Essence of Demise | ThirdUnion

By -yaLikeTrains-

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✨THIS BOOK IS MATURE✨❤️NOW YOU KNOW❤️ "I thought you would be good for me." "And I thought you would love me... More

1: Chapter 1
2: A Very German Morning
3: A Stranger's Consequences
4: Dreams Left Waiting
5: The Missing Husband
6: Forget Me Not
7: Waiting Impatiently
8: A Bad Thing?
9: Suspicious Glee
10: Stupid Mistake
11: Frozen Touch
12: A Dying Flame
13: Promised Goodbye
14: A Friendly Acquaintance
15: A Terrible Comparison
16: Running Backwards
17: A Desperate Reach
18: Overlooked
19: Casually Detaching
20: Wrathful Displeasure
22: Strange Behaviors
23: A Filthy Man
24: The Right Reasons
25: Hopeful Thinking
26: Awakening
27: Beautiful Family
28: Desirable Blue
29: Heavy Red
🌷Valentines special 💖
30: Tempering Storm
31: Bless Your Soul
32: Red Wine
33: Two-Faced Man
34: Sinful Greed

21: Reasonable Suspicion

33 2 0
By -yaLikeTrains-

Reich was awakened by some loud knocking.

He sat up tiredly, feeling like he hadn't got any sleep. He looked around his room confused for a moment, until he heard the knocking on the door again.

Not a moment later the door suddenly opened and some maids came hurrying in, Reich was honestly not suspecting any of it. He usually didn't have anyone show up in the morning, but it seemed like Soviet had other plans.

Speaking of the Russian. He was in their shared bathroom, getting ready for the day.

The maids immediately began helping their king, while Reich just sat in bed awkwardly, unsure what to do.

Eventually he was offered some tea, which he did want to accept, he just didn't want to have it in here. It was uncomfortably crowded now, at least to Reich it was.

The German went on to do his own morning things, and left the room as soon as he could.

He didn't like that very much. Reich sighed to himself as he stumbled off to his study. He rarely asked for someone to help him in the mornings. And Soviet used to not need anyone either. He really has changed.

Reich grumbled to himself as he continued down the hall. Hunger was pinching at him now, but he just ignored it, and continued to make his way to his study. Perhaps he had some mail to read. Maybe they could ease his mind.

The German would end up spending the majority of his morning in his study.

He was surprised that Soviet hadn't sent someone to fetch him for breakfast. Perhaps his children had informed the Russian about his typical morning routine.

Though now, this routine didn't look like it wouldn't be happening anymore.

Reich didn't have much to do strangely. He wasn't used to that. There wasn't nearly enough work for him to skip breakfast over.

But the German was too stubborn to leave.

Instead he spent his morning checking up on things. He needed to take note of how much work Soviet's little servants would be taking away from him. Which was a lot. A whole lot. There was barely anything left.

The German frankly didn't know what to do. What should he do with this new free time?

Russia and Ukraine will be in school. Perhaps he could stay with Belarus, maybe he could do that.

Reich grumbled to himself as he laid his head onto his desk. The only work he had left to do was to keep his children in order, and to make himself look presentable for Soviet's family.

They would unfortunately be staying for a while. A long long while.

Reich never got along with them. Soviet even knew that.

In the past, Soviet used to watch the German to make sure that his family wasn't bothering him too much. But the Russian wouldn't be with him anymore. Soviet wouldn't be there to protect him from his father.

Reich practically shivered at the though. Soviet's father was a man that could never be pleased. He never ever had anything nice to say to the German.

He wasn't pleased with his son's pick and it was incredibly obvious.

Reich shook his head to stop his Russian inflicted thoughts, and glanced around his study a bit. Unsure what to do. Eventually the German got out some paper and a quill. And spent the rest of his time trying to figure out how the hell you would spell Kazakhstan.

Hours later Reich could faintly hear some soft knocking on his door, and before the German could even respond the door was suddenly opened.

There was Ukraine there, and then Russia who practically pushed his brother out of the way as soon as he saw his mother.

The German was pleased to see them, and after giving Russia a little lesson on manners the children quickly pulled him out of his chair and out of the room. They talked about lunch, and briefly mentioned how their father sent them to get the German.

Reich just nodded and walked off with his kids, trying to ignore his desperate mind. He tried to ignore any negative thoughts. Any thought that was about Soviet. The Russian didn't need to get him himself, his kids were fine too.

Apparently everyone was supposed to be there already, they were just waiting for the German.

Reich hummed as Ukraine began talking on about some new cultures that he had been learning about.

The tugging on his hands was beginning to feel uncomfortable, as he had to bend over awkwardly to reach his children's height. They'd both probably end up being taller than the German, but every adult was taller than him.

The three continued walking for a little while longer, until Russia suddenly let go of the German's hand and ran down some hall.

"-Russia? Where are you going?" Reich paused and so did Ukraine. Though the little blue and yellow country wasn't very happy about it.

"-I saw папа-!" Without another word the young Russian turned a corner and disappeared.

Reich sighed and looked down at Ukraine, he nearly smiled seeing his son's pissed off expression.

