Love multiplied

Od VladimirVampier

44 1 2

Mumscarian week, day 5: "Polyamory." Grian and Mumbo go to visit Jimmy and Scott, while Scar stays on Hermitc... Více

Day 5: Polyamory

44 1 2
Od VladimirVampier


English is not my native language!

Ship: Mumbo x Grian x Scar

Hermitcraft Season 10

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was!


Mumscarian week, day 5: "Polyamory."

Grian and Mumbo go to visit Jimmy and Scott, while Scar stays on Hermitcraft to bother Tango. Apparently all three of them have questions about polyamory and (accidentally) talk about it to the ones in such a relationship. Although they're unaware of the other's thoughts and feelings, they all decide to take the leap and confront each other.

Aka, Jimmy has to deal with pesky Grian, Scott tricks Mumbo into talking and Tango really wishes Scar would just leave him be.



And that's how the blonde's day got ruined with just one word. Just kidding. Jimmy didn't actually mind Grian's company, although the other could be a real menace. And Jimmy still had work to do. "Grian," he greeted," to what do I owe this... pleasure?"

Grian made his way through the wheatfield, a smirk on his face. "Nothing, just wanted to visit my dear friend," he sing-sang. Jimmy rolled his eyes as he packed away another stack of wheat. He didn't pay much attention to the other as he continued. "Couldn't you pester one of your boyfriends?"

"They are not my boyfriends," Grian hissed, making Jimmy raise an eyebrow. The red sweatered man looked over the wheat towards where Mumbo stood talking to Scott, hoping to Void that the other hadn't heard them. Jimmy stood up, looked from Grian to the other two with a questioning look on his face. He looked back at Grian, amused as he noticed the slight coloration on the other's cheek.

"Then how did you know who I was talking about?"

Grian grew even more red, pointedly crossing his arms. "They are. Not. My. Boyfriends." Jimmy raised his hands in surrender after tying up another stack. He decided to give the other his full attention, feeling like he needed it. "But you wouldn't mind if they were, would you?"

A heavy kind of silence settled over the two of them as Jimmy stared intently at Grian, who's expression grew sombre. A small nod of the head. Jimmy looked over at Scott and Mumbo and gave a small wave as he noticed Scott looking back. Scott seemed to understand him and took Mumbo inside the Ranch.

"Okay, tell me what's bothering you," he said, sitting down on a bale of wheat, patting the spot beside him. Grian watched carefully how Mumbo disappeared into the building, before taking a seat. After a bit of silence, and gathering his jumbled thoughts, he spoke up.

"How did you do it?"

His eyes were on the mud in front of his shoes, hands wringing together. "How did you handle having a crush on 2 people?" he clarified. Jimmy hummed thoughtfully. "Well, you're situation is different from mine," he started," Me and Scott were already together, before Tango joined us." Grian looked up to see a small smile on Jimmy's face.

"You know me. I always wear my heart on my sleeve and my emotions clear as day on my face," he chuckled," there never was much denying things from my side. Scott and me slowly but surely grew closer together. For the longest time we didn't put a name to our relationship, which we were fine with. But then Double Life happened and Tango came into the picture."

Grian nodded, trying not to wince as a feeling of guilt washed over him. He had seen how the Ranchers grew together, he had seen how Scott had resented his own soul bound. He had felt, at the time, that he would be the reason the Flower Husbands would fall apart. His doing. But as luck (and maybe faith) would have it. Two became three.

"Scott knew even before me," Jimmy admitted with a shake of the head," said he could read it on my face and that he was happy I found another who could love me as much as he did. He wanted to learn more about the man that managed to steal my heart as well. They found out they had quite some things in common. Apparently, I have a type."

Another laugh. Grian chuckled along. "How did you guys make it work?" he asked softly. "Good communications," Jimmy immediately answered," Scott and I both confronted Tango, talked about how we stood in our relationship etc. We made it clear we wanted him to be part of it, if that was what he wanted as well." A sigh. "It isn't always easy, what with being on different servers and all. And then there's Scott being an admin on other servers and helping out as well. But again, good communications get you a long way."

Grian nodded. "So all I need to do, according to you," he said hesitantly," is to talk it over with them both." Jimmy nodded. "Just tell them how you feel and go from there," he said with a small smile," Who knows what will happen? But you'll never know if you don't try and I know you. You hate to not know."

