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By rxdientstaar

3.1K 144 157

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172 6 3
By rxdientstaar

𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟕

"Alright Mary Magdalene?" Someone in a group of lads said winking at Martie as they walked past her and Paul on the pavement . "Carry on Fred and ill cripple ya." Paul shook his fist at the boy who seemed to be in his year at school.

Paul was so protective , which most times Martie was thankful for , like sometimes there'd be situations where boys older or even her age would say or do something to her but wouldn't because Paul was there , or wouldn't because they knew of Paul being her brother . Like people calling her Mary Magdalene which was the most biblical insult ever .

But sometimes she hated it , whenever a boy even mentioned his little sister his face would screw up , or like when Howie was over , the amount of times he threatened Howie not to knock her up the duff. Which was wild because Howie hadn't gone as far as even seeing what breasts look like .

Thats why it killed her that her only ever crush was his best mate , who very much valued his life . Not like she had a chance with him she thought often when she was thinking about how much Paul would slaughter him.

The best thing was that once she left the McCartney household , no one could tell her who she could and couldn't fancy . She sort of missed her mother in that way , because sometimes she'd tell her mother about how much she liked George's smile , or his eyes , she never admitted to fancying him but her mother got the idea . She'd say things like , "i think Pauls friend ... George is it ?" She knew his name "i think he has quite lovely eyes ." Angelic eyes ... , her mother would grin and stroke the side of her head .

Sometimes she'd stroke her own head , not in a weird way , but she'd imagine it was her mothers hand . She'd speak to her blanket about all sorts of topics .

"I love Elvis but i wonder if I'm just like every other girl these days , maybe thats what makes me sound boring to everyone else , like George .. do you think he finds me boring because i fancy Elvis? He might." She probably wouldn't have admitted to fancying Elvis if her mum was actually alive , or fancying George , but sometimes it was like talking to a friend that wasn't Howie for once , someone that didn't talk back , someone that just listened.

"I still don't understand the Mary Magdalene name calling." She said look up at her brother who was unfortunately in her case , a lot taller , he seemed to have got there fathers jeans with the height and she seemed to have got there auntie jin's jeans being so much shorter .

"I told you already." Paul rolled his eyes , his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket .

"And i still don't understand what it means ! I thought she was the one
That witnessed the crucifix." Martie said kicking a pebble that was on the pavement as they walked .

"Yeah but she was a prostitute." Paul mumbled , he didn't like saying words like that in front of his sister , or discussing anything of the kind really .

Martie screwed up her face in confusion "don't use big words like that."

"Forget it ." Paul sniffed uncomfortably.

"I can't believe mike gets to walk with his mates." Martie changed the subject in which Paul was very thankful for .

"Dad doesn't trust ya walking on yer own" paul said as they turned the corner for there street .

"Why mikes younger than me ." She whined

And even Jim was protective, besides Paul , normally Martie would walk in front of Ivan and his mates , who were Paul's mates as well , and thats why Jim let her walk on her own because he knew that if anything happened Ivan and his mates would do something , but they were on a school trip today so Jim told Paul to walk with her .

"Ya know why." Paul said as they opened the gate walking down the path.

"Hiya jenny." Paul winked at the girl his age that walked down the pavement, martie groaned at his flirting antics .

"Hello paul." The leggy blonde grinned as she walked past .

"Is she a prostitute ?" Martie asked with a confused look as she walked past , loud enough for jenny to hear and scowl .

As soon as she said it pauls smile dropped and he clasped a hand against his sisters mouth , waving at jenny as if everything was casual , until she turned the corner and as they were opening the front door paul took his hand off. "Are ya bloody stupid?" He said as they wiped there shoes on the mat .

"Genuine question jesus." She rolled her eyes and walked into the front room .

When mary died Jim learnt how to cook , separate clothes at the launderette , and do everything a mother would do stereotypically in the fifties .

They entered the kitchen to where Jim was cooking , Martie dropped her book bag and sat on the chair against the dining table , "hi dad." She grinned unbuckling her mary janes .

Paul greeted him too and he replied both times. "Mikes late . Wheres your brother ?" He asked stirring a pot , Paul leaned against the counter popping nuts into his mouth from the jar , Jim turned around and took it off him , returning a dramatic gasp of paul .

Martie shrugged , "hopefully unconscious in a ditch." She mumbled

"Martina Mary McCartney" jim said pointing the wooden spoon at her

"Sorry." She groaned playing with her thumb, Paul in the background sniggering and mouthing 'Martina mary McCartney' behind his dads back .

"Sorry I'm late da'" a voice called from the hallway as the front door swung open and closed letting a December breeze run through the house .

"Wish ya'd shut that ruddy door quick enough ya letting all the hot air out." James shouted from the kitchen , the living room was blazing with a fire that they could only really afford to keep burning once a week .

"Johns coming over." Paul mumbled behind Jim

"Is he now?" Jim said piercing his lips at the fact Paul didn't ask , but he let it slide anyway , he was fine with having guests round , he welcomed them normally , thats how Paul became a social butterfly really , he got it from Jim .

