Run (Jurassic World: Owen Gra...

By Aesthetiic_Pastel

236K 5.9K 1.1K

Sadie works at Jurassic World. As what, you may ask? As the trainer for the Tyrannosaurus Rex, of course. Not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Part 2 is up!!!!!
One-shot things!

Chapter 4

21K 577 114
By Aesthetiic_Pastel

It's been about a week since the Indominus Rex hatched. Apparently there's two of them, just in case one didn't survive infancy. They're too young for me to visit right now, so I can see them in a few weeks when they put the dinos in the paddock.

Owen and I have gotten a little closer over the past week. We've gotten into a little routine: he drives us to work every morning, we spend some time with Bella, eat lunch together, then go to the Raptor paddock and then he drives me home. That's our basic schedule. He always finds time to flirt with me, and it got really annoying, really fast. He's always making suggestive jokes throughout the day, but it's kind of charming, somehow.

I'm currently sitting in a tree in Bella's paddock, listening to her walk around. I ignore the weird looks coming from the people in the tunnel, all of them thinking I have a death wish for sitting in the middle of the T-Rex enclosure. I close my eyes and I lean back into the tree, listening to the sounds of nature. I'm interrupted by a voice. "Hey, Jackson!"

Only one person calls me by my last name. I open my eyes and I look over to see Owen standing on the deck. He holds up a bag with what I'm guessing is food in it. My stomach growls at the thought of food, but I have a small problem. I'm too comfortable to move. I sigh. I smile to myself before waving Owen over here. "Come up here! The weather's nice!" I say, smiling at him. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "She's not gonna eat you. Although, I'm sure you'd be tasty," I say jokingly. He smirks.

"You think I'm tasty?" I roll my eyes.

"Just get over here." He reluctantly climbs over the railing and down the ladder. He rushes over to the tree and begins climbing it with one hand. He makes it to where I am and he sits on a branch. I smile at him. "See? That was easy, wasn't it?" He glares at me as I grab my food. I smile innocently as I start eating. We joke around as we eat, occasionally receiving attention from Bella. I start to think she's acting weird after she comes over to us for the seventh time. "What do you want?" I ask her annoyed. She looks at Owen for a few seconds before snorting and walking away. I watch her walk into the forest before a realization hits me. "I think she's jealous," I smile.

"What?" He asks confused.

"My attention is on someone else now instead of all of it being on her. I think she's jealous of you." I explain. He looks at me weirdly.

"Wow. Clingy." He says jokingly.

"Shhh! She'll hear you!" I whisper yell. We both start laughing, and I hear Bella roar somewhere behind us. We eventually finish our meals and I realize that we have to get out of the tree. "I wish I could train Bella to clean up our trash. A T-Rex servant. Yeah, that would be helpful." I say. Owen gives me an amused look. "She'd make a good guard pet, too. I could make a sign. 'Beware T-Rex'. Now that would keep intruders out." I say. I notice the look Owen is giving me. "What? It's true." We both smile, and he starts climbing down the tree. I climb down after him, which was a mistake. He reaches the ground before me, and of course he can't help but make an annoying comment. "The view from here is fantastic." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, shut up." I hear him laugh below me. I reach the ground and we walk towards the deck. We climb up the ladder, and I make sure he goes first so he doesn't make another comment on 'the view'. We climb over the railing and throw away the trash in the storage room. As usual, we head down to the Velociraptor paddock. But instead of watching Owen try to train the four raptors, we just sit down on the walkway and watch them play around. I lean my arms and head on the railing as I let my legs dangle over the edge of the walkway. Owen does the same. Blue and who I think is Charlie are fighting, and who I think is Echo and Delta are chasing each other around. I smile. "They're like cats." I say.

"Yeah." Owen says from beside me. "Really big, carnivorous, cats that can take off one of your limbs in a single bite." I laugh lightly. We sit there for about thirty minutes, jus watching the raptors do their thing. We decide to leave when the stars start to appear. Owen gets in the driver seat and I get in the passenger seat. "Let's go to your house," I say. He looks at me.


"Yeah, seriously. I wanna see this Bungalow you speak of." I say jokingly. We start driving. Owen's house is a little bit closer to the park than my house, but it's still about a twenty minute drive. When we arrive it's pretty dark outside, so it's a little hard to see the house's-sorry, the Bungalow's- details. I can see a motorcycle to the right of the Bungalow, and a little shed. We approach the front door and he opens it, revealing a living room and a kitchen. "It's neater than I thought it would be." I say.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks jokingly. I smile.

"Nothing." I wander into the living room and I see a stack of movies next to the TV. "Ooh, let's have a movie night." I say, scanning the DVDs.

"Does this mean sleepover?" He asks.

"Yes, this means sleepover." I say. He smiles and walks into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and continue looking at movies. "Ooh, Avatar!" I take the movie out of the pile and put the disc in the DVD player. I smile as I hear popcorn popping in the kitchen. As I get the movie playing, Owen walks in with a big bowl of popcorn and a couple blankets. I press play on the movie and I turn off the lights before jumping on the couch next to Owen. I grab a blanket and I curl up underneath it.

We finish the popcorn relatively quickly, and I set the bowl on the coffee table in front of us. As the movie progresses, I feel my eyelids getting heavy. About two hours in, it takes all my strength to keep my eyes open. I eventually give in and I let my eyes close, and I'm immediately dragged into sleep.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting on this story! I honestly didn't think it was that good but you guys make my day with your comments! This was pretty much just a filler chapter, but I felt like updating today. Again, thank you guys!!!

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