Whispers 'n Bullets

By mimobosh1_

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Danielle and Haerin are top operatives from rival organizations, HybeCo and Ador. Amidst dangerous missions a... More

Chapter 1: Thorn on my Side
Chapter 2: Gnawing Sensations
Chapter 3: State of Ambivalence
Chapter 4: Point of Contention
Chapter 5: Incredulous Consonance
Chapter 6: Quagmire Incidents
Chapter 8: Divine Retaliation
Chapter 9: Moment of Moratorium
Chapter 10: Backbone Peril
Chapter 11: Backbone Peril
Chapter 12: Desiderata
Chapter 13: Emancipation
Chapter 14: Haze in Panic
Chapter 15: Raging Tenacity
Chapter 16: Oblivion
Epilogue: Bounded Hearts

Chapter 7: Illusory Halcyon

201 13 3
By mimobosh1_

As the dust settled and the chaos began to subside, a news crew rushed to the scene, their cameras capturing the devastation unfolding before them. The anchor, standing amidst the wreckage with a microphone in hand, turned to face the camera, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing an unprecedented tragedy here today," he began, his words echoing through the stunned silence. "What was once a bustling hub of activity now lies in ruins, a grim reminder of the fragility of life."

He gestured toward the collapsed building behind him, the twisted metal and shattered glass serving as a grim backdrop to his report. "Rescue teams are working tirelessly to locate and extract survivors, but the situation remains dire. The fate of those still trapped inside is uncertain, and every passing moment brings new challenges."

The camera panned to show a group of firefighters combing through the rubble, their expressions grim as they searched for signs of life.

"But amidst the devastation, there are glimmers of hope," the anchor continued, his voice gaining strength. "Neighbors are coming together to offer support, volunteers are lending a helping hand, and emergency services are working around the clock to bring aid to those in need."

He paused for a moment, his gaze somber as he reflected on the magnitude of the tragedy. "As we stand here today, let us remember the courage and resilience of those affected by this disaster. And let us hold onto hope, that amidst the rubble, there are still stories of survival waiting to be told."

Meanwhile, back at their respective headquarters, Hanni and Hyein sat in silence, their hearts heavy with worry for their missing friends. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, they couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at their insides.

Hanni stared at the blinking monitor in front of her, her mind racing with thoughts of Haerin and Danielle. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving them behind, not knowing if they were alive or trapped beneath the rubble.

"We have to go back," Hanni said suddenly, her voice breaking the silence. "We can't just sit here and do nothing while they're still missing."

Hyein nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "I'll contact our superiors and request permission to return to the scene," she said, her voice resolute. "We'll do everything in our power to find them."

Hybe Corporation, 6:54 PM

Minji rushed back to her superior, Mr. Bang's office, her heart pounding with the urgency of the situation. Bursting through the door, she found him poring over documents, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Mr. Bang, we have a situation," Minji exclaimed, her voice urgent as she relayed the events that had transpired at the Capitol. She recounted the explosions, the collapse of the building, and the uncertainty surrounding the fate of her fellow colleague.

Mr. Bang listened intently, but there was a hint of detachment in his demeanor as he absorbed the information. As Minji finished her report, he leaned back in his chair, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

"This is troubling news indeed," Mr. Bang said formally, though his tone lacked the expected gravity. "We must do everything in our power to assist in the rescue efforts and ensure the safety of our operatives."

Mr. Bang glanced up from the documents, his gaze meeting Minji's determined eyes. "Kim Minji, you need to rest now; it's been a long day," he advised, his tone gentle but firm.

But Minji shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "I can't rest knowing Danielle might be in danger," she insisted, her voice tinged with worry. "I need to help find her."

Mr. Bang sighed, recognizing the determination in Minji's eyes. "Very well," he conceded. "But promise me you'll take care of yourself in the process. We'll mobilize all available resources to assist in the search."

Minji nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Mr. Bang," she said sincerely before rushing out of the office to join the rescue efforts.

As Minji hurried down the hallway, her steps quick and determined, a wave of emotion washed over her. Tears stung her eyes, threatening to spill over as the weight of the situation bore down on her. She blinked them back, refusing to let her emotions get the best of her in such a critical moment.

Each step felt heavier than the last as she struggled to maintain her composure. Thoughts of Danielle, her friend and colleague, flooded her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at her heart.

Finally, unable to contain her emotions any longer, Minji ducked into the nearest bathroom, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she leaned against the sink, tears streaming down her cheeks. The walls seemed to close in around her, amplifying the weight of her grief and worry.

With trembling hands, she splashed cold water on her face, hoping to wash away the overwhelming sense of despair.

Alone in the dimly lit bathroom, Minji allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, allowing the full force of her emotions to wash over her.

Wiping away her tears, Minji straightened up, her resolve hardened. She couldn't afford to give in to despair. Danielle was counting on her, and she would do whatever it took to bring her friend home safely.

With a deep breath, Minji composed herself, steeling her nerves for the challenges that lay ahead. She had a mission to fulfill, and she wouldn't rest until Danielle was found. Dead or Alive.


