Right There All Along (Korra...

By sincerelyash1

3.3K 96 116

Y/n is the middle sibling to Mako and Bolin. Korra stumbles across their little family one night during Mako... More

Welcome to Republic City
A Leaf in the Wind
The Revelation
A Voice in the Night
And the Winner is...
The Aftermath
When Extremes Meet

The Spirit Of Competition

238 9 28
By sincerelyash1

It had been a few days since Korra faced Amon. Of course he played dirty and ambushed her just as Y/n predicted he would. He didn't end up taking her bending he just wanted to scare her. Y/n had yet to receive an apology from Korra for snapping at her and Y/n was planning to stay angry until she apologized.

However, her anger couldn't keep them apart as they still had to train for the pro-bending tournament and Korra had quit Tarlok's task force which meant she was coming to every practice now.

The squad was in the gym throwing bending at eachother, trying to knock eachother off their feet. Korra seemed oblivious to the fact that Y/n was still angry so Y/n saw this as a perfect opportunity to let her know. All her earth went towards Korra until she was knocked down by Mako as was everybody else. Everybody laughed at being knocked down but not Y/n.

"It's been great having you at so many back to back practices Korra," Mako smiled, standing up and dusting himself off.

"Feels good to be back," Korra responded, "Although Tarlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence."

"Hey, you joined the fire ferrets before you joined his task force," Bolin stated.

"Okay, come on, team huddle time," Mako stated.

Everybody came in to huddle except Y/n. She couldn't believe they just forgot about what happened at the dock. Y/n was really hurt by what Korra said and now they were just pretending like it didn't happen. She stood with her arms crossed, looking away from the three.

"Uh, Y/n? You coming in?" Bolin asked.

Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes slightly before joining the huddle between Bolin and Korra.

Mako cleared his throat, "It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the four of us haven't been a team for very long but even so, the fire ferrets have never been this good," Mako stated proudly, "Are we ready?"

"We're ready!" Everybody but Y/n shouted.

"Not quite," Another voice said.

The group turned to see Asami holding a uniform with the future industries logo on the front.

"You'll need these," Asami smiled.

"Hey, Asami," Y/n smiled, pushing past Korra to greet her with Mako.

"Hey, Y/n. Good morning sweetie," Asami greeted.

"These new uniforms look great," Mako said, holding up one.

"You look great, champ," Asami retorted. Mako and Asami began nuzzling noses as the other three rolled their eyes.

"Well, team, I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date," Mako stated before walking away with Asami.

"Okay! We'll check you guys later yknow, we'll see you when we see you," Bolin waved.

Korra went to pick up her bag as Bolin walked up to her.

"So... Korra... there they go. Here we are. All alone in the gym," Bolin began. Y/n rolled her eyes, "Just you and me. Two alone people. Together. Alone," He smirked.

Y/n pushed past the two, "I'm still here," She spat, walking away.

"What's her problem?" Y/n heard Korra ask from behind her.

"No clue," Bolin responded.


Back at the apartment, Bolin was trying to give Pabu a bath before the tournament and Mako was making some food while Y/n was in the loft wallowing in her anger towards Korra.

"So.." Bolin started, finally getting Pabu in the water. "What do you think about Korra in a girlfriend sort of way?" Bolin asked.

"She's great. But I think it makes more sense for me to go with Asami," Mako answered.

Y/n rolled her eyes. Korra was really making these boys crazy. But then again, she was making Y/n crazy too.

"I mean for me! Leave some ladies for the rest of us," Bolin spat, rolling his eyes.

"I know. That's what I thought you meant," Mako insisted.

"Well?" Bolin asked.

"I don't know, bro. It doesn't seem like a good idea for you to date Korra," Mako said.

"You just said she was great two seconds ago," Bolin pointed out.

"Yeah, Korra's a great athlete and avatar and stuff but... I don't know if she's really girlfriend material. She's more like a pal," Mako responded.

"Bro, you're nuts. Korra and I are perfect for each other," Bolin said, "She's strong, I'm strong. Shes fun, i'm fun. She's beautiful, i'm gorgeous!" Bolin exclaimed, "Look, I don't care what you think. I'm gonna ask Korra out."

"Look, it just isn't smart to date a teammate. Especially during the tournament," Mako stated.

Listening to all this girl talk was making Y/n crazy. They had forgotten about what Korra said at the dock not only that, they were wanting to date her. Like, hello? Was Y/n the only one Korra had hurt?

