SNOW AND BRIAR ~ coriolanus s...

By fionajames501

122 6 13

The 10th annual Hunger Games are creeping up on the Districts as Academy students of the Capitol prepare to m... More

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15 2 0
By fionajames501

ii. Rooftop

' gather matters of the heart, so we can act a

fool, it's incomplete without you. '

Silver Soul / Beach House


Enyo's dreams were a labyrinth of nightmares and sleepless nature, nights most spent reliving things she did not wish to relive. Often, nights were spent staring into the dark abyss in front of her, kept sane only by the feeling of Poe by her side. Without Poe, the non-stop ticking of the clock would have driven Enyo to insanity.

And so when she did sleep, Enyo should have been endlessly grateful. Grateful for the feeling of slumber and the heavy weight lifted off of her eyelids, grateful for the warm nothingness it provided.

But with sleep came the nightmares. Nightmares of red and blue and black, of knives and fists, of blood and liquor. Alcohol didn't have much to do with the nightmares, yet it was a prominent feature, as if to taunt her.

Now, Enyo laid on her mattress, caked in sweat as the dark gripped her. The dark itself was soothing, almost like a lullaby to her nightmares. But the nightmares were strong, and they are overpowering the sweet song.

She shot up, beads of sweat trickling down her face and mixing with her tears, spilling like raindrops. Her eyes were wide, glossed over and filled to the brim with water. Her shirt - a simple old t-shirt that functioned as her pyjamas - were stained with the tears and sweat, her breathing erratic and unsteady.

Beside her, Poe moved to settle in her lap, purring as he rested his chin on her knee. Enyo took a deep breath, as if she'd just crawled out of the sea and away from drowning. She gently moved her fingers through Poe's fur, creating a rhythm to calm not just him, but her too.

Enyo glanced at the clock beside her bed, an old thing with dark metal and a dusty clock face. The numbers were fading and the 3 was missing half of itself. It was before dawn, approximately an hour before Enyo would usually wake up. Seeing now hope of sleeping for any longer, Enyo arose from her bed, gently slipping Poe onto the mattress and shuffling out of her room.

Nights where she couldn't sleep and couldn't bear to stare at the darkness any longer, Enyo escaped to the roof of her apartment. As she pulled on a pair of long shorts and double-checked she didn't look like a beast, Enyo found herself slipping out the apartment door and up the stairwell.

The rooftop was nothing special, but it was at least better than the suffocating walls of her room. As the night sky surrounded Enyo, she breathed in deeply, letting the cold air rush through her lungs. Night air was one of her favourite things, for it was so cold and clean.

Shuffling to the edge of the rooftop, Enyo leaned on the bars and gazed down at the city below, wrapping her arms around herself as if to protect herself from the sharp icy breeze.

Poetry was a great thing for rooftops, and Enyo found herself regretting not bringing her book and pens, but not wishing to travel down and back up. She wished she had her guitar, for that would be even better than poetry. Music on night rooftops was like nature, the finest form of freedom and wildest.

But if Enyo could have wished for anything with her at that moment, she would've wished for Coriolanus.

She hated to admit that she was lonely, but she was deathly so. Enyo had always been lonely, a lonely child, a lonely teenager, a lonely girl. She had Everett and she had Yara, but they didn't really count. How could they count? If they liked each other or not, they were family, and unfortunately that meant they were bound for life. Enyo despised this. How was she supposed to forget and move on if she was bound with monsters for her entire existence?

And so aside from her family, Enyo had no one.

Except for Coriolanus.

She was lucky to have him, and she knew it. For Enyo was not a talkative person, nor was she well-liked in her classes. Her peers thought nothing of her, and when they did, it was mostly about her quietness and disinterest. But Coriolanus never spoke of her like that, at least she thought he didn't.

Coriolanus and Enyo had become friends as a fluke, she was sure of that. But she'd forever be grateful for saving him. Without her help, she worried that she would never see his vanilla curls hurrying up to her, or his blue eyes twinkling with raw emotion, or his grin when she told him something funny.

For what was the world without Coriolanus Snow?

For Enyo, at least, her world was little. Coriolanus Snow, if not her entire world, was a large part. Without him, she was in complete darkness, forever cold and alone. And no matter how sadistic, narcissistic or evil, no one wished to be alone for their life. Loneliness was like poison, not only did it taste foul, but it slowly killed you.

Coriolanus was the cure to Enyo's poison, to her loneliness. He was more than just another person in her life, he was her one and only friend.

Enyo bit her lip, easing down to sit on the roof, leaning her forehead against the cold metal bar, sighing heavily. She closed her eyes, trying to push away the sound of his laugh in her ears, gentle and melodic, only for her. She would never realise that, that he too would be alone if not for her. They were simply friends, that was all.

Enyo stayed there until the sun rose, its glow seeping through the streets below like honey poured from a jar. She retreated once the golden aura reached her, hurrying down the stairs.