He pulled the smaller in a sideway hug. Grian burrowed his head in the other's vest, letting out a deep sigh. "You're right," he muttered," I hate that." Jimmy chuckled as he squeezed the other tight. After a bit of silence, he hummed. "Feeling better?" Grian nodded. "Good, glad I could help," Jimmy beamed a smile. After a bit of silence, Grian pulled back from the hug.

"Don't you have work to do?" he asked with a cheeky smile as he pointed at the wheat. "Why- you!" Jimmy huffed, standing up," Here I was being a good friend and all you do is pester me." His mock offence made Grian laugh. Jimmy pretended to be hurt some more as he went back to hacking down wheat, complaining loudly, only edging Grian on some more.

But Grian could see in the lopsided grin that Jimmy didn't mind at all and only acted dramatic to make him laugh. And Jimmy could tell he appreciated it from the small smile on Grian's face. He could tell it would all work out just fine.

At least, he really hoped so.



Mumbo greeted the other with a nod, when Scott stepped out of the Ranch. "Hello Mumbo," he greeted with a smile," What brings you here?" Mumbo looked towards the wheatfield where Grian made his way over to a hard-at-work Jimmy. "Ah yes," Scott said with a chuckle," I was wondering what all the commotion was."

They watched as Jimmy stood right up, wheat straws sticking out from various places, a playful scold on his face. "Poor Jimmy," Mumbo muttered, making Scott laugh. "He will be alright, he can handle it," he said with a smile," Tho Grian can be quite the hand full." Mumbo chuckled. "Tell me about it."

Scott smirked. "Why don't you tell me about it," he said, carefully eyeing the other's reaction. The slight widening of Mumbo's eyes and a cough to hide his slightly reddening face told Scott all he needed to know. "I don't-, well, ahem," Mumbo stuttered out. Scott eyed the two in the field, waving back as Jimmy waved at him. He noticed Grian practically hiding in between wheat and he got a feeling that the two needed some space. Besides, he was sure Mumbo would appreciate getting out of the sun for a bit.

"Why don't we head inside," he suggested," so we can complain about our relationships over a cup of tea." He softly heard Mumbo mumble something that sounded like 'or lack thereof' before he headed inside. Before the moustached man knew it, he was seated on the couch, cup of tea in hand and a very intently staring at him Scott on the opposite side, seated in a lounge chair. It was as if the other knew things that he himself was unaware of, and he hated that.

"So," Scott started, slightly spooking the other," tell me. How are things over at Hermitcraft?" Mumbo swallowed. "I-it's great!" he coughed," We've just established a new way to run the Shopping District this season, so people are setting up shop at the moment." He then began to explain the gains and pains of Permits as Scott nodded along.

"You should see Grian in his office attire, its so cute," he chuckled," And Scar! You would not believe the train he is currently building. It's amazing!" He had a beaming smile on his face, feeling so proud of his friends and their accomplishments. Then he looked at Scott and saw the knowing smile on the other's face and realisation hit him. Friends. Wouldn't he wish to be something more to them? Yes, he would.

"And how are things between you three?" Scot asked softly. "We're good... I think?" Mumbo's smile faltered. Scott's expression stayed soft, although a kind of pity could be seen in his eyes. "I take it you haven't told them how you feel about them?" he asked cautiously.


A shake of the head.

"...Is it that clear to see?" Mumbo asked softly. "For me, it is. For them, probably not," Scott reassured," I'm just very observing. Or too forward if you ask Jimmy." Mumbo sighed. "I don't know how I'd feel if they'd found out I have a crush on both of them," he admitted before taking a sip of his long-gone-cold tea. "Would it be so bad?" Scott asked.

That made Mumbo wonder. Would it? He wasn't sure. "I don't even know how they feel, or what they think about polyamory and such," he said. "Maybe they feel the same way," Scott said with a small smile," you won't know until you ask." Mumbo cast his eyes down. He knew that. Of course he knew that. But he also knew why he hadn't asked them in the first place. He lout out a sigh.

"I'm scared."

Scott leaned over the coffee table to grab his hands and squeezed them in support. "Maybe they are too," he said, surprising the other," Maybe they're afraid too. Maybe they're hoping you gather the courage to ask. Maybe they are waiting for you." Mumbo took a moment to let the words sink in. Scott had a point. What if they were afraid to speak up, what if they wished he would let them know? Then they would be waiting for each other for the rest of entirety!

What if all that was needed, was for him to take that first step. A step towards what he had dreamed of for a very long time. A step he was willing to make.

