Mystical Realm

By EnamiDah

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Zuri, a diligent student, always excelled in her studies, aspiring to secure a stable job and support herself... More

Chapter 1: Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2: Fading Memories
Chapter 3: The Guardian's Test
Chapter 4: Forest of Revelation
Chapter 5: The Forbidden Meeting
Chapter 7: The Farewell
Chapter 8: The Realm's Call
Chapter 9: The Luminous Path
Chapter 10 : Zion's Deception
Chapter 11: The Race Begins
Chapter 12: Flight to Freedom
Chapter 13: Whispers at the Grand Ball
Chapter 14: Hidden Memories
Chapter 15 : Journey into Mystery
Chapter 16 : The Forest's Mercy
Chapter 17 : Echoes of the Past
Chapter 18: Zion's Reflection

Chapter 6: Family Secrets

91 34 46
By EnamiDah

Zuri struggled to make sense of it all. Why did Jack insist she return to the realm, and what had changed him so much? With no easy answers, she was torn between Zion's protective stance and Jack's insistence on her returning to the realm. Unsure of whom to trust and what decision to make, she struggled to find clarity amidst the chaos. Jack stood his ground, his expression unwavering.

"I'm not here to fight, Zion. I just want to ensure Zuri's safety."

Zuri watched in shock as Zion reacted aggressively, grabbing Jack by the throat and pushing him to the ground, causing his head to hit the pavement hard. The sound of the impact echoed in the alley. Jack quickly vanished from Zion's grasp, as if he had never been there in the first place. Then, to Zuri's surprise, he materialized behind her, his voice firm,

"She has the right to decide!"

Zion's anger flared, his eyes turning a menacing black. With a swift motion, he went fast to Jack and raised his hands, which created a dome around the two of them. Zion's muscles tensed as he grabbed Jack by the throat and began lifting him with a powerful grip. Jack struggled to break free from Zion's grasp, the dome was known to cancel all magical abilities, leaving him unable to escape.

Zuri was left speechless as she observed the scene unfolding within the dome. Despite people passing by, no one seemed to notice their presence. Zuri's heart raced as she ran towards the dome, ignoring the barrier, she wrapped her arms around Zion from behind, pleading with him to stop.

"Zion, please stop. I'm scared," she implored, her voice trembling with fear and urgency.

Zion released Jack immediately, his muscles relaxing, and the dome vanished, making them visible to people once again. Jack disappeared once more. Zuri was terrified of Zion; he seemed like a completely different person. She never thought he would be capable of hurting someone. He had always been her protector, but now she was afraid of him. She released him and hurried to catch the bus, unable to meet his gaze.

On her way back, Zuri couldn't shake off the feeling of regret. How could she leave without getting more answers? Why did Jack insist on taking her back to the realm? And what exactly were they? Nothing about what had happened felt natural; it was as if they were dealing with magic.

Feeling overwhelmed by everything, Zuri went straight to her bedroom upon arriving home, feeling miserable. There, she heard a knock on her door and recognized her mother Ava's gentle voice. As Ava entered, she sat beside Zuri on the bed, asking,

"Sweetie, how are you doing?" Zuri replied without looking into her eyes,

"I am fine, Mom." Ava then responded with a tone of regret,

"I know your father and I have put too much on your shoulders. But you can always lean on us if you're facing troubles."

Zuri never allowed herself to trouble her parents, knowing their struggles, and for her, that's enough. Her head felt like it was about to explode. This time is different, it's more than she can handle herself, and she feels the need to confide in her mom. Quietly, she began,

"Mom, I want to tell you something, but I'm not sure if you'll believe me, as I don't believe it myself," Ava reassured her, saying,

"Zu, you can tell me everything." Zuri stood up, looking straight into her mom's eyes, and began,

"Mom, since I met this new guy at school, strange things have been happening to me." Ava, looking playful, responded,

"So this is about a boy, isn't it?" she looked away and said,

"It's not just a boy, mom..." Suddenly, they heard the doorbell. Her mom remarked,

"Who could visit us at such a late hour? Your father is still at work!" Both of them went downstairs and Ava called out,

"Who's there?" Then they heard her father's voice,

"Ava, open the door, I forgot the keys in the car!"

Ava exchanged a smile with Zuri and they headed to the door. However, when they opened it, they were greeted by cold air, with no one in sight on the doorstep. Both shocked, Ava stepped outside, but there was no car in the driveway, only the darkness of the night and the rustling of trees in the wind.

Ava hurried back into the house, closing the door behind her. She rushed to the kitchen and opened a hidden compartment, her face filled with urgency. Turning to Zuri, she instructed her to quickly bring Zara and Zane downstairs. Zuri, confused and alarmed, asked,

"Mom, what's happening?" Ava's expression turned serious as she responded,

"Please, Zuri, just do as I say and bring them downstairs." As Zuri hurried upstairs, Ava quickly dialed her husband's number. When he answered, she urgently whispered,

"Ace, they found us!" Without hesitation, Ace responded,

"Go now, don't wait for me. I will find a way to join you." Ava trembled, whispering,

"I love you," before hanging up. Seeing the kids arrive in the kitchen, confused and scared, Zara asked,

"Mom, what's going on?"

