Back Off She's My Wife

By thachiethach

76.1K 2.7K 1.1K

Steve is a rich playboy businessman and he can get any girl he wants. Natasha is a simple girl who only wants... More

A Big Mistake
Holy Matrimony
No He Did Not Just...
Steve Jealousy
Just Maybe It's Possible
Continuous Interruptions
Breakfast with the Rogers Family
I Dare You
Emergency Room
I Swear...Steve Rogers
Moving In
Affair Revealed
Moving Out
What the hell
I'm Sorry
Lunch with Mr. B
Slowly but surely
Kitchen Affair
Cabin Fever
Hiking adventure
Hiking adventure Part 2
Beach Getaway
Beach Getaway Part 2
House Party
Can't catch a break
Red Carpet
Old Gatherings and New Friends
Unexpected Surprise
Duck and Dodge
Sneak peek
Wait what?! Mandatory...
Mysterious Woman Revealed
Odinson Home Visit
Girls Day
Sexual Frustration
With Love from Paris
Not One but Two

Surprise & Happy Anniversary

139 12 1
By thachiethach

Maria: "Nat, hey... your silence is scaring me" she shakes her shoulders lightly. Natasha tears were flowing from her eyes. "Nat, it's okay I can help you with this. We can go to the doctor and schedule and appointment and tell them you don't ---" she was interrupted.

Natasha: "I'm keeping it" she whispers and chuckles happily wiping her tears away. Maria sighed in relief. "Whether this is fated to happen or not, I won't kill an innocent child" she smiles at Maria and she nods happily.

Maria: "Yay!! I am so excited!!" hugging her tightly and letting her go. "How are you going to tell Steve?" she asks.

Natasha: "I will need to go to the doctors first and check the health of the baby..." she says awkwardly. ( I am going to have a baby!!) She places her hand over her belly. "I will tell him when the time is right, also you and Wanda better not tell anyone in the meantime" she laughs.

Maria: "Do you NOT know me? I can't believe that you'd think I'd tell anyone" she scoffs. "Alright, I am going to go home, you need some rest okay" they hugged each other goodbye.

~Next day~

Natasha slept through her alarm and rushed to get dressed and rushed downstairs as the entire house was very busy. Butlers and Maids fully engaged into moving things around.

Natasha: "What's going on?" as she enters the dining room see grandma Emily watching television and drinking her tea.

Grandma Emily: "Ah, darling come come" she motions her to sit.

Natasha: "Granny, I slept through my alarm. What is happening today? Is there a special occasion?" she asks curiously.

Grandma Emily: "Well, I told May to give you a day off today and let you sleep in" she chuckles with a twinkle in her eyes. "The house? Oh, nothing special I am just renovating" she laughs. "You look like you are glowing today" she smiles. Natasha blushed.

Natasha: "I just got extra sleep that's all" she smiles. (Oh god, does she know?!) "Are you doing anything today? Maybe we could go to shopping today?" as she quickly changes the subject.

Grandma Emily: "Well, dear today I will be with a couple old associates. Maybe you could call Steven and hang out together" she smiles widely. Natasha cheeks are redder than before. "Oh darling, you and Steven have been stuck to the hip lately, it is not a secret. You young people are too obvious" she laughs heartily. "I must get ready then, I hope you have a great day dear" she winks and gets up and leave

Natasha: "I guess I'll call Mari and Wanda" she dials their number.

Mari & Wanda: "Hello? / Heyyyy Nat!!" they responded.

Natasha: "Are you girls down for shopping?" she asks. They shook their heads no. "Why?" they were silent. "Is there something---"

Maria: "One of the client parties is today and I cannot attend, that's the truth" she sighs.

Wanda: "Ah, I am helping because you know I love decorating" she smiles. They both were hoping she wasn't going to ask them for more details.

Natasha: "Oh, ok. Well, I guess I can just go to the doctors by myself then" she sighs disappointedly. They hung up. Her phone rings and she see messages.

Wanda: CONGRATULATIONS! I get to be an AUNTIE!!!

Maria: Text us when you get to the hospital, be safe sis! <3

Natasha places her phone away and drives herself to the hospital. She gets admitted and in the waiting room. (Why hasn't he messaged me today?) she sighs. She was slowly dosing off while waiting for her name to be called.

~Meanwhile elsewhere~

Steve: "Hey Sam, I am enroute to the location" he speaks to his car Bluetooth.

Sam: "Sounds good bro, Maria and Wanda are here too" he chuckles.

