My love of piousness || JJK📔

By jeonxrain

2.3K 413 136

Welcome to Halal fanfic' era: Assalamualaikum my reader (stars)♡ This story is about falling in love with a r... More

Chapter 1⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 2⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 3⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 4⋆.°🦋༘⋆
chapter 5⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 7⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 8⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 9⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 10⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 11⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 12⋆.°🦋༘⋆
Chapter 13⋆.°🦋༘⋆

Chapter 6⋆.°🦋༘⋆

138 35 8
By jeonxrain

"What's your type never shared with uss"..said Rimi

Um my type is a boy who have all qualities...
he has to be kind, humble, religious,cute, who knows how to cook...i mean all time perfect..
And you know guy's What's the saddest part?
In this generation im not going to get anyone like this,,,,,

Aish no one is perfect....alsoo yeaaa you're genuinely genius...but see you can't cook
You're not good at communicating
And also whenever you talk to strangers you talk with them as if they are your enemies....
Maya said it in a dramatical way...

Like dude we know that....our wania is the sweetest person on earth but see... you're going to korea right? You should learn how to get humble while communicating with you have to make new friends...!! they'll g__Maya cut rimis words by saying....

Like seriously gurl... stwaap the topic
I don't wanna see my wania with any other gurl from korea... she's myyy bestieeee....whyyy the hell I'll share her huhh? Let's get back to our boys topic huhh?...

Then wania Started laughing loudly...and hugged
Maya by saying...
"Im all yours my dumboo,I will never get anyone like you cuz you guys are my magical butterflies..
Even if im far away from you I'll pray for uss to be together,,, did you get it my fatty?"

After hearing her words tears started dropping from their eyes....

Wani...please don't forget mee...i love you soo'll live soo far away from me while i can't remember the day when we stopped seeing eachother...

Aishhey...gurls i feel like we are in someone's it's a partyyy time babies...
Our nia is leaving for her dad's dream and also she is missing her childhood cousins too right?
Mayaa honey don't be so selfish okay?huhh you don't love me i won't talk to youhh..
With that she was twitching her lips with her tearful eyes
Then maya pulled her into a big hug and they all started to cry hardly...

After 5 minutes____

Gurl stwaap it already if appa finds out i made my butterflies cry he'll beat me for real...
Now let's talk bout your boy band's....

Helaaa are youu ukeii? I mean did you hit your head with something by mistake...? Like you never asked to see those boy band's then why now?

DANGGG same question...we need to know the proper answer...!!Rimi said it in a confused look

You guy's are giving me headache...
Im going to korea so i wanna know bout the famous thing in korea..yaa imma sleeping please no..
you guys sleep too... it's getting late..

You can't escape this wa___Rimi

Allahh hafiz gurlss with she acted like she fall asleep....then maya & rimi started to shake her gently...

Waniii/niaaa we are not liking it gurlllll....

"Ahhh fineee...what you wanna know?"

Aish finally you came to the point..?
Aa we wanna know bout whom will you like
From THE SKY boy band?

Umm i don't even know them...
Okay tell me...who is good at everything in
This band?

Ahh girl... like seriously you are asking uss to chose your bias now? Seriously naah sleep huhh we are going to sleep too...(With that Rimi and maya gone downstairs bunk bed to sleep furiously)

(It was her childhood room y'all cuz whenever her friends come to her place they stayed here...cuz this place is so cute and perfect vibing...😭🎀)

After 20 minutes they finally got deep into their sleep...

Aish finally i can see How the boys washing girls brain...with that she searches the band and was reading the articles...

She was reading jungkooks article with her full attention....

Ahh i see he is "golden maknae"
But what does it mean? Hell i don't need to know...
Woaa he is only 5 years older from me...
that's cute...<AGE IS JUST A NUMBER Y'ALL>
Okay let's search his name on YouTube...

Then suddenly a hot video of jungkook came to her search list....then wania clicked the video....


