Gates: Volume 1

By Rhetorical_Writing

65 6 0

Ever since watching the top ranked hunter, Raemond Beues, on television for the first time Eunjung Han had be... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

19 1 0
By Rhetorical_Writing

"Can you believe this Jackson? She's insane!" Shroud Maria, a television anchor for CNN.

They had been flying over the dungeon break in Alaska, anxiously following the continued displays of fortitude and power by the S-Rank hunters that had been fending for both their own and the residents' lives. That is, till a bright flash of blue lightning crashed down on the battlefield.

News outlets around the world lit up like wildfire, everyone's anxiousness and worry immediately dissipating as shock found its place. All the other S-Ranks stood there frozen, shocked expressions being held on their faces. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't enter their fight: both monsters being out of their league.

Eunjung's eyes shone a cool blue as sparks of lightning went off all around her. She was cloaked in a brown trench coat, a white collared top and black pants being found underneath. A cold expression was plastered on her face as she let out a sigh, looking at the blue system message in front of her.
<Defeat Hidden Boss Monster [Mythical Knight, Lancelot] and reclaim your territory>

With a steadying of her breath and a summoning of her daggers from her inventory, Eunjung charged at the mythical knight, clashing weapons with a flash of mana.

*1 year earlier*

A black haired girl let out a loud yawn, her being exhausted from all the work she had to do over the week. She could feel her eyes becoming more dull as she looked at the computer screen, along with a stiffness forming within her fingers into her forearms. From all of that she could tell one thing for certain, it was time for a break.

This is Eunjung Han, a 23 year old office worker right out of college. To say the least: it was boring as hell to manage and count all the data. Though, it's not like she cared that much, it was paying the bills and what she was counting at the least being interesting. She worked for a subgroup of the United States Hunter's Association, or the USHA, named "Hunter Shop." A true civil servant, that's what she was.

Now, while there are many hunters around the world, each being able to gain fame and glory from their work, it was the top ranked hunters (the S-Rank hunters) that truly were famous. Like celebrities, S-Rank hunters are known by just about everyone in the world: many starring in movies, going on talk shows, and constantly being followed by paparazzi: each having so many fans it's hard to even think about.

One of those fans happened to be Eunjung. She fell in love with the hunter world the first time she saw it. She could remember the exact moment: watching the top hunter in the world, Raemond Beues, go on his first ever raid. She could remember it clear as day, watching the tall broad shouldered golden haired young man on her phone screen; Raemond walking into the raid and pummeling the ghoul-like boss monster to pulp with his bare fist. Through Raemond and other hunters like him she was brought into the world of hunters: leading her to where she was in life.

Yet, no matter how infatuated Eunjung was with the lives and abilities of hunters, she could never become one. She was a normal human who had never gone through an awakening. The closest she could ever get to the hunter world is by doing what she currently was: collecting and managing data. Well, maybe if she got lucky she could work for a guild or even become a guild master...though those spots were usually reserved for hunters. So she would have to be content with simple collection and management of data, well specifically the management of all resources and items coming out of gates on US land and the buying and selling of items through Hunter Shop.

"Top hunter Raemond Beues, or Hunter Eagle, renews his contract with United States guild, Ares Guild, for another 10 years." Eunjung read from her phone, it being the headline notification of a news outlet she followed. She sighed as she grabbed a fresh cup of coffee from the break room, knowing for a fact she would be up all night reading the article.

"Eun~!" Went a feminine voice, shocking the young office worker to the point of almost spilling coffee.

"Oh! Hey Lexi!" Eunjung stated, turning around fast with an embarrassed smile. "Is something the matter?"

Lexi was one of Eunjung's co-workers and closest friends. The two of them had been connected at the hip since their college days, going from roommates to co-workers over the course of the last seven years. She was a nice girl, having a kind smile and the aura of a welcoming golden retriever. She had the looks of one too, long blonde hair and soft features that just made her look all the more inviting. Eunjung loved Lexi, the two considering themselves to be chosen sisters.