Steve: "Good, Natasha deserves the best especially with them helping" he laughs. "How many guests are arriving? And I want it to be perfect" saying in a serious tone.

Sam: "They are good to go. Don't stress it's going to be as you imagine" he assures him. They hung up.


Maria: "Hey you! You better make sure you hang that right! And do not hurt yourself" she yells.

Wanda: "I am so excited!!" she says happily. "I wonder if she is suspicious about tonight and is going to tell him tonight?" she whispers.

Maria: "She doesn't even remember what today is, I don't think she is worried about this" she laughs. Their phones pinged, a message from Natasha. (Made it). "Wanda initiate phase 2" she smirks. Wanda nods.

Steve: (I wonder what she is doing today. She might be at work; I'll definitely stop by later). He dials another number.

Grandma Emily: "Hello dear" she answers.

Steve: "Granny, did Natasha suspect anything today?" curiously asking.

Grandma Emily: "Oh, no. She woke up late, asked me if I could go shopping. I decline and she most likely with her sisters" she smiles.

Steve: "Maria and Wanda are at the venue helping set up..." (What is she doing, I wonder) "Okay no problem, see you tonight" he hangs up. He scrolls his contacts and selects Wifey. The dial rings and then it goes straight to voicemail. He furrows his eyebrows and frowns.

~Waiting room~

Nurse: "Ms. Romanoff" she calls. Natasha stands up quickly and follows the nurse into the room. "Miss please it here, also here is a gown and please remove your underwear and pants" she instructs her.

Natasha: "Um...." Clearly confused. The nurse realized she wasn't moving.

Nurse: "Miss, is this your first time?" she questions. Natasha nods. The Nurse chuckles and helps her out. "Alright, have a seat here and I'll get the doctor" she smiles kindly. Natasha nods smiling.

Natasha: "I can't believe I am here..." as she looks around the room with newborn kids' pictures and diagrams. (Oh god....) she saw a diagram of what it would look like when dilation begins to the end. Her heart is racing fast, and she is nervous. She takes a deep breath. The door opens.

Nurse: "Miss this is Doctor Cho. Doctor this is Ms. Romanoff" as she introduces them.

Doctor Cho: "Good afternoon, Ms. Romanoff" she greeted happily.

Natasha: "Please call me Natasha" she smiles. Doctor Cho nods.

Doctor Cho: "Okay, let's see the reason you're here is to confirm your pregnancy, correct?" looking at her. Natasha blushed and nodded. "Alright, is this your first time?" she asks.

Natasha: "Yes" she says shyly. 

Nurse: "Natasha, go ahead and lay down here" guiding her. Natasha does what she is told.

Doctor: "Okay, I am going to ask you some questions for more information purpose. Full name. Age. When was your last period? Are you feeling anything different about yourself? Feeling nausea? Any spot of bleeding?" she asks.

Natasha: "Natasha Alianovna Romanoff Rogers. Age 26. Um 8 weeks ago, I have been having sweet cravings now that I think about it. Yes, to nausea and no spotting" she answers.

Doctor Cho: "Wait... are you THE Natasha Romanoff model?" she asks surprisingly. Natasha nods. "Oh wow, where is your husband? Shouldn't he be here too?" she questions.

Natasha: "He doesn't know I am here If it's okay with you. I'd like to keep this a secret" she states firmly. Doctor Cho nods.

Doctor Cho: "Okay, let's see if there is a baby here. I will be applying a gel, it may be a bit cold but it's for the sonogram. Look at the screen here as well" she points. As she is moving the wand around and takes multiple pictures. "Well, there is the baby" she points. Natasha is silent. "Natasha are you okay?" she asks concerned.

Nurse: "Her reaction is just like mines when I first had my daughter" she chuckles. 

Natasha: "My baby...There is a baby inside me" she says lowly. Tears started to fall from her eyes. The nurse handed her tissue. "Thank you" she smiles and Doctor Cho sighs in relief.

Doctor Cho: "Good. Okay. The baby is about 9 weeks old. You are still in the first trimester. The nausea will go away in the second trimester if you're lucky" she laughs. "Every pregnancy is different. I will prescribe you prenatal and take them every day and don't drink or smoke while pregnant" as she removes the wand. Natasha nods. "Here are the photos you may keep for memories; I am sure dad will be very happy" she smiles and leaves.

Natasha: "Thank you Doctor Cho" as she stared at the photos in amazement.