Mumbo sprang up, almost knocking over the coffee table, pulling Scott up as well. "I'm going to ask them." Scott managed to wrangle his hand free as Mumbo accidentally started to pull him towards the front door, laughing a bit breathlessly. "You've got this, Mumbo," he said, sounding as confident as he could. He was pulled into a quick hug by the moustached man. "It will be alright," Scott said reassuringly," Don't be afraid."

Mumbo nodded as he opened the door. "I won't. Thank you." As he turned to look at the wheatfield, spotting red in between a lot of yellow, he faltered a bit. Heart beating hard in his chest, he shook his head. No, don't be afraid. "Grian," he called out," Are you ready to go back?"

Two heads popped up. "Coming!" Grian called back. As he stumbled from between the wheat, Mumbo couldn't help but feel warmth spread through him. Grian had some pieces of wheat sticking out from his hair and clothes, but he had a bright smile aimed at him as he chuckled. "Ready to go?" he asked as he plucked a piece from the brown locks on Grian's head. "Yeah," the other replied, latching onto Mumbo's arm.

They waved at Scott and Jimmy as they made their way towards the portal. "So, what did you guys talk about?" Grian asked curiously. "Something that's been on my mind for a while," Mumbo said with a soft hum," But I'll tell you once we get back. We need to find Scar first." He could feel the curious stare Grian gave him, as he concentrated on stepping through the portal. He knew the other was burning with the want to know, but he'd have to wait. Mumbo would not be able to go through his plan twice. He wasn't entirely sure he would get through it once, but he would try his best. That was all he could do, and all he would do.

His best.




Tango very nearly fell out of the tree he was sitting in. He had been lounging on a thick branch, enjoying some peace and quiet before he had been rudely awoken from his dozing off. Barely managing to catch himself before faceplanting the grass below, he let out a puff of smoke through clenched teeth.

"What," he snarled at the Zookeeper running his way. "How does polyamory work?" Scar asked, not beating around the bush. "Well, Scar, when 3 people really like each other-" Tango started. "Not that!" Scar said, turning red, not only because he had been sprinting and was out of breath," Just-."

A sigh.

"Does it work? Like actually work?" he asked, much more quiet all of a sudden," Or is it one of those things people tell you to keep your hopes up, but eventually it turns out everyone has been lying to you and it doesn't actually work and you get left behind and-." Tango shook his head bewildered. "Woah, woah, hold up. Calm down on the talkification!"

Sensing the other's distress, Tango grabbed Scar by the arm and dragged him down to sit down and lean back against the tree. He himself sat crossed legged in front of him, just in reach if needed. "What's gotten you so worked up anyway?" the blazeborn asked curiously. Scar let out a deep sigh.

"It's... stupid."

Tango rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You rushed up to me and started spouting questions about polyamory and now you claim it's stupid?" Scar's expression changed to confusion, to shock and ending on embarrassment. "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry," he said, eyes fixated on the ground before him. Tango let out a small sigh.

"I know you don't mean it like that," he said, pausing for a moment," I'm guessing you're not sure if you're poly or not and want my advice?" Scar looked up, a small smile on his face. "I'm pretty sure I'm poly, seeing as I'm crushing on 2 different men at the same time," he chuckled. A brief pause. "A part of me is... afraid," he admitted softly," that it's not a thing, that it doesn't actually work like that." Tango hummed.

"So you come to the least capable person to help you" he chuckled dryly. Scar made an affronted noise. "You're the one actually in a polyamorous relationship!" Tango chuckled again. "That is true," Tango shrugged," but how does that help you and... whatever it is that's on your mind?" Scar shrugged. "How did you do it?"

Tango rubbed his neck, a slight embarrassed blush on his face. "I didn't actually do anything," he said," It just happened. Got soul bound to a very handsome man with a gorgeous husband, fell in love, got separated, got somehow back together and the rest is history!" Scar looked at him with a frown. "That's it?" he asked with disbelief," It was really that easy?"

Tango barked out a laugh. "No, heck no. It was one of the toughest periods in my life!" Scar blinked in surprise. "I fell in love with a man that was already in a relationship, a happy one may I add, and who lived on a completely different server." He shook his head, sorrowful smile on his face. "And unlike Impulse and Bdubs, I wasn't planning on being a homewrecker," a sigh," so I returned to Hermitcraft, working myself to the bone to distract myself and trying to get over the heartbreak and golden blond hair caught in sunlight. Trying to forget a smile that could light up the entire Citadel."