The phone vibrated softly on the polished surface of the desk, its screen illuminating the dimly lit room. With a quick glance around to ensure privacy, the figure seated behind the desk picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Have you retrieved the body?" a voice on the other end of the line asked, its tone cool and detached.

The figure paused for a moment, considering the question carefully before responding in a low, measured voice. "Not yet," they replied cryptically. "But we're working on it. The situation is more complicated than anticipated."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, followed by a sigh of frustration. "Time is of the essence," the voice insisted, its tone growing sharper. "We can't afford any delays. The longer we wait, the greater the risk of exposure."

The figure behind the desk nodded grimly, their expression hidden in the shadows. "Understood," they replied, their voice tinged with determination. "I'll make sure we expedite the process. You'll have what you need soon."

As the figure hung up the phone, a soft knock echoed through the room, drawing their attention. Without waiting for a response, the door creaked open, revealing a young woman standing in the doorway, her expression expectant.

"Have you found the body?" she inquired, her voice tinged with urgency.

The figure's jaw tensed slightly at the interruption, annoyance flickering in their eyes. "Not yet," they replied curtly, their tone clipped. "We're working on it. I'll let you know when there's news."

The woman nodded, seemingly unfazed by the brusque response. "Fucking slowpoke," she said quietly before turning to leave the room.

"Can't wait to see your ex's dead body again, huh? Though I'm sure you've grown tired of it after all those years of being… below her." the guy teased, a mischievous glint in his eye.

The woman's eyes flashed with anger at the mention of her past relationship, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. "You dare bring that up?" she hissed, her voice laced with venom. "You know nothing about me or what I've been through."

The guy's smirk grew even more, despite sensing the sudden shift in her demeanor. "Hey, I was just kidding," he stated, his tone defensive.

But the woman wasn't having any of it. "Well, some jokes aren't funny," she snapped, her voice dripping with scorn.

"Relax, Jang." the guy hissed, his voice dripping with malice as he addressed the woman with a hint of disdain. "I'll bring her straight to you as soon as we lay our hands on them. Or if you want you can handle her on your own.“

Wonyoung's expression remained stoic, a glint of defiance in her eyes. "I hope you're right,"

With a chillingly cold gaze, Wonyoung turned to face the him, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "I hope you won't disappoint me, Jay," she said icily, her tone laced with an underlying threat.

Jay's smirk widened into a sinister grin, their demeanor exuding a malevolent aura. "Oh, you have nothing to worry about," they replied, their voice dripping with dark amusement. "I always deliver."

Their exchange hung in the air like a sinister promise, as Wonyoung turned and strode away, leaving Jay alone in the shadowy confines of the room.


Hanni jolted awake to the sound of her phone ringing insistently on the nightstand. Groaning, she fumbled for it in the darkness, squinting at the bright screen as she answered.

"Hanni, it's Hyein," came the urgent voice on the other end of the line. "Get to the headquarters immediately. No questions, just come."

Hanni's head spun with disorientation as she struggled to process Hyein's abrupt command. "What? Why?" she muttered, frustration creeping into her voice.

Hyein's response was clipped and to the point. "Just get here now, Pham. It's urgent."

Annoyance bubbled up inside Hanni, fueled by her confusion and lack of explanation. "But I need to know what's going on!" she exclaimed, her frustration reaching its peak. Without thinking, she let out a scream of frustration into the phone, venting her pent-up emotions.

Hyein sighed on the other end of the line, clearly accustomed to Hanni's outbursts. "You good now?“ she said calmly, as if it were a routine occurrence.

"But what about Haerin? Her body's still missing, and the Capitol is almost cleared of its debris. I don't know what to think anymore."

Hyein's voice softened with empathy. "I know, Hanni. We're doing everything we can to find her," she reassured gently. "Just trust me, okay?"

Hanni felt a sob threatening to escape her lips, but she swallowed it back, clinging to Hyein's words of comfort. After a moment of silence, she nodded resolutely. "Okay," she said, her voice steadier now.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."


As Hanni entered the headquarters, her footsteps echoed in the empty corridors, her mind racing with worry and anticipation. She made her way to the meeting room, where Hyein stood waiting for her, her expression grave.

"Hey, over here," Hyein greeted her quietly as she approached. "Just right on time, Pham."

Hanni managed a nod in response, her eyes flicking around the room as she took in the somber atmosphere. She moved to take her usual seat next to Hyein, but her steps faltered as she caught sight of the figure sitting in front of her.

It was Minji, her expression unreadable as she glanced up at Hanni. Hanni's breath caught in her throat, a surge of conflicting emotions washing over her. She hesitated, unsure of how to react in her presence after everything that had happened.

For a moment, Hanni's heart raced as she settled into her seat, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. Then, Min Heejin, the head of their organization, began to speak, her voice cutting through the tense silence.

"Thank you all for being here," Min Heejin began, her tone commanding attention. "As you're aware, recent events have left us with unanswered questions and missing operatives. It's imperative that we work together to uncover the truth."

