When The Canary Sings

By r_regina_lynn

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Becca Blue is known around District 12 as many things. She is mostly known as the songbird, because of her pe... More

~Cast List~
Part 1
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
Cross My Heart
A Crown of Stars, and a Song of the Moon
A Hint of Betrayal
Caesar Flickerman and a Sad, Sad Song
How's It Going, Handsome?
People in the Pockets
Eyes of Stone, Skin of Stone
Paying The Ferryman
They Ain't Letting The Runt Girl Win
In Another Life.
Cannons of the Canary
They Let The Runt Girl Win (That's my Kid!)
I Become Crowned Victor of Panem
Part II
Melodies in the Wind
Regular Lemonade
And Haymitch Wasn't There To Yell
Down In The Valley-O!
I've Seen The Light
Whitest of Roses
There's Our Girl!
Way Hay, Up She Rises
I Bid You Adieu.
Dead or Ashamed?
Polka Dots
Kindness is a Fickle Thing
You'll See Me Again

My Bright Red Face

931 34 70
By r_regina_lynn

First Person: Becca Blue: 

"Wakey, wakey," a voice rang out. How familiar those words were, seemingly harmless, but as sharp as a dagger, reminding me of when Chip said it. I opened my eyes, unsure if the voice taunting me was a nightmare or not.

I found Will kneeling on the edge of my bed, bouncing up and down. His clothes were covered in soot.

"Will." I groan, throwing an extra pillow at his soot covered face. "The sun hasn't even woken up yet. Plus, you're covered in coal dust and soot. What do you want?"

"I want to sleep, and your house is closer to town than the Seam." He shrugged. "Can I?" I groaned, knowing I'd need to wash my sheets again. But how could I say no to one of my best friends? I know he was tired, because of the victors visiting, he and all the other sweepers had to take extra shifts sweeping up and washing away all the coal dust.

I groaned but pulled open the covers and made a spot for him next to me. He shook off his broken shoes and leaped into the spot I had made him.

"Do you know what day it is?" He asked, staring at my ceiling.

"It's not day. You should never be awake before the sun. She's supposed to be the first one awake." I groan, turning round to face the soot-covered boy in my bed.

"Yeah, well too bad." He mumbled. "Today's show day," he said in a sing-song voice, and I chuckled, hitting him with a pillow.

"Sleep so you're not tired. I don't want you passing out in front of all of Panem because you can't handle a big audience." I mumbled, and he flung his arms over at me, I chuckled and started playing with his hair, and just like that, he was out like a light.

The next time I woke up, Will was practically hanging on me, I didn't mind though. What I did mind was the sun gleaming in my eyes through the window, and the talking downstairs.

"Good mornin', Mrs. Blue." I heard Haymitch greet my grandmother from downstairs, and I sprang out of bed. "Mind if I steal Becca for a bit? The victors'll be here soon." He said, and I could hear my grandma agree and offer him tea or coffee. She had been up for hours, like usual, making candy at the stove. Making something.

When I said no one should be up before the sun, Mamaw was exempted from that rule.

"Go up and get her, she should be awake by now." Mamaw said, and I immediately sprang up, Will sat up after me.

"You gotta go." I said, ripping the covers off him. He looked at me groggily. "I'll see you soon. Or you can just follow me from a distance, but bye!" I said in a hushed tone. He just smirked tiredly.

"Yeah, see ya later," he mumbled.

"You know, I could have not told you, and then you'd be dead." I retaliated, grabbing his hands and pulling him out of my bed. 

"Why?" Will drawls, taking a step closer to me. We were practically chest to chest, so I had no choice but to look up into the boy's sky-blue eyes.

"Cause Haymitch would kill you for sleeping in my bed." I said, crossing my arms. "Now scat before he really does kill you."

"Fine, fine, but just know I ain't scared of no drunk," He drawled with a yawn, but three taps at my door were enough to send him practically jumping out of my window.

But before he left, he left a sleepy, messy kiss on my cheek that was enough to turn my whole body bright red. Enough to send butterflies rippling through my stomach and trembles down my spine. Stupid flirt, I thought, stupid stupid!

