Chronicles of a Divine Brilli...

By Divine-Astral

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The Chronicles of a Divine Brilliance features an action/adventure plot built off of none other than Miitopia... More

Miitopia: Worlds of Malice
Miitopia: Rivals of Radiance
Miitopia: Lust for Deliverance

Miitopia: The Malediction Revolution

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By Divine-Astral

__**Chapter One**__
*Mournful Morning*

It is an oddly cold and cloudy morning in Greenhorne, despite it being in the middle of summer. It is around 7:45am at the Miitopia Greenhorne HQ, everyone seems to still be asleep. Everyone, but Moon.

Moon is out at the shoreline thinking about yesterday, about how much was gained, but also how much could've been avoided. She has unintentionally helped Eon see the truth behind his mother, but at the same time, he has lost the last member of his family because of her. The internal struggle of whether to sulk or celebrate is causing her to overthink. Tears are starting to shed as she continues to wonder what she's done, and if Eon will be okay.

Eon is suddenly seen standing behind her.

'Eon': Uhh, you good?

Moon jumps up, startled by his voice, she then turns to face him extremely aggressively.

'Moon' (angrily): you bitch.. haven't i TOLD you not to sneak up on me?!

'Eon': I had just noticed you were gone from your room, so I figured you'd be out here. Sorry for scaring you-

Moon pauses for a little and calms down, noticing how abnormally tame Eon's tone of voice is. She turns back around to sit.

'Moon': know me too well. it's fine i guess.
: i'm more concerned for you though, are you okay? you know, after yesterday?

'Eon': I'll live. I do somewhat regret my decision, but she's better off burning in hell.. trying to use ME for money? Totally worth more than a couple billions.

'Moon' (smirking a bit): i'm with you on that one.
: i don't know.. i just felt like a lot of that could've been avoided if i didn't let my temper get the best of me... could've been a simple birthday party, but then it turns into yet another near-death situation.

'Eon': Hey heyyy don't sweat it too much. Sure we may be public enemy #1 for practically murdering the richest woman and mafia boss in Antrim, but we've learned a lot from this.

'Moon': i mean.. i guess you can say that?

'Eon': Either way we still had an amazing time during that trip, lets just cherish it as a good memory alright? Throw all the traumatic shit into a river.

Moon stands to give Eon a long hug, which surprises him a little. He then hugs her back, tearing up a little.

'Moon': thank you.. Eon.

'Eon': Mhm- No matter how you put it, we'll all be okay.
(letting go): Now enough of the sappy shit, what we eating for breakfast?

'Moon': ..didn't think i'd be hungry until you mentioned food.
: can we go to that one bakery in the Elven Retreat?

'Eon': OOOHHHH BET!! I NEED to have me one of those cheesecakes again.

'Moon': well then i'll meet you there.

Moon immediately soars off, leaving Eon in his position.

'Eon': OI! WAIT UP!!

Eon takes off, catching up to Moon as they head to the Realm of the Fey.

Back in the HQ, Mari, Tyler, Brooklyn, and Pastel are seen getting ready for another day of school. Tyler glances at the coffee table in the living room to see the gold covered book still sitting there.

'Tyler': Shit, right. I should probably return that.

'Pastel': But.. I haven't even read enough of it to figure out why both sources of energy had this everlasting resentment..

'Tyler': Eh, you can read more later, it's not going anywhere.

'Pastel': And if somebody borrows it?

'Tyler': Survival of the fittest, first come first serve.

'Pastel' (rolling her eyes): Whatever.

Mari is still in his room, conflicted on whether he should wear his usual armor, or wear something red. Brooklyn walks in with a bag of MP Candies.

'Brooklyn': Hey Mari, you think you'll see that purple boy again?

'Mari': Likely. He seemed pretty serious about wanting to improve.
(to himself): The emperor sword doesn't even work well with this- IS THERE EVEN A SWORD THAT LOOKS GOOD WITH THIS???

'Brooklyn': Maybe your Black Katana?

Mari picks up his Black Katana and looks in his mirror, waving the sword around. He doesn't seem too happy with it.

'Mari': Ehhh fuck it, I'll just go with Ol' reliable black and gold.

'Brooklyn' (smiling): It is your signature look!

'Mari': Heh, damn right.
(glancing at her left hand): What's with the bag?

'Brooklyn': Oh! I figured I'm gonna need a lot of MP candy if I'm gonna be teaching a lot of healers. I don't even know if this'll last the day.

'Mari': I think the school has a vending machine full of them, you can still bring the bag just in case.
: You could be one of those teachers with candy bowls on their desk, you know?

'Brooklyn' (gasping): GOOD IDEA ACTUALLY!!

Brooklyn rushes off to get a bowl from the kitchen, Mari just shakes his head as he's putting his armor on. Next thing you know he's hearing yelling from the living room.


'Brooklyn': "I NEED IT THOUGHHH!"

'Mari' (under his breath): Oh lord Brookie..

Mari paces his way into the living room.

'Mari': Can y'all shut the fuck up? It's 8 in the morning, people are sleeping.

'Tyler': Tell your *BaE* to put ma candy back!

'Brooklyn': I need it for my class!!

'Mari': Brookie, did you even ask him for the candy?

'Brooklyn': ...Noo-

'Mari' (facepalming): Put it back.

'Brooklyn': Fineeeee...

'Tyler' (sighing): Thank you Mari.

'Brooklyn': You have so many thoo, why can't you share-

'Tyler': Bitch Ima mage, if I don't keep supplying myself, this shit will be gone in days.

'Brooklyn': Touché-

'Pastel': Lets go y'all, we're about to be late.

'Mari': Right. Lightning!!

Lightning's neigh is heard from outside, everyone exits the building to hop on and they set off to campus.


__**Chapter Two**__
*Unscholarly Royalty*

The team is in their assigned classes, each one preparing to begin their next lesson. It is now around noon, one class period before lunch begins.

'Mari': OKAY! That was the bell and everyone should be in the seat THEY CHOSE yesterday. Remember that you chose those seats for yourselves and it wont be changed.
: Today we have a few new students!
(side-eyeing Eli): Some of which I have met already, If any of you would like to come up and introduce yourselves then by all means, it is your choi-

'Eli' (confidently standing up): I'd like to introduce myself, sir.

'Mari': Alrighty- Present your name, job, and your goal in this class.

Eli makes his way to the front of the classroom, with his back towards Mari.

'Eli': Sup y'all, I'm Eli. Fastest warrior in all of Miitopia.

Eli turns to peek at Mari, who is squinting directly at him.

'Eli' (suddenly nervous): And uh- although I may be the fastest, I'm not very strong, so I would love to learn how to strengthen my other abilities than just speed.

The class gives a short applause.

'Mari': Thank you Eli. Anyone else interested in introducing themselves?
: ..No one? Alright, lets get started then. Everyone to the battlefield!

The class of 19 students treads their way to the battlefield at the back of the school. It is a open field of grass, similar to the one at HQ but slightly larger, there's a control panel by the school building allowing anyone to alter the battlefield as they please. Ally suddenly appears in front of the class.

'Ally': I see you've all made your way to the field.

'Mari' (mildly startled): I was planning on getting the kids to spar with each other, just to see where everyone is at.

'Ally': I see.
(Aiming her wand behind them): Just be careful with that panel over there, some of the features aren't tested or fully completed yet and they could severely injure someone. Only use the layouts with green checkmarks.

'Mari' (nodding): Thanks for the heads up.

Ally nods and warps back to her office. Mari walks over to the panel to see the different layouts, there's a battlefield for each location available, Easin Hills, Arid Frontier, Neksdor Desert, Wetland Way, Elven Forest, etc. There's some with red Xs over them, like Nimbus, The Great Pyramid, Nightmare Tower, and Manor Macabre. Mari decided to keep the default Easin Hills layout.

'Mari': Okay everyone, for our first sparring match, we'll have Eli and Isa face off, I've gained a lot of interest in you two mechanically and would like to see what you can do.

'Eli': Awww yeah! Finally getting some action!

Eli zips off to the field.

'Isa': What..? I know a lot of spells but I have never used them in combat...

'Mari': Well now's your chance to test them out! The sole purpose of this class is for you to learn how to get comfortable in combat with your job, and your role in a fight is extremely important as a mage.

'Isa' (fiddling with her wand): I guess...

Mari picks up Isa by her torso.

'Mari': Now BEAT EM UP!

He tosses her into the battlefield and she gives a soft but high pitch scream, she then lands on her feet on one end of the field while Eli stands on the other. Isa stands there, confused on how she landed so perfectly while Eli is anxiously jumping around.

'Mari': On the count of 3 we will begin the fight, are you two ready?


Isa gives a petrified nod.

'Mari': One... Two... THREE!!

The battle has began and Eli is immediately seen behind Isa, quickly striking her in the back of the head and launching her to the ground. He then picks her up to toss her into the air to follow up with a thrust. Isa is panicking and crying as she ascends and realizes Eli rapidly catching up to her altitude. She puts up a barrier just before the thrust connects, and uses Mega Ice which rains shards onto Eli launching him back to ground level.

As he hits the ground, the ice freezes the surrounding area of the battlefield, making it hard to maneuver without slipping. As Eli's gaining his balance, Isa uses Gust to propel herself downward, making a hard landing behind him. She uses Enlarge Weapon on her own wand making it twice her size and whacks Eli at full power, launching him across the field. Isa uses her barrier to slide across the ice when Eli starts sprinting at her at full speed, he prepares a Super Spin Slash as he's approaching and Isa ignites her wand to set it on fire. Just before the attacks clash, a Nightmare Orb falls from the sky and lands between them, exploding and launching the both of them.

'Mari': What the hell?!!!

Mari quickly glances upward to see the Dark King, paired alongside a vampire just floating there. The vampire looks young, maybe between 15-17 years old, he gives the group a mean look.

'Mari': What a time for an attack..
: Isa!! Eli!! Are you two okay??

'Eli' (angrily): Peachy!

'Isa' (coughing): Yeah I'm fine!

The rest of the class is seen running into the building, screaming. Mari triple taps his watch for an emergency ping when Pastel and Tyler already shows up.

'Mari': I suppose y'all heard the commotion.

'Tyler': Yeah, my class's reaction wasn't pretty.

'Pastel': There's a vampire up there pondering something... the hell is he thinking about?

'Tyler': Can't be anything good, wanna interrupt his planning period Mari?

'Mari' (smirking): You bet, tower me.

Tyler propels Mari upwards with a Tower of Flame without even moving a limb, launching him directly towards the Dark King. The Vampire notices him and and summons a hoard of bats to stop him as the Dark King uses a Nightmare spell. Mari slashes through the bats with ease and a Safety Mask appears on his face to soar through the spell. The vampire panics and flies to a different spot to avoid Mari, as he slashes through the Dark King with Warrior's Hatchet. After his screams in pain, the King grabs Mari and summons a large boulder charged with Darkeye Energy. Tyler grits his teeth and uses Mega Gust to launch himself into the air, once he reaches their level of height, Tyler then casts Mega Poison that creates an internal explosion inside of the Dark King. Mari and the Boulder is dropped, in which they are both directly above Isa. He fast falls his way to ground level next to Isa and jumps back in to the air to cut the boulder in half with a Darkeye Slash, and launching both halves far off in separate directions. He lands once again to help Isa up off the ground and guides her towards the building. The Dark King falls to the ground, causing an explosion and startling Isa, Tyler lands shortly afterwards. The vampire is no where to be seen.

'Pastel': That was.. definitely unexpected.

'Tyler': Why would some vampire kid want to attack a school? With a Darkeye powered beast even?

'Pastel': I've came to the conclusion that he was looking for something, the school does have a lot of secrets and ancient resources.

'Mari': Or he could've had some vendetta against this school and decided to pull an America on us.

'Pastel': Or.. that. Either way his intentions weren't pure and I'm glad we stopped him.

Brooklyn finally shows up running out the door, ages late.

'Brooklyn' (out of breath): SORRY IM LATE GUYS!! Whew- I had to deal with a constantly panicking classroom and I couldn't just leave them.

'Tyler': Least you had an actually good reason to miss the fight this time.

'Mari': Can you heal up Isa? She's injured.

Brooklyn uses Giga Cure to get Isa back up on her feet.

'Isa': Thank you.. so much-

'Brooklyn': No proble- Wait! Is that Ally?

Ally is seen where the Dark King hit the ground, it has created a decently sized crater.

'Mari': Oh damn, it is. You all can go back inside, I'll see what's up with her.

The squad nods and treads their way back in the building, Mari zips over to where Ally is, as she studies the corpse of the Dark King.

'Ally' (mildly annoyed): I thought you all had killed this thing before.

'Mari': That's what I thought too, and I'm quite sure we did.
: Even if we didn't, why would it team up with a vampire?

Ally remains silent for a couple of moments, studying the monster. She then spots something on its pendant, a bright blue chip to be exact. With a disgusted look on her face, she yanks off the chip and the Dark King disintegrates immediately.

'Mari': A... replica.. of the Dark King???

'Ally': I'm as shocked as you are.. I didn't think cloning such powerful beings was possible- Some genius is behind this and I may know who.
: I'll come over to your HQ to explain it all later, I'm closing off school for the day.

Ally warps away before Mari can even make a remark. He then zips off to the front of the school. Eli is still standing in the center of Ice.

'Eli': Uhhh... a little help?

Mari zips back, tosses Eli into the building and zips back to the front where Lightning is. Tyler, Brooklyn, and Pastel are exiting the front gate and they all make their way back to HQ.


__**Chapter Three**__
*An Unfavorable Concoction*

Back in the Miitopia HQ, all 10 members were called to the living room for a meeting.

'Eon': So uhh.. what are we here for again?

'Mari': We have a situation to assess with Ally, it's just a matter of her getting here that we're waiting on.

'Pastel': In the meantime, let me update you all on recent events.
: The school that the four of us have been teaching at has been attacked by the Dark King.

'Jacob': What the hell? Didn't we kill that thing years ago?

'Pastel': That's what we wer-

'Mari' (interrupting): We did. It was a clone.

'Everyone else': **WHAT?!**

'Pastel': That's... not.. possible, you can't casually clone such powerful beings.

'Mari': That's what we thought too, until we found a chip on the King's emblem.

'Moon': wait.. we?

Ally appears in the room, with the chip in hand.

'Ally': Precisely.

'Eon': Finally-

'Moon': Shut up Eon.

'Ally': I warped to the site of the explosion from the King's landing to investigate how the hell the thing was brought to life, when I found the chip attached to it, shining brightly. You have no idea how quickly that pissed me off.

'Mari': You said before that you knew where the chip originated from?

'Ally': I do indeed, let me give you a little background.

'Mari' (annoyed): Oh for FUCKS SA-

'Ally': Way back when during my Animal Crossing days, my family knew a famous barista from a far off island. He was extremely good at his job, bringing the absolute most out of island favorites and even more out of his specialties. One day my family managed to save up the money to hire him as our butler, and he lived with us. Man when I tell you that man was like an older brother to me, we were close, did basically everything together like we were siblings, but just like siblings would also do, we'd have our disputes. Eventually a large incident happened that I'm not going to get into that caused him to get fired.