"Yeah, yeah I know ugh," Bolin groaned. There was silence in the apartment. Only the sizzling of the boiling noodles could be heard from Mako's cooking.

"...hey, I think Y/n is mad at one of us," Bolin suggested.

"I did notice her being a little standoffish today," Mako responded.

Finally somebody notices.

"You think she's mad at me for winning our wrestling match a couple days ago?" Bolin said.

Y/n rolled her eyes, standing up so that her brothers could see her in the loft, "You didn't win, you got scared by Mako and I kicked you in the stomach remember? And I'm not mad at either of you."

Bolin scoffed, "Yeah, but that's cheating," He murmured.

"Then, who're you mad at?" Mako asked.

"Korra," Y/n stated, "The things she said at the dock a couple days ago really hurt me."

"Y/n, i'm sure she didn't mean it," Mako said.

"I don't care, she said it and i'm not forgiving her for it until she apologizes," Y/n stated.

"Okay, just... don't let your anger get in the way of the tournament today," Mako warned.


"Folks, after a year of waiting, the pro-bending championship tournament is finally here," The announcer blared, "Tonight is the first set of matches in our single elimination 16 team bracket."

Y/n watched from the locker room as her brothers and Korra went out to the arena. She knew Mako said that her and Bolin shouldn't switch out as much anymore but she was hoping Bolin was planning to do it atleast once during the tournament, she really wanted to get some action.

"And I gotta tell ya, these are the most tenacious and talented bending trios this arena has ever seen," The announcer shouted.

"Introducing... the future industries fire ferrets!" Another announcer exclaimed. Korra and Mako waved to the crowd while Bolin was making muscles at them.

"And their opponents... the red sands rabbaroos!" The announcer introduced.

Once the bell rang, the two teams were quick to throw bending at each other, so quick that there was a small explosion of elements in the middle which shot the two teams back slightly, nobody behind the line though. The improvement that could be seen in the fire ferrets was insane. Bolin immediately knocked the water bender of the rabbaroos into the second zone. Once they moved up, the rabbaroos were almost immediately knocked into zone three, the fire ferrets winning round one.

Y/n cheered for her team. Pretty good start to this tournament.

As the bell for round two sounded, the rabbaroos quickly threw everything they could after they realized they were out matched. The water bender targeted Bolin, throwing him to the ground. Y/n could see him struggling to get up as Korra swooped in and saved him, throwing the other team back into zone three winning round two. However, Bolin was still struggling to stand up. Y/n watched as he put his arm to the ground and it slipped out from under him. Mako ran to his aid, helping him stand up. She watched as they went to talk to the ref and Bolin walked back to the locker room, sulking.

"What happened? I thought we weren't gonna switch out as often," Y/n stated, helping her brother into the locker room.

"This is the real deal, sis. I think I hurt my shoulder," Bolin said, groaning and sitting down on the bench in the locker room.

"Oh no! Are you okay?" Y/n asked, looking at his shoulder.

"Stop worrying about me! Get out there and win this for us," Bolin smiled.

Y/n smiled back, grabbing her helmet and heading for the arena. She waved at a cheering crowd as she went out into the middle.

"So, we're finally gonna get to play a match together," Korra smiled.

Y/n wanted to smile back at her but then remember she was still angry. She slightly glared at Korra before taking her place next to Mako.

The bell rang and Y/n started bending rocks at the other team like crazy. It felt good to throw rocks at somebody and not hold back like she had to at practice. She quickly knocked the water bender into zone two by aggressively throwing a flurry of earth disks at her.

"Y/n gets a fiery start, knocking Adi into zone two with an amazing flurry of earth bending disks!" The announcer yelled.

Y/n turned to blow a kiss at the crowd before running into the next zone.

At this point, the rabbaroos were being so overrun with bending that they weren't throwing anything back. It wasn't long before they were all knocked into zone three, the win going to the fire ferrets.

The three cheered. Y/n pushed past Korra to jump onto Mako, laughing when the siblings fell to the ground.

Y/n walked back to the locker room filled with excitement from her victory. Bolin was quick to hug her with his one good arm. "You did amazing sis! Way to win it for us," He smiled.

Y/n laughed, "Thanks, Bolin. It was great to be out there again but no more injuries, okay? Fake or real."

"You got it," Bolin said.

Y/n went up to her locker, placing her helmet inside. "What's up with you?" Y/n heard Korra's voice from behind her.

