By pearlycore_author

152 15 0

Will the hot widowed ceo fall for his children's nanny?? More

BOSS (???)
meeting the kids
spotify Playlist 😘✨️🧚‍♀️

The Fight!!

30 4 0
By pearlycore_author


Her eyes widened, and she momentarily forgot about packing when jessica drops the juicy gossip about your new boss.

"Sam's engaged?!!"

She don't normally read trashy tabloids, But you can't help scanning through the article, starting with the full-page photograph of his fiancee.

Star Gossip

Here's the scoop, hot off the presses! Insider sources SAM DALTON and old flame MARTINA O'SULLIVAN, pictured above, are officially tying knot this summer!

Friends close to the couple says they've been enjoying their time together as the 'IT' couple of the business world, attending red carpet events side by side...

And now it's time to take their relationship to the next level in what some are calling ' a huge surprise'!

We reached out to the happy couple, But they declined our request for comment. Maybe they're still prepping their 'official' announcement , But until then... you can read all about it here at the star!

"Ven are you okay??"

Jessica asked her concerned.

" just another reason to focus on the job not on the sexy boss."

"You should confront him"

"Over what?? This all confirms Nothing happened. Let's just focus on packing."

She started aggressively wrapping fragile items in bubble paper, telling herself it's fine and she really doesn't care...

(So what if he's engaged?? It's none of my business...) she thought. But deep down, her heart says differently.

(Later that morning)
Vennessa's pov

I return to the Dalton residence to find a congenial older man waiting for me in the lobby.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ms. Ferrante. I'm carter, the Dalton family driver. I'll be at your service today to" He said.

"Wow, I've never had my own personal driver before."

Carter smiles and hoists several of my bags. He leads me across the lobby and up to the penthouse.

" I hope you enjoy it here. Mr.Dalton spoke highly of you this morning. Said he feels you're the perfect addition to this family."

"Thanks, carter. I really appreciate that."

Carter gives me a nod before leaving. I took a deep breath and try to clear my head of the engagement drama as i unpack. I just picked up some of my lingerie when I heard a knock. Sam peeks his head through the open door with a smile.

" I trust you're settling in okay?"

"SAM!! I didn't expect to see you until later! You startled me! "

startled by his presence. Sam just smiled sheepishly, his smiled faded as his eyes traveled to my hands and saw....A Black Lacy Bra !!!

I was suddenly acutely aware of the delicate clothing still in my grasp. I bite my lips nervously.

"O-Oh, I'm just settling in just fine."

Sam's eye's lingers on my hands before sliding back up to my face... He clears his throat.

"...Good, good. Glad to hear it."

Sam shakes himself from his reverie when she finally drop the lingerie into a drawer.

"I hate to do this to you at the last minute, But I was called in to handle an emergency at the office. Can you watch the boys today??"

(An 'emergency', huh ? I wonder if it has to do with his engagement leaking to the press...) "

I hope it's nothing too serious..." I said pretending to be clueless.

" just a little PR nightmare to start the weekend. Nothing I can't handle." He said.

"Uh huh ? I find it hard to picture anything you can't...handle "

"Oh? Have you been picturing me a lot ? " He said flirting with me.

I try to ignore the blood rushing to my cheeks as visions of my dream come flooding back again... (more than I should be, that's for sure) I took a deep breath and gave Sam a careful smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know? But I can definitely look after the boys today. Whatever you need." I said.

"You're a lifesaver. Now, I have some basic rules... no pillow fights in the master bedroom. No 'experiments' after dinner. No toaster tarts, ever. You'll thank me for that one. Oh and NEVER EVER take the subway. Carter will drive you anywhere you need to go"

" Wow, those rules are...strict. I mean, no toaster tarts? Those were like, my favorite food when I was seven, and I turned out right."

"Be that as it may--

just then a loud commotion breaks out in the kitchen! Me and Sam share a look before rushing off to investigate together. We enter the kitchen to find it covered in splatters of milk, cereal, and soda. The sticky liquid drips from every surface, and somehow, it's already gotten on you.

" Oh, boys..."

"We did the pop rocks experiment with soda a few days ago, and I said I thought milk might explode too!"

"But... pop rocks don't actually explode in milk, do they?"

