Magician of Cote

By Soumyadeep02

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka , Demon of 4th generation arrives at ANHS in search of freedom from his past. He will go t... More

About the story
Vol 1-Ch-1 The ANHS
Vol 1-Ch 2-The Fortune
Vol 1-Ch-3 The Introduction
Vol-1 Ch-4 The Stalker
Vol-1 Ch-4.5 The Dorms
Vol-1 Ch-4.75 The Keyaki Mall
Vol-1-Ch-5 The childhood friend
Vol-1 Ch-6 The Boys
Vol-1 Ch-7 The Angel from Heaven
Vol-1 Ch-8 The Pledge
Vol-1 Ch-9 The One Stop
Vol-1 Ch-10 The Turn
Vol-1 Ch-11 The Mask
Vol-1 Ch-12 The Best Friend
Vol-1 Ch-13 The Horikitas
Vol-1 Ch-14 The Angels and Demons
Vol-1 Ch-15 The Clown
Vol-1 Ch-16 The Prestige
SS- The Frenemy
SS-The Anomaly
Volume 2 - Prologue
Vol-2 Ch-1 The Date
Vol-2 Ch-2 The Trap
Vol-2 Ch-3 The Case
Vol-2 Ch-4 The Creep
Vol-2 Ch-5 The Shy One
Vol-2 Ch-6 The Convincer
Vol-2 Ch-7 The Sleight
Vol-2 Ch-8 The Gaff
Vol-2 Ch-9 The Final Stand Part-1
Vol-2 Ch-10 The Final Stand Part-2
Vol-2 Ch-11 The Aftermath
SS-The Genius
SS-The Birthday
Volume 3- Prologue
Vol-3 Ch-1 The Cruise
Vol-3 Ch-2 The Surprise
Vol-3 Ch-3 The Rules
Vol-3 Ch-4 The Fellowship
Vol-3 Ch-5 The First Day

SS-The Amusement Park

695 39 18
By Soumyadeep02

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV-

15th July

"Good morning. It's good to see that everyone is present." I said looking at the crowd of 38 present in front of me. We all stood in the lobby of the dormitory building.

"Ayanokouji-kun, is it something important? I am not complaining but our finals ended yesterday. So we thought that today we will take a break." said Nishimura.

"Yes, it is important. The reason, I called all 38 of you today is a surprise."

"Why isn't Kouenji here? Shouldn't he be here too?" protested Sodou.

"I don't want to waste my time on something which I know wouldn't happen."

"But Ayanokouji-kun, what is the surprise?" asked Ichihashi.

"The surprise is...... I bought unlimited rides passes for the amusement park for everybody. I understand that you all have worked hard in the last few weeks. So, as a good leader, it's my responsibility to give you all a treat."

"Holy Shit!!!"

"I can't believe my ears."

"Let's freaking go!!"

"You're the best leader Ayanokouji-kun."

"Calm down, calm down. But that would have cost a lot. How did you pay for it." Horikita asked.

"It did, 168,000 points to be exact. I paid it from the points we got from Class D."

"Free vacations are the best!"

Everybody started cheering and discussing about what they would do for today.

"Before you all start to make plans for the day, there is a catch."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"You will be spending your day in the groups of four."

"Oh, that's not bad. Most of us would adjust." said Kei.

"Let me finish, a group of four people will consist of four people who are not friends."

"Wait, what?"

"Last few months, I have been observing the class and it has come to my notice that our class is divided into groups. Outside of those groups, interactions are rare. Now, I don't oppose having a close friend group but that doesn't mean you don't talk to others."

"For the next three years, this is your class. So, it is extremely vital for cohesion to exist between us."

"But you said, we will enjoy the day. How can we do that without our friends."

"I understand that, but who is stopping you to enjoy with your group mates. They are your classmates too."

"I agree with Ayanokouji-kun, we should give this a try. Who knows maybe at the end of the day, we would have gained new friends." Kikyou supported me as always.

"I will also agree with Ayanokouji-kun, this is an excellent chance for us to know our classmates better." Hirata spoke.

It was inevitable for others, when the three of the class pillars agree on something. There is little you can do to oppose them.

"So, is everybody in agreement?"

"Yes!" everyone replied.

