~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

967 57 2

The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~

~The Fight~

19 4 0
By Cyrilwolf

What a disaster the night was, the whole plan was ruined due to some critical inconvenience that almost got most questioning about tonight. Back in the tower, Asmodeus and Filimena were inside the office. Asmodeus paced back and forth around the room, furious by the situation.

"Asmodeus! I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me!"

Filimena tried to explain to him, but by the look of how things are now, it wasn't a good sign for Asmodeus.

"The whole thing had to be cancelled, people are now asking me questions, and I might have to deal with all this controversy about Mammon. What in the world has gotten into you! Do you not understand how this will effect everything! Now what the hell got you into this mess?"

"I swear, Ozzie, It was an accident, I-I don't know what came over me, h-he wouldn't give me the necklace and I tried to get it from him for stealing..And then, it all happened so fast."

"The..Necklace..All this for a necklace! Fei, Don't you realize what you did, you brutally attacked one of the lords, in front of everyone in the club! You almost gave people panic attacks from the outburst. Do you not understand how now I'm going to be dealing with everyone asking so many questions due to your actions."

"Ozzie, please, I swear, it was a mistake, I didn't mean for it to happen, the necklace was important to me, it was what you gave to me. I couldn't stop my actions, I don't know what's wrong with me."

Filimena was trying to defend herself, but all the guilt she faced wasn't helping her at all, Asmodeus looks at her in disappoint.

"Fei, I don't know what's gotten into you, I've noticed everyday you've acted so weird and distant with me, you couldn't give me a proper explanation as to why. So I'm not asking again, what's happening to you, what are you not telling me."

Filimena looks up at him, shivered in fear and her eyes water.

"I-I..I don't know okay! I've had to deal with something inside of me that I can't explain! I've seen horrible things happen to me, I can't tell you!"

Asmodeus held her in both shoulder, dragged her close to him.

"I'm not wasting anymore of this, I'm tired of dealing with not knowing about your situation, just tell me what's going on, I want to know now!"

He was pushing her, Filimena could see his eyes, she felt so much fear travel in her mind, she wanted to say something but she still couldn't tell him. She was trying to protect herself from revealing her secret.

"..I..I...I can't tell you, I just can't."

She shudders, Asmodeus was quiet for a moment, and he lets her go.

"I..See...You still couldn't tell me."

He then backs away for a moment, and looks out of the window, the sight of the city he sees, but his hurt expression wasn't going to help him, not this time. Filimena sees him, and tries to come up to him, but he raised his hand to stop her from getting close without saying anything.

"Don't...It's clear to me something's wrong, but, you're not telling me the whole story. Fei, you're hiding something, aren't you."

Filimena looked at her in worry. Asmodeus slowly turned around.

"The point of us being together was that you would be honest with me, and tell me anything, and you wouldn't keep anything from me. We're suppose to trust and tell each other truthfully, You know I love you, with all my heart, but..Lately I've only hear half truths and hidden things you couldn't tell me. I don't know what's going on with you, and you can't tell me the truth of what's really going on. Why can't you tell me the real reason you were always scared, terrified, and the look of yourself when something happened."

Asmodeus stares at her, Filimena couldn't speak further and only looks down.


"Tonight, I was real worried about you, it was the final straw where I need an explanation now, no more hiding, no more excuse, just..Talk to me."

Filimena felt her whole body shiver, and tear fall on her face. She didn't say anything, she's so scared to tell him, after awhile of silent treatment, Asmodeus sighs.

"I get it..Fei..There's nothing to be scared, but I can't keep doing this anymore. You can't let yourself hide like this, please...Tell me.."

Filimena took a few steps back, her heart was starting to hurt.

"..N-No...I can't tell you..I won't tell you."


"NO! You don't understand! I'm trying my best, I'm sorry, but I can't! It hurts for me to tell you because if I would...I..."

She suddenly collapsed down onto the floor.

"If..I do...You'll think of me differently, and I can't tell you.."

Asmodeus looks at her in shock, worried by the state of her. She was crying, covering her face with her hands, her hair hangs down against her face and her tail curls around her.

 "..Fei..You're not well..And I don't know what to say..I think we need to get you help."

"No no! They can't help me! I don't know what it is, but they can't help me!"

Asmodeus walks over to her, trying to calm her down, but then Filimena backs away in a panic.

"No! Get back! I don't want you to be dragged into my mess!"

"Fei, please calm down!"

Suddenly, Filimena gets up quickly and dashes out of the room to escape, Asmodeus ran after her."

"Filimena wait! Stop!"

He tries to get her, but she panicked and goes faster, running passed Fizzarolli when heading down the hallway, Fizz sees that, confused on what just happened. Filimena teleports herself away from the halls and went outside in a quick second. She's now outside of the city, trying to get away from everything. The individuals saw hey as she passes through them, Filimena just ran away, couldn't bother to know where she's going, she just wants to get away from everything.

