Living With My Super Freaky S...

By MistakenJudgement

26.5K 340 64

When Katherine's father, Lucius T. Everdonne, head of the Red Mist Clan passes away, she's forced to move in... More

Living With My Super Freaky Stepsister (GirlxGirl)
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

3.1K 57 11
By MistakenJudgement

Sometime in the morning my cellphone alarmed and I rolled over onto the carpet and snatched my cell from under the bed. I hit stop on the alarm and dragged my exhausted butt to the shower, pressing the on button on my radio. I shedded my pajamas and stood in front of my mirror. 

I stepped back and whipped my hair foreward and then back, gazing myself over in the mirror. Today was a new day and the last day of the week. After what happened last night- no wait, last night was nothing. If I wanted to stay on Allison's good side, I had to keep my mouth shut a tight as possible.

I wrapped up my chocolate brown hair into a messy bun and inhaled deeply before entering into the shower. I'd become tired of being stared at for the past few days and decided that today would be the day I'd make a new friend. I needed to get out of my shell, I mean socializing was in my blood for crying out loud.

When'd I finally exited the bathroom, I wrapped my small white towel around myself and skipped back into my bedroom in step with a tune on the radio. I dug through the closet when I felt a hand cover my mouth and I instinctively panicked.

"I swear, if you make one sound, I'll kill you Katherine. Now just listen to me I need your help." Allison hissed in my ear.

I'm not homophobic or anything, I'd never actually given much thought to homosexuals. In my eyes, whatever you do behind closed doors is your own business but dear god, after what I saw Allison and Mindy were getting at last night, I'd love to take a rain-check in terms of our close proximity.

"All I need you to do is help Mindy sneak out the backdoor while I'm distracting my dad, okay?"

I nodded slowly, gulping and closing my eyes slightly, feeling my cheeks burn. 

"Mess this up for me and I swear, I'll make your life a living hell." She dug her nails lightly into my skin and I shuddered in fear. The irony of the situation was that this shouldv'e been in reverse. I should have been threatening to reveal her secret because I was the powerful one but here I saw, in my white towel, wet skin, trembling from the fear of another girl, the same age as me.

She slowly released my mouth and exited my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I laid a hand on my chest, breathing heavily and I hurried to get dressed. My colour coding somehow went out the window and I ended up in faded jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

I heard Allison speaking away with her father and I found Mindy in her room, waiting on my escort. She snarled at me, which caused me to frown, I lead her through down the stair case when I heard Mr Hanson, "Katherine, why don't you come join us for breakfast?"

"I'm coming in a second!" I yelled uneasily and shooed her out the back door, far off the kitchen.

I'm sorry, but when the hell did I become a lesbian keeper?

I hustled into the kitchen, head down as I snatched a slice of toast from the toaster. Allison and her father chatted away in delight and once or twice he tried to bring me into the conversation but I avoided with polite short answers.

Knowing what was going on in this kitchen, for only god knows how long had me sweating profusely. No shorter than two minutes I snatched my brown, over the shoulder and pulled on my various coloured leather bracelets. I plaited my brown hair into a single braid and twisted a rubber band around the end.

I yelled my good-byes and hurried on my way to school, which was no more than a five minute walk. I entered the grey, large school gates and waved a hello to the security guard who barely acknowledged my existence, how rude.

I snorted, in the direction of the opening of the corridor. No where in the school was air conditioned except for the science labs and art rooms so I guessed during the summer was utter hell. I retrieved my orange spiral notebook and my favourite light blue pen with the feathery works and all.

Aimlessly with a bit of time on my hands I strolled down the south end of the hallway that was advertising some of the school's clubs. The Animal Welfare club and the Food club peaked my interest and I entered the third one that caught my eye, Blueberg's High School Band.

I checked my cellphone, two minutes before the bell rang for class regestration. The person in front of me finally finished her conversasion and gave way for my chance.

"New girl?" I glanced down at black haired, blue eyed boy who had a friendly smile.

"Yeah," I showed an embarrassed smile as he handed over a flyer to me and a leaflet, "I'm Katherine."

If there was anytime to make new friends, now wouldn't be such a bad time.

"Eric. What class do you first period?" He inquired, with a boy next door sort of smile.

I shoved the stuff into my bag with my notebook, being the last in line, " World history."

"French," He stood up, surprisingly two feet taller than I was, "I guess I'll see you around?"

I nodded shyly and shuffled out of the room, spotting the Cheerleading squad taking up two spots meant to be shared. My eyes locked with Mindy's and she whispered something into her friend's ear and they laughed with mean glares. I couldn't care how she was able to get to school on time despite her 'sleepover' last night but it wasn't my business.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere." A harsh toned Allison dug her nails into my shoulder and yanked me toward the bathrooms.

"Whores." She spatted out at Mindy and her friends.

"Skank." Mindy hissed at her, with gritting of her teeth.

I almost fell over myself when I was hauled into the small, dirty girl's bathroom. Allison checked all the bathrooms and then locked the door a the bell rung.

"What happened between last night stays between you, me, Mindy and the walls. Tell anyone and I'll personally dance on your grave. Got it?!"

I noddled so much that my neck ached, her eyes flashing a shame of misty blood red at me.

"Only between us. Act like nothing happened and I'll lay off of you today, just maybe."

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