"As we embark on this joint investigation," Min Heejin continued, her gaze sweeping across the room, "we must remain vigilant and focused. Our operatives' lives are at stake, and we owe it to them to leave no stone unturned."

Hanni nodded solemnly, her mind racing with the possibilities. As Min Heejin delved into the details of the investigation, Hanni couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something sinister lurked beneath the surface.

"And yet," Min Heejin continued, her voice somber, "despite our thorough investigation, the bodies of Danielle Marsh and Kang Haerin remain missing. This leads us to believe that whether they are dead or alive, someone had the intent to capture them."

Hanni's heart sank at the realization, the implications of Min Heejin's words sinking in with a heavy weight. If someone had intentionally captured their fellow operatives, it meant they were still out there, somewhere, their fate uncertain.

"We must proceed with caution," Min Heejin concluded, her tone grave. "Until we have definitive answers, we cannot afford to underestimate our adversaries. Stay alert, and report any findings immediately."

"As we proceed with this investigation," Min Heejin continued, her voice firm, "I want to make it clear that Mr. Bang has granted me the authority to oversee his corporation's agents during this time. We will be working together under a temporary truce to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved."

Hanni's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Mr. Bang's corporation, a sense of unease gnawing at her. She knew their relationship with Mr. Bang's organization was fraught with tension and distrust, and the idea of collaborating with them made her uneasy.

However, she also understood the gravity of the situation and the necessity of setting aside their differences for the greater good. With a resigned sigh, she nodded in acknowledgment.

"As we navigate this uncertain territory," Min Heejin concluded, her gaze unwavering, "let us remember that our primary objective is to bring our operatives home safely. We may be allies for now, but we must remain vigilant and cautious at all times."


Hyein's frustration boiled beneath the surface as she listened to Hanni's words. "Worth it?" she scoffed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I don't know if partnering with HybeCo is worth the risk. They're more trouble than they're worth."

Hanni glanced at her friend, sensing the simmering anger in her tone. "I get it, Hyein," she said softly, trying to placate her. "But we don't have much of a choice right now. We need all the help we can get to find Haerin and Danielle."

Hyein clenched her jaw, her frustration evident in the way she gripped her tray tightly. "I know," she grumbled, her voice low with irritation. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"You don't have much of a choice anyway," Minji said, her voice carrying a hint of resignation as she approached the table.

Hyein's patience wore thin at Minji's blunt statement. "And what's that supposed to mean?" she snapped, her tone sharper than intended.

Hanni shot Hyein a warning glance, sensing the tension rising between them. "Hey, let's not jump to conclusions," she interjected, trying to diffuse the situation.

But Hyein's frustration bubbled to the surface, fueled by the stress of their predicament. "No, I want to know what she meant by that," she insisted, her voice tinged with irritation.

She shrugged nonchalantly, her expression impassive. "Just stating the obvious," she replied casually, as if the tension in the air was of no concern to her.

Hyein narrowed her eyes, her frustration mounting at Minji's nonchalant demeanor. "Well, it wasn't necessary," she retorted, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Hanni shifted uncomfortably in her seat, sensing the tension between the two. "Let's not argue," she interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "We're all stressed enough as it is."

But Hyein couldn't let it go. "Fine," she muttered, shooting Minji a glare.

Minji's words cut through the tense silence like a knife, her tone devoid of sympathy. "I know you're worried, Lee, but crying over it won't find your friend," she remarked bluntly, her gaze unwavering. "So if I were you, I would just suck it up and do whatever the hell I have to."

Hanni winced at Minji's harsh words, feeling the weight of their implications. She glanced between the two, the tension in the air was palpable. "Minji, that's not helping," she said softly, her voice tinged with reproach.

But Minji merely shrugged, unaffected by Hanni's disapproval. "Sometimes the truth hurts," she replied indifferently, before returning her attention to her meal, leaving Hyein and Hanni to grapple with her words in the heavy silence that followed.


The dimly lit room cast eerie shadows as the phone rang, its sound slicing through the thick atmosphere like a blade. Interrupting Jay's thoughts, it beckoned him with a sinister allure. With a cautious glance at his surroundings, he answered, his lips curling into a sinister smile as he recognized the caller's voice, its sinister timbre sending a chill down his spine.

The voice, low and masked, oozed with mystery and malice, sending a thrill of anticipation down his spine.

"We've found them and we are on are way back right now. They didn't have much fight left in them.“ the caller said cryptically, the words hanging in the air like a heavy fog.

"Both of them are alive?"

“Yes, sir.“ the caller added, their tone dripping with ominous intent.

"Good work," Jay replied, his voice dripping with satisfaction, each syllable laced with a sinister charm. With a swift motion, he ended the call, plunging the room back into a heavy silence. As the eerie stillness settled around him, Jay's mind buzzed with excitement, already planning his next move in the twisted game he was playing, his heart pulsing with a dark thrill that echoed in the shadows.

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