"Huh? Uh, who is it?" I stuttered as I watched him run from Victor's Village, I pretended to make my voice tired. The shakiness of my voice completely betrayed my act. 

"Kid, you're not up yet?" Haymitch said, "the victors are supposed to be here in like, two hours."

"You sound like Effie."

"Get up, or I come in there and drag you out."

"You're not my dad," I mumble, walking to my drawers and looking for something nice to wear.

"Yeah, I only kept you alive in a huge death game." He grumbled, and I wonder how he even heard me. 

"Alright, I'm coming, daaadddd," I laughed, drawing out the word 'dad.' I could hear his grumbles as he walked down the stairs.

I picked out a blue and white checkered dress with puff short sleeves. It reached just below my knees. I rolled my hair into two low pigtails, and then I tied a thin light blue ribbon around each. I slid my boots on and grabbed my guitar case, and the tambourine that Mr. Amber had gifted me a few weeks back. The day Will kissed me on the cheek.

I walked downstairs, ready to go to find Mamaw and Haymitch sitting at the kitchen table chatting over coffee.

"Mornin'" I greeted, walking into the kitchen and setting my instruments down by the entrance way.

"Hello, dear," Mamaw greeted, her voice sweet like sugar. I walked over and took an apple from the counter. I bent down and she gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "Oh, oh, oh, voices last night, talking, voices." She mumbled, and obviously, I knew what she was talking about. She was talking about when Will came in, although I didn't imagine she'd be up. Haymitch raised his eyebrow and shot me a look that I pretended I didn't see.

"Maybe it was me, I have a lotta nightmares. I might've been talkin' again." I said, playing it off. Mamaw gave me a knowing glance, and mouthed the word 'Will.' I laughed it off, but nothing got past Mamaw. Not the talking, not the window hopping, and definitely not the pink blush that dusted my cheeks.

"Okay," She shrugged, going back to her plate. "Here, pancakes. Eat and I'll re-tie your ribbons."

I chuckled and sat down, letting her tie my ribbons as I ate the warm pancakes. Mamaw ended up redoing the rolls and the ribbons.

"Lookin' a little red there, kid," Haymitch comments, and I continue staring at my pancakes. 

"It was hot in my room," I mumble, and he makes a noise that is in between a scoff and a laugh. 

"How beautiful!" She gushed, "why the dirt on your face?" She asked, using her thumbs to brush my cheeks.

"Mamaw, they're freckles," I laugh, pulling my face away.

"How beautiful! Summer freckles, oh, yes, yes." She gushed, "all the boys love it. That Will, he won't be able to take his eyes off you!" My cheeks tinted, and I laughed, I heard Haymitch scoff behind me.

"I'll keep them three feet apart for ya," He teased, taking a sip of his black coffee. Mamaw smiled and nodded. Then looked back at me and gave me a knowing smile and a wink.

I wondered why he cared so much sometimes, but then I remembered it was Haymitch. Even though he seemed like your common stupid drunk, he was much more when you get to know him. Everyone else is playing checkers and he plays chess. Everything he does or says has an ulterior motive.

When the clock hit 12, Haymitch practically dragged me out the door. I took my guitar, and my new tambourine, and we started the trek to the train station.

As we walked, I pulled the tambourine out and shook it each step we took. I banged it on my hip, and then hit my hand, creating music. Haymitch chuckled and drank from his flask. You could hear us walking from a mile away.

At one point, I turned around to see Will, silently stalking us as we walked. He gave me a wink and a smirk. He then took an apple and tossed it towards Haymitch. It landed just a few feet behind him. I bit back a laugh.

"What?" Haymitch asked, sipping from his flask.

"Nothing." I replied, swallowing my laughs. "How many people are coming?" I asked, "shouldn't I be practicing right now?"

"Oh, with Will?" Haymitch snickered, "you know you oughta be staying away from that boy." He laughed, taking another long drag from his flask.

"Why?" I asked, "you oughta be stayin' away from drinkin' at noon." I retaliated, and he just chuckled.

"Cause I don't like that kid," he said, "too..." he paused himself, and then just shrugged. He looked over at me and raised his eyebrow. "All the victors are coming here. You think I wanna be sober?" He chuckled, answering my advice.

