serendipity | kth | completed

By gguksillusion

593 1 0

y/n has entered stage 2 of her breast cancer, and it weighs on her life heavily as her disease only continues... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
hey hey hey
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
author's note

chapter 17

16 0 0
By gguksillusion

"i was thinking about names like iseul, harin, or maybe even kiyoung — my moms name." i raise my eyebrows and grin at him. "hm hoping for a girl i see?"

he hissed and shrugs, "i'll be happy either way — but yes i am team girl." i laughed and looked ahead through the windshield. taehyung had not yet told me where he was taking me for our last day in seoul, and i was yearning to know.

"can you at least tell me what we're doing there?" he held up 2 fingers, "i'll give you two hints. one, food," he drops the first finger, "two, lock." then he drops the remaining finger.

i scrunch my eyebrows and lift my upper lip slightly in utter confusion. "food and lock? what the heck kind of hints are those?" he shrugs and wiggles his fingers against the steering wheel. "you'll just have to wait and see."

the sky has dimmed as taehyung finds a parking lot that seems miles away from a tower that stands tall and mighty. i know exactly what the name of it was: "namsan tower."

i've heard about it all my life, but i've never had the chance to visit it. what also spikes my interest in the tower is the amount of kdrama's known to have been shot here.

as he opens my door i step out and stare at the tower in complete awe. it was so tall that i had no doubt the view would give you an outlook on the entire city of seoul. i beam and grab his hand excitedly pulling him towards the tower.

"woah, slow down!" he pleads but my eyes and feet have one destination in mind.

we reach the area where the cable cars are boarding and finally pause. "okay, this is where you lead me." i huff and steady my breathing as i smile at taehyung. he pants heavily and holds up one finger as he slumps over, "i just...give sec."

he lazily rises up and lets out a deep breath before pulling my hand towards one of the cars.

as it ascends it gives us a beautiful view of seoul. the many bodies crowding the ground, the beautiful change in the fall colors, the many lights beginning to shine throughout the city; it's all just beyond perfect and i continue to stare in awe.

once we finally reach the tower taehyung leads me to one of the restaurants that serve italian cuisine. the place looks to be expensive but that doesn't surprise me at all. we're seated by the windows and this continues to overlook the beautiful city. "taehyung this is all so perfect." i softly speak as my eyes are glued through the glass at the scenery beyond.

"the view outside is perfect but i think my favorite is the one right in front of me." i peer over at him and let my head gently fall, a small laugh tumbles from my lips as i try to hide the blush rushing into my cheeks. "you're so cheesy." i fold my lips and lean towards him.

"only for you, m'lady."

"hey! that's 2 pieces of gnocchi already." i frown and watch as he pops the delicious, white, soft ball into his mouth menacingly. i look down at my bowl and stir the pieces around with my fork. "now i only have 8 left. if there weren't so many witnesses i'd throw you out this window." i nod my head towards the window next to me as he simpers.

"i'd love to see you try little gremlin." i gasp and fist my fork. little gremlin? this fork was about to go up some places, and here's a hint: it's not the chicken and gnocchi soup in front of me.

"kim taehyung, you'll get away this time." i stab my fork into a piece of chicken and stuff it into my mouth. he crosses his arms and leans against the table. "i should've gotten an appetizer," he peers down at my food in disdain.

i was beyond excited for my main course to come. it's very popular and i'd yearned to try it. there aren't many italian restaurants where we live. "sucks to suck." i say with a mouth full of chicken and gnocchi as i shrug.

"are you going to eat the broth afterward?" he questions with a face of concern and i happily nod. to me it was better that way, and nobody could ever make me change my opinion on that.

"weirdo." he mumbles as our plates are finally being set down. i glare at him before i push the bowl to the side and thank the waitress. i ordered the cioppino, also known as seafood stew.

it had a tomato-like broth with a mixture of clams, shrimp, and crab. taehyung, being the neophobic he is, ordered lasagna. regardless, his food still looked delicious. i wasted no time and crack open a clam sucking the insides out and disregarding the emptied shell on a napkin next to me. i then dove into the broth with my spoon and slurped up the flavorful substance.

my eyes rolled as the delicious substance pooled down my throat. "so good!" i mumbled and grabbed a piece of shrimp with my fork. before i place it into my mouth i look up at taehyung and see his fork still hovering over his untouched lasagna; his eyes stare at me with a mix of utter disbelief, shock, and terror. i clear my throat and slowly retreat from my fork.

"i think i'm, already full." i chuckle nervously and pat my stomach as he laughs and waves me off. "don't let me stop you i just haven't seen you eat like that...ever." he finally takes a bite of his lasagna and this allows me to go back to destroying my dish. he sends me occasional glances that hold for so long that he forgets bout the lump of lasagna sitting on his fork.

i push both of the empty bowls aside and hold my arms up in pure excitement. i haven't finished a full meal like that in i don't know how long; this felt like such a huge accomplishment. taehyung clapped and nodded approvingly, "good job, baby." i sighed and rested my back against the seat.

"ah thank you. so i was thinking... dessert?"

hint one was food.


next up was "lock?"

what the heck could that possibly mean?

we venture onto the terrace where an area labeled "locks of love" is on a fence. there are thousands of these locks on the fences and as i walk up i realize that each one has a pair of names or just one. i turn around to look at taehyung and see in his palm he's holding out a single pink lock and a sharpie.

"write your name." i smile at him and grab the sharpie before writing "y/n +," i leave a space at the bottom for his name. i send the sharpie to him and hold the lock in my flat palm so he can write on it next.

once he's done he hands it back to me, "now go lock it on the fence." i look for a space where i can place our lock and finally settle on a spot towards the end. i wrap the latch around the wire of the fence before grabbing his hand and placing it on top of mine which holds the lock in place. "3, 2, 1.." i softly say and press down on the latch,


and we let go. it falls with a little bump against the fence, and i stare at it happily and proudly. he wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind and i rest my hands on his wrists.

as we giggle and smile i hear the sound of fireworks shooting into the black sky. my eyes shoot up and my mouth falls open at the bright and colorful explosions filling the sky. "i didn't know they were doing fireworks tonight." i say as his arms fall from around me and he takes a step back.

i'm engulfed in the fireworks and i can't help but gape at them as they launch into the sky one by one. but the next one catches me off guard, because it's a full word,


and the words continue to toss up one after the other,





my jaw drops and my eyes widen. i spin around and see taehyung dropped to the floor on one knee. a tiny, black box sprung open with a diamond-encrusted ring sitting perfectly in the middle. tears well in my eyes as i see one falling down his cheek.

"will you marry me, y/n?" he croaks out and i nod happily. "yes, yes!" i drop to my knees and wrap my arms around him. the people that surround us cheer happily as i sob into his chest. i raise my head up and keep my arms wrapped around his neck as i plant a long and heartfelt kiss on his lips.

i let my arms fall as i pull away and hold out my ring finger to him. he slips the ring on and looks back into my eyes with a wide smile on his face. "i love you, kim taehyung."

"i love you more, kim y/n."


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