Her eyes got wide bigger...and her cheeks was getting redder....she licked her lips and closed her eyes and said to herself....<uss wania>

Yaa allah astagfirullah that's illegal to make such edits...the person who edited this video should get into the jail....
It's such a astagfirullah video....
Wallahi please forgive me....

Laa hawla wala quataa illa billah...

Im not feeling well yaa i should sleepppp,
Why did i even search for his identity tho...
It's my fault...

Yaa rehman please forgive me....please
Yaaa shataan made me curious to watch that video..... Ya rehman you know naah im not interested in any kind of boy bands...
(Wania was breathing heavily)

___Wania's pov___

My breath was getting heavier,i closed my eyes and grabbed my pillow,I make my sleeping du'a...
And trying to fall asleep but again i said....
Yaa rahman can i see him ..i mean i don't wanna see him but for the kast time please....
Then she said to herself

Yaa wania shut up,,clam down,, what's happening to youh?now sleep like a good child cuz you have to pack your stuff tomorrow...
With that i fall asleep....


(Like idk how wania controlled herself to stare at his picture but i can't control myself in this situation<kitty uss right>🫂😭)

Then the next day at fazar salah time her alarm started to ringing...

Then she woke up with her cute puffy eyes...
Aaa mayaa,,rimii wakey wakey we have to pray.. with that she was coming down from the top bunk...

Yaa gurl.. please 2 more minutes....(Maya said it)

No more minutes just waje up already...
Rimi you should also wake matter if you don't have to pray..we will go outside for walk after y'all get uppp...with that they all gone to make their ablution...
Rimi started to read islamic books...
maya & wania was praying together...

After their prayers and du'a...

Wania asked a strange question by folding prayer matt...

"Aa maya um what does hard stand mean?"

Astagfirullah gurl...are you frr? How did you get to know bout the hard stan things tho...

Aaa idk a video came to my phone and it was soo
Unholy video..aa forget it.. answer me only

Then maya started to explain her_____

Hard" stan refers to fans who constantly have se*ual fantasies of their idols, which includes wanting to have se* with them or within OTPs, their kinks, etc, and in general love the idols' se*y side more, while "soft" stans are the opposite - they prefer the cute side of the idols, and they fantasizes about soft dates...
But why on earth you wanna know bout the thing...

Then it must be soo creepy to them right?...They also see those videos right.....don't they?

Are you talking bout "THE SKY BAND"..!...MAYA


Yaa that's why they'll leave this boy band soon and gonna do their own personal profession...
You know as a public figure it's so hard to face bad comments....(Maya said it in a serious voice)

Aish...bad comments? people hate them too?

Like the fans are soo toxic some of them...
they interfering their personal matters like it's so
Horrible....umm like sending them food... even they also get threats for nothing....hiding a hidden camera in their gifts...they can't have wife or love ones... I mean they'll get hate comments if they have one..Ahh i don't wanna talk about it...
It makes me sad whenever this topic came

Ahaa looks like you know soo many things...
aa it'll help me for sure...!!Wania

Whatt gurl why it'll help you...are you gonna marry one of your appa is soo rich you do have the opportunity....;Rimi said it in a shocking voice....

Gurls kill me already....why you guys think I'll marry a kpop boy? You know hate them..?

Do you heard the name of "HATE TO LOVE"
aish that's amazing...ykk it'll match with you
(Maya said it in a teasing way)

You guy's are soo delusional...aghhh let's go outside...

<Then they all gone outside for a walk,had so many memorable time,after some times they all came back to home>

At 2pm in Wania's house___

Where are you going kids,,food is almost ready just come and eat....!!mihrima khatuñ<eomma>

Aish beloved auntie,,we are also sad that we can't have this amazing food of your hands too...
Actually Rimi's dad called her to return back to home... uncle was so furious that we stayed here sooo many days....!!maya

Auntie thank you soo much for your huge hospitality....we are soo lucky to have a pretty auntie like youh...remind uss in your prayers too..
Now auntie give uss permission...