: But never mind all of that, now that I have introduced him, now's the time for his real significance. The Butler was a mastermind, we'd travel everywhere together and whenever we'd end up in an unfavorable situation, he always had a plan to find his way out of it almost immediately. So one day about 2 years ago, we coincidentally met up in Miitopia somewhere in Peculia, it was a very warm greeting until I asked where he was living at the moment, in which he became extremely defensive about it. Long story short, things escalated to the point to where we ended up in combat, in which I lost because his strength combined with his intelligence was too high..

'Eon': Hold on *ALLY* lost to a *BUTLER* of all people???

'Ally': Yeah I know, sounds pathetic, but this guy is not someone to underestimate.

: Wherever he was living at, he somehow found the time to create his own inventions, including devices that can clone monsters and control them to his own will. I never thought he'd get to the point of being able to replicate mass Darkeye Energy entities.

'Pastel': Would you mind giving us this butler's name?

'Ally': I should've led off with that shouldn't I?
: He goes by the name of ||Baxter||

'Eon': WHAT?? BAX BOY??!!

'Moon': ...

'Ally': You... know him?

'Eon': He was the butler at MY house for years!!

'Ally': Where the hell did you live?

'Eon': I was born on a far off island called Antrim, city of the Devious Devil.
: I recently went back there with Moon to celebrate my mom's birthday. Long story short, she's now dead because of us and this *might* be Bax boy's method of getting back at us.

'Ally': Now what the hell-

'Eon': I'd give details but, now doesn't seem like a good time.

'Mari': Well if this guy has the power to clone any monster as he pleases. Lord knows what power he holds..

'Brooklyn': So... what do we do about this?

'Pastel': Get the island prepared for the worst. His first mistake was making us aware of his presence.

'Tyler' (smirking): And you already got a plan for that, don't ya?

'Pastel': Heh, you bet.
: It's not the most reliable- but hear me out. For the most part we don't know exactly what we're dealing with, so we're going to need all the help we could possibly get. So we're gonna have Mari, Tyler, and Ally take the entire school on a field trip around Miitopia to give everyone the experience they need for combat.

'Mari': Wait wait WHAT??

'Tyler': Helllll no..

'Ally': Explain to me how this would be favorable in any way.

'Pastel': Guys. Listen. We said we were gonna have the kids help us in dire situations, this is one of those dire situations! We don't know the limit of this man's cloning capabilities so we NEED the help of all of the young heroes.

'Ally': We did agree on that.. I'll see if I can get something arranged.

'Tyler': Okay but why specifically us 3?

'Pastel': The kids would feel more secure if they knew they had 3 of the strongest Miis in the Miiverse protecting them from harm's way.

'Tyler': UGGHHHHHH!! *Fine.*

'Pastel': In the meantime, I will have Eon, Moon, and I travel over to Antrim to find whatever lab Baxter runs all of his "experiments."

'Moon': there is no way you're bringing me back to that place.

'Pastel' (mildly annoyed): Just listen. You two know it better than I do at least, and we need to find the origin of his plans so we can know what to prepare for.

'Eon': As much as I'd hate to admit it, she has a point. We need to go back.

'Moon' (under her breath): god i hate it here.

'Pastel': Everyone else will have to keep watch of the island, let everyone know if you see anything suspicious going on.

The team begins to start groaning and complaining, some exclaiming that the plan isn't going to work. Others saying that they don't have enough time to do everything. Pastel repeatedly attempts to explain herself, constantly getting cut off by another counterpoint.

Pastel quickly grows furious, slamming her flask on the ground and shattering it, immediately silencing the room.

'Pastel': **GUYS! FUCKING. LISTEN!!** I'm *aware* that this plan is nowhere near perfect and is by far one of the most impractical things I have ever came up with. I'm also aware that everything can go horribly wrong at any given point of time, but right about now, we do **not** have a choice. I am fucking tired of you all constantly questioning my methods when EVERY SINGLE ONE of my plans have worked PERFECTLY, I would not be so willing to do any of this shit if it wasn't going to work out. This is one of the greatest threats to the island we've ever had, and I am **NOT** taking any chances for failure. So you all have one of two choices. You could stop whining, suck it the ***FUCK*** up, and commit to the damn plan. Or begin packing now because if we let this shit slide, you can say your goodbyes to Miitopia now.

Everyone was silent for a few moments, Moon then stands up, angered.

'Moon': Okay miss *know at all,* PLEASE explain to me the significance of Eon and I going back to the one city in which we're PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE.

'Pastel': Eon knows the place like the back of his hand, considering it's his hometown. And since Mari and Tyler are the main combat teachers and the strongest on our team, you'd be the 3rd candidate to help us in battl-

'Moon': MIGHT I mention that we almost fucking DIED last time we went, even with Mari.
: The three of us will get killed on the spot with the whole city against us.

'Pastel': There you go QUESTIONING my methods again.

'Moon': ...well i'm FUCKING SORRY for looking out for the three of us bitch. YOU weren't there yesterday, you didn't see what WE did. For ONCE when I try to care for y'all's safety this is what I get.

'Pastel' (extremely annoyed): I'm aware of the dangers of it all, but IT'S OUR BEST FUCKING CHANCE OF GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.



'Moon': ...


Moon pauses for a little while, making no effort to find a comeback. She then tilts her head to look at the floor, suddenly releasing all of her tension.

'Moon': fine then, guess i'll be leaving.

'Pastel': Hm.

'Moon' (aggressively glancing at the team): you all have fun dying like the bunch of imbeciles you are. i'm tired of these life threatening games y'all keep playing..

Moon soars out of the door with Eon chasing her to the doorway.

'Eon': MOON!! WAIT!

She was already gone, cruising away from the HQ across the ocean. Eon falls to his knees, with small tears shedding from his face.

'Tyler' (rolling his eyes): Congrats Pastel, way to go. We lost our vampire.

'Pastel': Tch. She isn't needed, she'll just hold us down with a mentality like that. I already have an alternate plan involving the nine of-

'Eon' (wiping his tears): Heh. How self-centered can one bitch be?

'Pastel': And how exactly am *I* being self-centered?

'Eon': You were SOOOO focused on getting your stupid plan across that you basically invited her out of the door.

'Pastel': I'm just being realistic, if she cannot accept that she can leave. Either way I have bigger things to worry about.

'Eon': So you're just okay with losing a teammate you've known for years? Just like that?

'Pastel': Well, it's sad that she made the decision she made but I cannot do too much about it, people come and go.
: Either way I'm more focused on saving our *home* than a bitch with relevance insecurities.

Eon rushes over a grabs Pastel by her throat, holding her up into the air and choking her. Everyone circles him with a battle stance, threatening him.

'Eon' (furious): Say that shit again if you don't value your life.

'Mari': Eon, put the girl down, this isn't the time to fight.

Eon quickly realizes the situation he's in and tosses her to the ground, out of blind anger she rushes in for a right hook but is blocked by Mari. He is now standing in between the two.

'Mari': Can we all PEASE take a moment to chill. I don't know why you're all so tense today but we're running out of time.

'Eon': I couldn't care less at this point, I'm gonna go take a nap.

Eon flies off to his room.

'Brooklyn': So now what are we gonna do..?

'Pastel': At this rate, I'll go it alone.

'Mari': That's, not acceptable. At least let me come with you.

'Pastel': No, the school needs you. I should be okay by myself over there, nobody knows me so all I have to do is pretend I have never met them in my life.

'Tyler': But get this, how are you gonna get over there with no one to fly you?

'Pastel': I'll just use Dominic. Y'all can have Lightning with you guys.

'Mari': Okay.. just be careful over there.
: Is everyone else clear on what we're doing?

Jacob, Blight, Amy, and Niya takes light glances at each other for a few moments, then they all face Mari, nodding.

'Mari' (sighing): Okay, plan's a go everyone. Just be careful out there.

Everyone walks out of the door to get ready. It is a gloomy day outside, with a thunderstorm expected to arrive in about an hour. Mari calls Lightning, him and Tyler hops on in preparation to head off to the school. Blight, Niya, Amy, and Jacob all separate to head to different areas of Miitopia. Dominic lands in front of the HQ to wait on Pastel. Ally stands by the doorway, thinking.

'Mari': ..Ally?

'Ally': You two start heading off to campus without me, I'm gonna find Moon so I can talk some sense in to her.

Mari nods, and commands Lightning to sprint off to campus. Leaving Ally in her position to Teleport away.


__**Chapter Four**__
*Reptile Conventions*

Ally warps on to a deserted island, it seems to be the exact island Eon and Moon stopped at for their break. She creeps her way around the beach, searching for Moon, but she is no where to be seen. Eventually she finds her way to an open area in the center of the island, where she sees Moon talking to a hoard of Darkeye Lizardmen. Ally quickly warps behind a nearby tree to listen in.

'Moon': i've given your offer a little more consideration.. and i have come to a final decision.
: i accept.

'Lizardman I' (extremely raspy): Wonderful news m'lady! Hopefully your actions will accommodate for the soldiers we've lost.

'Moon': i'll do what I can to make up for it.

Ally grits her teeth in disgust, she suddenly hears rustling in a bush behind her and immediately warps behind a Lizardman who was planning on attacking her from behind and towers it into the open. The Lizardman catches his landing and shouts-

'Lizardman II': INTRUDERRRR!!

Moon and the rest of the Lizardmen arm up and form a battle stance, to see Ally emerging from the bushes, planting her wand into the ground. Moon's eyes widen.

'Moon': ...Ally? the hell are you doing here?!

'Ally' (enraged): I should be asking YOU the same damn question. What the hell are you planning with all of the Lizardmen?!!

'Moon': none of this shit is any of your business. now i suggest you leaving while you still have the option to live.

'Ally': You're *threatening* me now???? It'd be amusing to see you try and put *me* in harm's way.

Moon is just floating there at this point, smirking. Completely aware of the sheer amount of strength each one of these Lizardmen holds.

'Moon': heh. suit yourself.
(turning towards the small army): **kill her.**

The hoard of 27 Lizardmen are immediately sprinting directly towards her when a quick shockwave launches them all back to their original positions. Ally is seen chuckling a little. Moon's smirk fades.

'Ally': If you all can't get through that, I don't know how you expect this to be a fair fight.
: You don't seem to know what you're dealing with Moon. There's a reason I'm still the great sage and not Tyler.

'Moon': weren't you the same one begging him for mercy from a Phase I burst attack?

'Ally' (scoffing): As much as I expected you to bring that up, that was a low blow. I was weakened from all of the energy I put into the plans I had.

'Moon': sounds to me like an excuse for weakness.

'Ally': Well if I'm so weak, explain to me why your army cannot approach me.

'Moon': ...

Ally casts a lightning spell that was rather different, it was bright blue and it seared a single Lizardman almost immediately. The rest of the Lizardmen begin to charge at her again.

Ally's movements were fluid, swiftly dodging all of the Lizardmen's Darkeye Slashes and perfectly countering them. Ally eventually managed to gather all of the Lizardmen into one area and leaps into the air, casting Gleaming Detonation. The blast wipes out any remaining Lizardmen in the area.

'Ally' (brushing off her shoulder): So, about your little posse-

Ally is suddenly seen being drop kicked to the ground. Moon slides for a little upon landing, she's in Darkeye Phase IV.

'Moon' (furious): They may not be able to touch you.. but I sure as hell can.

'Ally' (coughing): Darkeye Energy, how cheesy.

Moon zips in front of Ally to grab and toss her into the air, launching Breath of the Dragon's Flame as a follow up. Ally warps beside her and shoots a Tower of Flame to interrupt her. Moon catches her landing and rushes back in for a volley of attacks, in which Ally struggles to defend against. Ally uses a shockwave in an attempt of defense but it only pushes her back a couple of feet. Moon pounces back with a strong left hook, knocking Ally off of her feet. Which she then uses a Bat Tornado to hold her up in the air. Moon finally charges Darkest Smite.

'Ally': Heh. I thought only curses knew that move.

'Moon': You like it?? Edward taught me it.
: Luckily for you, it'll be the last move you see before your demise.

'Ally': Well before you kill me, let me ask you this. Why are you doing all of this? Betraying the place you call home?

'Moon': None of this is any of your fucking business. That shitty island is not my home.

'Ally': It is my business, because you're planning something against the place I was honored to protect.

'Moon': Some protector you are, about to lose your life to a simple vampire.

'Ally': ...

Moon cackles a little, slowing down her charge.

'Moon': What power do you even have hm??? Your pathetic ass cant even fight hand to hand with a mage that's supposed to be weaker than you. Hell you've done nothing for us the past couple of months. Where were you when we were fighting the Dark Sun hm? We almost died out there while you were sitting on your ass watching us. You got your ass killed before because you let your guard down to the guy that was trying to kill us all.

'Ally': ..That's enough from yo-

'Moon': No. That's enough from **you.**

Moon's Darkest Smite reaches the peak of its charge. Moon's tone of voice suddenly darkens.

'Moon': Your time is up.

'Ally': Well, here's one thing you don't know about me-

Moon ignores her and launches the beam. Completely encasing her in Darkeye Energy. When the beam is finished, Ally is just seen floating there.

'Moon' (dumbfounded): ..w-what the fuck??

'Ally' (angered): Could've at least let me finish before figuring it out yourself. Sheesh.
: Well you know now but, I'm immune to curse's abilities.

'Moon': ...

Ally's wand glows white as she begins surrounding herself in a bright teal aura. She charges up energy, but it isn't Darkeye Energy. Moon still stands in utter shock.

The general area is encased in a timeless aura with small particles floating everywhere. She has grown crystalized wings about 25x the size of her body. Her entire look has changed, she's wearing a large white cloak with nothing but undergarments and high heels underneath, her hair has even grown longer.

Ally has activated *Blindeye Phase XIV.* Her wand floats and aims in Moon's direction while Ally crosses her arms and lies on her side whilst floating.

'Ally' (booming): **Is this the power you seek?**

'Moon': I- um..


'Moon': ...

'Ally': **Well if you're not going to respond, at least answer me this.**
: **What were you planning to do with those Lizardmen? What is wrong with you, where is all of this anger coming from?**

Moon sits in silence for a while, unable to think of a lie to get herself out of the situation she's in. Moon finally gives in, floating back to the ground and turning back to her original self.

'Moon': okay.. i'll tell you...


__**Chapter Five**__
*The Starless City of Antrim... Again*

Pastel is seen landing on Antrim's shoreline with Dominic. It is still around mid-day with a ton of Imps floating around the city. A group of armored fiends notice Dominic and Pastel's landing and soar over to confront them.

'Fiends': HALT!!!

Pastel's new flask is in her bag, so she stands with her hands up, pretending to be defenseless. The fiends all squint their eyes, aiming their scythes at her chest.

'Pastel': I- Is there an issue sir..?

'Fiend I': Where are you arriving from? And why are you here?

'Pastel': I have come from a faraway land called Netso City. I've come here to conduct research on another largely populated metropolis.

'Fiend II': Hmmm. She looks smart enough for me to believe it.

'Fiend I': Anyone can *look* smart imbecile.
(poking Pastel): Are you associated with anyone from Miitopia?

'Pastel' (annoyed): No sir, I have yet to explore that island.

'Fiend I' (lowering his scythe): Very well then, you may proceed. Your pet dragon must stay on the shoreline however.

'Pastel': Okay, that's fine.

The fiends all drop their guard and Pastel is free to roam Antrim. She's strolling down the sidewalk of Main Street, texting Mari on her watch letting him know that she made it to Antrim safely.

'Pastel' (whispering to herself): Alright.. how do I get a taxi in this damn city.