Y/n turned over her shoulder to glance at her before looking back into her locker, "What?" Y/n said, playing dumb.

"You've been... I don't know distant lately," Korra stated.

Y/n scoffed, "Distant? I basically haven't talked to you this whole week, you're just now noticing?"

It was silent for a couple moments. Mako left with Asami to go on a date and Bolin fled the scene to not endure the awkwardness.

"... i'm angry because of what you said at the dock," Y/n sighed.

"Y/n... you know I didn't mean that," Korra said putting a hand on her shoulder. Y/n shook her off.

"Really? Because it seemed like you meant it then. I was just trying to look out for you, Korra and what do I get for that? A punch to the gut. And what's worse is I ended up being right! And you didn't even say anything! You're my best friend, Korra. It really hurt me when you said the things that you did," Y/n said, tears pricking her eyes.

"I'm sorry... you were right about Amon I should've listened to you. And I do appreciate you looking out for me... there's not a lot of people doing that for me these days. You're my best friend too and it hurts me that we're not talking right now. It's just..." Korra's voice cracked with sadness, "I've been so scared recently about Amon and I was just... so tired of feeling that way. I'm scared Y/n... scared he'll take my bending away, scared that I won't be able to save the world... to save you-" Korra's sobs were cut off by a tight hug from Y/n.

Y/n's arms wrapped around Korra's waist as her face went into her neck. Korra paused for a moment before she wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck and cried in her arms.

They stayed like that for a few moments before Y/n pulled away slightly. She put a hand on her waist as she wiped a tear from Korra's cheek.

"Korra... you could've told me you were feeling that way. Remember, I told you i'd support you in whatever you did. That counts for feelings too. I'll be here to comfort you when you're feeling scared. Even the avatar is allowed to feel scared sometimes. You don't have to feel that way anymore. I promise, I'll be here to comfort you," Y/n smiled.

Korra sniffled, "You're not mad at me anymore?"

"Of course not," Y/n said, pulling her back in for another hug.


When Korra and Y/n came out of the locker room they were greeted with Bolin. He seemed like he was waiting for them outside.

"So... Korra. I was thinking... you and me, we could got get some dinner together. Sort of a date situation," Bolin stated.

Y/n mentally face palmed, walking away from... whatever this was towards their apartment. She could still hear their conversation as she walked off.

"Oh... that's really sweet but, I don't think so. I don't feel very date worthy," Korra responded.

So, her brother got rejected. So why did Y/n feel... relief? Probably because she didn't want to be the only one on the team without a significant other. Yeah... that was it.


It was the first time in a long time that Y/n had the apartment to herself. She thought Bolin would come back sulking after getting rejected by Korra but he didn't, Y/n was starting to wonder where the heck he was. Maybe he was off eating his feelings somewhere at a restaurant since Mako wasn't here to cook food for them. She hoped he would bring her back some leftovers if that was the case.

Y/n heard the door open and looked up to see Bolin walking in with a big goofy grin plastered on his face. "Wow, what's got you so happy? Amazing dinner?" Y/n asked. She thought he'd be crushed after being rejected by Korra.

"Nope. Well I mean yeah but I also just went on a date with the prettiest girl," he gloated, plopping down on the couch next to Y/n.

"What? I thought Korra rejected you," Y/n questioned.

"She did at first but I convinced her in the end," Bolin said proudly, "We went out for noodles. I brought you back some if you want it," He handed her a takeout bag.

"Oh... thanks," Y/n said slightly disappointed.


Bolin went off to sleep after rambling about his "amazing date" and now Y/n was alone on the couch eating her noodles.

Mako walked through the door seemingly angry. One happy brother, one angry one, Y/n just couldn't win. "What's got you in a tizzy, tough guy?" She asked.

Mako groaned, "I just tried to talk to Korra about what her intentions are with Bolin and she basically told me I was jealous."

"Jeez, what are you, Bolin's dad? And I mean... aren't you?" Y/n retorted, her mouth full of noodles.

"What? Of course i'm not. What makes you say that?" Mako asked flabbergasted. (hehe I've been waiting to use that word)

"Well I mean, the other day when Bolin asked you what you thought about Korra as a girlfriend you started thinking about it as if it was for you, you said she was "great"," Y/n pointed out.

Mako went silent, thinking about it for a second. "What? I-i'm not jealous! ...you're jealous!" He said defensively before going off to bed.