"Well, no. We had one bowl of milk and one bowl of soda..."

"And one with milk and cereal!"

"Right, because what's an experiment without a control?"

"No control? That sounds....More fun...Sometimes you've gotta live on the wild side."

catch Sam's gaze over the boys' heads and wink. His gaze darkens dangerously...

"That's... one way of looking at things."

Then he turns back to the twins.

"Now boys, clean this up and get ready. I have a feeling Ms. Ferrante has something special planned for your first day together."

"You're leaving? But it's a Saturday!"

"I know, but I have to take care of a work emergency. I'm leaving you in very capable hands though, so be good, okay?"

"We'll try... but that's all we can promise!"

The twins throw their arms around Sam's waist... soaking his clothes completely in milk and soda.

"Starting now!"

I step forward and put a hand on Sam's shoulder.

" I've got this. You change and go." "Thanks, ven. Call if you need anything."


nod as Sam leaves, then I turn back to the boys.

"I know you're bummed your dad has to leave, but if you clean up fast enough, we can go to the coolest place in the city... the planetarium!"

"Mickey, I've got the counter! You get the floor!"


Later, Carter drops me and the boys off outside of the planetarium.

"Thanks for driving us, Carter. I'm not sure how long we're going to be..."

"It's no matter, Ms. Ferrante. Just call me when you're ready."

"I will-- Wait, Mickey, no don't touch that!"

I hurry after the twins, steeling myself for a long afternoon... Over the next few hours, i lead the boys through the various exhibits, doing my best to explain the science along the way...

"But how can the Milky Way be one hundred thousand light years across?"

"Well, a light year is actually a measurement of distance. It's how far light can travel in a year."

"It takes a hundred thousand years for light to travel across the Milky Way?"


"I'm starving!" "I stashed some Toaster Tarts in my pockets--"

"Mickey! You know your dad doesn't let you eat those. Where'd you even get them?"

"It's a secret. Besides, he lets us eat them on special occasions! And isn't our first day together the most special-est occasion of all?"

"You hesitate, remembering all the times you ate Toaster Tarts as a kid..."

"...Fine. But just this once!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

The twins wolf down the Toaster Tarts, grinning the whole time. A moment later, your phone buzzes.

"A text from your dad?"

"Don't tell him about the Toaster Tarts!"

You smile as you open the message.


How's it going? Are the boys behaving for you?


They're being perfect angels


Well, now I know you're lying. How did they bribe you?

A cut of their allowances? Ceasefire on pranks?


Toaster tarts

Seriously tho, M&M are having a great time

No need to worry about us


Thanks ven, I owe you this one. ❤️

You put your phone away and turn back to the boys, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach at the thought of seeing Sam at home...

"So boys, why don't we look at the Saturn exhibit next--"

Just then, your phone vibrates in your pocket again.

(That can't be Sam again, can it?)


So I know you said to drop it

But here are the deets on Sams fiancee !!!

MARTINA O'SULLIVAN, 33, daughter of ANOTHER billionaire entrepreneur


I can't deal w/ this rn


Sure you dont wanna kno theres no confirmation about the engagement? From her OR Sam??


...Wat does that mean?


You tell me, you actually know the man

OMG or ask the twins! I bet they know alllll the juicy gossip



Even though my phone continues to buzz repeatedly from Jessica's torrent of texts, I put it away and turn back to the boys.

"I'm bored! This dumb museum is boring!"

(I bet Mickey would love a more hands-on experience... I could take them to Central Park to check out the actual night sky and get some major nanny points.)
(Plus, if I put them in a good mood, the boys might just answer my questions about Sam's mysterious fiancee...)

"You're right, Mickey. All this museum stuff can get kinda boring after a whole day."

"But-- Wait, really?"

"Absolutely! What if we check out the real thing? We can go to Central Park and try to find all the stuff we learned about today in the night sky."


After a short walk, the three of us stretch out together in the grass of Central Park, searching the sky for constellations.

"I think that one is Orion right there."

"I found one of the dippers!"

" Big or little?"

"Well, it looks pretty little from here..."

After a few more minutes of staring up at the sky, I turn to the boys. I cleared my throat and try to think of the best way to word it.

"Hey, I have a question for you..."

"Ooh, I have a question! What is the oldest a bug can be?"

