By p3arl_xo

737 68 230

solist: a solist is described as a person with an intense enjoyment of things related to the sun in which... More

School sucks
The dream?
The calm before the storm
Like a stray dog

The storm

47 7 18
By p3arl_xo

Heading back home after being at the park for hours was something that depleted Auroras mood entirely.

Knowing that she would have to go back to her house The drastic change of being in the warm sun for hours, to being in the cold atmosphere of her home.

Opening the door she was hit with the sight of her mother. "Where were you? I got home like an hour ago".

"Oh, sorry I was out at the park doing some school work that they assigned over break". Total lie but it's not like her mom would know that. Besides at least this way she would think Aurora was being productive this way. Instead of wasting her time with just sitting around.

"Ok well you have to pack, remember? We're going to your aunts house for break and I told her we would be there by tomorrow"

Oh fuck. Aurora forgot about that. Every spring break she and her mom would go to her aunts house. It was probably gonna be the worst part of her break.

It's not that Aurora didn't love her aunt, but it was just another family member that she wasn't close to. Aurora really wasn't close to anyone in her family. She didn't know why, she was just never accepted into her mom's family. It's like she was always trying to go for a spot that would never open up.

The fact her mom was always so much happier when she was with literally anyone else other than Aurora didn't help. She just seemed to be a burden to her. Something that could only offer her hardship and pain.

Maybe everything she thought about herself was true, her love was only to be used as a poison in this world. Her love would eat everyone up from the inside out before they can even realize it. And her mother was aware of that, as was everyone else. That's why they distanced themselves from her.

They destroyed her heart before she could destroy theirs.

And that hurt. Knowing that Aurora was never given a chance. A chance to show that she can love without it affecting the other person. That she was capable of being loved and accepted.

Snapping out of her thoughts to respond to her mom she said. "Mhm yeah I was just gonna start packing"

And just like that their conversation was done. Cut short. Like all the others they had.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Packing was one of Aurora least favorite things to do. She would always overthink what to pack and how much she should. So she would end up with too many shirts and too little pants.

She would also always forget something. Whether that be something small like her toothpaste. Or something big like her headphones.

The last time that happened on a trip she wanted to kill herself. She couldn't survive without her music.

Thankfully this trip was supposed to be short, only being a few days. So with that in mind, Aurora only packed the necessities. Such as some clothes and some backups just incase something happened.

Her toothbrush, headphones, her phone, and she couldn't forget her notebook. She would guard that notebook with her life. It held poems, art, and every single thought she didn't tell anyone.

The drive was going to be a bit longer, as her aunt lived in Virginia and she lived in Pennsylvania. So she would have to be stuck in the car with her mom alone. fun...

They would leave early tomorrow morning. Like really early, Before the sun even rose. Her mother was weird like that. Opposite to Aurora her mother would always avoid the sun. Like it had personally wronged her. That's why she would always leave work early and leave late.


Waking up at 3 am to drive was excessive. I mean Aurora knows her mom said they would get there in the morning, but still! This was early, even for Aurora, who normally had no problem getting up early.

Trudging through her house half asleep, she said goodbye to her cat. Not that she wouldn't see him again. However her cousin Amanda was allergic. So... That left them no choice but to get a cat sitter for the days they would be gone.

"I'm literally about to pass out" Aurora muttered to herself.

"Hurry up, I told Sadie that I would be there at around 10" Her mom yelled from the car.

"Ok, coming" Aurora yelled back and quickly scurried out of the house with her things, locking the door behind her.

Flopping into the backseat, Aurora took her pillow and put it up against the window. Then taking her blanket up to her body and letting the exhaustion consume her.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆

The sleep didn't last long. She could never sleep in car for long. The moon was still out the sun having not risen yet.

Being on the road gave Aurora little to nothing to do. So she put in her headphones and started playing her music.

Aurora was unbothered and listening to her music for about 30 minutes. Until she heard thump outside. She stared outside the window, but since they were in the middle of nowhere there was nothing around for miles except for grass and roads.

So she just ignored it and zoned back out.

Until she heard the thump again. Looking back out she still saw nothing. Ok, now she was confused what the hell was making that noise.

She tried to zone back out and focus on her music , that was until something hit the car. That made them swerve off the road.

"What the fuck was that" She heard her mother yell. Aurora turned to look at what had hit them, and what she saw shocked her to her core.

It had to be about eight foot tall, had tatted arms, and sharp yellow teeth. It looked like a giant ogre. It reminded Aurora of something she just didn't know what yet.