Filimena ran so much longer than she would've thought, her legs hurt, but she couldn't stop. Eventually, she tripped onto something and fell on the ground. Filimena sobs when she slowly lifts her head up, her eyes water so much that they became red, and her hair was a mess from the wind. She had trouble breathing after all the crying, her chest hurts so much, she sits against a wall of a building next to her. She curls up into a ball and just only cries away her pain.

Filimena just couldn't take this anymore, after tonight, it was the final breakdown, after what happened, she knew she would never hurt anyone, but now, everyone will think different of her, she's afraid she won't be the same Filimena as she was before. This whole situation, she wants it to go away, she just couldn't handle it, or ignore it.

She didn't know how long she sat there, and how much time passed, but she didn't care. 

Meanwhile outside to the Lust Ring, a green flash of light spawns out brightly as a spirit, May, comes out from it to where Ozzie's was. She came for for Filimena, after having to pressure so much of finding out the solution to her problems, she knew coming to Ozzie's after the show would be best, she promise Filimena she'll do it when she's done. She heads inside, but then only to be stopped by the bodyguard. The bodyguard was a different demon as Jess wasn't the main focus this time after having to deal with other matters at the moment. He was Well built, but seems to have a temper.

"Woah there, you can't come in without a reservation or a date."

"Pardon me, I need to get inside, it's a very important thing I need to do for someone."

The bodyguard looks at her firmly.

"No date, no reservation, no entry, that's the rules here."

"Listen buddy, I don't have time for this, I am good buds with some in this place, and I must get in."

She kinda lied on that part, but she didn't have a choice to think of words. The bodyguard still didn't bother to let her pass. She knew by his look, she frowns in impatience.

"Listen...Ehh, I'll buy you a drink if let me in, I got some hard beverage to any choice! Here!"

She thinks quickly and spawns out a bottle, this was one of the strongest tasting alcohol beverages. The bottle was fancy with some small details to make it look unique from normal alcoholic bottles. It was clear, and shiny, the bodyguard looks at it, he hasn't seen this brand before, something urges him to give it a try.

He may be intimidating, but he seems to fall for it easily.

"Woah! That looks good, how much?"

He asked, May gave him a cheeky smirk.

"Eh, make it hundred dollars, these things are rare and you don't see them everyday."

Hundred dollars, jeez that much?"

"Hey, I can't be cheap with this you know."

She still plays along, still tries to lure him to take it. The bodyguard sighs and gave her a couple of hundred dollars. May gives him the bottle and was pretty intrigued to try it. He took a sip, but then after swallow the liquid, he suddenly felt his whole body shut down, he choked and then Collasped to the ground. May chuckles and grabs the bottle from him.

"Never trust a reaper sucker."

She said as she sneaks inside the restraunt. She enters in to see the whole place, but she notices the stage was completely empty, there were still some performers filling in the atmosphere, but other than that, nothing was on at the moment. May assumes the show's done, she teleported around the crowd, and sneaks her way inside the stage. She sees no one she was trying to look for, she comes across one of the actresses who was getting ready to perform.

The actress notices her there.

"Hey, you aren't suppose to be h err, it's a restricted work area.

She said, May was alert, but keeps calm by this.

"Oh yeah, I know, but I'm looking for someone, Filimena, I'm her cousin, do you have any idea where she is?"

The actress frowns a little, she seems pretty unease by that question.

"Oh, well, if it's the girl with pink aesthetics all over, she unfortunately had to be taken to the hospital after her meltdown."

May was a little shocked to hear, she didn't understand why or what happened, she made it on time to realize Filimena had something going on that led her to there.

"What happened? Is she alright?"

"Well, she was violently beating up a guest here, Mammon,  oh..It was terrible, I know being unhinged is always natural, but I know she's the sweetest here, wonder why she's like this. And Asmodeus had to take her himself, I could see how quite upset he was."

"Well, do you know where Filimena is?"

She shrugs.

"Probably back at Asmodeus's place."

She guesses, clearly showing no useful information to help her continue forward. But May heard enough and decided to look for Asmodeus, she had to warn him about the condition Filimena's in. She leaves the building and uses her scythe to teleport herself away from the area into a new part of the Ring.

May had limited powers, so she had to use them wisely. She teleports around rooftops of buildings, climbs on wires, and even jumps off in the air, floating around upwards and downwards. She doesn't have the best flying skills like Filimena had, but she at least didn't screw up while avoiding the buildings that are in her way. She searches everywhere in the city, not finding Filimena anywhere. She flies in the air to the tower while looking down, she searches everywhere until she saw something that glows pink. She looks closely to see who she was looking for. May flies down and teleports away, only to saw right in front of her.

This scared her when she came right in front of her.