"Mm, termites live about fifteen years if I remember my bio class correctly. Though, termite queens can be fifty."

"Me next! How fast is the fastest second grader?"

"Get out your watch, and I'll show you!"

I laugh as the twins stick out their tongues at each other.

"Okay. My turn. Do you know martina O'sullivan"

" Scientifically speaking, I've never seen her actual face, so she may or may not be beautiful."

"Ha! Underneath all that makeup, she could be a total blobfish."

The twins grin and high-five each other.

"That's not funny. I'm sure martina must be nice if your dad likes her, no matter how much makeup she wears."

I try to keep a straight face... but the mental picture is too much.

"Is that so?"

I cough and change the subject.

"When did Aunt martina first meet...Your dad?"

"I think when they were, like, our age?"

"Before we were born, for sure. She's always been around."

"But Dad didn't call martina his girlfriend until, I don't know, last Christmas?"

"Yeah, something like that. It wasn't that long ago."

"Wow. I guess things developed quickly."

The twins look at each other, seeming confused.

"So...Is your dad in love?"

"Gross! No way!"

"Yeah, we don't even see Aunt martina that much."

"We've never even caught them kissing!"


"Why're you asking anyway, Ven?"

"Oh, I just, uh... saw something on the internet about them and was curious. But it's obviously just gossip."

"Hey, is that constellation Gemini?"

"Which one? They're twins too!"

I distract the boys by pointing out more stars, but your mind is elsewhere.

(Does that mean Sam and Sofia aren't getting married? ...Or just that they haven't told anyone yet?)


"It's getting late... We should start heading back. I'll call Carter."

I dial the driver, but get no answer... I try again, and again, and again.
(Crap. Time for plan B...)
I attempt to hail a taxi, but the few that pass by ignore my desperate attempts to get them to stop.

"Venn, I'm getting cold."

"I know, Mason, but Carter isn't answering, and I can't get a cab, and--Now my phone just died too."

"Carter's probably driving Dad home right now. Why don't we just take the subway? We haven't done that in forever."

"Well, your dad said we weren't really supposed to..."

(But it's already dark out and cold as hell. I'll try to hail a cab one last time...)
When the fifth taxi ignores me again, I sigh, take the boys' hands, then start toward the nearest station...

"Yeah! Sub-way! Sub-way!"

Soon, the three of us were settled in our seats, and the rush of the subway car carrying us home lulls me into a quiet contentment. I try not to smile as I overhear the boys whispering to each other...

"See? I told you she was way cooler than our other nannies."

"We'll see. Maybe you just got lucky."

(Let's hope our luck continues when we get home and Sam doesn't catch us fresh off the subway.)
By the time you slip into the penthouse with the boys, it's almost their bedtime, but they run to greet their dad in the living room.

"Ohmygod Dad, today was awesome! I saw a hologram star implode!"

"And I found Venus over Central Park!"

"Plus we saw a shooting star and made a wish!"

"Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Venn."

"Oh yeah, she's the best!"

"Well, I don't know about all that..."

"High praise for the first day."

"But the best part was when we got to ride the subway home! It. Was. Awesome!"

Sam's eyes snap over to me, his expression darkening as he realizes i broke one of his rules.

"Is that so?"

"Wow, look at how late it is. We should be heading to bed! Come on, boys!"

I lead the twins down the hall before Sam has a chance to respond. Half an hour later, after the boys are tucked in, I know I have to face the devil. Sam waits in the kitchen, drumming his fingers against the countertop in the meanwhile.

"What makes you think you can break my rules, Venn?"

"I don't think that. It was an accident!"

"It's not any better if you 'accidentally' endangered my children."

In spite of my efforts, my heart pumps harder, and my voice raises.

" It's just the subway, Sam. And...I made a judgment call! What was I supposed to do? Camp out at the damn park?"

" You could've called me. You can always call me. I would've found a way to get you back home safely. "

"Sam... we are back home safely."

I reach out to touch his arm, but he pulls away from me and begins to pace.

"That's not the point! You could've gotten hurt. You have no idea how much pressure I'm under, Venn. The last thing I need is to worry about Mason "

"...You were worried about me?"

