Love & War

بواسطة Uniquelywritten86

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King and Queen Pin of streets this was all that Zac and Fatima ever knew. One was born into this life while... المزيد

Fatima's Introduction
Zac's Introduction
How We Met
Caught Slipping
Unstoppable Together
Playing With Fire 🔥
You Made Your Bed Now Lay In It
Tag Team
Fall In Line
Fighting Demons
Getting Down To Business
Finally Giving In 😍
Bad For Business
Talking To Much
We Have A Fucking Problem
Cleaning Up Their Mess
You Know What You Need To Do
No Loyalty
They Plotting
Too Eager
Up To No Good
One Step Closer
Everybody Can't Be Trusted
Lights Out
What Are You Hiding
Come Clean
Saving Layla
Better Luck Next Time
2nd Chances
Young and Dumb
You Gone Respect Us
They Coming For Us
New Location
Wrong Move
Making Our Rounds
Cash Losing It
Who Is Brooke
Old Flings
Pull Through Layla

You Done Fucked Up Now

856 64 38
بواسطة Uniquelywritten86


Cruz blood was boiling these dumb ass niggas really tried to unalive him. They took them down to where the incinerator was located he was going to get some answers even if that meant peeling their fucking skin off from head to toe.

While majority of the prison was sleep they were up

They made sure they had them tied up good and mouth gagged because they were about to be tortured and guaranteed to scream like little bitches

Cruz: Now I don't want this to go all night into the morning so I amn only going to ask one time. Who the fuck sent you little gay ass niggas

Raise your hand if you want to speak

Cruz waited

Both men just stared at each other not budging

Cruz: Okay so y'all some tough niggas

Cruz picked up the hammer and bashed it into one of their knee caps

He was gagged so good you couldn't hear peep. His buddy tried to hold back his fears but Cruz could see it in his eyes that he wasn't built for this shit

Cruz: Who sent you

Bashed knee and all no one said nothing

This time Cruz picked up some needle nose pliers and stood in front of the other guy

His eyes got big but he didn't budge

Cruz jammed the pliers into the top of his head and started peeling his skin back off his face

His feet were dancing the way he was moving in the chair

The other guy quickly raised his hand

Cruz: Looks like your buddy over here wants to talk

The man started shaking his head no as the loose skin was hanging from his

Cruz removed the gag

Talk nigga

Man: All I know is some bitch wanted you dead

Cruz: I can see that I need more information or I am going to start peeling yo shit back too

The man started stuttering

Umm Umm I think her name was Danni no the bitch is Cuban

Screaming Dalia that's it Dalia is her name

The man took a deep breath like his life was about to be spared because he gave up the name

Cruz nodded for his men they knew what to do next 

The picked up one of the guys and threw him in the incinerator

The guy that gave up the information tried to break free his chair fell to the ground breaking his arms free he hurried up and removed the gag 

Please I gave you the information that you needed this wasn't even my idea 

Cruz: But yet your dumb ass went along with the plan 

Man: How about I can work with you and let you know everything that is going on around the prison 

Cruz: I'm an old street nigga remember I don't need you 

They picked him up and tossed him in there with his friend 

They closed the door and clean up their mess then went to bed


Dalia was soaking in a bottle of tequila waiting to hear if the job was done. She needed everything to go right. She didn't need anything pointing back to her if she failed again. Dalia knew Cruz had some powerful people behind him but she went ahead and put the hit out on him anyway. 

She knew that if something happened to Cruz T would be broken. Dalia wanted to cut T off at the knees and cripple her whole empire

Fabio was on guard watching the house, he knew she was only keeping him around to see if he had switched up on her but Fabio didn't fear Dalia soft ass.  He had been feeding T Dalia's every move but he didn't know about the hit that she had put out on T's dad.

Dalia's phone went off 

Once she looked at the text she screamed out loud 

Yes!!!!! He's gone she kept screaming the same thing at the top of her lungs 

Fabio ran into the house 

Fabio: What the fuck you screaming for Who's gone 

Dalia was about to celebrate the good news but she forgot she had to keep this to herself for now 

Dalia: Oh no one just got excited for nothing 

Fabio: I thought I was about to have to put a cap in someone 

Dalia: No you can go home now I will talk with you tomorrow 

Fabio: Alright bet 

Fabio hurried up and left before her crazy ass ask him to do something else 

Dalia:  Now how am I going to rub this shit in this bitch face 

Dalia grabbed her burner phone and sent the picture to T, she kept sending the picture over and over 

Dalia felt accomplished like she finally won at something she drunk the rest of the tequila then stumbled her way upstair to her king size plushed bed 


Zac stayed up finishing some business proposals for an upcoming business. He was on the board amongst some of the wealthiest people around the world. Zac had stocks and investments in about every major Fortune 500 company. This well dressed black man sitting amongst all these white folks looking down on him. 