Scar nodded along, understanding in his eyes. "Then, by some miracle, Jimmy and Scott enter our world to come visit me," his smile got wider as he spoke," Color me surprised when the love of my life steps forward to tell me he loves me as well-" Scar softly cooed. "-and his gorgeous husband tells me all about being polyamorous and how he wanted to get to know me and if I agreed to pursue a relationship, if not with him, but with Jimmy."

Tango sighed dreamfully. "I'm still surprise I ended up with 2 boyfriends," he admitted," especially with how difficult the starting period was, what with being on different servers and me being unsure if I wanted to romantifcate my relationship with Scott-" He clammed his mouth shut as he noticed the panic in Scar's expression rise. "But, somehow, I have a feeling that you won't run into trouble." Scar looked surprised. "How so?"

"Because Grian and Mumbo are both on this server, very close to you as well, literally and figuratively. And I'm pretty sure they like each other too." Scar got very slowly very red in the face. "Scott likes to daydream out loud about how cute the three of you are and when you will finally get together," Tango said with a shrug. He ignored the almost offended noises Scar made. "I am- I'm not sure how to feel about that," Scar said, still a bit shocked.

"Scar," Tango said, tone and expression very serious," if you want my advice on the matter, ask them out." Scar started to sputter disagreements and excuses, but Tango silenced him by grabbing him by the shoulders. "Ask. Them. Out." He punctuated every word with a shake. "They clearly like you, they like each other, nothing's in your way," he said," Go for it!" Scar nodded. "I- I will!"

"You will walk up to them."

"I will walk up to them."

"Grab them by the hands."

"...Grab them by the hands."

"And ask them out!"

"And ask them out?!"

"Yup! As soon as they get back."

Tango laughed and patted him on the back. "No use to beat around the bush," he said. Scar didn't look convinced. "If you say so," he mumbled. "I do say so," Tango nodded," now shoo. Go get them and you can thank me later." He stood up and helped Scar up as well, pushing him towards Magic Mountain. "B-but they're not even here yet!" Scar tried to push his heels in the ground, slowing them down. "Then go wait at Spawn or something," Tango grunted, pushing him harder.

Scar managed not to trip over his own feet as he faced Tango with uncertainty. The other just shot him a thumbs up. "Okay," he said defeated," thanks." Tango chuckled. "Thank me later!" he called after the man. He waved him off as he watched him go.

Finally, peace and quiet returned. He could go back to lounging around. He started to daydream about cyan hair and golden blonde as he settled back against the tree. But before he could doze off, he heard footsteps approach. "Are you sure they like me like that?" A groan. "Yes, Scar, they do. Now shoo!" he said, not opening his eyes. He heard footsteps distance themselves from him and he let out a sigh. Finally, alone at last.

"Hey Top! What was that about?"



"Hello there and welcome to the wonderful world of Hermits and Crafting!"

"Hello Scar," Grian said with a fond smile," Have you been waiting for us to return?" Scar's easy-going smile turned almost sharp as he nodded his head. "Yeah, I kind of needed to talk to you both," he explained," I hope you don't mind if we'd do it now..."

Mumbo and Grian shared a worried look. "That's no problem," Mumbo said," I need to talk to you as well." Grian chuckled. "Now it's beginning to sound very ominous," he said," let us go back to Magic Mountain so we can talk." Scar nodded and stuck out his hand.

"Lead the way."

They made their way back to the mountain housing all of theirs and their friends bases. They were silent as they climbed up, all lost in their own heads. Once they were op top, they sat down near the edge, facing the sunset. "I wonder where the others are," Scar hummed. "Why? Do you need them to be here, mate?" Mumbo asked as he sat down beside Grian, sandwiching him in between himself and Scar.

Scar let out a loud laugh. "No, no, no need for that," he shook his head," I just need the two of you." That rendered the others silent. Grian was trying to not nod off against Mumbo's shoulder, feeling very tired after the day he's had. It seemed important what Scare had to say, so he tried his best to concentrate.

"What did you want to talk to us about?" Mumbo asked softly. He shot Scar a look, noticing how stressed the other seemed to be. "...or do you want me to go first?" Scar shook his head, keeping his gaze firmly set on the setting sun. "I'm afraid I won't be brave enough if I don't do it now," he almost-whispered. He felt a hand on his shoulder, guessing it was Grian's by it's size. "You're alright, go ahead."

A quiet 'here goes nothing', followed by a sigh. "I love you," he said, pretty fast," both of you." Silence followed so he started to fidget. "That's it. I am in love with both of you and I have no idea how you are feeling, but I can't keep this all inside anymore. Every time you smile or laugh, my heart explodes like the Creepers do-"


"-I love to hear you talk about your plans or hear you complain-"


"- I love hanging out, I love being near you guys and-"

Suddenly, hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him. If Scar had a penny for every time he got shaken up by somebody today, he'd have 2 pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. "I- uh- what?" he asked, eyes focussing on Grian who was shaking him.

