Minnie the Maid

Por aishaa2204

15.6K 83 13

Samuel and Jennifer inherit a country house, with newfound wealth they abandon their mundane jobs to pursue p... Más

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Final Part

Part 4

1.3K 7 1
Por aishaa2204

In many of Samuels favourite maid stories a common scenario involved the
maid being forced to take feminising hormones and t-blockers. Samuel had
no need to be forced, no mistress to do the forcing. Long before
Jennifer agreed to his trial week, Minnie secretly had obtained both
online. The initial physical changes, to date, minimal - a little fat
redistribution, his nipples and aureole had gotten a little bigger but
there was little evidence of the breast growth he secretly longed for.
More noticeable were emotional changes and mood swings that made him act
ever more meanly toward the contract cleaners. Minnie constantly found
fault with their work. And regular tittle-tattle to Jennifer was part
of, what he considered to be, his master plan. Even if some rooms were
mothballed without contract cleaners the house would need additional

Jennifer split her time between charity work and supervising Minnie -
occasionally in person but mostly remotely by text message. By text she
found it easier to uphold her part as employer. Jennifer liked the way
texting 'clean my room, fresh bedding' for instance, felt less
domineering than saying it face to face.

The new alarm system had, at Jennifers request, covert cameras built
into the motion sensors. From an app on her iPhone or iPad she could
monitor, what the security salesman called, 'public rooms' in addition
to Minnie's room. She had already noticed (but not mentioned) slight
changes to her husbands body, his moods and, with help from the new
cameras, she easily discovered the reason to be his secret stash of

Samuel, living a double life as Minnie, settled into a routine that felt
simultaneously liberating and confining. Every weekend he found himself
longing for Monday morning when he could fully embody the persona of
Minnie, once more, until Friday night. A deeper yearning simmered
beneath the surface--recently he began longing to live as Minnie full
time for a few weeks. So far this desire was one he had, so far, not
dared share with Jennifer.

Weekdays Minnie used mealtimes with Jennifer to fault the standard of
work carried out by the contract cleaners. These tales, intricately
woven with dissatisfaction, were subtly worked into their conversation.
Jennifer listened with a patient ear.

One evening, as they finished dinner, Minnie recounted yet another tale
of cleaning woes. Jennifer surprised him with an unexpected agreement.
"You know, Minnie, maybe Samuel and I should consider hiring staff
instead of relying on contract cleaners." Jennifer smiled in the way she
reserved for car salesmen, saying, "Samuel and I will discuss the idea
and let you know Minnie." She rose from the table. "Goodnight Minnie."

While Jennifer supported his need to assume the role of Minnie part-time
she secretly longed to have her husband back. Expressing her excitement
about hiring live-in maids during their weekend conversation she said,
"I recall you mentioning that this house once had three staff members."

Samuel confirmed, "Yes, Jennifer, we'll need two maids plus Minnie of

Jennifer, taken aback, hesitated and voiced her concerns, "Samuel,
having Minnie alongside full-time staff members wouldn't work. How could
Minnie seamlessly switch between weekdays and weekends without drawing

To Jennifers surprise, Samuel had a well-thought-out response. After
explaining he couldn't settle into character while constantly switching
back and forth. He longed to be Minnie for an extended period, long
enough to 'get it out of his system' perhaps two, or even, three months.
Switching tack he began talking of what was wrong with Minnie. He
initiated a fabricated meltdown, expressing strong dissatisfaction with
Minnie's breast forms and listing various grievances. Confused by the
mixed signals, Jennifer attempted to comfort him.

Samuel proposed a solution that he had carefully crafted during his
nights as Minnie, "Jennifer, I've been thinking. It will make sense for
Minnie to have breast implants. I know that might seem overkill, but for
a while, Minnie could truly enjoy being herself without worry the other
maids could see her forms."

Initially shocked by the unconventional idea, Jennifer sat quietly.
Samuel, blending earnestness and determination, continued, "Think about
it, Jennifer. I've noticed your waning interest in Minnie recently, I
think now is the right time for a few realistic Minnie weeks to get this
out of my system. And during that time, Samuel can go on an extended
'writers research' trip."

