Konoha's Maelstrom

By Mask_of_Happiness

30.4K 360 82

Meiko Uzumaki was many things. A prankster, an orphan, a jinchuriki. But she was not a fool. She was a maelst... More

Author Note and Disclaimer


485 14 6
By Mask_of_Happiness

AN: Kind of realised how stupid I was when I published the new version on old chapters that still had comments and votes. Not gonna happen again, sorry.

Meiko had left the Academy in the middle of the day because she was bored. As far as she knew, she was being followed by chunin, but Meiko had multiple decoy clones walking around to mess with them. It was funny, really, how the time had passed.

After Shisui's death, Meiko had missed two weeks of the Academy. She had cried and wished he would come back to no avail. She'd asked the circumstances and all she was told was that it was highly confidential. So, Meiko stopped asking. She just sent a clone to the Academy and then disappeared.

A few months went by like that until Hiruzen had noticed and pulled her aside. Now, she always went to the Academy, but she fell asleep in class and built up the persona of a slacker. It was easier than showing she was smart and she didn't exactly need what the Academy would teach her because it would be all useless.

Everything she had learnt in the academy had been wrong. Wrong stances, wrong technique for throwing, wrong information for tests. She even noticed that in the syllabus, the Uzumaki clan had been cut out. She used her logic and correctly assumed that, when the civilian council took control of the academy, they cut it out because they didn't want her to know her clan had been important in the creation of Konoha. To be fair, if the "demon" knew that her clan was part of the founding of Konoha and the First Hokage's wife was an Uzumaki, now that would make her royalty.

Back on track, Meiko was now standing on the roofs and watching the chunin run by while she masked her chakra signature.

Pretending to not notice Iruka's chakra signature, Meiko allowed herself to get caught. It was comical how Iruka grabbed her and shunshinned back to the academy. Meiko stood up and sat in her normal seat.

"Because you missed it, Meiko, everyone will review the transformation jutsu again!" Iruka ordered. Meiko rolled her eyes as everyone groaned.

All the academy students stood in a line in order of the list of names Iruka had on his clipboard. Meiko was third in line and she was delighted that everybody was annoyed.

"Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it."

Meiko rolled her eyes as Sakura transformed into Iruka. She then transformed back and squealed, "Yes I did it!"

Sakura then looked at Sasuke, "Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?" Iruka quickly called the next person to stop Sakura from her banshee tendencies.

Meiko watched Sakura look crestfallen and rolled her eyes.

Sasuke transformed into Iruka. Iruka smiled and wrote it down.

Another person and then it would be Meiko's turn.

That was when Shikamru, from next to her, spoke. "This is such a waste of time, Meiko." Shikamaru had a naturally tired and dull face. He said everything was a waste of time. But, Shikamaru had a very high IQ, so she could understand why he found everything boring.

"Yeah. We always pay for your screw-ups," Ino agreed.

Meiko rolled her eyes. "Like I care. At least now you can practise."

"You think I don't?!" Ino screamed.

"Well obviously," she rolled her eyes and gave Ino the Namikaze look. "All you do is stare at Sasuke, like Sakura. I'm surprised you two even know how to write neatly."

Ino yelled in annoyance, and she was about to punch Meiko when Meiko winked and waked forward; Iruka had just called her name, meaning Ino couldn't do anything to her, not that she could on a normal basis.

Meiko put her hands together and didn't even bother with speaking. She transformed into a perfect replica of Iruka right there with no smoke. Then she transformed and grinned at Ino. "Beat that, Yamanaka."

Meiko then walked back to her seat with a cocky smirk on her face, ignoring the shock on nearly everybody's faces.

Tomorrow was the Genin test, to see if the students could move on to become genin, obviously. Meiko was excited about that.


Tomorrow came quickly, and Meiko awoke early as usual. She did her normal morning routine of exercises, checking her resistance seals, cleaning her teeth, brushing her hair, changing, making breakfast, and then leaving her house.

She shunshinned to the Academy, making sure to stay hidden. She walked slowly, thinking over how far she had come.

After Shisui's death, and her short depression, Meiko had thrown herself into training a lot more.

She missed Shisui a lot but put all her effort into making him and her parents proud. She had mastered fuinjutsu at age 6 and that was when she had gotten clones to draw resistance seals on her (her own make of the strength and speed resistance seals). By now, she was on resistance seal level 12 and she had completed 3 levels of her dad's simulator.