'What. I'm jealous? What is this dude even saying,' Y/n thought, 'Although... no you're reading too much into it, Y/n. He's definitely jealous," she thought, finishing her noodles.


"Eight teams have been eliminated and eight advance into the quarterfinals which get underway tonight," The announcer blared over the stadium.

Bolin was back in tip top shape after getting hurt in the last match which meant he was back in the game. Y/n stood in the locker rooms as the rest of the fire ferrets stood in the arena getting ready to fight.

"The rookies are about to take on the former and longest reigning champions, the boar-Q-pines. Youth clashes against experience in a battle for the ages, or rather... of the ages," The announcer continued.

It was true. The boar-Q-pines had won the last three championship tournaments. Y/n had been dreading this match for the whole tournament. If the fire ferrets get past this, the rest is smooth sailing.

The bell rang and bending was thrown everywhere. Korra went to dodge but cartwheeled right into Mako, falling back into the third zone. Round one goes to the boar-Q-pines.

The fire ferrets were off their game today. Y/n could only guess it was because of all the dating drama going on outside of the arena.

The bell for round two sounded and Korra and Mako were immediately knocked back into zone two. Bolin single handedly managed to knock all the boar-Q-pines into the second zone. Well, Bolin seems to be benefiting from this dating thing, can't say the same for Mako and Korra though.

Round three ended up being a tie. This match was tough for Y/n to watch. There had to be a tie breaking round to settle who won. The ref flipped a coin and the coin favored the fire ferrets. Usually Mako takes the tie breakers so Y/n was surprised to see Bolin walk into the arena. It makes sense though since Mako isn't particularly on his game today.

Bolin almost immediately knocked the other earth bender so far that he went into the water. Y/n cheered. It was a painful match to watch but atleast they won.


Y/n agreed to help Bolin pick out some flowers for Korra on the condition that she could watch while he gave them to her. She wanted to be supportive of her brother since for some reason she can't shake this... negative feeling she had towards his and Korra's relationship. She figured maybe if she watched it in action she would somehow... feel better about it?

Bolin was humming along as the two found Korra talking to Mako just outside of the pro-bending arena. As they were walking up though, Korra suddenly pressed her lips to Mako's. And Mako... reciprocated the kiss? Bolin stopped in his tracks, dumbfounded. Y/n could only feel anger towards Korra and towards Mako for doing this to his little brother. Mako turned around, finally spotting Bolin and Y/n. Y/n shook her head at the two, glaring at them. Bolin began to sob and run the other way.

"Bolin this isn't what you think," Mako exclaimed.

"I hope you two are happy," Y/n spat, narrowing her eyes at them before running after her little brother.


Y/n found herself at Bolin's favorite noodle store with Bolin as he ate his feelings, sobbing. Y/n wasn't sure what to do. She only rubbed his back comfortingly.

Mako walked in, approaching Bolin, "Come on, i'm taking you home, bro," Mako stated, putting a hand on his shoulder. Y/n looked up from her little brother, narrowing her eyes at Mako.

Bolin sniffled, "Don't call me that. You're not my brother! You're a brother betrayer," He sobbed.

"The only one I can trust anymore... is Pabu," Bolin said, motioning to the ferret who was now fat from eating a bunch of noodles.

"Hey, what the flip! I'm right here," Y/n exclaimed.

"Oh... and Y/n too I guess. Atleast Pabu and Y/n love me," Bolin whined. Y/n rolled her eyes.

'So the ferret comes first I see," She thought.

"You're a mess and we have the biggest match of our lives tonight," Mako stated, "Let's go," He said, trying to grab Bolin.

"No!" Bolin exclaimed, pushing Mako off of him, "I'm not going anywhere with you, traitor!"

"Guess we're doing this the hard way," Mako explained, picking up Bolin on his back as Bolin sobbed. Y/n followed after them.

"I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea," Mako lectured.

"You're one to talk," Y/n scoffed. Mako shushed her.

"You're a bad idea!" Bolin sobbed.


There was a very awkward silence in the locker room as the fire ferrets geared up. Everybody was refusing to look at each other or stand within three feet of each other.

Today, they would be going up against the buzzard-wasps. A pretty evenly matched game but with the fire ferrets off their game, Y/n wasn't so sure.

