Divine Chariot

By Yours_untraceable

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it started when all might turned down his dreams of becoming a hero due to rational reason, so he decided to... More

Before we start
chapter 1: oh no you don't
Chapter 2: what do you think you're doing!
Chapter 4: welcome to your hero academia
Chapter 5: hero basic training
Chapter 6: Beyond the filter
Chapter 7 USJ pt.1
Chapter 8: USJ pt.2
Chapter 9: twilight fog
Chapter 10: silver eyes
Chapter 11: Partners
Chapter 12: Revelations and preparations
Chapter 13: sports festival(motivation)
Chapter 14: sports festival (wrecking the competition)
Chapter 15: sports festival (i'll show you)

Chapter 3: Artificial quirk granted

125 2 0
By Yours_untraceable

Izuku stared at the boy preventing him from rooftop diving.

The boy spoke, "this is not the way to go about this".

the boy pulled izuku away from the edge and let's go of his clothes.

"I heard the whole thing between you and all might". izuku eyes widen.

"my name is hawaki ln and I can understand where you are coming from because I am also quirkless". izuku eyes widen even wider. but jumping of that roof wouldn't change anything".

"Y you are quirkless too", izuku stuttered. "yes I came from a family of quirkless people". at this point izuku eyes were the size of dinner plates.

so there is a whole family suffering the same fate as me, izuku thought sad and also intrigued wanting to know how they are handling the problems that comes with being quirkless.

Izuku and hawaki got to talking and izuku discovered that his elder sister died while encountering her first villain. According to him his sister wanted to become a hero but all the hero schools rejected her application because she was quirkless and so resulted to being a vigilante but died in the hands of the first villain she faced.

At this point both izuku and hawaki were crying, izuku because they suffered so much for something they had no control over, and hawaki for obvious reasons.

"after her death somehow the news spread around the neighborhood that a quirkless person died while intentionally fighting a villain, trying to be a hero. we became the laughing stock allover again". Hawaki clenched his fist. "instead of mourning they were laughing. She died while being a hero, but all they did was laugh all because she was quirkless. The teasing, bullying, pointing, name calling, pranking became worst. my junior sister got the worst of it because she was the easier prey. Things continued like that until we could no longer take it and we moved to I-island" hawaki said with a single tear drop rolling down his left cheek while midoriya on the other hand had geysers coming out of his eyes.

"After we settled in I -island I had already finished high school. so I choose to study bio mechanical engineering with the aim of building a device that could help quirkless people. There I met a girl named Melisa shield who has a vast knowledge on technology and apparently who's father is the leading scientist of I -island. I told her what I wanted to accomplish, so she also offered to help me because she was also quirkless too so she knew the hardship that came with it. so we started a joint project. Years went by and we adjusted in I island. AFTER some years I was done with college and I and melissa came up with the A.Q.I, the ARTIFICIAL QUIRK INPERSONATOR. So far we were almost done with the project when me and my family had to move back to japan because my younger sister wanted to enter UA's support course so I couldn't finish the project with melissa, I had to finish it on my own".

izuku blinks as he processed the information. "woah you went to I island and you build a device that could grant people quirks , that is so cool".

hawaki chuckled at his amazement. He took a good look at the green haired boy at the front of him and realized there were various burn marks and bruises on his body and his brows narrows.

Hawaki spoke up. "Izuku can I ask you something, izuku nod's in response. Where did you get those injuries on your body".

izuku tense up for a sec before responding.

he didn't want to lie so he told him the truth.

"I I got t these from m my bullies". "let me guess because you are quirkless". hawaki said. izuku nod's and told him everything that has happened to him from the point he was declared quirkless to how he ended up in this very rooftop.

How his best friend turned into a bully the moment he discovered that he was quirkless, how his class mate and formal best friend bullies him in broad day light but the teachers seeing this doing nothing about it, how he applied for UA and still wanted to become a hero but he was laughed at by his class mates and told by his formal best friend to take a swan dive of a roof, and how he almost actually took a swan dive off this same rooftop .

now it was hawaki turn to cry, the both were a crying mess as tissues were being distributed. It all made sense to hawaki, why he wanted to jump. it wasn't what all might said that pushed him to do so, because every thing that all might said was true. the reason for him to jump wasn't all might

it started the moment he was discovered quirkless. all might's words were just the cherry on top even though they were true.

Few moments later

They sat there in awkward silence. Why wouldn't the atmosphere become awkward, I mean they just exchanged sob stories to absolute strangers on a rooftop, the situation couldn't get more awkward.

"can I scan you". hawaki spoke. "...what". "I said can I scan you". "w why".

Hawaki: Its just that I was working on the A.Q.I, and it requires a specific blood type and there aren't much quirkless people around, with the world's population consisting of only 20 percent of quirkless people, the chances of quirkless people having the required blood type is slim. Sadly me and my family nor melisa have the required blood type.

So you want to scan me to know if I have the required blood type. Izuku asked.


"Is it gonna hurt". Hawaki chuckles. "it will only tickle". "is it going to be weird". "we already exchanged sob stories on a rooftop it's already weird". hawaki replied

"Fair point".

