devsey fic i probably will ne...

By Irxma_101

54 4 6

devon and kelsey just do WHATEVER THE FUCK I MAKE THEM DO CAUSE I LOVE THEM. (no smut that's disgusting...) More

Mall Trip!! (Devon is a Heathers Geek)

54 4 6
By Irxma_101

It was noon and devon was propped up against the wall sitting with a pillow behind him, he rarely had anything to do after school considering his living conditions and his mom. Any normal day he would be hanging out with his best friend Mick who had been sick the past couple of days, which is the cause of his boredom and why he is sitting in his room on his laggy ass phone playing whatever mobile game that pops up after he gets an ad. Then he got a text from Kelsey,

he had a crush on Kelsey he just didn't know and didn't wanna accept it. He convinced himself he was in love with Heather one of the most popular and attractive girls when HE KNOWS HIS ASS IS GAY AS SHIT. But he decided to text Kelsey back even though he really didn't want to considering how annoying he made Kelsey seem, after texting for awhile Kelsey asked Devon to go around the small little town with him. Devon would much rather stay by himself or at least with Mick,

but considering his situation of him being bored shitless for hours he decided he would go. So devon put down his tiny ass phone and got up, he walked out his room and outside to wait for Kelsey, a few minutes later Kelsey was standing in front of Devon who was seated in the grass ripping and tearing at it with his hands. "Hi Dev" Kelsey said while waving and putting on his unbearable everyday friendly face, "Hey Kelsey.." Devon said while getting up and throwing the remaining grass shreds in his hands on the ground. Devon looked at Kelsey and wondered why he was still wearing the beanie even though it was extremely hot out, in reality he was just staring at Kelsey for a long period of time and started to worry Kelsey a bit as to why he was staring at him and not moving or saying anything.

"hellooooo????" Kelsey said, which snapped Devon back into reality. Devon turned extremely red after realizing he was staring, after all he was just zoning out into his own thoughts not realizing what was happening. Devon just started walking away from Kelsey, expecting him to follow. And as he guessed Kelsey did in fact follow Devon shortly, "DAMNIT.." Devon thought to himself "I FUCKING STOOD THERE, SAID NOTHING, AND WAS STARING AT HIM LIKE A MORON.."

Devon took a deep breath but then "you okay?" Devon jumped at the words at came from right beside him, he had thought Kelsey was still behind him but turns out he caught up and was right next to him, inches away from touching eachother. "yeah.. im fine Kelsey." "ooookaayyyy". Kelsey and Devon kept walking until they reached a mall, "can we go in reeeaaalllly quick I need to see something" Kelsey said as he held onto Devons shoulder to make sure he didnt walk off. "i mean we havent stopped anywhere so sure." Devon said, "Okay lets go!!" Kelsey said as he dragged Devon in still clinging onto his shoulder.

In the mall Kelsey had to basically push Devon into every single store or else his ass would not go in and Kelsey would ask him if he wanted anything and Devons response was always "no" to not be a burden, and Kelsey would just roll his eyes and show him a bunch of stuff from the store he thought Devon might want, and Devon appreciated Kelseys enthusiasm but always declined the offers.

"you're just not into anything, huh?" Kelsey said after showing Devon the third item from the store to him, "I guess not.." Devon replied, Kelsey put the item back on the shelf and continued walking around. Devon went the opposite way.

a few moments later Devon felt tapping on his shoulder and turned around to see Kelsey. "what?" Devon asked, Kelsey grabbed Devons hand which surprised him and ran to the other side of the store, "so i was looking through the store, and i saw this thing and thought it was really cute and it reminded me of you so you need to give me honest opinions!!" Kelsey turned down an aisle and stopped at the end of the aisle and pointed at the spinny shelf thingy, Kelsey pointed at a JD keychain from Heathers.

Devon looked at it in shock "holy shit its Jason fucking Dean" Devon said "Who.?" Devon turned to Kelsey with the most shocked face "WHO?!" "WHO IS JASON DEAN?!" Devon shouted, Kelsey looked at Devon with the most confused face, "sorry i just don't know who that is.." Kelsey replied.