Pastel spots a few taxis and whistles to them, none of the stopping for her. She has even tried waving a couple of times to get their attention but she is still ignored. A nearby imp notices her struggling and flies over to her.

'Imp': You tryna get a taxi?

'Pastel': I am, but no one seems to wanna take me.

'Imp': You gotta whistle while twirling yer weapon. If ya got one.

'Pastel': Umm.. yeah I don't.

'Imp': That's awright. You could borrow my spear for a sec.

The Imp hands Pastel the spear. She then spots another taxi and whistles to it while twirling the spear, her eyes widen as the taxi stops short in front of her.

'Pastel': What an interesting method of communication-
(handing back the spear): Thank you sir, I appreciate it.

'Imp': Noooo prollem!

The Imp soars off and Pastel hops in the taxi. The driver is the same Naughty Imp that took Eon and Moon to Jali's home.

'Driver': Where ya off to mate?

'Pastel': I heard there was an incident with someone major here yesterday, so I travelled to do some research at their premises.

'Driver': Hmm, you might be looking for Jali's castle then. That's where it all went down. Heard her son and his girl killed em.

The taxi drives off at a high speed.

'Pastel': That sounds- pretty tragic.

'Driver': Yeah I know, all on her birthday too. She was a sweet lady, so I don't know why they did that to her.

'Pastel': Well, there's always a reason behind every action.

'Driver': You right. Can't say I wanna pick a side on it.
: Anyway, the shit's pretty beat up right now so be careful navigating around it. It's also a crime scene, so you may run into a couple government cunts when you get there.

'Pastel': Thanks for the heads up.

'Driver': Don't mention it mate.
: We're here!

They pull up to the gate of Jali's castle, where Eon and Moon was held captive. The castle is not in great shape, completely unchanged from the battle with a gaping hole in the wall from Moon's Last Wing. There's authorities all over the castle, investigating and looking for a body. The Taxi slows to park in the castle courtyard, where they are met by an officer imp.

'Officer I': Hey! This is a *crime scene.* Civilians do not have any business on this propert-

Pastel interrupts her and uses Corrupt, commanding her to hand over her ID and badge. She then puts on the badge and tips off the driver 8000G.

'Pastel': Thanks for the ride!

'Driver': Don't mention it mate, see ya 'round.

The Taxi speeds out of the gate back to the city. Pastel treads her way into the castle.

The castle is dark, the power's been cut off entirely. There is police tape on almost every wall and every damaged crevice, with officers swarming the premises. Pastel slowly treads her way around to find any clues of where Baxter's lab could possibly be, she is once again confronted by another officer while inspecting a bookshelf in the hallway.

'Officer II': Excuse me, but who are you? I have not been told that scientists would be coming here.

'Pastel' (mildly startled): Maybe you were misinformed, I was told to come here to investigate with a small group of scientists, they all appear to be late however so I'm going at it alone.

The officer inspects her a little, squinting his eyes at the badge on her chest. He then shrugs and shoos her off, Pastel then giving him a stink-eye and walking off.

She then enters the room of where the fight went down, multiple officers and detectives looking around every corner for clues of the suspect, the Chief of the officers is suddenly seen stomping into the room from behind Pastel, shoving her out of the way. The Chief is a Warrior Mii, who seems to be quite experienced with a fairly short but bulky physique. He was bald, so he uses his hat as attempt to hide his head but it's still obvious. One of the officers approach him to update the chief on their progress

'Chief': So you mean to tell me.. that NONE of you found a SINGLE CLUE???

'Officer III': N-Not one sir-

The chief holds the officer by his collar, which looks incredibly awkward because the officer is taller than him.

'Chief': And HOW LONG have you all been on this operation for???

'Officer III' (shaking profusely): T-T-Twelve hours sir-

The chief tosses the frightened officer to the ground, with others helping him up. Pastel stares in shock and mild fear until the chief aggressively glances at her, she breaks eye contact immediately.

The chief stomps in her direction, standing in front of her at eye level.

'Chief': And what are YOU standing around for?

'Pastel' (attempting to swallow her fear): Was just passing by.

'Chief': Then **GET!!!**

Pastel scurries off immediately, listening to the chief's rampant derogatory towards the officers on the way out.

She finds her way to what looks like a small, dark, abandoned library, which would seem like a good spot for someone to hide a secret lab. No one is in the library, for good reason, it looks like no one's touched it in at least half a decade. She begins searching around for a light but none of the switches are working, Pastel resorts to using her watch's flashlight.

Pastel immediately regrets emitting any source of light because the room was significantly more horrifying than she originally thought. She then stands straight up, sucking up her fear with a determined look on her face and carefully treads her way through the library.

The room had more depth than it had seemed at first. Eventually she had found a pile of novels on the ground, all of them being related to the Divine Brilliance. Out of curiosity she picks up a book and decides to flip through it. The pages had many red underlines, circles, crosses, and scribbles at random parts of the novel, Like someone was planning something through a fictional book.

Pastel drops the book and decides to pick up another, upon picking up another book something in the room clicks.

'Pastel' (whispering): Huh.. Bingo?

A bookshelf directly beside her is suddenly opened, Pastel quickly dove out of the way to avoid getting hit. It opened a passage way through a dark metallic corridor, with a bright light being at the end of the tunnel. There is steam seeping out of the hallway as Pastel collects herself to stand.


__**Chapter Six**__
*The Black-Cloaked Menace*

Pastel is seen walking into a bright blue lab, it's a decently sized laboratory with the floor being smothered in mist for a more ominous touch. She takes a few steps around the room, immediately searching for anything related to Miitopia. Upon looking in a drawer, she snatched out a sketchbook and started reading.

The book had a bunch of drawings, drawings that looked like a toddler would draw with a couple derogatory statements, as if they were mocking the reader. Pastel stares at it in shock for a few moments, then looks in disgust.

'Pastel': This... was a trap.

'??': Smart girl you are.

The sound of a man's voice startles Pastel, she aggressively turns around and grips her flask as if she was ready to bash someone's head in. She sees the man in a black cloak, a mini top hat, and a monocle standing not too far from the doorway. They stand facing each other across the lab, both squinting their eyes at each other in suspicion. The cloaked man brings himself to start a conversation.

'??': I suppose you're this "Pastel" I've been hearing about.

'Pastel': Bold assumption, right or wrong how would someone like you know of my identity?

'??': A little birdie told me that you were heading over to this island to figure out what my "plans" were.

'Pastel': So you do have plans for Miitopia huh?

'??': My my. You're just as intelligent as they say you are, I will say I'm impressed with how you've managed to find your way in here, but let me ask you this. Did you really expect me to leave all of my private documents in an open, unguarded room in a broken down castle?

'Pastel': ...

'??': I'll say that was a little naïve of you, but then again, you're still young. I can't expect people your age to make good decisions all of the ti-

'Pastel' (angrily interrupting): Will you shut the *fuck* up and tell me what the HELL you're planning with Miitopia??

'??': A little bit aggressive are we? I haven't even introduced myself.

'Pastel': I know who you are, Baxter.

'Baxter': I see a little birdie has revealed my identity as well it seems.

Pastel activates Darkeye Phase I, preparing a Black Hole.

'Pastel' (coldly): Talk.

'Baxter': No need to get hostile now, I can't say we're here for a friendly chat but I do not plan on destroying my own lab.

'Pastel': I'll destroy everything in here if you don't TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING!!

'Baxter': Oh well.. if it's a fight you want-

Baxter reveals the rest of his clothing from under the cloak, equipped to the brim with gadgets, explosives, and other performance enhancing technology.

'Baxter': **It's a fight you'll get.**

The adversaries squared off, ready for a fierce battle. Baxter activating a metallic claw on his right hand.

Baxter is then seem rushing Pastel with a Shadow Claw at an extremely quick speed, in which Pastel narrowly dodges. He then fires a barrage of Darkeye Needles in her direction. Pastel quickly ducks behind a flipped table and reaches in her bag to pull out a Jet engine powered hammer, She stands while spinning the hammer and smashes the tables into bits. Baxter's eyes widen.

'Pastel' (smirking): One expensive piece of furniture down, everything else in this room to go.

'Baxter': This little game you're playing will have to end soon.

'Pastel': Have fun **stopping me.**

Pastel leaps off for a quick hammer swing, Baxter dodges and counters her with a blast of Darkeye energy, launching her across the room. Undeterred, she catches her landing and aggressively shakes her flask, prepping a Volatile formula.

Upon aiming and firing the formula, Baxter is seen running to avoid all explosions and ducking behind a large countertop. Pastel is suddenly seen directly above him on the counter with her hammer, charged for a devastating swing. Baxter narrowly dodges the swing and tosses a Darkeye Orb out of retaliation. Pastel stands on the counter, charging a hammer swing with Darkeye Energy, and reflects the orb back with twice its strength. Baxter catches the orb.

Pastels eyes widen, Baxter gives off a little chuckle.

'Baxter': Be a dear and eyewitness this.

He grasps the orb with both of his hands, pulling it apart until it rips, once it does it fires a large beam that encases Pastel and everything around her in it. Once the beam finishes, Pastel is seen on the ground with her hammer sitting not too far away on the ground. She is unable to continue fighting.

'Baxter': I will say our battle was a little entertaining, I haven't had this much fun until I scrawled with your little Great Sage.
: Unfortunately you underestimated my power, much more you broke into my lab and destroyed about 83.478% of it, getting into my business.

'Pastel' (coughing): You're- planning to destroy.. *ngh-* my home..

'Baxter': Oh, boohoo. You Miitopians already destroyed my home, why should I feel any pity or remorse for you lot? I swear the younger generations of miis can be so hypocritical.

'Pastel': Our situation- was a misunderstanding.. What they did obviously wasn't right and they should be punished. *cough cough* But this isn't the way to do it.

'Baxter' (annoyed): And who are you to dictate how I react to my problems? You didn't get your family destroyed by some some kid and his girlfriend. You didn't have to live your life being neglected for being too intelligent. YOU DIDNT HAVE TO LIVE YOUR FUCKING LIFE WITH THE GUILT OF SEDUCING YOUR BOSS'S DAUGHTER!!

Pastel's eyes widen, with a horrified expression on her face.

'Pastel': You fucking, did ***WHAT?!?!?!***

'Baxter': I've said too much, I will not let your psychology methods get the best of me.

'Pastel': Wh-

'Baxter': Enough, I will be taking my leave. With the state of this lab I wont be needing it anymore.

Baxter used a panel on his right arm to activate a self-destruct sequence on the lab, counting down from 30 seconds. Pastel begins panicking while struggling to stand.

'Baxter': I don't suppose you'll be needing your life either.
: Goodbye Pastel, it was nice meeting you, I'll be seeing you in the afterlife.

Baxter warps out of the room and the door to the lab shuts tight, Pastel manages to stand up and scarfs down an HP banana and an MP Candy. She has 21 seconds until the lab self destructs entirely. She's seen rapidly sprinting around the room looking for a wall she can break out of. Trying some of her abilities on every surface and using some of the Lab's equipment. She has no luck finding any methods of deliverance, still frantically looking around for a solution but she begins to lose hope, with 9 seconds left on the timer, she falls on her back sobbing and unfortunately accepting her fate. At about 4 seconds left she begins to glow a bright blue, immediately afterwards a ring of Blindeye Energy surrounds the vicinity of the room. Pastel glows to the point of barely being visible until she just explodes.

A huge explosion happens under the castle, destroying it and many things around it. Multiple officers are heard shouting "RUN!!" and "ABORT! ABORT!!!" The entire castles collapses into just a hill with a pile of rubble.

Pastel emerges from the debris with a white cloak and lab gear, her palette swapped entirely from her purple and blue to a white and teal. She's floating in the air with a gold flask, her panel eye is now a bright teal. She has activated Blindeye Phase IV.

'Pastel' (dumbfounded): Holy shit... what did I just do??

She studies her outfit, astonished on how much she's changed.

Pastel then realizes that she needs to contact the others and tell them what happened. She toggles her watch a little and calls Mari.

'Pastel': Hey, Mari.

'Mari': "Jesus Christ Pastel you were gone for a while, I called you like 5 times and you didn't respond, I was about to come get you."

'Pastel': Yeah sorry about that, had a bit of an issue.

'Mari': "As long as your okay. Any updates??"

'Pastel': I uhh.. Found Baxter's lab and searched for what I can. Suddenly Baxter himself appears with me and we had ourselves a battle.

'Mari': "Oh my god are you okay?? Did you win???"

'Pastel': No. I didn't, I was nearly killed by a self destruct sequence, but some strange looking supernova happened, which caused my own explosion.

'Mari': "Holy shit.. I mean at least you're alive-"

'Pastel': Well at least I *think* I am.
: Nonetheless Baxter's back on the loose and I don't know where he could've possibly went off to. Hurry up and get that school going.

'Mari': "We're trying but we haven't seen Ally since she went off to find Moon, she's never came back and we're struggling to get these damn kids through Greenhorne."

'Pastel': That's.. concerning.
: Have you checked on the others?

'Mari': "I have, the island's been attacked by other Darkeye creatures but they weren't as powerful as the King. That vampire we fought at the school was also spotted a few times, he looks a lil familiar."

'Pastel': Interesting... Okay, I'll be back in a few to help you guys with the school. There's nothing left to do here.

'Mari': "Alright, I'll see you when you get back. Be safe now."

Mari hangs up. Pastel sighs.

'Pastel': I see where Moon is coming from now.. These experiences are not good for one's mental sanity.
: Nonetheless we can't just sit idly by and watch our home go to ruin. We have to stop Baxter, and I will do what I can to make sure of that.

Pastel floats to the shoreline back to Dominic. She transforms back to her usual look and departs back to Miitopia.


__**Chapter Seven**__
*School of Innocence*

*(Back in Greenhorne with Mari, Tyler, and the rest of the students)*

Mari and Tyler are struggling to keep the students in control.


A Tank named Connor and Eli are at a distance bickering about which of their jobs is stronger.


'Eli': That literally doesn't mean ANYTHING! The strength of a warrior depends on the person, not the job itself. Tanks can only be so strong.



Eli and Connor begin fighting, Connor immediately using wild shot causing mini explosions all over the surrounding area. Tyler walks up behind Connor in the middle of his attack and casts Sleep Tight.

'Tyler' (extremely frustrated): Go to bed.

Connor passes out on the spot. Tyler then glances at Eli who immediately settles down.

'Mari': Good lord.. where the hell is Ally when you need her?

'Tyler': I don't fucking know but I'm about to go search for her. This shit is getting ridiculous. We haven't even made it out of Wayward Woods yet and it's been 3 hours.

One of the students is then heard screaming, Mari and Tyler quickly spun around to see the same vampire from before with the Evil Sage soaring through the air. Also paired with the King of Hounds and the Dragon Lord.

'Tyler' (munching on an MP Candy): Now what the hell..

Mari arms himself up and forms a battle stance, eyeballing the vampire.

'Mari': You there!

The vampire's eyes widen as he fixates them onto Mari, he seems to be wearing a royal blue mask with a black cape and top hat. Mari can't help but feel this sense of familiarity. The kids seem to have all ran to the direction of the castle, all but Eli and Isa.

'Mari': Who the hell are you? Why are you attacking us AGAIN???

'??': My identity is not important to you. I WILL dispose of you ALL!!

'Tyler': Oh great. He's one of those cringy super-villain wannabes.

'??': ...Cringy?? I'll make you EAT those words!!!