FEW AWKWARD MOMENTS LATER. [in French accent] ha ha sponge bob

After some giggling from izuku and some beeps from hawaki's scanning device the result was out. Hawaki's jaws drops.

"I-I can't believe it, your blood type meets the requirement".

Izuku: um...okay?

"do you know what this means". "What does it mean".

"It means that you can finally become a hero".

Izuku: wait what!!. Hawaki: if I give you the A.Q.I it will give you an artificial quirk because the A.Q.I can accommodate your blood type.

Izuku: what is going on.

All we need to do is just to insert the A.Q.I nano chip in your pinky toe joint area.

izuku spoke after figuring out what was going on.

no n no no no . I cant, I can't, I just cant.

What do you mean, hawaki spoke. This is your chance to become a hero, weren't you listening when I told you the odds of the A.Q.I working on a quirkless person, but it just so happens that the A.Q.I didn't reject your blood type.

b but you have been working on that project for so long and I still don't know you that much, I mean we just met and I barely know your name. izuku started muttering at inhuman speed but hawaki could keep up.

If you are worried about the amount of hardwork I put into the project, it was much but I still have the proto type and blueprint of the A.Q.I and the technology that will enable the A.Q.I to accommodate all blood type isn't available to the world anyways so that is why I am going overseas to further my study on bio mechanics so I can fix the problem. I have about a week before I travel abroad we can get to know each other if you feel we are still strangers.

But why are you helping me.

It's simple izuku, because I can, isn't that what being a hero is all about. People like me and you are the reason I do what I do, and I am not gonna give up on the chance of helping someone when I know I can help them. So please izuku let me help you become a hero for me, for my sister, for my family and for all the quirkless people.

Izuku decided to take up his offer.

he is right, I have to become a hero for all those other people who wanted but couldn't, I don't want all their blood sweat tears and sacrifice to be in vain.

"Are you having an internal monolog." hawaki teases.

you don't know me. izuku said while trying to keep a strait face and failing miserably.

"So izuku do you accept....". "Yes".

"Good let's start procedure".

"Can I ask you a question". izuku asked while being led to a table on the rooftop he failed to notice the whole time he was there.

If you are going to ask what a table was doing on a rooftop I was working on the A.Q.I before you and all might showed up. Hawaki interjected. No no it's not about that, I wanted to ask if the A.Q.I can give artificial quirks to people with quirks.

"Hmm... no, we specifically designed it for quirkless people". If the A.Q.I is to be done on someone already with a quirk, the presence of a quirk will interfere wit the job of the A.Q.I thereby causing long term damage to the genes. Hawaki answered.

because replacing something that was never missing could cause catastrophic consequences to the body. Izuku finished for him.


Hawaki said while strapping izuku to the table.

"Um, hawaki is this gonna tickle". izuku asked unsure.

"no it's gonna hurt".

"a lot".

"Wait ...what...aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!". Izuku screamed as he felt a sharp pain from his pinky toe. "What the...aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!". "Why...aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!". "I will give you my pokemon cards if you stop...aaaaaaaaaawwwwww!".

After five minutes of playing torture the cinnamon roll the procedure was completed. "I wish I never met you". izuku said while regretting his life decisions.

Stop being a big baby, is this how you're gonna scream like a little girl when facing ferocious villains, people will just think you are a defenseless citizen rather than a hero". hawaki tease.

Izuku looked at his pinky toe expecting to see a mess only to see that it was fine, no trace of blood or any sign of a scar.

Hawaki knowing what he was going to ask "answered. If you are wondering what happened to your pinky toe, the A.Q.I gives it's host regenerative ability to some extent, but cannot heal extreme injuries such as loss of limbs or life threatening injuries, it can only stabilize the body to an extent although this cannot be considered a quirk it is just a coping mechanism for the A.Q.I to ensure the safety of it's host that me and melissa programmed".

Izuku wiggled his toes one last time to confirm hawaki's words, all the pain he felt had disappeared but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was inside.

Hmm... must be the A.Q.I nano chip hawaki was talking about, izuku thought.

Hawaki's face became serious, "now I have to tell you something about the A.Q.I". "okay what is it".

Hawaki: the A.Q.I can not function properly if it's host is under stress.

Izuku: okay...why??.

Hawaki: stress is a major factor that hinders the work of the A.Q.I...it can even disable one's artificial quirk temporarily if the body is stressed for too long.

Izuku: hmm...okay...I got it. "the artificial quirk should manifest . Hmm... um right about now". hawaki said while looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist,

Suddenly izuku felt a tingly sensation all over his body, woah ...

good , you felt it now let me scan you to see the quirk you got.

huh... it says here you got an S rank teleportation quirk.

Izuku was excited to get an artificial quirk and a powerful one at that, but there was one thing though... why teleportation.

According to the scan you can teleport to other dimension, teleport people or objects and can also teleport object no matter the size whether it be at a molecular level or colossal scale.

