cooperate. However, in exchange for that critical information, I revealed my observation abilities to Sakura by notifying her that I was aware of her meticulous planning process and that I basically used her to fulfill something beneficial to me. 

Despite this, she hasn't tried to use me once. And I would like to keep it that way. 

However, if I decided to break her... I would go all out.

"Thank you for your excellent guidance today, Chabashira-sensei. I will be taking my leave now."

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ - Ⓜ Ⓐ Ⓖ Ⓘ Ⓒ - ♦ ♥ ♣ ♠

After I chatted with my homeroom teacher, I strolled out of the guidance room and started to make my way back to the classroom to check if the discussion was still ongoing. However, when I pulled out my phone, I noticed a message from one of my friends, Nishimura Ryuko. The two of us talked occasionally, but this was the first time she'd messaged me alone.

[Nishimura] [5:01:32 PM] [Hello! ヾ(^ ∇ ^)] 

I've received messages from them in a group chat I am currently a part of, where I learned a vast amount of information about digital communication. For example, I was utterly panicked when I saw the emoticon for the first time. I thought Sakura was trying to send a cryptic message I couldn't decode. 

How severely mistaken I was. I, the white room masterpiece, got overwhelmed by a couple of pixels on my phone.

However, I learned that it is a type of language used instead of words inside chats. Specifically, the one Nishimura used was a 'Kaamoji'. 

Now, to use the correct emoticon, I decided to use the expression that best describes how I am currently expressing myself. 

[5:01:48 PM] [Hello (・-・) ]

[5:02:42] [Nishimura] [Come on! How am I supposed to know how you are feeling rn! (ᗒᗣᗕ) ]

Did I do something wrong? This was my first time using a kaamoji after experiencing it countless times with some of my classmates. How should one feel when they mess up?

Sadness should be the first thing I'd convey if I made a mistake to someone. Now, if I had to express myself using a kaomoji through text, I think Nishimura should be able to understand that I want her to know that I feel saddened by my mistake. 

[5:02:51 PM] [I'm sorry (╥﹏╥) ]

[5:03:26 PM] [Nishimura] [It's fine. I just wanted to inform you about what happened during the discussion you missed.]

[5:03:39 PM] [Oh, it's already finished?]

[5:04:03 PM] [Nishimura] [Yeah. Since it's long, I'll just let you know that we made study groups, and you are in mine!]

[5:04:30 PM] [Nishimura] [With my skills, I'll carry you to pass! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧]

I somehow scored fifty percent in all my subjects on both my entrance and the recent mock exams. Even though I am not in danger of failing, it doesn't hurt to study with someone to help improve my grades. 

In fact, I've never even been part of a study group with friends so that it might be a new experience. So, to show my excitement for the study group, I needed to use the best kaamoji to ensure that Nishimura knew as well.

[5:04:33 PM] [I'm counting on you ୧(•̀ᗝ•́)૭ ]

[5:04:39 PM] [If I may ask, who is in our group?]

[5:05:12 PM] [Nishimura] [It's you, Muyu, Onodera, Inogashira, and Mori ]

[5:05:12 PM] [Nishimura] [Though I'll be with Kushida's group, and we'll have to be with Ike and his pals tho. 눈_눈 ]

So, Kushida agreed to be a tutor as well, and it seems that she and Nishimura will have their study sessions together. Now, for the girls in my group, Ike and his group of friends do not have the best of reputations based on their open pervertedness. After that one time, when he made the false assumption that I was into Horikita or Sakura, he stopped talking to me again, isolating me from most of the guys. 

Truly, what a great friend he was. 

At least I have Hirata's number now, so I have one guy from my class to talk to sometimes.

Nishimura then started to vent about Ike and his 'perverted friends' as she called them by berating my messages, and after some time reading every one of her complaints, I eventually closed the chat app on my phone. 

If Kushida were resourceful like Sakura, she could expel Ike as well, as she did with Yamauchi. That would certainly be a shock for the class. 

I started to depart the school building. Since the discussion session had already ended, there was no reason for me to stay here any longer, and I could finally start my plan to find the nearest store with tea packets I could buy. 