Initially stunned by the bombshell Samuel dropped on her she needed time
to think. Rather than dismiss the subject out of hand Jennifer partially
conceded, "I must say I'm shocked. I'm not saying I agree, but if it is
what you really want, I guess we can explore the idea a little."

After much soul searching Jennifer conceded, losing Samuel for a period
was better than having him switching back and forth indefinitely.
"Minnie's continued presence is conditional on Samuel staying
undiscovered," Jennifer emphasised. "Any hint of discovery, and I will
fire Minnie instantly, no arguments, and Samuel comes home... that means
no more Minnie... ever!"

"Agreed." Samuel nodded in agreement.

After thorough research (and much cheque writing) the decision was made.

As time passed Samuel gently worked additional procedures into the
conversation. Jennifer, still grappling with the idea of breast implants
and now faced with more procedures, was about to drive away when Samuel
leant in. "I was thinking Jennifer, facial hair could be a give
away...removal would be simple while I'm in hospital."

Jennifer had heard enough about Minnie and this was a step too far.
"Okay Samuel, I agree to whatever you want for Minnie, now may I please
get on with my day?"

Samuel took that as carte blanch for a more comprehensive
transformation, in addition to breast implants he added vocal cord
adjustments, Adam's apple reduction, voice training, and hair removal to
the list of procedures.

Little did Minnie know, while he lay in the hospital bed recovering,
Jennifer also had been making plans, with Katie's help, to enhance the
authenticity of the household's dynamics for Minnie.

Jennifer outlined to Minnie, as they left the hospital, that she had
made progress in hiring two more maids and already had several suitable
candidates lined up. "Soon I will have three maids and a cook..."

Minnie's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "That sounds wonderful, Jennifer!
I'll be more than happy to welcome new faces to my team. And I'll ensure
everything is in order for their arrival."

As punishment for Minnies' rude interruption Jennifer didn't disclose
the full extent of her intentions. Several days earlier Jennifer had
received Donna's CV. Despite being only twenty-two Donna's impressive
work experience as an assistant housekeeper in a country estate caught
Jennifer's attention. She cast her mind back to the way the young woman,
Anita, treated Samuel in the lingerie store and couldn't help but
envision a young housekeeper as the perfect candidate to intimidate and
oversee unruly Minnie. Suppressing the excitement bubbling within
Jennifer said, "I expect everyone to work as a team in our little
household Minnie, my dear."

With the memory of Minnie's reaction to Anita fresh in her mind Jennifer
announced that Minnie needed new lingerie. "I will not have you wear
that shabby old corset any longer." Minnie was, for the first time, in
public wearing the maid dress without a coat. "We can stop in at Glorias
Fashions on the way home." Any passersby who took notice of the two
women would clearly see a well dressed woman with her maid. Minnie
breathed an inner sigh of relief when they arrived at Glorias Fashions.
"I need some corsets for Minnie." Gloria quickly got to work measuring
Minnie. "I was thinking under bust style, something showy that Minnie
can wear with a bra."

Gloria smiled kindly at Minnie. "A waist training corset, something in a
satin perhaps?" Jennifer nodded her agreement "will you be needing a
sleeping corset also?"

"Yes please, how soon can you have something ready?"

"Tomorrow for a first fitting," Gloria continued measuring, "and I will
have two day corsets and a sleep corset ready by Friday. Minnie will
need corset liners and..." thinking of her profit added, "And a few bras
of course."

Minnie was unable to hide his surprise when Jennifer showed him the
refurbished maids quarters. "Everyone has their own shower and bedroom."
Jennifer looked proud of what had been achieved while Minnie was away
"with a lock on the door." She smiled kindly. "Can't have anyone
bursting in on Minnie in the shower." He took in the fresh decoration to
everywhere, the widescreen television, the music system, the coffee
machine, and new furniture in the maids lounge.

"This must have cost, you must have had this all planned!" Minnie stated
a little abruptly.

"It sure did, and I did have it planned long before you got all this
done" Jennifer laughed softly as she air-swept her hands at his breasts
"I know living out your maid fantasy is just a temporary thing, but I do
not want my husband living in squalor while I live in luxury."

"Will you line us maids up first day, have us all call you mistress?"
Minnie teased.