The bell sounded and bending erupted in the arena. The buzzard-wasps were so graceful with their bending Y/n was mesmerized watching them. The fire ferrets were almost immediately knocked into zone two and Mako got knocked into the third. Bolin got hit in the stomach with a rock and Y/n watched as he quickly took off his helmet and... threw up into the water. There goes the noodles. Korra and Bolin were both knocked into zone three and the buzzard-wasps won the first round.

The bell dinged and Mako was immediately thrown into zone two. Mako accidentally hit Bolin when he tried to defend himself. As Bolin was yelling at him, the buzzard-wasps knocked him into the water. Korra began to use the water vent under the fire bender from the other team to throw her upwards a bunch of times. The fire ferrets earned a penalty for unnecessary roughness because of this, causing them to move back a zone. Korra bended at the ref out of frustration earning the fire ferrets a loss of round two.

Y/n was gripping her hair. To win, they'd have to knock the buzzard-wasps out this next round.

As the next round started, Bolin and Mako were knocked into zone two almost immediately. Then Bolin took an earth disk to his bad shoulder. He screamed as he clutched his shoulder. Mako was then knocked into the water. Bolin kept playing with his one good arm but was soon knocked into the water as well. Meanwhile, Korra was flying around the arena, dodging every attack the buzzard-wasps threw. She got all the buzzard-wasps lined up and then threw a water bending strike through all three of them, knocking them all out and winning the match for the fire ferrets.

Y/n and her brothers were now all cheering from the locker room. They all went in for a hug as Bolin yelped. "Ah! Shoulder!"

Y/n squealed as Korra came back into the locker room, bringing her in for a tight hug, "You were amazing!" she exclaimed. Korra chuckled then hugged Y/n back comfortingly.

"That was pretty much the coolest thing i've ever seen," Bolin stated.

"Thanks for not giving up on us. We never would've made it this far without you," Mako smiled.

"You're welcome. So.. I know things are pretty confusing right now... but I hope we can still be friends," Korra smiled.

"Definitely," Mako replied.

Just then, another team called the wolf-bats walked into the locker room. "You boys smell something in here?" Tahno, the meanest guy from the wolf-bats said as he gagged as if he smelled something bad, "Oh yeah, that's the scent of losers."

"I hope we see you in the finals. Then we can see who the losers really are," Korra challenged, glaring at him.

"Yeah. I'm peeing my pants over here," Tahno replied sarcastically before walking into the arena.

Just then, Asami came running in and hugged Mako, "Great job!" She exclaimed, "What an amazing come back, Korra, i've never seen a hat trick like that," She smiled.

"Thanks but if it weren't for you and your father we wouldn't have had the chance to play," Korra smiled, "So thank you."

"Uh, if everybody's done with the little thank you party, need some medical attention over here," Bolin stated.

Y/n turned to look at him. Bolin now had his sleeve off and his shoulder looked pretty red. She sat next to him on the bench, rubbing his back.

"Oh! Let me help," Korra suggested, putting a hand on his shoulder. Bolin yelped.

"Ah! Haven't you hurt me enough, woman?" He exclaimed.

"Relax! I'm a healer! I learned from Katara, the best there is," Korra explained, bending some water around his shoulder.

Bolin immediately sighed with relief as the glowing water hit his skin.

"Bolin... i'm so sorry. I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand," Korra apologized.

"Ah... i'll be alright. But we had fun together, didn't we?" Bolin smiled.

"I had a great time, honestly! You are one of a kind, Bolin," Korra smiled.

"Please, go on. I enjoy praise," Bolin smiled. Y/n smiled, rolling her eyes, smacking her brother's head lightly.

"Your winners, the wolf-bats!" An announcer exclaimed.

The three whipped their heads toward the arena, "What? How is it over already," Korra asked.

They walked towards the railing to see the wolf-bats enjoying the crowd's love and the other team getting carried out of the water in stretchers. The fire ferrets looked toward each other worriedly.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this took me so long to write April is gonna be a busy month for me so I won't be able to post as much as I have been. I promise you I am working my booty off for you guys though. I literally cranked this out in one day, hopefully there's no mistakes 😭 hope you liked this chapter though!

This one was a fun one hehe hope you don't hate me too much for leaving you on a cliffhanger for so long

Also this is the episode where Mako's like "no! i'm with asami!" and then Korra's like "yeah but when you're with her you're thinking about me aren't you?" OH MY ISHDHSBJWSJ guys. This woman is so fine. I cannot.

also thanks for the love so far on this book!! I love reading all your comments you guys are so funny I love you 🫶

anyway thanks for reading!!

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