"Nothing much, just need you to take this to Executive Lee." The blonde stated, holding up a folder. However, just as she was handing it to Eunjung her interest was caught by the article on her phone: leaving Lexi to roll her eyes and smirk."Are you lookin at them again? I saw that article earlier and knew you'd be looking at it immediately."

Eunjung blushed immediately, pulling her phone into her chest. Lexi only rolled her eyes with a smirk, knowing the girl all too well to let her flushed expression get to her. That expression, mixed with their lengthening friendship, she was able to calm down. "Yeahhh I just saw them..." Eunjung began. "It always makes me happy seeing this stuff."

Lexi just rolled her eyes again, flashing a knowing smile. "Yeah, especially stuff about him." She stated, pointing to the picture of Raemond.

Eunjung immediately blushed again, this time not releasing her phone from her chest. "W-What?! Raymond is the most famous and highest ranked hunter in all the world, of course I'm in awe of him! Plus he's only two or three years older than me so..."

"Uh huh you always say that." Lexi teased with a merciless grim, though she eventually stopped with a sigh and a smile. "Though I must admit he is really cute, personally Hyeon Baek of South Korea is more my speed. He's got this dark and mysterious vibe to him while still being cute and outgoing...I mean he's even an idol for crying out loud! I honestly can't believe you're not more into him since you saw him when you went home to see your mom."

Eunjung listened to her best friend while sipping on coffee and scrolling through the articles on her phone, landing on one about the acclaimed Hyeon Baek: going over his newest album as a famous kpop idol. Eunjung rolled her eyes at the article. She could see why Lexi was into him, don't get her wrong: Hyeon being incredibly attractive with his thick black hair, strong body, and indigo eyes. That wasn't even mentioning him being the top hunter on the Korean peninsula and heir to his family's guild. Yet, that didn't stop him from being an ass all the same.
"Hyeon is a spoiled and dickish brat who relies on his power to get his way." Eunjung spoke with a huff. "He was even an ass at his fan meet and greet in Korea. Raemond on the other hand is a nice and honorable guy who looks after his mom and sister"

Lexi nodded to her, hearing the story before. "Yeah you told me, but that doesn't stop him from being my type."

"Mhm, that is true, bad boys were always your type Lex." This time Eunjung rolled her eyes, taking the folder from her best friend. "Anyway I'll see you later, I gotta take this to Executive Lee."

Executive Lee was the only hunter Eunjung had really met and been able to talk to for an extended period of time (not counting the small meet and greet with Hyeon). Hunters were rather rare: even with them being a major part of the world, making it hard to meet them. So, due to Eunjung's infatuation with hunters and the culture, she was ecstatic to meet him. Yet, their first impressions of each other couldn't have been worse. Now yes, Eunjung probably came off as a hyper little kid with too much tangible excitement, which made her look worse than she was, but Executive Lee was a stalwart asshole who blew her off completely. Really, he blew off anyone who wasn't a hunter or didn't have the "status" to talk to him...whatever that meant. According to office rumors, Executive Lee thought of contract workers like Eunjung as oblivious, airheaded, and low background interns. Just the thought of the rumors made Eunjung's blood boil...though she couldn't deny the validity of them completely, at least relating to her.

When she opened the door she was greeted by Executive Lee staring at his computer. Even without seeing the screen she knew what he was looking at. Lee was preparing for a raid coming up in the Red Square District. The gate, according to new outlets, opened around two months ago and was ranked by the USHA as a B-Rank dungeon. Executive Lee had been retired from the hunter lifestyle for what Eunjung knew to be two years, but he had recently been gloating at a company dinner on how he and a few of his friends would slaughter every monster in the Red District Dungeon. As much as Eunjung found executive Lee to be a dick, she couldn't stop herself from being excited to hear how someone she knew was going dungeon raiding.

As soon as he noticed Eunjung's presence he immediately turned off his computer and sat up to face her. "Eunjung, how long have you been there? It's rude to come into someone's office without announcing yourself."

"O-oh sorry..." She gulped with a stutter, frantically placing the folder in front of him: trying to change the subject. "Here, Lexi wanted me to give these to you."