"No Minnie." Jennifer looked annoyed. "Despite appearances you are my
husband and you will call me Jennifer...just like the other staff. Is
that perfectly clear?"

"I was only joking."

"Well don't" while she was in a foul mood with Minnie she added,
"Tomorrow you will go for your corset fitting alone."

While Minnie was at Glorias Jennifer met Katie for lunch. She felt
nervous meeting Katie for the first time in a few weeks, and one thing
had changed that she felt sure Katie would criticise her for permitting.

"You have agreed to what?" Katie sounded astonished.

"Well I did say that I would do anything Minnie wanted." A nervous laugh
escaped Jennifer. "And what did you say Katie...give Samuel enough rope
to hang himself."

"I meant things like heels, slutty uniforms, and suchlike. The sort of
thing that maid fetish fiction centres around, not help your husband
turn himself into a ladyboy."

Deep down she knew Katie was right, the nervous laugh escaped again.
"What's done is done."

"Fuck, sorry Jennifer. It's done?" Katie mirrored the nervous laugh.
"How big?"

"About my size, well, he said he wanted to fill out his uniform."
Jennifer threw a lopsided smile.

"Having the uniform altered was too expensive?"

They both laughed.

Even with the added complication of his breast implants they agreed
Samuel would soon tire of being Minnie 24/7 - wether 'soon' was a week,
a month, or longer, he would tire. "Don't just agree at the first hint
he wants out," Katie advised, "make him wait until he is so miserable he
never wants to hear the name Minnie let alone put on a dress."

"That time is already planned for." Jennifer explained how she would
fire Minnie, take on a third maid. Then a month or two later,
implantless, Samuel would return from his writers research trip.

Donna, a 22-year-old with a slim figure and vibrant red hair, stood at
the entrance of the country house, she nervously anticipated her
interview for the position of housekeeper. Her medium height added to
her unassuming yet poised presence. Donna wore a crisp white blouse that
accentuated her slender frame, tucked into a neatly pressed knee-length
black skirt. A black leather belt adorned her waist, emphasising her
figure. Completing her ensemble were polished black heels that had
clicked against the cobblestone pathway leading to the entrance.

Inside the house, Jennifer and Minnie exchanged a glance as the doorbell
echoed through the house. With a knowing smile, Jennifer gestured for
Minnie to answer the door.

Minnie hid his nervousness as he moved towards the entrance, uniform
crisply pressed and demeanour poised. Minnie opened the door. "Good
afternoon." Minnie let a warm smile spread across his face.

"My name is Donna Green, here for interview with Mrs Collins," Donna

"You are expected Miss Green. I'm Minnie, please, come in. Jennifer is
waiting for you in the sitting room," he said, holding the door open for

Making a mental note of Minnie's inappropriate informality Donna entered
the house, glancing around at the elegant decor and the subtle scent of
polished wood that filled the air. Minnie closed the door behind them,
leading Donna through a tastefully decorated corridor to the sitting

As they approached the room, Donna caught sight of Jennifer, seated in
an overstuffed armchair. The room exuded a sense of refined comfort,
with antique furniture and tasteful artwork adorning the walls. Jennifer
rose to greet Donna, extending a welcoming hand.

"Good afternoon, Donna. I'm Jennifer Collins. Thank you for coming,"
Jennifer said, her warm smile putting Donna at ease as she sent Minnie
to make tea for Donna.

After the initial pleasantries, the interview began, with Jennifer
skilfully guiding the conversation to Donna's qualifications and
experiences before Minnie returned with their tea. Donna spoke
passionately about her dedication to maintaining a tidy and organised
home, her attention to detail evident in every word. As the interview
progressed, Donna mentioned her current employer, citing them leaving
the country as her reason for seeking employment. Jennifer extended her
gratitude to Donna for her time and promised to be in touch soon.

Minnie, hovering in the hallway, escorted Donna back to the entrance.

In the final interview of the day Jennifer interviewed Maria, a shy 19
year old who, she noted, had the same employer as Donna and also
required a live-in position. Maria described Donna as a 'fair but firm'
assistant housekeeper. That settled the matter for Jennifer.