For taijutsu, Meiko had perfected the Uchiha style and her father's style. When she and Shisui had started making her style—which they completed over the course of a year and a half, then she mastered it—Meiko had had no idea what to call it, until she decided on the name Lightning Strike. Shisui had said it was a great name for how fast and agile the style was. Her style was focused on fluidity and speed, rather than strength. It was fluid and deadly.

She had also found that she did have sensory capabilities. Her sensory abilities had been perfected over the course of six years. She had help from Jiji, whose sensei, the Second, was said to be the greatest sensor of his time. He had graciously allowed her to study his sensei's scrolls on sensing. The more Meiko read, and she was positive the Second was a genius. He had developed his own sensing techniques, which Meiko had eagerly learnt. Meiko could now accurately sense chakra to the point that she could identify nature affinities if she concentrated hard enough.

Her Ninjutsu had progressed far as well. Her chakra control and reserves only increased over time and she made sure she had enough jutsu in her arsenal of all three of her affinities. She had also created a way of copying jutsu from others. Whenever she would watch someone perform a jutsu, she would immediately hone in on the chakra in that person's body, sensing how it was being moulded. Her eidetic memory combined with her now perfect sensory abilities ensured she could copy hand seals.

Since Meiko had a high water affinity, she had also begged Hiruzen to allow her to use the Second's library. At first, he'd been outraged, but Meiko reasoned that she had the ability to make use of them. Besides, the Nidaime had no use for them now since he was dead. Hiruzen had made her swear to not tell anyone.

She still sucked at Genjutsu. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't perform a single one. But thanks to her sensory abilities, she could easily break out of one.

For kenjutsu, Meiko hadn't yet fully mastered the katana but she was close. When she and Shisui made a way for her to use the katana in her Lightning Strike style, they had both been very happy. Meiko also worked on her dual kunai work. She managed to coat the kunai in wind chakra to make them sharper and more effective.

But the truly greatest jutsu she had learnt was the Flying Thunder God technique.

The theory of it was harder than the actual making of her own Hiraishin seal. She had to admit that it was incredibly complex.

From what she understood, it was a part of the rarely studied field of space-time. By entering a dimensional void, users can instantly teleport to a technique formula's location whenever they please, regardless of distance. To an onlooker, it may look like the Body Flicker Technique, but the Flying Thunder God actually has more in common with the Summoning Technique. Anything that the user is holding, contacting, or that is linked with their chakra will teleport with them, but this requires additional chakra to do; particularly large objects can require so much chakra as to place a limit on how far away the user is able to teleport.

Meiko's challenge was in recreating the seal formula. Her father's famous kunai had only five kanji on it that he used very successfully. The scroll was enormous, even with her father's improved notes. She had to shorten it, just like her father did, into five or six kanji.

Since her dad had made a note that formulas had to be unique to the user, Meiko had cursed a lot. She had to painstakingly start from scratch to build her own formula, which would require a lot of time.

Two months of curses and ink marks later, she had proudly created her own Hiraishin formula, with a a modification of her own.

She had modified her formula so that instead of sensing the mark and forcing yourself into space-time, which had become easier with her own formula, she maintained a very weak link with whatever she had put her formula in. Whenever she moulded chakra and honed on a particular mark, the link would instantly teleport her, without her having to force himself through. She now required significantly less chakra to use Hiraishin, and sensing the mark became easier.

Her formula was four kanji symbols forming the phrase, "Protect to the end". It was her proudest creation yet.

When she had finally tried the flying thunder god, she was ecstatic. Unfortunately, it did take time getting used to. After fourty tries, Meiko could finally use the jutsu without feeling nauseous.

Thinking over the past six years of the Academy, Meiko had also watched her classmates. There were only eight notable classmates, and even then, some of them were barely what she would call notable.

The first was her best friend from the Academy. Shikamaru Nara, which was probably unbelievable after the first part of the chapter, but you better believe it because those two are friends. Shikamaru, as far as Meiko knew, saw her in the park one day and decided to approach. The rest was history. To Meiko, Shikamaru was a smart, calculative, and good person. However, he was also the laziest and most tiring person in the world. His main catchphrases were "What a drag" and "How troublesome". Other than that, he was cool and didn't bother himself with things that waste time.

