Weasley and Krum (REWRITING)

By AiyaBookWrites

361K 7.5K 637

Weasley, Amora Adele. Molly and Arthur Weasley's gorgeous daughter, the youngest of the Weasley triplets, Fre... More

Introduction & Reminders
The Weasley Home
Crema De' Weazley
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 40

1.8K 54 10
By AiyaBookWrites

"I only said twister. And suddenly everyone agrees on playing it, so here we are."

Amora's POV

"Soooo when are we going to see you're guys' home?" Fred slips in the living room with George on his tow.

"Yeah" George nods in agreement, "You guys have been gatekeeping us for the past week."

Me and Vik shared a look, debating whether to tell them now or later.

Vik shrugs, "Well you guys didn't ask anything about it. We were open the whole time for you all to see the house."

I grin, "And we're actually gonna host a sleepover at ours later."

Fred and George both gasped, "And you guys didn't tell us??"

I shrug, "You didn't ask. Though, will you guys please keep it a secret from the others? We wanted to tell them when we're at the house later."

George asks, "The question in my head is, can this house held let's say- a bunch of crazed peeps?"

Vik rose a brow, "And you mean?"

Fred continues, "Is it really a house when you're hosting a sleepover for like hundreds of people?"

I nod, "100% it is."

The Sleepover

"YOU CALL THIS A HOUSE???" Fred and George exclaimed in surprise. While the others blink in shock and mutters of agreement rose from everyone.

My hand slips into Vik's arm, as I nod, "It's a house. A place where it feels homey and peace."

"Well it certainly describes you guys," Ginny mutters while looking at it in awe.

"Alright! Everyone follow us and don't roam around alone or you'll get lost." Vik and I lead everyone to the left side of the home, where the guests quarters are placed.

"Everyone pair up and choose you're sleepover bedrooms. And unpack you're things then head to the living room when you're done."

"Wait what-"


"Ginny you're with me!"

"Dibs on the first right room!"

Me and Vik left the left wing to everyone who rushes to the rooms.

We enter our own room and I fall back onto our bed, stretching my arms up. Hearing cracks from my body had me sigh in relief, "I'm so gonna go to a Muggle Massage tomorrow."

Vik chuckles moves over to the bed as I turn on my stomach. He turns me back so we're facing each other, faces inches away.

"Tonight will be fun."

My face scrunches up, "You sure you want everyone up until 12 midnight?" My fingers threading his hair.

He moves us so he's on top of me while he places his head in the crook of my neck.

"Yeah. I want everyone to have fun, especially since He's back, everyone has been tense. I want them to relax here."

I smile, "And that's why I love you,"

He lifts his head up and raises a brow, "Really? Not because of my handsome looks?"

I mockingly put a thinking face, "That's a bonus."

"My wonderful cooking skills?"

"You burn the kitchen Vik,"

He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively, "My excellent bedroom skills-"

I flush bright red and slap his shoulder, "Viktor!"

He chuckles and kisses me all over my face and then onto my neck, "Kidding, kidding, Love you,"

My eyes narrowed onto him but they soften up at the end, "Love you-"

"But seriously- My bedroom-"


Muggle Board Games

"I HATE YOUUU!" Fred shouts towards Ron.


Hermione sighs, "Fred, give Ron his 200 dollars. You landed on his property."

Fred gasped, "NO!" He shook his head, "HE'S IN JAIL. I'M NOT GONNA GIVE MONEY TO A CRIMINAL!"

Ron scoffs and narrowed his eyes, pissed off, "That's not how you- PLAYY!"

Charlie looks confused, "Amora, why are they screaming?"

I scratch my head in annoyance, "Shut the duck up Charlus! You ain't gonna talk after stealing my last railroad!" Charlie shuts up looking sheepish.

Ginny cried out, "I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN"

Harry goes next, "ME TOO!"

George follows up, "YOU THINK I WANTED THIS??"

Then both Bill, Hermione and Vik shouted, "AHHHHHH"

Luna sighs, "I sweat this would've been easier if we played twister instead."

Later on

"GEORGE! DON'T PLACE YOUR BUTT ON MY FACE- YOU BLOODY IDIOT!" Ginny screams as George place his butt over her face.

"VAIVA YOU'RE MAKING MY LEGS CRAMP- OWW!" Darian whines giving up from the ground, and slowly comes out the game.

"I swear- you people are disgusting! Fred!" Hermione cries out while Fred sticks his tongue out, pretending to lick her leg. In which Hermione gives in and leaves the game.

"Well am I not glad I didn't join this one." Harry mutters and I nod in agreement.

Luna joins in, shrugging, "I only said twister. And suddenly everyone agrees on playing it, so here we are."

I look at the clock which is close to 11, "Vik! Charlie! Can you guys get the food I prepared at the kitchen?"

Vik and Charlie looks at each other and shrug, getting up and going to the kitchen.

"RON! I SWEAR DO NOT PLACE YOU'RE-" Neville scrunches up his face in disgust and leaves willingly from the game.

Ron suddenly perks up from the smell of the food, "Is that?"

Everyone who is still on the game shouts at him to stop moving as he's currently the one who is connected to everyone.

Ron gets up which made everyone fall from his sudden movement and complains, "Ron!"

Charlie and Vik comes in with the food and drinks, "Alright everyone! Dig in,"

I conjured up a bunch of plates and spoons for everyone.

Everyone sighs at the taste of the food.

"Honestly Mora, I bet you're the only one of the Weasley Children who got Molly's cooking skills." Hermione sighs as she takes another spoon full of mac n cheese.

Everyone apart from my siblings nods in agreement.

Ginny looks up offended, "Hey,"

Ron who still keeps on eating looks up for a moment and takes a moment to think, "I can cook."

Fred and George chokes on the drinks, "Woah- that's mean."

Charlie makes a face, clearly not in agreement.

Bill on the other hand, "Eh- She's right." And nods in agreement.

So they turned to Bill offended, "Bill!"

Bill raises a brow, "What? It's true. Ginny can cook but only pancakes, everything else seems to burn. Ron, you can't cook, you eat. Fred, George, are the two who seems to burn things even if you're only cutting bread, and the fact that you've been practically with Amora the whole time tells us everything. Charlie has never step foot into the kitchen because he's afraid of burning himself which is hilarious since you work with fire-breathing dragons. And I can't cook but I'm pretty familiared with what's in the kitchen. And Percy- well, he helps out but is never fond of cooking."

Vik tilts his head, "Between me and Mora. I burn, she cooks."

I grin lightly at hearing that, "Really?"

Vik rolls his eyes teasingly, "It's the truth. You tried teaching me but it has never worked out."

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