He didn't care because he was making good money just off his investments alone 

Fatima was knocked out her phone kept going off back to back 

He didn't want to wake her up but he figured it may have been important 

Zac: Babe sorry to wake you but someone is blowing up your phone I didn't want to invade your privacy 

Fatima still out of it 

I'll address it in the morning 

Zac: Okay 

Fatima phone kept going off until she finally looked at her phone 

Fatima: Who the fuck is calling me 

She had 100 text messages from a number she wasn't familiar with she sat up in the bed

When she looked at the message she seen picture of a bloody body that said RIP Daddy 

Fatima kept starring at the phone like the has to be a fucking joke  

Fatima kept saying to herself this can't be true she started to panic which she never does 

Zac: What wrong everything okay 

Fatima didn't say anything she couldn't bring herself to cry 

Showing Zac the phone and the picture 

Zac: This may be a fucking joke calm down just try calling your father 

Fatima: This better be a fucking joke 

Fatima called her dad number it went straight to voicemail 

Fatima: He's not answering it's going straight to voicemail 

He called earlier saying someone was after him I should have went with my gut and sent my own people on the inside 

She kept calling him over and over and nothing 

Zac never seen this side of T he could tell her dad was her everything. He didn't want her to be so strong in this moment he wanted her to be able to cry and feel any and every emotion. He know that he was going to be right there with her 

He walked up to her and took her into his arms when their bodies touched T's heartbeat went back to a normal heartbeat. Zac was T's safe space he could always keep her calm and leveled something no one else has ever been able to do

Zac: We gone get down to the bottom of this shit don't hold this shit in I know how strong you try to be 

Fatima: I know who I can call the fucking Warden 

Fatima wiped her eyes and called the Warden 

Warden: Hello why are you calling so late 

Fatima: I'll call when ever the fuck I want you work for us remember 

The Warden already knew who was on the phone by her voice 

Warden: I am sorry T how can I help you 

Fatima: I want to know why the fuck someone was allowed anywhere near my father 

Warden: I am sorry I have no idea what your talking about 

Fatima sent him the picture 

Warden: I am so sorry I do not know what happened 

Fatima: You need to send one of your fucking guards to check on him now and if someone killed him please believe I'm gone burn that whole bitch down then I am coming for you and your entire family 

Warden knew Fatima meant well on her threat if she was anything like Cruz he knew she meant business 

Stuttering I will send someone to check on him now 

Fatima waited on the line while he sent someone to check his cell 

Fatima: They better fucking pray or I'm gone be on a fucking war path everyone gone die 

10 minutes passed 

Warden: Hello T are you still there 

Fatima: I'm still here 

Warden: I've checked and this seems to be a misunderstanding your father was in his cell sleeping peacefully here he is 

Cruz: I told you not to worry babygirl 

Fatima: Well that easy for you to say I woke up to 100 text messages of a dead body 

Cruz: The problem has been handled 

Fatima: Do you know who is behind this 

Cruz: Dalia

Fatima: A bold bitch but also about to be a dead bitch 

Cruz: Trust her time is definitely coming 

Fatima: I want to handle her I will let you know when she's dead 

Cruz: Be careful babygirl 

Fatima: I will 

Fatima hung up the phone relieved that her father was alive 

Fatima: I'm going to kill that bitch Dalia 

Zac: Glad your father is okay can we go to bed now and make a plan tomorrow 

Fatima: Yes  waking me up out of my sleep for this bullshit I can't wait to see the look on her face when she see's she has failed again 

Zac: Enough payback talk we can finish this conversation in the morning 

Fatima: Okay thank you for keeping me calm 

Zac: Of course 

Fatima cuddled up next to her man 

The Next Morning 

Stitch was at the warehouse early Tip came walking in like he was having a great day 

Stitch: Nigga where the hell you been you been MIA

Tip: I been around laying low 

Stitch: Laying low my ass you must got some pussy finally you even changed up your waredrobe 