The next friend she had made was Choji Akimichi, of the Akimichi clan. He always had food in his hand, whether it was chips to barbecue. Meiko had learned early on that you only get food from Choji when Choji wants you to get food from him, otherwise you're on your own. Choji was a pretty chill guy, not amazing, but he wasn't stupid. He was level headed and the calm one out of her, Shikamaru, and himself.

Another classmate who was notable was Hinata Hyuuga. She was very shy and soft spoken. She didn't like bringing attention to herself and had a very closed manner. As far as Meiko knew, Hinata was just asocial. Hinata didn't talk to her much, and when she did, she would gasp and her face would flush bright red. But, Hinata hailed from the Hyuuga clan and she, although not a genius, was quite smart. She definitely thought more than she spoke. The two had met when Meiko defended Hinata from some bullies, and Hinata had blushed around her ever since.

Shino Aburame, another clan heir, hailed from the Aburame Clan. Meiko had read about that clan and the information she found told her that they communicate with the insects, and the insects specialise in stealth because they make no noise or motion during combat. Shino was very quiet as well and he always wore sunglasses. All Aburames did, so she wasn't surprised. Instead, she found his silence nice. The guy was calm and didn't speak to anyone much, but he was always looking around as if watching and thinking hard. In short, he was smart and logical, but introverted (not a downside, introverts are awesome).

Kiba Inuzuka was another troublemaker like her, except her pranks were better by far. Kiba was loud, brash, and talkative. He, for some reason, decided that Sasuke (get to him later) and Meiko were his rivals and he had to beat them. He was cocky and excessive when speaking. In short, Meiko didn't exactly know how to speak with him when he was always bringing up how she was his rival and he was stronger. The only thing Meiko liked about him was his dog, Akamaru. Every Inuzuka had a canine companion, and Akamaru was adorable. Also, Kiba was a clan heir.

And that brought her to another loudmouth: Ino Yamanaka. Ino was a clan heir (no surprise there) and she was a gossip. She loved gossip. She was quick to anger, easy to read, and a fangirl (the worst kind). The Yamanaka clan were known for the mind jutsu, but Meiko sometimes thought not even Ino what the hell was wrong with her mind. She adored Sasuke, had a rivalry with Sakura, detested Meiko for other reasons, and was just plain annoying. Other than that, Ino wasn't plain stupid. Meiko had seen her be compassionate and kind, it was just Meiko she hated (and Sakura).

That brought Meiko to the only non-clan heir. Her name was Sakura Haruno, and she was, in short, a literal pink-haired, demented, mentally unstable fool. She was very two-faced, was quick to judge, had an even hotter temper than Ino, detested Meiko, was "in love" with Sasuke because he was handsome and "so mysterious". She screamed really loud a lot, tried to hit Meiko sometimes, and was just plain annoying. Also, her rivalry with Ino was over a boy, like what the Kami? The only thing notable was her good chakra control and her intelligence. She scored around third or second highest in most tests for the Academy. She liked to be the first to answer, as if showing off. And she had good chakra control because she had small reserves, which Meiko had sensed. It wasn't very small, it was more like average civilians-who-are-becoming-shinobi reserves.

Now, we finally get to the boy mentioned in three other people's passages. Sasuke Uchiha was not a prodigy, Meiko needed to clarify. He was not as good as Shisui, Minato, the Second, or Itachi. No, he just came from the Uchiha clan, a very prestigious clan that fed his ego and he held himself as if he was better. See, Meiko had tried to befriend the boy. After the mass genocide of the Uchiha clan, she tried to reach out, but the boy just looked down on her. He said something along the lines of "You are a weakling and useless. You have no idea what it is like to lose something this important. Why would I want to be friends with someone as weak as you?"

Yeah, Meiko refrained from interacting with him after that. Everyone fed his ego, telling him he'd be amazing and telling him he was a born genius. It was an insult to real geniuses, but Meiko just watched because no one listened to her. He was notable because he was the strongest in the Academy. He was second highest in grades, Sakura a little below or tied with him. He was infuriating and just plain rude.

And that was when she entered the class. She had her hands in her pockets and entered the class. She wasn't first or last, just a little early. No one stopped to look at her or care. She was fine with that.

Meiko walked to her seat, in the far right corner of the classroom. She was by the window and away from most of the loud noises here. Choji and Shikamaru sat behind her, while nobody sat beside her. She was fine with that.

The bell rang for students and everybody rushed in. They were all seated, that was when Iruka entered.

