Her Good Boy

By noa_chorro909

306K 5.2K 4.3K

I took a shaky breath to prepare myself to beg my wife to fuck me. "P-please... please Mommy....." Ashley li... More

Chapter 1| Meeting
Chapter 2| Dinner
Chapter 3| New Home
Chapter 4| Morning
Chapter 5| Chess
Chapter 6| Club (part one)
Chapter 7| Club (part two)
Chapter 8| Nightmare
Chapter 9| Alessandro's opinion
Chapter 10| Promise
Chapter 11| Pulling your leg
Chapter 12| Stalking
Chapter 13| Parents'
Chapter 14| Talk
Chapter 15| New Game
Chapter 16| Jealousy
Chapter 17| Reward
Chapter 18| Teddy
Chapter 19| Messages
Chapter 20| Books
Chapter 21| Movie night
Chapter 22| Stay
Chapter 23| Argument
Chapter 24| Gone?
Chapter 25| Taken
Chapter 26| Blaire
Chapter 27| Found
Chapter 28| Blueberry
Chapter 30| Torture
Chapter 31| Other Boy

Chapter 29| Sleep

8.8K 156 166
By noa_chorro909

Warning BDSM (like degrading, pegging & other stuff)

Alex pov:

I was having dinner with Ashley, who seemed to be yawning a lot. I didn't say anything until she paused eating her food to yawn for at least the 8th time in the past five minutes. Maybe she hasn't been getting enough sleep.

This was the first time we'd eaten dinner together, so we were silent the entire time since we didn't have much to talk about, but I couldn't keep quiet about how much she was yawning. "Ash, are you okay?" I asked concerned, putting my cutlery down to look up at her.

Ashley nodded and went back to eating her food, probably hoping I'd leave it there. But I didn't want to leave it because I'd never seen her this tired before. "Because you seem to be yawning a lot," I added, prompting a response from her. Hopefully, she'd give me an actual answer and not just a nod.

She slowly looked up at me; she looked tired-exhausted, actually. Okay, now I was really concerned for her. "I didn't sleep well while you were gone." Ash sighed, looking a little embarrassed maybe? Was she so worried about me that she didn't sleep? Wow, she actually cared that much about me? I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep without the other.

Although I was a little happy that she was showing how much she cared, I frowned knowing that she didn't sleep. I thought for a few seconds; I wasn't sure how to ask what I wanted to say. "How... how many hours did you get per night?" I asked slowly, not trying very hard to hide the concern in my tone.

My question was met with a confused look. "Hours?" She questioned back. I looked at her in complete and utter shock, she seriously hadn't slept!? She hadn't slept at all in the time that I was gone? I don't even know how long I was gone for, but I know it was around two days.

"Don't give me that look. We're going to sleep straight after dinner, or else I'll be in a bad mood tomorrow." She grumbled, going back to eating. She was practically stabbing her food. So I may have annoyed her a little with my question, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Then it dawned on me that she said she'd be in a bad mood if she didn't sleep. Bad mood... a bad mood? So did this mean that this was a good mood!? God, if this was a good mood, I don't even want to imagine what a bad mood is like or what she's capable of when in a bad mood. I pray to everything and anything out there that I never see her in a bad mood.

We ate the rest of our dinner in silence, neither of us wanting to talk or even make eye contact. I spent the rest of dinner thinking about what would ever happen if Ashley was in a bad mood and what I should do when she's in a bad mood. I have no idea what she was thinking though.

Ashley pov:

I spent dinner thinking about how good it would feel when I go back to that abandoned house tomorrow and finally kill Blaire. I know she hasn't moved because I tied her there and she wasn't bleeding enough to bleed out. Oh, how funny she'll look with two holes in her hands, I plan on mutilating her entire body before letting her bleed a slow, painful death on the floor as I watch.