"Why? Do y'all not get along well?" I ask, I could totally picture Haymitch not liking Gloss or Brutus. "Or do you just not want to be Sober for my show?"

"I've heard the songs a million times over."

"Not the new ones," I say, shaking the tambourine right in his face. Haymitch just chuckles. "Also–I just thought of this. What are they doing until the show starts? If they're coming now, and the show starts at seven, that's like...a long time."

"The victors?" He asked, "they won't be here till an hour before the show." He said.

"Huh?" I asked, "but you said twelve. They were coming at twelve." I looked up at him confused. "You woke me up way too early for nothing!" I complained, throwing my head back and stopping in my tracks. Haymitch looked back and laughed.

"C'mon kid, just follow me." He said. I looked into the sky for a few more seconds, then went back to following my mentor. I looked back to find Will, behind us, but following us.

I followed Haymitch until he led us into town.

And what a sight it was.

The stage that was usually a solemn place to be was all decorated. There were two microphones set up, and a table in the back for our instruments. The camera crews from the Capitol were already here, setting up. They were not only setting up cameras, but spotlights and tables and chairs.

A huge part of the town square was sectioned off as a dance floor, and there were tall tables set up in the back so people could sit down. I assumed they were for the victors. I knew everyone from the district would be dancing.

The citizens of Twelve were also doing their part. I was partially worried that there would be tension, but everyone looked happy to help and set up. I watched as the baker's sons stocked up a huge table with free pastries.

The coal miners had the day off, so as some passed, they thanked me for getting them the day off. I smiled and replied with, "just show up tonight and dance your boots off." I was excited to show off the true spirit of District 12.

I was tired of everyone seeing us as the solemn, starved losers of Panem. Really, we were people who carried songs and stories. Each of us to our own.

"Did you do all of this?" I asked, looking around the decorated square, "This is what it looked like when I came home." I say, almost breathlessly. I watched as the old woman who ran the flower shop decorated the tables with arrays of flowers.

"Me? No, I was the one who convinced the victors to come." He laughed.

"Did they not wanna come?" I asked, turning to him and looking up.

"Originally, Snow wanted it in the Capitol. But I think it's too early for you to go back there. So we compromised. The victors come down, and it gets televised for the Capitol." Haymitch explained, "the victors were more than happy to come here rather than the Capitol."

"Why?" I asked, feeling like an idiot at the moment. "I mean I get it, but–"

"No, kiddo," he sighed, he looked down and there was an unreadable emotion in his eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug, cradling my head. "I hope you never get it."

I wanted to ask if he was okay, but no words escaped my lips. What does he mean by never get it? Instead of ruining the embrace with my questions, I just sank into it, leaning my head against his chest.

"So how 'bout you give me a run down on everyone who's comin'?" I ask as Haymitch pulls away from the hug. I hear him chuckle.

"A run down?" He asks, looking down.

"Yeah. I have no clue who's coming or not, I have no clue what any of the victors are off screen, and tonight, they'll be off screen. All cameras'll be on the stage." I explain, "plus I wanna make sure I don't have anything in the songs that might trigger someone."

"That's sweet of you, kid," he smiles, we walk over to the stage and sit on the edge, letting our feet dangle. We look out into the square where in a few hours, the whole town will be dancing.

We stayed like that for a while, just sitting in silence and basking in the sun. At this point, Will had gone off somewhere.

"Well, I told you the most notable victors will be coming in tonight. They were handpicked from Snow, so obviously, the ones he likes. It's about two, three or four from each district." He said, "from District One, Cashmere and Gloss–"

"Brother and sister." I say, looking at the clouds.

Haymitch laughs, "Mhm, and along with Augustus Braun."

"The Cavalier Career!" I say in mock astonishment, waving my hands in front of my face.

"District Two brings Brutus and Enobaria. District Three..." He pauses, and I catch him looking down at me, but I continue staring into the clouds. For a minute, I hear Chip's voice.

"There's a good boy for you back at home. I want you to find him, and live a long, long, long life with him. I want you to sing your heart out, I want you to have kids, and live the longest, happiest life."