Iruka was the Academy teacher. Meiko and him hadn't gotten off to a good start when he had clenched a kunai in his hands and watched her hard while she explained how amazing her prank had been while they were both standing in the graveyard. But, he worked hard to apologise, and now he was probably the fourth adult she trusted completely.

Behind him was another chunin, named Mizuki. Mizuki was horrible. The genjutsus he put on tests were easy to sense, but Meiko had to always pretend to be the dead last to not alert anyone to her genius, or the council would have a fit. So, she sat quietly and endured his hidden quips and glares.

Today, however, she was not going to do that.

When Mizuki came around and handed out the papers for the test, Meiko rolled her eyes at the cheap genjutsu. She quickly dispelled it and put her hand up. "Mizuki-sensei, you seem to have given me a blank paper, by accident."

Mizuki turned around and barely hid his glare, but he did grit his teeth. Meiko raised a single eyebrow and put her hand out for a new paper.

Mizuki was caught, she knew he knew he was, so he had to give her the proper paper. Once was accident, twice was on purpose.

When the test started, Meiko easily completed the test. She'd had loads of time left, so she decided to pretend she was asleep, as if she'd given up.

"Alright," Iruka said after collecting the paper, "now head to the practice fields for weapons and taijutsu part of the exam."


The weapons part was going by last name alphabetically, so Ino was last. They were to throw five shuriken and five kunai at a target. Most people averaged 6-8 out of 10. It was soon Sasuke's turn and his fangirls were swooning. The banshee screamed so loud Meiko thought her ears were going to pop.

Then it was Meiko. Mizuki brought her the five kunai and five shuriken, he didn't even try hiding his glee. Meiko looked at the kunai and shuriken hard. They were very dull. She rolled her eyes.

"Iruka-sensei, these kunai and shuriken are too dull to even be able to pierce the target. Can I get a new set?"

Iruka came over and seemed surprised that she was right. "Sure Meiko. Mizuki, go grab a sharper set."

Mizuki sent her a scathing look and Meiko smirked cockily back. Bring it bastard, she thought.

He came back with sharper weapons, though not as sharp as Meiko preferred. Meiko couldn't complain because these could pierce the target, just with a lot of strength.

Meiko picked up the first kunai and barely even aimed before she threw. It landed perfectly in the centre. She heard people behind murmuring that it was a lucky throw and she couldn't do it again.

Meiko smirked to herself. Each kunai and shuriken that she threw were all clustered in the centre. Perfectly.

You could probably hear a pin drop in the silence. Meiko turned and grinned at her audience.

Before anyone could even start protesting against her getting a perfect score, Iruka called up Ino. Ino scored, much like most of the clan kids, 7/10.

And then it was taijutsu.


Sasuke watched Meiko carefully as the other taijutsu fights went on.

He had seen the girl for all her time in the Academy. She had never shown an ounce of talent, and now she was suddenly immaculate. It was like she was hidden on purpose.

When Meiko had extended her hand for friendship, Sasuke had denied her. He didn't regret that decision. More like, he was confused and sour. How could someone so weak be better than him? It didn't make sense.

And then their names were called for the taijutsu spar and Sauske was ready. He had beaten her every year for taijutsu. This would be no different.

He took the Interceptor Fist stance. Sure, it needed the sharingan, but Sasuke was confident he could defeat Meiko without a sharingan. He wouldn't need one, ever, against this weakling.

Meiko didn't seem to slip into any stance though. Her hands were crossed behind her back and she looked really relaxed, as if she were about to go on a stroll. Sasuke rolled his eyes. She was nothing.

Iruka blew his whistle.

Sasuke attacked. Each strike was calculated and swift, just like an Uchiha.

What Sasuke didn't realise, too focused on his victory, was that Meiko was easily dodging. She blocked, weaved, and twisted out of his strikes smoothly.

And then something changed.

Sasuke had never faced strikes this fast. Jabs and punches struck at every opening.

He was breathing heavily and the fight had only gone on for three minutes. He was wide eyed and shocked.

He didn't see the final strike coming until it hit, and the knee to his chin hurt like hell. He landed on his back, outside the fighting circle, and groaned.

Sasuke sat up and stared at the girl, like everyone else. Then, the protests started.

Then the fangirls started shouting stuff like; "Meiko couldn't have won!" or "The dead last cheated!" and all that schist.

Before Iruka could speak, Meiko said, "How blind are you? How can someone cheat when they are literally fighting right in front of you? You all are stupid."

