What Would It Take

By ELDuBois

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The first time I saw Saxton Crawford we were in high school. He was the football star and I was just another... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

6 1 0
By ELDuBois

Chapter Sixteen

Dalton was escorting Saxton into the team’s locker room as Saxton tried to push his worries from his mind. A group of guys were milling around, waiting on him.

Dalton pushed two fingers in his mouth and whistled, getting everyone’s attention. The guys stopped what they were doing. All heads turning in their direction. Dalton clapped Saxton on the back and turned to him with a smile.

“By now, I am sure you’re all aware we have a new teammate and member of the Arrowhead family. Let’s give Saxton Crawford a warm welcome.” Dalton clapped, and the team followed his lead. When he was done, he narrowed his eyes at the group. “I’d better not find out any of you pulled any stupid shit. You know this organization doesn’t tolerate that kind of thing.”

Some of the guys made jokes, and others stayed silent.

Dalton showed Saxton to his locker. “Okay, man, I gotta get back to my office and finish up a few things. Hang out here and get to know some of your new teammates.”

Saxton laughed. “I already know some of these guys. They’ve run me over many a time during the last few years.”

Dalton laughed at Saxton’s joke and started walking away. Over his shoulder, he said, “Well, now, they’re protecting your ass.”

Saxton shook his head and laughed when a tall, broad guy, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes came up to him. He leaned on the locker next to Saxton’s and put his hand out.

“Mackie McClure, but you can call me Mac. I don’t think we have been properly introduced.”

Saxton took his hand. “No, I don’t think we ever got introductions, but I know who you are. Nice to meet you, Mac. Fullback and halfback, right?”

Mac flashed straight, white teeth at him, and Saxton immediately felt at ease with the man.

“That’s right. Glad to have another hometown boy on the team.”

Saxton nodded. “Glad to be on the team.”

Another guy moved to stand beside Mac. He was about Mac’s size with auburn hair and green eyes. He stuck out a hand to greet Saxton.

“Jamison Tigowski, but everyone calls me Tig. Glad to have you on the team.”

Saxton shook his hand and chuckled. “Tig, you’ve been running me down since college.”

Tig smiled at Saxton. “I know not what you speak of, pretty boy.”

Saxton laughed harder. “Okay, Tig, I’ll go along with your sudden case of amnesia.”

Tig clapped him on the back. “Hey, me and Mac were going to work out. You wanna come with?”

“Yeah, man, that sounds good.” Saxton was glad for the distraction and moved to follow the two men. He turned to ask Mac a question when a large hand hit him square in the chest, stopping his stride mid-step. Saxton locked eyes with the one asshole he hadn’t looked forward to seeing.

“Baldwin.” His words came out through gritted teeth.

Devlin Baldwin blocked his way. His dark hair was wet from either sweat or a recent shower. From the smell of him, Saxton figured it was sweat. Harsh brown eyes surveyed him, then Devlin smiled.

“No hello for your old friend?”

Saxton knocked away Devlin’s hand and moved to pass the asshole who’d made his first year of college football hell.

Devlin grabbed at Saxton’s shirt, and Saxton rounded on him. “Nope, not a word for you, asshole.”

Devlin laughed and made a pouty face at Saxton. “Aw, are we still a little upset?

Gotta let things go, Sax. No hard feelings.”

Mac moved in between them, pushing Devlin back. “That’s enough Dev. You heard the boss. No bullshit.”

Devlin threw up his hands at Mac. “We’re good Mac. No bullshit here. Just trying to say hello to an old friend.”

Saxton glared at him. “Old friend, my ass. You tried to break my arm, and almost did, you prick.”

Tig was in front of them now, pushing Saxton back. With all Saxton’s pent-up frustration, he’d love nothing more than to beat the shit out of Devlin Baldwin. Still, he tried to get his anger in check, knowing a fight was the last thing he needed.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. Simmer down. It ain’t worth it. He ain’t worth it.

Trust me.” Tig sounded as if he were trying to tame a wild lion. Mac had pushed Devlin up against the lockers, one forearm pressed to his throat.

“Back off, Dev. I mean it. If I hear of you giving Saxton any shit, you’ll have to answer to me. I’m sick of your bad attitude.”

Devlin threw his hands up in an I surrender motion then gave Saxton a devilish


“No hard feelings, Sax.” He pushed at Mac, who released him. Tig and Mac took up spots beside Saxton. As they walked to the gym, Tig was the first to speak.

“Sorry about that guy. He’s a real dick.”

Mac and Saxton both laughed, and Saxton clapped Tig on the back. “No worries, brother. I’m well aware.”

Mac stopped him then, he turned to his new friend. “Seriously, steer clear of him.

He has a sadistic streak.”

Saxton nodded. “Oh, believe me I know, and I’d be perfectly happy to never saw him again. But unfortunately, Dalton says he has a couple years left on his contract.”

Mac and Tig both groaned.

“Don’t remind us,” Tig said. “We’re all counting down the days. That egotistical bastard has been causing nothing but grief from day one. If you’ve got a girlfriend, guard her with your life. Hell, if you have a sister or mother you don’t want him anywhere near, don’t bring ‘em around. No morals on that bastard.”

Thinking of Sailor, Saxton said cautiously, “Good to know.”

Great another fucking psychopath to worry about.

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