Ava quickly grabbed Zane in her arms and directed the girls toward the hidden passage in the kitchen, which led to a set of stairs. She led the way, followed closely by Zuri and Zara. Their mom illuminated the path with a lamplight, revealing an underground maze interconnected with the city's water pipes.

"We don't have much time, listen closely," Ava began, her voice urgent.

"This world we're living in, it's not our origin. We've been hiding here to protect you from the realm." Zuri interrupted her, blurting out,

"Mom, that's what I was trying to tell you. The realm, I went there." Ava's eyes widened in alarm as she dropped Zane next to her feet. Then, she grabbed Zuri by the shoulders, shaking her.

"Did you finish the test? Answer me!" Zuri was stunned by her mother's knowledge of the test and the realm. Ava's urgent tone snapped Zuri out of her daze.

"Please tell me you didn't pass the test!" she repeated, her voice filled with desperation. Then Zuri quickly responded,

"No, no, I didn't finish the test. Zion, the boy I told you about, got me out of the realm!" confusion clouded her mind as she continued,

"Mom, how do you know? What's happening?"

As Zuri and her mother exchanged worried glances, a deafening explosion erupted from the direction of their house. The force of the explosion slammed them against the walls, leaving them stunned and disoriented.

As Zuri struggled to free herself from the rubble trapping her feet, she heard her sister Zara's screams of agony as fire engulfed her feet. Ava sprang into action, rushing to Zara's side and smothering the flames with a jacket to extinguish them.

Zuri's heart raced as she watched in disbelief, seeing her brother Zane suspended in the air, accompanied by a towering figure. Trembling, she recognized the ominous figure from the alley where she was assaulted.

Ava mustered all her courage and rushed to save her son, but the towering figure moved swiftly, grabbing her by the hair. With a sinister tone, it greeted her,

"Long time no see, Ava. Do you think you can easily escape the realm?" Ava pleaded desperately,

"Please don't harm my children. Take me instead." Sobbing uncontrollably. However, with a wicked laugh, the figure said while drawing her closer,

"You're coming back with me. As for the kids..." Its gaze shifted to Zuri,

"I can't reach them yet. That one is protected." Zuri couldn't contain her fear and frustration any longer. She screamed,

"Leave her alone!" The figure shifted its attention swiftly to her, grabbing her mother by the waist. With a chilling tone, it warned,

"You know where to find your mom."

Zuri watched in horror as the figure knocked her mom unconscious and then grabbed her in his arms before leaping back into the burning house. Zara swiftly caught Zane as he fell to the ground, her arms wrapping around him protectively. Zuri's anger surged as she pushed aside the rubble, causing a deep wound in her foot.

Despite the pain, she gritted her teeth and leaped into action. Turning to Zara, she instructed her to stay put while she went to search for Ava. She went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Struggling to breathe amidst the smoke and flames, Zuri collapsed to the ground.

As called for help she felt herself losing consciousness. Suddenly, a cold breeze enveloped her, and familiar arms lifted her, cradling her gently. A soothing voice whispered in her ear,

"I am here now. I will never leave your side."

She wakes up in the hospital bed, finding Zara at her side and her father looking at her with worry. Panicked, Zuri remembers her mom and frantically asks,

"Mom, where is she?" Ace, looking worried, gently takes Zuri by the shoulders and says,

"Sweetie, you know your mom left us a long time ago." Zuri couldn't believe what she was hearing and said,

"No, you don't understand. The realm took her. We have to find her." Ace looked at her with concern and replied,

"Realm? What are you talking about? Your mom left us a long time ago."

Both Zara and Ace exchanged confused glances, unable to comprehend Zuri's words. Zara then spoke up, her voice filled with concern,

"Zu, I know you miss her, we all do, but she's not here."

Zuri struggled to comprehend why her family couldn't recall Ava. Was it related to the realm? It reminded her of Zion's sudden disappearance, which only she seemed to remember at school. Her dad interrupted her thoughts, saying,

"You were brave to save your siblings. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He continued, glancing back at the doorstep.

"Your friend was on time too. We have him to thank." Zuri was taken aback as she heard a voice in her head.

"You're not going crazy," it said. She realized it was Zion, somehow communicating with her telepathically.

"Yes, it's just you who can hear me," he confirmed.

"I know a lot of things don't make sense now, but you will understand everything." Ace looked at Zara and suggested,

"Let's give them some space. Zane must be awake by now." Zion approached Zuri, but she quickly put her hand up, saying,

"Don't get close to me. It's because of you that all these things happened!"

He ignored her and kept getting closer, but as she was looking for the alarm button, he quickly grabbed her hand tightly, looking determined.

"I promise to bring your mom back," he said earnestly. But Zuri couldn't hold back her frustration.

"If you hadn't brought me back to the realm, none of this would have happened!" Zion held her hand tightly, his expression desperate.

"I had to bring you back. You were in danger." Zuri's expression turned serious as she avoided his gaze.

"I have to protect my family. I want to go back to the realm." Zion's expression shifted from warmth to cold determination.

"You are not going, and that's final!" Zuri's fury blazed as she retorted,

"You are no one to me. You have no right to tell me what to do with my life." Zion's grabbed her chin firmly. and declared,

"I am yours, and you are mine. We are one.

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