Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes

anirud11 által

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I don't own ben 10 or the characters , it's owned by man of action , but the story and characters , or variat... Több

Episode 1 : And Then There Were 10
Episode 2 : Animal Mayhem
Episode 3 : The World Of Steam
Episode 4 : Krakken
Episode 5 : Slimy situation
Episode 6 : The Rise Of Lucky Girl
Episode 7 : Sludgepuppy Wedding
Episode 8 : Phil Billings And The Null Void
Episode 9 : Trouble In New York
Episode 10 : Y/N 10,000
Episode 11 : Tetrax And Bounty Hunters
Episode 12 : Meeting Xylene
Episode 13 : Gwen 10
Episode 14 : Zs'Skayr
Episode 15 : The Fentons
Episode 16 : The Clown's Last Laugh
Episode 17 : Y/N V.S Malware (Re-Write)
Bio (Update)
Episode 18 : The Forever Knights
Episode 19 : The Big Tick
Episode 20 : The Vengers
Episode 21 : Aqua Mania
Episode 23 : Ken 10 Part-2
Episode 24 : Blast To The Future
Episode 25 : Nature's Judgement
Episode 26 : Y/N V.S Albedo / Verdona's Visit
Episode 27 : ???
Episode 28 : Negative 10 Part-1
Episode 29 : Negative 10 Part-2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 1
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 3 (End)

Episode 22 : Ken 10 Part-1

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anirud11 által

we cut back to the timeline of y/n 10000, where it was a special day, especially in y/n's life. currently he's fighting one of the reoccurring villains lately in Omnitrix city, volkanus as humungousaur. he was beating the crap out of him.

y/n 10k: listen dude! I got my both my kids' birthday party and I sure as hell am not missing it!

he then punched volkanus hard into the wall, knocking him out. y/n then de-transformed and threw the newly developed null void egg at the foe, trapping him. he walked over and picked it up.

y/n 10k: man! these new things are making work much easier! speaking of...gotta go fast!

(also, I think that the pouches around his belt have other gadgets to combat against aliens. I mean, he's experienced with his alien forms and certainly knows all their weaknesses and what to do against them, so he carries items just in case. for example, a mini sun trap for an ectonurite, a nanite disruptor for galvanic mechamorphs, and tons of other i cant think of, drops your in the comments!)

in an instant, he transformed into xlr8 and sped off.

(cut to HQ)

we cut to the main headquarters, which was filled with guests from all over. we see max, now much older, looking into the sight of children together, when suddenly a rush of wind comes through, and it instantly dies down as y/n de-transforms.

y/n 10k: told you I'd make it!

Gwendolyn: good job on your time management honey...

(I still don't get why people are liking kid Gwen, when they have better versions like this, also, imagine she's visible)

this was the voice of his now wife, Gwendolyn "Catherine" Tennyson. she pulled him in for a quick kiss and then gestured to go wish their son. the crowd of kids separates as the one in the middle rushes and hugs y/n

this was the son of y/n and Gwen, Kenneth "Yuriko" Tennyson (Yuriko is a tribute to Yuri Lowenthal, the former voice actor of teen ben, and now currently voicing my most favorite hero of all time, spiderman!). Kenneth was combo of both his parents, he was smart like Gwen, but mostly a bit of a troublemaker, like y/n in his younger years. he lets go of his father (you know, i was originally planning to name him Brendan, but that just didn't stick, also, this was the only image I could find where his skin is lighter, and his hair is a combination of Gwen and y/n's colors)

Kenny: thanks for making it dad!

y/n 10K: of course...you only turn 10 once!

Everyone: happy birthday Kenny!

(cut to later)

Kenny was surrounded by his friends and gifts from them, which included sumo slammers 56 (the franchise is so popular it still exists in the future), an aqua limb fader, a sonorosian plushie (which is the softest plushie in 5 galaxies, you would never want to let go), a glass of water (literally, Kenny gets the worst gift from a certain maxatomar), and finally the brand new x-321 from his great grandpa max.

y/n 10k: I guess that leaves just us....

Gwen: so, ken.... you know how against we are about you joining your father and i's business correct?