John , John Lennon , Martie wasn't very keen on John , she'd met him a few months ago when Paul joined his band 'the quarrymen' , he seemed far too cocky , he was handsome , not the best looking bloke she'd seen but he was quite good looking , bit of a flirt , very cocky .


John Lennon waltzed into the McCartney house as if he had lived there all his life , Martie watched from the top step with a scowl as Paul opened the front door for him
They walked up the stairs and Martie scooted aside to let them through , as john walked by he draped his hand down to her head and scruffed up her dark chestnut hair "alright martini?" He said pronouncing her name wrong purposely.

"Are you talking to me or the drink that James bond bums?" She scowled over her shoulder as she watched them walk to Paul and mikes room .

"Don't sit on the stairs love." Jim told his daughter as he walked from the kitchen to the living room with a cup of tea in his hand.

Martie shot him and confused look and walked down the stairs , she wore black pyjama bottoms and her fitted elvis t shirt that was cropped to just about the top of the waistband of her pyjama trousers , it was black and white and it said Elvis in big red writing , she had her hair down as usual , she thought of putting it in rollers for the night but she struggled sleeping in such discomfort.

She read that Jane Fonda went to sleep in rollers and she desperately wanted to push through the uncomfortable feeling that digged into her head but she just couldn't so looking like Jane Fonda had to wait for a while .

A knock startled her as she walked past the door , she furrowed her eyebrows and returned to answer the door , unlocking it she saw George Harrison... in her bloody pyjamas. Her Elvis pyjamas!

He looked a little awkward , fumbling away from the door as he was just about to knock a second time .

He nodded as a greeting , "Is Paul in?" George smiled .

"He's upstairs with John." Martie smiled awkwardly.

"Ah .. I'll er , Ill come round tomorrow" he said nodding and turning

"Do you want me to give him a message?" Martie said making him turn round

"Oh .. no its fine." He smiled "just a bit bored."

Martie grabbed her long grey trench coat that had ruffles on the hem , it was far to big for her , she put her shoes on and walked outside , closing the door behind her. George looked confused.

"Same." She said , and as she spoke cold icy air left her mouth , "do you want to go on a walk?" He grinned exposing his big toothy mouth , that only made martie completely weak in the knees "id like that." George agreed and they walked down the path that lead to the gate .

"Nice pyjamas" he said breaking the silence with a smirk as they walked down the path
"Oh god" she laughed rubbing her head , "i like Elvis he's cool" George said glancing at  at her and then back into the distance which was as street of houses similar to marties  .

"He's really handsome." Martie said almost fan girling as soon as she heard him even say Elvis , returning a chuckle from George. Oh my god Martie thats so embarrassing .

"I saw you on the bus this morning , that Cindy lass seems to be bothering you?"
George said switching the conversation, Cindy Watson was one of the nastiest girls Martie had ever come across , and this morning she got front row seats , live action .

Cindy kicked her backpack as they were walking off the bus the day before and Martie turned around and told her to sod off , so this morning Cindy went full swing on her .

Pulling her hair from behind her , and sniggering with her friends .

"She told everyone in school that she was gonna fight me." Martie said looking at the path ahead.

"Really? Did you not tell Paul?" George asked  kind of fuelling Marties annoyance , because why did she have to always rely on Paul .

"Whats Paul gonna do he's not aloud to hit a girl."

"He could hit Niall Watson though." George added , Niall was Cindy's older brother who was in Paul's year .

"But he didn't do anything. I think i best just stick up for myself y'know." folding her arms as a gust of cool wind hit them .

George looked at her smiling , it was things like that in a girl that he liked .

Martie felt eyes on her for a while , and the silence was almost painful .

"What?" She grinned looking at him.

George turned his head back and shook his head "nowt." He mumbled .

He walked her back home again , after Martie insisted multiple times that she walked him home , but he just wouldn't let her walk back  by herself . They talked about things beside the weather , which was improvement in both eyes .

They talked about the fact that George really wanted to join the quarrymen like Paul.

They talked about school and even about Marties mum, which didn't bother Martie , she liked talking about her , keeping the memory of her fresh . She liked talking someone who'd listen .

whenever she spoke to Paul about it he'd stiffen up and almost try his hardest to change the subject, when she spoke to mike about it he'd simply just cry  , and Jim would pitty her , giving her frowns and sympathetic hugs , but she knew her mother would've hated that the only memory of her was sad , se liked laughing about her mother , smiling about her mother , she liked keeping the memory colourful rather than colourless.

Once she closed the door she smiled to herself, she knew she had to tell Howie immediately but got stopped when Jim walked into the hallway, livid .

"Would you like to explain where the bloody hell you were." Jim said darting his eyes at her , the McCartney siblings almost always had to hold there laugh in when they were being rowed at by their dad because they knew deep down he was all soft .

But she accepted her row like a champion, a champion that just had the most simple yet favourite moments of her life .

𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 -

𝐒𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟- fuck off but in a nicer way 😝x
𝐑𝐨𝐰- like a telling off , i actually don't know if this is a northern thing
Or a Welsh thing because my dad says it and he's extremely welsh ,
But I'm from near abouts Liverpool and no one else i know really says it . Idk let me
Know if you do live in Liverpool.

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