Always & Forever (N.M)

By werewolf10101

379K 6.8K 1.4K

"Always." I whispered looking up at him. He looked down at me with a smile. "And Forever." He finished, befo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

341 18 1
By werewolf10101

Season 4: Episode 11: Catch me if you can

I sat there picking at my nails as I watched Jeremy practically freak out at the thought of killing these people that were now transitioning.

"No way. I'm not doing this." Jeremy fought, Klaus rolled his eyes looking annoyed.

"What makes you think you have a choice?"

"You have to kill vampires to complete the hunter's mark." Damon agreed, honestly I was completely taken aback by Damon working with Klaus. Something I didn't expect in a million years. "Mark equals cure. You're in a bar of almost vampires. So get your hunt on."

"Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to kill any innocent people." Jeremy shot back, obviously growing angry.

"Jeremy, if you look on the bright side, they aren't exactly people..." I paused, as all four of their eyes fell on me. "Anymore."

He stared at me in disbelief, shaking his head. "The bright side?" He repeated. I bit my lip nervously, giving him a sweet smile.

"Yeah." I responded, making sure to show my teeth with the smile.

"I can't believe this right now."

"Enough! Have at it. Or else!" Klaus butt in, obviously not having it anymore and wanting to compel Jeremy.

"I don't take orders from you, dick." He responded, taking me completely off guard, having me let out a snicker from his remark.

Everyone once again looked at me, Klaus being the one who raised his eyebrow at me. "Did you just get called a dick?" I asked, with a laugh.

Klaus continued to stare at me with a poker face, while Damon gave me a little smirk. "Suits him doesn't it?" Damon teased as Klaus looked between us before shaking his head and ignoring.

"Hunters can't be compelled." Little Gilbert said, catching my husband's attention again, as he threw the stake on the floor.

Klaus tilted his head, laughing as he walked up to him. "You're right. I can't compel you. But if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make it easier for you. Because, I can compel them." His voice laced with a threat, as he stared down at the little Gilbert.

My eyes flickered to the sight to see the vampires drinking from the humans that were compelled, taking in a deep breath before turning my eyes back to Klaus and Jeremy.

"I'm gonna give you a two minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. You kill them or they kill your friend..." Klaus paused, turning his attention to the blonde standing next to me. "Matt."

"Wait a second!" Matt called out, his voice laced in fear.

"No. No. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus." Damon finally spoke up, obviously not liking this.

But I don't blame him because in Klaus' world there is no such thing as a threat, only a promise. When he says he'll do something, he'll do it.

"I'm taking artistic license." Klaus responded. Damon glanced over at me, almost like he wanted me to do something.

"Babe, he's a beginner. I doubt he can take all of them at once." I spoke up, for the sake of Damon's pleading eyes.

Klaus sighed, walking up to me, pulling me to his side. "With your brother being his coach. He'll be fine." He reassured, planting a kiss on my temple, before he pointed over at Matt. "It's Matt I'm worried about."

"Ah.. Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. I'll be right behind you." Jeremy immediately obeyed, running out of the bar. "Both of you." He implied, looking over at Matt who followed right after Jeremy.

"If I hear the engine start, I'll kill Matt myself!" Klaus shouted out, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"Uh Damon.. I would get to coaching if I were you." I uttered, looking in front of us only to see the fully fed vampires standing, ready to attack.

"I told you he was a lunatic!" Damon exclaimed running out of the bar.

"You said psychopath! But lunatic sounds more fancy anyways!" Klaus yelled out, with a laugh.

"Is this a bad idea?" I questioned, staring ahead of us.

"Probably." Klaus smirked, looking down at me.

"You know.. you concern me." I admitted, looking up at him.

He leaned down placing a little kiss on my nose. "Good. Means you're thinking about me."

"Not in a good way, babe."

I looked up only to see him, staring down at me with a poker face. "I can compel you to be nicer." Klaus said, making me laugh as I went on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I am the witch of all witches. I can't be compelled." I winked, giving him a little sass which resulted in a smack against my bottom. "That hurt!"

"You like it."


I was at my brothers boarding house, waiting for one of them to return but only to be felt with some type of worry. Almost feeling like at least one of them was in trouble, or maybe both. I don't know.

The sound of my phone ringing caught my attention. Reaching over to see, Jeremy calling. Immediately filled with concern as I answered the phone, knowing he wouldn't call me when he's in his hunt for a good talk.

"Ella, I- we need your help!" He forced out, sounding full panicked.

I stood up off the couch, running a hand through my hair. "Jeremy, wh-what? Calm down. What's going on?"

"Kol.. Kol attacked us. I barely got away, but he's got Damon." He forced out, my body froze as my eyes widen. Knowing Kol. Although he's very charming, he is also very cruel.


I ran into the mansion, running into the parlor only to see Elena sitting on the opposite sofa from Klaus. "Klaus. Kol has my brother." I said, ignoring the fact the brunette was sitting there.

His attention fell onto me, seeing my panicked state his face softened, getting off the couch he walked up to me taking my hand into his. "Calm down, love."