The fangirls gaped and then Sakura screeched, "YOU CAN'T DEFEAT SASUKE-KUN, THEREFORE YOU CHEATED!

"Oh yes, what a logical explanation. I can't train and improve therefore I must've used some sort of invisible way to cheat." She gave Sakura the Namikaze look, and the pink-haired girl shrunk backing feeling stupid.

Iruka looked like he was deciding if he was proud or about to scold her. However, he settled on being proud.

Iruka hid his smile, then he gave the order, "Alright, back to the academy where I will test the ninjutsu portion of the exam."

Everyone re-entered the classroom, still shocked at Meiko defeating Sasuke with one move. The last to enter was Sasuke, holding his injured chin, pride, and ego. He was really surprised that Meiko, the DEAD LAST, beat him!

He watched the girl put her hands back in her pockets. She looked barely even winded whereas he had several bruises and his chin was aching. His fists clenched and he glared at Meiko, hard.


"Meiko Uzumaki."

She stood up and walked out the classroom, headed to the next classroom for her examination.

Meiko subtly scanned the room, her eyes holding the hitai-ate for a moment longer. That was her goal.

"Alright Meiko. Perform the Henge no Jutsu."

Meiko performed the jutsu flawlessly. She turned into Iruka, smiled, and then released the jutsu.

"Now, perform the Kawarimi no Jutsu."

Meiko smirked. One second she was there and the next, she was standing on the chair beside Mizuki and he was on the floor.

"Sorry, Mizuki-sensei. I didn't know what else to switch with," she said with perfect sincerity it was believable, but only Mizuki could see the smirk she was wearing.

They went back to their usual places with Mizuki internally swearing profanities at Meiko.

"Well done Meiko. You performed the seal less and smokeless Kawarimi, extra points." Then Iruka's face turned worried and Mizuki's turned into delight. The next jutsu was the Bunshin no Jutsu and Meiko could never do it. "And now, the clone jutsu."

What Mizuki and Iruka didn't know was that Meiko was going to do the Shadow clone jutsu. It didn't matter, as long as she got clones. Iruka and Mizuki's jaws dropped when 4 clones of Meiko appeared in front of them.

"W- Well d- done Meiko. Choose a hitai ate."

Meiko looked at the multi-coloured hitai-ate and studied each of them carefully. Her eyes latched onto the dark blue. It was the most common hitai-ate and Meiko liked blue. She picked it up and shoved it in her pocket. She wanted to first wear her hitai-ate when she changed out of this atrocious clothing.

"Thanks Iruka-sensei!" Meiko then ran out of the classroom.

She passed Ino, who smirked as she passed Meiko. "Guess we were right and you are a weakling. I mean, you couldn't even get a hitai-ate."

Meiko just walked past her, ignoring Ino and angering the blonde. But she couldn't shout because she had to complete her test.

In the end, all the clan heirs passed, Sakura and a few other normal civilian students. Most of the class laughed at Meiko for coming back without a hitai-ate, though they didn't know she had one, she just ignored their comments.


Meiko stopped herself from groaning and kept her excited mask on as Mizuki explained the assignment. All she had to do was steal a scroll from the Hokage tower, meet him at midnight in a clearing in the forest, and give him the scroll. That was how Meiko would become the top kunoichi.

When she got home, she had a shower, changed, and made a plan. The scroll he wanted was the Scroll of Seals and it contained many kinjutsu, like the shadow clone jutsu. Meiko had seen the scroll before, after all she had learned the shadow clone jutsu from it, but even then, it was funny to see Mizuki barely hold back his glee as she accepted.

She knew that Mizuki was stealing the scroll, either for himself or an enemy, and she would stop him easily.

To pass the time, Meiko decided to read a book. She picked up her latest book, this one was about a world where gods gave birth to kids and these kids fought wars.

Then, it was a quarter to eleven and Meiko got ready. She put on her orange jumper and exited her house. She walked slowly, mulling over her plan, and then she was gone in a flash.

Meiko reappeared at a seal she had placed in an alley near the Hokage tower.

She spread her senses and was glad of no anbu being near the tower. They were probably all at the anbu headquarters since the hokage wasn't there. The only guard of the hokage tower and office was three guards. One out front, one on the first floor, and one on the second floor.

Meiko flashed to her seal in Jiji's office and scanned her surroundings. The Scroll of Seals was in the room next door and was guarded by lots of things. Meiko sighed.