"Come on, let's go get him." Reich walked down the hallway a bit, gently pulling on Ukraine's hand as he did.

Though Ukraine was definitely upset with his brother's antics, Reich promised to spend some time with him after lunch. Which greatly brightened the young country's mood.

There would be no Russia there. World peace would be possible for a moment.

Ukraine was smiling as he held his mother's hand. The two continued down the hall until they got to the corner that Russia had sped down.

They did find Russia there, and to Reich's honest surprise Soviet as well, but he wasn't alone.

"Soviet?" Reich's voice was barely audible. Ukraine seemed to hear it, and looked up at his mother.

He was confused, but could certainly see that his mama didn't look very happy. Ukraine looked back at the scene in front of him.

Well, now his mother's emotions were definitely understandable. Ukraine didn't like that red lady either.

Russia was there next to Soviet, chatting to him about something. It took Soviet a moment to even notice that Reich and Ukraine were there.

The older Russian just hummed as Russia's words.

He wasn't expecting to see the boy. Or anyone for that matter. He had sent them all to eat so that they would not bother him.

Eventually Soviet glanced to his side, seeing Moscow there. The lady had her arms wrapped around his, and was squeezing him quite tightly.

The Russian just thought that she was being impatient until he looked up from his eldest son only to see Reich there with Ukraine.

His visible eye couldn't help but widen at the sight. None of them were supposed to be here. Reich was not supposed to see this.

"Reich?" The Russian shook his arm briefly, trying to not look suspicious as he shushed Moscow away. "What are you doing here?"

Reich crossed his arms over his chest defensively, practically hugging himself. "What are you doing here?"

Russia and Ukraine were quite silent as they looked between their parents. They weren't too sure what was going on.

"Shouldn't you be at the dining hall...?" Reich's arms tightened around himself, he stepped back a bit, only to have Ukraine slowly follow him.

Soviet bit his tongue for a moment as he glanced at Moscow, then at Russia and then at Reich.

"I had some things to do. I didn't think that it would be that easy for these two to get you out of your study." Soviet laughed at his own words, and gently patted Russia's head. The child seemed to beam at his father's words.

"Hm." Reich stood uncomfortably, a part of him wishing he never stepped foot into this hallway.

"Business with Moscow?" The name was strange on the German's tongue. He wasn't very familiar with the lady, and frankly he didn't want to be.

Soviet rolled his eye and huffed a bit. "Of course I have business to do with her, she's my messenger. We have important things to discuss-"

"-This can't happen after lunch...?" Reich's throat clamped up for a moment as his gaze shifted to the floor. He knew better now than to interrupt a tempered man.

"I'm dealing with it now." The Soviet glared at the German lightly, as he heard a small giggle from behind him.

"Now you two." Russia's head perked up at his father's words. Ukraine just stared at the man confused.

"Help your мама get to the dining room okay? He doesn't look too well." Soviet sneered the last sentence quietly, causing Reich to look up at him a bit surprised.

Russia saluted before running off toward his mother, he was quick to grab the German's hand to drag him off again. Ukraine just barely made it before Russia had run off with their mother, but he couldn't help but look back over at his father before they all left.

And Reich couldn't help but do so too. The German just stared at his husband and this 'messenger' that was next to him.

He couldn't help the sudden anger that rose in him as he watched that lady lace her hands around his husband's arm again. But before he could spit a single word his kids pulled him off and away.

The German was biting his lip as he got back onto his original path. His mind was spiraling with emotions that he didn't know how to comprehend.

Worst of all, his kids were right by him and were there to witness that whole thing.

While Russia seemed to be oblivious to what had just happened, Ukraine could at least pick up that something was wrong with the situation.

That something was making his mother upset.

Reich shook his head as he finally reached his destination. He would not break in front of his kids. They didn't need to see any of this.

The German grumbled to himself as Russia and Ukraine ran off to greet their sister who was already seated.

Soviet was an idiot and a damn fool if he thought that Reich couldn't see what he was doing.

Reich may be too suspicious and curious for his own good sometimes, but this time was different. This time something had to be going on, and Reich just knew it had something to do with that cow named Moscow.

After lunch Reich kept his promise to Ukraine, and proceeded to follow the boy around for the rest of the day.

Through the library, to Ukraine's room, to the gardens- Ukraine just had so much to show his mother.

Even where the sun began to fall Ukraine did not stop pulling his mama around.

Reich didn't mind really. Besides, it was nice to see the sunset.

The German hummed as he was outside now. Goodness he needed the fresh air. Especially after the day he had.

Ukraine wanted to take him to see the horses, as Reich didn't see them often. But Ukraine surprisingly did. He had been there multiple times, and it was quite obvious.

As the boy could name every horse, and would comment on their personalities, strengths and performances.

Reich just nodded and listened to the boy speak, as Ukraine wasn't able to be so talkative when his brother and sister were around.

Reich did spend a moment trying to find Soviet's old horse. The one from when they were young and had just met, but the horse was nowhere to be found.

The German was honestly a bit disappointed that he couldn't find the beautiful mare, but he didn't let Ukraine see his disappointment.