Nurse: "Natasha, you are about my daughter's age. You are still young, take care of your health and this baby" she smiles and pats her hand. Natasha got dressed and left the hospital. Her phone pings multiple times.

Natasha: "Oh god I have so many missed messages!" she shouts. (most of them are from Steve) She dials her phone. "Hey May, I missed your call. Is everything okay?" she asks.

May: "Oh yes. I hope you got enough sleep this morning sleepy head" she laughs. "We need you at the studio, I couldn't cancel your shoot. However, I successfully moved the time to 5pm. Can you make it here?"

Natasha: "Hmmm. Yes. I will be there in 30 minutes" she answers and hangs up. May dial a number.

May: "Phase 2 complete" and hangs up. (Knowing Natasha she doesn't like surprises)

Steve: "Tony, I need your help" he asks.

Tony: "Ah, Steve what's up?"

Steve: "I can't get in touch with Natasha. Her phone seems to be off. Can you use your technology to help me find her. I am worried" he grimly.

Tony: "Yes, let's find your hot wife" he chuckles and Steve growls in annoyance. "Calm down Stevie boy, I was joking" as he punches the keyboard. "It seems her last location was the hospital and now she is the studio. Is she okay dude?" he asks.

Steve: "I'll call you back. Thanks Tony!" hangs up immediately and call Natasha. It rings twice and she answers.

Natasha: "Hello?" he sighs in relief. "Steve is everything okay?" she frowns.

Steve: "Babe, I've been trying to call you multiple times and you have me worried" he sighs.

Natasha: "I must not have signal when I came into the building. I'm sorry for worrying you" she chuckles.

Steve: "Can we have dinner tonight?" (I can't ask her why she was at the hospital, or she'd kill me for tracking her).

Natasha: "Yes, we can. I just have 1 photoshoot at 5pm today".

Steve: "Great! I'll get Jarvis to pick you up. See you soon bye" as he hangs up the phone. Natasha stares at her phone confused and shakes it off and heads out of the hospital.

Natasha text: "done"

Wanda text: "Ohhhh send pictures!" (she sends a picture)

Maria text: "How far along?"

Natasha: "9 weeks"

Wanda: "I love them already!!! <3"

Maria: "I hope it's a girl, we need more badasses in the family" 😊

Natasha & Wanda: (haha the comment)

Natasha arrives at the studio and May is on her cellphone watching her from a distance. 2 hours pass by.

Natasha: "I'm starving" she whines. May brings her a snickers bar and water. "Thank you" she smiles happily like a child and begins to eat.

May: "Good job today, you mentioned earlier you have lunch with your husband?" she eyes her. Natasha nods. "Well, it can't be helped, I'll ensure you look nice. Now come on finish that and let's get you ready". 

Natasha: "Wow, don't you think this is too fancy?" she laughs. Her dress is was an a-line beaded lace chiffon long dress that complimented her figure. May put on her necklace and bracelets.

May: "Nope, you look beautiful and here is a matching purse" hands it to her. I have the driver ready for you to take you and I'll get your car sent home". They started walking about and Natasha got in and May closed the door, the car drove away. May sends a text.

Steve phone ping a message from May.

Maria: "Alright let's go people she is arriving in 30 minutes!" she yells. Everyone started moving faster and within 10 minutes they were done. "Good job everyone!" they cheer. "Now get the hell out!" Everyone laughs. She walks towards Steve. "Everything is ready and don't mess this up Rogers" she smirks.

Steve: "Thanks Maria, this couldn't have been done without my sister-in-law. I'll make sure your business stays thriving" he chuckles, and she rolls her eyes. They hug and Maria leaves. Steve gets another text of Natasha arrival. He meets her at the entrance and the car stops and the driver opens the door. Natasha steps out smiling at him. (Oh god she is beautiful, everything has to be perfect) He walks towards her, and he greets her kissing her hand. "You look absolutely breathe taking my love" he says.

Natasha: "I hope I am not overdressed; it was Mays' idea" she sighed. He shakes his head and kisses her forehead and lace her arm under his and leads her to into the building. He places a blindfold on her. "Wait, what's going on?" she questions.

Steve: "it's a secret" he laughs. "Trust me I've got you" he whispers close enough for her to hear. He continues to guide her and then has her sit down. It becomes silent.

Natasha: "Steve? Hello? Can I take it off?" she asks.