"Jason dean is from Heathers, its both a movie and a musical and to be completely honest the musical is really good but i like the movie from 1988 better, and i really like how Jason Deans character is portrayed because he grew up with a normal family but his mother fucking exploded so he grew up with his not so stable dad and had to move pretty often because his dad would do some not okay crimes causing them to move states every few months. and he just grew up with the mindset that murder was okay if you didn't get caught and so he also started to become like his father and one day he went to this school named Westerburg high school and  saw this girl hanging out with the most popular girls in school, he saw her at a 711 and explained to her like his lore i don't know why. and then they parted ways as Heather C, started honking at them. he then appears outside her window, or if you wanna have it the off broadway version then the girl, Veronica comes to him through his bedroom window and they preform dead girl walking which is very sexual and i would not like to explain, then in the morning JD and Veronica want to 'prank' Heather C for kicking Veronica out of the group. JD starts joking around about putting chemicals in the drink and Veronica laughs it off even though he was being a hundred percent serious. Veronica then makes a gross mixture between milk orange juice and other substances that wouldn't actually kill her and JD and Veronica kiss, during this kiss JD swaps the cups so veronica picks up the sink cleaner instead of the one she made. They arrive at Heathers house and she drinks it and they kill her, Veronica starts freaking out and JD tells her to just write a note to fake her suicide and thats what they do, then they kill again after these two boys try to sexually assault Veronica, and Veronica just freaks out and breaks up with JD causing him to go insane, go to her house, make her parents think she's suicidal, then he tries to kill her and she fakes her death. and then JDs like 'okay im gonna blow up the school' and runs off, then Veronica goes to stop him and they have this big fight and JD ends up strapping a bomb to his chest and he dies" Devon explains.

Kelsey just sat there in shock that he just happend to know all this shit about a random ass keychain that he thought happened to look close to his appearance.

"yea im buying this shit for you cause wow..." "what wait i didn't want you to get it for me i was just saying." "no you fucking geek i want to get you something so just accept it." "oh my god fine"

Devon rolled his eyes as Kelsey picked the keychain up off the rack and pulled Devon to the cash register still holding his hand. They walked out the store with Kelsey holding like three bags and making Devon hold like two. "I hate you so much" Devon stated "mmmmhhmmm sure you do" Kelsey said, Devon almost pushed Kelsey playfully but realized his hand was intertwined with Kelseys and immediately stopped in his tracks and got all flustered.

Kelsey wondered why Devon just stopped so he literally started dragging him, Devon didn't know why he was getting all red and flustered over a boy and why he never felt this toward heather or any girl for that matter.

He didn't know how to react to this new feeling but he liked it, he really liked it but wanted it to stop. He didn't know why he liked it, he didn't want to like it. this feeling made him feel really sick and although there was a whole bunch of air conditioning blowing from almost all directions to him he was really hot and was getting sweaty,

he was feeling all these emotions at once but couldn't recognize all of them because of how fast he was thinking. after awhile he snapped out of his train of thoughts to see Kelsey pulling him through a crowd of people, Devon started walking again after what felt like forever. And Kelsey let out a sigh of relief after his legs started moving,

Kelsey let go of Devons hand but Devon snatched it back because although he wanted to get rid of the feeling he desperately wanted to hold Kelseys hand, the man he was supposed to despise, the man he wanted to hurt, injure even. He didn't realize how much he blocked out all the signs, how much he desperately wanted to believe he was straight, how much he wanted to hate Kelsey. He couldn't fight this feeling, he didnt want to fight it. Devon looked beside him to see Kelsey, who was just looking straight ahead. Devon wondered how Kelsey could just hold a mans hand and not feel this, or at least not show how hes feeling. Devons stomach twirled in knots as he continued to hold the boys hand.

(i absolutely suck at drawing hands)

Devon just stared at his and Kelseys hands and wondered why Kelsey wasn't fighting to get off of him, why he didn't say anything about it, or at least show some signs that he didn't wanna hold hands. but no, all Kelsey did was ignore it and smile at everyone and everything. Devon was sick of it and him but didn't wanna get away for whoever knows why, he liked the feeling of being near Kelsey, it made him feel safe, loved even.

Devon turned his head to see mother fucking Heather. And Devon dropped Kelseys hand SO FUCKING FAST and ran over to heather. Devon leaned against the wall that was next to her "wassup future wife" Devon said as Heather didn't say a word and just gave him the look of utter disgust. Devon got confused when all those feelings of being hot and sick went away when talking to the ABSOLUTE love of his life, or at least what he convinced himself was the lohl.

Heather pulled out a pepper spray and sprayed his eyes before bolting off. Devon clenched his eyes with his hands really tight, he wanted to claw them out to get rid of the pain. Devon watched with blurry vision of heather leaving the mall. "oh my god, she loves me..." Devon muttered "she actually wasted product for me.." Devon started smiling while still holding onto his eyes in pain. A few moments when Devon was able to see again he made his way back over to Kelsey and slipping his hand back into place.