The day of being laced into his very own new corset finally arrived. In
the changing room Minnie first changed into what Gloria called a corset
liner. To Jennifer it looked just like a stretchy body that stopped just
below the bust. Noticing the stretchy material did nothing to control or
conceal his manhood Jennifer watched as Gloria laced Minnie into a lilac
satin corset with white lace trims. The top of the corset had been
shaped to perfectly encircle the bottoms of his new breasts, making them
look even more prominent. "Not too tight for now, a new corset needs a
hour or so to condition," Gloria warned. "Anita...come see," she called

Anita appeared holding a lilac underwired bra and a strip of material,
both made from the same satin material as Minnies corset. Trying not to
stare Anita helped Minnie put on the satin bra. "When mum was making
this bra I said a man could never fill this bra out." She adjusted the
shoulder straps, smiled "and now just look at your cleavage Minnie."
Right on cue Minnie blushed but stayed silent. Anita attached the strip
of fabric, she called a modesty panel, to the bottom of the corset at
the front and, while positioning his cock and balls, pulled it back
between his legs and fastened it at the back. "You don't want your sissy
flaunting his little penis...there, a perfect flat front. What do you
think Jennifer?"

"Minnie looks so...so..." Jennifer said.

"Feminine, looking at her now I'm finding it hard to believe Minnie was
once a man," Anita said, "look mum."

Gloria popped her head around the curtain. "Do you like it Minnie?"

"Very much," Minnie paused, "it is perfect, thank you Miss Gloria."

Jennifer hid her annoyance at Minnie using 'miss' to sound like a maid.
Two can play that game she decided. "If we go to lunch will you be able
to fully lace her corset if we pop back?"

"There's a nice little café, walking distance. My cousin, Susan' owns
it," Anita said.

"Would you care to join us for lunch?" Jennifer asked. Even without a
pinafore, walking along the street in his maids dress behind two smartly
dressed women made Minnies status obvious. Anita tapped away at her cell
while chatting with Jennifer, they exchanged giggles as they walked into
the café. As Minnie went to sit at the table, Anita decided to take a
risk and humiliate Minnie right in front of Jennifer and the other
customers. Anita pointed to a table across the isle. "You can sit at the
maids table, Minnie."

Jennifer and Anita seemed to be sharing a joke as they looked at the
menu while giggling intermittently like schoolgirls.

"Come here Minnie, we are ready to order," Anita said.

Despite feeling humiliated before the other diners Minnie rose and stood
beside Anita. He assumed their laughter earlier was Jennifer putting
Anita up to this. 'Two can play at this game,' he thought to himself as
he waited. Jennifer ordered a salad. Anita smirked. "Ask Susan for two
salads, just tea for you Minnie otherwise we won't get your corset laced

Minnie, now enjoying the scenario like a scene from maid fiction, walked
to the counter to order. Susan, pre-warned of the scene that played out
before her, hid her amusement well while watching Minnies' every
movement intently.

"Two salads Minnie," the counter assistant called out, she lowered her
voice 'come back for your tea' She smiled toward Anita as he picked up
the plates. When Minnie returned to collect his tea the counter
assistant said, "Take these to table three for me Minnie."

He glanced at Jennifer, she looked amused and embarrassed in equal
amounts as she watched. Next the counter assistant handed him a cloth to
wipe the empty tables. Enjoying the situation he ignored Jennifer and
wiped the tables before collecting his tea and sitting at his table.
While pretending not to he listened intently to the conversation between
Jennifer and Anita discussing what had just happened.

"Did Susan and I go too far?" Anita asked.

"Just far enough," Jennifer giggled, "to the boundary of too far."

"Come along Minnie."

Back in the car, now fully laced to Glorias satisfaction, Jennifer
quizzed Minnie about the café. Minnie said, "I wish you were more
controlling occasionally Jennifer, you know, like Anita and her cousin
were." Minnie smiled.

"You really enjoyed that?" There was surprise in her tone.

"After the initial shock I wanted it to go on and on."

"Well...I can't and won't act meanly toward you - so stop asking!"
Jennifer squeezed his knee. "I love my husband too much." She glanced
over. "Even now my husband has strippers tits. Anita says you need a 36c
or 34d bra depending on brand." She giggled. "But you already know my
34d bras fit..."