Because she was already awake, Enyo was ready before Everett had even stumbled from his room. She fed Poe as little she could, knowing that there was nothing to worry about, as he would simply go and hunt whilst she was at school.

She made her and the other Briars breakfast, consisting of stale bread and butter, to which Everett rummaged through the cabinet in desperate search of jam. They had no jam, for the berries were not in season, and therefore it was more expensive. Together, the three ate their miserable bread and butter, downing the remainder of the milk before going their separate ways with roaring stomachs.

Yara headed to her work, which was currently working in the cafe on the corner and then heading to the art studio to hurriedly create something. Enyo dragged Everett out of the door to walk with her, heading to his school first. Once Enyo had ensured her brother was safely inside the confines of the school, she headed to the Academy.

The walk to the Academy was excruciating as Enyo gripped the straps of her backpack and scurried through the back alleys. Some drunk man - she wondered momentarily who was drunk at seven in the morning - called her vermin as she went past, and she didn't bother to retort. With her scuffed shoes, torn skirt, stained white shirt and too-tight blazer, Enyo was practically begging for money as she raked her hands through her hair in an attempt to calm the strands.

Of course, no one could see the holes or the stain, as they were concealed by her other clothes and hidden beneath layers. But Enyo could still feel the lingering eyes on her as she scampered into the grounds of the Academy.

Enyo made her way through the Academy quickly, her footsteps light and silent, quicker than a fox as she slipped between the pillars and through the back door. She wove through the corridors in a matter that could only mean she knew them well, her head held high.

The library greeted Enyo with a gust of cool air, drifting around her like wisps of snow. She closed the doors quietly and slipped down one of the aisles, her fingertips gliding across the book spines.

She hummed lightly, a strange tune that haunted her in the early hours of the morning, a melodic sound of raw power. The song wrapped around her, a mist of icy blue. She continued her search unbothered, her breathing steadying as the books grew ancient and tattered. Tales written long ago, felt like home, fragments of dead and dying languages like lullabies to the tortured.

Enyo continued her slow walk, running her fingers up and down the leather, grasping a book gently and cradling it like a baby. The gold etchings on the front dipped underneath her skin, a call for her and only her.

Enyo pulled book after book from the shelves, wiping dust from the covers and not caring about the dirty particles coating her hands and skirt. Carried in her arms were the books, held close to her chest like treasure. The deeper into the library you went, the older the books, and the less walked routes.

Restarting her song, Enyo walked slowly to the desk, gently laying the bundle of literature in front of the librarian. She was offered a gentle smile before the books were checked out and slipped into her bag. Enyo murmured her thanks before leaving the library.

With a bag full of books, Enyo headed to the door of the building, awaiting her friend patiently. She'd arrived early so as to not keep him waiting, and now she sat on the paving and waited.

It didn't take Coriolanus very long to join her, his smile returned effortlessly as they headed inside. When Enyo explained the new books she'd borrowed, his eyes didn't leave hers, listening to every word.

And when Enyo pulled the book from her bag and cradled it in her hands and read from it, he listened just as carefully, tentatively noting when she grew excited. He could hear the smile on her voice when it wasn't on her face, and he could predict when her voice would go up or soften.

There were things only observant people noticed, and these were among them. But there were also things only those connected noticed. No matter if those connected knew or not, the link was always there. And you couldn't break this link, nor could it rust.

Together Coriolanus and Enyo made their way to class, a comfortable silence following, warm like fire in midwinter. Coriolanus couldn't help but glance to her repeatedly, his fingers twitching with nerves.

Butterflies the colours of anxiety and impatience fluttered in his stomach, creating a storm of colours and emotions, the essence of it spreading through his veins like blood, pounding in his ears and pumping his heart like a racing panther. And he could do nothing to stop it.

The only way to quench the storm in his stomach was to give in to temptation, and desperate to quiet the roar of emotions, Coriolanus did as their taunting calls begged. He reached his fingers over and let them grasp Enyo's wrist in his clasp, so light and gentle that he could be holding a baby.

Enyo instinctively flinched, not expecting the touch before she turned slightly. His apologetic eyes met hers, and guilt poured over her. Enyo reached over to his limp hand, weaving her fingers into his and pulling him into step.

Neither spoke a single syllable as they strolled down the empty corridor, hand in hand like a pair of fools. When they rounded a corner and a teacher walked into view, their hands fell apart. Enyo longed for the warmth of his hand, and Coriolanus longed for the cool of hers, but neither made a move to reconnect when they were alone again.

When class eventually began, both teenagers lapsed into their usual rhythm, observing each and every other in the room. Enyo found herself conversing with none other than Sejanus Plinth when lunch rolled around, handing his book that had fallen back to him.

"Thank you," Sejanus murmured, giving her a smile. He didn't expect her to reply, no one ever did. It wasn't as though Enyo were shy, she was quiet. Around half of the students considered her a freak, with her deathly appearance and nature. The others respected her, but none more than Coriolanus, of course.