"Good, now some final rules for the day. It is 9 am already. You have till 6 pm to enjoy the rides and plan your day. Lunch is not sponsored, so you have to use your own points. But after 6 pm, all of us will meet back at the location sent in the group chat. Clear?"

Everybody nodded.

"To ensure that nobody abandons their group, Sotomura hear have set up a device which would monitor all of your location. If anybody is found to be separated from their designated group. Then all of the group members would have to pay 42,000 points each."

"What! I am sticking to my group members like a leech."

"Good, I have sent the groups in the class chat group. You can check it out and form the groups beforehand."

Group 1-
Hirata Yousuke
Sonoda Chiyo
Hondo Ryoutaro
Rino Akari

Group 2-
Kushida Kikyou
Ijuuin Wataru
Nishimura Ryuuko
Makida Susumu

Group 3-
Matsushita Chiaki
Yamauchi Haruki
Yokoyama Misaki
Ueno Itsuki

Group 4-
Inogashira Kokoro
Onizuka Kiyoshi
Mori Nene
Miyamoto Soshi

Group 5-
Yukimura Teruhiko
Shinohara Satsuki
Ike Kanji
Azuma Sana

Group 6-
Karuizawa Kei
Miyake Akito
Hasabe Haruka
Minami Hakuo

Group 7-
Sodou Ken
Onodera Kayano
Kikuchi Eita
Ichihashi Ruri

Group 8-
Wang Mei-yu
Minami Setsuya
Maezono Masami
Sotomura Hideo

Group 9-
Okitani Kyousuke
Satou Maya
Sugawara Kazuto
Ishikura Kayoko

Group 10-
Horikita Suzune
Sakura Airi
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Asahina Nazuna

"Wait, who is this Asahina Nazuna?" Ike asked.

"She is a friend from second year."

"But you said that no frien-"

Ike stopped speaking when I blankly stared at him.

"No problem, I don't have a problem. Yamauchi, why do you have a problem?"

"I don't have a problem."

As there antics continued, we formed the groups. As I looked around, I saw many of my classmates standing awkwardly in their groups.

This would be a good test for them. Not only they have to cooperate with others. But each group would have to make decisions for which ride they want to go first or when to take a refreshment break.

If this class becomes even 50% of what Class B is in terms of cohesion. It would be a lot easier for me.

Suzune and Sakura joined me as others boarded the bus which pickups the tourist for the amusement park.

Finally when everyone had boarded the bus, Nazuna arrived.

"Sorry, I am late. I overslept."

"It's okay, come on let's go."

As our group boarded the bus, I gave the driver the signal to drive.

We sat down at the back of the bus.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I was thinking of joining the photography club. It might be interesting." Sakura was the first one to speak.

Looking at the Sakura sitting beside me, nobody would recognize her. She was clearly different from the old Sakura.

I still remember the day, when she entered the classroom without her spectacles and untied hair.

Many boys had to pickup their jaws off the floor. Since then she is more confident and interacts with her study group members often.

"Of course, if you think it will help you grow. Then go for it." I galvanized her.

As she got busy looking outside the window, I looked at Nazuna, who was sitting silently.

"Hey, you aren't talkative today?"

"It's just, I feel like a stranger intruding on all of you. It is a class vacation and I am not a member of your class." she said softly.

"Don't think like that, I was the one who invited you. Moreover, this is a vacation for making new friends. So, it's the perfect opportunity for you to do so. Now, take that black haired stone for example." I said as I pointed towards Horikita.

Horikita glared at me. Even though she has been making friends with her study group, she haven't left her antisocial personality.

If anyone outside of her social circle tries to approach her, she gives them the cold treatment.

"She doesn't have friends either, look at her so lonely."

With each words the temperature around Horikita dropped significantly.

"Ayanokouji-kun, it has been many days since you had a taste of my lethal weapon. Do you want to?"

"See, she clearly doesn't want to be my friend. But you on the other hand are my friend. So, if someone like her has a group of friends then you could literally befriend the whole class."

"Kiyotaka, you are being mean to her. I am really sorry on his behalf." she said to Horikita.

"It's okay. At this point, I am not bothered by his childish comments."

"I do agree on that, he does acts like a child. Whenever we are on a date, it's like I am babysitting a child. Once, I had to drag him away from a Turkish ice-cream shop because he took personal offence when that guy tricked him."

