Secrets Behind Their Eyes: Gu...

By fancy_marshmallow

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This a new set of stories. Before I continue with my story, I want to take a moment to explain this next part... More

Chapter 1 The Night After
Chapter 2 Heartbroken Memories ~ Riley
Chapter 3 Lead Me On ~ Drake
Chapter 4 & 5 Leo's Story
Chapter 6 Being King Is Challenging ~ Maxwell
Chapter 7 Family Trip ~ Drake
Chapter 8 Home Sweet Home ~ Riley
Chapter 9 Going Back Home ~ Maggie
Chapter 11 Coronation of Maxwell Beaumont
Chapters 12, 13 and 14
Chapters 15 and 16
Chapter 17 Some Things Never Change.

Chapter 10 Family Drama ~ Riley

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By fancy_marshmallow

Recap: Riley's parents just told her that they want to move to Florida and take her son Henry with them.

Riley- Actually, I have some news I need to share. I have been offered another job in Cordonia.

Elma- Oh? What is it?

Riley- The job is being the Chancellor, basically I will be over all administration of the kingdom and management of legal affairs. I'll also keep my position as council.

Ryan- It sounds like an important job, are you sure you want to stay there? And take on more responsibility?

Riley- Yes! I've basically been doing these jobs since Maxwell has become King, now I have the title. Which brings me to my next news. Maxwell and I have decided that once I return to Cordonia that he and I are going to have a long talk and see if we can work out our problems and be together.

Elma- Oh my, Riley that's great news! I know how much you love Maxwell.

Ryan- What about Henry?

Riley- I told Maxwell about him and he understands why I kept him a secret.

Elma- Maxwell is very understanding. I knew he would get why you had to put Henry first.

Riley- And I always will.

*Riley takes a deep breath and starts on her next bit of news.

Riley-> "There is something that I want to discuss about Henry. I know you want to take him to Florida, but I'd like to take him back with me to Cordonia." Ryan-> "What?!" Elma-> "Oh Riley, that's a bad idea. People may not understand why you kept Henry a secret and accuse you of lying. Not to mention that they may think he's Liam's kid."

Riley-> "Liam is dead, his followers are few. I am going to hire several guards of my own and the best Nanny for Henry and Maxwell's daughter Annabelle. This is what I want and I've already talked to Henry, he wants to come with me. And the Cordonian people will understand why I kept him away." Elma-> "I can't believe this! You're gonna put him in danger!! And all for what?! So you can indulge in a fling?!"

Riley-> "I'd like you and daddy to come too! And I will make sure that you all are protected." Ryan-> "With my help, that wouldn't be impossible. I think we should consider it. We want to move away from here anyways! Aisha is in college, she'd love to come to a royal college."

Elma-> "I can't believe that you are actually considering this!!!! This is outrageous! To take a boy from the only family he has ever known and subject him to public royal life?!?! Girl what are you thinking??!?! Or maybe I should ask what are you thinking with?!" Riley-> "Point check, you've gone too far!! Henry is MY son. I had to keep him here away from Liam!" Elma-> "Yeah and let's not talk about that trainwreck. Having an affair with a married man?!"

Ryan-> "Elma, let's not bring up the past. All of that is over with. Let's move forward. Riley are you really wanting this?" Riley-> "Yes daddy, I am. I want us all to be together. We won't be living at the palace. We can have our own private home away from all the glitter and gold." Ryan-> "Sounds like you've already got your mind made up. If you want this, I'll stand with you. I'll help in any way that I can. Moving there will certainly be an adventure! What ya say Elma?"

**Elma thinks for a moment, the worry across her face is so heartbreaking. She fears what the palace life will do to them all.

Elma-> "If this is what you want, I see no point in stopping you. I am NOT happy about it, but I can't let Henry be given away to wolves. Henry is my priority and as long as I'm ALIVE I will protect him. I'll go, but just know this, If anything happens to any of us, I'll never forgive you!!"

**Looks like the family will be moving to Cordonia over the next week. Elma hasn't said much to Riley. Ryan takes Henry ice fishing and Elma and Riley try to rebuild their relationship, but it's not going very well. And Riley decides to get a new hairdo. They break the news to Riley's sister, Aisha and she can't wait to move.

The weekend arrives and they have almost finished packing up all their stuff to take to Cordonia. Maxwell has bought them a place to live near him. Guards are in place and Maxwell has hired 2 nanny's. Things seem to be falling into place. Elma is still worried and stressed about being there. The rest of them are happy and excited for this new journey, but will it last??**

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