'Tyler' (facepalming): Point proven.

'??': Mass Beasts of the Ultimate Curse.. ATTACK!!

The Dragon Lord and the King of Hounds both hit the ground, roaring at the duo. The Evil Sage keeps its current position besides the vampire. Tyler sighs and glances at Mari.

'Mari': Just tower me.

Tyler propels Mari diagonally to send him at an arc. He does a few summersaults before landing on the back on the back of the King of Hounds. Mari grabs onto its collar as it attempts to shake him off. The dragon was preparing a flamethrower to shoot Mari off as Tyler freezes its snout with Ice. The dragon angrily gazes at Tyler, breaks off the ice, and almost immediately fires a Hyper Beam of the Dark Eye.

Tyler's eyes widen as he leaps high into the air to dodge the beam, activating Darkeye Phase I out of retaliation. He counters by using Violet Flame, but it deals no damage. Tyler lands in confusion.

Isa and Eli are not too far behind him.

'Tyler': What the..?


Tyler glances directly upward to see the vampire rushing in with a Bat Tornado. He leaps to the left to dodge it just to land on an already casted Giga Explosion from the Evil Sage which sends him flying into the air.

Mari is seen slamming the King of Hounds into the ground by its tail before realizing the situation Tyler's in. He is suddenly seen being locked on by the Evil Sage, who is charging two Violet Flames. Mari rushes off to strike the Dragon in the head and run away to piss it off and then it begins to chase him.

The sage watches as Mari and the beast zip around the perimeter. After pondering for a little, he launches one of the Violet Flames towards Mari's direction and it bends to home-in on him. Mari smirks as if he just thought of a plan after everything he already did.

Mari continues to let the beast chase him with the tower following behind until they reach the side of a cliff, He stops in his tracks besides a mountain called Easin Peaks and waits patiently for the dragon. As the dragon rushes towards Mari's location, the lock on sequence slowly shift towards it from blocking it's line of sight for too long. Just before the beast reaches Mari, he leaps over it noticing the target on the dragon's back and lands confidently next to the flame's path.

A heavy thump was heard when the dragon hits the side of the cliff, just for it to be covered by immediate roaring once the Violet Flame connects. Mari sighs in relief as he's catching his breath from all the running.

'Mari' (realizing): Oh shit.. I gotta get back to Tyler!!

Back in the open field, Tyler is seen on the ground, low on MP. He is cornered by the King of Hounds, the vampire, and the Evil Sage.

'Tyler': The fuck- did you do to these clones..

'??': All I'm gonna say is that the boss gave them a little umm, boost to their performance.

'Tyler' (struggling to stand): A boost? What kind of boost?

'??': Maybe something among the lines of the el-

The vampire is suddenly seen getting smacked from the back of the head by a wand.

'Evil Sage': Don't say another word you idiot!! He's not *supposed* to know about anything about us!

'??': Oooh yeah- Right, My bad.

Tyler stares, puzzled. He then gets an idea that might intrigue the group.

'Tyler': Say, since you all are about to kill me anyway, isn't this supposed to be the time you boast about your "evil plan" with a bunch of hidden meanings like the cliché villains you are.

'??' (furious): I AM **NOT** CLICHE!!!

'Evil Sage': What is wrong with yo-


'Tyler' (thinking): *Yikes this kid has anger issues.*

The vampire clear his throat before beginning his monologue.

'??': Well first off. The sheer amount of power coming from these mass beasts is from none other than. THE ELDER CRYSTALLLLL!!

The surrounding area is dead silent.


'Tyler': Oh shit right- THE ELDER CRYSTAL???!!!

'??': HAHAHAAA THAT'S RIGHT! Our master uses the power from that crystal to bring all of the New Lumos beasts back to life, stronger than ever. Now they have the opportunity to bring out their full potential, and get their revenge on you.

'Tyler': Oh no!! Whatever could Baxter be planning on doing with these monsters?!

'??': I'm GLAD you asked!
: Currently he has made a clone of the first 7 defeated New Lumos bosses, in which he has ordered them all to seek and destroy everything in Miitopia while he finishes his **final project.**
: Once he finishes that, Miitopia will be DOOMED FOR ETERNITY!! MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Tyler seems to have an idea of what this "final project" could be and shows genuine concern.

'Tyler': And.. what could this "final project" be?

'??': Oh I think I should let that be a secret for later. Until then I'll have to get rid of **you.**
: Evil sage, commence the charging of DARKEST SMITE!

Tyler grits his teeth as the sage readies its wand to begin charging Darkest Smite. Isa is then seen running in from the sidelines spinning her wand.


She uses Barrier as a means to protect him and bravely stands between the mix, the vampire looks at her and his eyes widens.

'??': ..Pause the charge.

The Evil Sage looks at him out of confusion as he floats down to ground level to approach the girl. Isa's figure tightens out of fear as he gets closer and closer. The vampire stops to stand directly in front of the barrier in which he says-

'??': Hey Isa, remember me?

His tone is suddenly much lighter, Tyler stares in confusion and mild disgust, Isa's paralyzed from the familiarity of his tone of voice.

'Isa': A... Adrian..?

'Tyler': Fucking WHO?????

'Adrian' (chuckling): Yep, definitely a strange way to meet again if you ask me.

'Tyler': Cut the corny shit, what the fuck are you doing and why? What about your sister?

'Adrian': Do NOT bring her up to me. I have no intention of discussing Moon anytime soon.
: I needed a change of pace away from her.

'Tyler': What th fu- Isa. What the hell is this man to you?

'Isa': Can we just.. talk about this later-

'Adrian': There WILL be no "later" when I'm finished with this man. Now please step out of the way Isa.

'Isa': ...

Isa stays put.

'Adrian': Isa, I don't want to hurt you, please move so I can take care of business.


Adrian's eyes widen once again.

'Adrian': The FUCK do you mean no???

'Isa': I will NOT let you hurt him!!


'Isa': EW NO HE'S 26!!

Adrian pauses for a moment, staring at Tyler in shock. He then turns his head to the left to see Mari rapidly approaching their current location. Adrian sighs to say.

'Adrian': End the charge, we need to abort.

The sage cancels the charging of the beam and floats towards the air, the hound follows.

'Adrian': I will be back for you Tyler. And the rest of your squad.
: Mark. My. Words.

'Tyler' (smirking): Okay cringy.

Adrian scoffs as he flies off with the other beasts. Mari arrives besides Tyler.

'Mari': Holy shit what happened over here??

'Tyler': I'll explain later, we need to find Ally.

Mari helps Tyler up and hands him an HP Banana. He then glances over to Isa who was staring off into space.

'Tyler': Oh, and Isa?

Isa jumps in places, startled by his call.

'Isa': Uhhh, yeah?

'Tyler': Thank you for that, you basically saved my life.

'Isa': Oh! uhh, no problem! Can't let my teacher die on me, how else am I gonna learn those lava spells??

Tyler chuckles a little as he gulps down the banana. He is then walked towards the castle as he slowly recovers from it.

Ally is suddenly seen warping in and falling to the ground, severely injured and struggling to breathe. Mari and Tyler quickly spun around and noticed her current state.

'Mari and Tyler': **ALLY!!**

They rush over to help her up, Tyler being half recovered from the banana.

'Tyler': Ally what the hell happened to you?!

'Ally' (coughing): There's. Not much time to explain.
: We have to get. Back to HQ, alongside everyone else. NOW!

'Mari': But.. What about the kids?

'Ally': Have the king watch over them for me, he wont mind.

'Isa': I'll go ask him!

Isa scurries off inside of the castle.

'Ally': Such a good kid-

'Tyler': I know right? Feels like she's the only one that pays attention during class and it's only the 2nd day of school-

'Mari' (walking off): Y'all, hurry up.

They both regain focus and scurry off to catch up to Mari.


__**Chapter Eight**__
*Crystalized Memories*

Mari, Tyler, and Ally are all seen inside the HQ's living room, waiting on the arrival of the rest of the team. Whilst waiting, they begin to disclose recent events. There is a storm outside.

'Mari': Okay, what the hell even happened to you Ally, did Moon hurt you???

'Ally' (collecting her thoughts): Not.. directly, but she was involved-

'Tyler': Tell us everything. What happened to you out there? Where even were you???

Pastel makes her way  through the door and immediately spots Ally in her injured state.

'Pastel': ALLY??!! WHO DID THIS??

'Ally': It's a long story. Allow me to begin.

*(Flashback to **Chapter Four: Reptile Conventions**)*

'Ally': **What is wrong with you, where is all of this anger coming from?**

Moon sits in silence for a while, unable to think of a lie to get herself out of the situation she's in. Moon finally gives in, floating back to the ground and turning back to her original self.

'Moon': okay.. i'll tell you...

There's a sudden rumble in the area upon Moon's unenthusiastic response. The small particles begin to fall to the ground and shatter as if Ally's aura is immediately growing weaker. Moon gives a quick smirks and murmurs-

'Moon': heheh.. looks like he's here.

Ally's eyes widen.

'Ally': He..? Wait you don't mean-

A huge magenta beam is suddenly fired in her direction, interrupting her. She doesn't have enough time to dodge it so she quickly puts up a large, bright blue barrier to block it.

The barrier is shattered in seconds, encasing Ally in the beam and launching her through multiple trees before hitting the ground. The attack ends leaving a large area completely destroyed. Baxter appears from the forest while putting away a cannon from his mechanical arm.

'Baxter': Ally.. oh dear Ally. Interrogating my recruits is not very kind of you.

Ally stands with a dazed look on her face, attempting to figure out what she got hit by.

'Ally' (struggling to hold herself up): That beam wasn't the nicest thing you've ever done either.

Baxter chuckles upon hearing.

'Baxter': It warms my heart a little knowing your humor has remained the same after all these years.

'Ally': Cut your shit out Baxter. We will shut down whatever the fuck you're planning for this island. Mark my words.

'Baxter': You see I'm not the one having to constantly use my wand for a cane now am I?
: You're weak Ally. The Divine really left *you* to be Miitopia's spark of hope? All it took was technology to completely counter everything you've ever learned.

'Ally': That ego of yours will be your downfall.

'Baxter': Oh but am I wrong to be so boastful of my genius?? You and your team has already tried many of your little schematics on me and I have outsmarted every one of them. What kind of heroes are you meant to be if you can't even expect the unexpected?

'Ally': ...

'Baxter': Out of comebacks already? Pitiful.
: Moon, finish her, I do not intend to waste any more energy on **scum.**

Moon powers up to Phase V on command and charges Last Wing. Ally stands straight up to face Baxter, completely ignoring the Last Wing.

'Ally': You know.. we may not be able to think the same way you do.. nor are we anywhere near as smart as you, everyone's different you know?

Baxter glances at her in mild shock. Moon's charge pauses.

'Baxter': What are you getting at here?

'Ally': And someone as smart as you would always be able to determine the logical solutions right? So what if I got a little.. UNPREDICTBABLE!!!

Ally rushes Baxter for a wand swing and is immediately struck down with a hard punch from his mechanical arm. Ally lies in pain.

'Baxter': Now what was your goal there?? Are your trying to mock me?

Baxter studies Ally a little bit and realizes her figure is a little out of touch with reality, she then begins glitch out and fade away. Baxter's eyes widen.

'Baxter': A HOLOGRAM??!!

He then picks his head up to see a portal fading away in the distance, defining the fact that Ally has escaped from the island.

'Baxter': Tch, Smart move girl. Hopefully next time I see you, you'll be able to put up a good fight.
: Lets go Moon.

Moon disappointingly cancels her charge and floats off of the island with Baxter.

*(End of Flashback)*

'Ally': And that's basically all that happened.

'Tyler': What the fu- so Moon just decided to switch teams on us because of a little squabble??

'Ally': I'm sure the reasoning is deeper than that, I was just unable to break that reason out of her.

'Pastel': You said something about a Blindeye phase... What exactly does that kind of power look like?

'Ally': Quite the opposite of Darkeye Energy, its power shines in a bright Teal. It's the power the Divines have used way back in history to fend off against the curses. It was weaker than Darkeye energy back then so Blindeye energy has not been used much since. Thanks to the entities throughout time overusing Darkeye energy, Blindeye energy has gotten significantly stronger, allowing it to grow beyond unimaginable strengths.

'Pastel': Interesting..

'Ally': Why does it intrigue you, do you have another plan?

'Pastel': Not exactly.. What you told me just confirmed that I have tapped into this power myself.

'Mari, Tyler, and Ally': **HUH??????**

'Ally': Now how could that be possible?? There's no way you could've possible found a Blindeye crystal, those are extinct!! Unless it was-

'Pastel' (Interrupting): Genetically.

'Ally': But you've gotten your Darkeye energy genetically as well right?

'Pastel': Correct. Which could only mean that one of my parents was a Curse, and the other was a Divine.

'Tyler': How.. Haven't you known this before??

'Pastel': I don't have any memories of who my parents are. They could be dead for all I know. I only remember being raised in Nimbus.

'Mari': Okay okay.. there's obviously a lot we don't know about you, so we're gonna need you to give us a little background.

Pastel sighs for a moment. As if she's a little hesitant to spill her backstory.

'Pastel': Alright. I'll give you everything you need to know.

The other 3 sits in a position to listen to every detail.

'Pastel': I personally was born and raised in Nimbus, not too far away from what's currently the Skyscraper. My earliest memory of my childhood was being in an orphanage filled to the brim with Miis, Monsters, and Robots. The place was extremely well made and organized, I met a lot of friends there, and a lot of not-so-friendly kids. This one elder that worked there was who I saw as a mother figure, she was at least 60-70 years old but she's given me an extreme amount of love.
: I was always top of my class in the schooling program, a little unsurprising i know but this fact is necessary for a later detail. Other kids in the class would always pick on me either for my over intelligence or the fact that my eyes were fucked up.

: The old lady was really the only one that was so accepting for who I was, she would punish whoever wouldn't leave me alone so they could get some kind of power over me. I kept her extremely close to me, uuuntil she passed when I was 14.. but she was the only one i would consider a parental figure.

: I was never told on who my parents could be, apparently I was just found by one of the employees in Karkaton for whatever reason.

'Mari': That's...

'Tyler': Yikes..

'Pastel': It's whatever now, I don't need them. My success has grown beyond the need of a proper parental figure, I have the family I need right here.

'Ally': That's actually really sweet-

'Pastel' (interrupting): We're getting off topic though. Enough was said for now, if you want I could give more details when we're not dealing with our island's doom.

'Ally': Right..
: We need a new plan, do any of you have any new information on Baxter?

'Tyler': Actually, that little vampire we fought gave me a lil bit of tea.

'Pastel': Spill it.

'Tyler': Alright so. Apparently Baxter is using all of the New Lumos bosses we fought before to try to form an army of clones, all of which are being powered by the Elder Crystal.

'Ally': The **WHAT?????!!!!!!!!!**
: Oh this isn't good.. this isn't good at all...

'Mari': Was that crystal not the one Jacob consumed?

'Ally': If Baxter has his hands on it, the one he consumed was just a large crystal.
: Baxter is a much larger threat to this island than we originally imagined. I... don't know if we'll find a way to actually beat him..

'Mari': ...How strong is this crystal?

'Ally': Well to put it in simple terms. One phase with the Elder Crystal rivals about 5 in your own.

'Pastel': So if it tops out at 10 phases..

'Tyler': It's like a phase 50 Mari....