Eventually the two ended up in one of the many gardens that the palace had. Ukraine of course loved this specific area as there was this one flower that he just adored.

Reich tried to ask questions and comment on the boy's words, but sometimes it was better for him to just listen.

Though eventually Ukraine began to yawn, as the day's adventures had left him quite exhausted.

He leaned onto his mother tiredly, as the two sat on a bench together.

Silence rang through the small space, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a peaceful and welcoming one.

Well. That was until it was broken.


Reich looked down at the boy who leaned into him, there was a gentle look in his eyes. "Yes dear?"

"What's going on with you and папа?"

Reich stared at Ukraine for a moment, wondering what to say. He must be thinking about what happened earlier.

"Just some little things dear," Reich moved his fingers through the boy's hair softly. "it's okay. Nothings going to happen."

Ukraine giggled as his mother gently touched his nose, the boy moved a bit so that he could sit on his knees. As he needed to be able to run if his mother tried to tickle him.

"Okay." Ukraine looked away for a moment, an unsure look in his eyes.

Reich noticed immediately, and gently brought his hand to the boy's chin.

"Ukraine. Don't worry, okay." The boy blinked as his mother kissed his head gently. "Me and your father just haven't seen each other in a long while. It's normal for couples to fight sometimes."

Ukraine hummed and suddenly looked confused. "It's to counter how much we love each other." Reich quickly added on. "Our little arguments make our relationship stronger once we've overcome them. It's to balance our love for each other."

Ukraine seemed to understand, but raised an eyebrow anyways. "What if you can't overcome an argument?"

Reich hummed and tried his best not to shrug. "It gets more complicated depending on the situation.."

"Learn to disagree?"

The German looked at the boy a bit surprised, "Sometimes, but it's good to understand the other's view and to try to reason with them. Though once again, it depends on the situation."

Ukraine giggled and nodded, as he reached his arms out to hug his mama.

Reich of course complied, and moved some of his robes out of the way so that he could hug his son back.

The two spent the rest of their evening out in the garden, as Ukraine chatted away.


Reich hummed, awaiting another question.

"How- how do you say, мама in German?"

Reich's eyes lit up as a bright smile suddenly hit his face. Maybe Soviet wouldn't like it, but it wouldn't hurt to teach his kids some German.


"Mutter." Ukraine repeated, though he sounded a little strange as he spoke.

Reich smiled and nodded sharply. "That's it. Mutter."

"Mutter. Mutter. Mutter." Ukraine repeated and repeated.

Reich's day had gotten a whole lot better. Ukraine showing just a little bit of interest in his language just brought him so much uncontainable joy.

Oh he adored that child so much, he should go back to hanging out with his children more. Certainly he should.

Reich smiled to himself as he went down some hall, he was heading off to his bedroom to freshen up a bit before dinner. Ukraine had gone to do the same.

Though the German hadn't done much today, he had gotten to spend a lot of his day with Ukraine. Maybe he can spend tomorrow with Russia or Belarus-

Reich paused for a moment, as he stared at his bedroom door.

Why was it open?

The German raised an eyebrow as he waddled over to it. Usually the maids had cleaned it by now, unless their schedule had somehow gotten messed up.

Eventually Reich reached the door and peeked inside, only to see one person in there. One person that he hated oh so much.

"What are you doing?" Reich glared at Moscow. His arms now crossed as he stared at her.

"Oh, Soviet sent me to get him something." The lady turned to face the German, noticeably there was something in her arms.

"Why didn't he send a maid?" Reich sneered at her. This wasn't just Soviet's room, this was his room too.

"I don't know." Moscow shrugged fondly. "I guess he just likes me." She smirked playfully at the German. Oh how she loved seeing his temper rise.

"Get out."

"But I-"

"Get out. Now." Reich moved away from the door a bit so that she could leave. Moscow only huffed at his pissed expression as she walked towards the door.

She purposefully swayed her hips as she walked, though Reich stopped her from leaving for just a moment. And demanded her to give back the stuff she took.

The red lady rolled her eyes at the German's words and just dumped the crap onto the bed.

She waved goodbye once she finally left the room, a teasing look on her face as she did.

Goodness Reich hated her. His blood was boiling and he couldn't help but slam the door shut after she left.

His room felt dirty now. It felt disgusting. That witch had left her presence here and it was suffocating the German.

His room needed to be cleaned again. It needed to be power washed. Blessed by a priest. Deep cleaned.

Reich did not want to be in here anymore. He wanted to leave but where the hell would he go?

The German grumbled and grumbled as he paced around his room.

That stupid lady needed to learn her place. She couldn't be flirting and touching his husband! She can't be going into his private room without his permission!

Reich huffed and looked down at his bed in frustration.

Truly he was confused to see some of Soviet's clothes in the pile of things that Moscow had collected.

Though he was even more upset when he saw some of his jewelry in it, and some other personal items of his. Maybe if he had left his crown in here Moscow would have taken that too.

Then maybe Soviet would actually reprimand her for her reckless and inappropriate actions.


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