I ripped my hands from his, stepping back as I stared into his eyes. "I can't. With Kol having Damon.." I paused, starting to freak out. "You know how cruel he can be, Niklaus!"

"Call him off, Klaus." Elena called out, having our attention on her.

"You're in no position to make demands." Klaus shot back, grabbing onto my hand tightly.

"If anything happens. Then good luck losing your wife." She fought, having me look at her with my brows furrowed.

"Did you just decide that for me? Elena." I said, venom laced with my voice.

"It's obvious you wouldn't want to stick around with him after something happens to your brother, and if you do then that's just wrong. Because it was pretty wrong to get with the guy who tortured your brothers."

"That's wrong? What about you sleeping with both my brothers, pinning them against each other? Is that not wrong? Is it acceptable?" Her face dropped, as I stepped closer to her. "Oh right! taking notes from Katherine I see, can't stop history from repeating itself, now can we?" I threw in her face, as she stared at me dumbfounded.

Both of us having a stare down, none breaking eye contact. "Love, let's calm down shall we?" Klaus grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. "Whilst I'd like to cure you to make more hybrids. I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which is destroying it so you can't use it against me."

"Whatever our differences." She looked between Klaus and I. "We want the same thing. Please. Klaus. I'm begging you."

Klaus smiled not before rolling his eyes as he reached over taking his phone out of his pocket. "Little brother, just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess."

"Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun." Kol's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Those vampires were for my hunter."

"I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people."

"Where's my sweet brother in law?" Klaus asked sarcastically, having me stare up at him in disappointment.

"Relationship got better? Nicknames now? I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake." He uttered, having me look at Klaus with wide eyes.

He slow blinked, giving me a reassuring look. "Yes. Well. You've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box."

"Hey. No need to be nasty about it."

"On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen, closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. You understand?"

"Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word." Kol promised. I reached over, taking the phone from Klaus.

"Kol. If I find any wound on my brother's body that hasn't healed, count your days." I threatened, having Klaus look at me completely taken aback, obviously never seeing this side of me.

"Gorgeous, is that you? Your voice is as angelic as I remember, even the way you threaten me... turns me on." He flirted, having me gasp and Klaus look over at me not exactly happy about it, "I still think you chose the wrong brother."

I slowly handed the phone back to Klaus who silently demanded it back. "Flirt with my wife one more time and I swear on our family's life I will ensure to cut your flesh off before putting you back in your box." Klaus said, before he hung up and threw his phone on the couch.

I rolled my lips in a line, staring up at the ceiling as I felt Klaus burn holes in the side of my head. "I didn't do anything..." I mumbled, not making any eye contact with him.

"Stop looking gorgeous." He hissed, storming out of the parlor leaving me and Elena exchange awkward looks.

"Well that happened.." I uttered, slumping down onto the sofa.

"Yeah..." Elena agreed, before we both looked at each other releasing chuckles.


"Stefan." I breathed out, running up to him as I pulled him into a tight hug.

His arms instantly embraced me, holding onto me tightly. "Been a while hm?" He mumbled, against my shoulder.

"Feels like it." I said, as we broke away. "How is he?" I asked, looking over at Damon who was lying on the floor unconscious.

I looked back over to Stefan, only to see nothing but hurt behind his eyes. "Not sure. But all I know Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy." Stefan informed, as I slumped down sitting right next to him.

I sucked in a breath, staring at the stake he was twirling around in his hand. A frown appeared upon my face, just the thought of not being there for Stefan while he was going through it.. hurt me. I missed him and missed spending time with him.. and Damon.

But now knowing their relationship, there was no way I could ever hang out with the two of them together. "I'm sorry." I uttered, staring at Damon who was still unconscious as I felt Stefan's eyes on me.

"For what?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me curiously.

"For not being there for you.." I muttered, finally looking back down at my hands and playing with my rings.

His hand came to my sight, grabbing onto mine. "You're always here for me and for Damon. We're sorry we were never there for you." He apologized, having me look up at him with watery eyes.

"I missed you." My voice cracked, as he pulled me into his arms.

"I know. I missed you too." He uttered, against my head.

"Stefan..." I paused, getting a 'hm?' In response. "If one original dies, then each and every one of them die.. and I am one of them." I said, out of nowhere.

Stefan slowly, lifted my chin up towards him. "What?"

"If you know Klaus turned me, so killing them is off limits unless you guys want me to die.."

He opened his mouth to say something but soon our attention was caught by Damon groaning in pain. "Easy there, buddy. You lost a lot of blood." Stefan said, as Damon stirs on the ground.

"So you let me bled out?" Damon groaned.

"Yeah. I really didn't have much of a choice. Kol's compulsion is still in effect, so you need to stay locked up. We don't have any vervain, so this was the only way I could weaken you."

"You sound really torn up about it. Shouldn't we be going after Kol? Make him decompel me?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure. That sounds easy enough, Damon. I'll get right on that." Stefan responded, sarcasm dripping from his words.