As for Alex's father, I have no idea if he'll still be there since he can still walk just not reproduce. But if he is still there, I'm going to castrate him properly instead of just dysfunctioning his pathetic dick. I'm not sure who I'll enjoy torturing more, but I hope to watch the both of them die slowly for what they've done and how they've made Alex feel.

Alex pov:

When dinner was over, Adelina came and took our plates away, which I thanked her for.

Ashley got up and began walking off. "Follow." She ordered, and I obeyed, running after her and following her around her house. I didn't know where we were going, but I was content to follow her anywhere.

I followed her into the outdoor living room, which was as gorgeous as I remembered it to be. I loved the fairy lights; this was definitely my favourite room in the whole house. And the view was arguably better than the one in Ashley's room, it was even raining a little today, which made it so much better because we could hear it lightly hitting the glass.

Ashley sat down on the sofa, and I sat next to her, or at least I tried to, she pulled me on top of her before I could even sit on the sofa. She laid down and moved me so I was lying on top of her with my head on her chest, and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

I looked up at her to check that how I was lying was okay. I was worried she wouldn't like my hand placement, but much to my surprise, her lips curved into a tiny smile. Seeing her smile still felt rare, even if she did it more often now. I definitely still think that her smile is one of the best things I've ever seen.

She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I smiled. I wanted to nuzzle my head into her chest, but I have a feeling I'd get punished for touching her tits without permission first. Being very careful, I moved my head back down, looking away from her and to the side out of the window. I stayed aware of my head placement at all times, keeping it just below her breasts but careful not to touch them at all, not even with my hair.

I glanced up when I felt Ashley run her hands through my hair. Fuck, the way she did it felt so good. Like better than normal. Maybe it was the way she was doing it, but I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't make a sound. I hope I don't make a sound just from Ashley playing with my hair, it just felt too good.

Soon, just biting my lip wasn't enough; I had to move my whole head, so I was practically nuzzling into her stomach. I was still careful not to touch anything I wasn't allowed to. I was clinging to Ashley again and was praying I didn't accidentally make a sound. Mostly because she needed to sleep and I didn't want to distract her, and because it would be embarrassing if I did.

While focusing on not making a sound, I didn't notice Ashley changing to grip my hair slightly. Well, I didn't know until she tugged it lightly. "Oh fuck... mommy..." I whimpered against her skin and held her just a bit tighter. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, I couldn't help it. I wasn't expecting it, and she knew just how to tease me perfectly.

I slowly looked up at her with just my eyes, not moving my head in any way. I looked at her with sad puppy eyes. That's what she calls them, I wouldn't call them that because it makes me sound pathetic.

Her lips moved into a smile and then a teasing smirk. "Aw, did you like that?" Ashley mocked with a tiny chuckle. I knew she was mocking me this time because I'm so smart.

I didn't want to admit to her that I liked it, although it was a little obvious. So I shook my head. "No... I didn't..." I whispered, the bottom half of my face was still pressing against her stomach, so anything I said was mumbled.

"No?" She questioned before gently tugging my hair again, making me involuntarily whimper. "So what's that sound then?"

I looked away. I wasn't going to make eye contact with her right now, or I'd be a blushing mess. "Um... pain?" I mumbled, I wasn't even convinced by my words no matter how many times I said them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ashley roll her eyes. I'm guessing she didn't believe me either. She took her hand out of my hair, and I had to hold my breath just so I wouldn't whine. I'd already embarrassed myself enough.

Turns out she was just grabbing a remote and putting on a movie, which was my favourite. I wonder how she knew that or if it was just a nice coincidence. I think I may be getting a little too clingy to Ash since her hand left my head for less than ten seconds and I felt like crying.

When she didn't put her hand back on my head straight after putting the remote down, I decided to do it for her. I grabbed her hand and put it back on my head, a little more aggressive than I should've. Then I pulled myself closer to her and closed my eyes.

It only took a second before she began slowly stroking my hair, making it so I could finally fully relax.