Steve: "Yes" he says aloud. She takes off her blind fold. The light is on him and he has a microphone. "Natasha, the day we met was not expected, I know you hated my guts, but we've had our disagreements and yet I am still magnetically attracted towards you. I know when we started it was a contract marriage and we let it ride its course. I know I was going through my crap, and I vowed to not make that same mistake. You have allowed me to be myself and except me for my flaws, as I continue to be a better husband to you" he pauses. "Play the video" he says. There were photos and videos of them throughout their time together. Natasha was in tears. He walks towards her and takes a knee. "You become the woman in my life that I needed to be the man I am today. I love you and I want us to be a real husband and wife and not a contractual marriage. Natasha Alianovna Romanoff Rogers will you marry me again?" as he opens the box with exquisite design and cut diamond ring. There was silence.

Natasha: (OH MY GOD!?!!? HOLY SHITTTTT) Looks at him and then the ring.

Steve: "Nat..." clears his throat "You're making me nervous" he chuckles and looks at her with his pleading eyes.

Natasha: "I—I.. yes" she whispers enough for him to hear as tears were falling from her eyes. He immediately put the ring on, and they kissed passionately. Steve picks her up and twirls her around happily. "Steven put me down, I am feeling a bit nauseous". As he gently puts her down.

Steven: "I love you Nat, you've made me the happiest man on earth" he pulls her into a hug and kissed on the top of her head. "Now I have another surprise for you" he leads the way. The doors open and it's pitch black.

Natasha: "Steven I think I've had enough surprises today, nothing could've top you proposing" she jokes. The lights turn on and she sees all their friends and families and some business associates in nice outfits, the tables were decorated with white and gold and red roses all around the room and tables. "Oh my gosh, why is everyone here?" as she looks around and then at Steve.

Steven: "Did you really forget my love? It's our 1 year anniversary" he whispers in her ear. Natasha blushed in embarrassment. She completely forgot what today was and with the news about the baby, and assuming today was just a normal dinner. They started walking and everyone congratulated them and Steve sat her down and left to speak with associates.

Maria: "Judging by the looks of it, sister you definitely forgot your own anniversary" taking a seat holding her champagne glass laughing.

Natasha: "Mari!! How come you didn't tell me?! and what about – "

Wanda: "Sisterrrrrrrr! Happy Anniversary!!!" she hugs her tightly. "Sorry for fake ditching you, Maria had to take care of all this, and me well I helped where I could" she winked. Natasha shook her head but smiled. She looked around for Steve and found him talking with Tony, Ta'challa, Scott, Sam. They made eye contact and smiled lovingly at each other. Steve makes his way to their table with his friends following.

Tony: "Hey red! Congratulations on making it to a year!" he raised his glass as a toast. Sam elbowed him. "What?! You know their story.. If he ever hurts, you let me know I will come like a knight in shining armor" he jokes and winks at her. Natasha laughs. They all congratulated her and left Steve and Natasha alone.

Steve: "Don't be angry with Tony, you know how he is joking" as he grabs her hand and kisses it.

Natasha: "He is like the annoying elder brother" she laughs. (Should I tell him? Or should I wait? There is too many people here. I'll just wait) she sighs. 2 hours passed, and more people congratulated them, and people started to leave. Steve's phone rang and he answered.

Steve: "Alright I'll be there" he said sternly. "Baby, I'll be right back" he kissed her lips quickly and left. This left Natasha confused.

Grandma Emily: "Now where is he running off too" she questions and sits down at the table.

Natasha: "I don't know, he said he'll be back... Hey Grandma Emily, did you know about this party?"

Grandma Emily: "Darling, of course I did. Wasn't it obvious when your trips and shoots were cancelled?" she chuckles. Natasha blushed. "Hmm you must have been quite busy if you didn't remember your anniversary" she raised her brow in curiosity. "Tell me what's on your mind"

Natasha: "Ah, um it's not much" (liar) "I simply forgot and please don't tell Steve" as she swallowed nervously. Grandma Emily grabs her hand.

Grandma Emily: "Dear, you're glowing" she smirks as they both looked into each other's eyes. Silently speaking. "Now go find that grandson of mine so I can announce to the world about my great grandchild" she lowly whispers happily. Natasha smiles and hugs her goodbye and goes to find Steve.


Guard: "You cannot enter! You are not on the guest list" blocking the entrance.

Sharon: "Just call Steve Rogers over the radio and tell him my name and I should be fine" she yells as they continue to stop her from coming in. She manages to get pass them and the commotion at the lobby started to catch peoples attention.