However, as I approached the doors leading me outside, I could feel someone's presence rushing right behind me. Not wanting to get hit, I instantly dodged the approaching person as the individual in question crashed into the door. 


The person who wasn't paying attention collapsed onto the floor, struggling to get up. It was a red-haired girl decorated with a blue gem and a purple hairband, with an assortment of pearl jewelry, including a bracelet and a necklace. The girl under distress was lying on the floor, looking completely knocked out from the crash with the door. 

Regardless, someone should help her, and since I'm the one nearest to her, I guess I should be responsible then. 

"Are you alright?"

I raised my hand in her direction to assist her with her current predicament. However, the girl had other plans... 

"I got it!"

She sprung right back without warning by pushing her arms onto the floor. She raised her upper body enough to jump from lying to standing up, making eye contact with me. She then started doing a pose that looked right out of some movie.

"Prepare to be amazed. Fall to your knees. I am Yumeno Himiko. The reigning and lovable mage from Class 1-B!"

Her energetic voice rang through my ears, and out of sheer instinct, when she ordered me to fall to my knees, I obliged without hesitation, landed on my knees, and just stared right at her, waiting for my next command. 

"NyeH? What are you doing!?" She shouted out loud, with a bewildered expression across her face. 

Perhaps we should be fortunate that school hours are over, or we could be deducting points from the cameras pointing directly at us. 

"You ordered me with your magic to fall onto my knees, and with no other choice, I was forced to succumb."

"Come on, magic isn't real," Yumeno mumbled to herself, her expression irritated. If it were real, it would've been my darkness magic..."

"Oh, it isn't? My bad." I got up from my knees and stood right next to her. "I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, from Class 1-D."

"Ayanokoji-kun? Never heard of you... Since you have a firm belief in magic, I think the two of us will be good friends."


A firm believer in magic would imply that I strongly believe that the concept of magic exists. However, without further information, I cannot determine what Yumeno means by a firm believer. 

She could potentially belong to a religion that practices magic. For example, there is Shamanism, a spiritual practice that allows individuals known as Shamans to connect the physical and spiritual worlds. Yumeno herself could be a shaman who tries to use this connection with spirits to perform magical feats.

However, it's more likely I'm overthinking this... 

"Yes, I can choose the cards you picked, release doves out of thin air, and I can even see a person in half without killing them."

I overshot my guess by a long shot.

She is a magical performer. 

Her primary goal as a magician is to deceive her audience by performing a trick that involves preparation, the usage of devices, or even the assistance of others to create an illusion that appears like something supernatural. 

However, there has been one trick that I have always wanted to see performed live, as it would be amusing. 

"I'm impressed. I'm not a magician, though. However, I have admired the practice of magic since I was young, so you're the first magician I've met, so I would love to see some of your magic."

It was a half-lie. I was intrigued by the idea of a live magical performance, but I had one concern with Yumeno that could make her a potential threat to my plans if she could perform one specific magic trick. 

Mind reading. 

Using observation skills on your specific target, follow with a practice of cold reading by getting the target to answer certain questions to infer a person's thought process. There are also techniques that involve manipulation, where the performer can influence the target's decisions by tricking them into telling them what the performer wants to create the illusion of mind reading. 

If this girl is as capable as she says she is, there is a chance she can read my mind.

"Nyeh? Really?" The girl smiled out of pride. "Well, since you look like a possible fan, I can do a little magic trick for you right now, but..." 

Her stomach growled loudly. Surprisingly, instead of blushing in embarrassment, she was calm about something that I figured some girls would call embarrassing. 

"I think you heard my problem."

She stated bluntly, with no ounce of shame on her face. However, since a stomach growling is just a natural instinct out of our control, signifying us when we are hungry, I had no reason to comment further. 

"I see. I was going to go to a store to buy some stuff. Would you like to come with me, then?"

"Since you invited me, I might as well accompany you. I don't want you to be sad."

I don't know about her statement, but nevertheless, the red-haired magician accepted my invitation, and the two of us idly made our way to a store that I knew sold different tea flavors.