Kenny: (crosses his arms and scoffs) yeah... why bring it up?

y/n 10k: well... since I got the omnitrix when I was your age.....

y/n reaches behind his back and pulls out a sphere.

y/n 10k: I want you to have this!... I finished it to this morning!

Kenny takes it and upon contact, the sphere opens and a watch jumps onto his wrist.

Kenny: yes! Finally.... my own omnitrix!

he starts to celebrate abit, before focusing back on his new device.

(yes, y/n 10k built this omnitrix himself, how did he do that you may ask? well, first he used echo echo , to split himself into three, then him along with his clones transformed into the strongest aliens available, and made that with the guidance of azmuth! also for the fact that each and every one of his aliens have enhanced with nanochips, boosting their physical and mental capabilities.)

Kenny: now which one of your 10000 aliens should I try first?.....

Gwendolyn: which is 10 aliens!, your father and I agreed for you start out from scratch and work your up....

Kenny: (sighs) oh alright....(thinking) definitely humumgousaur!...titanus(y/n's titan transformation i will introduce in secret of the omnitrix), feedback, way big, and oooohhh atomix yeah!

y/n 10k: sorry to rain on your parade my guy, but I already downloaded 10 aliens for you!

Kenny: I don't even get to pick!?!?!

Gwendolyn: don't worry, we picked out some good ones!

y/n 10k: yeah! you got echo echo, stinkfly, FastTrack, toe pick, buzzshock, along with upchuck and wildvine...oh! along with four arms and cannonbolt.

Kenny: it's not bad I get it... but most of those guys are so feeble! and toepick even grosses me out! seeing another terrental ogre just makes me have ptsd from our trip to the Anur system last year......

Gwendolyn: im scared of those too......but if you don't like it then i suppose we can take it back...

Kenny: no no noo I didn't mean that! um.... can I at least swap toepick for...maybe greymatter?

Gwendolyn/y/n 10k: deal!

suddenly, the alarm rings in the hq. y/n immediately turns into xlr8.

y/n 10k: sorry honey! gotta run!

just then, another green flash occured, ken had transfromed into FastTrack.

Kenny: dont you mean we gotta run?

Gwendolyn: good luck you two! I'm gonna help uncle max clean up!

the both of them then speed off to deal with the threat.

(cut to later)

y/n was diamonhead, while kenny was buzzshock, they were currently hiding from their enemy, which was a limax mutant.

y/n 10k: alright Ken... listen up! that thing doesn't have the usual limax weakness to water, so overflow and water hazard are completely useless here... so the plan is you go in there as four arms and fight it for a little while until i get a clear shot to egg it!

Kenny: (saluting) yes sir!

kenny instantly runs off and turns into four arms.

the both of them began to fight, Kenny threw the mutant to a wall, but it recovered and punched him in the stomach, Kenny then did a thunderclap, knocking it back, and then delivered a flurry of swift blows. and just as kenny was gaining the upper hand, y/n threw the null void egg at the beast, capturing it.

Kenny: nice one dad!, but I could have handled it on my own just then...

he then timed out and turned back.

y/n: 10k: I know, but this is your first time...you need to learn from the pros first and then step in! besides, you need proper training first!

he then ruffled his son's hair and fiddled with ken's watch, recharging it.

y/n 10k: now come on! we need to get this guy back to base!

(cut to later)

y/n and ken arrive back at hq, y/n throws the null void egg to max. gwen then greets them

Gwendolyn: welcome back you two! how was the mission?

y/n 10k: great! we took down the bad guy pretty easily!

Kenny: although next time I'm hoping I get to be one to capture the bad guy!

y/n 10k: you will buddy! you will!

gwen knelt and hugged kenny.

Gwendolyn: my little baby is growing up so fast! we need to celebrate! special dinner tonight kay?

she then left to go prepare the feast.

(cut to midnight)

it was about 1 am in the morning, when suddenly, an explosion occured in the west wing, alarms were blaring as the tennyson family woke up.

y/n 10k: it seems like another trouble...ready ken?

Kenny: really!!?? together?

Gwendolyn: (nodding) mmhmm!

but just then, upon instinct, y/n pushed his family aside, dodging the explosion himself last minute. the smoke cleared, revealing a figure y/n and Gwen knew all too well.

y/n 10k/Gwendolyn: KEVIN!?!?

Kenny: um... who?