The room is silent for about 2 minutes, everyone was thinking about multiple different methods of how victory could be possible.

'Tyler': Yeah no we're fucking doomed.

'Pastel': WAIT A MINUTE!!

Everyone else turns to look at Pastel out of confusion.

'Pastel': Could there potentially be a Blindeye crystal out there?? Everything Darkeye energy has Blindeye energy has to have too right?


'Mari': The Emperor Crystal??

'Ally': It's a very dangerous crystal filled to the brim with the most powerful forms of Blindeye energy. It wasn't even used during the Divine Vs Curse war.
: If the user's will is too weak, they'll be destroyed in an instant.

'Mari': It's a risk we'll have to take, maybe one of you two could use its power since y'all already have Blindeye phases.

'Pastel': That would be the best way to go about it, the problem is, if our wills are considered strong enough?

'Ally': We won't know until we do.. which is the scary part.

'Tyler': Where even is this damn crystal?

'Ally': I don't know.. Do you guys still have that book?

'Pastel': No bc this *asshole* returned it.

'Tyler': HEY!! I aint wanna be accused of stealing alright???

'Ally': Oh my lor- Tyler go get the book back.

'Tyler': On it.

Tyler rushes off in the direction of the school, using Mega Gust to propel himself through the air.

'Pastel': You know.. I have been thinking a lot about what Moon said to us, about how everyone's lives are always in danger and we always have to be the ones to put ourselves in the face of it.

'Ally': I can understand her point of view as well, but it's kinda the price we have to pay for calling ourselves heroes.

'Pastel': Yeah I get that too. Which is why I argued against her. But my main concern is, why is it *always* us. Why do people tend to wanna pick on Miitopia and try to rule it, do they see us as a valuable source of power? Or do they see us as a community they can just push over.

'Ally': Villains will always have their own unique reasons for being villains. Like how Max's case was to just destroy his brother's home for revenge, and the Dark Sun taking his anger out on us from the betrayal of his friend.

: The rest of us just happened to be caught in the crossfire, and no matter what it takes I will protect this island. Moon needs to realize that some decisions aren't made our personal enjoyment, but for the greater good of this island.

Tyler bursts through the door with the gold covered book in hand. Sweating profusely.

'Tyler' (panting): I got it- as fast- as I could. WHEW!

'Mari': Well damn Tyler, you good?

'Tyler': Yeah.. there was just some kid checking it out as I arrived, so I stole it from him and ran.

'Pastel': Bro..

'Mari' (laughing): AIN'T NO WAYYYYY!!

'Pastel': Just hand over the book.

Tyler paces his way over to Pastel to hand her the book and she begins flipping through the pages immediately. In the meantime, Tyler turns on a nearby fan and plops onto a couch to catch his breath.

'Pastel': I think- I found it! It has another tale for us.
(reading): "The Blindeye Crystal is an ancient source of power from the Divines that was created to be a way to end the war between them and the Curses. It was created by harnessing the powers of the very first Warrior, Mage, Vampire, and Elf combined to create the ultimate source of light."

: "However during those times, the crystal has never sought any use because not one being had a strong enough will to match the power of those 4 Blindeye Heroes combined. It remains in deep slumber within the depths of Ghontu Waste-"

'Tyler': AND THAT IS ALL WE NEEDED TO HEAR! We gotta head there now before Baxter's aware that is exists.

'Mari': Right. All four of us might as well head there anyway, there's no point of any of us sitting behind.
: You all take Dominic straight to Ghontu, I'll take Lightning and pick up Brookie on the way there.

'Ally': Got it. To Ghontu we go!

The team sprints off outside, Pastel still has the book in hand and alonside Tyler and Ally, they all hop on Dominic to take flight immediately. Mari leaps onto Lightning and he sprints off to the Realm of the fey to find Brooklyn.

However, back in the HQ, Eon is seen ducked under a counter in the kitchen, dialing a phone number. Upon calling someone, the phone is answered.

'Eon': Yo.. Bax boy. I got an addy.


__**Chapter Nine**__
*A Sibling Union*

Antrim at night isn't as busy as it usually is, the death of Jali has quieted down the streets dramatically at this time.

Moon is seen soaring down the streets until stopping in front of an old broken down house, in front of where the Mansion Eon lived at is. She flies to the back of the house to find a panel against a wall, in which she typed a combination of numbers of symbols until the floor under her opens up.

Moon is then dropped into a tube full of various traps to keep any outsiders away from the location she's approaching, swiftly dodging through every one of them until reaching the ground. She is then met by Baxter not long after landing.

'Baxter': Ah, welcome welcome Moon, right on time.

'Moon': hello Baxter, what is it you called me for now?

'Baxter': I have gotten a call from young master Eon revealing to us the location of the Emperor Crystal. It is in the depths on Ghontu Waste likely far under Ghontu Cave, I would like for you, Adrian, and a few others to track down this crystal and bring it to me before they manage to get their hands on it.

'Moon': i wouldn't recommend including my brother in this, he doesn't stand a chance against the team they have, even with Ally weakened.

'Baxter': Don't question my methods Moon, you're going to need all the help we have right now, especially against that swordsman.

'Moon': sorry, sir.
: but might i ask, who are the other recruits?

'Baxter': I'm glad you asked.
I'm sure you've heard the names of Eclipse and Masako before right?

Moon's eyes widen immediately, the question causing a stinging pain in her chest. Masako and Eclipse are two more of her siblings that she has thought passed ages ago to a calamity. Eclipse is a strong Imp who is heavily capable in combat, he's worked for Antrim's squadron of their top imps and holds the same power of a Dread Fiend at his strongest. Masako is a princess who was raised alongside Eclipse, also fairly strong but is held back by the limitations of a princess. Despite how generally weak princesses are, she is not one to be slept on as she can harness her own Darkeye Energy forms. These two do not have a great relationship personally, but they stick together nonetheless because they are inseparable in combat.

Eclipse and Masako are suddenly seen landing from the same tube Moon entered from. Upon locking eyes with each other, they each yelled each other's names and sprinted in for a group hug. Baxter gives a quick smile before going about his business.



Masako and Eclipse immediately divide from the hug the moment they realized they were also hugging each other.

'Eclipse': *ahem.* Anyways, Baxter is it?

'Baxter': Glad to see you two have arrived and united with your long lost sister, sorry to cut such a family moment short, but we have very important business to attend to.

'Masako' (wiping away tears): right.. where are we off to again?

Baxter leads the trio to a large round table, upon typing on his panel for a bit, a large hologram of Miitopia appears on the table.

'Eclipse': Woah..

'Baxter': You all are tasked to find me the Emporer Crystal in Ghontu cave. Be weary that it is extremely deep inside the cave, and it'll be extremely dark in there until you find the temple it is located in.
: After a bit of research, I have managed to recon the entirety of Ghontu cave to make locating the gem easier for you. I have also made outfits for you all that uses Darkeye Energy to emit a powerful light, ironic I know but I have my ways.
: Be careful however, the outfit is strong but not impenetrable. You'd want to avoid confrontation with their group as much as possible, as your chances of winning a fight are rather low.

'Eclipse': C'monn, you're doubting us already Bax man?

'Masako': Don't be dense Eclipse, that swordsman they have is said to be the strongest in the Miiverse.

'Eclipse': Nothing a Death's Decadance can't solve.

'Moon': unfortunate news for you is that he's eaten one of those at Darkeye Phase II.

'Eclipse': Oh..

'Baxter': Enough, what was said is what will go, find the vampire kid and make your way to Ghontu. Immediately.

'Moon, Eclipse, Masako': Understood.

The three of them are launched out of the hideout and are zooming off back to Miitopia.


__**Chapter Ten**__
*The Gleaming Light of Hope*

There is currently another snowstorm occuring at Ghontu waste. Tyler, Pastel, and Ally are all currently waiting in front of the cave for Mari and Brooklyn's arrival. Tyler is on his phone texting Amy.

Mari and Brooklyn finally arrive on Lightning. He stops short and the pair lands on the ground at the entrance. Everyone takes quick glances at each other before walking in, Tyler using his wand as a torch.

'Tyler': So what the hell took y'all so long? Felt like years I've waiting out there for, I might've grown more ball hair.

'Mari': What the fu- anyway, we had to fight King Cow and Calc King at the fey, thankfully they were weaker so we didnt need much assistance.

'Ally': Yikes... these beasts are just attacking whatever they can huh.
: Who have we defeated so far of the Lumos bosses?

'Mari': To my knowledge, the Dark King, the Dragon Lord, and the ones we just killed before we got here.

'Pastel': So that's 4/10.. we gotta hurry and get this crystal out of here so we can take out the remaining ones.

'Ally': Do we even know where we're going.

'Pastel': I do, the book has a map, little washed out but we'll have to make do.

'Mari': Shii, better than wandering around an ancient cave with zero insight of where to go.

'Ally': Touché.

After about 20 minutes of travelling the cave, with very random conversations happening, Pastel makes an observation.

'Pastel': I'm honestly surprised we haven't encountered any monsters. Like they've been cleared out already..

'Ally': Do you think someone could've gone through here before us?

'Tyler': How even would they? No one else knows about this damn crystal.

'Brooklyn': Pretty sure monster hunters generally avoid this cave too..

'Mari': Keep your guards up everyone, we could have company.

Everyone arms their weapons as they continue to tread through the cave. Further up the path was Moon's family, with Eclipse and Moon slaying every monster in the way, Masako being the recon expert, and Adrian just floating around while playing games on his phone.

'Eclipse': Goddamn there is a shit ton of monsters on this path, like they haven't even gotten through here yet.

'Moon': would mean one of two things, one is either we're going the wrong way, the other is that we're actually ahead of them.

'Masako': the latter would be the best case scenario. you two just be careful over there, the monsters are only going to get more tough as we go deeper in.

'Eclipse': Man these gremlins are a snoozefest, aint nothin to worry about.

'Masako' (under her breath): this boy-
: bro I *know* that these monsters are easy, just look out for *future* ones because they'll be more challenging.

'Eclipse' (impaling a Pengy): Eh? Oh yeah, I'm totally listening.

'Masako' (furious): i'm gonna hurt him-

'Moon': guys, there's a bright ass light around this corner.

All four of them peek the corner to see the entrance to a teal and white temple, with two statues on both sides of the door. They all approach the temple and Moon tries the door.

'Masako': unsurprisingly, the door is locked. likely loaded with a ton of traps too.

'Eclipse': Why don't we just bust it open?

'Masako': no you fucking meathead, you don't know what brute force would cause for a structure this old. especially in a cave with  very limited options of escape.

'Eclipse': Lame.

'Moon': there has to be some form of a key, or a puzzle to unlock this door.
: try checking the statues.

Upon taking a glance at the statues, Masako realizes that one statue is without a halberd, unlike the other.

'Masako': Hey, has anyone seen an extra halberd on the way here?

The other 3 begin looking at each other and shrugging.

'Masako': Hmm.. Eclipse lemme borrow your spear.

'Eclipse' (defensively): For what?

Masako snatches the spear from him without saying a word and ignores his angry remarks. She then places the spear in the hands of the other statue and something clicks in the door.

'Masako': aha! Moon, try the door now.

Moon attempts to open the door again and it flies right open to what seems like a portal. The sight of it startles her and she jumps back away from it.

'Eclipse': Guessing this is the way to the true temple.

'Moon': it would seem so, it reminds me of the portal at the Skyscraper that goes to Otherworld.
: do you think this temple could also be in the sky?

'Adrian': Only one way to find out!!

Adrian immediately flies into the portal. Moon attempts to catch him and fails.

'Eclipse': I'm with him!

Eclipse also flies into the portal.

'Masako': These children.. I swear.

Masako and Moon both hear voices closing in from behind them.

'Moon': well, shit.. we dont have much of a choice but to do the same.
: lets go!

They both hop into the portal. Minutes later, Mari's team approaches the already opened door to the portal.

'Ally': That confirms it, someone was definitely here before us.

'Mari': But who??? Could Baxter have gotten some info from someone??

'Pastel': Nevermind that now. Whoever it is they have the same goal we do, and we NEED to reach that crystal before they do.

'Ally': Right. Lets go everyone.

The group of 5 all enters the portal one by one to see a large, bright teal room that is basically covered in ice. They appear to be in a throne room, with many openings to a vast amount of different rooms. The portal floats and remains behind them on the throne.

'Tyler': Are we... in a castle?

'Pastel': Oooooh my goddddddd-
(shrieking): OH MY GOOOOOOOD!!!

'Tyler': The FUCK are you geeking out over????

'Pastel': This is NOT just any castle. This is the castle of the very first king of miis while Nintendo was still an ABSOLUTE MONARCHY!!!

'Tyler' (sardonically): Holy shit, that sounds important!!

'Pastel': It is VERY important!!!!

'Ally': The crystal must be an extremely huge source of power if it's sitting in here.

'Mari': This place looks like a maze.
: Keep your guards up guys. We don't know who could be here.

'Tyler': Right.
(towards Pastel): Your "research and observations" are gonna have to wait g.

Pastel rolls her eyes.

Brooklyn was side tracked by a bright-blue crown that was sitting on a stool near the throne, she walked over to get a closer look at it.

'Brooklyn': Guys!! I found a cool crown!

'Pastel': Eh? WAIT. DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!

Everyone else forms a battle stance, expecting the crown to be some sort of trap. Pastel walks over to it to snap a photo.

'Pastel': Okay, now you can touch it.

'Brooklyn': YIPPIEEEEEEE!!

'Mari': What the hell..

'Ally': We're getting distracted guys. Where should we head first?

'Pastel': Oooh! follow me, I found a page with a map of the temple.

The group walks off with Brooklyn still playing with the crown she found. Mari jogs back to grab Brooklyn by her arm so she can hurry up.

The trip through the castle was a long one for both groups, built-in traps around every corner, complaints and whines of hunger and exhaustion, and many instances of false hope of reaching the location of the crystal.

'Pastel': Okay.. the crystal *should* be in this room.

'Tyler': You've said that at least 8 times and the crystal wasn't there.

'Pastel': I swear to you the piece of shit moves location IN THE BOOK every time we enter the room, I kid you not.

'Ally': I didn't expect it to make this easy for us I suppose.

'Mari': There's a ton of rooms in this castle, so we'll have to keep trying until we find the room it's actually in.

'Tyler': This shit better not be playing no games with me, I'm tired and I'm supposed to be eating one of Blight's homemade Beefburgers at this time.

The group suddenly hears a group of voices in the room they're about to enter, it sounds as if they're struggling to do something. Pastel takes a peek through the door and spots Eclipse and Adrian attempting to lift the Emperor Crystal, with Moon and Masako watching.

'Pastel' (whispering): Guys.. The crystal is in here, and so is Moon and Adrian.

The rest of their eyes widen.

'Tyler' (whispering): That fucking traitor...

'Brooklyn' (whispering): Did I miss something..?

'Mari' (whispering): It's a long story, but to sum it up, Moon is working for Baxter and almost killed Ally.

'Brooklyn': What the hell..

'Ally' (whispering): How do we wanna go about this?

'Pastel': From what I saw from peeking in, there's multiple openings to the room inside, so if 3 of us can take every other opening, and corner them to the center, we'd have a huge advantage.

'Ally': The problem however would be actually finding those openings in time.