"No problem," Enyo replied, examining the boy in front of her. She knew many things of Sejanus Plinth, but none more outlandish than his hate for the Hunger Games. She respected him for that, the boy who'd managed to become more well known for his opinion that his father and family's riches. "Good book."

Sejanus tried not to let the shock and confusion creep onto his features, but it was rather hard not to. Enyo pretended as if she didn't notice. "You like Jane Austin?" He asked, glancing back at the title of his book.

"I admire her," Enyo replied, and the boy tilted his head ever so slightly. She'd maneuvered around his question, given a reply not an answer. "I do think her work is grand, but I am not such a fan of some of the themes."

"Don't like romance?" Sejanus teased, slightly bewildered that their conversation was flowing so easily. He'd never talked to Enyo before, and now he wished he had earlier. She was easy to converse with, quick-witted and humorous.

A smile ghosted Enyo's lips as she let out a quiet chuckle. "I prefer to steer clear of topics as such, too much emotional jibber-jabber for my liking." Sejanus didn't know what 'emotional jibber-jabber' meant, but it sounded so funny that he laughed. As he did, something caught the corner of his eye. A head of blonde curls was standing against the opposite wall, blue eyes squinted with seething rage. Coriolanus Snow didn't meet his eyes, and instead kept his eyes trained on Enyo Briar.

"I think someone's watching," Sejanus murmured, his smile flickering. Enyo turned, her eyes igniting with fire. Sejanus wasn't sure he wanted to know the spark behind the flame, so he mumbled another thanks before leaving.

Enyo made her way to their usual table, watching as Coriolanus joined her. "Since when we're Sejanuas and you all buddy-buddy?" He snapped, foolish rage bubbling in his stomach. Enyo - equally enraged - narrowed her eyes into a glare that pierced Coriolanus' soul.

"Since when did you care?" She snarled, venom dripping from her voice. Enyo could be abrasive, bitter too, and the venomous tone that she used was a sign that she'd lost her patience. Coriolanus flinched, the acidic tone seeming to knock the foolishness out of him as his face fell.

"I was just surprised," he whispered. It wasn't an apology, because Coriolanus didn't apologise. It wasn't who he was, no matter what. He didn't apologise, not to anyone, not to Tigris or Grandma'am or even Enyo.

But Enyo knew what he meant, and so she too relaxed. "I was curious," she replied. "He is an interesting person." Coriolanus gritted his teeth, offence metallic on his tongue.

They ate their lunch quickly, the silence between them cold and tense. Neither smiled as they bid their goodbyes for their next classes. When the end of the day finally rolled around, Coriolanus reached Enyo first.

He reached out and grasped her hand, giving it a light squeeze before letting go. The gesture was simple, subtle and unnoticeable, but they both understood. Enyo gave him a small smile that he returned, waiting for her to pack her bag.

"It's the Reaping Day tomorrow," Enyo stated as they walked through the streets, away from the Academy.

Coriolanus nodded, an excited look on his face. "Which means the Plinth prize," he grinned, sunshine dripping from his smile. Enyo managed a smile for him, but it dissipated when she turned away. A fortnight away from school due to Everett wrecked with an illness meant she'd missed handing in several assignments, placing her in 31st for the prize, out of reach. Coriolanus had filed a complaint, claiming that Enyo's grades were excellent and that it shouldn't have mattered, but there was nothing he could do.

"Who do you think will win this year?" She wondered aloud, and Coriolanus glanced at her in confusion.

"Win the prize?" He replied, his voice cracking with hurt. He was sure she was by his side, and yet here she was, questioning his intelligence. Enyo turned to him quickly, her eyes wide.

"Oh no not the prize!" She stuttered, and Coriolanus felt shock ripple through him. She panicked as she stepped in front of him, resting her hands on his shoulders. The contact sent a wave of anticipation through his body. "The Games!"

Coriolanus hummed in understanding, frozen in place from the mere touch of her hands. He never paid much attention to the Games, so he had no opinion on the outcome. "I'm not sure."

Enyo nodded, her hands falling from his shoulders. A numb wave of cold rocked his body, suppressing the urge to pout at the loss of contact. "I have a feeling we're going to be surprise by the winner this year."

"And why is that?" Coriolanus asked, searching her stormy eyes for answers. Enyo shrugged, beginning to walk again.

"I don't know," she admitted. "Just a feeling."

Coriolanus nodded, a smile creeping onto his face. "Perhaps you're psychic," he suggested, and grinned when he was rewarded with a laugh. Enyo's face split with a grin as she laughed, the melodic sound tumbling from her lips effortlessly.

"We'll see," she replied.

He nodded. "Indeed we will."


A/N: Hello!!! Chapter 2 is done!!!!!
I would like to thank everyone who has voted and read the book so far, oml, I was not expecting this.
I have recently made a Discord server with basically no one in it, which is a Hunger Games rp server, please dm if you want to be added!!!

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