"Brings Beetee and Wiress, both good folk." He says, finding his voice again. I don't dare look at him, but I think he can already sense the heartache in my chest and the tears pooling in my eyes. "I don't know if they know much about music, but I guess you'll have to teach 'em. They know just about everything else, though."

"District Four you already know, I'm sure. Finnick, Annie, Mags." I manage to smile.

"Finnick and Annie. They like each other right?" I ask, "I see why, Finnick's a real looker." I chuckle.

"I'll tell 'em you said that."

I whip my head around and push him. "No!" I yell, "stop it!"

"Why? He's taking your head off that dirty boy." He laughs, a deep cackle laugh.

"Will ain't dirty! He's just fine. And we are just friends." I say, not really telling a lie. In truth, we were more than friends, but we weren't dating. We were just...something? Best friends. Yes! That's it. Best friends. Haymitch laughed, and went on telling me all the victors that were coming. I was most excited for the victors from Ten and Eleven because in Haymitch's words, they knew how to party. In my words, that means they know how to pick up a beat and dance, but in my eyes, anyone can do that.

After another hour on the stage, Haymitch left to go talk to the mayor, who was currently freaking out over the preparations. I took this time to make a mad dash home and grab a basketful of the candy Mamaw had made this morning to give to the victors. Two for each.

When I got it, I made my way back into town, the town that was starting to fill up with excited townsfolk. I waved hello and smiled as I kept my eyes peeled for Will.

Suddenly, I felt an arm sling around me, and I looked over to see a familiar head of blonde curls.

"You're covered in soot again," I tease, using my thumb to wipe a bit off his cheek. He smirks and shrinks in on himself, and I don't miss the blush that dusts his cheeks. I was just defending him.

"C'mon," Will smiled, taking my hand.

"Where? I can't, I have to meet the victors–"

"That's at seven." He said, "We have the whole day, it's only," Will pauses, looking at the town clock. "One thirty. Now let's go." He says, tugging my hand, and I reluctantly follow him.

Will drags me all the way to the Seam, and we slither through the turned off electric fence. We walked out to the meadow and sat down in the tall grass, our bodies hidden by the tall wildflowers.

Will stayed sitting while I laid my head in his lap. I stared at the clouds, both of us stayed in a comfortable silence.

"I'm glad you're doing this with me," I say, breaking our silence. He looks down and just smiles, and starts playing with my hair. And almost as if his presence soothed me, I fell fast asleep.

When I woke up, the sun was lower in the sky, and Will was laying flat in the grass. I sprang up and shook him awake. He startled up, and without any words, we broke off running. We practically jumped through the electric fence, and ran through the almost deserted Seam. Trying to hide the forming bruises and the streaks of girl from falling as we ran. 

"What time is it?!" Will said, running up to a poor woman walking with a few of her kids.

"Six thirty," the woman replied, and Will turned to me, and we kept running. We stopped by my old house to pick up the guitar, tambourine, mandolin, and the basket of candies we had left there.

"Go! Go!" We yelled at each other, laughing as we bolted down the street. I heard comments like 'there's the stars!' from people walking to the square, but I brushed them off.

We ran and ran, our instruments clanging as we finally made it into town, where a totally pissed Haymitch was pacing around. I told Will to sneak up to the stage and pretend he's been there the whole time. He snuck away, and I walked up to Haymitch, still out of breath.

"Hey, Haymitch," I breathe, and he immediately turned around. "Sorry, I fell asleep." His eyes scanned my body, and then pulled me in for a hug. I look a mess, I'm sweating, out of breath, and look like i've been attacked. 

"Damnit, kid," he muttered, "you know we have like fifteen minutes before the first train comes in, right?" He says, eyeing me up and down.

"I know, but let's go," I say, and I confidently walk towards the station, willing my hands to stop shaking and for my breath to come back to my lungs. 

Haymitch walked behind me until we reached the station. Slowly, I got my breath back, and I turned around to see Will walking behind us once again.

"I thought you said that boy wasn't dirty?" Haymitch asked, and I could hear the grin on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Not dirty!" I protested, defending Will and standing my ground.