I awkwardly played with my fingers, watching my two siblings bicker. "At least let me see Elena." Damon coughed, trying to get up but fails.

I cringed at his request, looking over at Stefan who remained emotionless. "Come on. You know I can't do that. With the sire bond, all you have to do is tell her to let you out of here, it's too risky."

"Stefan's right, Damon. Taking this risk will result in little Gilbert being killed." I spoke up, staring between the two.

"He's enjoying this too much. You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He pointed at Stefan, who continued to hold a poker face.

"It's better for Elena if you stay here for now, at least until we find a cure, then once she's no longer sired to you and you're no longer compelled you can both do whatever the hell you want." Stefan stood up, slamming the cell door behind himself.

I got up off the ground, heading to leave the cell. "Wait! Ella, wait!" Damon called out, struggling.

I closed my eyes tightly, turning back to face my older brother. "I'm disappointed, Damon." He looked up at me with those icy blue eyes pleadingly. "It disgusts me, how much you two betray each other over a girl that's not even worth the energy or the breaking of a brother bond.. I just keep getting disappointed over and over again at the fact you guys keep doing running back and repeating the same thing over and over again. Whatever happened with Katherine, will always happen with Elena. It's sickening and tiring."

"It wasn't supposed to happen." He grunted out, eyes glistening as they watered.

I shook my head. "No. It wasn't. But you let it happen. Because once again you chose a girl over your own flesh and blood." I hissed angrily, turning around and storming out, making sure to lock the cellar door back up.

"Ella. Please! Wait!" I heard Damon plead as I continued to ignore and walk away.

I walked up the stairs, only to see Elena and Stefan. "You're hurt. You're hurt. And you're acting out. Stefan, this isn't you." She said, as her voice came out as hurt. But I really couldn't care less about how hurt she was after the damage she's caused.

"Sure it is. You've just never seen me like this. You don't know what I look like when I'm not in love with you." Elena's eyes widening in shock, as Stefan smiled in return. "I'll let Damon know you stopped by."

I watched her face scrunch up into embarrassment, before she hesitantly backs up and walks away. I slowly walked up to Stefan, his eyes soon falling onto me.

"You okay?" I asked, as I grabbed onto his hand giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He responded, giving me a big smile.

I gave him a small smile, reaching over and creasing his cheek gently. "I need to go, I have to go back to Klaus and make sure he doesn't make World War III happen."

"Knowing him he's probably already started it." Stefan responded, making me laugh.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised." I said, before giving him a hug. "I'll see you later, give me a call if you need anything."

"You too, lil sis." He squeezed onto me, before we broke the hug. "Love you. Take care."

I smiled up at him, heading towards the door. "You too, Stefan."


I returned back to the mansion, only to see Klaus sitting at the parlor drinking his whisky. "Love. You're home early." He said, without looking at me.

"I had to make sure you weren't starting World War III, so had to leave them early." I jokingly said, walking up to him and placing a kiss onto his cheek, before taking a seat beside him.

"Not a proper kiss." He uttered, as he placed his glass down. "I want a proper one."

"Only if you tell me why you were so jealous earlier."

"You got it wrong, love. I wasn't jealous." He said, getting closer to me.

A small innocent smile played on my lips as I inched closer to him. "Really? So you storming out was you not being jealous? Hm?" I replied flirtatiously, playing with his collar.

"You're playing with fire here, baby." Klaus warned, staring deep into my eyes.

"Am I?" I teased, my lips brushing up against his.

"You are. And if you continue I will take you on this couch without caring if anyone walks in."

"What if I told you I would like that?" I reached over, biting his lower lip having him growl from my sudden action and my words.

"Someone has decided to be naughty today." He grabbed onto my waist, pulling me into him, his eyes glued to my lips.

"Mm, maybe I'm trying to get your attention. Is it working?"

"It's more than working." He flipped us over, pinning me against the sofa. "You said you'd like it if I take you right here, right now. Without a care if someone walks in?"

That was the moment I regretted it, I tried being badass.. I tried acting naughty but soon regretting it because imagine if someone does walk in.

"Maybe we can-"

"The decision is already sealed, love. You said you don't mind, no take backs." He cut me off, my mouth opened to say something only to be once again cut off by his soft plumped lips against mine.

The kiss was filled with passion, filled with hunger, and filled with love. My arms wrapped around his neck as his around my waist. His front grinding against mine.

I broke away from the kiss, taking a deep breath as his lips placed multiple kisses against my neck, reaching over cupping his face pausing him from kissing my neck as I looked deep into the eyes that I love.

"Take me. Here." My voice came out seductively, as my eyes looked up at him innocently but behind these innocent eyes wasn't anything angelic.

"Wish granted." He growled, flipping me over on my front, pushing my hair off the back of my neck as he peppered my skin with kisses as a moan escaped my throat.

All I can say is I am glad the deal was sealed and there were no take backs.


Next chapter: Season 4: Episode 12: A view to kill.

Hope you all enjoyed, please comment what you think. More to come! Love ya!

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