Guard: "Get that lady!!" as they run to catch her. "Dammit boss is gonna fire us! Hurry you fools!" they yell through the comms. They not able to find her.

Sharon: (haha stupid fools) as she roams the halls and sees a room with a lot of people to include Steve's friends and family. "Perfect, this is the room, now where is Steve" she looks around.

Ta'challa: "Friends isn't that Steve's ex-girlfriend?" he points out.

Tony: "No way she can't be --- holy fuck how did she get in here!?" he panics, and they start walking towards her. Sharon seems them coming towards her as she walks another direction and sees the band playing and idea pops in her head. "Shit shit shit!!! Hurry!" he rushes quickly.

Wanda: "Excuse me why the hell are you here? And how did you get in?" she stops Sharon from getting on stage. Sharon to get past her.

Sharon: "Move! Since your brother won't come to me, I'll make him come" she smiles evilly.

Maria: "Yeah, your obsession is getting a bit outta hand crazy" she crosses her arms blocking her way. "Leave the premises or I'll make you leave" she threatens her.

Sharon: "IDGAF move you piece of trash!" she pushes through and Maria grabs her arm and locks it behind her back. "Ahhhh, OMG are you crazy??" she yelps loudly. The band goes quiet, and everyone's attention is on them.

Maria: "Shit..." she cursed at herself. Steve comes rushing in and Maria let's her go.

Steve: "Sharon why are you here? How did you get pass the guards?!" he says angrily. Sharon latched onto his arm as he tries to shrug her off.

Sharon: "Stevie you wouldn't answer my calls or anything, so I came to find you" she whined. The crowd begins to whisper.

Steve: (dammit not on the day of all days) "Let go of me!" he manages to get released from her grip. Natasha couldn't find him in the hallway and decided to return back to the banquet room and see the crowd attention to something or someone. She walks through the crowd to get a better look.

Sharon: "I have something to tell you and matter fact" she sees Natasha in the crowd. (Perfect!) As she walked to the microphone on stage. "Hello everyone. You should know who I am. I was once Steve Rogers longtime girlfriend, once fiancé and still girlfriend. Due to him being forced to marry that woman" (points at Natasha, as the crowd paves a clear path for her)

Steve: "Natasha..." he walks towards her and hugs her. "Please she came here unannounced, and I swear baby I didn't invite her" he pleads frantically. She squeeze his hand and smiles weakly.

Sharon: "As I was saying. Steve and I were the true couple, and since the whole fiasco with you. Things between us have become a mess" she says angrily. The guard started approaching her. "Stay back you imbeciles!" she shouts.

Steve: "Let's get out of her before she does something crazy" he whispers to Natasha, and they turn to leave.

Sharon: "I'm pregnant!" she yells into the microphone and everyone gasps and Steve turns around in disbelief. "I've got proof! Unhand me you buffoon!" as she digs into her purse and walks towards Steve and throws the sonogram at him. The photos fall to the ground revealing a small fetus. "I came to tell you that you'll be a father and I am 10 weeks" she smirks. Steve's face was blank and he stared at the photos on the ground and picked it up and looked long and hard at it. The crowd begins to whisper. Natasha is shocked by this news and stood there in silence.

Tony: "Alright everyone it's time to go! All personnel who are not related to the Rogers by blood or marriage or even close friends leave the premises now!" he shouts and everyone started getting pushed out the room. As the crowd started moving, the loud sounds drowned out only left Steve in his thoughts and as he turned around and looked at Natasha dead in her eyes. He could clearly see the hurt and disappointment on her beautiful face.

Steve: "I---" he stuttered clearly in shock. He could see her lips moving but he couldn't hear anything she was saying as he was focused on her eyes as she began to cry. He stepped forward but she took a step back. Maria and Wanda grabbed her and glared at him. "Wait, I – Nat!" he spoke and still unable to find his words. He saw her lips move and the sound became loud again. They took her away and left as he stood there lost and confused.

Sharon: "Steve baby, aren't you happy?" she clung to his arm.

Steve: "Sharon it can't be my child, how dare you come here and ruin my anniversary!?" he yells.

Sharon: "What do you mean? Don't you remember the night you came to me? You were broken-hearted, and your wife left you. We had a passionate night" she smiled. Steve played the timeline in his head and dropped to his knees in disbelief.

Steve: "I need time alone. Guards careful escort her out" he ushered them to take her away.

A/N: Thoughts? I know I have been on hiatus for a bit. I hope all my followers enjoy this chapter. Please comment and like.

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