She sensed around and found that the shinobi patrolling was chunin. She opened the door quietly, glad that his back was turned to her and she snuck out the room to the other room quickly.

Meiko knew how to get past the seals easily and did so, accessing the safe and taking the scroll. She then flashed away, to her mark by the entrance to the forest.

The entire process took her ten minutes.

She entered the forest and found the clearing pretty quickly, then sat down to wait for Mizuki.

Exactly five minutes from midnight, Meiko sensed a chakra signature approaching her. Except, it wasn't Mizuki, it was...

"Hey Iruka-sensei!"

"Meiko?!" And then he noticed the giant scroll in her hands. "What are you doing?"

"Mizuki said I would become top kunoichi if I took this scroll and gave it to him, why?" Meiko asked with the perfect mask of innocence.

She watched as Iruka seemed shocked then downright furious. "Mizuki?! That idiot-"

He never finished because of a giant fuma shuriken that came flying out of the tree behind him. Meiko reacted first, going to autopilot as she pushed Iruka aside and then rolled beneath the fuma shuriken.

She then turned to look back up at Mizuki. Mizuki was smiling down at the two, a little crazily. "Meiko, give me that scroll."

Meiko glared darkly. "Why? So you can run off to help your little leader learn the forbidden jutsu?"

Mizuki and Iruka seemed taken aback by her question, but she just continued glaring, the cerulean blue eyes looked like shards of ice. Mizuki had never seen her look so menacing, but Meiko was not the daughter of the Yellow Flash for nothing.

"Meiko, just hand over the scroll," he said again, trying to sound firm. He tried to reassure himself internally that he was stronger and smarter, but the look in her eyes told him otherwise.


Mizuki lost his temper. Even with a glare like that, it just proved she was a demon. "Look, Meiko, the reason everyone hates you is because you are the Kyuubi. That's right! You are a demon and everyone hates you becaus-"

Mizuki ate dirt. His face was pushed into the ground and he definitely had grass in his mouth.

When the hand pushing his head down disappeared, Mizuki stood up so fast he should've gotten whiplash.

Before him was Meiko standing with a glare so fierce, much more fierce than the one before. Her orange jacket was thrown to the side and she very obviously had muscle. The baggy jacket had been hiding her physique.

Iruka looked just as shocked as Mizuki felt. It was like viewing an entirely new person. With the sleeveless, dark blue turtleneck shirt, Meiko looked more powerful. For the first time he had arrived in the clearing, Mizuki truly felt fear.

"Not only are you an enemy of Konoha for trying to steal the Sacred Scroll of Seals, but you also tried to hurt Iruka-sensei, so whatever happens to you, hope you know that I am not sorry in the slightest."

She formed a cross seal and instantly, the whole clearing around them was filled with smoke. As soon as the smoke cleared up, Mizuki became paler than he already was. The clearing was quickly filled with blondes everywhere. Nearly every tear near had Meikos in the branches. There was practically no free space on the ground either.

He had a sudden realisation, just like Iruka. The clones she created in the exam were shadow clones!

One of the clones shouted, "Let's go!" The hundreds of Meiko descended upon Mizuki.

The real Meiko turned to Iruka and helped him stand. "Sorry I shoved you to the side," Meiko apologised, checking over Iruka for any wounds. He just watched her, speechless.

"M- Meiko. You- How?"

"Long story." She dispelled the clones and hid a small wince at the memories. Mizuki was literally a broken man now, in both ways.

"You know about the Kyuubi?"

"Yeah, I've spoken to the guy before." She didn't expand and Iruka got the feeling he didn't want her too.

In a shunshin, they disappeared.


Hiruzen had watched the entire fight through his crystal ball and was shocked at the lack of reaction to the news of the Kyuubi. He figured out pretty quickly that she had met the Kyuubi, but he didn't understand how, or why she never said so.

The search was called off when Naruko and Iruka returned to the Hokage with the scroll. The Hokage commended them for stopping Mizuki from escaping the village with the scroll. He also gave Naruko a B-rank mission pay, as well as a B-rank mission on her record.

Meiko thanked Hiruzen then shunshinned away, leaving a still very shocked Iruka.

AN: So, kind of chapter dumping. Probably will do this over the next week.

Also, unpublished Chapter 5 and 6 because there was a problem. Will republish tomorrow with chapter 7.

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