Tip: Damn a nigga can't get new clothes 

Stitch: That outfit has my  girlfriend brought it written all over it 

Tip: Damn stop reading me nigga and lets count this cash 

Stitch: Congratulation about fucking time tell Draya I said hey 

Tip: How the fuck you know it was Draya 

Stitch: I ain't stupid nigga I seen the way she looked at you since day one 

Tip: You think T and and Zac know 

Stitch: Most definitely you can't get nothing past them 

Tip: Shit I don't want them to think we messy like you and Layla

Stitch: Nigga fuck you 

Long as you keep y'all shit in order y'all will be fine. Just keep ya personal shit away from the business

Tip: of course 

Did I miss anything 

Stitch: You ain't miss anything same shit just making money and taking over the streets 

Draya's Lab 

Draya: Hey ladies we have a large amount of product that we need to get completed in two days. So I may need y'all to work over time and it will be double pay 

Pasli: Count me in I need the extra money 

Kenya: Me too plus I like being here working under you 

Draya: Great lunch and dinner on me 

Kenya: Yes boss lady 

So are you the boss lady in charge or are you working for someone else 

Draya: Does it matter 

Kenya: Kind of does 

Draya: I'm paying you right 

Kenya shaking her head yes

Draya: Well that is your answer 

Kenya: Okay, can you teach me all that you know I want to make my own shit one day 

Draya: You sure do have a lot of questions I just need you here to help get the batches together I don't need help mixing anything I will do all that 

Kenya: Dang I can't study under you 

Draya: Sorry sweetie this ain't no mentoring job 

Draya looked Kenya crazy this bitch was sure asking a lot of questions 

Draya walked out of the room for a second 

Kenya used that time to snoop through Draya's paper work 

Pasli: Girl what are you doing 

Kenya: Mind ya business 

Pasli went back to minding her business 

Draya walked back in and seen Kenya by her desk 

Draya: What are you doing by my desk 

Kenya: Oh I was looking for a pen 

Draya: It's some pens right there pointing to a whole jar of pens 

Pasli smirked because Kenya got caught 

Draya could already tell Kenya was gone be a problem 

Kenya walked out to use the bathroom 

Pasli: Hey something off with that girl I don't trust her and she was snapping through your shit 

Draya: I seen that shit too thanks for telling me 

Pasli: Of course 

Draya: Continue to keep an eye on her and let me know if she does anything else 

Pasli: I got you 

Draya was going to call T and let her know they need to move locations tonight just to be on the safe side 


Phone ringing 

Fatima: Hey to my favorite cousin 

Madame: I better be your only favorite cousin 

I hear we got a problem I keep hearing this bitch Dalia name who the fuck is she and why is her name being mentioned in our circle 

Fatima: Damn word travels fast you remember Dalia and Carmen from back in the day. Daddy use to work with their dads. Turns out both of them can't stand my ass and want me dead but neither of them have been successful

Madame: And what's this shit I hear about her putting a hit out on Unc

Fatima: Dalia thought she could get to my father but that was the worst mistake that she could ever make 

Madame: Damn fucking right you know that's one thing I don't play about is my family 

I say we set the bitch up 

Fatima: We can't have her come to New York she gone suspect something 

Madame: have her come to my neck of the woods she wouldn't think nothing of it. Didn't you say she need a new connect. I'll be her new connect then you can pop up and we surprise this bitch 

Fatima: This is perfect because she has no fucking idea who the fuck you are 

Madame: She about to find out that I am that bitch 

Fatima: I'll have Fabio let her know he found a new connect and we will go from there 

Madame: Let's go I haven't had fun in a minute I am ready to catch a fucking body 

Fatima: Me too I'll let you know when the conversation has been had 

Madame: Okay keep your head on a swivel because someone is always going to be coming for you and tell Zac I said hello

Fatima: You too love you cuz 

Fatima hung up the phone 

Fatima: Payback about to be a bitch 


Warden: How am I going to explain 2 missing bodies 

Cruz: I don't care what excuse you have to come up with let somebody come for me again we gone be adding to that number 

Warden: Well can you give me a heads up next time

Cruz: Like you gave me a heads up and who is this new fucking guard you got that was in my face earlier 

Warden: He was transferred here 

Cruz: You need to be careful he could have been sent here to spy on you so you better make sure he don't say shit or else I'm gone kill his ass

Warden: I will handle him 

Cruz: You better I don't need no one fucking up our operation 

Cruz kicked his feet up and lit a blunt 

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