"First of all, I didn't know that he was going to fake giving me an ice-cream and just snatch it away. Secondly, I then destroyed him with my reflexes." I said. It really annoyed me when he took away my ice-cream. Nobody should ever do that unless they want to meet a brutal fate.

"Wait, are you guys dating. You just said that you both were on a date." asked Mori who was sitting in front of me and listening to the whole conversation.

"No! No! It's not like that." Nazuna tried to answer while blushing heavily but Mori overwhelmed her.

"Oh yeah? Then why did Ayanokouji-kun invited a second year girl on a class trip. You must be someone special."

"We are just friends."

"Well, Ayanokouji-kun is friends with Shiina-san from Class C, Mako-san and even Ichinose-san form Class B are also very good friends with him. But he only invited you, hmm...isn't that suspicious?" she tried to scratch her imaginary beard.

"W-wait, really? I mean, I am just a friend." Nazuna looked at me.

"I mean, you are more special to me than being just friends." I said with a straight face.

"Ooh, Ayanokouji-kun has a crush on you. That's the first time, I have seen him interested in a girl. Usually, he just blows off the countless advances made by the girls in our year."

Nazuna was speechless and red.

Before Mori could tease her more, I signaled her to let it go.

Soon, we reached the park. Even though, it was nearly a kilometer and a half away from the dormitories. It's main attraction- a giant Ferris wheel called 'the big O' could be seen from anywhere on the campus.

The security checked our passes and one by one each group was admitted into the park.

As, our group entered the park. We stood and watched each others faces awkwardly. Nobody suggested anything, so I took the lead.

"I think we should start with the most common ride - the roller coaster." I said. Even though this was my first time in an amusement park, thankfully I had done my research.

"I am okay with that." Nazuna said.

"Sorry, I won't go on a rollercoaster. I don't like it." Horikita said.

"Do you have a fear of heights?"


"Do you get motion sickness?"


"Then what's the problem?"

"I just don't want to go."

"Oh, you will ride on that rollercoaster. Even if I have to drag you to it."

Horikita gave me her signature glare but knew that arguing against me was worthless.

As we stood in the waiting line. I saw that none of my classmates had dared to ride the rollercoaster as their first activity. I read the board which contained the information about the ride.

The "Thunder Dolphin" - a roller coaster with a top speed of 130 km/h. The sight of it flying freely through its wavy course evokes the image of a real dolphin. Ithas a maximum speed of 130 km/h and a maximum drop of 80 degrees. That's very close to the sensation of a free fall.

The rollercoaster ran through the middle of the "Big O" which was something new.

Finally, when it was our turn. Nazuna and I sat together and Sakura, Horikita sat together.

It was my first time on a rollercoaster and it was worth it. Even though I didn't shout or cry out in excitement like the others, which was weird. But it was fun.

Everyone were shaken to their core. Horikita sat down on a bench in shock. Sakura was standing numb, her hair looked like she had survived a hurricane.

"Nazuna, why were you shouting during the drop?" I asked her after we got off the rollercoaster.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nazuna still hadn't recovered fully.

I let the topic go. I guess that's what humans do, when they are on a rollercoaster.

For the next one, I decided to take it easy on my companions and took them to the haunted house. Although, for some reason they thought that it was the opposite of taking it easy.

The board informed us about the backstory of the haunted house.

Onryou Zashiki (English name: Tatami Room of Apparitions)
Beneath this house of horrors lies the body of Yoko, whose husband, along with his mistress, conspired to kill her with a poisoned face powder. Can you explore the house to find her ghost, apply an antidote to her face, and thus help her find peace? Or will Yoko kill you of fright first? Take off your shoes and step into this haunted Japanese home-and be careful, as your bare feet may be vulnerable to attack...

We exited the house and sat down on the bench near the attraction.

Sakura was on the verge of crying, Horikita was shivering and Nazuna was holding on to me like a small child.

I still didn't understand what the fuss was about, I mean they already warned us that all the jump scares would be from underneath us. Which took out the element of surprise for me, I guess not everyone read that board or didn't understand it.

Or I am just dead inside....

Next stop was the 'Wonder Drop'. It was a water slide in which a capsule like ride which had a limit of four person, travelled in a slow and relaxing speed until suddenly we were dropped into the water from a height of 3 floors. Fortunately, we had brought ponchos which protected us from getting wet.