"We were trying to get your attention to tell you we feel the same," Mumbo said, once he knew Scar was listening," Or at least, I do." Scar's head snapped towards him, noticing the blush on the other's cheeks. "Really?" Scar asked excited. His hands found Mumbo's to hold on tight, trapping Grian in the process. The red sweater wearer began to squirm a bit. Although he didn't mind to much that he was being squished in between two handsome men.

"I love both of you," Mumbo said, softly squeezing Scar's hands," that was what I wanted to talk to you about." Scar had a surprised expression on his face, while Grian was slowly turning red. Could you blame him? He was being held hostage between the two people he had a massive crush on, who just declared their love to him and the other. He felt like steam came pouring out of his ears at this point.

"G, are you okay?" Scar asked worried, looking down at the man in his arms. Grian was practically disappearing into his sweater, like a turtle hiding in it's shell. Scar shared a look with Mumbo, who looked mortified all of a sudden. "Oh goodness! I'm so sorry," he shouted, quickly letting go," I didn't mean for that to happen. It's okay if you don't feel the same. We shouldn't have assumed you did."

"But I do!" came the slightly muffled reply. A heartbeat. "... you... do?" asked Mubo, voice slightly pitched because of his panic. "Yes!" Grian said, coming out of hiding," I love you both too." There was an arm around his shoulders and a different pair of hands holding onto his. "Hey now, it's okay," Mumbo hushed as he saw the tears pricking in Grian's eyes.

"I'm just embarrassed,," he admitted with a huff, wiping at his eyes," I had no confidence you would feel the same as me and I would forever be pining after you guys. And right after I talked to Timmy about it too!" Mumbo let out a high pitched laugh. "You talked to Jimmy about us?" he asked. Grian nodded.

"I spoke to Tango," Scar added with a chuckle. "No way," Grian said, feeling close to bursting out laughing. "Yes way!" Mumbo shook his head. "Scott confronted me about it," he mumbled," it was actually kind of scary." It was silent for a moment before the other two lost it.

Their laughing was contagious and soon Mumbo couldn't help but laugh along. After a moment, where they managed to calm down, Grian spoke up. "So we all went to talk to somebody about poly relationships, with them being in one themselves, without each other knowing?" Both nodded.


As they took it all in, watching the sun slip behind the horizon, they let out a collective sigh of relief. "Oh, I just realised," Scar said, a smile on his face," I can do this now!" He took no time, and there was no hesitation, as he pulled Grian's face close to his own and mashed their lips together. Grian made a cute surprised noise, before giving in to the kiss.

When they separated, he placed a soft kiss on Grian's forehead before letting go. He then reached over Grian, to take hold of their moustached companion, pulling him in for a kiss as well. Grian just about exploded as he looked at his two loves making out. Apparently he let out a chirp or similar sounding noise, as both men pulled away from each other to give him an amused smile.

Scar wrapped his arms around both Grian and Mumbo, earning him a slightly pained 'oof' as he squeezed them tight in a hug. Mumbo gave Grian a quick kiss, before placing several on his cheeks and nose as well. Grian tried not to giggle too much, feeling giddy.

"I'm glad we talked," Scar sighed. "Me too," Mumbo nodded happily. Grian just hummed, feeling very drowsy now that he wasn't on high alert anymore. The other two started cooing over him and how cute he was, making him grumble in fake annoyance. They decided to spend some time together, simply sitting side by side and enjoying each other's company. They didn't need anybody else, but the three of them.

But, had they taken a look behind them, they could've spotted they weren't as alone as they thought they were. As darkness fell upon the cheery trees, several shadows moved about. Whispers could be heard, carried by the winds. And maybe a slightly to loud cheer, followed by a 'be quiet!'. Hiding among the trees were Impulse, Skizz, Joel and Gem, all staring at the trio sitting on the edge of the mountain. Impulse and Skizz shared an high-five, while Gem hissed at Joel who was too excited to stay quiet.

"They might hear us, if we don't stay silent," she hissed, not entirely managing to keep a laugh out of her voice. She was as ecstatic as the others, having witnessed the declarations of love. And when the trio shared another kiss, the others decided it was time to leave them be. They will congratulate them all in the morning, feeling happy they had finally gotten together.

"You still owe me 5, Joel."


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