Kevin?: ah~....what a reunion~.....eh y/n?~

y/n 10k: how did you get out the null void!?!? i trapped you in there 16 years ago!

Kevin?: I always find a way out tennyson.....now be gone!

he then fired a fire blast. y/n instantly turned into xlr8 and kicked him away. he then grabbed Kenny and ran to his room.

y/n 10k: initiate emergency lockdown!

Kenny: what!?!? you can't! you promised we'd be a team!

Gwendolyn: listen here young man! we're doing this for your own good!

she then concentrated and shifted into her anodite form.

(yep!, future Gwen can tap into her anodite form at will, but has not mastered it due to Verdona perishing before she could teach her granddaughter, but she is still powerful with the charms of bezel enhancing her capabilities)

Kenny: mom! wha-

Gwendolyn: I've always been this way sweetie! now stay put!

the both of then exit the room, leaving Kenny alone.

(cut to later)

the both of them arrive at the place where who they thought kevin was at. 

Kevin?: ah~, you ready? cause I'm gonna enjoy clobbering you to dust~

Gwendolyn: as if thats going to happen! honey! come on!

y/n nodded and immediately shifted from xlr8 to humungousaur. the three of them then began fighting, gwen assisted y/n with her magic as much as she could and y/n faired very well, switchin in between aliens like a pro, until kevin finally dropped below. 

Kevin?: (coughing while laughing) he he! you just knocked me to where I wanted to-

but before he could respond, he looked all over and saw that the null void projector was absent.

y/n 10k: (smirking) surprised? ever since that incident with malware and the team up I had my past self about 12 years ago, I changed the location of the null void projector to a safer location!

Kevin?: (frustrated) this wasn't supposed to happen! HE told me it would be here!

he sprung forward to attack y/n, but Gwen casted her binding spell and kept him in place.

Gwendolyn: lets start with questions! first, who is 'HE' that you are talking about?

just as they started talking, y/n saw kenny as grey matter from the corner of his eye, but just then, Kenny timed out, stuck in the vent because he was too big.

Kenny: oh man! really? right now?

Gwendolyn: (shocked and looking over) kenny?

her concentration was lsot and the spell was broken. kevin then fired a mouth blast to the wall and flew away into the night. y/n turned into snare-oh and breached kenny, who was met the anger of his mother.

Gwendolyn: Kenneth 'yuriko' Tennyson! do you know what you just did?

Kenny: I don't know!!?! and whydidnt you tell me you moved the projector? do you even trust me?


Kenny was in his room, doing stuff on the computer, when y/n's voice came through 

"Hey Kenny! i moved the null void projector!

Kenny shouted back.

"cool dad! I don't care!"

he didn't pay attention and went back to what to what he was doing.

end of flashback)

y/n 10k: look, ken...I'm too tired for this, you should get back to bed, you have school tomorrow after all..

Kenny:(shocked) wait! school? I thought we were fine with mom home schooling me!

Gwendolyn: well...not exactly school, your going to start going to plumber academy! you always wanted to be a plumber your dad and great grandpa max right? we were going surprise you...

Kenny instantly forgot what he was on about and hugged his parents.

Kenny; OH THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! I promise I wont let you down!

he then let go and walked off for his room

y/n 10k: (rubbing his temples)ugh...that kid is going to be the death of me...

Gwendolyn:(sighing before smiling) well what'd you expect? he's our after all! now come, we should be getting to bed...

she then kissed her husband's cheek and walked off.

(cut to morning)

kenny was packed with his stuff and at the hangar to board the ship, his family was there as well, that includes his uncle Zane (Zane's full name is Zaiden "macaque" Tennyson).

(Zane owns a wine company, which is one of the best in the world)

along with Danny and Sam Fenton, his other uncle and aunt.

Zane: good luck out there kid! I know your gonna do great, and remember, just be yourself....your great grandpa will be giving a speech to your class today!

Danny: and remember! your younger cousin is joining tomorrow.... 