After a little while, I got a bit bored and began playing with the back of her shirt. One thought led to another, and I couldn't get the image of her perfect tits out of my head. And imagine touching them, they must be so soft and feel so amazing. I've never touched hers or anyone's before, and now that's all I wanted to do.

I was getting desperate, and I just wanted to feel her skin against my fingertips-her smooth, beautiful, perfect tanned skin.

I began lightly tugging at the hem of her shirt, trying to let her know what I wanted. She wasn't sleeping yet, so I thought maybe it would be okay if I could just touch her skin for a second.

She glanced down at me with a confused look. "Mh? Need something?" She asked, moving my hair out of the way so she could see my eyes properly. I nodded and tugged her shirt again. "Amore. If you want something, you need to ask." She sighed.

I hesitated to speak. I wasn't sure if it would sound weird or if she would be mad that I asked. Maybe it was a bad idea. But there's no use in trying to get out of asking now. "M-may I put my hand under your... shirt?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking with nervousness. When she didn't answer straight away, I got worried and quickly added. "You... You can say no, I was just wondering... Sorry, it was stupid to ask.."

But she didn't scold me or look mad at all, which was a massive relief. "Yes, you may." She granted.

I smiled and slowly lifted the back of her shirt, only a little, just enough so my hand could go underneath. My cheeks went a little red when I felt her warm skin, it was a heavenly feeling that I never wanted to let go of.

I was smiling like an idiot while tracing patterns on her skin until my hand was just under her bra and the temptation was too high to ignore. "May I?" I asked softly, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

My eyes locked onto hers when she looked back down at me. "Be specific. May you what?" She said, taking her hand away from my hair and lifting my chin, making it so my head was no longer resting on her.

I took a deep, shaking breath before asking. "May I t-touch them?" I asked, closing my eyes, scared of what she'd say.

I felt her bring my face closer to hers and her hot breath against my neck near my ear. "Now, where are your manners? You know you won't get anything without a bit of begging first. Or do you think you deserve anything without earning it?" She whispered, her tone was teasing but also stern.

My eyes shot open at her words. "N-no... I do-don't think th... that. I-I'm sorry, mommy..." I said desperately quick while shaking my head, which turned out to be difficult when Ashley was gripping my chin.

Making Ashley mad would result in punishment, and I didn't want that right now. "Can... please... f-fuck mommy, please let m-me touch them... please, I'll do anything for you... a-anything." I begged while carefully taking her hand off my chin and kissing the palm of her hand.

"Please, Mommy?" I whispered, purposely looking up at her with puppy eyes while I kissed her palm and moved to the back of her hand.

Ashley glared at me for a second before nodding. "Since you begged so well, you may touch." She granted, moving her hand away from my mouth and back to my hair. God, I loved it when she played with my hair.

Now that I had her permission, I moved my hand closer to her bra and placed my thumb underneath, caressing gently. They were so soft, I fell in love, I swear. I knew I'd be asking her if I could do this again later.

I looked up again when Ashley moved her hand off my head. I saw her put her hand behind her, my eyebrows knitting in confusion as to what she may be doing. Then I felt her bra becoming looser around my thumb, and I realised what she'd done.

I moved my head up to kiss her, gently pressing my lips against hers. I guess she didn't like not being in full control because she held my head between her hands and made the soft kiss passionate and intense. She pressed her tongue against my lips, demanding entry, which I obviously gave by parting my lips a little. Her tongue invaded my mouth, I moaned softly against her lips as she explored every corner of my mouth. I let her have her way with my mouth, without resistance or protest.

She slowly pulled away and smirked. "You're such a good slut, letting me do whatever I want to you." She teased, kissing my jawline, earning a whimper from me before stopping her kissing assault and letting me move my head away again.

I was blushing like a maniac, but when I finally got my brain to start working again I realised what I had access to. I slowly moved my hand up until I was cupping her breast. It was perfect, everything about her was perfect, she was perfect. I caressed it lightly and felt her nipple harden under my touch, making me flustered. I can do that?