I immediately went towards the section where the tea was located and was bombarded by the different flavors, with many to choose from. Looking at my point balance, I still have enough to splurge on some tea flavors. So, that means I will need to buy a kettle and some tea cups. 

"Tea? If you want the right tea flavor, I recommend ginger tea. It's perfect for a cool day like today," Yumeno advised as she approached me. 

"How did you know that I was overwhelmed?"

If I am not mistaken, I'm not really expressing any emotions at this current moment. However, I can't be too sure myself.

"You have the face of someone who has only drunk tea for the first time not too long ago." 

She is terrifying. She read my mind like an open book. 

"How did you know?" 

"It was magic!"

She puffed her chest, trying to appear prideful, before slumping into a state of depression. 

 "No, magic isn't real..." she mumbled as she looked down on the floor. "You were staring at the tea for a long time without saying anything, so I just used that to infer you were overwhelmed at deciding a flavor, but that's just a guess." 

However, she probably wasn't aware that I could hear her mumbling clearly. Though her response was correct and on point with my actions just now. Even if she wasn't confident with her answer. 

"So, can you recommend some flavors then?"

Yumeno, still in a depressed mood, grabbed three packers, each with a different flavor: Gyokuro, Matcha, and Citrus. 

"Here, with my magic... No, people are reading. I believe that these flavors would suit you the best."

The mood between the two of us was depressing. For some reason, Yumeno keeps telling her that magic isn't real. It's almost as if her beliefs have been shaken sometime recently, causing her to get depressed when mentioning magic. 

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'll stop and grab a snack first, and then I'll perform my magic trick, as I promised."

As the two of us made our way towards the snack section, we made our way towards the frozen section. I've gone shopping many times; however, besides the first day of school, when I tried the cup of ramen noodles, I never once bought something that would be considered a snack. So, I was wondering what snack I would Yumeno end up picking up. 

"Ayanokoji-kun, since I recommended tea flavors to you, choose what yogurt I will buy." 

Yumeno directed me toward the yogurt section, where I was welcomed to various flavors, including Greek yogurt, vanilla, fruit varieties, coffee, and even chocolate. Now, just like with my expertise with tea, my knowledge of the various flavors of yogurts is close to non-existent.

So, I went to grab a grape-flavored yogurt. 

"Nyeh?" The magician looked at me, puzzled. Did I choose incorrectly? 

"Oh, it's nothing. I didn't expect you to have such bad taste."

"Bad taste?"

"No, you don't need to explain yourself. I said I would get the same flavor as you, no matter how terrible your taste buds are."

Wow, that was harsh. Was my choice that bad, to the point where she thinks I have bad taste buds?

The two of us made our way towards the register to check out the stuff we had purchased from the store, where, oddly enough, I overheard Yumeno ask the store clerk for a coin, where he handed the girl a coin in exchange for 100 points. I wasn't sure from where I was standing if the coin was a legitimate yen or a counterfeit, but for a magician, that doesn't matter. 

The two of us, with bags in one hand and a grape-flavored yogurt in the other, found ourselves at a bench near the dormitories next to each other. Funnily enough, it was right near the spot I found myself on the first day of school, exactly one month later. However, I removed the plastic spoon attached to the yogurt and opened the sticker covering the dairy product. 

"Bottoms up!" 

Yumeno raised her cup of yogurt. It seems as if she wants to cheer with a container of yogurt. I don't think it's normal practice, as I would assume this is something you would do with alcoholic beverages like wine, but I willow her head, not wanting to look like the odd one out.

"Bottoms up," I followed her, and we hit our cups. Then, the two of us began to consume our grape-flavored yogurt. 


It was delicious. 

I was smiling with joy at this beautiful party dish. It was one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten, and I wanted to leave right now and buy different flavors of yogurt. 

"Is it good? I can't tell with your expression right now." She tilted her head.

I figured she would say that.

"Yes, I would eat this again."

"I don't know how you can say you would eat grape-flavored yogurt again with a straight face. I was reminded just now why I don't like grape-flavored products just now..." 

"I'm sorry, but I'm not good at expressing myself. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. But, I assure you that I did enjoy this."

I took another bite of my milk fermentation to show Yumeno that I was satisfied with my purchase despite knowing she was not with hers. 