"How did you know?"

"I noticed my lingerie drawer in disarray," Jennifer said, "you can help
yourself to any you like, it's okay...and a girl can never have too much

"I'm not a girl, nor a woman."

Held in traffic Jennifer looked Minnie in the eye, said since the
implants she had come to think of his pronouns as 'she/her' in
preparation for the other staff arriving. "Just get used to it, as the
doctor said it will be around six months before it is safe to remove
your breast implants."

"When you say it like that I feel as if I am trapped as Minnie for a
half year."

"You know full well you are Minnie." Jennifer pulled into traffic. "I
asked you to reconsider, the doctor warned you and he asked, repeatedly,
if you had second thoughts."

Minnie sat quietly then said being she/her at the uniform shop. "That
will save any chance of the new maids discovering our secret."

"That's my girl."

As they drove across the city Minnie complained the new corset was far
too tight. Jennifer ignored his complaint saying his old uniform was too
big for his waist he needed to get a uniform that looked smart. "You
cannot continue wearing that old uniform, plus, I want my maids to

Jennifer took a lilac maid uniform from the rack. "I'm fed up with
seeing you wearing black day after day, this will match your corset. And
this peach one." Jennifer held up the hangers to Minnie. "Knee length
for daytime Minnie, no shorter," the sales assistant hovered nearby,
"you will need formal black uniform for evenings."

As Minnie tried on a day uniform the sales assistant said the material
was easy clean, resisted creasing, hard wearing. Jennifer asked the
assistant what style of formal uniform was popular, she suggested "hem
around 3 inches above knee, half sleeve and scoop neckline. May I
suggest a petticoat evening times to add a little fulness to the skirt."

With his tightly corseted body the day uniforms, with fitted bodice and
flared skirt, fitted perfectly. The sales assistant handed him an
evening uniform to try on. Once again Jennifer declared it a perfect

"I feel exposed wearing this Mrs Collins." Minnie folded his arms
beneath his breasts. "My chest is on display."

"The scoop neck displays your cleavage a little, but, with modestly."
Jennifer declared the lace edging to neckline, sleeve, and hem 'cute'
and the sales assistant produced a similarly edged serving apron which
she tied around his waist with a perfect bow at the back. Unbeknown to
Minnie the thin satin material did little to hide the outline of his

"You look very smart Minnie," Jennifer declared. "I'll take all three."
She checked her watch. "It's getting late, get changed quickly." She
asked the sales assistant to have 'Minnie' embroidered on the right side
of each then send them on.

"I'll make sure they arrive by Monday Mrs Collins."

The arrival of Donna and Maria infused a new energy into the Collins
household. Minnie, welcomed the two new maids with a smile. Next morning
Donna and Maria emerged from their bedrooms wearing lilac uniforms.
Having checked their appearance one final time in the maids lounge
mirror they stepped into matching lilac heels. "Mrs. Collins wants you
to wear these." Donna held out a pair of heels toward Minnie with a
smile. "Rubber heel covers to prevent click, click, click."

"Jennifer never mentioned new shoes. They look uncomfortable," Minnie

"Mrs. Collins told me," Donna said with emphasis on 'Mrs. Collins.'

Minnie reluctantly put the heels on.

Minnie began guiding Donna and Maria through the rooms, explaining the
intricacies of their tasks. To Minnie's surprise, Donna, with an air of
authority, declared, "Let me stop you right there Minnie, Mrs Collins
hired me as her housekeeper. While I appreciate you showing me the
layout of the house, I am in charge of the day-to-day operations, you,
Minnie and Maria will follow my instructions, working as a team we will
have no problem in keeping this house immaculate."

Minnie, momentarily taken aback, nodded in agreement. As the trio
gathered in the hallway, Donna handed a list of cleaning tasks to Minnie
and Maria.

"We begin a room-by-room deep clean today starting with the kitchen
before cook arrives. I expect these tasks to be completed before lunch,"
Donna instructed, her tone firm but not unkind.