All of a sudden she felt the car being picked up into the air and being thrown across the grass. Aurora felt the whole car being crushed on the ground.

She felt like she was being crushed, as if she weighed nothing. Like she was made of air. Crashing against the front seat all she could say was "Ow".

"Aw shit" she heard her mother say. "Mom are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, are you?" her mom asked. "Mhm just a small scratch" Aurora replied. However it wasn't just a small scratch. Aurora felt blood seeping down her face.

She put her hand to her forehead and wiped the blood away. It didn't help much though because as soon as it was gone it came right back.

Focusing back on what had just happened, they needed to get out of the car. As it was totally totaled. Trying to open the doors was no use as they were stuck closed. Their only other option was to get out through the windows.

Looking frantically around her Aurora found the only thing that could maybe break the window, the headrest of her seat. Taking it off she hit the window, again and again until it started to crack. Then finally with one last hit, the sound of glass breaking filled the car.

Moving some of the broken glass with her hand, which was not the brightest idea seeing as she ended up with numerous cuts on it. She jumped out of the window.

Reaching back in to take the headrest and do the same to her mom's window. She suddenly stopped as she heard a loud roar and then thump after thump following each other. Too scared to look Aurora snapped back in to her mission.

Running to her mom's side of the car, Aurora told her mom through the window to look away so she wouldn't get hit by the glass. After she saw her mom look away she stared hitting the same as she did with her window. Only this time with more urgency, as she could hear the thumps getting louder and louder.

She could tell that her mother was saying something to her, but through the glass it was muffled and she couldn't make out the words. As if on beat with the next thump, the glass finally broke.

Hearing her mother's word a lot clearer now, what she heard was "Run" her mother was yelling repeatedly.

"No not until you're out of the car, cmon I'll help you move the glass" Aurora argued

But as if fate had something else in mind, just as she started to move the glass, she fell over because of the rumbling the ground was making.

"Ughh" Aurora said as she spit out grass.

She could still hear her mother's frantic yelling. And as she looked back for the first time, there it was, the same ogre looking thing that had disturbed their car ride. Only this time it was moving a whole lot faster.

"Mom cmon get out of the car, I'm sure there's someplace around here we could go to" Aurora pleaded

"Look, there's something you need to know about yourself. That is never told you because I thought it would be safer for you". Her mom had an eerily calm tone coming from someone who was just yelling the air out of their lungs.

"What, what could possibly be so important to tell me now and not when we get to saftey?! Away form that thing!" Aurora yelled. She just wanted to run out right then and there. But she didn't want to leave her mom.

Even though they weren't that close, she was till her mother and Aurora still loved her. So for her she stayed and waited for her mother to explain.

"So, you know all the times you came to me about seeing monsters, yeah they're real".

Aurora felt her world stop. After all this time. After every single time she came to her mother crying about what she saw, and how her mom always just ignored her. She knew. She fucking knew.

"What!" She yelled "Why didn't you say any thing if you knew?"

"I know I'm so sorry, they just said the less you knew the less of a risk. I was only trying to help your chances" Her mom said

Now Aurora was more confused than angry. Who was this "they" her mom was talking about.

Before she could say anything her mom kept going "I don't really know how to say this but you're not normal" Yeah no shit i've known that since I was eight Aurora thought.

Instead of saying her first thought she said her second one "What do you mean i'm not normal"

"I mean you're not like me, you're not mortal, well you are but only half". Ok now Aurora was seriously confused.

"Huh?" Aurora questioned "You are half god, that's what I mean, A half blood is what I think is the commonly used term" Her mother stated.

What. The. Fuck. Aurora's mind was moving a mile a minute trying to take in her mom's words. Until suddenly her thoughts were cut off by something grabbing her off the ground.

Looking up with fear she saw the ogre up close. It was 10 times worse than what she saw from away.

The ogre breathed in her face and she physically recoiled away. It smelled like blood. Her mind went blank. She knew what was going to happen. She was going to be eaten.

And just with that thought Aurora knew what was familiar about this creature. It was the same one she dreamed of two nights ago. Her blood ran cold. She knew what was going to happen if her dream was correct. Her mother would be dead and she would have done nothing to stop it.

But that's not how Aurora wanted to play this out not this time. She would do everything in her power to make sure they both made it out alive. Even if it meant tempting with the fates.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
authors note !!!
i know i know it ended on a cliff hanger but this works out better for what i have planned for the next chapter
also you have no idea how long this took i literally had no idea how to write the "fight scene" with the giant so im doing that next chapter so i have time to figure it out!!!

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