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By rxdientstaar

3.5K 145 157

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159 5 3
By rxdientstaar

𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟗

"This years rock n roll isn't it?" Paul said flicking through his music magazine, and looking up at Martie who was interested in what he was saying but not at the same time , she was making beaded bracelets on his bed , only because it was a thunder storm , ever since she was little , she'd go to mike and Paul's room whenever there was a thunder storm , she didn't like it very much and when she was younger she felt safer in there room , but now shes older she feels more at danger, she does it anyway , its a tradition after all "i wonder what the 60s will be."

"Probably love songs." Martie said as she slid an orange bead onto the thin peice of thread. Paul groaned .

"We've got enough of that ." He said flicking to the back of the magazine , "ay listen to these , why? Because i love you, goodnight my love ,love open up my heart, love potion number nine" , "aw thats sweet McCartney." John Lennon grinned playfully against the door frame , Martie caught his eye as Paul was reading out the title of the songs and smiled a little , thinking he'd jump-scare Paul .

Paul turned around at the familiar voice "how did yer get here its pissing it down?" Paul asked the currently drenched john Lennon , he wore a black shirt , blue drainpipe jeans and a leather jacket that he had over his shoulder, his now wet quiff was more like a straight fringe over his hairline .

"Oh i flew, walkings not my groove anymore" he said sarcastically making martie giggle a little as she tied the bracelet she was making, john shaking his head as raindrops spurted out . He walked over to the bed and sat down .

"Oi ya not sitting ya wet arse on me bed." Paul smacked his back making him leap up , "then what d'ya want me to do?" He scowled .

"Bloody ell Lennon ." Paul groaned walking over to his wardrobe and chucking clothes at him .

John grinned and began unbuckling his belt , Martie dropped her bracelet and clasped hands to her eyes "no john !" She said , her voice muffled in her hands .

"I was only joking." John smirked , turning around and sticking his tongue out at Paul who was frowning angrily .

He then walked across the hall to the bathroom , locking the door .

"Wheres Michael Mchartney?" John yelled from the door , wich was definitely able to hear because the bathroom was next door .

"At Barry's" Martie yelled back .

"I see!" John yelled back .

"James Paul McCartney, how many bloody visitors are we aving?!" Jim shouted from the bottom of the stairs making Paul shoot a confused look .

He ran down the bottom of the stairs to see a soaked George standing next to Jim.

"Im sorry Mr McCartney." George mumbled .

"S'alright lad , its Lennon that bothers me." Jim patted George's back , looking up at john at the top of the stairs who was blowing kisses at him , he shook his head and walked off .

"I suppose your wanting clothes anorl?" Paul asked


Martie was in her element, so much she hadn't even a clue that george harrison was in her house , he was in the bathroom getting dressed into a red t-shirt with black drainpipe jeans , that paul lended him .

Martie was on the bed was dressed in her long white nightgown with pink tulips  around the collar . She had a pile of bracelets in front of her , john was sat looking through the magazine with paul .

"Whats that one for then?" John asked pointing at a red black bracelet , martie looked up from tying another .

"Elvis." She said smiling at it , john looked up with an eager grin at paul to see pauls frustrated face , he giggled before pointing at another one .

"And that one?" He asked pointing at orange and yellow one "james dean" she grinned .
John looked up at paul again who was desperately trying to ignore the conversation of what bracelets are for which one of his little sisters crushes .

"What about that one?" John asked pointing at the black and white one , she looked down and swallowed before saying "george." She said going back to tying another .

"Yer what!?" Paul gasped dropping his magazine. John was loving this , he had the widest smile on his face .

"George." She confirmed looking at him .

"Hazza?" John asked excitedly .

"Yeah." She grinned dropping another bracelet into the pile .

"He said he liked the one i made for elvis a few days ago ." She nodded starting a new one . "I thought I'd make him one"

Paul looked confused and livid at the same time , john just looked tremendously happy .

"Alright?" George greeted walking into the bedroom as if on cue , his hair was soaking wet just like johns , making Martie weak . "Speak o' the devil" john grinned at the drama as paul elbowed him in the side "im not the one banging ya sister." John groaned. george sat next to Martie on the bed .

George looked confused at johns comment , martie picked up the braclet with her finger and passed it to george. "I made this for ya." She grinned , making paul roll his eyes and go back to the magazine.

"Thanks." George grinned taking it from her gently and putting it round his wrist .
"Thats fucking soppy mate." Paul mumbled , his gaze fixated on his magazine.

"Whats that one for ? Another one of pauls mates?" John grinned playfully as he stirred shit , paul groaned flicking a page and martie scowled before picking it up , "no this is for Rickie nelson" she grinned spinning it around her finger .

"This one is  in memory of buddy holly" she frowned picking a blue one up , paul whined "its been a month martie."

"Its still sad." Martie pouted looking at it  , "it doesn't help when john wheres those glasses either , it brews my mourn" she said sarcastically sad .

Paul grinned ,  john gave her the two fingers and George laughed .

𝐍𝐨𝐧 - 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐥- also translated as 'and all' , in that context was used another word to say 'aswell'
𝐃'𝐲𝐚- do you
𝐘𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 - what do you mean?! Or what did you say

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