Minnie and Maria set about their assigned duties, Jennifer observed the
scene with a hint of amusement as she passed by the open doorway. She
made a mental note to relive the moment, on the security system, when
Minnie discovered Donna was her boss. The dynamics had shifted, and
Minnie, who had relished the idea of bossing maids around, now found
himself following someone else's instructions. In the hours that
followed, the kitchen echoed with the sounds of scrubbing, dusting, and
the occasional hum of vacuum cleaners. Donna, with an efficient
demeanour, supervised the first day of the deep cleaning operation,
ensuring every nook and cranny received meticulous attention.

Just before lunch, Donna conducted a thorough inspection of the
completed tasks. She praised Maria for her meticulous work,
acknowledging the newly arrived maid's commitment to the cleaning.
However, when it came to Minnie's efforts, Donna pointed out several

"Minnie, attention to detail is crucial in this household. I expect
better from you. Ensure the oven is properly cleaned before you finish
tonight," Donna declared, her words leaving no room for negotiation.

Minnie, shocked at being reprimanded within earshot of Jennifer, nodded
in acknowledgment. "I am sorry Donna."

Waiting until he was alone, Jennifer approached Minnie with a gentle
smile "Donna takes her role seriously, doesn't she?" she remarked, her
eyes filled with amusement.

Minnie, somewhat frustrated, replied, "We never agreed Donna would be in

Jennifer chuckled. "Well, my dearest Minnie, you insisted you wanted the
role of full-time maid. Donna is employed as my housekeeper. And as you
discovered earlier, Donna will ensure the house is kept in top
condition, to the standard of cleanliness you once demanded from the
contract cleaners."

A couple of days later, well into the evening, Donna assigned Minnie to
wait in the kitchen for Jennifer to leave the sitting room. "Wait until
Mrs.Collins goes to bed then tidy the sitting room before you finish."

Minnie listened a while, knocked on the door and, receiving no answer,
opened the door. Jennifer sat opposite the crackling fire reading, gone-
cold tea on the table beside her chair, putting her book aside she
looked up. "You surprised me Minnie, I thought everyone was in bed."

"I had homework." Minnie took several sheets of paper from his apron
pocket, thrusting them at her.

"What is this...you have been given lines?" Jennifer began to laugh
softly as she saw 'at all times I will only address my employer as Mrs.
Collins' repeated over and over.

"It is not funny." Minnie theatrically looked over as his shoulder,
enunciated clearly "Mrs. Collins" and went on to explain Donna had
finally lost patience with him, she had told him to write it out twenty
times. "I was so angry I filled all the paper she gave me, that will
teach her."

"Donna will be pleased you took her punishment seriously and went the
extra mile." Jennifer noticed her tea had gone cold. "I'm sure we can
work this out over a cup of tea, go make some fresh tea for us both

Jennifer smiled as he poured their tea. "It's been just over a week
since Gemma and Maria arrived, how are you finding the transition so

Minnie, unable to contain his frustration any longer, sighed. "It's not
what I expected, Jen...Mrs. Collins I thought being Minnie was about me
enjoying acting the role of maid. Donna's constant scrutiny and
strictness make it feel like a job. What makes it worse she is little
more than a child."

"I am surprised you feel that way Minnie, you told me how you loved
being totally subservient around Anita and, her cousin, Susan. That is
one reason I considered Donna a perfect fit as housekeeper." Her charity
work had helped Jennifer sharpen her 'thinking-on-feet' skills and she
employed those to her best ability. "You repeatedly asked me to act as
your mistress, when I refused to treat you meanly you slipped into your
old ways, spending your days playing pointless computer games when
dressed as Minnie." Jennifer smiled. "From what I see, beside being
strict Donna when required, she is friendly and helpful."

Minnie softened. "I guess she is, when..." He giggled. "When I do my job

"Then use that knowledge to your advantage," Jennifer said as if
speaking to a puppy or imbecile. "Time and time again you asked me to be
strict with you Rather than complaining to me you should be taking this
opportunity to thank me for providing you with a housekeeper who is
strict when you misbehave."

Minnie, realising the sense in Jennifer's words, stood and collected up
the tea things. "Thank you." As he reached the door to leave he turned
back, a big smile spread across his face. "Goodnight Mrs. Collins."

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