The Last Light Keeper

Af LaiGrey18

106 3 10

Hello, this is a fantasy novel I've been working on for almost a year now! I'm really proud of it. I know it'... Mere

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: Cauldron Chaos
Chapter 3: Friendly Fire
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 5: Tom-ay-toe, Tom-ah-toe
Chapter 6: Picking a Fight
Chapter 7: The Deal
Chapter 8: Amara Crest
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 10: Progress
Chapter 11: Reoccurring Dreams
Chapter 12: Fortis Arbor
Chapter 13: Discovery
Chapter 14: Do Not Come Back
Chapter 15: More Questions
Chapter 16: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 18: Make Me

Chapter 17: Friends

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Af LaiGrey18

  The next morning Aster woke up, to a knock on her door. She opened her eyes, and for that moment could only feel the usual lull that comes with waking up. She felt peace, until finally her chest was crushed with the memory of the night before. She felt the urge to cry, but tears wouldn't come. She couldn't move or stand. She could only lay in place and whimper softly.

  Aster was in and out of sleep for the entire morning, until after lunch when Miss Madeleine let herself in with a steaming bowl of soup. She sat and held Aster while she cried some more, and soon Aster asked to be alone.

  "Aster..." Miss Madeleine began.

  "Please," pleaded Aster. "I just want to be alone. I don't have any energy."

  "O-okay," Miss Madeleine agreed. "But only for a little while. If not me, please seek out your friends this evening. Friends truly do heal the heart, dear."

  Aster  knew her professor was right. Her friends do cheer her up, even the times she thought she wanted to be alone. She wished that Sorbit would come visit her, lay with her and tell her that it's going to be okay. She wished she had the energy to go to the Cellar with Huck and Sebastian, and giggle at the two of them while they bicker over something stupid like Huck singeing Sebastian's shirt during a duel. She wanted to listen to Matty talk about the newest book she read that weekend, or Alfie and Marshall talk about the pranks they played on first years. But she couldn't do it.


  After another nap, which she woke up feeling worse from, Aster decided a shower was a good start. Afterwards, she threw on a pair of leisure clothes and pondered her next move.

She thought about her friends, and how upset she would be if they found themselves in her situation and isolated themself. If any of them had felt as down as she was feeling, she'd want to be at their side comforting them. She wasn't used to having friends, but she knew that you shouldn't push them away in times like this.

  Aster walked around the Academy for a short while in attempt to find somebody  before deciding being around the other students was too overwhelming. She headed straight to the Cellar, hoping either of her friends would be there.

   She thought about sending a Pixie to someone, but decided against it. She was afraid perhaps Sebastian had already left to see his mother, as they had an extended weekend due to the Solstice Ball. She didn't want to bother him or make upset that he left without seeing her. So she decided to hangout in the Cellar. It was better than moping in her bed all day.

  Aster attempted to keep her mind busy with books. She even let out some frustration with offensive casts, which she eventually quit because her heightened emotions caused her to lose some control and blast herself onto her behind.

  Aster skipped dinner and hung out just a little while longer before deciding to head back to her dorm. Just as she opened the Cellar door, she nearly ran right into Sebastian.

  "Oh-oh," Sebastian's eyes widened as he took in his friend. "Aster!"

  Aster backed up, allowing Sebastian room to enter. He quickly closed the door and faced his friend, searching her expression.

  Aster spoke first. "I-I'm sorry. I..."

  "What happened, Aster?"

  "Why aren't you with your mom?"

  Sebastian shook his head as if this was the craziest thing he had heard. "I sent her a Pixie. Told her I would come tomorrow, since we have an extended weekend anyways. Miss Madeleine wouldn't tell us everything, said that you should be the one to decide who knows and how much."

  Aster glanced down, feeling guilty Sebastian took time away from his mother for her, while she sat around avoiding him most of the day. She decided he deserved to know everything.

  She explained everything she knew, and her fears along with it. By the end of it, Sebastian had a strange expression on his face, almost pity.

  "Damn it," he finally said.

  Sebastian began to pace around, ran a hand through his messy hair, then turned back towards Aster. She was on the verge of tears, thinking about the possibilities of what could've happened to Nelly.

  Sebastian approached Aster and reached out his hand. Aster grabbed it and he squeezed it, Sebastian softening his expression towards her. Finally, he pulled her towards him into an embrace. Aster couldn't keep it together and let out a few choked sobs and Sebastian tightened his grip.

After a minute or two, Aster pulled away, wiping her eyes dry. "I'm sorry, I thought I've cried all I could."

  "Don't apologize," Sebastian demanded. "Seriously. You've been there for me any time I needed it. I'm here, Aster. So is everyone else. Huck and I came here earlier, but you weren't here. Sorbit said she went to your dorm, but no luck. Huck went to check the Greenwood, but said if we hadn't found you to let you be, that maybe you wanted to be alone."

  Aster nodded. "I needed some time alone earlier I guess. I can't believe I'm taking this so hard. I really thought I was stronger than that."

  Sebastian's brow creased. "Don't put yourself down like that, you're allowed to feel whatever you feel. You can't just mash your feelings down and pretend it's not there. You can't mope forever, but you deserve at least one day for it. I'm sure I'm a few you will start to feel a little better, and then we can start figuring out what to do."

  "What do you mean we'll figure out what to do?"

  "Well, whatever you want to do. If we should go off to find Nelly or whatever. I'll support you whatever you want."

  Aster pondered this. She hadn't even thought about what she was going to do. There is only one reason someone with Dark Magic would've taken Nelly and that's to get to Aster. But what if it's all a trap? What if she gets herself and Nelly killed?

  Aster suddenly remembered the dream she had during the night.

  I hold the answers that you seek.

  She was decided. "I want to go to the Fortis Arbor."

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