I smiled slightly, which caught Ashley's attention. "Does that make you happy?" She mocked, which I nodded as an answer, but refused to make eye contact. "Aw, that's fucking pathetic." She whispered, her tone still light and teasing. I moved my head so she couldn't see my face at all. "No, no, look at me."

Reluctantly, I looked back over at her, my cheeks bright red. "You're mean." I pouted.

"You liked it." She counted with a smirk while still playing with my hair. I was about to continue my protest, but she interrupted me. "Amore, my leg is between yours. You are as hard as a rock, don't even try." She was right, and it was fucking painful.

I frowned and pouted. "You're still mean," I mumbled, glaring at her.

She moved her hand down to grip my chin again. "Careful what you say." She warned. "You wouldn't want to get punished, would you?"

"So I don't even have the freedom of speech now?" I huffed, moving my hands down to her waist because it felt weird to keep holding her tit.

Ashley leaned up and kissed me slowly, really fucking slow, and I melted. Right when I had eagerly kissed her back, she pulled back and whispered. "Am I now?"

I wanted more, but she pulled away too early. I was enjoying that, and she decided to be mean. I frowned and glared at her before kissing her, wanting the feeling from the last kiss again. I placed my lips on hers firmly, and her head went back down onto the sofa pillows.

I didn't realise it, but I'd accidentally taken control, and I already knew Ashley didn't like when I did that. She pulled my face off hers. I whined, and she glared at me. Then and only then did it dawn on me what I did.

Oh, I fucked up.

My eyes widened, and I gently took her hand, kissing the back of her hand and up her arm. "I-I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry, mommy, I didn't m-mean to..." I whispered in between kisses that were a secret, desperate plea for forgiveness.

All my affection was only returned with a deathly glare. "I-i won't ever ev-ever do it a-again... p-please mommy..." I mumbled, my fear rapidly increasing. I knew I'd get punished for this, and I wasn't getting out of it no matter how much I begged and apologised, Ashley's glare made that clear.

She moved me off her lap and grabbed my shirt collar. She walked off, dragging me along behind her. She dragged me through the house and up the stairs. I tried to reason with her on the way to what I'm assuming was our bedroom.

"Y-you know that it wasn't intentional, right?" I chuckled nervously. "Babe, please..." which only made her yank me closer. "Fuck... mommy sorry..." I whimpered in slight pain from the fabric rubbing against the back of my neck.

I'd given up trying to reason with her because it clearly wasn't going to get me anywhere, and I focused on keeping up with her so my shirt wouldn't rub so much against my skin.

Eventually, we got all the way upstairs to our room, and she finally let go of my shirt. "M-"

"Knees, now," Ashley ordered, cold and demanding, interrupting me. I did as she said right away, with zero hesitation. I had my head down while I was trembling, but Ashley lifted my chin, and no matter how much I wanted to look away, she had an iron grip.

"From this point, you don't fucking speak unless spoken to, or you need to use your safeword." She hissed, looking at me with a glare that could kill full armies of men. "Understand?"

I nodded frantically, scared, but also really fucking turned on, but that's not something I'm ever gonna admit to anyone. Not voluntarily, at least. "Y-yes, Miss," I answered meekly, preparing to not say a word.

"Huh, I guess you were right; you don't have freedom of speech." She smirked, clearly enjoying this whole dynamic. "Strip and get on the bed." She ordered, her tone going back to cold as she let go of my chin.

She then walked off back to that drawer, and I knew what she was getting out. I also knew that things would be a lot worse if I didn't do exactly as she said, so I fidgeted and fumbled with the buttons of my shirt before moving onto the rest of my clothes and finally getting on the bed.

I could feel her eyes on me at all times. I knew she was watching my every move, probably to see if I fuck up again and need to be punished further.