"Care to explain the soot on your neck?" He asked, and I huffed and walked faster. "Your ears are as red as a cherry, kid! Nothing gets past me!" Haymitch shouted, walking to catch up to me.

We climb the stairs to the platform, and just like clockwork, the first train pulls into the station. The doors slide open with a hiss that sends me back to my games.



A tall man with dark brown skin steps off the train first. His face is scarred, and his one arm is a stump. He ignores me and practically dives for Haymitch. A woman stepped off the strain, younger and shorter, but she looked kind. Behind her, an old man steps off, he wears a cap that reminds me of the boys in the posters.

"So you must be the famous Becca Blue," The man says, and Hyamitch is probably the happiest I've ever seen him.

"Becca, this is Chaff and Seeder." Haymitch says, and I stick out my left hand, which he gladly takes. I make sure not to stare at the lack-of-arm. I shake Seeders, and she smiles sweetly. "This is Kev Colzenack. He won the thirteenth game." He says, and I look over to him. The man gently takes my hand and smiles."I'm your mentor's best friend," Chaff says, looking at me, "I was with him when you won." He said.

"Wow," I say, not really knowing how to respond. I had each of them a piece of candy, and told them where to find the square.

The time passes as each district pulls in, each almost exactly five minutes apart. District Ten brings three victors, Nine brings four, Eight brings two, and Seven brings two.

"Johanna Mason." She says, looking me up and down. I try not to squirm under her gaze.

"Hi," was all I could get out. I reach into my basket and hand her a green piece of candy, she takes it and pops it into her mouth.

"Thanks for getting me outta the Capitol, kid," she smirks, and then walks off. Haymitch puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't let her get under yer skin. She's a tough nut to crack, but once you do, she's nothing but a kid." Haymitch whispers, and I nod. I watch her walk away, thinking too much over her words.

"Thanks for getting me outta the Capitol, kid."

I guess I don't get why no one wants to be there.

"I hope you never get it."

I continued to make small talk with the victors as each of them stepped off the train. After District Six brough the mostly out-of-it victors, the trains stopped for fuel. I peeked my head around the corner and watched as the victors talked to each other. Maybe this night wouldn't be as awkward as I thought.

I watched as my old neighbors from the Seam, and the people from town slowly filled the square. All their moods brightened when they got to the square. I watched as little kids shook the hands of Johanna Mason and hugged Chaff and Seeder. I walked back to Haymitch when I heard the distant rumble of a train.

"Hey there," Will said behind me. I smiled and Haymitch rolled his eyes.

"Scramm, kid, this isn't about you." He said, half-sarcastically.

"Technically, it's not about you either." He says, "it's about Becca."

"Yeah, Haymitch," I say in a deep voice meant to mock him. Haymitch throws his hands up in annoyance and defeat. Will stands next to me, but is moved when Haymitch places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him away. I turn around and shoot him a quick look, but the train pulls in, blowing my hair in my face, and I turn around.

The three victors from Five were quiet, but kind. All of them were older, two women and one man. I gave them a piece of red candy, and they walked off.

"Hey, guess who's next?" Haymitch asks in a teasing tone. "I'll give you a hint. He's much better looking than this runt here." He teases, gesturing to an offended Will with his thumb.

"No one's better lookin' than me,'' he boasts, popping the collar of his clean white button up. "Right, Becca?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Will you two shut up?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"That's what you were saying that night when I–" fell outta your window. Will started to say when I cut him off by slapping his arm. I could see Haymitch raise a brow, actually, I think he raised both so high they reached his hairline.  Great job, Will, now you made it sound a million times worse then it actually was. Plus, if he sees any of the bruises I got from falling when we were running, oh boy your screwed. He's gonna think they're hickeys, and Will is definitely dead. Haymitch opened his mouth to say something, but the next train pulled in.

Sammie Shippe. She was their tribute.

I killed all of these people's tributes.

Sammie, Valor, Camilla, Trixie, Chip...

Oh, Chip.

The door slid open, and the first one who stepped off the platform was an older woman. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. A big smile graced her face as she stepped forward, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. She mumbled things into my ear, which I pretended to hear.