'Pastel': Shouldn't be too much of an issue, they're gonna be tugging on that crystal for a while. I'll guide y'all to each opening with my map before I head to my own, I will tell everyone when it's time to attack.
: Me, Tyler, and Ally can take each opening. Brookie it's best you stay here with Mari.

'Brooklyn': Gotcha.

Pastel leads Tyler to his respective room, then she leads Ally to hers. On the way to her own door, she starts a group call with the rest of the team.

'Pastel': Everything okay with you all?

'Mari': Yeah, we're ready and waiting.

'Tyler': Yeah I'm chillin.

'Ally': Yeah- what the hell are they doing to the crystal???

The crystal is about twice the size of an average Mii, there's no telling how heavy it might be. It glows a gradient teal and it gets brighter as you look closer to the center. The center of the crystal looks like a drawing of an eye. Adrian looks as if he's humping the crystal to try and get it to move, but it won't budge.

'Tyler': Uhh. That's a method and a half.

'Pastel': Alright, I'm at my opening. Prepare yourselves.

The team arms up, waiting for the call to action.

'Masako' (on the phone): we've uhh, run into a bit of an issue.
: yeah the crystal is too heavy for us the carry, it won't even budge.
: none of us have any warping capabilities sir. Eclipse is even struggling.
: if you could bring us some backup to help us carry it, that'll be great.
: yes sir, it is in the exact coordinates you gave us.
: okay, thank yo-

'Mari': NOW!!!

The team bursts out of each door in their battle stances, covering every angle. Moon and Masako are immediately in battle stances in retaliation. Eclipse has exhausted most of his energy with the crystal but still finds the strength to stand. Adrian is cowering on top of the crystal.

'Moon': Shit.. they got us in a bind.

'Mari': I wouldn't try anything slick if I were you. All of us have our own abilities that'll crew wipe you in an instant.
: Now talk.

'Masako': what information could you possibly want from us??

'Mari': I want to know what plans Baxter has for this island? What is his ultimate goal?

'Masako': who is Baxter and why are you associating him with us?

'Mari': Don't play stupid with me, you have one of our former members with you that has gotten into a little squabble with our sage lately.

'Masako': dammit... Moon what the hell!!

'Moon': i wasn't EXPECTING her to follow me to that deserted island!

Mari, Tyler, and Pastel all power up to their Darkeye forms. Ally powers up to Blindeye Phase VI.

'Tyler': We're waiting you know. Time's a ticking and a tocking.

'Masako' (whispering): We need to buy time until our backup arrives. We have to fight.

'Moon' (whispering): Are you CRAZY?! They'll smite us in seconds.

'Masako': Fight defensively, we just need to stall for a couple minutes.

'Eclipse' (whispering): I'm ready to see what this "strongest mii" is made of.

'Masako': Okay then, on my call...
: **ATTACKKK!!**

Eclipse Immediately rushes off to fend Mari, Moon and Adrian goes to fight Pastel and Ally, and Masako goes to back up Eclipse, A huge scene has started in the castle.

Eclipse begins his battle with a quick thrust towards Mari, in which he parries with ease. Tyler then launches Eclipse into the air with a Tower of Flame as Mari leaps into the air to launch him back down to the ground. Upon landing, Mari spots two Royal Waves soaring in his direction, and he dodges them both narrowly. Masako suddenly appears behind him and Mari quickly blocks her blow, leaving them in a short standoff before Tyler knocks her away with his wand. Masako catches her landing and launches an Ultimate Royal Wave towards Eclipse so he can use that wind current for momentum in his next thrust. With the Royal Wave sending him at a high speed, Eclipse lands a powerful thrust into Tyler and sends him flying into a wall across the room. Mari sprints after Eclipse and leaps into the air after him, grabs Eclipse by his left leg, and slams him into the ground. Brooklyn tosses a Mega Cure at Tyler and it heals his damages. Masako blocks another attack from Mari before he reached Eclipse again and kicks him away. Mari catches his landing and Masako hands Eclipse a cup of tea to regain some MP.

'Eclipse': Ngh- these guys really are no joke.

'Masako': We're not gonna last much longer if that cleric is there to keep healing them, we need a plan to take her out of the picture.

'Eclipse': I have an idea- follow my lead.

Eclipse attempts to make another thrust towards Tyler and is blocked by Mari. Upon shoving Eclipse off to the side, Mari is suddenly launched by another Ultimate Royal Wave. Masako launches another royal wave in Tyler's direction and he blocks it with a barrier.

In another area of the room,  Moon is seen diving through a tunnel of bats homing in on Pastel, which she narrowly dodges. Moon then unleashes Breath of the Dragon's Flame and Pastel also narrowly dodges it. Ally quickly uses Room of Frostbite to counteract the fire for the sake of the castle. Ice attacks are now stronger in this state so Moon then goes for Chill Mist on Ally, which she blocks with her barrier. Pastel is suddenly seen leaping in from behind Moon with her hammer and startles her with it. Moon barely blocks the hammer swing just for Ally to attack with Blinding Flame. Both of these attacks combined onto one target caused an explosion, defrosting the room back to its original state and launching Moon to the ground. Pastel confidently lands next to Ally with her hammer on her shoulder.

Masako is having a hard time keeping up, with both Mari and Tyler, as one is always attacking whenever she has the chance to make a move on the other. Eventually the pair gets her caught up in a string of spells and slashes, launching her back and forth across the room until Mari spikes her to the ground with a Warrior's Hatchet.

Eclipse is suddenly seen behind Brooklyn, sneaking up behind her, and he uses Giga Drain to take away all of her MP and most of her HP. She gives a slight yelp before Eclipse whacks her to the ground and tosses her towards the center of the room. Mari glances in that direction. Upon seeing Brooklyn get tossed, he is immediately furious.

: **TOWER ME!!**

Tyler immediately propels Mari forward directly in Eclipse's direction, Mari charges up a strange looking Warrior's Hatchet charged with Darkeye energy. Once he's out of the flame, his entire outfit has changed to a purple and red set of Hero Armor with a dark purple cape. He has entered Darkeye Phase III out of pure anger. Warrior's hatchet in this phase is now The Lord's Hatchet.

Eclipse attempts to block the slash with his spear but it is broken in an instant. Mari then picks him up by his collar and slams him into the wall.

'Mari' (deep and distorted): **Do you know who I am?**

'Eclipse' (struggling to move): I am well fucking aware mate.

'Masako': PUT HIM DOWN!!

Masako rushes Mari with an Ultimate Royal Wave charged but is stopped by Ally warping in front of her and using Mega ice to freeze her in her tracks. Pastel then picks her up with a black hole and casually tosses her where Moon is.

'Mari': **So riddle me this. Why did you think you four was enough to stop us from reaching this crystal?**
: **Better yet, what are you guys even planning to do with it huh? What is Baxter's goal in mind for Miitopia?**

'Eclipse': I dont have to tell you shit..

Mari tosses Eclipse to the ground in the center of the squad and they all start charging their attacks at once.

'Mari': **I would advise you do if you value your life.**

'Eclipse' (coughing): Do what you want to me. There's nothing you can do to stop us.
: Hehe.. looks like he's here..

'Tyler': The fuck are you on about g..?

Ally's eyes widen, remembering what happened last time that was said.


Tyler immediately turns around to slam his wand on the ground and the barrier pops up, just for a huge magenta beam to hit the barrier directly not even seconds later.

'Pastel': Holy shit...

'Baxter': Ha HAAAAA now that's more like it!! You all have grown a lot I see. This is quite exciting.

'Pastel': What kind of sick games are you playing??!!

'Baxter': Oh this isn't a game, I'm just waiting for you lot to grown enough so I can actually have an exhilarating fight before killing each of you.

The beam Baxter fired has left a gaping hole in the wall, causing slight rumbles in the castle's infrastructure. Mari finds the patience to calm down a bit.

'Mari': So you're the guy causing us all of this trouble in Miitopia. What is the motivation behind it all? Why are you doing this?

'Baxter': Ah well if it isnt the famous warrior himself. Since you are all are reaching your demise soon anyway I might as well share with you how this world is going to be.
: The Emperor Crystal is already within my reach, once I harness the power with both the Elder and Emperor crystals, I'll be able to conjure up an ultimate army of monsters of my own, all of which being made from the STRONGEST sources of power this very Miiverse has to offer!!

'Mari': How could you even have gotten your hands on so much power.. It's as if the Elder Crystal was just handed to you..

'Baxter': And so it was... Upon the REVIVAL OF THE DARK SUN!!!!

The Dark Sun rises from below the castle and destroys just about half of it. The castle seems to be on a lonely cloud in the Thermosphere. Half of the room was destroyed as well, and the Dark Sun seems to be much larger than normal.


'Baxter': Good sir if I were to answer that question we would be here for hours, and I don't exactly have the time for that.

Everyone is on one side of the room, Mari still in phase III, Tyler in phase I, Pastel in phase I, Ally in Blindeye Phase VI, Brooklyn struggling to move and crying, Eclipse and Moon severely injured, Masako still frozen. Baxter floats by the Dark Sun.

'Baxter': Oh. And I'll be taking this now.

Some of his robots starts flying into the room and they all pick up the crystal with a Tractor Beam.

'Ally': NO!! YOU CAN'T!!

Ally rushes off with a gleaming detonation charged and she leaps into the air, as she's about to cast it, she is struck down by an immediately charged Darkest Smite.

'Mari, Tyler, Pastel': ALLYY!!!

'Baxter': Oh the unwise decisions desperation will cause you to make. If only I saw that coming.
: Oh wait!! I did!! Heheh.

'Mari': Brookie's out of MP! We can't heal her-

'Pastel': Why.. would you do that...

Ally's figure suddenly starts to glitch out again. Baxter's eyes widen.

'Tyler': The hell???

'Baxter': No... NO WAY!!

Ally is the suddenly seen riding the crystal with the robots. She casts Gleaming detonation on them and she falls with the crystal.

'Baxter': AFTER HER!!!

The Dark Sun flies off to chase Ally.

'Baxter': Just for good measure, I will have you all destroyed by BLOWING UP THIS FUCKING CASTLE!!

There are ticking bombs all over the outsides of the castle. There is 45 seconds left until detonation.

'Baxter': **Good riddance.**

'Eclipse': Baxter what the hell??? What about us??

'Baxter': I won't be needing you all beyond this point, you'll just be a thorn in my side.
: Now ta taa, I have a crystal to find.

Baxter warps away. There is about 32 seconds until the castle explodes.




Tyler takes a second to think, and very quickly gets an idea.



: **HURRY!!**

Pastel quickly tosses the book to Tyler and they all pick up their respected person. There are 21 seconds left.

'Tyler': ARE Y'ALL READY??


Tyler casts Mega Gust on everyone and they are all soaring through the halls going at least 80mph. After 16 seconds of flying through hallways, the portal is in sight and there are 3 seconds left. Tyler uses the last of his MP to cast a tornado, launching them all into the portal just in time. Immediately after everyone makes it through, the portal is broken, and there are huge explosions being heard from the sky. Everyone is now in the caves, breathing heavily to catch their breaths.

'Eclipse': Why.. did you save us?

'Mari': No matter who you are to me, I would like to keep casualty rates to a minimum.
: Is everyone here and okay?

'Tyler': Everyone but Ally it seems like it. Hope she's alright out there.

'Pastel': Jesus christ I can't even believe we're alive...

'Mari': That Baxter is a fucking menace.  Hopefully Ally can secure that crystal, because that's our only hope for taking him down.
: He fucking enlarged the Dark Sun to about the size of Greenhorne.. what motivated him to become so blood thirsty.. how did he even manage to convince the damn sun to join forces? This is all so fucking confusing it's irritating.

'Pastel': To make matters worse... he may even be planning on cloning the Dark Sun.

'Everyone Else': ...

'Tyler': We CANNOT let this man destroy our home, reasonable or not I do NOT CARE about what his motivation behind his stupid ass plans. We've done too fucking much to protect this island and I'm not about to give it up.

'Mari': We won't be giving up. We will thwart this man and his plans, he will be taken down, no matter what it takes.

: We **will, kill him.**


__**Chapter Eleven**__
*The Blinding Spark of Power*

Ally is seen pummeling to ground level on the heavy crystal, causing a crater in the surrounding area and a heavy rumble. She gets launched off of the crystal upon landing and rolls to catch herself.

'Ally': Shit.. how am I gonna get this thing moving..?

'Baxter': By handing it over to me.

Baxter appears behind Ally, not far from the crystal. The Dark Sun is seen soaring through the stratosphere to reach ground level.

'Baxter': You know Ally, you've proven to be quite annoying lately. It may be better if I just get rid of you **immediately.**

The adversaries square off once again, bringing back memories of the fight they had long ago in Peculia.

'Ally': Do what you want to me after..

Ally transforms into Blindeye Phase XIV on command, she uses a strong teleportation spell that lifts the crystal into the air and coveres it in Blindeye energy.

'Baxter': No.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Baxter attempts to rush for the crystal but is pushed back by an invisible barrier.

'Baxter': NOOOO!!

The crystal is warped away, The aura in the general area is cleared away. Baxter stands, furiously.

'Baxter': This.. is the LAST time you will interfere with my plans.

Baxter spawns in about 20 drones around the general area.

'Baxter': FIND me that crystal, THIS INSTANT!!

Ally spins her wand counterclockwise and it strikes lightning on every one of the drones, one by one.

'Ally': No matter what you do.. I will NOT let you get your hands on that crystal.

Baxter growls in anger, as if he's growing more and more insane after every inconvenience.


Baxter rushes Ally with an extremely powerful Shadow Claw. Ally puts up a strong barrier to block it.

The rest of the group is back at the HQ. Brooklyn has managed to recover most of her MP and everyone is in the living room, slowly healing from Giga Panacea.

'Masako': Thank you.. so much for saving us after the actions we committed to-

'Tyler': No big deal. We don't hold grudges, we just want to keep the peace.

'Pastel': Correct. We just ask that you all don't make that goal harder for us to achieve.

Moon is guiltily sitting at the kitchen counter, refusing any and all healing. Pastel feels a little pity and decides to bring herself to conversate with her.

'Pastel': Hey.. Mo-

'Moon': don't speak to me, i already understand where i went wrong. i don't need you to come and lecture me.

'Pastel': Moon.. I wasn't gonna lecture you just listen for a sec.

'Moon': ..what do you want then?

'Pastel': I wanted to apologize.

Moon spins her chair around rather aggressively, Pastel backs off a little.

'Moon': the hell?? for what?

'Pastel': I've thought about your arguments more throughout the day, and from what has happened, I've grown to understand where you're coming from, constantly putting ourselves in the face of danger. I know all of those events have been extremely traumatic for you and I've gotten to experience some of that trauma myself today. I was too focused on trying to save our home, and all empathy was thrown out of the picture..

'Moon': well.. i can't say i was the most considerate in that argument either... i just didn't want to end up losing someone i was genuinely close to, whether that would be Eon or Mari, or any of my family members. yet it turns out that i've made everything worse.

'Pastel': Well.. I wouldn't say that. What made you want to join forces with him in the first place?

'Moon': ... he offered to help me change the way the world works..

'Pastel': What..? What do you mean by that?

'Moon': he may have heard me during my ramblings about everything i loved always being in danger. and he offered me to help him break down Miitopia into a new, peaceful, and tranquil island. me being blinded with built up anger, i agreed to help him.

'Pastel': He manipulated you...