However, Yumeno placed her yogurt cup on the bench. She turned her face away from me and exited her seat while pulling something out of her bag that I couldn't see clearly. However, the item did look quite small.

"As a mage, I can't allow such a tragedy to befall me."

 Is enjoying grape-flavored products a tragedy?

No, she is more likely referring to my inability to express my emotions. A stage magician's primary goal is to entertain their audience, meaning they enjoy seeing their smiles and awe. 

As a performer, Yumeno intends to make it her goal to make me express something right now using her magic. I'm intrigued. 

Yumeno took a deep breath while momentarily grabbing her headband and necklace before putting herself into a dramatic pose as if she were to cart a spell with one of her hands as if she were some fantasy medieval witch. 

"So, ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! It is I, Yumeno Himiko, the lovable mage from Class 1-B. The magic that I will be performing to you, Ayanokoji-kun, revolves around this coin."

Yumeno's hand was clenched in a fist. She flicked her thumb, and from the flick, a coin flew into the air and landed on her palms. She then took the coin, grabbed it with two fingers, and showed it to me. 

By showcasing the coin for around ten seconds, Yumeno subtly misdirected my attention to focus my attention on it so that I wouldn't be able to focus on how she would eventually perform her trick. 

After retreating her hand away from me, she took the coin and covered the hand with it with her other hand, preventing me from witnessing the trick that she was about to perform. She wiggled the fingers of the hand that was once holding onto the coin before bringing that hand down, trying to make me believe that the coin was still in the hand that was in the air in her other hand. 

She then blew into that hand and revealed her palm toward me, showcasing that the coin she supposedly transferred hands was missing. 

My mouth gaped briefly as I wasn't sure what trick she used to deceive me. 

"And there you have, the coin vanishing magical trick! What did you think?"

Now, for Yumeno to pull off the trick, she had to balance the coin with the hand that originally had it while trying to make me think that the coin was in the hand I could see. 

"Good job."

I started to applaud, even though I knew that the magic trick was simple enough to the point where I analyzed her trick and felt sure I could replicate it if I could get my hand on a coin. Regardless, I was still impressed at the sight of a magic trick, as she genuinely made it look as if the coin disappeared from my sight. 

"Nyeh heh heh. I knew you would enjoy it. Even if you couldn't smile, I still saw the awe in your expression. So for now, for someone like you, I'm satisfied." 

She had a bright smile, and both fists were clenched onto her hips, signifying her pride in her abilities as a magician. 

However, this prideful look of hers was short-lived as she turned her head briefly and looked shocked.

"Himiko, what are you doing?"

As I turned to what Yumeno was shocked at, a girl with chin-length brown hair and crimson red eyes reminded me of Horikita's eyes. She also had a couple of marks on her face and several deep scars on her arm, though the scars might be unrelated to whatever happened earlier today. 

"Nyeh? Harumaki! What are you doing here? And why do you look like that?"

Yumeno looked concerned for the beaten-up girl as she rushed towards her. Perhaps the two of them were close friends from their previous school. 

It sounds like a nice thought, having a friend from my prior school, but I didn't really have any, did I know? 

"Some idiot decided that since today was the reveal of the S-system, it was time for them to take charge of the class. He decided to fight those who refused, and that's how I ended up like this."

The brown-haired girl's face was stoic as if the marks on her skin didn't mean much to her. 

"What was that guy's name? I will put a curse on him... I mean, cuss him out for you!" Yumeno exclaimed. 

"Don't worry. I have it all handled. I had to teach him a few lessons, but I am sure he won't be messing with me for the time being."

With no hint of emotion in her voice, she calmly dismissed Yumeno's concern... for the person the brown-haired got into a fight with. 

"What do you mean by that!"

"Don't worry about it." She coldly glared at Yumeno, who froze at the sight. "He can still walk, and you're concerned about that."

Even without knowing her victim's name or the incident's details, I just know that he did not have a pleasant day.

"Um, what are you two talking about?"

"Right. Is this a friend of yours, Himiko?"

"Of course, Ayanokoji-kun, meet Harumaki Maki! She's from Class 1-C. Harumaki, meet Ayanokoji-kun, he's from Class 1-D!"

