Classroom of the Elite: POINT...

By 777_MasterOfNone

4.4K 316 102

Regardless of the bobbing and shaking of the bus, a thought comes into my mind. " What is sleep to you? " Th... More

Vol.1 Chapter 2 : S-system and Classmates
Vol.1 Chapter 3 : Conclusion
Vol.1 Chapter 4 : Clues, Clubs and Friends
Vol.1 Chapter 5 : Breaking Records

Vol.1 Chapter 1 : New Life, New Bed

1.3K 78 26
By 777_MasterOfNone

April 1st, Wednesday. The first day of school. With the help of my butler, Matsuo, I didn't have to wait for the bus to arrive as I arrived right on time when the bus reached my station. I'm actually relieved. If I have to wait for the bus, I'm afraid I will miss it.

I rode the bus, along with other people, some of them were wearing the same uniform as mine. I sat with a beautiful and serene office lady. I think she's a bit sleepy, seeing her like that…..

I also fell asleep.

Regardless of the bobbing and shaking of the bus, a thought comes into my mind.

" What is sleep to you? " 

A desire? Or a necessity? One I thing I know, no one hates sleep. I mean who would hate such a pleasuring feeling. After a tiring and stressful day, even if it's not, the feeling when you lay down your body to your bed, the comforting feeling that envelopes your body, the pains in your muscles waning, the peace in your mind, the act of resting, a delicacy in the form of act.

And when you wake up, you'll just ask for another few minutes to continue such comforting feeling. Afterwards, stretching your stiff muscles is the most awaited moments. And if you have a good night sleep, the lightness of your body will let you think that you have a good day ahead of you.

You ask why this thought even comes to my mind? Well, I enjoy sleep. I enjoy it so much it becomes a sort of syndrome of mine.

Ever since I was child, rigorous training is a daily basis. Pushing both my mind and body to the limits everyday. To the point even my time for sleep slowly got shorter and shorter. I never had experience a good sleep since childhood.

Thus, when all those training reach a temporary end, I finally experience a time to have a good sleep. In addition to that, When I entered that mansion, to my surprise, a bed that is hundred times better than the same bed I had since childhood was prepared solely for me.

Sleeping in such bed with no worries of any disturbing matters after my sleep, I finally experienced a sleep I never imagined I will ever had. After that particular sleep, when I always had a free time, I use those time to experience that delight to my heart's desire. In addition to those time where I don't have to worry anything, and times where my mind just goes blank, both my mind and body automatically shut down and led to my sleep.

And this new habit got out of control leading to a unique syndrome where I automatically fell asleep. The condition is simple, if I don't have something to think of or my mind simply blank out, or when I'm bored, my condition mercilessly kicks in.

I let Matsuo know about this matter, I wasn't expecting any solution, but contrary to my expectations, he gave one. This could not only give me possible solution for my condition but could also fulfilll my lifelong desire, a desire to quell my curiosity.

Tokyo Metropolitan Advance Nurturing High. A school established by the Japanese Government to nurture the young people who will support the country in the future. It boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with thorough, state-directed teaching methods, it spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future. It is said to only admit the elites of country.

However, that's not my main objective of applying to this school. The rule; contact to the outside world is prohibited, is what I'm after. Matsuo told me that this school has the power to protect me from that man. That this particular rule is not something that even that man could easily breach. Thus, giving me three years of freedom.

Three years of freedom, huh….

As for the matter about my unique condition, it seems that Matsuo have an inkling in to what kind of cure I need to for my syndrome. No, I'm confident that he knew. After all, he confidently says that I could find my cure if I enter this school and spend my time in here. Honestly, he was even laughing that even a few tears comes out of his eyes. So I'm not really sure if he's saying the truth or just messing with me. But it's Matsuo, he will not give me false hope.

I only spend 3 months with Matsuo, but that was more than enough for me to give both my respect and trust him as a family. He's the only person I knew who is genuinely kind to me. So much that I wouldn't mind if he just adopt me as his son. But such a thing is impossible….

I wonder what he could be doing by now and if he'll be able to stay safe in the upcoming days….

Wh-what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?!! ” she demanded.


Waking up due to the noise, I found out I'm still in the bus. Out of concern, I look around to see my fellow schoolmates still sitting in their seats. Which means we haven't reach our destination yet.

Sighs… that was close.

“ Finally, you woke up. ” a calm and dignified voice said

I look to where the voice came, which is just beside me. Apparently, it was the office lady whom I'm sharing a seat with.

“ Although I'm not one to say, my shoulders still hurts. ” she said while massaging her shoulders and letting out a yawn

After considering what she said, her actions, and a few lingering attention towards us, and a few experience on my part, I deduced that I slept on her shoulders. No, I'm sure of it. I could still smell her perfume much stronger, due to the lingering smell.

It smells great…

“ I'm sorry. I didn't intend to sleep on your shoulders. ” with no further ado, I bowed my head and apologize

I noticed her eyes widened a bit and immediately concluded something.

“ It's.. fine. I also ended up sleeping in your head, after all.  ” she replied.

No wonder some attention was on us.

“ Anyways, you're quite observant. I was planning to tell you but it you beat me to it. ” she said with a glance.