"Becca, meet Mags Flannigan. Winner of the eleventh games." Haymitch says, Mags pulls away from me and cups my face in her hands. She stares deep into my eyes, and I look back, oddly comforted. She starts mumbling something.

Eleventh games.

Lucy Gray won the tenth. Maybe this is why she's making such a big deal. I'm bringing back someone from her past. Someone long forgotten.

I think about the shock she must have felt when I sang Lucy Gray's ballad for all of Panem. Surely she thought I'd be dead before I even got into the games.

I'll have to ask later.

Mags looks at me and nods, as if she can read my mind. She opens her mouth, but my eye is caught by something red.

Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair come walking out of the train.

"Well, look who shows up!" Haymitch laughs, "what were you doing in there?" He smirks, and Finnick grins a big grin that shows off his perfectly placed dimples. The only thing I can think is this man was molded by God himself.

I remember listening to the girls talk in school. Saying how they could treat him better than anyone else in the world. How if he came to Twelve just once, they could make him fall in love with them.

Will catches me staring, because he leans into my ear. "I have dimples too. And blonde curls." He whispers, but one look from Haymitch makes him straighten up.

"Hello." I say to Annie as Haymitch is talking all hush-hush with Finnick. "Look, we're twins!" I say, holding up a strand of my curly red hair. "Kind of, I guess. We both have the waves." I laugh, she laughs too.

"Mhm," she says softly, "you're the songbird, right?" She asks, her voice so quiet, I have to read her lips a little bit.

"That's me," I smile. I reach into my basket and pull out a circular piece of blue candy, then I pull out a second, third, and fourth. "Here." I say, handing her two of the candies. I hand one to Mags, and save the last for Finnick. "You can have two."

"Thank you." She says, analyzing it.

"It's no Capitol candy, although I think my Mamaw used flavoring from the, so I guess it might be? I mean, it was made here. Me and my Mamaw used to sell it. It's real good, but it stains your tongue." I rambled, "I would give you green, to match your eyes and all, but I wanted to save green for District Three."

"Blue is nice." Annie says, unwrapping it and putting it in her mouth. Will tries to reach into the basket, but I swat his hand away. "Blue like the ocean."

"I would like to see the ocean." I say, Annie looks up with startled eyes.

"When you come on the victory tour, Finnick and I will take you." Annie smiles.

"Can I come?" Will smirks, looking at Annie with puppy-dog eyes. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Who is this?" Annie asks, "Is this the boy from the newspapers?" She asks, "The Capitol likes you two."

"I'm her boyfriend," Will says in a sing-song voice. I whip my head around and roll my eyes.

"Stop telling everyone that!" I scold, and Annie laughs. For a second, I thought she was crying, but as soon as she laughed, Finnick looked over and took her hand in his. Annie whispered something in his ear, and he looked at me and Will, an amused smirk growing on his face. Haymitch was now too busy talking to Mags to notice.

"And you're the girl who can pack a punch?" He asks, mocking Caesar's words from the interview.

"That's a mouthful," I repeat, "but yeah, that's me." I smile, holding out the piece of blue candy.

"Hey, I wanna meet that kid," Finnick laughs, "all of Panem hates him. He's known as the boy who assaulted the victor."

"Before I was a victor." I add.

"You can find 'em in the bottom of the mines." Will says, and this makes me giggle.

I hand Finnick his piece of candy. He looks at it for a second, then he takes the candy, and then brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckles.  I hear Will scoff next to me and shuffle closer. I really hope I didn't blush.

After that, he said one last thing to Haymitch and then walked off, hand in hand with Annie. Mags followed, a big smile on her face. Once they were gone, I looked over to a huffing-and-puffing Will.

"He kissed my hand!" I gushed, a smirk on my face. I knew what I was doing. Will scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"He's too old, I'm right here, and I look just like him!" He argues.

"You better step up your game, Romeo," Haymitch says behind us. A train horn blows somewhere in the distance, signifying the next train. The train that would be holding the victors from Three.

Three... How could a word, a train horn ruin my mood? So fast!