'Moon': basically. and he managed to get all of my siblings involved, resulting in whatever that incident was in the sky. if we didn't get involved, you guys would've had a much better time in securing that crystal.

'Tyler': Heyy don't sweat it, mistakes are always made. Some are more extreme than others, but we all learn from them. Now you know to never trust an old guy with a black cloak and a mechanical arm.

'Moon': heh. yeah..

'Mari': Nonetheless it's all over and done with, we can put the past behind us. We're now going to need your help so we can still have a home to protect. Ally is still out there with the crystal, and Baxter is on her tail.

'Eclipse' (standing up): Ahhh, I cant wait to beat the SHIT out of that traitor.

'Masako': Revenge does sound a little sweet right now.

'Tyler': We'll show him who the fuck he's messing with.



'Tyler': Ironic that you just hated me like 4 hours ago.

'Adrian': Shut up, I'll deal with you personally.

'Tyler': We'll see about that cringe lord.

Adrian yells and starts running at Tyler, swinging his arms. Tyler is just standing there holding him back by his forehead and watching him struggle. Pastel suddenly holds her right hand out to Moon.

'Pastel': What do ya say? Wanna join us back, to protect our home?

Moon pauses for a little while, staring at her hand. She then smirks a little and gives a confident nod, grasping Pastel's hand.

'Moon': you bet.. for our home.

'Brooklyn' (jumping in): FORRR MIITOPIAAAAAAA!!

Suddenly there was a loud thud besides the HQ. Everyone froze immediately in shock.

'Tyler': What.. was that???

Mari sprints out of the door to check out whatever landed near the HQ. Pastel and Moon follows right behind him.

'Mari' (from outside): Hey guys!! It's the crystal!!!

'Tyler': There's no fucking way..

The rest of the team paces their way out of the door to see the Emperor Crystal sitting in the front lawn in all its glory. Everyone begins to celebrate.

'Pastel': Wait! Before we get too excited, how exactly do we work this thing-

'Brooklyn': And where's Ally??

The celebration was cut short after that question. Everyone begins to worry of Ally's current whereabouts.

'Mari': She's likely having trouble with Baxter.. so she sent the crystal directly to us so she can distract him.

'Pastel': She's in grave danger then. We NEED to find out how to use this crystal.

'Masako': i've managed to find instructions in the book y'all had.

'Pastel': PERFECT!!! It's now or never.

'Masako': but who will be the one to absorb its power?

'Pastel': It may be best if I-

'Mari': I'll do it.

Pastel pauses for a while upon being interrupted.

'Pastel': Mari-

'Mari': I said what I said.

'Pastel' (annoyed): You don't HAVE any experience with Blindeye Energy Mari. Who knows what the fuck will happen to you.

'Mari': I don't want to risk your will not being strong enough to handle this crystal Pastel. Remember that I'm not exactly like the rest of you, so I should be fine.
: So just give me the instructions.

'Pastel': (sighing): Okay.. Masako, you have the book, Tell him what to do.

'Masako': mhm.

Masako reads to the group the instructions on how to activate the crystal's power, which are rather aggressive. Mari firmly placed both of his hands on the edges of the crystal, powers up to Darkeye Phase III, and uses his full force to try and break his way inside of the crystal. The crystal begins to crack and glow a little, Mari is basically yelling his way through the tough exterior with his veins visibly glowing in Darkeye Energy.

The others are watching in either worry or fascination. The crystal is showing significantly more cracks to the point that even some light is seeping out, Mari is using his full force now, his eyes are a dark purple, slowly getting brighter and brighter as they turn blue.

The entire process is visibly agonizing, Mari is borderline screaming at the top of his lungs trying to break through the crystal. His eyes and veins are now glowing a bright teal, more and more rays of light are seeping out from the crystal until..

It breaks.

The crystal shatters and Mari's arms fly right through it. Shards are flying absolutely everywhere and everyone runs behind a large barrier that Tyler has put up. Four shards in particular stay afloat in front of Mari, while he's slouching over trying to catch his breath.

Tears are running down his face as he glances up to look at the floating crystal shards. One of them has a carving of a sword, one with a wand, one with a bat, and one with a bow. A mysterious voice is heard from the four shards.

'??': *"You.. summoner of the Emperor Crystal."*

Mari is silent, unable to form a sentence to react to his situation.

'??': *"I will grant you a light, that'll aid you in banishing the evils of this land."*
: *"Are you prepared for what is about to happen next? This will be a test to see if your will is strong and pure enough to withstand the power this crystal contains."*

Mari takes a little while to glance at everyone in the area, Tyler is staring at him confidently, Brooklyn is hiding behind Tyler, Pastel is staring with genuine concern, Masako is amazed, Eclipse and Adrian are folding their arms out of envy.

'Mari' (exhausted): You all... Get away from the area, in case something dangerous happens.
: I need you all.. to find Ally- and help her. I'll catch up with you in a moment.

'Tyler': Y'all heard the man, lets get moving!!

Everyone begins to jog off in search of Ally.

'Pastel': Good luck Mari..

Mari nods and turns back to face the shards, he closes his eyes and whispers under his breath-

'Mari': I'm ready...

The four crystal shards separate to surround Mari in each direction. They all then shoot bright blue beams to one-another to form a rhombus around him, and what looks like an eye suddenly appears below Mari's feet. Rain begins to fall once again as the eye below him starts to glow, and the brighter the symbol got, the higher the temperature raised of the ground.

'Mari': What is this..?

'??': *"Let the transfer of the Divine's power..."*
: *"Begin!"*

A huge teal beam suddenly erupts from the ground, sending Mari sky-rocketing into the air like a firework. It is causing a large tremor in the surrounding area and the team spots the beam from a distance.

'Brooklyn': Mari...

'Moon': i'm sure he's okay..
: we gotta keep looking for Ally.

'Tyler': Guys! Hurry up, the rain's only falling harder!!

There was a suddenly explosion in the sky of Blindeye Energy.

'Brooklyn': MARIII!!!!

'Pastel': Brookie. C'mon, we'll come back for him, He's gonna be okay-

'Moon' (interrupting from the air): GUYS!! I FOUND HER!!!

Moon soars off over a couple of trees to see a vastly destroyed area, with Ally laid flat out around the center of it, no one else seems to be in the area.

Everyone else emerges from the trees, rushing towards the center where Ally is. She isn't moving a limb.

'Tyler': No.. Not again...

Masako kneels down to feel for a pulse.

'Masako': she... isn't breathing..

'Pastel': We were too late..

The rest of the team begins to break down, Moon's family attempting to hide their empathy and failing. Moon falls to the ground sobbing.

'Moon': i.. am so sorry Ally...

Tyler suddenly slams his wand to the ground in blind anger, shaking the ground a bit.


Tyler lets out a loud roar, suddenly powering himself up to what looks like Darkeye Phase V. The team immediately clears the area, judging Tyler's appearance he looks like he's about to explode.

And he does.

In the midst of the explosion, what looks like a royal blue flaming phoenix soars into the air with Tyler on top of it. At a certain altitude, the phoenix stops and Tyler stands on top of it.

'Tyler' (distorted): **We will find you Baxter.. you can't hide from us forever.**
(towards the family): **You four. Where is Baxter headed for his final project?**

'Masako': He said that he'll be cloning the Dark Sun at the Darker Lord's Domain.. all the way in space.

'Tyler': **Perfect. We will be heading there now.**

'Pastel': But what about Mari?? We're gonna need him.

'Tyler' **He'll catch up when he's ready. Lets go.**

Tyler flies off with the phoenix towards the Sky scraper. Pastel calls over Dominic to pick up everyone else.

Back the source of the explosion. Mari is seen just floating there in a Bright Blue set of armor, with an aura around him bursting in power. He floats there with a navy blue scarf and an even darker blue cloak, just folding his arms.. His voice doesn't even sound like himself anymore.

Mari has activated.. Blindeye Phase X. A one time only transformation. He gives nothing but a slight chuckle in celebration.

'Mari': **I've done it.. Your life nears its end Baxter.**


__**Chapter Twelve**__
*The War against a Fatal Malediction*

Tyler is seen swooping up the side of the Skyscraper on his phoenix, with Dominic following not too far behind. He picks up speed as he nears the top of the building and hops off in front of the portal once he surpasses it, Dominic gently lands nearby.

'Pastel': This is it y'all. I'd hope you all are mentally and physically prepared for what's about to go down.

'Eclipse': I'm always ready for vengeance.

'Masako': Lets not get careless now, we're all aware of this man's capabilities and none of us knows if he even has a limit.

'Tyler': We don't have the time to come up with a proper plan. All we need is raw power and teamwork at this point.
: It's risky but we can't afford to wait any longer.

'Pastel': As much I'd rather a well thought out plan right now.. he's right. We need to go in.

Everyone arms up and powers up to their strongest forms. Masako activates Darkeye phase III and Eclipse has the look of a Dread Fiend, with two scythes. Pastel is in Blindeye phase IV and Moon is in Darkeye phase V as well as Tyler. Adrian and Brooklyn remain in their default looks.

Moon takes a second to speak to her younger brother.

'Moon': Adrian... you should stay here. I don't want you to get involved in all of this.

'Adrian': I wanna fight too!! I was betrayed just like the rest of you!!

'Moon': yes but i don't want you getting hurt.. especially when you're barely able to defend yourself..

'Adrian': But MoMo..

'Moon' (interrupting): stay here lil bro. we'll be back. i promise.

Adrian reluctantly nods and finds somewhere to sit down.

'Brooklyn' : And.. what about me??

'Tyler': We're gonna need you for your heals. Just avoid fighting at all means necessary. I'll give you your own barrier just to protect yourself.

Tyler casts his wand in Brooklyn's direction and a gold barrier begins floating in front of her.

'Tyler': Parry an attack with that and time will slow down around you, giving you plenty of time to escape a tight spot.

Brooklyn nods and suddenly feels more secure about this battle.

'Pastel': Alright, everyone seems to be ready.

'Tyler': It's now or never. Lets **end this.**

Everyone treads their way into the portal to enter Otherworld, where they all have to travel their way to the Darker Lord's Domain. They encounter many monsters attempting to stop them in their path, slaying every one of them with no effort needed.

30 minutes into the walk they finally exit the Otherworld and enter space, where the Darker Lord's Domain is. They all spot Baxter at the end of a wide path, just floating there with his back turned, alone. They all stop, keeping their distances away from him.

'Baxter': It took you all long enough to show up.. I have already completely my plan minutes ago..

'Tyler': **Nothing** you can possibly throw at us will work, all these little games you played today are over, and I will not rest until you are **dead.**

Baxter chuckles, not even taking anything he says to heart.

'Baxter': I would love to see the challenge you'd have to offer for me.
: By the way, did you like the present I left for you at the surface?

Tyler's heart drops, his mind is suddenly fogged with the same rage he had earlier. He tips his head downward as a new burst of power visibly erupts from is body. Tyler's palette is an extremely dark indigo, it almost looks black.


'Baxter': Aww.. the little baby boy lost his wittle fwiend. Now he's all pissy and angy-

Tyler launches an immediately charged DC7001 in his direction, in which he narrowly dodges. Baxter looks back at Tyler with his eyes widened, confused on how he charged it so fast.

'Tyler': **You've underestimated me for too long you rusted raisin.**
: **I will take your life.**

Tyler rushes Baxter immediately at a full sprint, Baxter firing his huge magenta beam at him out of retaliation and Tyler warps behind him with a wand smack to the back of his head. Then he uses Darkeye explosion to send him flying into the air, Baxter regains his balance midair.

'Baxter': Is that all the power you have to offe-

The phoenix is suddenly seen behind him, who appears to be about 5x his size. The phoenix spikes Baxter down to the ground for Moon's bear to suddenly appear and catch him, slamming him into the ground and kicking him off into space.

Everyone approaches the end of the path to see Baxter floating about 50 meters away from it. He lets out a cackle as everyone watches him summon 2 Dark Suns from below him.

'Masako': He.. actually did it..

'Tyler': This is exactly what we're ready for.


The Dark Suns were huge, making the team look like small pebbles, one of them being the same Dark Sun they fought before, and the other one being a perfect clone. Miis back in Miitopia were even able to see the Suns from there, Miis from all over the world in fact.


The Dark Suns each spawn in about 90 medals, ranging from between 180-200 medals in total. Each and every medal floats towards the path to confront the team. Upon a beam from Moon's bear immediately taking out a solid 20 of them, the fierce battle begins.

Masako and Eclipse are seen fighting together, constantly backing each other up whenever they're attacked by a medal. Moon is seen fighting with Pastel, unleashing a flame imbued Bat Tornado thanks to Pastel's Volatile formula causing a large explosion. Moon is then seen picking off medals, one by one, smoothly swooping to each one like it's nothing. A couple medals were all about to fire a large beam directly at Moon when Pastel uses corrupt on each of them, forcing them to attack each other instead.

Tyler is facing a hoard of them with his Phoenix and Moon's bear. He casts 3 Violet Flames all formed in a triangle to take out a considerable amount of medals in a straight line. He then parries a sudden attack from another medal and spikes it below him where there's another group of medals, to then cast Darkeye Explosion on all of them. Tyler then sees an opening in the medals, leaving the Dark Suns exposed. He hops on to his phoenix and ascends directly above the hoard to charge 5 DC7001's at the same time, Baxter spots him and orders both of them to unleash Darkest Smite at the same time at him. Both beams are fired at the same time and Tyler starts to lose at first, until the Phoenix adds its own beam in which the tide starts to turn. Baxter's eyes widen and he decides to add his own signature move, Flashy Finale, which is a larger and darker version of his magenta beam. Upon adding, Tyler immediately starts to lose again and slowly begins to lose hope. As Moon takes down the last medal, she realizes Tyler's situation.


Moon leaps into the air and charges her Last wing, just before Tyler loses his magic battle, Moon unleashes her burst attack and stops the beam from moving.


Eclipse scoops Pastel onto his back and soars up besides them. Eclipse form his Death's Decadence circle and puts his palm through it, unleashing a beam. Pastel adds her Hole of the Dark eye beam and the pace begins to shift back to their favor.

Both sides are giving it their all at this rate. Baxter begins to worry a bit and realizes that this interaction doesn't matter at all, so he cancels his beam and warps out of the way for the suns to take the full hit.

A huge explosion occurs as the combined beam finishes, the team lands on the ground with barely any of their MP drained from the attack.


The smoke clears and both of the suns are glowing in multiple colors, which is a very familiar phase for most of the group.

'Tyler': Oh... shit..

Baxter rises up from below the suns with another cackle, the team forms a defensive stance and Tyler grits his teeth.

'Baxter': Oh my oh my.. Did you all think you were winning? I'd hope I didn't crush your spirits too low.
: I will hand it to you though, you all have grown quite powerful. I'd have to say that I'm impressed.

'Tyler': You aren't too shabby for an old hag yourself.

'Baxter': Oh hoh!! Your comebacks reminds me of your great sage.

'Tyler': ...

'Baxter': Oh what a sweet little girl she was, wasn't she?

Tyler launches another array of Violet Flames in Baxter's direction, the suns block them with their own barriers to protect him.

'Baxter': Oop! You missed!!
(after another chuckle): Is it my turn yet??

'Moon': he's just toying with us at this point..

'Eclipse': What the hell do we do?? We can't avoid their Heaven's Raze, especially at this state.