Kelsey looked back at Devon and saw his eyes all red and sorta puffy "holy shit what happened.. did you get fucking high or something" Kelsey asked "uh Heather kinda, sorta pepper sprayed me for trying to talk like a normal human being with her." Devon said, once Devon said that Kelsey put his hand on his mouth, Devon didnt know what the hell he was doing before he heard "PPPFFF" come from his mouth and shortly after Kelsey just bursted out laughing and fell to the floor, dragging Devon down with him. "OWW KELSEY WHAT THE FUUCK.." Devon exclaimed "IM SORRY IM SORRY" Kelsey yelled as he was still dying in the middle of the fucking hot topic floor. Devon and Kelsey shortly hot kicked out the entire mall.

"great what an exciting two hours wasted.." Devon muttered "Eh it wasn't so bad" Kelsey replied "I got everything i wanted and more!" Devon rolled his eyes at Kelsey and let out a yelp while doing so because his eyes obviously still hurt, and Kelsey resisted to starts laughing again. Devon kicked the back of Kelseys knee.

Kelsey face planted into the concrete and Devon started laughing hysterically. Kelsey lifted his head and got up, his entire face was scratched and bleeding. "I fucking hate you.."Kelsey stated. "no you love me" Devon replied "you're right my bad." "what" "what?" "DEVON WHG WOULD YOU SAY THAT??!?!?!" "WHAT." "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME GAYASS" "IM SO DONE WITH YOU KELSEY." "i know" "THEN STOP." "im good".

Devon helped Kelsey get up and clean his face off on a nearby bench. "your face is fucked up" Devon said, "you think.." Kelsey said. "stop moving you're messing me up.." "what is there to mess up?! you're just wiping my face..". Devon didn't want to explain the situation he just wanted it to be silent... or that he just wanted to stare at Kelsey face without having consequences for looking for a long period of time.

After Devon was presumably done after half an hour of pretending to wipe Kelseys face just to stare at him, they both got up and walked back to Devons house where they just hung out and talked with each other.

The entire time Kelsey was in Devons room Devon could feel it heat up every time Kelsey got even the slightest bit closer on his tiny ass bed, which made them pretty close.

Kelsey ended up passing out on his bed after a while, Devon just sat there bored again but this time with a man in his room who he really liked. Devon then started accepting the fact he loved Kelsey because no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop looking at the sleeping blonde, all he could think about was kissing the boy.

Thirty minutes later Devon shook Kelsey awake. Kelsey obviously very confused as he had woke up a few seconds ago, just sat up on the bed. "yeah dev..?" Kelsey asked in a very tired voice which made Devons stomach feel even worse and start twisting harder each second.

Devon just stood there looking at Kelsey, confusing him even more. Until he finally got the courage but it came out worse than he wanted to ask it. "I need to kiss you... like right now.." Kelsey got flustered by that as he didn't really expect it after just being woken up by someone he would expect to get suffocated in the middle of the night with. Devon on the other hand was regretting his wording choices and was growing red by the second.

They both just stared at each other for a good few minutes before Kelsey just went in and started kissing Devon, Devon on the other hand was like 100% ready to get rejected and was not expecting that at all. He was getting hotter by the second and the pleasant sickness in his stomach got heavier and stronger.

Once their lips separated Devon just hugged Kelsey tightly, Devon had so much he wanted to say and admit but nothing could come out of his mouth so he just clung onto Kelsey.

Kelsey then stood up so Devon could be in a more comfortable position since Kelsey was originally sitting down and Devon had to bend to hug him. "Devon... are you okay??" Kelsey asked, and got no response from Devon.

Kelsey just continued to hug Devon, not minding the fact Devon was responding. Devon then finally gained more courage to let out an "I love you." to which Kelsey responded "I love you too, Devon."


authors note: this was the first fan-fiction i ever wrote and i was inspired by some writers from ao3!! I was kinda disappointed when i found out The New Kid wasnt that popular because i can barely find media about just specifically the story and how there was only 11 fics on ao3 and like 9 (i think) fics if you take out the disgusting ones.. so i wanted to just give myself and possibly others food.. (i was starving and was rereading the same fics over and over) anyways i had fun writing this and i had fun drawing the picture. ❤️❤️

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