Kids im not happy to seeing you leave my house it'll be again but you have to come in our korea house for sure

Aishhyyy auntie you're soo
Maya & Rimi said it together....

Hey dumbo's im feeling soo helaa jealous that you're getting so close to my eomma,,likee she is myy eomma why will she talk to everyone this sweetly,,ayii aniyoo that's illegal....!wania said it with a cute pout....

Gurlll to be honest we are not taking your eomma.... because we can't handle this cuteness for sure..hehe now stopp being dramatical...

The wania hugged rimi and maya
after sometimes they left the house....

(Wania was sitting on the living room couch and scrolling her phone..suddenly her appa called her loudly)

Baby bearrr comee heree quickly.....i need to talk to youuuu....!!ibn Jalal<appa>
(Want that ajhushii guy'sss😭😭😭😭)

"Yes appa im comingggg".....wania said it loudly...

Then wania gone toward his room and found his standing figure in the balcony...

Appa you called you need something?
Are you okay appa..?

No my child im alright....btw did you gone to club in previous week?

Yes..(in a sad tune because wania knows she can't lie Infront of his appa)

Wania i warned you before my child the place is not adjustable for you then why you gone their?
Looks like my words does not matter to you...

Then wania started to crying....and emd up telling him everything....

Appa if im wrong then please forgive me...
I know principal also told you he suspended eva for me...but trust me i don't want that too but she crossed the line..appa please don't be angry with me...

Then Wania's appa hugged her and spoke in a tensed voice...

My precious baby know if your eomma hears it she'll get panic attack...what if yaani was unknown to those words huh?
What if eva tries to hurt you more than that book?Why don't you come and tell me instead of taking everything into your own hands...?
I am not liking it, you're the most precious thing's for me and my mihu so please distance yourself from the harmful people...i taught you fighting not for messing with wrong persons...
I am still alive my child... don't take everything upon your hands...
And I'll say what you did is not wrong but__

B...BUT..?(Wania said it with her innocent doe eyes)

but don't you ever do this again....remember
It's my last but not the least warning... I won't forgive next time...and you'll be grounded that time for sure...

Yaa my handsome appa noo...i get i perfectly
Now I'll obey your every discipline...

Nouh my child it's not my rule...
It's our islam..
Our brain will say__

🧠: treat them like they treated youh..

But Prophet ﷺ says: treat everyone with kindness And respect even after they disrespect you..

Just leave the matter to allah my child...
I know the thing happened to you was so horrible i was also shocked after hearing it...that gurl came to our house so many times...she talked with me sweetly...just see it was a big lesson to you...from now on after going korea you don't have to trust anyone..just trust yourself and allah my child...Make people happy by your activities...
Be kind like your eomma your eomma was only strict with mans not with everyone...

You're my precious child go and start packing your important don't have to take everything with you because maybe I'll buy new stuffs after going korea..<appa>

Yaaa appaa you're theee best i lovee youu my appa,,,with that she hugged her appa tightly and left the room by jumping in joy...

On the other hand our
...Jeon jungkook...

Im so sick of it manager when the contract will end i really want to quit this job...
Like now those sessang fans are sending me foods to eat? Like am i a homeless person? Yes i receive gifts but this time it's i don't like those fans who is attacking me this way....

Mr.jeon please clam down we are taking steps for them and no worries you only have 2 more years for this contract then you'll get free from this idols life...<manager jiyang>

Aish it's my bad that im reacting this way but it's making me trusfated..<jungkook>

It's frustrating not trusfated jungkook..<namjoon>

I know right namjoon Huang(by twitching his lips dramatically)..but when did you came here?

For your safety we all came here kook-

To be continued______

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Your author rainae(Elestār)
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"Don't expect anything from anyone because this duniya is full of fake people"

Tadaaah my babies remember me in your prayers cuz my result announment day is knocking on my door....<allah hafiz>

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