Lee just groaned at the sight of the folder, taking off his glasses and holding his chin, seemingly agitated. "This again? I swear, these data numbers better be right this time if not I'm throwing her into a gate myself..."

From there Executive Lee took the folder, beginning to read it. Eunjung, however, now had nothing to do. So, to break her awkward staring, she began to look around executive Lee's office. She hadn't ever gotten the chance to look around Lee's office before, so this would be her first time thoroughly examining just how he structured his work space. The office had many artifacts you'd expect a hunter to keep as trophies: a silver and gem encrusted sword mantled on the wall, ruins such as vases and tablets that were found in all sorts of dungeons, even the skull of a monster. That monster skull in specific was supposedly the skull of a boss monster Executive Lee had killed when he was back in the field, something he would brag about at company dinners and meetings all the time.

Eventually her attention drifted back towards Executive Lee. He was deep in thought, reading the folder, his brows furrowing as he read and his right hand finding itself ruffling his tousled brown hair. The longer she examined him the more she could tell he was a hunter, with his broad shoulders and body, piercing eyes, and his overwhelming aura. If one thing was for sure, Eunjung could tell he was handsome, even having a drifting thought of possibly dating him early on. Though, she could never with him being a huge ass.

Soon enough Executive Lee looked up from the folder, raising a brow at Eunjung. "What are you still doing here, watching me read?"

The raven haired girl flushed with embarrassment. "Oh I–"

Yet, before she could finish he interrupted Eunjung with a: "–I don't want to hear it Eunjung, go back to work and I will call you if you are needed."

Eunjung shut up immediately, briskly walking out of the executive's office: closing the door behind her. As soon as she was out, fums of frustration began to form in her head. Damn it. She thought to herself, placing her face in her palms. I hope that doesn't affect my bonus...I barely have enough to pay this week's rent as it is. She continued, letting out a small huff and groan as she dragged her hands down her face. Not only had she been cut off by Executive Lee, she had also been scolded even though she hadn't been dismissed by him! It absolutely infuriated her how ruthless he could be sometimes. Just a couple of months ago the same thing happened and her bonus had been cut in half by him, leading her to dip into her much needed savings for the month after. She couldn't afford to lose her bonus again this month. After letting her anger out for a minute, all she could do was sigh. Yes, it was infuriating but he was still her boss: her having to be on his good side in order to get her contract renewed.

Once she got back to her office she sprawled out on her desk and sighed, looking over to her family photo. It was of her mother and herself. It was a cute photo, being that of a young Eunjung during her freshman year of college. She smiled taking in the memory. It was that summer when her mom had flown her back home to Korea, surprising her with tickets to Hyeon's concert. She could remember the excitement and giddy from the experience: that summer being the best in her life. Just looking at the photo and thinking of the memories made her miss her mom more than ever. Those much needed savings were to go back over and see her again, so Eunjung couldn't afford to make any more mistakes. Her mom was the only family she had after all, so she had to do everything in her power to see her again. Why couldn't I be a hunter? She thought to herself. I really would solve all her problems, her being a famous and powerful hunter making money to support her family, just like her idol Raemond, but she just didn't have that luck.

Yet, as she dreamed about raiding dungeons and hunting monsters. her body began to feel something completely foreign. All her nerves at once began to get the sensation of being shocked and frozen all at once, then as if on a dime, the sensation of freezing became heat: it burning her to the point she wanted to scream. Yet, when she tried no sound came out, instead her eyes going black completely as her senses were overwhelmed: knocking her out.

The first thing Eunjung noticed when awakening was the cooling feeling of the stone. It soothed her nerves, reverting them and healing them. When her eyes settled, she noticed how the ceiling was a complete rock, similar to that of a tunnel. Drowsy and still shaky Eunjung sat up, trying to regain her senses. Yet, all that she felt next was a large drop of wet hitting the top of her head. In that moment her eyes went wide as shock from her situation hit her. The cold stone ground, rock ceiling like a tunnel, and the dripping wet above her. Eunjung was in a dungeon, a hungry monster standing above her. 

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