So izuku what do you want to name your artificial quirk, hawaki asked. Izuku: hmm... can move any one and anything anywhere... I'll name it DIVINE CHARIOT.

After agreeing to meet hawaki on the same rooftop and testing out his new artificial quirk he dashed home, seeing his phone he saw 20 missed call from his mom.

he felt terrible for making his mom worry.

He called her back to tell her he was home.

Back with inko, she was talking to an officer, giving him information about her son so they could conduct a search party for him when her phone rang, she was relieved to hear her son's voice on the other side and she felt even better when he told her he was home. Cutting the call and giving a nod to the officer she cancelled the requested search party, stood up and went home.

the officer understanding the situation nodded and went away.

Getting home inko saw her son and went in for a hug. "mom... ufff... m mom". Izuku could only look at his mom in sadness and returned the hug.

Are you feeling all right,... inko asked.

Well he struggled with a sludge monster, almost dived off a rooftop, heard the saddest story ever, cried for a total stranger and was given an artificial quirk all in one day so well his mental health has never been better.

I'm fine mom.

Izuku told his mom everything that happened, at first she didn't believed it but when izuku teleported his phone away and teleported it right back, she was surprised.

her son was full of surprises, she left her son alone for a day only for him to comeback with an artificial quirk, who knows what will happen when she leaves her son alone for a week.

She was happy for her son never the less, it was satisfying to see the look on her son's face knowing that he could now fulfill his dreams and it was even more satisfying to know that he wouldn't jump off a rooftop any time soon.

Agreeing to put all of this behind them inko headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

It was almost a week that izuku got his artificial quirk and he has been meeting up with hawaki the same time and location. Right now he was on his way to meet hawaki for the last time because the next day he would be traveling. Telling his mom good bye izuku teleported to the rooftop.

Little time skip. Izuku's POV

After discovering what the A.Q.I and my artificial quirk could offer we sat on the ground of the rooftop.

I spoke "you know I'm going to miss ".you when you travel.

is that so, well me too. hawaki replied before he looked like he remembered something. he gave me a piece of paper and handed it to me. This is melissa's number give her a call if there is something wrong with the A.Q.I or your artificial quirk.

he stands up and stretched his hands to me and I took it lifting myself off the ground , well izuku I have to go home now to prepare for tomorrow. B but will I see you again.

to be honest izuku I don't know, I'm gonna stay there for a long time but I promise you I will visit when I come back.

now teleport me to the sidewalk I'm too lazy to take the stairs.

With that I teleported us down stairs.

And said our goodbyes and went our separate ways not before giving him one last glance to see that he was also doing the same with a sad look on his face, and then we nodded to each other and departed ways.

Next day I was training for the UA entrance exams in ten months time, I still have to discover more about my artificial quirk. In these past few days I found out that any time I want to teleport something or someone including myself something reminiscent of a spotlight from no particular direction will shine on the object or person I intend to teleport for a brief second, even tried teleporting something at night in the dark but there is still that flash of light, it might become a problem when I'm trying to go under cover or on a stealth mission, it is going to get me in trouble by reveling my location to the villains but for some people it might be considered flashy.

Well there is nothing I can do about it

shrugging my shoulders I sat down on the floor where I was training.

I was still thinking about my new artificial quirk

while absentmindedly looking for my water bottle when a hand gave it to me.

third person POV

izuku: thank you vr... wait. *looks up*

he saw a face with blond messy buns, sharp fang like teeth and yellow eyes staring right back at him intently, his face inches away in an uncomfortable position.

so he did the most logical thing and decided to wait it out and continued drinking his water.

10 minutes later


Izuku had finished his water5 minutes ago and he was drinking nothing but air but the face was still there. deciding he couldn't take it anymore he spoke.

Um... c can I help you.

???: I think you are so cool.

izuku: um t t thanks.

???: my name is himiko toga and I like watching you train, can I have some of your blood.

Izuku : what ... no i am going home.

toga: can I follow you home.

"no, my house is in the other side of musutafu". He lied. "I love trekking, we can trek together there". She excitedly said.

"oh, and for some reason I just became homeless". he lied again.

toga: yea me too, we can be homeless buddies.

having enough of this izuku teleports away.

Toga: *yells* see you later.

After teleporting to his room izuku sighed to himself.

it was times like these that he was grateful to have a quirk and a very helpful one at that.

Well I guess I will have to avoid training there and as much as possible avoid using my artificial quirk in public areas

he thought to himself.

10 months later

Izuku stood at the entrance of UA having a strong resolve, he wasn't gonna let anyone or anything stop him from becoming the hero that will carry on the dreams of those who wanted but couldn't, not even an H shaped school. Walking along he saw a stone on the floor, now normal people wouldn't even acknowledge it but izuku being far from a normal person decided to trip on it.

Izuku: let me just trip on this real quick. [trips on it] but instead of falling he floats in the air. Izuku: this is so embarrassing. The girl responsible spoke up. "sorry for using my quirk on you but it would have been bad luck if you had trip". 

Izuku: u um t thanks. 

she walks away and soon after composing himself he was on his merry way.

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