My companions escaped unscathed from this one as it was not that scary or they might have gotten used to this.

After several more such thrilling rides like Pirate Ship, Kamikaze, Top Spin, Sky Flyer, Flying UFO, Gravitron. We finally took a break for lunch.

We sat down in a cafe that served snacks at an affordable price. Every other food vendors were selling at an unreasonably high price.

We were reunited with many of our classmates. They too were taking break.

"Hey guys, how it's going?" said Kei, as she and her group which consisted of Akito, Hasabe and Minami joined us.

"It was good, although the rides aren't that scary." I said.

"Aren't that scary? For the last few hours, I have been in a constant state of shock and fear. It's like you are taking revenge on me by intentionally choosing the scariest rides." Horikita ranted.

"I mean it wasn't that bad. Yes, they were scary. But that's the fun of it." Nazuna came to my rescue.

"Anyways, what did you guys do?" I asked Kei.

"Oh we went to this go kart racing, then we watched the fountain show. Next, there was this relaxing merry go round on water. We chilled there for a bit. After that there was the laser tag and finally we went in the 'Big O' which is like a karaoke in the sky. It was so much fun. We took it easy as most of us other than Miyake-kun don't like scary rides."

So, those are the relaxing rides. Oh! That's why Horikita is mad. All of the rides, that I took them to were the opposite of taking it easy.

I side glanced at Horikita, who was giving me a look that said 'you are an idiot.' While Sakura was politely smiling. Poor her, she couldn't even protest against me. Nazuna was pretty much okay as she was the least affected.

After the lunch. I re-evaluated my itenary and chose the actual relaxing rides. We started off with the go-kart racing.

I had learned how to drive it from the internet-sensei. So, there was no surprise when I finished last. It was my first time! Cut me some slack.

But due to my competitive nature, I dragged all of my companions for another race. Which I won comfortably.

"How did you come first, when you finished last in the previous attempt?" asked Nazuna.

"I just had to get a hang of it." I replied nonchalantly.

Next we went to the laser tag. I was fascinated with the game. Although, I was dispirited to know that they used infrared rays instead of real lasers. That would have increased the stakes. But it would have been a safety hazard.

But the idea of a simulated battle that involved guns, landmines, hand grenades and my favorite grenade launchers was appealing.

We met with Yukimura's group there. The game was decided to be 4 Vs 4.

It was safe to say that we had fun destroying my opponents. Although, Ike and Shinohara's bickering helped too.

After that we went to the Carousel and then to the Bumper Cars.

We decided that the 'Big O' would be our last stop, so we attended the 'Water Symphony'. It was a fountain show of water, sound and light.

The sun was already low on the horizon, so the light show was better than it would have been in the daytime. It was a really creative and cool show.

Finally, we arrived at the main attraction of the amusement park. The 'Big O"

It was a centreless Ferris wheel of diameter 90 metres. Almost as tall as the Statue Of Liberty. It had 10 karaoke gondolas. It was the 36th biggest Ferris wheel in the world. Which is truly amazing considering it was built for the amusement park of a highschool.

Each ride was of 30 minutes. The cabin space of the gondolas were enough to fit 6 people.

As the gondola reached the maximum height. The whole school campus was in view. Even the Tokyo city was visible.

The sun had just set by this time and the twilight sky was dazzlingly beautiful, as beautiful as the girl sitting beside me.

I looked at Nazuna, who was looking at the view outside with an expression of awe.

Sitting here, looking at these people. I realize that life is truly beautiful if you know how to enjoy it.

All my life, I have never wished to be in someone else's shoes. But in this moment, what I wouldn't give to be in their place, feel an ounce of the happiness and excitement they are feeling.

But the truth is I can't. That place made me like this.

No, I made myself like this.

It didn't mattered.

So, I just sat there. Imagining what the others were feeling, right now.

To be continued......

The next one will be the last SS before the Volume 3.

I have sketched out a rough plan for the island exam arc and it is insane.

I hope you all will like it. I have dropped my plans of a week hiatus to plan volume 3, instead the updates would be slower.

Most likely two or three chapters per week.

Anyways that's all for now

Have a wonderful day

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