Beatle Girl

By pitseleh812

197 0 0

George Harrison x Reader You're the new bartender at the Cavern Club --- the first job you've gotten since mo... More

A Night in the Cavern Club
The Waiting Room
Meet Cute
How Much?
Bunk Beds
The First Morning (of Many)
The Mark of a Good Night
Called In
Scrambled Eggs

A Taste of Honey

10 0 0
By pitseleh812

You all arrive at the studio after a very cramped trip over considering Brian's car only holds five people. You made it work, but you couldn't make it into the studio before doing a few stretches afterward. Brian unlocks the door and you're met with a surprisingly large studio with a large supply of instruments, recording equipment, and a huge stage in the back. The boys all walk up to the rack marked "The Beatles" and grab their respective instruments. You follow George close by and he entertains you well, showing off his guitar up close and random tricks he learned to do once plugging it in. Eventually, all of the boys were ready so you take a seat next to where Brian was sitting.

At the moment, Brian was walking around the studio, turning on all the lights and testing the microphones. The last lights he turns on are pointed directly at the stage where all of the boys are currently standing. He presses the on switch and they all wince in pain.

"I'm telling you, boys, this is how all of the venues will be set up. You need to be prepared."

They all groan in response but continue to prepare for playing.

"Alright, everything's set." Brian says, taking his seat next to you.

You watch Paul glance around, making sure everyone's ready. They all nod as he looks at them. He smiles, looking out into the crowd that isn't there. "One, two, three, four!"

The band bursts into their normal sound; a clear drum, a noodling guitar, and a heavy bass guiding the way. Paul sings clearly over the music. "Well, she was just seventeen..."

You look over at Brian, who is smiling wildly at the stage.

"They're pretty good, aren't they?" He asks you.

"Yeah, they're not bad."

He looks at you, smiling. "You didn't like them at first, huh?"

You chuckle, looking away. "Not particularly, no."

"They've always been a bit more about potential to me than about put out." He laughs. "But who knows, their new single is doing quite well."

"Oh, of course it is. I think they'll be very successful." You look back at the band, watching them bounce as they play. "The teenage girls of Britain need their Elvis."

He almost spits out his drink as he's taking a sip. "They are quite Elvis-esque, aren't they?"

You nod, laughing with him.

"Don't ever tell George that, okay?" His tone shifts to a more serious one. "He's not ready for criticism like that."

"Of course, I'd never say that. I'm not a complete asshole, Brian."

"I know, I know. I'm just making sure." He smiles, looking at George. "He really likes you, you know. I can see it in the way he looks at you."


"Yeah." He puts his drink down on the side table and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket. He offers you one and you gladly comply, letting him light both of yours. "You'd be really good for him. You'd be good for the whole band."

"Slow down, Bossman." You take a drag of your cigarette, eyes on George. "He hasn't even asked me out yet."

He laughs. "The offer's on the table."

"I'll think about it."

"You're living in Liverpool permanently now?"

"For now." You take another drag. "I'm not great at staying in one place."

"Why's that?" The boys are nearing the end of their song. Brian laughs, readying a joke. "You running from someone?"

Their song finishes and the boys stand still, awaiting directions. Brian yells out the name of another song and they quickly start playing. He turns back to you.

You figure you should tell him before he makes any more business plans surrounding you. "Yes, I am, actually."

He looks at you for a moment. "Intriguing."

There's a moment of silence while you listen to the music. You gasp, noticing the song. It's Taste of Honey by Billy Dee Williams. "Oh, I love this one!"

He laughs. "Really? Paul argued with everyone for hours to get us to put it on the album."

You sing along dramatically on the couch and Brian laughs heartily. "You should go sing it with them."


Brian stops the boys mid-song and the room goes quiet except for yours and Brian's laughter. "She's going to sing with you guys, she loves this song."

Paul chuckles and moves to George's mic, giving you the center spot. George helps you up onto the stage. You take your place, and the first note plays. You sing, harmonizing with John and Paul.

They let you take the lead and you take it gladly, adding subtle dances and a dramatic look on your face. The lights are quite blinding but you're too in the zone to notice. You hear giggles from Brian and the boys behind you. The chorus comes back and John and Paul sing backup for you, laughing through the title of the song.

You turn to George for the second verse, drumming up the dramatics and energy. "Yours was a kiss that awoke my heart / There lingers still, though we're far apart". He giggles and blows a kiss before you return to looking at the "crowd". Another chorus comes and you end it with a drawn-out note. The boys finish their instrumentals and applaud along with Brian.

"We should've put that on the album." John jokes.

You walk back to George and put your arms around him. "Did you like it?"

He laughs. "I loved it."

He pulls you into a kiss before helping you back down the stage.

Brian's eyes track you as you walk back to the seat next to him, a fascinated look on his face.

Paul chuckles into the mic. "Told you she'd be good for morale."

"Not half bad, new girl." Brian nods, looking at you.

"I don't want to be a musician, Brian. Don't even think about it."

"That's a shame, really." He calls out another song for the band and they oblige.

"It's a shame for you, that's for sure."

"It's a shame for the whole world." He takes a drawn-out puff of his cigarette. "Hey, there's an album release party on Saturday. Would you want to come?"

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