I was restlessly sitting on the bed, fidgeting with the duvet, and looking down. I heard Ashley walk over before feeling something go over my head, and I realised she was putting a blindfold on me. My eyes widened in panic and my body tensed up. I didn't like where this was going.

Ashley stopped, froze, lifted my head, and looked into my eyes directly. She knew that something was off. "What's wrong?" She asked, knowing something was up.

I looked at her, my breathing turning into a practical pant. "No blindfold," I whispered.

"No blindfold?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't like it," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She nodded, tossing the blindfold to the side, and I felt like I could breathe normally again, or well, as normally as you can when your wife is about to punish you.

Ashley was glaring at me, trying to find if there was any self-doubt or longing to stop in my expression, which there wasn't. I gave her a tiny nod as a sign that she was allowed to continue since I was not permitted to speak.

"Are you sure?" She asked, slight concern showing in her tone as she looked at me with care.

I nodded. "Mhm, I'm sure." I was just glad she was listening to me and didn't get mad. I was too worried that if she put the blindfold on I'd have some sort of flashback, and I didn't want to risk it. Also, I didn't want to associate memories of Ashley with Blaire.

She looked at me for a few more seconds. "If you're sure, turn around, ass up." She ordered, saying the first bit with care, and she demanded the last bit, going back to her dominating nature.

I smiled slightly, although I was fucking terrified, but in a good way, like how a husband should be scared of his wife. I did as she said, I wanted to be a good boy and obey, I wanted her praise. I needed her praise after making her angry with me.

Her cold hands held onto my ass cheeks; her hands were as cold as her personality. I felt her slowly push something into my ass, feeling myself being stretched more than I thought was possible. It only took a second for my arms to give up supporting me, and my face fell into a pillow. I gripped the pillow and held it close to my face as I moaned and whined loudly into it.

Although I was trying too hard not to, I began to squirm a little, which annoyed Ashley, and she wrapped her arm around my waist, her hand travelling up my chest. She leaned down, her hand managing to reach my throat. "Be a good boy and sit still for mommy." She whispered, her tone hinting at a lingering power that she would forever hold over me. She gave my neck a gentle squeeze, and after I whimpered, she let go.

I was trying to catch my breath and stop my cheeks from burning brighter than hell when Ashley began to pound into me. I held onto that pillow for dear life as I cried lewd noises into it.

My wife was thrusting into me without mercy, hitting my prostate over and over. I wanted to cum. I needed to cum, but God knows I can't do that without permission. But how am I supposed to ask for her permission when I haven't been granted the reward of speaking freely? I couldn't even give her a look to tell her.

This was torture. How good it felt. How much I wanted her to continue. but I want allowed release.

I kept tapping my hand against the mattress until Ashley moved her hand above mine. "Aw, does my slut want to cum?" She teased, the pace she was fucking me at not showing to slow down in the slightest.

I nodded frantically. "I... I- I n-need..." I tried to speak, but every time I uttered a word, she would pound into me again, and I'd be interrupted by my own needy whimpers.

"Since you obeyed and were quiet, I'll allow you to cum." She granted. My eyes rolled back in pleasure, the feeling of being allowed to cum after so long of trying not to was overwhelming. Ashley relentlessly slammed into me as I came over the bedsheets.

Finally, she slowed down and pulled the dildo out of my ass, letting me fall to the side onto the bed. I closed my eyes as I panted, desperate to catch my breath again.

I made grabby hands towards my teddy bear. Ashley got up and grabbed the bear while letting out a small chuckle. "Are you gonna try to take control again?" Her tone shifted to a more serious one.

I pouted and shook my head. "No, mommy, I'm sorry," I mumbled, trying to reach for the bear, but my body was numb. "Please, Mommy," I whined.

Smiling, she handed over the teddy to me, which I clung to immediately. Ashley sat on the bed next to me, and I rested my head on her lap as she played with my hair until we both fell asleep.

Someone told me to do pegging again so yeah.

Word count: 4176 (it was a dare)

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