"Oh! There you are! I've searched everywhere for you, I saw what happened at Ozzie's, everyone was crazy that most left for some reason. I tried to find you but you weren't there, the building wasn't much help. I knew I had to check the tower, while doing that, I've searched everything and I found you there, sitting like a bum, so tell me this, what the hell happen eh?"

Filimena looks up to see May in front of her, May saw her, noticed right away when she saw her face.

"Good lord, you look awful."

Filimena frowns.

"Well, anyway what happened? I thought there was a show going on, like we knew there was."

"The show's cancelled, I made a huge mistake...I assaulted a lord which caused us to close down early."

May was surprised to hear that.

"Shut up! You, bloody beat a lord up? who was it?"

Filimena sighs.


May gasped, surprised even.

"Holy crap! You really did it! but, why, what did he do?"

"For one, I dropped the necklace while performing, and then he somehow found it laying on the floor, thanks to his date finding it. I tried to get it back, but then, something..Inside me made me..Well, you know, cause a scene. Me and Asmodeus got into a fight, and I ran off. I..Don't know what to do now, I left without even thinking clearly, I'm too ashamed to talk to him, he wanted me to say something about my condition. I couldn't tell him, even how many times he tried to get it out of me."

Filimena lays her head down, sobs more, May kneels down.

"Fei, you need to stop hiding this, it's time to tell him what's really going on, this cannot go on for much longer."

"But I can't May! Don't you understand how bad it is, it's not easy."

May pats her shoulder and sits next to her.

"Hey, you can't let this thing get to you, don't you realize the more damage you'll do, it's only going to get worse. Asmodeus will understand if you just tell me."

Filimena goes silent, and sniffs.

"I know it's hard, but whatever it takes, just get it over with, you can't leave everyone hanging like this, or else they'll think you're crazy."

She then brings out her book.

"Well..There's still time, if we want to end this, it's better to do it."

Filimena sees her flipping through the pages.

"But..Will it work?"

"I'm sure it will, hopefully."

She gets up and looks down to her, grabs her hand to get her back up to her feet.

"Come on, let's finish this, after when this is over, you telling Asmodeus."

"But..What about the others? Won't they be worried about my absence? Oh, Asmodeus is worried, I left him! I should go back!"

"We'll deal with it later, now come on."

May floats up in the air, takes her by the hand to leave the city, but before Filimena could follow, her heart starts to hurt again, she starts to breath heavily, but in much pain she felt. May stops to hear her struggling and turns her head.

"Fei, you okay?"

She asked, but Filimena didn't reply as she collapsed onto her knees, choking. She suddenly starts coughing, and choking, May's brow raises up, showing a puzzled expression.

"Fei? W-What's the matter, talk to me?"

She screams in pain, and then black substance comes out of her mouth. May  sees this, terrified by the sight of her spitting out the ooze. disgusted that it was all over herself, even her hands. But she was filled with worry as Filimena cries in so much of the unbearable pain in her chest, clutching it tightly.

"Oh god, that's not good, uh, h-hold on a sec!"

She used her scythe to create magic to use for her. She tries blasting some on her chest, but it wasn't working, it creates even more pain, making her howl. May was anxious, she knew something's wrong.

"Oh, we better go back to Asmodeus!"

She said as she picks her up and creates a portal for the both of them to enter. She had to rush her out of the portal where they're back at the tower, she flies inside to get her help. As fast as possible to where the top floor was, Filimena was coughing, and the black ooze leaks from her lips,May looks at her, gagged by the smell but kept going, making sure she doesn't slip off. May soon made it over to the waiting room and puts her down there for a moment. She notices her chest which he makeup starting to wipe away, she takes a deep look to clean off the makeup off of her, realized that there was the black spread on her chest. She backed away, horrified by the sight. Filimena was in deep pain, and May noticed she was getting worse, she had to find Asmodeus. She soon her here to find him, urgently arrive to the office door.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were talking, until they both heard the door slam open. The two were startled to see May there in a panic. She was out of breath, but rushes over to them.

"Hey! I need help! It's Filimena! She's in terrible shape!"

Asmodeus hears this and got up from his chair quickly.

"What? What do you need, where's she?"

He comes close to May and searches around if Filimena was there with her.

"No! But I mean yes, she's at the waiting room, look there's no time to explain! Come on!"

May leads over Asmodeus and Fizzarolli outside of the office to the waiting room. There they found Filimena there, laying on the seat, crying in pain, the succubi saw her, horrified to see her like this, all were talking and even some trying to help. May shoves everyone away fro herself and the others to get some room.

Asmodeus saw her there, his eyes widen by the horror Filimena was in.

"Oh my god..Fei!"

He rushes over to her, Filimena coughs and was struggling to breath. The black ooze drips from her mouth, Fizz was grossed out from the aroma. Asmodeus picks her up and ran away with her for a place to help her in. Fizz and May both followed him from behind to his own bedroom.

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