Kenny: speaking of...where are aunt molly, uncle Clyde, grandpa carl and grandma sandra?

y/n 10k: (sighs) molly's busy taking care of the face hugger infestation in marley, clyde is there with her....and mom and dad are busy doing retirement things...but they asked me to send you their tyheir wishes and promised they will send a letter and gift to you soon!

just then, the air began to blow violently as the space craft landed


Gwendolyn: well....I guess this is it huh.....be sure to call every now and then sweetie! oh and make sure to eat, and to bathe...and and-

Kenny: mom! I got it all under control don't worry!

the family all shared a hug, and then separated. they watched kenny board the ship and saw as it flew away at light speed.

y/n 10k: alright, now for the other reason Gwen and I called you here...

Gwendolyn: as you may know, last night, our old enemy Kevin Levin, who we thought we locked up in the null void, attacked us and mentioned a mysterious figure before escaping!

Danny: y'know, we had a strange too last night too!

Sam: yeah, it was yesterday evening when skulker attacked us! and we thought we sealed up all our villains in the ghost zone.

Zane: nothing particularly weird at my end, it was relatively normal at Paradis...but I'm willing to help you guys out!

the Tennyson family continued to discuss the current problems under the horizon that they were experiencing, unaware that spy drone was secretly recording their every move and sending it to an unknown source.

(cut to space)

Kenny was buckled up in seat, and seeing the view through the mirror, when the person on his neighboring seat greeted him.

???: hi! are you going plumber academy too?

Kenny: yep! the names Kenneth Tennyson! but you can call me Kenny!

Sira: I'm Sira! nice to meet you! I'm big fan of your dad! and is that what I think it is on your arm?

Kenny: oh this? yup! I got this baby for my birthday yesterday, but it's not like my dad's, it only has 10 aliens and has a time limit....but it's still cool!

sira was allowed to touch the watch, which made her excited and immediately place her hand on, but suddenly, the watch glowed yellow and the dial began spinning around spinning around, until it stopped and revealed a new silhouette. 

Sira: ohmygod! whatjusthappened?

Kenny: I'll tell you what happened, it seems that my dad gave my omnitrix capture mode! allowing me to gain new aliens by collecting their DNA! only if they touch it of course....but hold on the thought! we're landing!

as told by the young ten year old, the ship lands at the massive structure floating in space. 

all of the students exited from the bus and were told to report to the auditorium by the ai voice, to which they did. in the giant auditorium, there stood present the current magistratus of the plumbers, max tennyson, along with the president of earth, argit.

G.G.Max (means great grandpa max btw): to begin...it's a pleasure to have all of you young minds here, now as you may know, being a plumber is very difficult and very dangerous...but it is also rewarding. you have the chance to save lives around the universe, maintain that prosperity and unity that holds us together!....it's not about the fame, it's not about the money! it's about doing what's right! everyone here...is a hero, I know it! so, what can I say, except the words of the great Erwin smith, the legendary 13th commander of the survey corps in the titan era of humanity. if you bginn to regret, you'll dull your future decisions and let other make the choices the for you. all that's left for you is to die.... nobody can foretell the outcome. each decision you make holds meaning by affecting your next decision. as a plumber...when necessary, we must be willing to take big risks and be prepared to lose everything....Erwin was a great man, if he wasn't there to lead us eldians in that era, we wouldn't be here right now....and finally, to end it off, I'd like for you to have remember one final thing.

he then got into position and did the signature survey corp salute

G.G.Max: GIVE YOUR HEARTS!!!!.......

the crowd gathered and saluted back to him and cheered with burning determination.

(someone, please draw a picture of max doing the survey corps salute! I need it in my life!)

(cut to the null void)

in the dimensional space prison known as the null void, a certain tyrannical ruler, osmosian. and a ton of others of were plotting their next move. after all, it was time to initiate phase two.


and that wraps up ken 10 part 1! I was trying to aim for an ugadi release, but was delayed due to writing issues here and there, so I'm sorry about that! also guys, I'm thinking of going back and re writing episodes that I didn't like! leave your suggestions for what episode in the comments! also, im going to be focusing a little more on y/n 10 now as I want to wrap up season 2 and begin plannings for season 3, which will be all movies! but I'm not gonna put them on hiatus of whatever, theyll just be updated slowly! im currently planning the script for part 2, and the two part season finale which will be the negative ten, the ink tank version and not the classic negative ten, because it's a fucked up line up! anyway! leave your suggestions in the comments and my message board! but that's all form me!

see ya!

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