The Kim Family ❤️

By AlwaysDisguised

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Taehyung being a strict father and brother to his little babies. More

The Kims
study session & Late night chokies
Vaccination and a new friend
A Failed Execution
Family Outing
Fun Day
Poor kook


1K 33 2
By AlwaysDisguised

Jungkook waves his hand-"hey Minnie".

Jimin smiled widely-"hey buddy on time not bad".He teased a little as jungkook is not a morning person and often gets late.

Jungkook whined-"yaha Dont tease me you shortly i already got a good one from hyung ".

Jimin laughed-"what you did now".

Jungkook made a face-"Noona saw the results yesterday she was very angry I got punishment from hyung too".

He spoke sadly jimin sighed he had already told him to tell.

Jimin-"That's why I told you to tell the truth".

jungkook made a face-"yah yah mr.boring lets go to classes".

Jimin shook his head both ran for there first class which is of maths.Jungkook loathes the subject and Mr.Kang his maths professor is very strict .

Jungkook rolled his eyes-"again this boring maths and that crumy professor"

Jimin slapped his head-" Straighten up jungkook why you wish to invite troubles for yourself".

Jungkook pouted-"Ugh i hate you shorty".

Jimin scoffed- "dont call me that  you bunny face  boy".

Both stopped there bickering as professor entered in class with his dreaded  wooden scale.The students greeted him.

Mr.Kang in his usual cold voice-" Good morning students ".

He straight away started teaching the topics.There was absolute silence in the class .All students were trying to pay attension .

He explained a few topics thoroughly then faced the studnets with his all time poker face.

Mr.Kang cold-"These topics are very important for exams go through these especially the students who could'nt even manage to pass in tests ".

He spoke sharply eying Jungkook who just wanted to hide somewhere .

jungkook mumbled-"does this man has some kind of issue with me like may others failed to but this thing will just glare innocent kookie ".

jimin overheard his blabbering and supressed his laughter.The first lecture got over smoothly he assingment them with some homework and left.

jungkook-"phew finally the monster is gone".

Jimin rolled his eye-"ya ya jungkook strech yourself poor you how much hardwork you have to do".

He patted his head teasing him.Jungkook just burried his head on the table not bothering the taunts.

With the little princess:

Kia is playing with her friend Ji-ah (lives in neighbour she is seven two years elder than kia and also her cousin Namjoon is Ama's elder brother and her father).

ji-ah sparky eyes-"Kia lets go out and play in park".

Kia pouted-"nwo mama said no to go out".

ji-ah shrugged-"she won't know we will come soon ".

Kia liking the idea-"okieee lets pwaly with my new kitcen set".

Both the Girls went out as no guardian were there .only there nannies who were busy gossiping and watching tv.

Mr.kang complaining to taehyung-"See his grades the boy really needs to study or else he will fail in the main exams also".

They both were in staff room.Taehyung sighed he really is fed of this teacher he always has something to rant about his baby.

Taehyung cut him-"He will never fail again Mr.Kang i assure you i will myself make sure of it".

Mr.Kang exhaled deeply and nodded-"If you are assuring i believe you Mr.Kim ."

Taehyung smiled gratefully as he left the cabin mumbling 'gosh'.

Ama and Taehyung were waiting for kookie after the college was over all three of them leave together.A few minutes later he came running to them throwing his bag towards taehyung and hugged Ama.

Taehyung rolled his eyes-"you mannerless brat sit in the car fast".

Ama ruffled his hairs-"how was you day baby".

Jungkook settled at back seat along with Ama resting his head on her shoulder while taehyung was driving.

Jungkook -"its was actually very boring noona, no teacher was at leave today".Taehyung laughed at his response.

Ama slapped him lightly-"You come to college for studies bubba ,then do that and you know what your history gave a long list of complaints to me .I will talk to you later about that".

Taehyung sighed-"Same Ama Mr.kang also showered me with this brats complaint".

Jungkook whined loudly-"eegh thats why i hate those two half of the problems in my life are because of them only."

Taehyung and Ama shook there heads in hopelessness.

 They were coming back only when Ama saw two familar figures in the community garden near there residence.Her eyes widened realizing those were Kia and ji-ah that too without any elder around them.

Ama yelled-"Taehyung stop the car ".

Taehyung and Jungkook both got startled by the sudden shriek .Tae immediately applied brakes and looked back at his wife.

Taehyung -"what happned are you okay".

Jungkook whined-"i got scared noona why you shouted ".

Ama pointed out both looked at the direction .

Taehyung -"Is she Kia and the other girl".

Ama shaking her head-"These kids she is ji-ah , how they both came here that to all alone".

Taehyung-"You sit here kook i will bring both of them here".

Jungkook nodded while praying for the little bunny of his.

Ama also went with Taehyung.

Jungkook making faces-"Why we always get caught in our little adventures".

Soon Ama and Tae were back with the girls.Jungkook sat on the front seat now while Ama sat back with the girls lecturing them.