“ Not really, this just happens sometimes. ” I replied

“ Is that so? ” and she yawned.. “ Can I sleep on your shoulders? I'm still a bit sleepy, there's still two station before your stop, but I still have three stations, we just left the previous station which that old lady boarded from. ” she said pointing to the old lady which seems to be the reason of arguments

“ Sure. ” and she slept on my shoulders.

I could feel some stares at me.

“And the new challenger is a pretty girl, eh? It would seem that I’m rather lucky with the fairer sex,” the boy said.

“This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won’t you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society.”

Snap! The boy snapped his fingers.

“A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting opinion. It’s certainly true that offering up one’s seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You’re asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn’t you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn’t you agree?”

Considering their conversation, and the previous one with the other office lady, it's about asking this guy to offer his seat to the old lady, however, this guy doesn't seem to be that kind to give his seat. Thus, it led to  arguments and this situation.

“Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won’t someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn’t matter who. Please.”

How could someone pour so much courage, determination, and compassion into so few words? That was no simple feat. The girl might have seemed like a nuisance to those around her, but she appealed to the other passengers earnestly and without fear.

However, none of us had thought it's
necessary to offer our seat. The boy’s attitude and remarks aside, everyone on the bus had, for the most part, agreed with him.

Now, of course, the elderly have undeniable worth to Japan. But we,
the youth, will continue to support Japan into the future. Also, considering that our society ages more and more every year, you could say that our youthful value only increases. So, if you were to examine both the elderly and the young and ask yourself which group is more valuable, the answer should be obvious.

That’s really the perfect argument, wouldn’t you say?

And honestly, she should have known that the bus is already crowded yet she still boarded, did she expect there will be a kind soul to offer their seat when they see her? Unfortunately for her, the only kind soul, which is the beige-haired girl, is also standing.

But I wonder, will she really gave her seat if it comes down to it?

But still, I wondered what the others would do. As I looked around, I saw two kinds of people: those who had pretended not to have heard anything and those who looked hesitant.

However, the girl on the other side sitting near my seat was different. She alone wasn’t swept up by the confusion. Her face remained expressionless.

While I unintentionally stared at her, our eyes met for an instant. Even without speaking a word, I could tell that we shared the same opinion.

Neither of us considered it necessary to give up our seat. However, that sentiment didn't last for long as she glared at me after that.

“E-excuse me. You can have mine.”

Shortly after the girl’s appeal, a working woman stood, unable to bear the guilt any longer, and offered up her seat.

“Thank you very much!” the elderly woman said.

The working woman smiled, lowered her head, and guided the elderly woman to the now-vacant seat.

The elderly woman expressed her gratitude repeatedly, and slowly sat.
Watching the scene unfold from my peripheral vision.

Then, we passed a station. If what the lady beside me told me the truth, then the next station is my stop. I shouldn't sleep then, or I’m sure I will miss it.



“ …-up… wake up…. Ummm… please wake up. ” a kind and familiar voice said while shaking me

Oh shit! I fell asleep!

I look at the person who's waking me, and just as expected, it's the nice short and beige-haired girl earlier.

“ Thank goodness you woke up, it's our stop, you see. ”

I look around, alas, I'm attracting attention. I noticed their attention was also divided to the person beside me, who is still sleeping.

I should wake her up. But first…

“ Thank you for waking me up, but I also have to wake her up you see. ” I pointed to the woman beside me.

“ Oh, it's fine. I'm just glad you didn't miss out on your stop or you will be late in the first day of school. ” she said with her everlasting smile

“ Yeah, That will sucks. ” I replied

“ Then, I'll go. Bye. ” she waved as she turned around and boarded off the bus.

“ Please wake up. ” I tapped the woman sleeping in my shoulder.

“ Oh, is it your stop? ” she asked while brushing her eyes

“ Yes. “

“ I see, thank you for waking me up. ” she smiled at me.

“ No, it's fine. ”

I then boarded off. Thank god the bus driver is patient and waited for me. But still…

She sure is beautiful.

As I got off the bus, I saw a gate formed from natural rock waiting just ahead. All the young boys and girls dressed in school uniforms were passing through this gate.

So I'm going to stay here for three years, huh… I'm going to protect it at all costs.

Now then, a new life and a new bed awaits me. Take a deep breath and take step to your new peaceful and free life. Here we go.


Great, what was that. I looked to where the voice came from and it came from the girl who glared at me earlier.

“You were looking at me. Why?” she asked.

She narrowed her eyes while she spoke. It seems she's more disturbed than I thought. Sigh, this is troublesome.

“ Ohh, I was just thinking that you also didn't have any intention of giving up your seat just like the others. ”

An irk mark pops on her forehead, she seems irritated by my answer.

“ Huh? Would you not compare me to “others”. I didn't offer it up because I find it pointless to give up my seat. There's no benefit in me. ” she glared at me once again

“ Ohh, is that so? ”

“ I can't stand simple minded person like you. ” she said that as she try to pass through me

“ Then sit down. ” 

“ What?! ” she asked, baffled.

“ I said you're annoying. ” I said as I passed through the gate, leaving her in the dust.

Sometimes, I really can't help myself but be blunt. Well, can't help it. Got influenced by a certain someone.

To be continued…

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