" Of course I was! What, do you think I'm some heartless monster? Maybe this arrangement was hasty... "

'What? No!I don't think you're heartless If anything, you have too much heart. That's why you're getting so worked up over nothing."

'Nothing'? Huh?"

"Yeah. You just need to find a different outlet for all that... passion."

Sam steps closer, his gaze traveling over my face, lingering on my lips...

"What are you proposing?"

My breath catches in my throat. My gaze wanders to his lips just inches away.The heat between us intensifies, even without touching, and I can feel the magnetic pull toward his body, I saw his lips moved to say something but my attention was on his kissable lips
...I slink my fingers around Sam's neck, drawing his lips to mine in a kiss that starts long and deep, as if I've already been kissing for hours... as if I can barely stand to just kiss anymore...

His arms wrap around me and pull me close, his touch like a wildfire under my clothes. I feel like ive have to strip down or I'll spontaneously combust. My fingers thread through his hair as my lips part, tongue tangling with his... until he suddenly pulls away and steps back, chest heaving.


"Don't talk... just feel."

I step closer, feeling reckless and alive. Pulling Sam against me, I brace my palms on the countertop and hoist myself up, pulling him between my legs.

"Venn, what're you doing to me?"

"Letting you interview me for another position."

Sam's lips crash against mjne. His hands are all over me in an instant, hugging my curves tight. We're welded to each other in the embrace for a minute or two before Sam suddenly pulls away, disheveled and confused.

"...We can't do this."

Taking Sam's hand, I delicately kiss a finger, skimming my tongue over the tip.


" If that's what you want...If that's what you want...Tell me not to toss and turn all night long. Tell me not to touch myself, thinking of you--"

Sam groans, collapsing against me and ravaging my mouth with his. His tongue dances with mine, pressing himself closer against my body.
When he finally pulls away, I was dizzy and drunk on his natural scent.

"Say it, Sam. I want to hear it... say that You want me."

Sam's lust-fogged eyes rove over me, and he bites his lip, shaking his head with chagrin

"I want you."

"How badly?

"So badly that being this close to you makes me feel like an animal."

I stroke a finger over Sam's chest, not stopping until I tug his chin toward me.

"An animal? You?"

My lips find his ear, my words moaning with desire...

"Then show me."

I lean in for another kiss, but in Sam's arms, I feel overheated and overdressed. Swallowing hard and with trembling hands, I grip Sam's shirt and unbuttoned his shirt, Sam gulps as I push his jacket off his shoulders.

"Careful. If we keep going... I don't know what might happen next."

"Me neither.The thing is..."

I run my hands under Sam's open shirt, closing my eyes to savor the smoothness of his skin. I whispered more like moaned as his hands grope my ass and pinch it, and spank it.

"...I don't care."

"Dammit, Venn... I really want to fuck you till dawn"

He said kneading my boobs. I moaned in response. He devoured my mouth while rubbing his clothed rock hard dick on my slick wet, clothed pussy, dry humping me.

The sound of a cell phone ringing breaks through the fog.


The two of us spring apart and quickly adjust my clothes and hair.He walks over to the counter to check the number and grimaces.

"I have to take this."

Sam's body language is tense as he reaches for the phone. Just before he grabs it, I manage to make out the name flashing on the screen... martina O'sullivan.

(Right. His fiancee.)

Sam crosses the room toward his office to take the call, his back turned to me.

"Can we talk when you get back?"

"I... don't think that would be a good idea."

"Sam...You're right. Consider it forgotten."

I sigh and sink down to the floor as he leaves the room.

(What the fuck am I doing?)

I got up and came in my room to fresh up. I stripped myself out of the clothes still feeling his touches. I turn the shower on letting the warm water hit me I was really turned so bad I couldn't help touching myself.

I pinched my hardened nipples moaning due to the blissful sensations. One hand traveled to the south and teased my clit. That wasn't enough for me I inserted 2 fingers and they slipped in easily because of my aroused pussy. I moaned as it stretched my pussy. I started moving them fast to chase my orgasm, and started pinching clit with the other hand. I imagined Sam's hands making me cum

Soon I squirt all my cum on my fingers. I took them out and licked and sucked on them. I washed up and slipped into comfortable clothes without wearing a bra or panties as it's more comfortable this way. Soon I fell asleep due to the tiring day and an amazing orgasm.

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