Ama scolding -"How many time we have told you not to go out alone Kia ha".

Kia wobbling lips-"Ji-ah uniee swaid we can pwlay in gwaden ".

Ji-ah gulped as Ama glared her-"are you allowed to do this Ji-ah should i tell joon oppa and Marie unnie about this ".

Ji-ah got scared her parents strictly warned her not to wander alone.She creid .

Ji-ah -"S-Sorryy aunty don't tell to mama and dadda".

Ama sighed-"Stop crying first of all do you how much dangerous it is roam around for kids that to alone, There are many strangers and bad people who could harm you babies thats why we ask you to never comeout without any elder".

Ji-ah nodded while sniffing.

Kia thought a bit-"bwt mama Unnie is elder na ".

Ama palmed her face-"But she is a kid to kia".

Kia scratched her head-"Then why you tell me to call her unnie mama sway she is elder call her unnie".

Jungkook laughed at her innocent questions .Taehyung just shook his head he got two kids both use there brains only in mischiefs.

Taehyung sternly-"Quiet Kia i will tell you at home ".

She pouted snuggling to her mama and ji-ah also did the same.First they dropped Ji-ah home and as expected Marie was searching for her madly and shouting at the careless nannies.Ama told her all where they found the girls.Also fired both the nannies.

Now our cute kia is in a corner with her little button nose shoved in wall.She was given a good lecture and time out of fifteen minutes the girl cried but her parents did'nt relented.

Jungkook looked at his little princess wanting to just pull her out of that stupid corner  but this will just land him trouble.

Jungkook poking tae forearm-"Hyung let her out na she won't repeat ".

Taehyung strict-"jungkook don't interfere in her punishment go and bring your books start doing your homeworks go".

Jungkook gave a last look to his baby and huffed running to his room.

Taehyung shouted -"DON'T RUN YOU BRAT".

Ama came there to handling a coffee to tae-"These kids will make us mad someday".

Taehyung agreed wholeheartly siping on his black coffee.After fifteen minutes they called Kia out of the corner.

Taehyung made her stand between his knees.Kia pouted her doe eyes became teary again.

Taehyung firm tone-"What did you learn "

Ama firm-"Answer what dadda is asking ".

Kia sniffing in between-"Never go out alone without without informing dadda and mama ".

Taehyung and Ama cooed at there little daughter .They hugged her.

Taehyung-"Aw no more tears bubba , you accept and correct your mistakes thats all dadda wants i love my princess alot".

Kia smiled cutely as tae kissed all over her face.

Ama fake sad-"no one lobes mama ".

Kia sliding to her-"nwoo me lobe mama ".

Ama smiled pulling her daughter on her lap and kissed her head multiple times-"My princess wants chocolates".

Kia's eyes sparkled-"yeshhh chowate me want chowatee".

Both chuckled at her .Ama brought a chocolate bar she took it happily and went to share it with her kookie they both are like that only they share everything and stick to each other .

With Ji-ah :

Ji-ah was standing infront of her mother bowing her head down while her mother glaring her .

Marie scolded her- "Why you never listen to me ji-ah how many time i have to explain you the same thing".

Ji-ah meekly-"Sorry mama".

Marie exhaled deeply .Ji-ah is a good girl but a very curious and naughty child also she tries every thing which is said not to do.

Marie strictly -"What you did was very wrong and today i won't leave you without puinshment".

Ji-ah looked up with teary puppy face-"Mama no pweasee i'm really sorry".

Marie rolled her eyes knowing her daughter very well-"This you repeat like a canary every time you do something ".

She turned her around ji-ah tried to run but ofcourse the seven year old girl could'nt free herself from her mother grip .

Marie held her in a firm grip yet it was not at all harsh .She gave five spanks on her butt making the girl cry loudly .

Ji-ah crying- "oww owiee mama no more oww".

Marie sighed she picked her crying baby  like a koala.Ji-ah hugged her hiding her face in her neck's crook while crying.Marie rubbed her bottom to ease the sting.

Marie consoling her- "sh bubba mama is very sorry baby but you scared the hell out of me,you know when i came back and could'nt find my baby i was so much worried".

Ji-ah guilty for making her mother worried-"sorry mama i will never go anywhere without telling you or dadda".

Marie smiled patting her head and kissed her face-"I know my baby is very smart she will never repeat the same mistake but will find something else right bud".She teased her a bit making ji-ah blush indeed her  mother was right.

A little into of jeon family:

Jeon Namjoon 

age-31 years

Elder brother of Ama also senior of tae in college .Has a daughter ji-ah and wife Marie loves them alot.He is a businessman .Very sweet guy pampers and spoils her daughter rotten but sometimes strict also  .

jeon Marie

age-28 years.

Wife of Namjoon.She is a chef by profession.Loves her family alot.A strict mother who does't spare a rod on her child's mistakes.

Jeon Ji-ah

age-7 years.

A complete brat but lovable girl .Good in studies scared of her mama the most.

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