"Haymitch, I don't feel good," I say, I killed their tribute, I killed a tribute from Four, Three, Two and One.

Three? Three were my allies. Three saved me when they could have left me for dead. Three saved me from a fall that should have killed me. Three was my first kiss. Three saved me when I could have frozen to death.

"Hey, hey," Haymitch says, placing his hands on my shoulder, Will turns around and places his hand on my back. I can see Haymitch's glare, but Will doesn't move. "The victors, they understand. Trust me. It's the rules of the game. No one has hurt feelings. You'll be okay." He says, and I nod. Will pulls me into a hug, and as the train pulls up, I brace for impact as my knees start to shake. "They know you played the game, just like everyone else did. No hard feelings."

Beetee and Wiress step off and smile. They said their hellos to Haymitch and walked right up to me.

"Thank you.'' I blurt out. "So much." Will's hands are still on my back. 

"No, thank you," Wiress says gently. Beetee nods. Wiress gives me a hug, and Beetee gives me a handshake. Then, they leave.

The victors from One and Two came shortly after. They talked to Haymitch a bit, and then shook my hand. Enobaria practically snarled at Will which almost made me choke on my own spit.

"Alright you two." Haymitch says once all the victors are gone. "Here are the rules. Camera's are already on, just gathering some footage before the party." He says, "three feet apart the whole time, I'm looking at you, Odair wannabe." Haymitch remarks, and Will feigns offense. "People are already drinking, so this should be an easy show. Just stay away from any songs that might anger the Capitol, okay? Wait till the cameras cut and do an encore before the cameras can get back and running again."

"Yeah, alright," I say, brushing him off. Haymitch scoffs and rolls his eyes. He gives us both a pat on the shoulder and walks off.

"Three feet apart!" Is the last thing I hear before Hyamitch rounds the corner and steps into the square. As soon as he's gone, Will and I burst into laughs. We double over, and for a minute, I forget what we're laughing at.

"I guess we forgot to tell him about the multitude of love songs we're singing tonight!" Will laughs, I see him rub his eyes.

"Well, I guess we'll have to sing them three feet apart!" I cackle, throwing my head back.

"Eh," he shrugs. He picks up his mandolin, and we start walking to "backstage" which was really a few long pieces of fabric hung in a square, giving us a small room of privacy.

I picked up my black guitar and strummed it nervously. Black guitar was my home guitar, it stayed with me and has lived in 12 for ages. The White guitar was for the Capitol. It was new and shiny and just like the Capitol. I continued to pick at the strings nervously, and Will seemed to be doing the same thing with his mandolin.

"Hey," I said, "you have soot on your face," I say, trying to calm both our nerves. It's not like the whole world would be watching this. I reached up and rubbed it away with my hand.

"Hey!" He yelped, jumping back. "It's for good luck!" He smirked proudly, and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Why don't I get good luck?" I fake pouted, crossing my arms.

"Fine. I guess I'll share." He groaned, and he took his thumb and wiped it down my arm.

"Perfect!" I smiled, his hand lingered on my arm, and my gaze lingered on his face, but suddenly, the curtain was ripped open, and we jumped backwards. Standing at the door was a smirking Finnick Odair, Annie behind him.

"Haymitch told me to tell you three feet apart." He smirked, "guess I came at the perfect time." He said, he gave us a wink and spun around. "Oh! Also cameras are on." He said, and then left.

Will and I didn't look at each other at all, trying to hide our bright red faces. If I've felt awkward before, I am definitely feeling it now.

We both peaked our heads out of the curtain, and looked into the crowd. The victors were all talking to each other, and the citizens of Twelve were all staring at the stage, and already dancing.

"Showtime." Will said, picking up his mandolin. I picked up my guitar and tambourine, we both took deep breaths, and walked out of our room.

"Showtime." I repeated. 


Hey yall!

Sorry for the late update! I had a six hour track meet and I had to be at school at seven in the morning lol (meaning I woke up at 5:45 on a Saturday.)

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next few chapters will be centered aorund the little show we have going on here!  

I wonder what is gonna go down? Nothing angsty I hope! But then again, a party ain't no party without a good fight! 

Just kidding!

Love yall! 



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