"Ouch!" The brown-haired girl karate-chopped Yumeno at her side, causing her to whimper in slight pain.

"What did I tell you about introducing myself to others with that nickname?" She scolded the pained Yumeno before turning her direction towards me. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that idiot. Harukawa is the name. It's nice to meet you, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Nice to meet you, Harukawa. I take it the two of you are close friends despite being in different classes."

"Mhm! Harumaki and I have been together for who knows how long."

Yumeno seemed more calculated with her words as she answered my questions as if she was trying to reveal something to me, and it didn't help that Harukawa was glaring right at her, also anticipating what she had to say. 

"She's overexaggerating. We've only met at our junior high, but we have a close friendship, as you may put it. So despite the two of us being in different classes, we'll still be friends regardless." 

So, I was correct in my guess that the two girls have been friends since junior high. They must've had pleasant memories together to have a strong relationship, even though they will have to compete against each other at this school.

I wonder if I am even capable of having such a strong friendship where, despite the bumps, this friend and I would be able to stick together. 

"That's good to hear. However, based on our earlier conversation, you must've had it rough today."

"Yeah, the frequent fights aside, it can't be as bad as your situation. You guys didn't even get a single point."

Right, I was in the class of defectives. Surprisingly, despite being from that class, neither of them appeared to be looking down at me, with Yumeno wanting to befriend me and Harukawa showing concern for my point situation. 

"I'll be fine for a while. I'm not a heavy spender." 

"Well, that's good to hear." Harukawa turned her direction to the still whimpering Yumeno, who only seemed to exaggerate her pain at this point. "Yumeno, I'll be making dinner tonight. Are you coming?"

When Harukawa mentioned dinner, Yumeno sprung up as if she recovered instantly. 

"I mean, since you are cooking, I might as well go." 

She had a bright smile on her face at the prospect of food. She's sort of childish when it comes to that matter. Regardless, she decided to give me her number and email and forced Harukawa to do the same. 

"Bye-bye! Ayanokoji-kun! It was nice meeting you!" 

"See ya."

After exchanging farewell with the two girls, they began to head back to the dorm. I turned towards my seat, where Yumeno was briefly sitting right next to me, and noticed that Yumeno had left her grape-flavored yogurt on the bench. 

I considered running towards the two of them to hand back the yogurt, but she informed me that she despised grape-flavored products, and it just happened that I had just finished the one I was eating... 

The second serving of yogurt is... with my spoon naturally. 

As I consumed Yumeno's yogurt while sitting under the murky skies, I reflected on the two individuals I had met.

First there was Yumeno Himiko. From what I can tell, she is good at reading people's thoughts by observing their actions and eye movements. So, she can perform the mind-reading trick, as I suspected when I appeared overwhelmed at the store looking at the different tea flavors.

 I can see her playing a massive role in my future plans. It saves me the effort of trying to get into contact with Ichinose, who appears to have held a similar status as Sakura. 

Then there is Harukawa Maki. From an initial glance, she looked like a simple delinquent who got into fights, but the way she talked about the person who would take charge of her class and Yumeno seemed as if she was worried for his life... Her demeanor reminded me of some of the instructors from the white room. 

It also doesn't help with those deep scars that are present on her arms that look like they came from stab wounds to help prove my point. However, I don't know enough about her to infer what type of person she is. 

After finishing the yogurt cup I was holding, I got up from my seat and made my way towards the disposal, where I noticed that there was something in my blazer pocket. 

It was a playing card—more specifically, an Ace of Spades card with Yumeno's autograph on it. 

So the magician performed another trick when she gave me her number. 

Well played. 


Author's Note:

An Ayanokoji-centric chapter featuring Yumeno Himiko and Harukawa Maki.

If you couldn't tell by their different appearances, time has passed since the killing game the two of them participated in. Now, why are the two of them at this school? This will be revealed later.


However, on another note, with 10 chapters in and over 100,000 words into the story. I thank everyone who has read this far for your continued support. It truly means a lot.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter, and I'll see you all in the next one! :)

[Word Count: 9021]

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