'Baxter': Did I hear, "Heaven's" Raze??
: Oh no no no young one. This one is a tiny bit altered by the strengths of the Elder Crystal. So it is a lot stronger and darker than the name "Heaven" gives it credit for hm?

Pastel's eyes widen.

'Pastel': Hell's Raze...

'Baxter': Bingo! The smart one got it.

'Eclipse': What the hell is the difference?

'Pastel': You know how Heaven's Raze will leave everyone on their last leg..?
: Hell's Raze just.. erases them...

'Baxter': I'm so glad someone was there was able to enlighten you on how your jouney ends!! It would be a bit embarrassing to die without even knowing how you died, no?

'Tyler': You..

'Baxter': Enough chit-chat. I have a planet to fucking destroy after I'm finished murdering you pests.
(towards the Dark Suns): Suns of the almighty curse, commence the charging of...
: **Hell's Raze.**

The Suns' rays begin to spin, in an opposite direction of their bodies, as they slowly begin to accelerate their rotations, Tyler begins to spin his own wand at a faster speed, with his wand glowing before it glows an extremely bright yellow. He slams the wand to the ground and up sprouts a brand new barrier, covering the entire path and ranging up to about 90 feet in height.

'Baxter': You think your little pot lid will be enough to save you?? Think again, your time is up.
: I hope you've all enjoyed your adventures up until this point.
: **Unleash the Raze.**

A dark purple beam was fired from both the suns, combining into one, causing a huge tremor upon unleashing. The attack makes contact with the barrier and it is able to withstand the beam. Everyone is hiding behind Tyler at this point.

'Baxter': Still alive are ya?? We'll see how long that lasts.

Baxter pulls out 2 bottles of Hyper Sprinkles and pours them onto each of the suns, their attacks grow about 4x stronger than they originally were and the barrier begins to crack.

'Tyler': No..

Baxter lets out another cackle as the barrier continues to split.

'Baxter': Oh I'd hope you remember my laugh in the afterlife.

Tyler begins to hold the barrier out of desperation, as an attempt to keep it together. Baxter once again charges Flashy Finale.

'Baxter': **Say your prayers.**

Baxter unleashes his beam, and once it connects to the barrier it shatters. The moment it breaks Tyler find the time to parry the *entire* beam backwards a bit to slow down time.

During the small period of time, Tyler hears a voice from behind him, a familiar but distorted one at that.

'??': **The wait is no more..**


__**Chapter Thirteen**__
*The Power of a Divine Brilliance*

Mari appears in front of the beam. Just from his presence, there is a brand new shield blocking the entire vicinity of the path. He floats there, tanking the entire raze with a smirk on his face.

'Baxter': What the hell.. how is he-

Mari then parries the attack himself, sending a shockwave across the area to stop it. The Dark Suns are blown back a bit, Baxter is unaffected.

'Baxter': So you're the consumer of the Emperor Crystal..

Mari touches the ground. walking off of the path and forming his own out of Blindeye crystals to approach Baxter.

'Mari': **What's it to ya?**

Baxter mirrors Mari's behavior and creates his own path of Darkeye crystals to approach him.

'Baxter': You my good friend, was exactly who I was waiting for.

'Mari': **You sure you're not just bullshitting to intimidate me?? You know damn well you weren't expecting me.**

'Baxter': You're smarter than you look.

'Mari': **Thanks, I get that a lot.**

'Baxter': However, whether I was or wasn't expecting you doesn't change anything, I will not have you best me, not when I'm so close to victory.

'Mari': **I beg to differ, this crystal has stored a ton of strength in the past couple of centuries it hasn't been used for, you'd be nothing but a mere example.**

'Baxter': Big talk for someone who has yet again failed to protect their Great Sage.

'Mari': **We'll see who will need protecting next once this is over.**

'Baxter': **That's enough from you. I will fucking destroy you-**

'Mari' (interrupting): **It's a shame you decided to murder the little girl you tried to hook up with too. All those years ago.**

'Baxter': ...

The silence after Mari gave that statement  was noticeable. Baxter began to lose his temper when he realizes everyone was staring directly at him, shocked.

'Baxter' (angrily): **How... HOW DO YOU KNOW OF THIS??**

'Mari': **From the source herself of course.**

Ally walks in from the group behind them, the entire group is immediately heard shouting her name as she approaches the crystal pathing.

'Tyler': How are you...

'Ally': Mari revived me, with the powers he gained from the Blindeye Vampire.

'Baxter': This... **THIS ISNT FUCKING POSSIBLE!!**

'Mari': **What's the matter? Is the sight of the little girl you molested wrenching your heart??**

Baxter rushes in and grabs Mari by his throat, squeezing him as tight as he could.

'Baxter': **You're going to stop with these childish games you're playing.**

Mari creates a stronger shockwave, which actually pushes him back this time. Baxter pounces back with a shadow claw in which Mari quickly dodges, then counters with a frostbite punch. Baxter is launched back a bit and he catches his landing, just to rush back and go hand to hand with Mari.

It was a fairly long battle of exchanging blows until Baxter dodges an attack and blasts Mari with a Darkeye Orb, launching him towards the edge of the path. he then follows up with a frenzy of Darkeye needles which Mari cartwheels to his left to avoid. Once Mari is back on his feet, Baxter tosses a larger Darkeye Orb at his direction. Mari powers himself up with a strong Blindeye barrier and shoulder bashes the Orb to reflect it back to him at a faster speed. The attack connects to his face, shattering his glasses and toppling him to the floor.

'Baxter': **You...**

Baxter reaches into his back pocket to pull out a shard from the Elder Crystal. Mari's eyes widen and he forms a battle stance.

'Baxter': **I've been saving this one for emergencies.**

He eats the crystal, munching on it like its rock candy. His figure begins to deform a little, as he grows in size. Mari does nothing but watch as he continues to grow until he reaches to about half the size of the planet.

'Baxter' (booming): **HOW DO YOU FUCKING LIKE ME NOW?????**

Mari does a powerful leap to meet up with Baxter's altitude.

'Baxter': **Who do you think you are???**

Baxter unleashes a ginormous beam that Mari narrowly warps away from. It destroys a couple distant asteroids before it finishes. The Dark Suns ascend to confront Mari when he uses a Burst Attack called Ethereal Slash, a huge sword about 30x his body size cutting both of the suns in half, destroying them in an instant.

'Tyler': Holy shit.. it's like I'm watching two gods-

'Ally': You basically are.

Mari uses the sword to block a direct punch from Baxter, parrying it which causes a shockwave.

'Baxter': **Your weapon is nothing but a needle to me.**

'Mari': **Can a needle do this??**

Mari holds his sword above him to conjure up a huge Blindeye Orb, about half the size of Baxter's head.

'Baxter': **I'm not in the mood to play catch with your toy ball.**

Baxter simply grabs the Orb from him and tosses it back, Mari strikes it back at him twice as fast and it hits his eyes.


Mari unleashes a flurry of sword swings all over him, dealing as much damage as he could with this opportunity. Before he could do one final blow, Baxter grabs him.


Baxter slams Mari into the earth, causing a huge earthquake on the surface and multiple tsunami's.


He grinds Mari across the surface of the earth, leaving a ton of damage.


'Moon': WHAT THE HELL????!!!!


Everyone on the ground charges their strongest burst attacks all at once. Tyler stands ahead of everyone.

: TWO!!
: ONE!!!

Everyone's attacks are fired at once towards Baxter's head, he flinches upon it connecting and he aggressively turns towards them.

'Baxter': **OF ALL THE INSOLENCE??!!**

Mari does another powerful leap off of the surface of the planet and slashes the side of Baxter's face with his blade, Baxter roars in pain, causing a huge tremor in the surrounding area.

Baxter's eyes are bloodshot red now. The team has run out of MP and are unable to continue attacking. He turns back around to face Mari, who flinches a little upon seeing his face. Baxter's tone of voice is terrifyingly tame now.

'Baxter': **Move.**

He backhands Mari out of the way so that there's nothing between him and earth. He begins to charge one final orb with the palm of his hand.

'Baxter': **I've been telling you, over and over again. Nothing will stop the destruction of this planet. It is inevitable.**

'Ally': **WAIITTT!!!**

Baxter pauses his charge to turn his head towards Ally. She's in Blindeye Phase XIV for the sole purpose of her voice being heard.


'Baxter': **Little girl there is no negotiating me out of what has been decided.**
: **You all will perish alongside this planet, and it will be reamended to a much better one. Earth is a horrible planet that no one deserves to live in, so i will put an end to it.**




'Ally': **BAXTER I-**


Baxter unleashes the orb, having a direct trajectory towards the planet.

'Ally': **NOOOOOO!!!!!!!**

Mari comes zipping back in at the speed of light with his blade, blocking and holding the orb from hitting the planet.

'Baxter': **You..**

'Mari' (struggling): **Ngh- I will NOT, let you destroy our- home because of your shitty complaints of our lifestyle!!**
: **Whether you like it or not. Shit- happens. It's nobody's fault that life goes the way it does and you've failed to accept that.**
: **Nothing you do will ever change the- ugh- course of life, because new entities will eventually be reborn and it'll all start over again, so what's even- the point of fighting for this????**

Baxter grasps the orb and begins pushing towards the earth at full force.


'Mari': **You leave me with no choice then...**

Mari begins to glow a bright teal, the light starts pulsating like a ticking timer. Absolutely everyone's eyes widen.

'Baxter': **No.. You're crazy...**


'Ally': **Oh my god... he's using his Phase 50 Burst Attack!!**


'Ally': ...
: **The Divine's Final Call...**

Mari uses all of his force to destroy the orb and push Baxter away from the earth.

'Mari': **When I said I'll do everything I can to protect my home... I meant it.**


'Mari': **You're mistaken..**
: **I'm protecting what I hold dear to me.**

As they draw further and further away from earth, Baxter struggles to set himself free from Mari as he continues to pulsate in light. He slowly blinks faster and faster, Baxter at this point has given up.

'Baxter': **All of this work.. just for it to be ruined by the likes of you.**

'Mari': **I cannot keep you alive if this is the mindset you will continue to have, I will not let you have your way either.**

'Baxter': **Why... why would you sacrifice yourself for such a horrible race. The world is only going to get worse from here yet you choose to keep it the same. Are you too young to understand the evils of it all?**

'Mari': **The quality of it all is not my concern. As I've said before, nothing will change even if you decide to "reset the universe." No matter what shape or form they come in, people are gonna be people, life will always be unbalanced as it is, and there is a beauty behind that. The beauty of satisfaction behind your success is what people live for, and sometimes you'll need to help of others to achieve that. Whether it's by teamwork, or simply using another individual, people will do what they can to achieve the common goal of success.**

'Baxter' **...Well then, it seems I have lost both the physical and verbal battle.**

Mari starts blinking rapidly, The Divine's Final Call is nearing the peak of its charge.

'Mari': **Your time is up now.**

Baxter sighs and says nothing further to add on to the conversation.

'Mari': **Ggs Baxter. I'll be seeing you at the next Inn.**

A humongous Blindeye explosion occurs in the middle of space, there is a ton of wind coming from the site of the explosion, pushing the team back a ton.


'Pastel': We gotta go!! We're not gonna last much longer on this platform under this much pressure!!!!

'Tyler': Everyoneeeeee!! back to the portalllll!!!!

The group all sprints their way through Otherworld to make their way back to the portal on the Skyscraper. Once they all emerge from the portal, they look back up into the sky and the explosion is still occurring.

'Moon' (tearing up): he's really gone...

There is a ton of people outside watching the explosion, when it comes to average citizens, news reporters recording it live, and other heroes staring at it with awe.

'Eclipse': What the hell is that???!!!

Eclipse spotted what looks like a small meteor falling out of the sky not too far from them. As it approaches the ground in Greenhorne, Tyler recognizes the gold outlining on it.

'Tyler': Wait a minute... THAT'S MARI!!!!!!

Everyone immediately hops on Dominic and he soars off in an attempt to catch up to the plummeting warrior.

Mari hits the ground with a tumble before Dominic has the chance to reach him. Dominic lands and everyone immediately hops off to rush to Mari, they all surround him.

'Pastel': Mari...

'Ally': His armor is destroyed completely.. I don't think he made it...

Brooklyn kneels down besides him and begins sobbing. Pastel, Ally, and Moon are all crying themselves. Tyler covers his eyes with his hat to hide his tears. Eclipse is constantly trying to wipe away his tears and is struggling. Masako attempts to hide away her tears and kneels down on the other side of him to feel his neck. She jumps up immediately upon doing so.

'Masako': guys.. HE'S NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

'Everyone Else': ***WHAT??????!!!!***


'Ally': HOLD ON!!

Ally grabs her wand and immediately warps everyone to HQ, upon entering, Tyler and Brooklyn are seen running with Mari in their arms straight to his room. Niya, Amy, Blight, and Jacob all suddenly follow hastily.


__**Chapter Fourteen**__
*A Blind Recovery*

Tyler plops Mari on to his bed. It is about 4:30 in the morning at the Greenhorne HQ, everyone is frantically yelling at each other about the situation. Tyler quickly grows aggravated.


The room is silenced.

'Tyler': Can we PLEASE focus on healing Mari???!!!

'Masako': Brooklyn, we're gonna need you and your Giga Resurrection. You'll have to sit here and use it until Mari is fully recovered.

'Brooklyn': You don't have to ask me twice.

Brooklyn immediately pulls up a seat and a bowl of MP candy and begins her healing techniques.

'Brooklyn': You all can go, I have it from here. I'll be sure to keep watch of him.

'Pastel': Never seen Brookie so serious before..

'Tyler': You all heard her, everyone out.

Tyler begins following people out of the door, leaving Brooklyn with Mari to continue her healing.

'Brooklyn': Mari.. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm glad you're okay. You can finally have your time to relax as your wounds are being healed.
: Thank you... for everything you have done for us, you have sacrificed yourself for the greater good for us more times than I can even remember. Which isn't exactly saying much, but you get my point.
: All of these efforts you made just to keep our home peaceful, just for everyone to live their best possible lives. You've not only saved Miitopia, but you put yourself in front of the destruction of the earth just to protect our home. I'm sure everyone around the world is grateful for your efforts.
: ...If everything I said before hasn't gone through then I hope this does at least.

: I love you Mari.. and I'll be here for you as much as you were for me. Rest well..

It was a long journey up until this point. Thanks to Mari's sacrifices, the Miiverse is now a safe place to live again with Baxter's destruction. With the Dark Sun finally gone, and the Elder Crystal being obliterated in the explosion. It is finally safe to say that..

The Curse.. has been **broken.**

Now what will await the heroes in the coming future? How long exactly will it take for Mari to recover from his coma? Will the evil usage of Darkeye Energy ever return? It may be a while until we find out, as another adventure in the land of Miitopia, comes to an end.

*The next morning, 8:17am.*

Blight is in the kitchen cooking everyone's breakfast. As he's waiting for a pot to boil, he decides to scroll on his phone. After looking at a few posts on the Miiverse app, he spots a post that reads.

"Test your cooking skills here at the Karkaton Kook-Off!! Where your food will be taste tested by the famous judges: Flavio and Yuki!!!"

'Blight': Interesting...

-The End.


Thank you for reading the Curse Courage Arc!! The adventure isn't over yet, as there are THREE more Arcs to go!!

If you'd like to continue reading Chronicles of a Divine Brilliance immediately as the books release, join the discord server!! The server also consists of a lot of lore and Miiverse information that you DEFINITELY want to know!!


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